public void TRS_TestHierarchyUpdatesNestedParentsChildWithWriteGroups()
            // P
            // -- C1 <- This has an archetype with writegroup for LocalToWorld
            // -- -- C2 <- Normal child, this should be updated by LocalToParentSystem if I modify C1's LocalToWorld in a custom system

            var testHierarchy = new TestHierarchy(World, m_Manager);
            var c2Entity      = testHierarchy.CreateWithWriteGroupChildren();

            World.GetOrCreateSystem <TestTransformWriteGroupSystem>().Update();

            var localToWorld         = m_Manager.GetComponentData <LocalToWorld>(c2Entity);
            var expectedLocalToWorld = new float4x4(float3x3.identity, new float3(42));

            TestHierarchy.AssertCloseEnough(expectedLocalToWorld, localToWorld.Value);