Esempio n. 1
        public virtual async Task RazorTests()
            // this simulates the work done by Xunit.Sdk.RazorTestDiscoverer (in Bunit.Xunit.dll)
            // because my testing library doesn't support that, but I want debugging!
            using var razorRenderer = new TestComponentRenderer();
            var tests = razorRenderer.GetRazorTestsFromComponent(this.GetType()).ToReadOnlyList();

            if (tests.Count == 1)
                // this helps debugging tremendously because the foreach just swallows exceptions
                // I mean it doesn't catch them, but the IDE isn't showing them
                int i = 1;
                foreach (var test in tests)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Executing test {i}/{tests.Count}: '{test.Description}'");
                    await test.RunTest().ConfigureAwait(false);

Esempio n. 2
        private IEnumerable <IXunitTestCase> DiscoverRazorTests(Type testComponent, ITestMethod testMethod)
            DiagnosticMessageSink.OnMessage(new DiagnosticMessage($"{nameof(DiscoverRazorTests)}: Discovering in {testComponent.FullName}."));

            using var razorRenderer = new TestComponentRenderer();
            var tests = razorRenderer.GetRazorTestsFromComponent(testComponent);

            var result = tests.Count == 0
                                ? Array.Empty <IXunitTestCase>()
                                : new IXunitTestCase[tests.Count];

            for (int index = 0; index < tests.Count; index++)
                var test       = tests[index];
                var testNumber = index + 1;
                var sourceInfo = _sourceInfoDiscoverer.GetSourceInformation(testComponent, test, testNumber);
                result[index] = new RazorTestCase(GetDisplayName(test, testNumber), test.Timeout, test.Skip, testNumber, testMethod, sourceInfo);

Esempio n. 3
        protected override object CreateTestClass()
            if (!(Test is RazorTest razorTest))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The type of {nameof(Test)} is not a {nameof(RazorTest)}. Cannot continue. #1");

            using var razorRenderer = new TestComponentRenderer();
            var tests = razorRenderer.GetRazorTestsFromComponent(TestClass);

            if (tests.Count < razorTest.TestNumber)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The razor test '{Test.DisplayName}' was not found in the test component '{TestClass.FullName}'. ");

            var test = tests[razorTest.TestNumber - 1];

            // TODO: ensure that test has not been replaced somehow.
