//Called from editor script
    public void GenerateHull()
        //Get random points in 3d space
        HashSet <Vector3> points_Unity = TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.GenerateRandomPoints3D(seed, halfMapSize, numberOfPoints);

        //HashSet<Vector3> points_Unity = GetCubeTestPoints();

        //Points from a mesh

         * Transform meshTrans = constructHullFromThisMesh.transform;
         * List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(constructHullFromThisMesh.sharedMesh.vertices);
         * //Local to global space
         * List<Vector3> verticesGlobal = vertices.Select(x => meshTrans.TransformPoint(x)).ToList();
         * HashSet<Vector3> points_Unity = new HashSet<Vector3>(verticesGlobal);

        //To stress-test these algorithms, generate points on a sphere because all of those should be on the hull
        //HashSet<Vector3> points_Unity = TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.GenerateRandomPointsOnSphere(seed, radius: 1f, numberOfPoints);

        //To MyVector3
        HashSet <MyVector3> points = new HashSet <MyVector3>(points_Unity.Select(x => x.ToMyVector3()));

        Normalizer3 normalizer = new Normalizer3(new List <MyVector3>(points));

        HashSet <MyVector3> points_normalized = normalizer.Normalize(points);

        // Generate the convex hull

        //Algorithm 1. Iterative algorithm

        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


        HalfEdgeData3 convexHull_normalized = _ConvexHull.Iterative_3D(points_normalized, removeUnwantedTriangles, normalizer);


        Debug.Log($"Generated a 3d convex hull in {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f} seconds with {convexHull_normalized.faces.Count} triangles");

        // Display

        //TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayPoints(points_Unity, 0.01f, Color.black);

        //Hull mesh
        if (convexHull_normalized != null)
            HalfEdgeData3 convexHull = normalizer.UnNormalize(convexHull_normalized);

            MyMesh myMesh = convexHull.ConvertToMyMesh("convex hull", MyMesh.MeshStyle.HardEdges);

            //To unity mesh
            Mesh convexHullMesh = myMesh.ConvertToUnityMesh(generateNormals: false, myMesh.meshName);

            //Using gizmos to display mesh in 3d space gives a bad result
            //TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayMeshWithRandomColors(convexHullMesh, 0);

            //Better to add it to a gameobject
            //Use Shaded Wireframe to see the triangles
            meshFilter.mesh = convexHullMesh;

            //Points on the hull
            //These are shining thorugh the mesh
            //TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayMeshCorners(convexHullMesh, 0.01f, Color.black);