Esempio n. 1
        public TerritoryRegion GetTerritoryRegion(Guid UserGUID)
            TerritoryRegion         lTerritoryRegion         = new TerritoryRegion();
            ITerritoryRepository    _ITerritoryRepository    = new TerritoryRepository(new WorkersInMotionDB());
            IRegionRepository       _IRegionRepository       = new RegionRepository(new WorkersInMotionDB());
            IOrganizationRepository _IOrganizationRepository = new OrganizationRepository(new WorkersInMotionDB());
            Guid OrganizationGUID = _IOrganizationRepository.GetOrganizationIDByUserGUID(UserGUID);

            List <Territory> TerritoryList = _ITerritoryRepository.GetTerritoryByOrganizationGUID(OrganizationGUID).ToList();

            if (TerritoryList != null && TerritoryList.Count > 0)
                lTerritoryRegion.Territories = new List <MobileTerritory>();
                foreach (Territory item in TerritoryList)
                    MobileTerritory lterritory = new MobileTerritory();
                    lterritory = convertTerritoryToMobileTerritory(item);
            List <Region> RegionList = _IRegionRepository.GetRegionByOrganizationGUID(OrganizationGUID).ToList();

            if (RegionList != null && RegionList.Count > 0)
                lTerritoryRegion.Regions = new List <MobileRegion>();
                foreach (Region item in RegionList)
                    MobileRegion lregion = convertRegionToMobileRegion(item);
Esempio n. 2
        public IEnumerable <ModelValidationResult> Validate(ModelValidationContext context)
            IEnumerable <ModelValidationResult> result = Enumerable.Empty <ModelValidationResult>();

            // Dependancy injection does not work with attributes so manually wire up the database context.
            using (NorthwindContext dbContext = DAL.Startup.NorthwindContext)
                IRepository <Territory, string> territories = new TerritoryRepository(dbContext);

                string value = context.Model as string;

                if (value == null)
                    result = new List <ModelValidationResult>()
                        new ModelValidationResult("", "A territory id must be provided")
                    Territory territory = territories.Fetch(value);

                    if (territory == null)
                        result = new List <ModelValidationResult>()
                            new ModelValidationResult("", ErrorMessage)

Esempio n. 3
        // GET: /Territory/Delete/5

        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            IRepository <Models.Territory> repo = new TerritoryRepository();

Esempio n. 4
        // GET: /Territory/Edit/5

        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            IRepository <Territory> repo = new TerritoryRepository();

            ViewBag.Regions = RegionRepository.GetAllForTerritory();
Esempio n. 5
 public ActionResult Delete(int id, FormCollection collection)
         // TODO: Add delete logic here
         IRepository <Models.Territory> repo = new TerritoryRepository();
Esempio n. 6
        public void Get_ListEmployee_Territory()
            TerritoryRepository repoTerritory = new TerritoryRepository();

            Territory territoryNew = new Territory()
                TerritoryDescription = "territoty 1",
                Employees            = new List <Employee>()
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName    = "Name 1",
                        LastName     = "LastaName 1",
                        Localization = new Address()
                            Street  = "Street 1",
                            City    = "City 1",
                            Country = "Country 1"
                        EmployeeExt = new EmployeeExtended()
                            Notes = "xx xx xx xx"
                    new Employee()
                        FirstName = "Name 2",
                        LastName  = "LastaName 2"


            var territorySel = repoTerritory.Single(x => x.TerritoryId == territoryNew.TerritoryId,
                                                    new List <Expression <Func <Territory, object> > >()
                x => x.Employees

            Assert.AreEqual(territorySel.Employees.Count, 2);
Esempio n. 7
 public LookUpService()
     _custClassRepo            = new CustClassRepository(context);
     _paymentTermsRepo         = new PaymentTermsRepository(context);
     _statementCycleRepository = new StatementCycleRepository(context);
     _shipMethodRepository     = new ShipMethodRepository(context);
     _businessFormRepository   = new BusinessFormRepository(context);
     _salesSourceRepository    = new SalesSourceRepository(context);
     _branchRepository         = new BranchRepository(context);
     _salesTerritoryRepository = new SalesTerritoryRepository(context);
     _territoryRepository      = new TerritoryRepository(context);
     _countryRepository        = new CountryRepository(context);
     _customerRepository       = new CustomerRepository(context);
     _userRepository           = new UserRepository(context);
     _groupRepository          = new GroupRepository(context);
     _creditCardTypeRepository = new CreditCardTypeRepository(context);
     _stateRepository          = new StateRepository(context);
     _taxSubjClassRepository   = new TaxSubjClassRepository(context);
     _taxScheduleRepository    = new TaxScheduleRepository(context);
     _batchRepository          = new BatchRepository();
Esempio n. 8
        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
                // TODO: Add insert logic here
                string    name      = collection.Get("Name");
                Territory Territory = new Territory()
                    Name = name

                string   param_regions;
                string[] arrayRegions;
                if (collection.Get("Regions") != null)
                    param_regions = collection.Get("Regions");;
                    arrayRegions  = param_regions.Split(',');

                    foreach (string str in arrayRegions)
                        int    RegionID = Convert.ToInt32(str);
                        Region region   = new Region();
                        IRepository <Region> repo_region = new RegionRepository();
                        region = repo_region.GetById(RegionID);


                IRepository <Territory> repo = new TerritoryRepository();

Esempio n. 9
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection)
                string    name               = collection.Get("Name");
                Territory Territory          = new Territory();
                IRepository <Territory> repo = new TerritoryRepository();
                Territory = repo.GetById(id);
                Territory.Name = name;
                string   param_regions;
                string[] arrayRegions;
                if (collection.Get("Regions") != null)
                    param_regions = collection.Get("Regions");;
                    arrayRegions  = param_regions.Split(',');

                    foreach (string str in arrayRegions)
                        int    RegionID = Convert.ToInt32(str);
                        Region region   = new Region();
                        IRepository <Region> repo_region = new RegionRepository();
                        region = repo_region.GetById(RegionID);



Esempio n. 10
    private DataTable GetEventData(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string strOwner)
        var masterDal = new MasterDAL();

        List <EEvent> eventForCalendar = masterDal.GetEventForCalendar(SalesRepId, startDate.ToShortDateString(), endDate.ToShortDateString(), 0, HostName, FranchiseeId, PodIds, TerritoryIds);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TerritoryIds))
            var territoryIds = new List <long>();
            TerritoryIds.Split(',').ToList().ForEach(territoryId => territoryIds.Add(Convert.ToInt64(territoryId)));
            ITerritoryRepository territoryRepository = new TerritoryRepository();
            List <Territory>     territories         = territoryRepository.GetTerritories(territoryIds);
            List <string>        territoryZipCodes   =
                territories.SelectMany(territory => territory.ZipCodes.Select(zipCode => zipCode.Zip)).ToList();
            eventForCalendar =
                eventForCalendar.Where(eventData => territoryZipCodes.Contains(eventData.Host.Address.Zip)).ToList();

        if (eventForCalendar != null)
            for (int count = 0; count < eventForCalendar.Count; count++)
                string strEventDescription = "";
                string eventData           = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Name.Replace("'", "").Replace("\n", "") + " \"";
                string eventStatus         = "\"" + Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(typeof(EventStatus), eventForCalendar[count].EventStatus.ToString())).Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";

                string currentEventDate = "\"" + Convert.ToDateTime(eventForCalendar[count].EventDate).ToLongDateString() + " \"";
                string eventStartTime   = "\"" + Convert.ToDateTime(eventForCalendar[count].EventStartTime).ToShortTimeString() + " \"";
                string eventEndTime     = "\"" + Convert.ToDateTime(eventForCalendar[count].EventEndTime).ToShortTimeString() + " \"";
                string timeZone         = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].TimeZone + " \"";
                string address1         = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Address1.Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";
                string address2         = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Address2.Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";
                string city             = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.City + " \"";
                string state            = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.State + " \"";
                string country          = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Country + " \"";
                string zip        = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Zip + " \"";
                string franchisee = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Franchisee.Name.Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";

                string salesRep  = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].FranchiseeFranchiseeUser.FranchiseeUser.User.FirstName + "  " + eventForCalendar[count].FranchiseeFranchiseeUser.FranchiseeUser.User.LastName + " \"";
                string controlID = "\"Event" + eventForCalendar[count].EventID + strOwner + "\"";

                string   customerCount;
                TimeSpan dateDifference = Convert.ToDateTime(eventForCalendar[count].EventDate).Subtract(DateTime.Now);
                int      days           = dateDifference.Days;

                if (days < 0)
                    customerCount = "\" Registered:" + eventForCalendar[count].RegisteredCustomersCount + " | Attended:" + eventForCalendar[count].AttendedCustomersCount + " | Cancel:" + eventForCalendar[count].CancelCustomersCount + " \"";
                else if (days == 0)
                    customerCount = "\"Registered:" + eventForCalendar[count].RegisteredCustomersCount + " | Attended:" + eventForCalendar[count].AttendedCustomersCount + " | On Site :" + eventForCalendar[count].OnSiteCustomersCount + " \"";
                    customerCount = "\"Registered:" + eventForCalendar[count].RegisteredCustomersCount + " | Paid:" + eventForCalendar[count].PaidCustomersCount + " | UnPaid :" + eventForCalendar[count].UnpaidCustomersCount + " |Cancel :" + eventForCalendar[count].CancelCustomersCount + " \"";

                strEventDescription = eventData + "," + eventStatus + "," + currentEventDate + "," + eventStartTime + "," + eventEndTime + "," + timeZone + "," + customerCount + "," + address1.Trim() + "," + address2 + "," + city + "," + state + "," + country + "," + zip + "," + franchisee + "," + salesRep + "," + controlID;
                string strEventView = string.Empty;

                strEventView = "onclick = 'window.location=\"EventDetails.aspx?EventID=" + eventForCalendar[count].EventID.ToString() + "\"'";

                string strAddress = CommonCode.AddressMultiLine(eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Address1, eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Address2, eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.City, eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.State, eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Zip);
                string podName    = string.Empty;
                var    jTipData   = "Event Details for " + eventData.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "[" + eventForCalendar[count].EventID + "] " + "<span class=\"whitetxt12\">(" + eventStatus.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim() + ")</span>" +
                                    "|<p class=\"jtprowtop \"><span class=\"lbljtip\">Date &amp; Time:</span>" +
                                    "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">" +
                                    currentEventDate.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "<br />" +
                                    eventStartTime.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "&ndash;" + eventEndTime.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "<br />" +
                                    timeZone.Replace("\"", string.Empty) +
                                    "</span>" +
                                    "</p><p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Address: </span>" +
                                    "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">" +
                                    strAddress.Replace("\"", string.Empty) +
                                    "</span></p><p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Owner: </span>" +
                                    "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">" +
                                    salesRep.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "<br />(" + franchisee.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + ")" +
                podName = "<p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Pod Name: </span>";
                podName = podName + "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">";
                if (eventForCalendar[count].EventPod != null)
                    for (int podcount = 0; podcount < eventForCalendar[count].EventPod.Count; podcount++)
                        podName = podName + eventForCalendar[count].EventPod[podcount].Pod.Name.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "<br />";
                podName  = podName + "</span></p>";
                jTipData = jTipData + podName +
                           "<p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Statistics/Health: </span> </p>" +
                           "<p class=\"jtprowtop\"><span class=\"custcauntjtp\"><span class=\"ttxt\"> Registered Customers </span>" + "<span class=\"dtxt\">" + ":&nbsp;" + eventForCalendar[count].RegisteredCustomersCount.ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "</span>" + "<br />" +
                           "<span class=\"ttxt\"> Attended Customers</span>" + "<span class=\"dtxt\">" + ":&nbsp;" + eventForCalendar[count].AttendedCustomersCount.ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "</span>" + "<br />" +
                           "<span class=\"ttxt\"> Canceled Customers</span>" + "<span class=\"dtxt\">" + ":&nbsp;" + eventForCalendar[count].CancelCustomersCount.ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "</span></span></p>";

                string strEventName = "<a  class='jtip'  title='" + jTipData + "'" + strEventView + " ><img src='../Images/addevent-square.gif' height='14px' width='14px' /><span class='celltxt_clnder'>&nbsp;</span></a>";

                _tblAppointments.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Event" + eventForCalendar[count].EventID.ToString() + strOwner, "Event", strEventName, eventForCalendar[count].EventDate, strEventDescription });

        FillBlockedDays(startDate, endDate, strOwner);
Esempio n. 11
 public TerritoryController(TerritoryRepository territoryRepository)
     this._territoryRepository = territoryRepository;
Esempio n. 12
        private void GetEventDataByDate(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            List <EEvent> eventForCalendar;

            if (IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.SalesRep))
                eventForCalendar = _masterDal.GetEventForCalendar(0, startDate.ToShortDateString(), endDate.ToShortDateString(), 0, HostName, FranchiseeId, PodIds, TerritoryIds);
                eventForCalendar = _masterDal.GetEventForCalendar(SalesRepId, startDate.ToShortDateString(), endDate.ToShortDateString(), 0, HostName, FranchiseeId, PodIds, TerritoryIds);
            var eventIds = new List <long>();
            ITerritoryRepository territoryRepository = new TerritoryRepository();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TerritoryIds) && TerritoryIds != "0")
                var territoryIds                   = TerritoryIds.Split(',').ToList().Select(ti => Convert.ToInt64(ti)).ToList();
                List <Territory> territories       = territoryRepository.GetTerritories(territoryIds);
                List <string>    territoryZipCodes =
                    territories.SelectMany(territory => territory.ZipCodes.Select(zipCode => zipCode.Zip)).ToList();
                eventForCalendar =
                    eventForCalendar.Where(eventData => territoryZipCodes.Contains(eventData.Host.Address.Zip)).ToList();

                if (SalesRepId > 0)
                    var salesRepTerritories =
                        territoryRepository.GetTerritoriesForSalesRep(SalesRepId).Where(t => territoryIds.Contains(t.Id))

                    foreach (var calenderEvent in eventForCalendar)
                        var @event = calenderEvent;

                        var filteredSalesRepTerritories =
                                st => st.ZipCodes.Select(z => z.Zip).Contains(@event.Host.Address.Zip));

                        foreach (var filteredSalesRepTerritory in filteredSalesRepTerritories)
                            SalesRepTerritory territory = filteredSalesRepTerritory;
                            if (filteredSalesRepTerritories.All(fstpt => fstpt.ParentTerritoryId != territory.Id))
                                var territoryAssignment = territory.SalesRepTerritoryAssignments.SingleOrDefault(srta => srta.SalesRep.SalesRepresentativeId == SalesRepId);

                                if (territoryAssignment != null && (int)territoryAssignment.EventTypeSetupPermission != 0 && calenderEvent.EventType.EventTypeID != (int)territoryAssignment.EventTypeSetupPermission)

            if (eventForCalendar != null)
                for (int count = 0; count < eventForCalendar.Count; count++)
                    string eventData   = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Name.Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";
                    string eventStatus = "\"" + Convert.ToString(Enum.Parse(typeof(EventStatus), eventForCalendar[count].EventStatus.ToString())).Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";

                    string eventDate      = "\"" + Convert.ToDateTime(eventForCalendar[count].EventDate).ToLongDateString() + " \"";
                    string eventStartTime = "\"" + Convert.ToDateTime(eventForCalendar[count].EventStartTime).ToShortTimeString() + " \"";
                    string eventEndTime   = "\"" + Convert.ToDateTime(eventForCalendar[count].EventEndTime).ToShortTimeString() + " \"";
                    string timeZone       = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].TimeZone + " \"";
                    string address1       = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Address1.Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";
                    string address2       = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Address2.Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";
                    string city           = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.City + " \"";
                    string state          = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.State + " \"";
                    string country        = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Country + " \"";
                    string zip            = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Zip + " \"";
                    string franchisee     = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].Franchisee.Name.Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";

                    string salesRep  = "\"" + eventForCalendar[count].FranchiseeFranchiseeUser.FranchiseeUser.User.FirstName + "  " + eventForCalendar[count].FranchiseeFranchiseeUser.FranchiseeUser.User.LastName + " \"";
                    string controlId = "\"Event" + eventForCalendar[count].EventID + "\"";

                    string   customerCount;
                    TimeSpan dateDifference = Convert.ToDateTime(eventForCalendar[count].EventDate).Subtract(DateTime.Now);
                    int      days           = dateDifference.Days;

                    if (days < 0)
                        customerCount = "\" Registered:" + eventForCalendar[count].RegisteredCustomersCount + " | Attended:" + eventForCalendar[count].AttendedCustomersCount + " | Cancel:" + eventForCalendar[count].CancelCustomersCount + " \"";
                    else if (days == 0)
                        customerCount = "\"Registered:" + eventForCalendar[count].RegisteredCustomersCount + " | Attended:" + eventForCalendar[count].AttendedCustomersCount + " | On Site :" + eventForCalendar[count].OnSiteCustomersCount + " \"";
                        customerCount = "\"Registered:" + eventForCalendar[count].RegisteredCustomersCount + " | Paid:" + eventForCalendar[count].PaidCustomersCount + " | UnPaid :" + eventForCalendar[count].UnpaidCustomersCount + " |Cancel :" + eventForCalendar[count].CancelCustomersCount + " \"";

                    string strAddress = CommonCode.AddressMultiLine(eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Address1, eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Address2, eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.City, eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.State, eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Zip);
                    strAddress = "\"" + strAddress.Replace("\n", "").Replace("'", "") + " \"";

                    string strEventDescription = eventData + "," + eventStatus + "," + eventDate + "," + eventStartTime + "," + eventEndTime + "," + timeZone + "," + customerCount + "," + strAddress.Trim() + "," + address2 + "," + city + "," + state + "," + country + "," + zip + "," + franchisee + "," + salesRep + "," + controlId;
                    string strEventView        = string.Empty;

                    if (!eventIds.Contains(eventForCalendar[count].EventID))
                        strEventView = "onclick = 'window.location=\"EventDetails.aspx?EventID=" + eventForCalendar[count].EventID.ToString() + "\"'";


                    string salesRepInitials =
                        eventForCalendar[count].FranchiseeFranchiseeUser.FranchiseeUser.User.FirstName.Substring(0, 1) +
                        eventForCalendar[count].FranchiseeFranchiseeUser.FranchiseeUser.User.LastName.Substring(0, 1);
                    string podName  = string.Empty;
                    var    jTipData = "Event Details for " + eventData.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "[" + eventForCalendar[count].EventID + "] " + "<span class=\"whitetxt12\">(" + eventStatus.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim() + ")</span>" +
                                      "|<p class=\"jtprowtop \"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Date &amp; Time: </span>" +
                                      "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">" +
                                      eventDate.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "<br />" +
                                      eventStartTime.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "&ndash;" + eventEndTime.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "<br />" +
                                      timeZone.Replace("\"", string.Empty) +
                                      "</span>" +
                                      "</p><p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Address: </span>" +
                                      "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">" +
                                      strAddress.Replace("\"", string.Empty) +
                                      "</span></p><p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Owner: </span>" +
                                      "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">" +
                                      salesRep.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "<br />(" + franchisee.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + ")" +

                    podName = "<p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Pod Name: </span>";
                    podName = podName + "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">";
                    if (eventForCalendar[count].EventPod != null)
                        for (int podcount = 0; podcount < eventForCalendar[count].EventPod.Count; podcount++)
                            podName = podName + eventForCalendar[count].EventPod[podcount].Pod.Name.Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "<br />";
                    podName = podName + "</span></p>";

                    eventStatus  = "<p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Event Status: </span>";
                    eventStatus += "<span class=\"dtlsjtip\">" + ((EventStatus)eventForCalendar[count].EventStatus).ToString() + "</span></p>";

                    jTipData = jTipData + podName + eventStatus +
                               "<p class=\"jtprow\"><span class=\"lbljtip\"> Statistics/Health: </span> </p>" +
                               "<p class=\"jtprowtop\"><span class=\"custcauntjtp\"><span class=\"ttxt\"> Registered Customers </span>" + "<span class=\"dtxt\">" + ":&nbsp;" + eventForCalendar[count].RegisteredCustomersCount.ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "</span>" + "<br />" +
                               "<span class=\"ttxt\"> Attended Customers</span>" + "<span class=\"dtxt\">" + ":&nbsp;" + eventForCalendar[count].AttendedCustomersCount.ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "</span>" + "<br />" +
                               "<span class=\"ttxt\"> Canceled Customers</span>" + "<span class=\"dtxt\">" + ":&nbsp;" + eventForCalendar[count].CancelCustomersCount.ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty) + "</span></span></p>";

                    string strEventName = "<a  class='jtip'  title='" + jTipData + "'" + strEventView + " ><img src='../Images/addevent-square.gif' /><span class='celltxt_clnder'>" + salesRepInitials + " " + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Name + "<br>" + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.City + ", " + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.State + " - " + eventForCalendar[count].Host.Address.Zip + "</span></a>";

                    _tblAppointments.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Event" + eventForCalendar[count].EventID.ToString(), "Event", strEventName, eventForCalendar[count].EventDate, strEventDescription });
Esempio n. 13
        public void Update_ExistingEmployee_Territory()
            string PhotoPath = Path.Combine(this.TestContext.DeploymentDirectory, "foto.jpg");

            TerritoryRepository repoTerritory = new TerritoryRepository();
            EmployeeRepository  repoEmployee  = new EmployeeRepository();

            //se crean los empleados
            Employee employeeNew1 = new Employee()
                FirstName    = "name 1",
                LastName     = "lastname 1",
                Localization = new Address()
                    Street  = "Street 1",
                    City    = "City 1",
                    Country = "Country 1"
                EmployeeExt = new EmployeeExtended()
                    Notes     = "xx xx xx xx",
                    Photo     = ConvertImageToByteArray(new Bitmap(PhotoPath), ImageFormat.Jpeg),
                    PhotoPath = PhotoPath


            Employee employeeNew2 = new Employee()
                FirstName    = "name 2",
                LastName     = "lastname 2",
                Localization = new Address()
                    Street  = "Street 2",
                    City    = "City 2",
                    Country = "Country 2"
                EmployeeExt = new EmployeeExtended()
                    Notes     = "xx xx xx",
                    Photo     = ConvertImageToByteArray(new Bitmap(PhotoPath), ImageFormat.Jpeg),
                    PhotoPath = PhotoPath


            //se crea el territorio
            Territory territoryNew = new Territory()
                TerritoryDescription = "territoty 1"


            //asignamos los empleados al territorio existente
            repoTerritory.AddEmployees(territoryNew, new List <Employee>(new Employee[] { employeeNew1, employeeNew2 }));

            //validamos que la asignacion se haya realizado correctamente
            //recuperando la entidad y sus relaciones
            var territorySel = repoTerritory.Single(x => x.TerritoryId == territoryNew.TerritoryId,
                                                    new List <Expression <Func <Territory, object> > >()
                x => x.Employees

            Assert.AreEqual(territorySel.Employees.Count, 2);
Esempio n. 14
        public void Delete_AssignedEmployee_Territory()
            TerritoryRepository repoTerritory = new TerritoryRepository();
            EmployeeRepository  repoEmployee  = new EmployeeRepository();

            //se crean los empleados
            Employee employeeNew1 = new Employee()
                FirstName = "Name 1",
                LastName  = "LastaName 1"


            Employee employeeNew2 = new Employee()
                FirstName = "Name 2",
                LastName  = "LastaName 2"


            //se crea el territorio
            Territory territoryNew = new Territory()
                TerritoryDescription = "territoty 1"


            //asignamos los empleados al territorio existente
            repoTerritory.AddEmployees(territoryNew, new List <Employee>(new Employee[] { employeeNew1, employeeNew2 }));

            //validamos que la asignacion se haya realizado correctamente
            //recuperando la entidad y sus relaciones
            var territorySel = repoTerritory.Single(x => x.TerritoryId == territoryNew.TerritoryId,
                                                    new List <Expression <Func <Territory, object> > >()
                x => x.Employees

            Assert.AreEqual(territorySel.Employees.Count, 2);

            //removemos uno de los empleados asignados
            repoTerritory.RemoveEmployees(territoryNew, new List <Employee>(new Employee[] { employeeNew1 }));

            //recuperamos el territorio para validar que se haya eliminado el empleado
            var territorySel2 = repoTerritory.Single(x => x.TerritoryId == territoryNew.TerritoryId,
                                                     new List <Expression <Func <Territory, object> > >()
                x => x.Employees

            Assert.AreEqual(territorySel2.Employees.Count, 1);

            Employee employeeSel = territorySel2.Employees.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(employeeSel.FirstName, employeeNew2.FirstName);
            Assert.AreEqual(employeeSel.LastName, employeeNew2.LastName);
Esempio n. 15
        // GET: /Territory/Details/5

        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            IRepository <Territory> repo = new TerritoryRepository();

Esempio n. 16
        // GET: /Territory/

        public ActionResult Index()
            IRepository <Models.Territory> repo = new TerritoryRepository();
