public static Dynamic.Component BuildComponent(TCM.Component tcmComponent, int linkLevels, bool resolveWidthAndHeight, bool publishEmptyFields, BuildManager manager) { GeneralUtils.TimedLog("start BuildComponent"); Dynamic.Component c = new Dynamic.Component(); c.Title = tcmComponent.Title; c.Id = tcmComponent.Id.ToString(); c.RevisionDate = tcmComponent.RevisionDate; GeneralUtils.TimedLog("component title = " + c.Title); c.Version = tcmComponent.Version; GeneralUtils.TimedLog("start building schema"); c.Schema = manager.BuildSchema(tcmComponent.Schema); GeneralUtils.TimedLog("finished building schema"); c.ComponentType = (ComponentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ComponentType), tcmComponent.ComponentType.ToString()); if (tcmComponent.ComponentType.Equals(TCM.ComponentType.Multimedia)) { GeneralUtils.TimedLog("start building multimedia"); Multimedia multimedia = new Multimedia(); multimedia.MimeType = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.MultimediaType.MimeType; multimedia.Size = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.FileSize; multimedia.FileName = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.Filename; // remove leading dot from extension because microsoft returns this as ".gif" string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(multimedia.FileName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { multimedia.FileExtension = ""; } else { multimedia.FileExtension = extension.Substring(1); } if (resolveWidthAndHeight) { try { MemoryStream memstream = new MemoryStream(); tcmComponent.BinaryContent.WriteToStream(memstream); Image image = Image.FromStream(memstream); memstream.Close(); multimedia.Width = image.Size.Width; multimedia.Height = image.Size.Height; } catch (Exception e) { log.Warning("error retrieving width and height of image: " + e.Message); multimedia.Width = 0; multimedia.Height = 0; } } else { multimedia.Width = 0; multimedia.Height = 0; } c.Multimedia = multimedia; GeneralUtils.TimedLog("finished building multimedia"); } else { c.Multimedia = null; } c.Fields = new Dynamic.FieldSet(); c.MetadataFields = new Dynamic.FieldSet(); if (linkLevels > 0) { if (tcmComponent.Content != null) { GeneralUtils.TimedLog("start retrieving tcm fields"); TCM.Fields.ItemFields tcmFields = new TCM.Fields.ItemFields(tcmComponent.Content, tcmComponent.Schema); log.Debug("TCM fields" + tcmFields.ToXml()); GeneralUtils.TimedLog("finished retrieving tcm fields"); GeneralUtils.TimedLog("start building fields"); c.Fields = manager.BuildFields(tcmFields, linkLevels, resolveWidthAndHeight, publishEmptyFields); GeneralUtils.TimedLog("finished building fields"); } if (tcmComponent.Metadata != null) { GeneralUtils.TimedLog("start retrieving tcm metadata fields"); TCM.Fields.ItemFields tcmMetadataFields = new TCM.Fields.ItemFields(tcmComponent.Metadata, tcmComponent.MetadataSchema); GeneralUtils.TimedLog("finished retrieving tcm metadata fields"); GeneralUtils.TimedLog("start building metadata fields"); c.MetadataFields = manager.BuildFields(tcmMetadataFields, linkLevels, resolveWidthAndHeight, publishEmptyFields); GeneralUtils.TimedLog("finished building metadata fields"); } } c.Publication = manager.BuildPublication(tcmComponent.ContextRepository); c.OwningPublication = manager.BuildPublication(tcmComponent.OwningRepository); TCM.Folder folder = (TCM.Folder)tcmComponent.OrganizationalItem; c.Folder = manager.BuildOrganizationalItem(folder); c.Categories = manager.BuildCategories(tcmComponent); manager.AddXpathToFields(c.Fields, "tcm:Content/custom:" + tcmComponent.Schema.RootElementName); // TODO: check if the first part of the XPath is really the root element name, or simply always 'Content' manager.AddXpathToFields(c.MetadataFields, "tcm:Metadata/custom:Metadata"); return(c); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an imported template's content. Works with tcm uri's, web dav urls, or physical file paths. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path to check.</param> /// <param name="engine"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetImportTemplateContent(string path) { TcmUri templateID = new TcmUri(_templateID); if (path.ToLower().StartsWith("tcm:") || path.ToLower().StartsWith("/webdav/") || !path.Contains("\\")) { if (!path.ToLower().StartsWith("tcm:") && !path.ToLower().StartsWith("/webdav/")) { path = GetRelativeImportPath(path); } TemplateBuildingBlock template; try { template = Session.GetObject(path) as TemplateBuildingBlock; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warning("Error import of '" + path + "'. " + ex.ToString()); return(String.Empty); } if (template == null) { _logger.Warning("Import of '" + path + "' not found."); return(String.Empty); } _logger.Debug("Comaring import template " + template.Id + " to razor tbb ID " + templateID); // Get local copy of the imported template if possible. int publicationID = templateID.PublicationId; if (TcmUri.IsNullOrUriNull(templateID)) { // Is new item, so templateID is tcm:0-0-0. We need to grab the pub id manually. string[] webDav = _webDavUrl.Split('/'); string pubWebDav = "/webdav/" + webDav[2]; publicationID = Session.GetObject(pubWebDav).Id.ItemId; } if (template.Id.PublicationId != publicationID) { // If import is from diff publication, try to grab local copy. try { template = (TemplateBuildingBlock)Session.GetObject(TemplateUtilities.CreateTcmUriForPublication(publicationID, template.Id)); } catch { _logger.Warning("Error trying to get local copy of template '" + template.Id + "' for Publication ID '" + publicationID + "'"); } } // Don't import itself if (template.Id.GetVersionlessUri().Equals(templateID.GetVersionlessUri())) { return(String.Empty); } return(template.Content); } else { // If its a file path, get the contents of the file and return. return(File.ReadAllText(path)); } }
public void Warning(string message) => _logger.Warning(message);
public static Dynamic.Component BuildComponent(TCM.Component tcmComponent, int currentLinkLevel, BuildManager manager) { log.Debug(string.Format("start BuildComponent with component {0} ({1}) and link level {2}", tcmComponent.Title, tcmComponent.Id, currentLinkLevel)); Dynamic.Component c = new Dynamic.Component(); c.Title = tcmComponent.Title; c.Id = tcmComponent.Id.ToString(); c.RevisionDate = tcmComponent.RevisionDate; c.Version = tcmComponent.Version; c.Schema = manager.BuildSchema(tcmComponent.Schema); c.ComponentType = (ComponentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ComponentType), tcmComponent.ComponentType.ToString()); if (tcmComponent.ComponentType.Equals(TCM.ComponentType.Multimedia)) { Multimedia multimedia = new Multimedia(); multimedia.MimeType = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.MultimediaType.MimeType; // PLEASE NOTE: this weird way to set the size of the multimedia is needed because of a difference between Tridion 2011 and 2013 // The property in Tridion's BinaryContent class changed its name AND its type (int FileSize became long Size) // This way, we can use preprocessing to choose the right property // Thijs Borst and Quirijn Slings, 9 April 2015 #if Legacy PropertyInfo prop = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.GetType().GetProperty("FileSize", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); multimedia.Size = Convert.ToInt64(prop.GetValue(tcmComponent.BinaryContent, null)); #else PropertyInfo prop = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.GetType().GetProperty("Size", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); multimedia.Size = (long)prop.GetValue(tcmComponent.BinaryContent, null); #endif multimedia.FileName = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.Filename; string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(multimedia.FileName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { multimedia.FileExtension = ""; } else { // remove leading dot from extension because microsoft returns this as ".gif" multimedia.FileExtension = extension.Substring(1); } if (manager.BuildProperties.ResolveWidthAndHeight) { try { MemoryStream memstream = new MemoryStream(); tcmComponent.BinaryContent.WriteToStream(memstream); Image image = Image.FromStream(memstream); memstream.Close(); multimedia.Width = image.Size.Width; multimedia.Height = image.Size.Height; } catch (Exception e) { log.Warning(string.Format("error retrieving width and height of image: is component with ID {0} really an image? Error message: {1}", c.Id, e.Message)); multimedia.Width = 0; multimedia.Height = 0; } } else { multimedia.Width = 0; multimedia.Height = 0; } c.Multimedia = multimedia; manager.PublishMultimediaComponent(c); } else { c.Multimedia = null; } c.Fields = new Dynamic.FieldSet(); c.MetadataFields = new Dynamic.FieldSet(); if (currentLinkLevel > 0) { if (tcmComponent.Content != null) { TCM.Fields.ItemFields tcmFields = new TCM.Fields.ItemFields(tcmComponent.Content, tcmComponent.Schema); c.Fields = manager.BuildFields(tcmFields, currentLinkLevel); } if (tcmComponent.Metadata != null) { TCM.Fields.ItemFields tcmMetadataFields = new TCM.Fields.ItemFields(tcmComponent.Metadata, tcmComponent.MetadataSchema); c.MetadataFields = manager.BuildFields(tcmMetadataFields, currentLinkLevel); } } if (!manager.BuildProperties.OmitContextPublications) { c.Publication = manager.BuildPublication(tcmComponent.ContextRepository); } if (!manager.BuildProperties.OmitOwningPublications) { c.OwningPublication = manager.BuildPublication(tcmComponent.OwningRepository); } if (!manager.BuildProperties.OmitFolders) { TCM.Folder folder = (TCM.Folder)tcmComponent.OrganizationalItem; c.Folder = manager.BuildOrganizationalItem(folder); } if (!manager.BuildProperties.OmitCategories) { c.Categories = manager.BuildCategories(tcmComponent); } manager.AddXpathToFields(c.Fields, "tcm:Content/custom:" + tcmComponent.Schema.RootElementName); manager.AddXpathToFields(c.MetadataFields, "tcm:Metadata/custom:Metadata"); return(c); }
public static Dynamic.Component BuildComponent(TCM.Component tcmComponent, int currentLinkLevel, BuildManager manager) { log.Debug(string.Format("start BuildComponent with component {0} ({1}) and link level {2}", tcmComponent.Title, tcmComponent.Id, currentLinkLevel)); Dynamic.Component c = new Dynamic.Component(); c.Title = tcmComponent.Title; c.Id = tcmComponent.Id.ToString(); c.RevisionDate = tcmComponent.RevisionDate; c.Version = tcmComponent.Version; c.Schema = manager.BuildSchema(tcmComponent.Schema); c.ComponentType = (ComponentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ComponentType), tcmComponent.ComponentType.ToString()); if (tcmComponent.ComponentType.Equals(TCM.ComponentType.Multimedia)) { Multimedia multimedia = new Multimedia(); multimedia.MimeType = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.MultimediaType.MimeType; multimedia.Size = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.Size; multimedia.FileName = tcmComponent.BinaryContent.Filename; string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(multimedia.FileName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { multimedia.FileExtension = ""; } else { // remove leading dot from extension because microsoft returns this as ".gif" multimedia.FileExtension = extension.Substring(1); } if (manager.BuildProperties.ResolveWidthAndHeight) { try { MemoryStream memstream = new MemoryStream(); tcmComponent.BinaryContent.WriteToStream(memstream); Image image = Image.FromStream(memstream); memstream.Close(); multimedia.Width = image.Size.Width; multimedia.Height = image.Size.Height; } catch (Exception e) { log.Warning(string.Format("error retrieving width and height of image: is component with ID {0} really an image? Error message: {1}", c.Id, e.Message)); multimedia.Width = 0; multimedia.Height = 0; } } else { multimedia.Width = 0; multimedia.Height = 0; } c.Multimedia = multimedia; c.Multimedia.Url = manager.PublishMultimediaComponent(c); } else { c.Multimedia = null; } c.Fields = new Dynamic.FieldSet(); c.MetadataFields = new Dynamic.FieldSet(); if (currentLinkLevel > 0) { if (tcmComponent.Content != null) { TCM.Fields.ItemFields tcmFields = new TCM.Fields.ItemFields(tcmComponent.Content, tcmComponent.Schema); c.Fields = manager.BuildFields(tcmFields, currentLinkLevel); } if (tcmComponent.Metadata != null) { TCM.Fields.ItemFields tcmMetadataFields = new TCM.Fields.ItemFields(tcmComponent.Metadata, tcmComponent.MetadataSchema); c.MetadataFields = manager.BuildFields(tcmMetadataFields, currentLinkLevel); } } if (!manager.BuildProperties.OmitContextPublications) { c.Publication = manager.BuildPublication(tcmComponent.ContextRepository); } if (!manager.BuildProperties.OmitOwningPublications) { c.OwningPublication = manager.BuildPublication(tcmComponent.OwningRepository); } if (!manager.BuildProperties.OmitFolders) { TCM.Folder folder = (TCM.Folder)tcmComponent.OrganizationalItem; c.Folder = manager.BuildOrganizationalItem(folder); } if (!manager.BuildProperties.OmitCategories) { c.Categories = manager.BuildCategories(tcmComponent); } manager.AddXpathToFields(c.Fields, "tcm:Content/custom:" + tcmComponent.Schema.RootElementName); manager.AddXpathToFields(c.MetadataFields, "tcm:Metadata/custom:Metadata"); return(c); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a filename for an item. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Based on the properties of the item. The filename property must be set, but /// there can be other aspects set on the item that are taken into account in the filename</remarks> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ConstructFileName(Item item) { IDictionary <string, string> properties = item.Properties; string fileName = properties[Item.ItemPropertyFileName]; if (fileName == null) { log.Warning(String.Format("No filename set in property {0}", Item.ItemPropertyFileName)); return(null); } // Handle prefix fileName = GetPropertyValue(item, Item.ItemPropertyFileNamePrefix) + fileName; // Handle subfolder (todo: fix this, ItemPropertyFileNameSubFolder does not exist!! //string subFolder = GetPropertyValue(item, Item.ItemPropertyFileNameSubFolder); //if (subFolder != "") { // if (subFolder.StartsWith("/")) { // // Strip of leading / // subFolder = subFolder.Substring(1); // } // if (!subFolder.EndsWith(PathSeparator)) { // // Ensure there is always a separator at the end // subFolder += PathSeparator; // } // fileName = subFolder + fileName; //} // Handle extension int extensionDotIndex = fileName.LastIndexOf("."); string overriddenExtension = GetPropertyValue(item, Item.ItemPropertyFileNameExtension); if (overriddenExtension != "") { if (extensionDotIndex != -1) { // replace extension, so strip current one first fileName = fileName.Substring(0, extensionDotIndex); } // In all cases there will be an extension now extensionDotIndex = fileName.Length; fileName += "." + overriddenExtension; } // Handle filename suffix string suffix = GetPropertyValue(item, Item.ItemPropertyFileNameSuffix); if (suffix != "") { if (extensionDotIndex == -1) { fileName += suffix; } else { fileName = fileName.Substring(0, extensionDotIndex) + suffix + fileName.Substring(extensionDotIndex); } } return(fileName); }