// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ai          = GetComponent <TestAI>();
        audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        if (walking != null && audioSource != null)
            audioSource.clip = walking;
            audioSource.loop = true;
 public void Start()
     seeker = GetComponent<Seeker> ();
             ai = GetComponent<TestAI> ();
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// This function is called each time it is your turn.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>True to end your turn. False to ask the server for updated information.</returns>
    public override bool run()
        //        // Lists to track sarcophagi
        //        List<Trap> mySarcophagi = new List<Trap>();
        //        List<Trap> enemySarcophagi = new List<Trap>();

        //#region FirstTurn
        //        // If it's the first turn, place traps
        //        if (roundTurnNumber() <= 1)
        //        {
        //            // Find my sarcophagi
        //            foreach (var trap in traps)
        //            {
        //                if (trap.Owner == playerID() && trap.TrapType == TrapType.SARCOPHAGUS)
        //                {
        //                    mySarcophagi.Add(trap);
        //                }
        //            }

        //            int myScarabs = me.Scarabs;
        //            int sarcophagusCount = mySarcophagi.Count;
        //            List<Tile> mySarcophagiTiles = new List<Tile>();
        //            // Find the first open tiles and place the sarcophagi there
        //            int placed = 0;
        //            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
        //            {
        //                //Bryce changed first tiles to random tiles
        //                //Random rnd = new Random();
        //                //int tileNum = rnd.Next(tiles.Length);
        //                //Tile tile = tiles[tileNum];
        //                //Bryce end changed
        //                int tileBase = 0;
        //                if (placed == 0)
        //                {
        //                    tileBase = 0;
        //                }
        //                else if (placed == 1)
        //                {
        //                    tileBase = 120;
        //                }
        //                else if (placed == 2)
        //                {
        //                    tileBase = 520;
        //                }
        //                Tile tile;
        //                //if (placed < 2)
        //                //{
        //                    tile = tiles[tileBase + i];
        //                //}
        //                //else
        //                //{
        //                  //  tile = tiles[tileBase - i];
        //                //}
        //                //Bryce end changes

        //                // If the tile is on my side and is empty
        //                if (onMySide(tile.X) && tile.Type == Tile.EMPTY)
        //                {
        //                    // Move my sarcophagus to that location
        //                    me.placeTrap(tile.X, tile.Y, TrapType.SARCOPHAGUS);
        //                    mySarcophagiTiles.Add(tile);
        //                    sarcophagusCount--;

        //                    //Bryce added number of sarcohpogas changed
        //                    placed++;
        //                    //Bryce end chagnes

        //                    if (sarcophagusCount == 0)
        //                    {
        //                        break;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }

        //            // Make sure there aren't too many traps spawned
        //            int[] trapCount = Enumerable.Repeat(0, trapTypes.Length).ToArray();
        //            // Continue spawning traps until there isn't enough money to spend
        //            int tPlaced = 0;
        //            int j = 0;
        //            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
        //            {
        //                // If the tile is on my side and I haven't placed a sarcophagus on it
        //                //Bryce changed first tiles to random tiles
        //                //Random rnd = new Random();
        //                //int tileNum = rnd.Next(tiles.Length);
        //                //Tile tile = tiles[tileNum];
        //                //Bryce end changes

        //                int[] tileBases = { 25, 50, 75, 100 };
        //                Random rnd = new Random();
        //                int tileBaseIdx = rnd.Next(4);
        //                int tileBase = tileBases[tileBaseIdx];

        //                Tile tile = tiles[tileBase + j];

        //                if (tPlaced==1)
        //                {
        //                    tPlaced = 0;
        //                    j = 0;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    j++;
        //                }

        //                if (onMySide(tile.X) && ! mySarcophagiTiles.Contains(tile))
        //                {
        //                    // Make sure there isn't a trap on that tile
        //                    if (getTrap(tile.X, tile.Y) != null)
        //                    {
        //                        continue;
        //                    }
        //                    // Select a random trap type (make sure it isn't a sarcophagus)

        //                    int trapType = 5;
        //                    //int trapType = rand.Next(trapTypes.Length - 1) + 1;
        //                    // Make sure another can be spawned
        //                    if (trapCount[trapType] >= trapTypes[trapType].MaxInstances)
        //                    {
        //                        continue;
        //                    }
        //                    // If there are enough scarabs
        //                    if (myScarabs >= trapTypes[trapType].Cost)
        //                    {
        //                        // Check if the tile is the right type (wall or empty)
        //                        if (trapTypes[trapType].CanPlaceOnWalls == 1 && tile.Type == Tile.WALL)
        //                        {
        //                            me.placeTrap(tile.X, tile.Y, trapType);
        //                            trapCount[trapType]++;
        //                            myScarabs -= trapTypes[trapType].Cost;
        //                            tPlaced = 1;
        //                        }
        //                        else if (trapTypes[trapType].CanPlaceOnWalls == 0 && tile.Type == Tile.EMPTY)
        //                        {
        //                            me.placeTrap(tile.X, tile.Y, trapType);
        //                            trapCount[trapType]++;
        //                            myScarabs -= trapTypes[trapType].Cost;
        //                            tPlaced = 1;
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                    else
        //                    {
        //                        break;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        // Otherwise it's time to move and purchase thieves and activate traps
        //        else
        //        {
        //            // Find my sarcophagi and the enemy sarcophagi
        //            foreach (var trap in traps)
        //            {
        //                if (trap.TrapType == TrapType.SARCOPHAGUS)
        //                {
        //                    if (trap.Owner != playerID())
        //                    {
        //                        enemySarcophagi.Add(trap);
        //                    }
        //                    else
        //                    {
        //                        mySarcophagi.Add(trap);
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //            // Find my spawn tiles
        //            List<Tile> spawnTiles = getMySpawns();
        //            // Find my thieves
        //            List<Thief> myThieves = getMyThieves();

        //            // Select a random thief type
        //            //int thiefNo = rand.Next(thiefTypes.Length);

        //            //Bryce changed rand theif to all slaves

        //            int Nincount = 0;
        //            int thiefNo = 4;
        //            foreach (var thief in myThieves)
        //            {
        //                if (thief.ThiefType == 2)
        //                {
        //                    Nincount++;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            if (Nincount < 4)
        //            {
        //                thiefNo = 2;
        //            }

        //            // If you can afford the thief
        //            if (me.Scarabs >= thiefTypes[thiefNo].Cost)
        //            {
        //                // Make sure another can be spawned
        //                int max = thiefTypes[thiefNo].MaxInstances;
        //                int count = 0;
        //                foreach (var thief in myThieves)
        //                {
        //                    if (thief.ThiefType == thiefNo)
        //                    {
        //                        count++;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                // Only spawn if there aren't too many
        //                if (count < max)
        //                {
        //                    // Select a random spawn location
        //                    int spawnLoc = rand.Next(spawnTiles.Count);
        //                    // Spawn a thief there
        //                    Tile spawnTile = spawnTiles[spawnLoc];
        //                    me.purchaseThief(spawnTile.X, spawnTile.Y, thiefNo);
        //                }
        //            }
        // Lists to track sarcophagi
        List<Trap> mySarcophagi = new List<Trap>();
        List<Trap> enemySarcophagi = new List<Trap>();

        #region FirstTurn
        // If it's the first turn, place traps
        if (roundTurnNumber() <= 1)
            // Find my sarcophagi
            foreach (var trap in traps)
                if (trap.Owner == playerID() && trap.TrapType == TrapType.SARCOPHAGUS)

            int myScarabs = me.Scarabs;
            int sarcophagusCount = mySarcophagi.Count;
            List<Tile> mySarcophagiTiles = new List<Tile>();

            List<Tile> deadEnds = new List<Tile>();
            for (int i = 26; i < tiles.Length - 27; i++)
                int neighbors = 1;
                if (getTile(tiles[i].X + 1, tiles[i].Y).Type == 0)
                if (getTile(tiles[i].X - 1, tiles[i].Y).Type == 0)
                if (getTile(tiles[i].X, tiles[i].Y + 1).Type == 0)
                if (getTile(tiles[i].X, tiles[i].Y - 1).Type == 0)
                if (neighbors == 1)

            // Find the first open tiles and place the sarcophagi there
            int placed = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                int tileBase = 0;
                    if (placed == 0)
                        tileBase = 0;
                    //else if (placed == 1)
                     //   tileBase = 120;
                    //else if (placed == 2)
                     //   tileBase = 520;
                    Tile tile;
                    //if (placed < 2)
                    tile = deadEnds[i];
                //Tile tile = tiles[i];

                // If the tile is on my side and is empty
                if (onMySide(tile.X) && tile.Type == Tile.EMPTY)
                    // Move my sarcophagus to that location
                    me.placeTrap(tile.X, tile.Y, TrapType.SARCOPHAGUS);
                    if (sarcophagusCount == 0)

            // Make sure there aren't too many traps spawned
            int[] trapCount = Enumerable.Repeat(0, trapTypes.Length).ToArray();
            // Continue spawning traps until there isn't enough money to spend
            List<Tile> spawnTiles = getMySpawns();

            Tile mercTile = getTile(mySarcophagiTiles[0].X+1, mySarcophagiTiles[0].Y);
            if (mercTile.Type == 0)
                me.placeTrap(mercTile.X, mercTile.Y, 9);
                mercTile = getTile(mySarcophagiTiles[0].X + 2, mySarcophagiTiles[0].Y);
                me.placeTrap(mercTile.X, mercTile.Y, 9);
            mercTile = getTile(mySarcophagiTiles[0].X, mySarcophagiTiles[0].Y + 3);
            if (mercTile.Type == 0)
                me.placeTrap(mercTile.X, mercTile.Y, 9);
                mercTile = getTile(mySarcophagiTiles[0].X, mySarcophagiTiles[0].Y + 4);
                me.placeTrap(mercTile.X, mercTile.Y, 9);
            for (int e = 0; e < 3; e++)
                for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++)
                    me.placeTrap(mySarcophagiTiles[0].X + e, mySarcophagiTiles[0].Y + f, 9);
            for (int e = 0; e < 5; e++)
                for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++)
                    me.placeTrap(mySarcophagiTiles[0].X + e, mySarcophagiTiles[0].Y + f,1);

            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
                if (tiles[i].Type == 1)
                    if (tiles[i].X == 0)

                        me.placeTrap(1, tiles[i].Y, 5);
                        for (int j = 0; j < tiles.Length; j++)
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].X == 2 && tiles[j].Y == tiles[i].Y)
                                me.placeTrap(2, tiles[i].Y, 11);
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].X == 1 && tiles[j].Y == tiles[i].Y + 1)
                                me.placeTrap(1, tiles[i].Y + 1, 11);
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].X == 1 && tiles[j].Y == tiles[i].Y - 1)
                                me.placeTrap(1, tiles[i].Y - 1, 11);
                    if (tiles[i].X == 24)
                        me.placeTrap(23, tiles[i].Y, 5);
                        for (int j = 0; j < tiles.Length; j++)
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].X == 22 && tiles[j].Y == tiles[i].Y)
                                me.placeTrap(22, tiles[i].Y, 11);
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].X == 23 && tiles[j].Y == tiles[i].Y + 1)
                                me.placeTrap(23, tiles[i].Y + 1, 11);
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].X == 23 && tiles[j].Y == tiles[i].Y - 1)
                                me.placeTrap(23, tiles[i].Y - 1, 11);
                    if (tiles[i].Y == 0)
                        me.placeTrap(tiles[i].X, 1, 5);
                        for (int j = 0; j < tiles.Length; j++)
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].Y == 2 && tiles[j].X == tiles[i].X)
                                me.placeTrap(tiles[i].X, 2, 11);
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].Y == 1 && tiles[j].X == tiles[i].X + 1)
                                me.placeTrap(tiles[i].X + 1, 1 , 11);
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].Y == 1 && tiles[j].X == tiles[i].X - 1)
                                me.placeTrap(tiles[i].X - 1,1 , 11);
                    if (tiles[i].Y == 24)
                        me.placeTrap(tiles[i].X, 23, 5);
                        for (int j = 0; j < tiles.Length; j++)
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].Y == 22 && tiles[j].X == tiles[i].X)
                                me.placeTrap(tiles[i].X, 22, 11);
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].Y == 23 && tiles[j].X == tiles[i].X + 1)
                                me.placeTrap(tiles[i].X + 1, 23, 11);
                            if (tiles[j].Type == 0 && tiles[j].Y == 23 && tiles[j].X == tiles[i].X - 1)
                                me.placeTrap(tiles[i].X - 1, 23, 11);

            int col = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
                if (i % 25 > 8)
                    i = 25 * col;

                // If the tile is on my side and I haven't placed a sarcophagus on it
                Tile tile = tiles[i];
                if (onMySide(tile.X) && !mySarcophagiTiles.Contains(tile))
                    // Make sure there isn't a trap on that tile
                    if (getTrap(tile.X, tile.Y) != null)
                    // Select a random trap type (make sure it isn't a sarcophagus)

                    int trapType = rand.Next(trapTypes.Length - 4) + 4;

                    // Make sure another can be spawned
                    if (trapCount[trapType] >= trapTypes[trapType].MaxInstances)
                    // If there are enough scarabs
                    if (myScarabs >= trapTypes[trapType].Cost)
                        // Check if the tile is the right type (wall or empty)
                        if (trapTypes[trapType].CanPlaceOnWalls == 1 && tile.Type == Tile.WALL)
                            me.placeTrap(tile.X, tile.Y, trapType);
                            myScarabs -= trapTypes[trapType].Cost;
                        else if (trapTypes[trapType].CanPlaceOnWalls == 0 && tile.Type == Tile.EMPTY)
                            me.placeTrap(tile.X, tile.Y, trapType);
                            myScarabs -= trapTypes[trapType].Cost;

        // Otherwise it's time to move and purchase thieves and activate traps
            // Find my sarcophagi and the enemy sarcophagi
            //foreach (var trap in traps)
            //    if (trap.TrapType == TrapType.SARCOPHAGUS)
            //    {
            //        if (trap.Owner != playerID())
            //        {
            //            enemySarcophagi.Add(trap);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            mySarcophagi.Add(trap);
            //        }
            //    }

            // Find my spawn tiles
            List<Tile> spawnTiles = getMySpawns();
            // Find my thieves
            List<Thief> myThieves = getMyThieves();
            // Select a random thief type

            int Nincount = 0;
            int BombCount = 0;

            foreach (var thief in myThieves)
                if (thief.ThiefType == 2)
                if (thief.ThiefType == 0)

            int thiefNo = 4;
            if (GuideCount < 2)
                thiefNo = 3;
            else if (Nincount < 4)
                thiefNo = 2;// rand.Next(thiefTypes.Length);
            else if (BombCount < 1)
                thiefNo = 0;
            // If you can afford the thief
            if (me.Scarabs >= thiefTypes[thiefNo].Cost)
                // Make sure another can be spawned
                int max = thiefTypes[thiefNo].MaxInstances;
                int count = 0;
                foreach (var thief in myThieves)
                    if (thief.ThiefType == thiefNo)
                // Only spawn if there aren't too many
                if (count < max)
                    // Select a random spawn location
                    int spawnLoc = rand.Next(spawnTiles.Count);
                    // Spawn a thief there
                    Tile spawnTile = spawnTiles[spawnLoc];
                    me.purchaseThief(spawnTile.X, spawnTile.Y, thiefNo);
            TestAI myAI = new TestAI(playerID());

            return true;

            //// Move my thieves
            //foreach (var thief in myThieves)
            //    // If the thief is alive and not frozen
            //    if (thief.Alive == 1 && thief.FrozenTurnsLeft == 0)
            //    {
            //        int[] xChange = new int[] { -1, 1, 0, 0 };
            //        int[] yChange = new int[] { 0, 0, -1, 1 };
            //        // Try to dig or use a bomb before moving
            //        if (thief.ThiefType == ThiefType.DIGGER && thief.SpecialsLeft > 0)
            //        {
            //            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            //            {
            //                // If there is a wall adjacent and an empty space on the other side
            //                int checkX = thief.X + xChange[i];
            //                int checkY = thief.Y + yChange[i];
            //                Tile wallTile = getTile(checkX, checkY);
            //                Tile emptyTile = getTile(checkX + xChange[i], checkY + yChange[i]);
            //                // Must be on the map, and not trying to dig to the other side
            //                if (wallTile != null && emptyTile != null && !onMySide(checkX + xChange[i]))
            //                {
            //                    // If there is a wall with an empty tile on the other side
            //                    if (wallTile.Type == Tile.WALL && emptyTile.Type == Tile.EMPTY)
            //                    {
            //                        // Dig through the wall
            //                        thief.useSpecial(checkX, checkY);
            //                        //break out of the loop
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //        else if (thief.ThiefType == ThiefType.BOMBER && thief.SpecialsLeft > 0)
            //        {
            //            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            //            {
            //                // The place to check for things to blow up
            //                int checkX = thief.X + xChange[i];
            //                int checkY = thief.Y + yChange[i];
            //                // Make sure that the spot isn't on the other side
            //                if (!onMySide(checkX))
            //                {
            //                    // If there is a wall tile there, blow it up
            //                    Tile checkTile = getTile(checkX, checkY);
            //                    if (checkTile != null && checkTile.Type == Tile.WALL)
            //                    {
            //                        // Blow up the wall
            //                        thief.useSpecial(checkX, checkY);
            //                        // Break out of the loop
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                    // Otherwise check if there is a trap there
            //                    Trap checkTrap = getTrap(checkX, checkY);
            //                    // Don't want to blow up the sarcophagus!
            //                    if (checkTrap != null && checkTrap.TrapType != TrapType.SARCOPHAGUS)
            //                    {
            //                        // Blow up the trap
            //                        thief.useSpecial(checkX, checkY);
            //                        // Break out of the loop
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //        // If the thief has any movement left
            //        if (thief.MovementLeft > 0)
            //        {
            //            // Find a path from the thief's location to the enemy sarcophagus
            //            Queue<Point> path = new Queue<Point>();
            //            int endX = enemySarcophagi[0].X;
            //            int endY = enemySarcophagi[0].Y;
            //            path = findPath(new Point(thief.X, thief.Y), new Point(endX, endY));
            //            // If a path exists then move forward on the path
            //            if (path.Count > 0)
            //            {
            //                Point nextMove = path.Dequeue();
            //                thief.move(nextMove.x, nextMove.y);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //// Do things with traps now
            //List<Trap> myTraps = getMyTraps();
            //foreach (var trap in myTraps)
            //    int[] xChange = new int[] { -1, 1, 0, 0 };
            //    int[] yChange = new int[] { 0, 0, -1, 1 };
            //    // Make sure trap can be used
            //    if (trap.Active == 1)
            //    {
            //        // If trap is a boulder
            //        if (trap.TrapType == TrapType.BOULDER)
            //        {
            //            // If there is an enemy thief adjancent
            //            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            //            {
            //                Thief enemyThief = getThief(trap.X + xChange[i], trap.Y + yChange[i]);
            //                // Roll over the thief
            //                if (enemyThief != null)
            //                {
            //                    trap.act(enemyThief.X, enemyThief.Y);
            //                    break;
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //        else if (trap.TrapType == TrapType.MUMMY)
            //        {
            //            // Move around randomly if a mummy
            //            int dir = rand.Next(4);
            //            int checkX = trap.X + xChange[dir];
            //            int checkY = trap.Y + yChange[dir];
            //            Tile checkTile = getTile(checkX, checkY);
            //            Trap checkTrap = getTrap(checkX, checkY);
            //            // If the tile is empty, and there isn't a sarcophagus there
            //            if (checkTrap == null || checkTrap.TrapType != TrapType.SARCOPHAGUS)
            //            {
            //                if (checkTile != null && checkTile.Type == Tile.EMPTY)
            //                {
            //                    //move on that tile
            //                    trap.act(checkX, checkY);
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
        return true;