private void BindCustomSettings()
     if (_activeSection.Settings.Count > 0)
         foreach (ModuleSetting ms in _activeSection.ModuleType.ModuleSettings)
             Control ctrl = TemplateControl.FindControl(ms.Name);
             if (_activeSection.Settings[ms.Name] != null)
                 string settingValue = _activeSection.Settings[ms.Name].ToString();
                 if (ctrl is TextBox)
                     ((TextBox)ctrl).Text = settingValue;
                 else if (ctrl is CheckBox)
                     ((CheckBox)ctrl).Checked = Boolean.Parse(settingValue);
                 else if (ctrl is DropDownList)
                     DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)ctrl;
                     ListItem     li  = ddl.Items.FindByValue(settingValue);
                     if (li != null)
                         li.Selected = true;
 private void SetCustomSettings()
     foreach (ModuleSetting ms in _activeSection.ModuleType.ModuleSettings)
         Control ctrl = TemplateControl.FindControl(ms.Name);
         object  val  = null;
         if (ctrl is TextBox)
             string text = ((TextBox)ctrl).Text;
             if (ms.IsRequired && text == String.Empty)
                 throw new Exception(String.Format("The value for {0} is required.", ms.FriendlyName));
             val = text;
         else if (ctrl is CheckBox)
             val = ((CheckBox)ctrl).Checked;
         else if (ctrl is DropDownList)
             val = ((DropDownList)ctrl).SelectedValue;
         else if (ctrl is CustomTypeSettingControl)
             val = ((CustomTypeSettingControl)ctrl).SelectedValue;
             // Check if the datatype is correct -> brute force casting :)
             Type type = ms.GetRealType();
             if (type.IsEnum && val is string)
                 val = Enum.Parse(type, val.ToString());
             else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EnumrableSetting)))
                 // There is no need to worry, but if we can check, it's better
             else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TreeViewSetting)))
                 // There is no need to worry, but if we can check, it's better
                 if (val.ToString().Length > 0)
                     object testObj = Convert.ChangeType(val, type);
         catch (InvalidCastException ex)
             throw new Exception(String.Format("Giá trị nhập cho {0}: {1} không hợp lệ", ms.FriendlyName, val),
         _activeSection.Settings[ms.Name] = val.ToString();