public async Task <DiscoveryResult> Discover(TerminalDTO terminal, bool isUserInitiated)
            TerminalDO existentTerminal = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(terminal.Name) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(terminal.Version))
                // TODO: @alexavrutin: This comparison is not going to work in the long term.
                // Terminal names are not guaranateed to be unique. Consider changing to Endpoint.
                existentTerminal = _terminal.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => !string.Equals(x.Name, terminal.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && x.Version == terminal.Version);

                if (existentTerminal != null)
                    Logger.Info($"Discovering of terminal Name: {terminal.Name}, Version: {terminal.Version} was requested...");

            if (existentTerminal == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(terminal.Endpoint))
                    var message = "No endpoint was specified for discovery request";

                Logger.Info($"Discovering of  terminal at '{terminal.Endpoint}' was requested...");

                existentTerminal = _terminal.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(NormalizeUrl(x.Endpoint), NormalizeUrl(terminal.Endpoint), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (existentTerminal == null)
                var message = $"Discovery for terminal '{terminal.Endpoint}' failed: the provided Endpoint is not found in the Endpoint field of any of the existing Terminal entries.";

            return(await DiscoverInternal(existentTerminal, isUserInitiated));
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task AddTerminal(TerminalDTO terminalDto)
            if (!await IsValidState(terminalDto.StateId))
                throw await _serviceHelper.GetExceptionAsync(ErrorConstants.STATE_NOT_EXIST);

            terminalDto.Name = terminalDto.Name.Trim();

            if (await _terminalRepo.ExistAsync(v => v.Name.Equals(terminalDto.Name)))
                throw await _serviceHelper.GetExceptionAsync(ErrorConstants.TERMINAL_EXIST);

            if (terminalDto.StartDate is null)
                terminalDto.StartDate = Clock.Now;

            _terminalRepo.Insert(new Terminal
                Id                = terminalDto.Id,
                Name              = terminalDto.Name,
                Code              = terminalDto.Code,
                Image             = terminalDto.Image,
                Address           = terminalDto.Address,
                ContactPerson     = terminalDto.ContactPerson,
                ContactPersonNo   = terminalDto.ContactPersonNo,
                Latitude          = terminalDto.Latitude,
                Longitude         = terminalDto.Longitude,
                StateId           = terminalDto.StateId,
                TerminalType      = terminalDto.TerminalType,
                TerminalStartDate = terminalDto.StartDate.GetValueOrDefault()

            await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
        private void AddHubActivityTemplate(Fr8DataDTO dataDTO)
            var terminal = new TerminalDTO()
                Name               = "terminalDocuSign",
                Label              = "DocuSign",
                TerminalStatus     = TerminalStatus.Active,
                Version            = "1",
                Endpoint           = TerminalUrl,
                AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Internal
            var terminalCoreDO = FixtureData.TestTerminal_Core_DTO();

            var docusignEventActionTemplate = new ActivityTemplateDTO()
                Version             = "1",
                Name                = "Monitor_DocuSign_Envelope_Activity",
                Label               = "Monitor DocuSign Envelope Activity",
                Categories          = new[] { ActivityCategories.Monitor },
                Terminal            = terminal,
                NeedsAuthentication = true,
                MinPaneWidth        = 330

            var setDelayActionTemplate = new ActivityTemplateDTO()
                Version             = "1",
                Name                = "Set_Delay",
                Label               = "Delay Action Processing",
                Categories          = new[] { ActivityCategories.Process },
                Terminal            = terminalCoreDO,
                NeedsAuthentication = false,
                MinPaneWidth        = 330

            var testIncomingDataTemplate = new ActivityTemplateDTO()
                Version             = "1",
                Name                = "Test_Incoming_Data",
                Label               = "Test Incoming Data",
                Categories          = new[] { ActivityCategories.Process },
                Terminal            = terminalCoreDO,
                NeedsAuthentication = false



            var queryFr8WarehouseActionTemplate = new ActivityTemplateDTO()
                Version             = "1",
                Name                = "Query_Fr8_Warehouse",
                Label               = "Query Fr8 Warehouse",
                Categories          = new[] { ActivityCategories.Process },
                Terminal            = terminalCoreDO,
                NeedsAuthentication = false,
                MinPaneWidth        = 330



                new ActivityTemplateDTO()
                Id       = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name     = "Send Email_Via_Send_Grid",
                Label    = "Send Email",
                Tags     = "Notifier",
                Version  = "1",
                Terminal = terminal
Esempio n. 4
 public ActivityStore(TerminalDTO terminal)
     Terminal = terminal;
        public async Task SaveOrRegister(TerminalDTO terminal)
            string curEndpoint = string.Empty;

            // Get the value of TerminalDTO.ParticipationState which we can trust
            int safeParticipationState;

            if (UserHasTerminalAdministratorPermission())
                // We can trust Fr8 administrator (and he/she can change ParticipationState) so just get it from DTO
                safeParticipationState = terminal.ParticipationState;
                if (terminal.InternalId == Guid.Empty)
                    // For new terminals the value is 0 (Unapproved)
                    safeParticipationState = ParticipationState.Unapproved;
                    // We cannot trust user so get the value from the DB
                    using (var uow = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IUnitOfWork>())
                        if (_securityService.AuthorizeActivity(PermissionType.UseTerminal, terminal.InternalId, nameof(TerminalDO)))
                            var terminalTempDo = uow.TerminalRepository.GetByKey(terminal.InternalId);
                            if (terminalTempDo == null)
                                throw new Fr8NotFoundException(nameof(terminal.InternalId), $"Terminal with the id {terminal.InternalId} is not found.");
                            safeParticipationState = terminalTempDo.ParticipationState;
                            throw new HttpException(403, $"You are not authorized to use Terminal {terminal.Name}!");
            terminal.ParticipationState = safeParticipationState;

            // Validate data
            if (terminal.ParticipationState == ParticipationState.Approved)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(terminal.ProdUrl))
                    throw new Fr8ArgumentNullException(nameof(terminal.ProdUrl), "Production endpoint must be specified for the terminals in the Approved state.");
                curEndpoint = NormalizeUrl(terminal.ProdUrl);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(terminal.DevUrl))
                    throw new Fr8ArgumentNullException(nameof(terminal.DevUrl), "Development endpoint must be specified for the terminals in the Unapproved, Blocked or Deleted state.");
                curEndpoint = NormalizeUrl(terminal.DevUrl);

            // Use local URL for Fr8 own terminals when in the local environment or during FBB tests.
            if (terminal.IsFr8OwnTerminal)
                curEndpoint = NormalizeUrl(terminal.DevUrl);

            if (curEndpoint.Contains("/discover", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new Fr8ArgumentException(nameof(terminal.Endpoint), "Invalid terminal URL", "Terminal URL should not contain 'discover'. Please correct the URL and try again.");

            if (!UserHasTerminalAdministratorPermission())
                // Developer cannot add terminals with the "localhost" endpoint,
                // or set it while editing, or assign a terminal the Fr8OwnTerminal flag,
                // or edit the terminal with such a flag.
                // User must be an administrator to add or edit a Fr8 own terminal.
                if ((new Uri(curEndpoint).Host == "localhost"))
                    throw new Fr8InsifficientPermissionsException("Insufficient permissions to add a 'localhost' endpoint.",
                                                                  "Terminal URL cannot contain the string 'localhost'. Please correct your terminal URL and try again.");

                if (terminal.IsFr8OwnTerminal)
                    throw new Fr8InsifficientPermissionsException("Insufficient permissions to manage a Fr8Own terminal.",
                                                                  "Terminal URL cannot contain the string 'localhost'. Please correct your terminal URL and try again.");

            // Validating discovery response
            if (terminal.ParticipationState == ParticipationState.Approved ||
                terminal.ParticipationState == ParticipationState.Unapproved)
                if (!curEndpoint.Contains("://localhost"))
                    string errorMessage = "Terminal at the specified URL did not return a valid response to the discovery request.";
                        var terminalRegistrationInfo = await SendDiscoveryRequest(curEndpoint, null);

                        if (terminalRegistrationInfo == null)
                            Logger.Info($"Terminal at '{curEndpoint}' returned an invalid response.");
                            throw new Fr8ArgumentException(nameof(terminal.Endpoint), errorMessage, errorMessage);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(terminalRegistrationInfo.Definition.Name))
                            string validationErrorMessage = $"Validation of terminal at '{curEndpoint}' failed: Terminal Name is empty.";
                            throw new Fr8ArgumentException(nameof(terminal.Endpoint), validationErrorMessage, validationErrorMessage);
                    catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
                        string errorMessase = $"Terminal at '{curEndpoint}' did not respond to a /discovery request within 10 sec.";
                        throw new Fr8ArgumentException(nameof(terminal.Endpoint), errorMessase, "The terminal did not respond to a discovery request within 10 seconds.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Info($"Terminal at '{curEndpoint}' returned an invalid response.");
                        throw new Fr8ArgumentException(nameof(terminal.Endpoint), ex.ToString(), errorMessage);

            var terminalDo = new TerminalDO();
            terminalDo.Endpoint = terminal.Endpoint = curEndpoint;

            //Check whether we save an existing terminal or register a new one
            if (terminal.InternalId == Guid.Empty)
                Logger.Info($"Registration of terminal at '{curEndpoint}' is requested. ");

                // New terminal
                if (IsExistingTerminal(curEndpoint))
                    Logger.Error($"Terminal with endpoint '{curEndpoint}' was already registered");
                    throw new Fr8ConflictException(nameof(TerminalDO), nameof(TerminalDO.Endpoint), curEndpoint);

                terminalDo.TerminalStatus = TerminalStatus.Undiscovered;

                // The 'Endpoint' property contains the currently active endpoint which may be changed
                // by deployment scripts or by promoting the terminal from Dev to Production
                // while ProdUrl/DevUrl contains  whatever user or administrator have supplied.

                // Set properties which can be safely set by any user
                terminalDo.DevUrl = terminal.DevUrl;

                if (UserHasTerminalAdministratorPermission())
                    // Set properties which can only be set by Administrator
                    terminalDo.ParticipationState = terminal.ParticipationState;
                    terminalDo.IsFr8OwnTerminal   = terminal.IsFr8OwnTerminal;
                    terminalDo.ProdUrl            = terminal.ProdUrl;
                    // If a Developer adds a terminal, it has to be approved by Fr8 Administrator
                    terminalDo.ParticipationState = ParticipationState.Unapproved;

                terminalDo.UserId = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.GetUserId();
                // An existing terminal
                terminalDo.Id     = terminal.InternalId;
                terminalDo.DevUrl = terminal.DevUrl;

                //Administrator can update production URL and ParticipationState
                if (UserHasTerminalAdministratorPermission())
                    terminalDo.ProdUrl            = terminal.ProdUrl;
                    terminalDo.ParticipationState = terminal.ParticipationState;
                    terminalDo.IsFr8OwnTerminal   = terminal.IsFr8OwnTerminal;

            if (terminal.InternalId == Guid.Empty)
                Logger.Info($"Proceeding to registering a new terminal: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(terminalDo));
                Logger.Info($"Proceeding to update of an existing terminal: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(terminalDo));

            terminalDo = _terminal.RegisterOrUpdate(terminalDo, true);

            Logger.Info($"Terminal at '{terminalDo.Endpoint}' (id: {terminalDo.Id}) was successfully saved.");

            if (terminalDo.ParticipationState == ParticipationState.Approved ||
                terminalDo.ParticipationState == ParticipationState.Unapproved)
                bool discoveryResult = (await DiscoverInternal(terminalDo, true)).IsSucceed;
                if (!discoveryResult)
                    Logger.Info($"The terminal at {curEndpoint} has been registered but an error has occurred while carrying out discovery.");