internal static Resource GetFhirResource(string resource, string id, string operation, NameValueCollection queryParams, string fhirVersion)
            Resource fhirResource = null;

                if (fhirVersion == "r2")
                    fhirResource = OperationOutcome.ForMessage("FHIR r2/DSTU2 not supported by this server", OperationOutcome.IssueType.BusinessRule);
                else if (fhirVersion == "r3")
                    fhirResource = OperationOutcome.ForMessage("FHIR r3/STU3 not supported by this server", OperationOutcome.IssueType.BusinessRule);
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource) && operation == "$versions")
                    fhirResource = ServerCapability.GetVersions();
                else if (resource == "metadata")
                    fhirResource = ServerCapability.GetStatement(queryParams);
                else if (resource == "TerminologyCapabilities")
                    fhirResource = TerminologyCapability.GetStatement(true);
                else if (resource == "OperationDefinition")
                    fhirResource = ConformanceOperationDefinition.GetRequest(id, queryParams);
                else if (resource == "CodeSystem")
                    fhirResource = TerminologyCodeSystem.PerformOperation(id, operation, queryParams);
                else if (resource == "ConceptMap" || operation == "$closure")
                    fhirResource = TerminologyConceptMap.PerformOperation(id, operation, queryParams);
                else if (resource == "ValueSet")
                    fhirResource = TerminologyValueSet.PerformOperation(id, operation, queryParams);
                else if (resource == "NamingSystem")
                    fhirResource = TerminologyNamingSystem.GetRequest(id, operation, queryParams);
                else if (resource == "Location")
                    fhirResource = AdministrationLocation.GetRequest(id, queryParams);
                else if (resource == "Organization")
                    fhirResource = AdministrationOrganisation.GetRequest(id, queryParams);
                    fhirResource = OperationOutcome.ForMessage("No module could be found to handle the request '" + resource + "'", OperationOutcome.IssueType.NotFound);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Write("ERROR: " + ex.ToString(), LogLevel.ExceptionOnly);

Esempio n. 2
        private void FillValues(string version, string ethcode, string sourceSystem, string targetSystem)
            this.conceptMap = new ConceptMap();

            this.conceptMap.Id  = "NZ_ETHNICITY";
            this.conceptMap.Url = ServerCapability.TERMINZ_CANONICAL + "/ConceptMap/NzEthnicityLevels";

            this.conceptMap.Name         = this.conceptMap.Id;
            this.conceptMap.Title        = "NZ Ethnicity Level (2-4) Mappings";
            this.conceptMap.Description  = new Markdown("Mappings between NZ Ethnicity Levels 2, 3 and 4.");
            this.conceptMap.Version      = "20161209";
            this.conceptMap.Status       = PublicationStatus.Draft;
            this.conceptMap.Experimental = true;
            this.conceptMap.Publisher    = "Ministry of Health";
            this.conceptMap.Date         = new FhirDateTime(2016, 10, 26).Value;
            this.conceptMap.Purpose      = new Markdown("To aid conversions of Ethnicity Codes held at different levels.");
            this.conceptMap.Copyright    = new Markdown("© 2010+ New Zealand Crown Copyright");

            ContactPoint cp = new ContactPoint {
                System = ContactPoint.ContactPointSystem.Email, Value = "*****@*****.**"
            ContactDetail cd = new ContactDetail();

            cd.Name = "Patients First Ltd";

            this.conceptMap.Source = new FhirUri(sourceSystem);
            this.conceptMap.Target = new FhirUri(targetSystem);

            // determine which maps have been requested or all
            bool   allMaps     = true;
            string mapping     = string.Empty;
            string levels      = "234";
            string sourceLevel = sourceSystem.Substring(sourceSystem.Length - 1, 1);
            string targetLevel = targetSystem.Substring(targetSystem.Length - 1, 1);

            if (levels.Contains(sourceLevel) && levels.Contains(targetLevel))
                mapping = sourceLevel + targetLevel;
                allMaps = false;

            // get ValueSets for Levels 2-4
            NameValueCollection queryParams = new NameValueCollection();
            ValueSet            vsL2        = (ValueSet)TerminologyValueSet.PerformOperation("NzEthnicityL2", "$expand", queryParams);
            ValueSet            vsL3        = (ValueSet)TerminologyValueSet.PerformOperation("NzEthnicityL3", "$expand", queryParams);
            ValueSet            vsL4        = (ValueSet)TerminologyValueSet.PerformOperation("NzEthnicityL4", "$expand", queryParams);

            // Level 2-3 mappings

            Dictionary <string, string> mapVals23 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            mapVals23.Add("10", "100");
            mapVals23.Add("11", "111");
            mapVals23.Add("12", "129");
            mapVals23.Add("21", "211");
            mapVals23.Add("30", "300");
            mapVals23.Add("31", "311");
            mapVals23.Add("32", "321");
            mapVals23.Add("33", "331");
            mapVals23.Add("34", "341");
            mapVals23.Add("35", "351");
            mapVals23.Add("36", "361");
            mapVals23.Add("37", "371");
            mapVals23.Add("40", "400");
            mapVals23.Add("41", "414");
            mapVals23.Add("42", "421");
            mapVals23.Add("43", "431");
            mapVals23.Add("44", "444");
            mapVals23.Add("51", "511");
            mapVals23.Add("52", "521");
            mapVals23.Add("53", "531");
            mapVals23.Add("61", "611");
            mapVals23.Add("94", "944");
            mapVals23.Add("95", "955");
            mapVals23.Add("96", "966");
            mapVals23.Add("97", "977");
            mapVals23.Add("98", "988");
            mapVals23.Add("99", "999");

            ConceptMap.GroupComponent gc23 = new ConceptMap.GroupComponent();
            gc23.Source = NzEthnicityL2.URI;
            gc23.Target = NzEthnicityL3.URI;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mapVal in mapVals23)
                ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence  cme = ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence.Narrower;
                ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent sec = new ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent {
                    Code = mapVal.Key, Display = GetCodeDisplay(vsL2, mapVal.Key)
                ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent tec = new ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent {
                    Code = mapVal.Value, Equivalence = cme, Display = GetCodeDisplay(vsL3, mapVal.Value)

            if (allMaps || mapping == "23")

            // Level 2-4 mappings
            Dictionary <string, string> mapVals24 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            mapVals24.Add("10", "10000");
            mapVals24.Add("11", "11111");
            mapVals24.Add("12", "12999");
            mapVals24.Add("21", "21111");
            mapVals24.Add("30", "30000");
            mapVals24.Add("31", "31111");
            mapVals24.Add("32", "32100");
            mapVals24.Add("33", "33111");
            mapVals24.Add("34", "34111");
            mapVals24.Add("35", "35111");
            mapVals24.Add("36", "36111");
            mapVals24.Add("37", "37199");
            mapVals24.Add("40", "40000");
            mapVals24.Add("41", "41499");
            mapVals24.Add("42", "42199");
            mapVals24.Add("43", "43199");
            mapVals24.Add("44", "44499");
            mapVals24.Add("51", "51199");
            mapVals24.Add("52", "52199");
            mapVals24.Add("53", "53199");
            mapVals24.Add("61", "61199");
            mapVals24.Add("94", "94444");
            mapVals24.Add("95", "95555");
            mapVals24.Add("96", "96666");
            mapVals24.Add("97", "97777");
            mapVals24.Add("98", "98888");
            mapVals24.Add("99", "99999");

            ConceptMap.GroupComponent gc24 = new ConceptMap.GroupComponent();
            gc24.Source = NzEthnicityL2.URI;
            gc24.Target = NzEthnicityL4.URI;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mapVal in mapVals24)
                ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence  cme = ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence.Narrower;
                ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent sec = new ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent {
                    Code = mapVal.Key, Display = GetCodeDisplay(vsL2, mapVal.Key)
                ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent tec = new ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent {
                    Code = mapVal.Value, Equivalence = cme, Display = GetCodeDisplay(vsL4, mapVal.Value)

            if (allMaps || mapping == "24")

            // Level 3 to 4
            ConceptMap.GroupComponent gc34 = new ConceptMap.GroupComponent();
            gc34.Source = NzEthnicityL3.URI;
            gc34.Target = NzEthnicityL4.URI;

            foreach (ValueSet.ContainsComponent ec in vsL3.Expansion.Contains)
                ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence cme = ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence.Narrower;
                string targetCode = ec.Code + ec.Code.Substring(2, 1) + ec.Code.Substring(2, 1);
                ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent sec = new ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent {
                    Code = ec.Code, Display = ec.Display
                ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent tec = new ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent {
                    Code = targetCode, Equivalence = cme, Display = GetCodeDisplay(vsL4, targetCode)

            if (allMaps || mapping == "34")

            // Level 3 to 2
            ConceptMap.GroupComponent gc32 = new ConceptMap.GroupComponent();
            gc32.Source = NzEthnicityL3.URI;
            gc32.Target = NzEthnicityL2.URI;

            foreach (ValueSet.ContainsComponent ec in vsL3.Expansion.Contains)
                ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence  cme = ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence.Wider;
                ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent sec = new ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent {
                    Code = ec.Code, Display = ec.Display
                ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent tec = new ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent {
                    Code = ec.Code.Substring(0, 2), Equivalence = cme, Display = GetCodeDisplay(vsL2, ec.Code.Substring(0, 2))

            if (allMaps || mapping == "32")

            // Level 4 to 3

            ConceptMap.GroupComponent gc43 = new ConceptMap.GroupComponent();
            gc43.Source = NzEthnicityL4.URI;
            gc43.Target = NzEthnicityL3.URI;

            foreach (ValueSet.ContainsComponent ec in vsL4.Expansion.Contains)
                string targetCode = (ec.Code == "61118")  ? "111" : ec.Code.Substring(0, 3);
                ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence  cme = ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence.Wider;
                ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent sec = new ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent {
                    Code = ec.Code, Display = ec.Display
                ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent tec = new ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent {
                    Code = targetCode, Equivalence = cme, Display = GetCodeDisplay(vsL3, targetCode)

            if (allMaps || mapping == "43")

            // Level 4 to 2

            ConceptMap.GroupComponent gc42 = new ConceptMap.GroupComponent();
            gc42.Source = NzEthnicityL4.URI;
            gc42.Target = NzEthnicityL2.URI;

            foreach (ValueSet.ContainsComponent ec in vsL4.Expansion.Contains)
                string targetCode = (ec.Code == "61118") ? "11" : ec.Code.Substring(0, 2);
                ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence  cme = ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence.Wider;
                ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent sec = new ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent {
                    Code = ec.Code, Display = ec.Display
                ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent tec = new ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent {
                    Code = targetCode, Equivalence = cme, Display = GetCodeDisplay(vsL2, targetCode)

            if (allMaps || mapping == "42")