/// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public static void Start(string MaxVal, string MinVal)
     ConfigureHart.instance.MaxValue = MaxVal;
     ConfigureHart.instance.MinValue = MinVal;
Esempio n. 2
 public static void Start()
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the playback of actions in this module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>You should not call this method directly, instead pass the module
        /// instance to the <see cref="TestModuleRunner.Run(ITestModule)"/> method
        /// that will in turn invoke this method.</remarks>
        void ITestModule.Run()
            if (!Global.SwitchUploadOnly)
                Mouse.DefaultMoveTime        = 300;
                Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100;
                Delay.SpeedFactor            = 1.0;

                RanorexRepository  repo             = new RanorexRepository();
                fnParseSwitches    ParseSwitches    = new fnParseSwitches();
                fnWriteToErrorFile WriteToErrorFile = new fnWriteToErrorFile();
                fnPlayWavFile      PlayWavFile      = new fnPlayWavFile();

                // Get default scenario list
                //	- use DefaultScenarioList.txt for all but last register
                //  - use DefaultScenarioListLastRegister.txt for the last register in a store
                string ListToUse        = "";
                string DefaultScenarios = "13,16,18,19,20,33,34,36,37,41,42,43,47";
//				if( Global.RegisterNumber == "4" || ( Global.RegisterName == "USA04285-3" )
//				  )
//					ListToUse = "DefaultScenarioListLastRegister.txt";
//				else
                ListToUse = "DefaultScenarioList.txt";

                    // Read in the default Scenario List from Register 1 \Ranorex Automation\DefaultScenarioList.txt
                    using (System.IO.StreamReader RegisterScenarioFileGet = new System.IO.StreamReader(Global.Register1DriveLetter + @":\" + Global.AutomationFileDirectory + @"\" + ListToUse))
                        DefaultScenarios = RegisterScenarioFileGet.ReadLine();
                    // Write out default Scenario List to Register 1 \Ranorex Automation\DefaultScenarioList.txt
                    using (System.IO.StreamWriter RegisterScenarioFilePut = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Global.Register1DriveLetter + @":\" + Global.AutomationFileDirectory + @"\" + ListToUse))

                string TextInput;
                string Prompt = "Enter list of scenarios like 3,5-7,/LX\n\n" +

                                "Back Office ---------------------------------------------------\n" +
                                "Scenario 13: eMail\n" +
                                "Scenario 14: Performance Dashboard\n" +
                                "Scenario 15: Performance Dashboard Loop without exiting\n" +
                                "Scenario 18: Transaction Journal\n" +
                                "Scenario 19: Cover Art\n" +
                                "Scenario 20: HR Workday Employee List\n" +
                                "Scenario 21: WIS Web-In-Store\n\n" +

                                "RETECH --------------------------------------------------------\n" +
                                "Scenario 16: Returns\n" +
                                "Scenario 33: Simple One SKU Cash\n" +
                                "Scenario 34: Simple One SKU Credit\n" +
                                "Scenario 36: Item Search\n" +
                                "Scenario 37: Reserve Pickup\n" +
                                "Scenario 38: Suspend Resume\n" +
                                "Scenario 41: GPG\n" +
                                "Scenario 42: PRP\n" +
                                "Scenario 43: Card Balance\n" +
                                "Scenario 47: Purchase 1 SKU with 5 trades and cach back\n\n" +

                                "Other --------------------------------------------------------\n" +
                                "Scenario 50: Dashboard data init (about 20 minutes)\n\n" +

                                "Switches: put comma in front of switches 2-4,7,/NXS\n" +
                                "    N=Phone Numbers NonLoyalty\n" +
                                "    L=Phone Numbers Loyalty\n" +
                                "    A=All Registers use all Phone Numbers\n" +
                                "    X=Skip Customer Lookup (NO 4,7,17,20-23,25)\n" +
                                "    M=Metrics file create when no save them\n" +
                                "    Q=Quit running when get error\n" +
                                "    S=Scenario 9 use 40 SKUs";

                if (Global.AutoRun)
                    if (Global.CommandLineArg3 != "")
                        TextInput = Global.CommandLineArg3;
                        TextInput = DefaultScenarios;
                    InputBoxResult BoxInput = InputBox.Show(Prompt, "Scenarios", DefaultScenarios);
                    if (BoxInput.ReturnCode == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    }                                                                                           // Exit if cancel pressed
                    TextInput = BoxInput.Text.ToUpper();

                // Write out default Scenario List to Register 1 \Ranorex Automation\DefaultScenarioList.txt
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter RegisterScenarioFilePut = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Global.Register1DriveLetter + @":\" + Global.AutomationFileDirectory + @"\" + ListToUse))

                // Remove all spaces from the input
                TextInput = TextInput.Replace(" ", System.String.Empty);

                // Set flag if just Scenario 32 is selected - it consumes card numbers - so cannot run as part of normal run
                if (TextInput == "32")
                    Global.JustScenario32 = true;

                // Clear the DoScenarioFlag array
                for (int Offset = 0; Offset <= Global.MaxScenarioNumber; Offset++)
                    Global.DoScenarioFlag[Offset] = false;

                string[] PromptItems = TextInput.Split(',');
                string   TempText;
                int      PromptItemsCount = PromptItems.Length;
                int      ParseOffset;
                for (ParseOffset = 0; ParseOffset <= PromptItemsCount - 1; ParseOffset++)
                    TempText = PromptItems[ParseOffset];

                // If you can connect to the PALDB then provide the option to upload the test.
                var connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MetricsRepository"].ConnectionString);
                    Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "fnGetScenariosToRun", "Open connection to DB", new RecordItemIndex(0));
                    var mSystemInfo = new FnSystemInfo();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Global.IsPerformanceTest = false;
                    Global.DBAvailable       = false;

                    string sayString = "";
                    if (e.ToString().IndexOf("Thread was being aborted.") == -1)
                        sayString = e.ToString().Substring(0, 28);
                        Global.TempErrorString = "Cannot connect to Metric DB: " + e.Message;