public Simulation(string argName, TestParam argTestParam, ref PersonForm view, ref UInt32 currentThreadNum) { currentThreadNum++; name = argName; testParam = argTestParam; currentStatus = PositionStatus.None; currentPosition.closePrice = 0.0; tradeTimes = 0; badTradeTimes = 0; goodTradeTimes = 0; profit = 0; simulationIndex = 0; currentPriceTrend = Trend.None; lastPriceTrend = Trend.None; TradeDt = new DataTable(); MAs = new List <MA>(8); MAs.Add(new MA(5)); MAs.Add(new MA(10)); MAs.Add(new MA(20)); MAs.Add(new MA(30)); MAs.Add(new MA(60)); MAs.Add(new MA(120)); MAs.Add(new MA(240)); updateCurrentStatusDelegate = new Model.Simulation.UpdateCurrentStatusDelegate(view.updateCurrentStatus); updateTradeLogParallelDelegate = new Model.Simulation.UpdateTradeLogParallelDelegate(view.updateTradeLogParallelTextBox); }
public TestParam Get(int id, int pid) { var idx = SQLHelper.Insert(); var ts = new TestParam(); ts.ID = id; return(ts); }
private void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Entity == null) { this.Entity = new TestParam(); this.Entity.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } this.Entity.Key = this.textBox1.Text.Trim(); this.Entity.Value = this.textBox2.Text.Trim(); this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
public IQueryable <Tests> LoadPageTests(TestParam param) { var temp = dbSession.TestDal.LoadEntities(t => t.Id > 0); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.gameName)) { temp = temp.Where(t => t.GameName.Contains(param.gameName)); } param.Total = temp.Count(); return(temp.OrderByDescending(d => d.InTime) .Skip(param.PageSize * (param.PageIndex - 1)) .Take(param.PageSize).AsQueryable()); }
public static IEnumerable <object[]> GetSignInModelTests() { var testParams = new TestParam[] { new TestParam { Name = "Email", PossibleValues = new object[] { email, "emailWrong", null, string.Empty } }, new TestParam { Name = "Password", PossibleValues = new object[] { password, "wrong", null, string.Empty, } } }; return(TestCombinationsGenerator.Combine(testParams).Skip(1)); }
public async Task UpdateCostStatus(TestParam param) { // Arrange var cost = MockCost(); var oldLatestRevision = cost.LatestCostStageRevision; // Act var response = await CostStatusService.UpdateCostStageRevisionStatus(cost.Id, param.Status, BuType.Pg); // Assert response.Should().BeTrue(); cost.Status.Should().Be(param.ExpectedCostStatus); cost.LatestCostStageRevision.Status.Should().Be(param.ExpectedLatestRevisionStatus); oldLatestRevision.Status.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(param.OldLatestRevisionStatus); }
public virtual void TestMethod(ref int refParam, out TestParam outParam) { Assert.AreEqual(refParam, REF_PARAM_CORRECT_VALUE); // Test that setting parameters will not affect final output outParam = null; refParam = REF_PARAM_INCORRECT_VALUE; // Test that results of byRef params are visible to us Int32 refParamResult = REF_PARAM_INCORRECT_VALUE; TestParam outParamResult; this.result.TestMethod(ref refParamResult, out outParamResult); Assert.AreEqual(refParamResult, REF_PARAM_CORRECT_VALUE); Assert.IsNotNull(outParamResult); _sideEffectSuccessfulyExecuted = true; }
private void ClickDelete(object arg1, EventArgs arg2) { TestParam entity = this.myGridView1.FindFirstSelect <TestParam>(); if (entity != null) { this.isModify = true; if (MessageBox.Show("是否删除数据?", "确认", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { this.Entity.ParamList.Remove(entity); if (isModify) { bll.SelectAll().RemoveAll(p => p.Id == this.Entity.Id); } this.myGridView1.LoadData(this.Entity.ParamList, base.ignoreFields); } } }
private void loadTestParams() { for (UInt16 i = tpr.k1; i < tpr.k1_End;) { for (double j = tpr.k2; j < tpr.k2_End;) { for (double n = tpr.k3; n < tpr.k3_End;) { TestParam tp = new TestParam(); tp.k1 = i; tp.k2 = j; tp.k3 = n; listTestParams.Add(tp); n += tpr.k3_Step; } j += tpr.k2_Step; } i += tpr.k1_Step; } }
public void Serialize_Success() { // => Arrange var param = new TestParam() { Name = "Test", Age = 25, IsOld = true }; var serializer = new TestParamSerializer(); // => Act var serialized = serializer.Serialize(param); var deserialized = serializer.Deserialize(serialized); // => Assert Assert.NotNull(deserialized); Assert.Equal("Test", deserialized.Name); Assert.Equal(25, deserialized.Age); Assert.True(deserialized.IsOld); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { TestParam param = new TestParam { testStr = "11111" }; FsmManager.Instance.ChangeState(FsmConsts.FSM_TEST_1, param); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) { TestParam param = new TestParam { testStr = "22222" }; FsmManager.Instance.ChangeState(FsmConsts.FSM_TEST_2, param); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha0)) { FsmManager.Instance.ChangeState(FsmConsts.FSM_DEFAULT); } }
public TestParam Get(int id) { SqlBulk.InsertTwo(); RedisHelper redisHelper = new RedisHelper(""); redisHelper.SetValue("mykey", "abc111"); var person = new Users { UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", Address = "浙江" }; // redisHelper.SetEntryInHash("Hash", "Name", "wujf"); redisHelper.SetHashValue("user:123", person); var ts = new TestParam(); ts.ID = id; return(ts); }
async Task <string> IPedantic.TestPassClass(TestParam param) { return(string.Format("{0}:{1}", param.Name, param.Price)); }
public override void Customize(TestParam testParam) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
async Task <string> IPedantic.TestPassClass(TestParam param) { return($"{param.Name}:{param.Price}"); }
public void Test([FromBody] TestParam value) { }
public void OnInitState(IFsmStateParam _param) { TestParam param = _param as TestParam; Debug.Log(param.testStr); }
public MySimpleEventHandler(TestParam aa) { }
public Test( TestParam param) { }
public async Task Commodity_dependingOnContentType_shouldReturnCorrectCommodity(TestParam param) { // Arrange var costSubmitted = GetCostRevisionStatusChanged(CostStageRevisionStatus.Draft); var costId = costSubmitted.AggregateId; var stageDetails = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> { { "contentType", new { key = param.ContentType } }, { "usageType", new { key = param.UsageType } } }; SetupPurchaseOrderView(costId, costType: param.CostType, stageDetails: stageDetails); // Act var purchase = await PgPurchaseOrderService.GetPurchaseOrder(costSubmitted); // Assert purchase.Commodity.Should().Be(param.Commodity); }
public override void Customize(TestParam testParam) { /*************************************** * MODIFICHE ALLA CONFIGURAZIONE STANDARD **************************************/ // filenames //const string filename = @"data\mtgox-hourly-candles-USD.csv"; // 3,4,2 macd //const string filename = @"data\mtgoxcandlesMonth-15m"; //macd 2,4,-5 //const string filename = @"data\mtgoxcandles10days-5mins"; //const string filename = @"data\mtgoxcandles2013-6hrs"; //3,4,-3 macd //const string filename = @"data\mtgoxcandles2013-12hrs"; //const string filename = @"data\mtgoxcandles2days-1m"; //const string filename = @"data\mtgoxcandlesAug2013-15m"; //const string filename = @"data\mtgox-augdec2013-15m.csv"; //0,3,-5 //const string filename = @"data\mtgox-complete2013.csv"; //const string filename = @"data\candles-2013-5m.csv"; //const string filename = @"data\candles-2013-jan-apr-5m.csv"; //const string filename = @"data\candles-btce-complete-15m.csv"; const string filename = @"data\candles-2013-jun-dec-5m.csv"; //const string filename = @"data\candles-2013-1m.csv"; //const string filename = @"data\candles-septdec2013-15m.csv"; //const string filename = @"data\candles-mtgox-jan2014-15m"; //const string filename = @"data\candles-jan2014-15m"; // indicatore Ema con rapporto MainConfiguration.Configuration.StartWalletCoins = 14M;// 0.33M;//0.33M * 1; MainConfiguration.Configuration.StartWalletMoney = 0; MainConfiguration.Configuration.QueueLength = 200; MainConfiguration.Configuration.EmaDiff = EmaDiff.Create(10, 21); /* * MainConfiguration.Configuration.MacdList = new List<MacdItem>() * { * new MacdItem() {Macd = Macd.Create(12, 26, 9)} * }; */ MainConfiguration.Configuration.GenerateOutputTradeHistory = true; // effettuo un test senza greedyness var gain = 15M / 10M;// 1.2M; //2; if (false) { MainConfiguration.Configuration.GreedyWithLongTermTrend = false; MainConfiguration.Configuration.GreedyWithCoinsGain = 1 + 0.1M * gain; MainConfiguration.Configuration.GreedyWithMoneyGain = 1 + 0.1M * gain; } if (true) { // greedy baby ;-) MainConfiguration.Configuration.GreedyWithCoinsGain = 1 + 0.1M * gain; MainConfiguration.Configuration.GreedyWithMoneyGain = 1 + 0.1M * gain; } MainConfiguration.Configuration.MarketSimulatorCandleFileName = filename; MainConfiguration.Configuration.CandleWidthInSeconds = 60 * 15; MainConfiguration.Configuration.AlarmStrongSellBuyRocLimit = 4; MainConfiguration.Configuration.AlarmStrongSellMacdLimit = 8; // aggiunti per fare un test con tanti valori ma in realtà sono parametri da non utlizare normalmente MainConfiguration.Configuration.EnableStopLoss = true; MainConfiguration.Configuration.StopLossPercent = 0.1M * 3; MainConfiguration.Configuration.ZeroFilterSequenceLen = 10; // MainConfiguration.Configuration.TestNumber = testParam.I; // MainConfiguration.Configuration.TestNumber = testParam.I; MainConfiguration.Configuration.Tolerance = 0.001M * 2; //{1..4} meglio 2 MainConfiguration.Configuration.SecurityLimit = 1.0M + 0.1M * 1; //*2; //MainConfiguration.Configuration.UndervalueAllowed = true; //MainConfiguration.Configuration.UndervalueTolerance = 0M; //MainConfiguration.Configuration.AlarmStrongSellBuyLimit = 1.0M + 0.1M*7; // 8 è meglio testParam.I; // disabilito il noise per vedere se cambiano i numeri MainConfiguration.Configuration.MarketSimulatorEnableNoise = false; MainConfiguration.Configuration.Commands = new string[] { "stoplossvalue", "stoploss", "alarm", "poll", "derivative", "expensivecheap" }; //MainConfiguration.Configuration.ManagerIsConservative = true; //MainConfiguration.Configuration.ManagerConservativeMaxMoneyToInvest = 10000; if (false) { // gioco con i valori reali MainConfiguration.Configuration.QueueLength = 200; MainConfiguration.Configuration.StartWalletCoins = 0.33M; MainConfiguration.Configuration.StartWalletMoney = 0; MainConfiguration.Configuration.GenerateCandleFile = true; MainConfiguration.Configuration.GenerateOutputTradeHistory = true; MainConfiguration.Configuration.MarketSimulatorUseMtgox = true; MainConfiguration.Configuration.MarketSimulatorUseCandleFile = false; MainConfiguration.Configuration.RealTimeHeartBeat = true; MainConfiguration.Configuration.RealTimeHeartBeatEveryMinutes = 1; } MainConfiguration.Configuration.Market = CMarketSimulator.Create(); MainConfiguration.Configuration.Manager = new CManagerTrading() { Conservative = MainConfiguration.Configuration.ManagerIsConservative, // cerca sempre di investire la quantità di capitale PercCapital = MainConfiguration.Configuration.ManagerInvestCapitalPercent, // quantità di capitale da investire Market = MainConfiguration.Configuration.Market //market }; }
void StartReplayInternal(TradingMacro tmOriginal, TestParam testParameter, Action <Task> continueWith) { if (IsInVirtualTrading) { while (_replayTasks.ToArray().Any(t => t.Status == TaskStatus.Running)) { Log = new Exception("Replay is running."); Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } _replayTasks.Clear(); MasterModel.AccountModel.Balance = MasterModel.AccountModel.Equity = 50000; MasterModel.AccountModel.CurrentGrossInPips = 0; MasterModel.AccountModel.CurrentLoss = 0; TradesManager.GetAccount().Balance = TradesManager.GetAccount().Equity = 50000; } SaveTradingSettings(tmOriginal); var tms = GetTradingMacros().Where(t => t.IsActive).ToList(); ReplayArguments.SetTradingMacros(tms); ReplayArguments.GetOriginalBalance = new Func <double>(() => MasterModel.AccountModel.OriginalBalance); foreach (var tm in tms) { if (IsInVirtualTrading) { if (tm.Strategy == Strategies.None) { tm.Strategy = Strategies.UniversalA; } TradesManager.ClosePair(tm.Pair); tm.ResetSessionId(ReplayArguments.SuperSessionId); if (testParameter != null && tm == tmOriginal) { testParameter.ForEach(tp => { try { tm.LoadSetting(tp); } catch (SetLotSizeException) { } catch (Exception exc) { if (!(exc.InnerException is SetLotSizeException)) { var e2 = new Exception("Property:" + new { tp.Key, tp.Value }, exc); LogWww(e2); throw e2; } } }); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReplayArguments.PrevSessionUid)) { TradingMacro.SessionId = Guid.Parse(ReplayArguments.PrevSessionUid); } var tmToRun = tm; tmToRun.ReplayCancelationToken = (_replayTaskCancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource()).Token; var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => tmToRun.Replay(ReplayArguments), tmToRun.ReplayCancelationToken, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default); task.ContinueWith(t => { RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.Schedule(() => _replayTasks.Remove(t)); if (tm == tmOriginal) { continueWith(t); } }); _replayTasks.Add(task); ReplayArguments.IsWww = false; } }
public virtual void TestMethod(ref Int32 refParam, out TestParam outParam) { Assert.AreEqual(REF_PARAM_CORRECT_VALUE, refParam); outParam = new TestParam(); }