public bool PosTest2()
        bool retVal = true;

        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest2: Equals should return true when comparing with instance of same classes");

            TestEmptyClass    ec1     = new TestEmptyClass();
            TestEmptyClass    ec2     = new TestEmptyClass();
            RuntimeTypeHandle handle1 = ec1.GetType().TypeHandle;
            RuntimeTypeHandle handle2 = ec2.GetType().TypeHandle;

            if (!handle1.Equals(handle2))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002.1", "Equals returns false when comparing with instance of same classe");
                retVal = false;

            TestStruct1 ts1 = new TestStruct1();
            TestStruct1 ts2 = new TestStruct1();
            handle1 = ts1.GetType().TypeHandle;
            handle2 = ts2.GetType().TypeHandle;
            if (!handle1.Equals(handle2))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002.2", "Equals returns false when comparing with instance of same structs");
                retVal = false;

            TestEnum1 te1 = TestEnum1.DEFAULT;
            TestEnum1 te2 = TestEnum1.DEFAULT;
            handle1 = te1.GetType().TypeHandle;
            handle2 = te2.GetType().TypeHandle;
            if (!handle1.Equals(handle2))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002.3", "Equals returns false when comparing with instance of same enums");
                retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002.4", "Unexpected exception: " + e);
            retVal = false;

    public bool PosTest3()
        bool retVal = true;

        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest3: Equals should return false when comparing with instance of different classes");

            TestEmptyClass    classInstance1       = new TestEmptyClass();
            TestClass         classInstance2       = new TestClass();
            RuntimeTypeHandle classInstanceHandle1 = classInstance1.GetType().TypeHandle;
            RuntimeTypeHandle classInstanceHandle2 = classInstance2.GetType().TypeHandle;

            if (classInstanceHandle1.Equals(classInstanceHandle2))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003.1", "Equals returns true when comparing with instance of different classe");
                retVal = false;

            TestStruct1       ts1           = new TestStruct1();
            TestStruct2       ts2           = new TestStruct2();
            RuntimeTypeHandle structHandle1 = ts1.GetType().TypeHandle;
            RuntimeTypeHandle structHandle2 = ts2.GetType().TypeHandle;
            if (structHandle1.Equals(structHandle2))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003.2", "Equals returns false when comparing with instance of different structs");
                retVal = false;

            TestEnum1         te1         = TestEnum1.DEFAULT;
            TestEnum2         te2         = TestEnum2.DEFAULT;
            RuntimeTypeHandle enumHandle1 = te1.GetType().TypeHandle;
            RuntimeTypeHandle enumHandle2 = te2.GetType().TypeHandle;
            if (enumHandle1.Equals(enumHandle2))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003.3", "Equals returns false when comparing with instance of different enums");
                retVal = false;

            if (classInstanceHandle1.Equals(structHandle1))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003.4", "Equals returns false when comparing a instance of struct with a instance of class");
                retVal = false;

            if (classInstanceHandle1.Equals(enumHandle1))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003.5", "Equals returns false when comparing a instance of enum with a instance of class");
                retVal = false;

            if (structHandle1.Equals(enumHandle1))
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003.6", "Equals returns false when comparing a instance of struct with a instance of enum");
                retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003.7", "Unexpected exception: " + e);
            retVal = false;
