Esempio n. 1
        public static void OnOpenedLifecycleHookCanWriteFileHeader()
            using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var headerWriter = new FileHeaderWriter("This is the file header");

                var path = tmp.AllocateFilename("txt");
                using (new FileSink(path, new JsonFormatter(), null, new UTF8Encoding(false), false, headerWriter))
                    // Open and write header

                using (var sink = new FileSink(path, new JsonFormatter(), null, new UTF8Encoding(false), false, headerWriter))
                    // Length check should prevent duplicate header here

                var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path);

                Assert.Equal(2, lines.Length);
                Assert.Equal(headerWriter.Header, lines[0]);
                Assert.Equal('{', lines[1][0]);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Should_write_header_at_start_of_log_file()
            var headerWriter = new HeaderWriter(W3C_HEADER);

            var logEvents = Some.LogEvents(3);

            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = temp.AllocateFilename("txt");

                using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                                 .WriteTo.File(Path.Combine(path), hooks: headerWriter)

                // Read the contents of the file that was written
                var lines = path.ReadAllLines();

                // File should contain our header line plus 3 log events
                lines.Count.ShouldBe(1 + logEvents.Length);

                // Ensure the file starts with the header

                // Ensure all the log events were written as normal
                for (var i = 0; i < logEvents.Length; i++)
                    lines[i + 1].ShouldEndWith(logEvents[i].MessageTemplate.Text);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Should_compress_deleting_log_files_in_place()
            var archiveWrapper = new ArchiveHooks();

            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = temp.AllocateFilename("log");

                // Write events, such that we end up with 2 deleted files and 1 retained file
                WriteLogEvents(path, archiveWrapper, LogEvents);

                // Get all the files in the test directory
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(temp.Path)
                            .OrderBy(p => p, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                // We should have a single log file, and 2 gz files
                files.Count(x => x.EndsWith("log")).ShouldBe(1);
                files.Count(x => x.EndsWith("gz")).ShouldBe(2);

                // Ensure the data was GZip compressed, by decompressing and comparing against what we wrote
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var gzipFile in files.Where(x => x.EndsWith("gz")))
                    var lines = Utils.DecompressLines(gzipFile);

Esempio n. 4
        static void WriteTwoEventsAndCheckOutputFileLength(long?maxBytes, Encoding encoding)
            using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = tmp.AllocateFilename("txt");
                var evt  = Some.LogEvent("Irrelevant as it will be replaced by the formatter");
                var actualEventOutput = "x";
                var formatter         = new FixedOutputFormatter(actualEventOutput);
                var eventOuputLength  = encoding.GetByteCount(actualEventOutput);

                using (var sink = new FileSink(path, formatter, maxBytes, encoding: encoding))
                var size = new FileInfo(path).Length;
                Assert.Equal(encoding.GetPreamble().Length + eventOuputLength, size);

                //write a second event to the same file
                using (var sink = new FileSink(path, formatter, maxBytes, encoding: encoding))

                size = new FileInfo(path).Length;
                Assert.Equal(encoding.GetPreamble().Length + eventOuputLength * 2, size);
Esempio n. 5
        public void OnOpenedLifecycleHookCanWrapUnderlyingStream()
            var gzipWrapper = new GZipHooks();

            using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = tmp.AllocateFilename("txt");
                var evt  = Some.LogEvent("Hello, world!");

                using (var sink = new FileSink(path, new JsonFormatter(), null, null, false, gzipWrapper))

                // Ensure the data was written through the wrapping GZipStream, by decompressing and comparing against
                // what we wrote
                List <string> lines;
                using (var textStream = new MemoryStream())
                    using (var fs = System.IO.File.OpenRead(path))
                        using (var decompressStream = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress))

                    textStream.Position = 0;
                    lines = textStream.ReadAllLines();

                Assert.Equal(2, lines.Count);
                Assert.Contains("Hello, world!", lines[0]);
 public void ANewLogBufferIsEmpty()
     using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
         using (var buffer = new LogBuffer(temp.AllocateFilename("mdb"), DefaultBufferSize))
             var contents = buffer.Peek((int)DefaultBufferSize);
             Assert.Equal(0, contents.Length);
 public void WhenWritingLoggingExceptionsAreSuppressed()
     using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
         using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                          .WriteTo.File(new ThrowingLogEventFormatter(), tmp.AllocateFilename())
 public void WhenAuditingLoggingExceptionsPropagate()
     using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
         using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                          .AuditTo.File(new ThrowingLogEventFormatter(), tmp.AllocateFilename())
             var ex = Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => log.Information("Hello"));
             Assert.IsType <NotImplementedException>(ex.GetBaseException());
 public void WhenFlushingToDiskReportedSharedFileSinkCanBeCreatedAndDisposed()
     using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
         using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                          .WriteTo.File(tmp.AllocateFilename(), shared: true, flushToDiskInterval: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500))
Esempio n. 10
 public void SinkCanBeConfiguredAndDisposedWhenFlushIntervalSpecified()
     using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
         using (var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
                             .WriteTo.RollingFile(temp.AllocateFilename(), flushToDiskInterval: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500))
             logger.Information("Hello, rolling file.");
Esempio n. 11
        public void AtLeastOneEventIsAlwaysDequeued()
            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                using (var buffer = new LogBuffer(temp.AllocateFilename("mdb"), DefaultBufferSize))
                    byte[] a1 = Some.Bytes(140), a2 = Some.Bytes(140), a3 = Some.Bytes(140);
                    buffer.Enqueue(new[] { a1, a2, a3 });

                    var contents = buffer.Peek(30);

                    Assert.Equal(1, contents.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(a1, contents[0].Value);
Esempio n. 12
        public void PeekingDoesNotChangeState()
            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                using (var buffer = new LogBuffer(temp.AllocateFilename("mdb"), DefaultBufferSize))
                    buffer.Enqueue(new[] { Some.Bytes(140) });

                    var contents = buffer.Peek((int)DefaultBufferSize);
                    Assert.Equal(1, contents.Length);

                    var remainder = buffer.Peek((int)DefaultBufferSize);
                    Assert.Equal(1, remainder.Length);
Esempio n. 13
        public void SizeHintLimitsDequeuedEventCount()
            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                using (var buffer = new LogBuffer(temp.AllocateFilename("mdb"), DefaultBufferSize))
                    byte[] a1 = Some.Bytes(140), a2 = Some.Bytes(140), a3 = Some.Bytes(140);
                    buffer.Enqueue(new[] { a1, a2, a3 });

                    var contents = buffer.Peek(300);

                    Assert.Equal(2, contents.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(a1, contents[0].Value);
                    Assert.Equal(a2, contents[1].Value);
Esempio n. 14
        public void EntriesOverLimitArePurgedFifo()
            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                using (var buffer = new LogBuffer(temp.AllocateFilename("mdb"), 4096))
                    byte[] a1 = Some.Bytes(140), a2 = Some.Bytes(140), a3 = Some.Bytes(140);
                    buffer.Enqueue(new[] { a1, a2, a3 });

                    var contents = buffer.Peek((int)DefaultBufferSize);

                    Assert.Equal(2, contents.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(a2, contents[0].Value);
                    Assert.Equal(a3, contents[1].Value);
Esempio n. 15
        public void FileIsWrittenIfNonexistent()
            using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var nonexistent = tmp.AllocateFilename("txt");
                var evt         = Some.LogEvent("Hello, world!");

                using (var sink = new FileSink(nonexistent, new JsonFormatter(), null))

                var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(nonexistent);
                Assert.Contains("Hello, world!", lines[0]);
Esempio n. 16
        public void SpecifiedEncodingIsPropagated(bool shared)
            using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var filename = tmp.AllocateFilename("txt");

                using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                                 .WriteTo.File(filename, outputTemplate: "{Message}", encoding: Encoding.Unicode, shared: shared)
                    log.Information("ten chars.");

                // Don't forget the two-byte BOM :-)
                Assert.Equal(22, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename).Length);
Esempio n. 17
        public void GivingTheLastSeenEventKeyRemovesPrecedingEvents()
            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                using (var buffer = new LogBuffer(temp.AllocateFilename("mdb"), DefaultBufferSize))
                    byte[] a1 = Some.Bytes(140), a2 = Some.Bytes(140), a3 = Some.Bytes(140);
                    buffer.Enqueue(new[] { a1, a2, a3 });

                    var contents = buffer.Peek(420);
                    Assert.Equal(3, contents.Length);


                    var remaining = buffer.Peek(420);
                    Assert.Equal(0, remaining.Length);
Esempio n. 18
        public void Should_compress_rolling_log_files()
            var gzipWrapper = new GZipHooks();

            var logEvents = new[]

            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = temp.AllocateFilename("gz");

                // Use a rolling log file configuration with a 1-byte size limit, so we roll after each log event
                using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                                 .WriteTo.File(path, rollOnFileSizeLimit: true, fileSizeLimitBytes: 1, hooks: gzipWrapper)
                    foreach (var logEvent in logEvents)

                // Get all the files the rolling file sink wrote
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(temp.Path)
                            .OrderBy(p => p, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                // We should have a file for each entry in logEvents

                // Ensure the data was written through the wrapping GZipStream, by decompressing and comparing against
                // what we wrote
                for (var i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                    var lines = Utils.DecompressLines(files[i]);

Esempio n. 19
        public void EnumerationIsInOrder()
            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                using (var buffer = new LogBuffer(temp.AllocateFilename("mdb"), DefaultBufferSize))
                    byte[] a1 = Some.Bytes(140), a2 = Some.Bytes(140), a3 = Some.Bytes(140);
                    buffer.Enqueue(new[] { a1, a2, a3 });

                    var contents = new List <byte[]>();
                    buffer.Enumerate((k, v) =>

                    Assert.Equal(3, contents.Count);
                    Assert.Equal(new[] { a1, a2, a3 }, contents);
        public void Should_write_header_at_start_of_rolling_log_files()
            var headerWriter = new HeaderWriter(W3C_HEADER);

            var logEvents = Some.LogEvents(3);

            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = temp.AllocateFilename("txt");

                // Use a rolling log file configuration with a 50-byte size limit, so we roll after writing the header and a single log event
                using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                                 .WriteTo.File(path, rollOnFileSizeLimit: true, fileSizeLimitBytes: 50, hooks: headerWriter)

                // Get all the files the rolling file sink wrote
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(temp.Path)
                            .OrderBy(p => p, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                // We should have found a file for each entry in logEvents

                // Check each file to ensure it contains our header plus 1 log event
                for (var i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                    var lines = files[i].ReadAllLines();

                    // File should contain our header line plus 1 log event

                    // Ensure the file starts with the header

                    // Ensure the log event was written as normal
Esempio n. 21
        public void Should_expand_tokens_in_target_path()
            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var subfolder     = temp.AllocateFolderName();
                var targetDirPath = Path.Combine(subfolder, "{Date:yyyy}");
                var path          = temp.AllocateFilename("log");

                var archiveWrapper = new ArchiveHooks(CompressionLevel.NoCompression, targetDirPath);

                // Write events, such that we end up with 2 deleted files and 1 retained file
                WriteLogEvents(path, archiveWrapper, LogEvents);

                // Get the final, expanded target directory
                var targetDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(subfolder);

                // Ensure the directory name contains the expanded date token
Esempio n. 22
        public void WhenLimitIsNotSpecifiedFileSizeIsNotRestricted()
            const int maxBytes      = 5000;
            const int eventsToLimit = 10;

            using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = tmp.AllocateFilename("txt");
                var evt  = Some.LogEvent(new string('n', maxBytes / eventsToLimit));

                using (var sink = new FileSink(path, new JsonFormatter(), null))
                    for (var i = 0; i < eventsToLimit * 2; i++)

                var size = new FileInfo(path).Length;
                Assert.True(size > maxBytes * 2);
Esempio n. 23
        public void FileIsAppendedToWhenAlreadyCreated()
            using (var tmp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = tmp.AllocateFilename("txt");
                var evt  = Some.LogEvent("Hello, world!");

                using (var sink = new FileSink(path, new JsonFormatter(), null))

                using (var sink = new FileSink(path, new JsonFormatter(), null))

                var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path);
                Assert.Contains("Hello, world!", lines[0]);
                Assert.Contains("Hello, world!", lines[1]);
Esempio n. 24
        public void Should_copy_deleting_log_files()
            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var targetDirPath = temp.AllocateFolderName();
                var path          = temp.AllocateFilename("log");

                var archiveWrapper = new ArchiveHooks(CompressionLevel.NoCompression, targetDirPath);

                // Write events, such that we end up with 2 deleted files and 1 retained file
                WriteLogEvents(path, archiveWrapper, LogEvents);

                // Get all the files in the test directory
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(temp.Path)
                            .OrderBy(p => p, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                // We should only have a single log file

                // Get all the files in the target directory
                var targetFiles = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirPath)
                                  .OrderBy(p => p, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                // We should have 2 log files in the target directory
                targetFiles.ShouldAllBe(x => x.EndsWith(".log"));

                // Ensure the content matches what we wrote
                for (var i = 0; i < targetFiles.Length; i++)
                    var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(targetFiles[i]);

        public void Should_compress_log_file()
            var gzipWrapper = new GZipHooks();

            var logEvents = new[]

            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = temp.AllocateFilename("gz");

                using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                                 .WriteTo.File(Path.Combine(path), hooks: gzipWrapper)
                    foreach (var logEvent in logEvents)

                // Ensure the data was written through the wrapping GZipStream, by decompressing and comparing against
                // what we wrote
                var lines = Utils.DecompressLines(path);


                for (var i = 0; i < logEvents.Length; i++)
Esempio n. 26
        public void Should_write_header_to_non_empty_stream_is_required()
            var headerWriter = new HeaderWriter(W3C_HEADER, true);

            var logEvents = Some.LogEvents(3);

            using (var temp = TempFolder.ForCaller())
                var path = temp.AllocateFilename("txt");

                // Write something to the start of the log file
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, "Myergen\n");

                using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
                                 .WriteTo.File(Path.Combine(path), hooks: headerWriter)

                // Read the contents of the file that was written
                var lines = path.ReadAllLines();

                // File should contain the content line, our header line, and the 3 log events,
                lines.Count.ShouldBe(1 + 1 + logEvents.Length);

                // Ensure the file contains the header

                // Ensure all the log events were written as normal
                for (var i = 0; i < logEvents.Length; i++)
                    lines[i + 2].ShouldEndWith(logEvents[i].MessageTemplate.Text);