public static KeyValuePair <Vector2, TerrainFeature> checkRadiusForTerrainFeature(int radius, Type terrainType) { for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) { for (int y = -radius; y <= radius; y++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2((Game1.player.getTileX() + x), (Game1.player.getTileY() + y)); bool f = Game1.player.currentLocation.isTerrainFeatureAt((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y); if (f == false) { continue; } TerrainFeature t = Game1.player.currentLocation.terrainFeatures[pos]; //((Game1.player.getTileX() + x) * Game1.tileSize, (Game1.player.getTileY() + y) * Game1.tileSize); if (t == null) { continue; } if (t.GetType() == terrainType) { return(new KeyValuePair <Vector2, TerrainFeature> (pos, t)); } } } return(new KeyValuePair <Vector2, TerrainFeature>(new Vector2(), null)); }
public List <Vector2> AnalyzeLocationInfo(GameLocation location) { foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, StardewValley.Object> entry in location.Objects.Pairs) { StardewValley.Object obj = entry.Value; Vector2 objectLocation = entry.Key; this.monitor.Log($"Found {obj.Name} at {objectLocation.ToString()}", LogLevel.Info); } IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Vector2, Chest> > chests = this.locationInformationHelper.FindAllInLocation <Chest>(location); this.monitor.Log($"Found {chests.Count()} chests"); KeyValuePair <Vector2, Chest> chestAndLocation = chests.First(); this.monitor.Log($"The first chest is at {chestAndLocation.Key.ToString()}", LogLevel.Info); foreach (Item item in chestAndLocation.Value.items) { this.monitor.Log($"Found {item.Stack} {item.Name} in chest", LogLevel.Info); } foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, TerrainFeature> tile in location.terrainFeatures.Pairs) { TerrainFeature item = tile.Value; Vector2 loc = tile.Key; this.monitor.Log($"Found terrain feature {item.GetType().Name} at ${loc.ToString()}", LogLevel.Info); } List <Vector2> openSpaces = this.FindOpenSpaceAroundChest(location, chestAndLocation.Key, chestAndLocation.Value); return(openSpaces); }
public static bool performToolAction_Prefix(ref TerrainFeature __instance, Tool t, int damage, Vector2 tileLocation, GameLocation location, ref bool __result) { ModEntry.M.Log("performToolAction_Prefix A", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Info); // Gotta have the original method available for mattock stand-ins. if (performToolActionOriginal == null) { return(true); } ModEntry.M.Log("performToolAction_Prefix B", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Info); // If the tool is a mattock and this object is one that requires a specific type of tool that is supported, // run the function with a stand-in tool instead. if (t is Mattock mattock) { if (__instance is Tree || __instance is FruitTree || __instance is Bush || __instance is GiantCrop || __instance is Flooring) { ModEntry.M.Log("Struck a feature:" + __instance.GetType().ToString(), StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Info); // Treat the mattock as an axe for various terrain features. Axe standinAxe = mattock.asAxe(); __result = (bool)performToolActionOriginal.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { __instance, standinAxe, damage, tileLocation, location }); return(false); } else if (__instance is ResourceClump clump) { switch (clump.parentSheetIndex.Get()) { case 600: // Stump case 602: // Log { // Treat the mattock as an axe for stumps. Axe standinAxe = mattock.asAxe(); __result = (bool)performToolActionOriginal.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { __instance, standinAxe, damage, tileLocation, location }); return(false); } case 622: // Iridium meteorite case 672: // Boulder 1 case 752: // Boulder 2 case 754: // Boulder 3 case 756: // Icy Boulder 1 case 758: // Icy Boulder 2 { // Treat the mattock as a pickaxe for boulders. Pickaxe standinPickaxe = (t as Mattock).asPickaxe(); standinPickaxe.DoFunction(location, (int)(__instance.currentTileLocation.X * 64), (int)(__instance.currentTileLocation.Y * 64), 1, Game1.player); //__result = (bool) performToolActionOriginal.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { __instance, standinPickaxe, damage, tileLocation, location }); return(false); } } } } // Otherwise, just do the default functionality. return(true); }
public TerrainFeatureUpdatePacket(GameLocation loc, Vector2 pos) : this() { location = Multiplayer.getUniqueLocationName(loc); posX = pos.X; posY = pos.Y; TerrainFeature tf = loc.terrainFeatures[pos]; if (tf != null && tf.GetType() == typeof(TYPE)) { str = Util.serialize <TYPE>(tf as TYPE); } }
static ValMap ToMap(TerrainFeature feature) { if (feature == null) { return(null); } var result = new ValMap();[_type] = result["name"] = new ValString(feature.GetType().Name); if (feature is Tree tree) {[_treeType] = new ValNumber(tree.treeType.Value);[_growthStage] = new ValNumber(tree.growthStage.Value);[_health] = new ValNumber(;[_stump] = ValNumber.Truth(tree.stump.Value);[_tapped] = ValNumber.Truth(tree.tapped.Value);[_hasSeed] = ValNumber.Truth(tree.hasSeed.Value); } else if (feature is HoeDirt hoeDirt) {[_dry] = ValNumber.Truth(hoeDirt.state.Value != 1); var crop = hoeDirt.crop; if (crop == null) {[_crop] = null; } else { ValMap cropInfo = new ValMap();[_phase] = new ValNumber(crop.currentPhase.Value);[_maxPhase] = new ValNumber(crop.phaseDays.Count - 1);[_mature] = ValNumber.Truth(crop.fullyGrown.Value);[_dead] = ValNumber.Truth(crop.dead.Value);[_harvestMethod] = ValNumber.Truth(crop.harvestMethod.Value); bool harvestable = (int)crop.currentPhase.Value >= crop.phaseDays.Count - 1 && (!crop.fullyGrown.Value || (int)crop.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value <= 0);[_harvestable] = ValNumber.Truth(harvestable); //Note: we might be able to get the name of the crop // using crop.indexOfHarvest or crop.netSeedIndex var product = new StardewValley.Object(crop.indexOfHarvest.Value, 0);[_name] = new ValString(product.DisplayName);[_crop] = cropInfo; } } return(result); }
private void SpawnTree(Farm farm, Vector2 point) { StardewValley.TerrainFeatures.Tree t = new Tree(1, 5); t.seasonUpdate(true); ClearResourceClump(ref farm.resourceClumps, point); TerrainFeature feature = null; if (farm.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(point, out feature)) { if (feature.GetType() != t.GetType()) { farm.terrainFeatures.Clear(); farm.terrainFeatures.Add(point, t); } } else { farm.terrainFeatures.Add(point, t); } }
public static KeyValuePair <Vector2, TerrainFeature> checkCardinalForTerrainFeature(Type terrainType) { for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { if (x == -1 && y == -1) { continue; //upper left } if (x == -1 && y == 1) { continue; //bottom left } if (x == 1 && y == -1) { continue; //upper right } if (x == 1 && y == 1) { continue; //bottom right } Vector2 pos = new Vector2((Game1.player.getTileX() + x), (Game1.player.getTileY() + y)); bool f = Game1.player.currentLocation.isTerrainFeatureAt((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y); if (f == false) { continue; } TerrainFeature t = Game1.player.currentLocation.terrainFeatures[pos]; //((Game1.player.getTileX() + x) * Game1.tileSize, (Game1.player.getTileY() + y) * Game1.tileSize); if (t == null) { continue; } if (t.GetType() == terrainType) { return(new KeyValuePair <Vector2, TerrainFeature>(pos, t)); } } } return(new KeyValuePair <Vector2, TerrainFeature>(new Vector2(), null)); }
private static void TerrainFeatures_OnValueRemoved(Vector2 key, TerrainFeature value) { monitor.Log($"value removed, {value.GetType()} {Environment.StackTrace}"); }
public static void clear(GameLocation location, Type[] types = null, int[] parentSheetIndices = null) { List <Vector2> list = new List <Vector2>(); List <Vector2> list2 = new List <Vector2>(); List <LargeTerrainFeature> list3 = new List <LargeTerrainFeature>(); foreach (Vector2 vector in location.terrainFeatures.Keys) { TerrainFeature terrainFeature = location.terrainFeatures[vector]; bool flag = Generator.GeneratorOptions.ContainsKey("Crop") && Generator.GeneratorOptions["Crop"] && terrainFeature is HoeDirt; if (flag) { (terrainFeature as HoeDirt).crop = null; } bool flag2 = types == null || types.Contains(terrainFeature.GetType()) || types.Contains(typeof(TerrainFeature)); if (flag2) { list.Add(vector); } } foreach (Vector2 vector2 in location.Objects.Keys) { SObject @object = location.objects[vector2]; bool flag3 = types == null || types.Contains(@object.GetType()) || (parentSheetIndices != null && parentSheetIndices.Contains(@object.ParentSheetIndex)) || types.Contains(typeof(SObject)) || (Generator.GeneratorOptions.ContainsKey("Forage") && Generator.GeneratorOptions["Forage"] && @object.isForage(location)); if (flag3) { list2.Add(vector2); } } foreach (LargeTerrainFeature largeTerrainFeature in location.largeTerrainFeatures) { bool flag4 = types == null || types.Contains(largeTerrainFeature.GetType()); if (flag4) { list3.Add(largeTerrainFeature); } } bool flag5 = location is Farm; if (flag5) { Farm farm = location as Farm; List <ResourceClump> list4 = new List <ResourceClump>(); foreach (ResourceClump resourceClump in farm.resourceClumps) { bool flag6 = types == null || types.Contains(resourceClump.GetType()) || (parentSheetIndices != null && parentSheetIndices.Contains(resourceClump.parentSheetIndex.Value)); if (flag6) { list4.Add(resourceClump); } } foreach (ResourceClump resourceClump2 in list4) { bool flag7 = farm.resourceClumps.Contains(resourceClump2); if (flag7) { farm.resourceClumps.Remove(resourceClump2); } } } bool flag8 = location is Woods; if (flag8) { Woods woods = location as Woods; List <ResourceClump> list5 = new List <ResourceClump>(); foreach (ResourceClump resourceClump3 in woods.stumps) { bool flag9 = types == null || types.Contains(resourceClump3.GetType()) || (parentSheetIndices != null && parentSheetIndices.Contains(resourceClump3.parentSheetIndex.Value)); if (flag9) { list5.Add(resourceClump3); } } foreach (ResourceClump resourceClump4 in list5) { bool flag10 = woods.stumps.Contains(resourceClump4); if (flag10) { woods.stumps.Remove(resourceClump4); } } } bool flag11 = location is Forest; if (flag11) { Forest forest = location as Forest; bool flag12 = forest.log != null && parentSheetIndices != null && parentSheetIndices.Contains(forest.log.parentSheetIndex.Value); if (flag12) { forest.log = null; } } foreach (Vector2 vector3 in list) { bool flag13 = location.terrainFeatures.ContainsKey(vector3); if (flag13) { location.terrainFeatures.Remove(vector3); } } foreach (Vector2 vector4 in list2) { bool flag14 = location.objects.ContainsKey(vector4); if (flag14) { location.objects.Remove(vector4); } } foreach (LargeTerrainFeature largeTerrainFeature2 in list3) { bool flag15 = location.largeTerrainFeatures.Contains(largeTerrainFeature2); if (flag15) { location.largeTerrainFeatures.Remove(largeTerrainFeature2); } } }