protected void FillLiteral()
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];

        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));
        EventPanel.Visible = true;
        ShowEventName.Text = VenueNameTextBox.THE_TEXT;

        //if (DescriptionTextBox.Content.Length > 500)
        ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = dat.BreakUpString(DescriptionTextBox.Content, 60);
        //int j = 500;
        //if (DescriptionTextBox.Content[500] != ' ')

        //    while (DescriptionTextBox.Content[j] != ' ')
        //    {
        //        ShowDescriptionBegining.Text += DescriptionTextBox.Content[j];
        //        j++;

        //        if (j >= DescriptionTextBox.Content.Length)
        //            break;
        //    }
        //ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = dat.BreakUpString(ShowDescriptionBegining.Text, 65);
        //ShowRestOfDescription.Text = dat.BreakUpString(DescriptionTextBox.Content.Substring(j), 65);
        //    ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = dat.BreakUpString(DescriptionTextBox.Content, 65);
        //    ShowRestOfDescription.Text = "";

        if (MainAttractionCheck.Checked)
            ShowVideoPictureLiteral.Text = "";
            if (PictureCheckList.Items.Count > 0)
                char[] delim = { '\\' };

                string[] finalFileArray = new string[PictureCheckList.Items.Count];

                //for (int i = 0; i < PictureCheckList.Items.Count; i++)
                //    finalFileArray[i] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/HippoHappenings/UserFiles/" +
                //        Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/Slider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value;
                char[] delim2 = { '.' };
                bool isEdit = false;

                if (Request.QueryString["ID"] != null)
                    isEdit = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < PictureCheckList.Items.Count; i++)
                    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                    string toUse = "";
                    string[] tokens = PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString().Split(delim2);
                    //if (PictureCheckList.Items[i].Enabled)
                    RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
                    if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                        if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "PNG")
                            System.Drawing.Image image;
                            if (isEdit)
                                if (System.IO.File.Exists(MapPath(".") + "\\VenueFiles\\" + Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString() + "\\Slider\\" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString()))
                                    image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\VenueFiles\\" + Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString() + "\\Slider\\" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString());
                                    toUse = "/VenueFiles/" + Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString() + "/Slider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString();
                                    image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\Slider\\" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString());
                                    toUse = "/UserFiles/" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/Slider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString();
                                image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\Slider\\" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString());
                                toUse = "/UserFiles/" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/Slider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString();

                            int width = 410;
                            int height = 250;

                            int newHeight = image.Height;
                            int newIntWidth = image.Width;

                            ////if image height is less than resize height
                            //if (height >= image.Height)
                            //    //leave the height as is
                            //    newHeight = image.Height;

                            //    if (width >= image.Width)
                            //    {
                            //        newIntWidth = image.Width;
                            //    }
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        newIntWidth = width;

                            //        double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                            //        double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                            //        newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                            //        newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                            //    }
                            ////if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                            //    //make height equal to the requested height.
                            //    newHeight = height;

                            //    //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                            //    double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                            //    double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                            //    newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                            //    newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                            //    //if the resized width is still to big
                            //    if (newIntWidth > width)
                            //    {
                            //        //make it equal to the requested width
                            //        newIntWidth = width;

                            //        //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                            //        theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                            //        double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                            //        newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                            //        newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                            //    }

                            literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 410px; height: 250px;background-color: black;\"><img style=\"cursor: pointer; margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                                + toUse +
                                "\" /></div>";
                        else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                            literal4.Text = "<embed  height=\"250px\" width=\"410px\" src=\""
                                + "UserFiles/" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/Slider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() +
                                "\" />";
                        literal4.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><object width=\"410\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ></param><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() + "\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() + "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"410\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";

                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
                    RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
                    RotatorPanel.Visible = true;

                if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
                    RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";
                    RotatorPanel.CssClass = "";


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HtmlLink lk = new HtmlLink();
        HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
        lk.Attributes.Add("rel", "canonical");
        lk.Href = "";
        head.Controls.AddAt(0, lk);

        HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
        hm.Name = "ROBOTS";
        hm.Content = "NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW";
        head.Controls.AddAt(0, hm);

        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        if (cookie == null)
            cookie = new HttpCookie("BrowserDate");
            cookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(22);
        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));
        string ID = Request.QueryString["eventID"].ToString();
        DataSet ds = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Events WHERE ID=" + ID);
        string content = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content"].ToString();

        //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
        int mediaCategory = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mediaCategory"].ToString());
        string youtube = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YouTubeVideo"].ToString();
        switch (mediaCategory)
            case 0:
            case 1:
                char[] delim4 = { ';' };
                string[] youtokens = youtube.Split(delim4);
                if (youtube != "")
                    for (int i = 0; i < youtokens.Length; i++)
                        if (youtokens[i].Trim() != "")
                            Literal literal3 = new Literal();
                            literal3.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><object width=\"410\" height=\"250\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                "\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed src=\"" +
                                youtokens[i] + "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"410\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";
                            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r3 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                DataSet dsSlider = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Event_Slider_Mapping WHERE EventID=" + ID);
                if (dsSlider.Tables.Count > 0)
                    if (dsSlider.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        char[] delim = { '\\' };
                        char[] delim3 = { '.' };
                        string[] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\Events\\" + ID + "\\Slider");

                        string[] finalFileArray = new string[fileArray.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < fileArray.Length; i++)
                            int length = fileArray[i].Split(delim).Length;
                            finalFileArray[i] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/HippoHappenings/UserFiles/Events/" +
                                ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1];
                            string[] tokens = fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].Split(delim3);

                            if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                                if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF")
                                    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                    literal4.Text = "<img style=\"cursor: pointer;\" onclick=\"OpenEventModal(" + i.ToString() + ", " + ID + ");\" height=\"250px\" width=\"410px\" src=\""
                                        + "UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" />";
                                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                                else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                                    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                    literal4.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><embed  height=\"250px\" width=\"410px\" src=\""
                                        + "UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

            default: break;
    //protected void GetAvailableUsers(DateTime startDate, bool isBig)
    //    CategoryDaysPanel.Controls.Clear();
    //    UpdatePanel Up = new UpdatePanel();
    //    Up.ChildrenAsTriggers = false;
    //    Up.ID = "Up";
    //    Up.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
    //    Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));
    //    string txtLocation = CountryDropDown.SelectedItem.Text;
    //    string state = "";
    //    if (StateDropDownPanel.Visible)
    //        state = StateDropDown.SelectedItem.Text;
    //    else
    //        state = StateTextBox.THE_TEXT;
    //    int firstDayCount = 0;
    //    int secDayCount = 0;
    //    int thirdDayCount = 0;
    //    int fourthDayCount = 0;
    //    int firstDayCountLoc = 0;
    //    int secDayCountLoc = 0;
    //    int thirdDayCountLoc = 0;
    //    int fourthDayCountLoc = 0;
    //    TotalUsers.Text = firstDayCount.ToString();
    //    string city = "";
    //    if (CityTextBox.Text.Trim() != "")
    //    {
    //        city = CityTextBox.Text.Trim();
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        city = null;
    //    }
    //    bool isNoUsers = false;
    //    string categories = "";
    //    dat.returnCategoryIDString(CategoryTree, ref categories);
    //    dat.returnCategoryIDString(RadTreeView1, ref categories);
    //    dat.returnCategoryIDString(RadTreeView2, ref categories);
    //    dat.returnCategoryIDString(RadTreeView3, ref categories);
    //    dat.CalculateUsersAdCapacity(city, state, CountryDropDown.SelectedItem.Value, categories, startDate,
    //        ref firstDayCount, ref secDayCount, ref thirdDayCount, ref fourthDayCount, ref isNoUsers, isBig, false);
    //    dat.CalculateUsersAdCapacity(city, state, CountryDropDown.SelectedItem.Value, categories, startDate,
    //        ref firstDayCountLoc, ref secDayCountLoc, ref thirdDayCountLoc, ref fourthDayCountLoc, ref isNoUsers,
    //        isBig, true);
    //    System.Drawing.Color green = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(98, 142, 2);
    //    string startDateReal = "";
    //    if (Session["SelectedStartDate"] == null)
    //        startDateReal = ((DateTime)StartDateTimePicker.DbSelectedDate).ToShortDateString();
    //    else
    //        startDateReal = Session["SelectedStartDate"].ToString();
    //    Literal lab = new Literal();
    //    lab.ID = "dateLiteral";
    //    lab.Text = "<div style=\"clear: both; float: right;\"><label>Selected Start Date: </label><span "+
    //        "class=\"AddGreenLinkBig\">" + startDateReal + "</span></div><div style=\"clear: both;\">";
    //    Panel topPanel = new Panel();
    //    topPanel.Width = 590;
    //    LinkButton link1 = new LinkButton();
    //    if (startDate <= DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).Date)
    //    {
    //        link1.Enabled = false;
    //        link1.CssClass = "AddLinkNoPaddingDisabled";
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        link1.Enabled = true;
    //        link1.CssClass = "AddLinkNoPadding";
    //    }
    //    link1.Text = "Previous 4 Days";
    //    link1.Style.Add("float", "left");
    //    link1.Click += new EventHandler(prev4Click);
    //    link1.ID = "prevLink";
    //    LinkButton link = new LinkButton();
    //    link.Text = "Next 4 Days";
    //    link.ID = "nextLink";
    //    link.CssClass = "AddLinkNoPadding";
    //    link.Style.Add("float", "right");
    //    link.Click += new EventHandler(next4Click);
    //    Literal lit2 = new Literal();
    //    lit2.Text = "</div>";
    //    topPanel.Controls.Add(lab);
    //    topPanel.Controls.Add(link1);
    //    topPanel.Controls.Add(link);
    //    topPanel.Controls.Add(lit2);
    //    Literal lit = new Literal();
    //    lit.Text = "<br/>";
    //    Up.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(topPanel);
    //    Up.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(lit);
    //    //Draw the panel
    //    Panel panelDay1 = new Panel();
    //    Label label1 = new Label();
    //    label1.Text = (startDate).Date.ToShortDateString() + "<br/>";
    //    Label label12 = new Label();
    //    label1.CssClass = "NumLabel";
    //    label12.CssClass = "NumLabel";
    //    if (startDate < DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).Date)
    //    {
    //        panelDay1.Enabled = false;
    //        label12.Text = "0 Users in Categories<br/>" +
    //            "0 Users in Location <br/>";
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        label12.Text = (firstDayCount).ToString() + " Users in Categories<br/>" +
    //            firstDayCountLoc.ToString() + " Users in Location <br/>";
    //    }
    //    Button button1 = new Button();
    //    button1.Text = "Select date";
    //    button1.ID = "selectDate1";
    //    button1.Click += new EventHandler(SelectDate);
    //    button1.CommandArgument = (startDate).Date.ToShortDateString();
    //    panelDay1.Height = 100;
    //    panelDay1.BorderColor = green;
    //    panelDay1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
    //    panelDay1.BorderWidth = 2;
    //    panelDay1.Style.Add("float", "left");
    //    panelDay1.Style.Add("padding", "5px");
    //    panelDay1.Style.Add("margin", "5px");
    //    panelDay1.Controls.Add(label1);
    //    panelDay1.Controls.Add(label12);
    //    panelDay1.Controls.Add(button1);
    //    Up.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(panelDay1);
    //    Panel panelDay2 = new Panel();
    //    Label label2 = new Label();
    //    label2.Text = (startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("1.00")).ToShortDateString() + "<br/>";
    //    Label label22 = new Label();
    //    if ((startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("1.00")) < DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).Date)
    //    {
    //        panelDay2.Enabled = false;
    //        label22.Text = "0 Users in Categories<br/>" +
    //            "0 Users in Location <br/>";
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        label22.Text = secDayCount.ToString() + " Users in Categories<br/>" +
    //            secDayCountLoc.ToString() + " Users in Location <br/>";
    //    }
    //    label2.CssClass = "NumLabel";
    //    label22.CssClass = "NumLabel";
    //    Button button2 = new Button();
    //    button2.Text = "Select date";
    //    button2.ID = "selectDate2";
    //    button2.Click += new EventHandler(SelectDate);
    //    button2.CommandArgument = (startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("1.00")).ToShortDateString();
    //    panelDay2.Height = 100;
    //    panelDay2.BorderColor = green;
    //    panelDay2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
    //    panelDay2.BorderWidth = 2;
    //    panelDay2.Style.Add("float", "left");
    //    panelDay2.Style.Add("padding", "5px");
    //    panelDay2.Style.Add("margin", "5px");
    //    panelDay2.Controls.Add(label2);
    //    panelDay2.Controls.Add(label22);
    //    panelDay2.Controls.Add(button2);
    //    Up.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(panelDay2);
    //    Panel panelDay3 = new Panel();
    //    Label label3 = new Label();
    //    label3.Text = (startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("2.00")).ToShortDateString() + "<br/>";
    //    Label label32 = new Label();
    //    if ((startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("2.00")) < DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).Date)
    //    {
    //        panelDay3.Enabled = false;
    //        label32.Text = "0 Users in Categories<br/>" +
    //           "0 Users in Location <br/>";
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        label32.Text = secDayCount.ToString() + " Users in Categories<br/>" +
    //            thirdDayCountLoc.ToString() + " Users in Location <br/>";
    //    }
    //    label3.CssClass = "NumLabel";
    //    label32.CssClass = "NumLabel";
    //    Button button3 = new Button();
    //    button3.Text = "Select date";
    //    button3.ID = "selectDate3";
    //    button3.Click += new EventHandler(SelectDate);
    //    button3.CommandArgument = (startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("2.00")).ToShortDateString();
    //    panelDay3.Height = 100;
    //    panelDay3.BorderColor = green;
    //    panelDay3.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
    //    panelDay3.BorderWidth = 2;
    //    panelDay3.Style.Add("float", "left");
    //    panelDay3.Style.Add("padding", "5px");
    //    panelDay3.Style.Add("margin", "5px");
    //    panelDay3.Controls.Add(label3);
    //    panelDay3.Controls.Add(label32);
    //    panelDay3.Controls.Add(button3);
    //    Up.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(panelDay3);
    //    Panel panelDay4 = new Panel();
    //    Label label4 = new Label();
    //    label4.Text = (startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("3.00")).ToShortDateString() + "<br/>";
    //    Label label42 = new Label();
    //    if ((startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("3.00")) < DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).Date)
    //    {
    //        panelDay4.Enabled = false;
    //        label42.Text = "0 Users in Categories<br/>" +
    //            "0 Users in Location <br/>";
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        label42.Text = secDayCount.ToString() + " Users in Categories<br/>" +
    //            fourthDayCountLoc.ToString() + " Users in Location <br/>";
    //    }
    //    label4.CssClass = "NumLabel";
    //    label42.CssClass = "NumLabel";
    //    Button button4 = new Button();
    //    button4.Text = "Select date";
    //    button4.ID = "selectDate4";
    //    button4.Click += new EventHandler(SelectDate);
    //    button4.CommandArgument = (startDate).AddDays(double.Parse("3.00")).ToShortDateString();
    //    panelDay4.Height = 100;
    //    panelDay4.BorderColor = green;
    //    panelDay4.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
    //    panelDay4.BorderWidth = 2;
    //    panelDay4.Style.Add("float", "left");
    //    panelDay4.Style.Add("padding", "5px");
    //    panelDay4.Style.Add("margin", "5px");
    //    panelDay4.Controls.Add(label4);
    //    panelDay4.Controls.Add(label42);
    //    panelDay4.Controls.Add(button4);
    //    Up.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(panelDay4);
    //    AsyncPostBackTrigger apt = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
    //    apt.ControlID = link1.ClientID;
    //    apt.EventName = "Click";
    //    Up.Triggers.Add(apt);
    //    AsyncPostBackTrigger apt1 = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
    //    apt1.ControlID = button1.ClientID;
    //    apt1.EventName = "Click";
    //    Up.Triggers.Add(apt1);
    //    AsyncPostBackTrigger apt2 = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
    //    apt2.ControlID = link.ClientID;
    //    apt2.EventName = "Click";
    //    Up.Triggers.Add(apt2);
    //    AsyncPostBackTrigger apt3 = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
    //    apt3.ControlID = button2.ClientID;
    //    apt3.EventName = "Click";
    //    Up.Triggers.Add(apt3);
    //    AsyncPostBackTrigger apt4 = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
    //    apt4.ControlID = button3.ClientID;
    //    apt4.EventName = "Click";
    //    Up.Triggers.Add(apt4);
    //    AsyncPostBackTrigger apt5 = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
    //    apt5.ControlID = button4.ClientID;
    //    apt5.EventName = "Click";
    //    Up.Triggers.Add(apt5);
    //    AsyncPostBackTrigger apt6 = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
    //    apt6.ControlID = AdPlacementList.UniqueID;
    //    apt6.EventName = "SelectedIndexChanged";
    //    Up.Triggers.Add(apt6);
    //    Up.Update();
    //    CategoryDaysPanel.Controls.Add(Up);
    //protected void SelectDate(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //    Button b = (Button)sender;
    //    string startDateReal = b.CommandArgument;
    //    Session["SelectedStartDate"] = startDateReal;
    //    Literal lab = (Literal)CategoryDaysPanel.FindControl("dateLiteral");
    //    lab.Text = "<div style=\"clear: both; float: right;\"><label>Selected Start Date: </label><span " +
    //        "class=\"AddGreenLinkBig\">" + startDateReal + "</span></div><div style=\"clear: both;\">";
    //    UpdatePanel up = (UpdatePanel)CategoryDaysPanel.FindControl("Up");
    //    up.Update();
    //protected void next4Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //    //CategoryDaysPanel.Controls.Clear();
    //    Session["UserAvailableDate"] = ((DateTime)Session["UserAvailableDate"]).AddDays(4);
    //    bool isBig = false;
    //    if (AdPlacementList.SelectedValue == "0.04")
    //        isBig = true;
    //    GetAvailableUsers((DateTime)Session["UserAvailableDate"], isBig);
    //protected void prev4Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //    CategoryDaysPanel.Controls.Clear();
    //    Session["UserAvailableDate"] = ((DateTime)Session["UserAvailableDate"]).AddDays(-4);
    //    bool isBig = false;
    //    if (AdPlacementList.SelectedValue == "0.04")
    //        isBig = true;
    //    GetAvailableUsers((DateTime)Session["UserAvailableDate"], isBig);
    private void FillLiteral()
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));

        if (bool.Parse(isFeatured.Text))
            FeaturedWeWouldPanel.Visible = true;
            bool isBig = false;
            if (AdPlacementList.SelectedValue == "0.04")
                isBig = true;
            FeaturedPreviewPanel.Visible = true;
            int integer = 2;
            string username = dat.GetDataDV("select * from Users where user_id=" + Session["User"].ToString())[0]["UserName"].ToString();
            string email = "";
            if (AdPictureCheckList.Items.Count == 0 || !AdMediaPanel.Visible)
                email = GetEmailString(AdNameTextBox.THE_TEXT, null,
                 null, SummaryTextBox.InnerHtml, username, isBig, ref integer);
                email = GetEmailString(AdNameTextBox.THE_TEXT, AdPictureCheckList.Items[0].Value,
                 null, SummaryTextBox.InnerHtml, username, isBig, ref integer);

            if (!isBig)
                email += "</tr>";

            email = "<table>" + email + "</table>";
            FeaturedPreviewLiteral.Text = email;
            FeaturedWeWouldPanel.Visible = false;

        EventPanel.Visible = true;
        ShowHeaderName.Text = AdNameTextBox.THE_TEXT;
        ShowDescription.Text = dat.BreakUpString(DescriptionTextBox.Content, 60);

        char[] delim = { '\\' };
        string[] fileArray;

        string[] finalFileArray = new string[PictureCheckList.Items.Count];

        if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" +
             Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\AdSlider\\"))
            fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" +
                 Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\AdSlider\\");


        //for (int i = 0; i < PictureCheckList.Items.Count; i++)
        //    finalFileArray[i] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/HippoHappenings/UserFiles/" +
        //        Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/Slider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value;
        char[] delim2 = { '.' };
        for (int i = 0; i < PictureCheckList.Items.Count; i++)
            Literal literal4 = new Literal();
            string[] tokens = PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString().Split(delim2);
            if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF")
                    System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\AdSlider\\" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString());

                    int width = 410;
                    int height = 250;

                    int newHeight = image.Height;
                    int newIntWidth = image.Width;

                    ////if image height is less than resize height
                    //if (height >= image.Height)
                    //    //leave the height as is
                    //    newHeight = image.Height;

                    //    if (width >= image.Width)
                    //    {
                    //        newIntWidth = image.Width;
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        newIntWidth = width;

                    //        double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                    //        double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                    //        newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                    //        newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                    //    }
                    ////if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                    //    //make height equal to the requested height.
                    //    newHeight = height;

                    //    //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                    //    double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                    //    double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                    //    newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                    //    newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                    //    //if the resized width is still to big
                    //    if (newIntWidth > width)
                    //    {
                    //        //make it equal to the requested width
                    //        newIntWidth = width;

                    //        //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                    //        theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                    //        double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                    //        newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                    //        newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                    //    }

                    literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 410px; height: 250px;background-color: black;\"><img style=\"cursor: pointer; margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                        + "UserFiles/" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/AdSlider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() + "\" /></div>";

                else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                    literal4.Text = "<object><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" height=\"250px\" width=\"410px\" src=\""
                        + "UserFiles/" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/AdSlider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() +
                        "\" /></object>";
                literal4.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><object width=\"410\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ></param><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() + "\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() + "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"410\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

        if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
            RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
            RotatorPanel.Visible = true;

        if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
            RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";
            RotatorPanel.CssClass = "";

        //if (MainAttractionCheck.Checked)
        //    if (MainAttractionRadioList.SelectedValue == "0")
        //    {
        //        Rotator1.Items.Clear();
        //        RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
        //        if (VideoPictureRadioList.SelectedValue == "0")
        //        {
        //            if (PictureCheckList.Items.Count != 0)
        //                ShowVideoPictureLiteral.Text = "<img style=\"float: left; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 9px;\" height=\"250px\" width=\"440px\" src=\"UserFiles/" + PictureCheckList.Items[0].Value + "\" />";
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            if (VideoRadioList.SelectedValue == "0")
        //            {
        //                //ShowVideoPictureLiteral.Text = "<div style=\"float:left; padding-top: 9px; padding-right: 10px;\"><embed  height=\"250px\" width=\"440px\" src=\"UserFiles/" + VideoCheckList.Items[0].Text + "\" /></div>";
        //                ShowVideoPictureLiteral.Text = "<div style=\"float:left; padding-top: 9px; padding-right: 10px;\"><object width=\"440\" height=\"250\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"UserFiles/" + VideoCheckList.Items[0].Text + "\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed src=\"UserFiles/" + VideoCheckList.Items[0].Text + "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"440\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";
        //            }
        //            else
        //                ShowVideoPictureLiteral.Text = "<div style=\"float:left; padding-top: 9px; padding-right: 10px;\"><object width=\"440\" height=\"250\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + YouTubeTextBox.Text + "\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed src=\"" + YouTubeTextBox.Text + "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"440\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        ShowVideoPictureLiteral.Text = "";
        //        if (SliderCheckList.Items.Count > 0)
        //        {
        //            char[] delim = { '\\' };
        //            string[] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\AdSlider\\");

        //            string[] finalFileArray = new string[fileArray.Length];

        //            for (int i = 0; i < SliderCheckList.Items.Count; i++)
        //            {
        //                finalFileArray[i] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/HippoHappenings/UserFiles/" +
        //                     Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/AdSlider/" + SliderCheckList.Items[i].Value;
        //            }

        //            Rotator1.DataSource = finalFileArray;
        //            Rotator1.DataBind();
        //            RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
        //        }
        //    }
Esempio n. 4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string eventID = GetEventID();
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        if (cookie == null)
            cookie = new HttpCookie("BrowserDate");
            cookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(22);
        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));
            Session["RedirectTo"] = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            //Button button = (Button)dat.FindControlRecursive(this, "EventLink");
            //button.CssClass = "NavBarImageEventSelected";

            bool fillUserData = false;


                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    if (Session["User"].ToString() == "1")
                        OnlyHippoPanel.Visible = true;
                    LoggedInPanel.Visible = true;
                    LoggedOutPanel.Visible = false;
                    dat.GetRecommendationIcons(eventID, ref RecomPanel);

                    RecomPanel.Width = 10 * (RecomPanel.Controls.Count);

                    DataSet ds1 = dat.GetData("SELECT UserName FROM Users WHERE User_ID=" + Session["User"].ToString());
                    Session["UserName"] = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();
                    fillUserData = true;

                    EditLink.Visible = true;
                    TopPanel.Visible = true;

                    //Query whether current owner was delinquent on approve/reject changes
                    if (dat.IsOwnerDelinquent(eventID, Request.IsLocal, "E"))
                        //make the button visable
                        TopPanel.Visible = true;
                        OwnerPanel.Visible = true;
                        Session["Message"] = "The ownership of this event is <b>open</b>. <br/>The ownership became " +
                            "open because the previous owner of this event became un-responsive to rejecting/" +
                            "approving user's changes to this event.<br/>If you would like to become " +
                            "the owner, click on the button below to go to the event's edit page. <br/><br/> " +
                            "Being the owner, you will have the privilage of having your <b>edits come though right " +
                            "away.</b> Other participants' changes to this event will have to be <b>approved by you.</b><br/><br/>" +
                            "<button style=\"cursor: pointer;font-size: 11px;font-weight: bold;margin-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 4px;height: 30px; width: 112px;background-color: transparent; " +
                            "color: White; background-image: url('image/PostButtonNoPost.png'); background-repeat: " +
                            "no-repeat; border: 0;\" onclick=\"Search('BlogEvent.aspx?edit=true&ID=" + eventID +
                            "');\" onmouseover=\"'url(image/PostButtonNoPostHover.png)'\" " +
                            "onmouseout=\"'url(image/PostButtonNoPost.png)'\">Edit</button>" +
                            "<button style=\"cursor: pointer;font-size: 11px;font-weight: bold;margin-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 4px;height: 30px; width: 112px;background-color: transparent; " +
                            "color: White; background-image: url('image/PostButtonNoPost.png'); background-repeat: " +
                            "no-repeat; border: 0;\" onclick=\"Search();\" " +
                            "onmouseover=\"'url(image/PostButtonNoPostHover.png)'\" " +
                    LoggedOutPanel.Visible = true;
                    LoggedInPanel.Visible = false;
                    //Button calendarLink = (Button)dat.FindControlRecursive(this, "CalendarLink");
                    //calendarLink.Visible = false;
                    //EditLink.Visible = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString();

            if (ReturnPanel.Visible)
                if (EditLink.Visible)
                    if (OwnerPanel.Visible)
                        TopPanel.Width = 430;
                        TopPanel.Width = 240;
                    if (OwnerPanel.Visible)
                        TopPanel.Width = 300;
                        TopPanel.Width = 150;
                if (EditLink.Visible)
                    if (OwnerPanel.Visible)
                        TopPanel.Width = 250;
                        TopPanel.Width = 80;

                    EditLink.Text = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Edit Event";
                    if (OwnerPanel.Visible)
                        TopPanel.Width = 160;
                        TopPanel.Width = 0;
                    HyperLink1.InnerHtml = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Event Ownership is Open";

            //Overwrite everything if the event has passed
            if (dat.HasEventPassed(eventID))
                OwnerPanel.Visible = false;
                EditLink.Visible = false;
                PassedLink.Visible = true;
                if (ReturnPanel.Visible)
                    TopPanel.Width = 300;
                    PassedLink.Text = "|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This event has passed";
                    TopPanel.Width = 125;

            if (Request.QueryString["EventID"] == null)
            string ID = eventID;
            Session["EventID"] = ID;
            DataSet ds = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Events WHERE ID=" + ID);

            Session["FlagID"] = ID;
            Session["FlagType"] = "E";

            if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Live"].ToString()))

                        if(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BuyAtTix"] != null)
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BuyAtTix"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                                BuyAtTix.Text = "<div style=\"position: relative;\"><div class=\"AddLink\" style=\"padding-top: 5px;float: left;\">Buy Tickets at:&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><a style=\"float: left;background-image: url(;; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 110px; display: block; height: 50px; background-position: 0 -75px;\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"" +
                                    ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BuyAtTix"].ToString() +
                        EventName.Text = "<a style=\"text-decoration: none; color: white;\" href=\"http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                            dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14)) +
                            "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Event\">" +
                            dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "</a>";
                        Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString();
                        Session["CommentSubject"] = "Re: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString();
                        string UserName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();
                        DataSet dsDate = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Event_Occurance WHERE EventID=" + ID);
                        DataSet dsVenue = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Venues WHERE ID=" +
                        TagCloud.THE_ID = int.Parse(ID);
                        NumberPeopleLabel.Text = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT UserID FROM User_Calendar " +
                            "WHERE EventID=" + ID).Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString() + " People";

                        if (Session["User"] != null)
                            DataSet dsFriends = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT UC.EventID, UC.UserID FROM User_Friends UF, User_Calendar UC " +
                                "WHERE UC.EventID=" +
                                ID + " AND UC.UserID=UF.FriendID AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());

                            CommunicateLiteral.Text = "<img style=\"float:right;\" src=\"image/CommunicateButton.png\" onmouseover=\"this.src='image/CommunicateButtonSelected.png'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='image/CommunicateButton.png'\" onclick=\"javascript:OpenRad('" +
                                ID + "');\"/>";

                            int count = 0;
                            if (dsFriends.Tables.Count > 0)
                                if (dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                    count = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                            NumberFriendsLabel.Text = "(" + count.ToString() + " Friends)";
                            CommunicateLiteral.Text = "</td></tr><tr><td><div style=\"float: left; clear: both; width: 450px;\">To communicate with people going to this event, please <a class=\"AddLink\" href=\"UserLogin.aspx\">log in.</a></div>";

                        if (bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hasSongs"].ToString()))
                            DataSet dsSongs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Event_Song_Mapping WHERE EventID=" + ID);
                            ASP.controls_playerxml_songplayer_ascx songs = new ASP.controls_playerxml_songplayer_ascx();
                            int songCount = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                            if (songCount > 2)
                                songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG2 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongName"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG3 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[2]["SongName"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG2_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG3_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[2]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                            else if (songCount > 1)
                                songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG2 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongName"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG2_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                            else if(songCount == 1)
                                songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                                songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();

                            songs.USER_NAME = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();


                        VenueName.Text = dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
                        VenueName.NavigateUrl = dat.MakeNiceName(dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()) +
                            "_" + dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "_Venue";

                        DateTime date;
                        DateTime endDate;
                        DateAndTimeLabel.Text = "";
                        string dateandtime = "";
                        bool dateGotten = false;
                        string moreDates = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < dsDate.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)

                            date = DateTime.Parse(dsDate.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DateTimeStart"].ToString());
                            endDate = DateTime.Parse(dsDate.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DateTimeEnd"].ToString());

                            if ((endDate >= DateTime.Now && !dateGotten) || (i == dsDate.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1 && !dateGotten))
                                dateGotten = true;
                                dateandtime += date.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(date.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                    date.Day + " " + date.ToShortTimeString() + " To " +
                                    endDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(endDate.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                    endDate.Day + " " + endDate.ToShortTimeString();
                                DateAndTimeLabel.Text += date.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(date.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                    date.Day + " " + date.ToShortTimeString()
                                    + " <span style=\"color: #cccccc; font-weight: bold;\">To</span> " +
                                    endDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(endDate.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                    endDate.Day + " " + endDate.ToShortTimeString();

                                if (moreDates == "")
                                    moreDates = "<div onclick=\"OpenMoreDates();\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" class=\"AddLink\" id=\"MoreDatesName\">More Dates</div>" +
                                        "<div style=\"display: none;\" id=\"infoDiv\">" +
                                        (dsDate.Tables[0].Rows.Count * 40).ToString() +
                                        "</div><div style=\"display: none; background-color: #333333; padding: 10px;\" " +
                                        "id=\"MoreDatesDiv\"> <div class=\"AddLink\" style=\"float: right; cursor: pointer; font-style: none;\" " +
                                moreDates += date.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(date.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                    date.Day + " " + date.ToShortTimeString()
                                    + " <span style=\"color: #cccccc; font-weight: bold;\">To</span> " +
                                    endDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(endDate.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                    endDate.Day + " " + endDate.ToShortTimeString() + "<br/>";

                        if (moreDates != "")
                            moreDates += "</div>";

                        DateAndTimeLabel.Text += moreDates;

                        string content = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content"].ToString();
                        string niceName = dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString());

                        ScriptLiteral.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">ReturnURL('" + niceName.Replace("_", " ") + " at " + dat.MakeNiceName(dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()).Replace("_", " ") + " Tonight" + Request.QueryString["EventID"].ToString() + "_Event');</script>";

                        if (Session["User"] != null)
                            DataSet dsComments;
                            string commentPrefs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM UserPreferences WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString()).Tables[0].Rows[0]["CommentsPreferences"].ToString();
                            if (commentPrefs == "1")
                                dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT C.BlogDate AS theDate, * FROM Comments C, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=C.UserID AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                                dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT U.ProfilePicture, U.User_ID, U.UserName, C.Comment, C.BlogDate AS theDate FROM Comments C, Users U, User_Friends UF WHERE ((UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND UF.FriendID=U.User_ID AND U.User_ID=C.UserID) OR (U.User_ID=" +
                                    Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=C.UserID)) AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                            TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;
                            DataSet dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT C.BlogDate AS theDate, * FROM Comments C, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=C.UserID AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                            TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;

                        ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = dat.BreakUpString(content, 60);

                        //Create keyword and description meta tags and title
                        HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
                        HtmlMeta kw = new HtmlMeta();

                        HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;

                        kw.Name = "keywords";
                        kw.Content = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + ", " + VenueName.Text + ", " +
                            dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + ", " +

                        HtmlLink lk = new HtmlLink();
                        lk.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                            dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14)) +
                            "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Event";
                        lk.Attributes.Add("rel", "bookmark");
                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, lk);

                        DataView dvCats = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT DISTINCT C.ID, ECM.ID AS EID, C.Name AS CategoryName, ECM.tagSize FROM Event_Category_Mapping ECM, EventCategories C WHERE ECM.CategoryID=C.ID AND ECM.EventID=" + eventID + " ORDER BY ECM.ID");

                        string justCats = "";

                        for (int i = 0; i < dvCats.Count; i++)
                            kw.Content += ", " + dvCats[i]["CategoryName"].ToString();
                            justCats += dvCats[i]["CategoryName"].ToString()+ " ";

                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, kw);

                        hm.Name = "Description";
                        hm.Content = ShowDescriptionBegining.Text + ", " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + ", " + VenueName.Text + ", " + kw.Content;
                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, hm);

                        this.Title = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + " | " + justCats + " | HippoHappenings";

                        Session["messageText"] = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + " occurs at " + VenueName.Text + " on " + dateandtime;
                        Session["messageEmail"] = "EventName: <a href=\"" + dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14)) + "_" + ID + "_Event\">" +
                            dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "</a> <br/><br/> Venue: <a href=\"" + dat.MakeNiceName(VenueName.Text) + "_" +
                            dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "_Venue\">" + VenueName.Text + "</a> <br/><br/> Date: " +
                            DateAndTimeLabel.Text + " <br/><br/> " + ShowDescriptionBegining.Text;

                        //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
                        int mediaCategory = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mediaCategory"].ToString());
                        string youtube = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YouTubeVideo"].ToString();
                        switch (mediaCategory)
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                ShowVideoPictureLiteral.Text = "";
                                char[] delim4 = { ';' };
                                string[] youtokens = youtube.Split(delim4);
                                if (youtube != "")
                                    for (int i = 0; i < youtokens.Length; i++)
                                        if (youtokens[i].Trim() != "")
                                            Literal literal3 = new Literal();
                                            //literal3.Text = "<object width=\"400\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ><param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"400\" height=\"250\"></embed></object>";
                                            literal3.Text = "<div style=\"float:left; z-index: 1;\"><object class=\"toHidde\" width=\"400\" "+
                                                "height=\"250\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                                "\"/><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"transparent\" /><param  name=\"wmode\" "+
                                                "value=\"opaque\" /><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"/><embed "+
                                                "src=\"" +
                                                youtokens[i] + "\" wmode=\"opaque\" wmode2=\"transparent\" type=\"application/x-shockwave"+
                                                "-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"400\" height=\"250\"/></object></div>";
                                            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r3 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                                DataView dsSlider = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Event_Slider_Mapping WHERE EventID=" + ID);
                                if (dsSlider.Count > 0)
                                    char[] delim = { '\\' };
                                    char[] delim3 = { '.' };
                                    string[] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\Events\\" + ID + "\\Slider");

                                    string[] finalFileArray = new string[fileArray.Length];

                                    for (int i = 0; i < fileArray.Length; i++)
                                        int length = fileArray[i].Split(delim).Length;
                                        finalFileArray[i] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/HippoHappenings/UserFiles/Events/" +
                                            ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1];
                                        string[] tokens = fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].Split(delim3);

                                        dsSlider.RowFilter = "PictureName='" + tokens[0] + "." + tokens[1] + "'";
                                        if (tokens.Length >= 2 && dsSlider.Count > 0)
                                            if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "PNG")
                                                System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\Events\\" + ID + "\\Slider\\" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString());

                                                int width = 410;
                                                int height = 250;

                                                int newHeight = 0;
                                                int newIntWidth = 0;

                                                //if image height is less than resize height
                                                if (height >= image.Height)
                                                    //leave the height as is
                                                    newHeight = image.Height;

                                                    if (width >= image.Width)
                                                        newIntWidth = image.Width;
                                                        newIntWidth = width;

                                                        double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                        double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                        newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                        newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                                                //if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                                                    //make height equal to the requested height.
                                                    newHeight = height;

                                                    //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                                                    double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                    double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                    newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                    newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                                                    //if the resized width is still to big
                                                    if (newIntWidth > width)
                                                        //make it equal to the requested width
                                                        newIntWidth = width;

                                                        //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                                                        theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                        double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                        newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                        newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;

                                                Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 410px; height: 250px;background-color: black;\"><img style=\" margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                                                    + "UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                                Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                                            else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                                                Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 410px; height: 250px;\" ><OBJECT stop=\"true\" loop=\"false\" controller=\"true\" wmode2=\"opaque\" wmode=\"transparent\" autoplay=\"false\" classid=\"clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B\" " +
                                                "width=\"410\" height=\"250\" codebase=\"\">" +
                                                "<param name=\"src\" value=\"UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\"></param>" +
                                                "<param name=\"autoplay\" value=\"false\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param>" +
                                                "<param name=\"controller\" value=\"true\"></param>" +
                                                "<param name=\"stop\" value=\"true\" ></param>" +
                                                "<param name=\"loop\" value=\"false\"><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"opaque\" ></param>" +
                                                "<EMBED stop=\"true\" wmode=\"transparent\" wmode2=\"opaque\" src=\"UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" width=\"410\" height=\"250\" autoplay=\"false\" " +
                                                "controller=\"true\" loop=\"false\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" pluginspage=\"\">" +
                                                "</EMBED>" +
                                                Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                            default: break;

                        if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
                            RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
                            RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
                            if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
                                RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";

                        if (fillUserData)
                            ASP.controls_addtocalendar_ascx AddTo1 = new ASP.controls_addtocalendar_ascx();
                            AddTo1.ID = "AddTo1";
                            AddTo1.EVENT_ID = int.Parse(ID);

                            ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx SendMessage1 = new ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx();
                            SendMessage1.THE_TEXT = "Share this with a friend";
                            SendMessage1.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                                " would like to share \"" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "\" with you.";
                            SendMessage1.TYPE = "e";
                            SendMessage1.ID = int.Parse(ID);


                            Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                                " would like to share \"" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "\" with you.";


                //        DiggLiteral.Text = "<table>" +
                //    "<tr>" +
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
                //         "   <a name=\"fb_share\" type=\"button\" href=\"\">Share</a><script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>" +
                //       " </td>" +
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
                //        "    <a style=\"border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" id=\"TweeterA\" title=\"Click to send this page to Twitter!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img style=\"border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" src=\"\" alt=\"Share on Twitter\"/></a>" +
                //        "</td>" +
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
                //          "  <a href=\"javascript:void(''+encodeURIComponent(document.location.toString()),'ptm','height=450,width=440').focus())\">" +
                //          "      <img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Share on MySpace\" />" +
                //          "  </a>" +
                //        "</td>" +
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\"><a alt=\"Digg it!\" class=\"DiggThisButton DiggIcon\" id=\"dibbButt\"" +
                //        "href='" + "http://" +
                //        Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                //        niceName +
                //        "_" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "_Event" +
                //        "' target=\"_blank\">Digg</a></td>" +
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +

                //            "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title), 'delicious','toolbar=no,width=550,height=550'); return false;\">" +
                //             "   <img border=\"0\" src=\"\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" alt=\"Delicious\" />" +
                //            "</a>" +
                //        "</td>" +
                //        "<td>" +
                //          "  <script src=\"\"></script>" +
                //        "</td>" +
                //    "</tr>" +


                        EventName.Text = "This event has been disabled";
        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString();

        DataSet dsUpdates = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM EventUpdates WHERE EventID="+eventID);
        RadPanel1.Visible = false;
        RadPanel1.Items[0].Items[0].Text = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < dsUpdates.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
            RadPanel1.Visible = false;
            RadPanel1.Items[0].Items[0].Text += dsUpdates.Tables[0].Rows[i]["eventChange"].ToString() + "<br/><br/>";
    private void FillLiteral()
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];

        DateTime isn = DateTime.Now;

        if (!DateTime.TryParse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":"), out isn))
            isn = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime isNow = isn;
        Data dat = new Data(isn);

        if (FeaturePanel.Visible)
            string templateID = "";

            templateID = TemplateRadioList.SelectedValue;

            FeaturedPreviewPanel.Visible = true;
            int integer = 2;
            string username = dat.GetDataDV("select * from Users where user_id=" + Session["User"].ToString())[0]["UserName"].ToString();
            string email = "";
            if (AdPictureCheckList.Items.Count == 0 || !AdMediaPanel.Visible)
                email = GetEmailString(AdNameTextBox.Text, null,
                 null, SummaryTextBox.InnerHtml, username, ref integer, templateID);
                email = GetEmailString(AdNameTextBox.Text, AdPictureCheckList.Items[0].Value,
                 null, SummaryTextBox.InnerHtml, username, ref integer, templateID);

                email += "</tr>";

            email = "<table>" + email + "</table>";
            FeaturedPreviewLiteral.Text = email;

        EventPanel.Visible = true;
        ShowHeaderName.Text = AdNameTextBox.Text;
        ShowDescription.Text = dat.BreakUpString(DescriptionTextBox.Content, 60);

        char[] delim = { '\\' };
        string[] fileArray;

        string[] finalFileArray = new string[PictureCheckList.Items.Count];

        if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" +
             Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\AdSlider\\"))
            fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" +
                 Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\AdSlider\\");


        char[] delim2 = { '.' };
        for (int i = 0; i < PictureCheckList.Items.Count; i++)
            Literal literal4 = new Literal();
            string[] tokens = PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString().Split(delim2);
            string toUse = "";
            if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "PNG")
                    System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "\\AdSlider\\" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString());
                    toUse = "/UserFiles/" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/AdSlider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString();

                    int width = 412;
                    int height = 250;

                    int newHeight = image.Height;
                    int newIntWidth = image.Width;

                    literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 412px; height: 250px;\"><img style=\" margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                                                    + toUse + "\" /></div>";

                else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                    literal4.Text = "<object><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" height=\"250px\" width=\"410px\" src=\""
                        + "UserFiles/" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "/AdSlider/" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() +
                        "\" /></object>";
                literal4.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><object width=\"412\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ></param><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() + "\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"" + PictureCheckList.Items[i].Value.ToString() + "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"412\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

        if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
            RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
            RotatorPanel.Visible = true;

        if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
            RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";
            RotatorPanel.CssClass = "";
Esempio n. 6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        if (cookie == null)
            cookie = new HttpCookie("BrowserDate");
            cookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(22);

        Session["RedirectTo"] = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
        bool fillUserData = false;
        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));

            if (Session["User"] != null)
                fillUserData = true;
                DataSet dsAd = dat.GetData("SELECT User_ID FROM Ads WHERE Ad_ID=" + Request.QueryString["AdID"].ToString());
                if (dsAd.Tables[0].Rows[0]["User_ID"].ToString() == Session["User"].ToString())
                    EditAdLink.Visible = true;
                    EditAdLink.Visible = false;

                LoggedInPanel.Visible = true;
                LoggedOutPanel.Visible = false;
                Button calendarLink = (Button)dat.FindControlRecursive(this, "CalendarLink");
                LoggedOutPanel.Visible = true;
                LoggedInPanel.Visible = false;

        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString();

        int ID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["AdID"].ToString());

        Session["FlagID"] = ID;
        Session["FlagType"] = "A";
        DataSet ds = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Ads A, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=A.User_ID AND A.Ad_ID=" + ID);
        if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                TagCloud.THE_ID = ID;
                ShowHeaderName.Text = "<a id=\""+dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString())+"\" class=\"aboutLink\" href=\"http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                    dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) +
                    "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Ad\"><h1>" +
                    dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 50)+"</h1></a>";
                ShowDescription.Text = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Description"].ToString(), 60);

                #region SEO
                //Create keyword and description meta tags
                topTopLiteral.Text = "<a class=\"NavyLink12UD\" href=\"#" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) + "\">" +
                    dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ") + " From The Top</a>";

                HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
                HtmlMeta kw = new HtmlMeta();
                HtmlMeta lg = new HtmlMeta();
                HtmlLink cn = new HtmlLink();
                HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;

                cn.Attributes.Add("rel", "canonical");
                cn.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                    dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) +
                    "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Ad";
                head.Controls.AddAt(0, cn);

                kw.Name = "keywords";
                hm.Name = "Description";

                lg.Name = "language";
                lg.Content = "English";
                head.Controls.AddAt(0, lg);

                char [] delimeter = {' '};
                string[] keywords = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ").Split(delimeter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                int count = 0;
                foreach (string token in keywords)
                    if (count < 16)
                        if (kw.Content != "")
                            kw.Content += " ";
                        kw.Content += token;

                head.Controls.AddAt(0, kw);

                hm.Content = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dat.stripHTML(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Description"].ToString()).Replace("   ", " ").Replace("  ", " ")).Replace("-", " ");
                if (hm.Content.Length > 200)
                    hm.Content = hm.Content.Substring(0, 197) + "...";

                head.Controls.AddAt(0, hm);

                this.Title = kw.Content;

                HtmlLink lk = new HtmlLink();
                lk.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" + dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14)) + "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Ad";
                lk.Attributes.Add("rel", "bookmark");
                head.Controls.AddAt(0, lk);

                DataView dvCats = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT DISTINCT C.ID, ACM.ID AS AID, C.Name AS CategoryName, ACM.tagSize FROM Ad_Category_Mapping ACM, AdCategories C WHERE ACM.CategoryID=C.ID AND ACM.AdID=" + ID + " ORDER BY ACM.ID");

                string justCats = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < dvCats.Count; i++)
                    //kw.Content += ", " + dvCats[i]["CategoryName"].ToString();
                    justCats += dvCats[i]["CategoryName"].ToString() + " ";

               // DiggLiteral.Text = " <table> " +
               //     "<tr>" +
               //       "  <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
               //        "     <a name=\"fb_share\" type=\"button\" href=\"\">Share</a><script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>" +
               //        " </td>" +
               //        " <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
               //        "     <a style=\"border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" id=\"TweeterA\" title=\"Click to send this page to Twitter!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img style=\"border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" src=\"\" alt=\"Share on Twitter\"/></a>" +
               //        " </td>" +
               //        " <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
               //        "     <a href=\"javascript:void(''+encodeURIComponent(document.location.toString()),'ptm','height=450,width=440').focus())\">" +
               //        "         <img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Share on MySpace\" />" +
               //        "     </a>" +
               //        " </td>" +
               //        "  <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\"><a alt=\"Digg it!\" class=\"DiggThisButton DiggIcon\" id=\"dibbButt\"" +
               //         "href='" + "http://" + Request.Url.Authority +
               //         "/" + dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) + "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Ad" +
               //         "' target=\"_blank\">Digg</a></td>" +
               //       "  <td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +

               //        "     <a href=\"\" onclick=\"''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title), 'delicious','toolbar=no,width=550,height=550'); return false;\">" +
               //        "         <img border=\"0\" src=\"\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" alt=\"Delicious\" />" +
               //         "    </a>" +
               //        "</td>" +
               //        " <td>" +
               //         "     <script src=\"\"></script>" +
               //        " </td>" +
               //    " </tr>" +
               //" </table>";

                Session["Subject"] = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14);
                Session["messageText"] = "Bulletin: " +
                    dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + ".";

                Session["messageEmail"] = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + " \n\r " + ShowDescription.Text;
                Session["EmailMessage"] = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + " \n\r " + ShowDescription.Text;

                if (bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hasSongs"].ToString()))
                    DataSet dsSongs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Ad_Song_Mapping WHERE AdID=" + ID);
                    ASP.controls_playerxml_songplayer_ascx songs = new ASP.controls_playerxml_songplayer_ascx();
                    int songCount = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                    if (songCount > 2)
                        songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG2 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongName"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG3 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[2]["SongName"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG2_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG3_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[2]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                    else if (songCount > 1)
                        songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG2 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongName"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG3 = "";
                        songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG2_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                        songs.SONG2 = "";
                        songs.SONG3 = "";
                        songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                    songs.USER_NAME = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();


                    //XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();

                    //Cache.Insert(Server.MapPath("Controls/PlayList.xml"), fil);


                string youtube = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YouTubeVideo"].ToString();
                int mediaCategory = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mediaCategory"].ToString());
                //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
                switch (mediaCategory)
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                        RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
                        char[] delim4 = { ';' };
                        string[] youtokens = youtube.Split(delim4);
                        if (youtube != "")
                            for (int i = 0; i < youtokens.Length; i++)
                                if (youtokens[i].Trim() != "")
                                    Literal literal3 = new Literal();
                                    //literal3.Text = "<object width=\"400\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ><param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"400\" height=\"250\"></embed></object>";
                                    literal3.Text = "<div class=\"FloatLeft\"><object class=\"toHidde\" width=\"412\" height=\"250\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                        "\"></param><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"transparent\" ></param><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed src=\"" +
                                        youtokens[i] + "\" wmode=\"opaque\" wmode2=\"transparent\' type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"412\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";
                                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r3 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                        DataView dsSlider = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Ad_Slider_Mapping WHERE AdID=" + ID);
                        DataSet dsUser = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Ads A, Users U WHERE A.Ad_ID=" + ID + " AND A.User_ID=U.User_ID");
                        string userName = dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();
                        if (dsSlider.Count > 0)
                            char[] delim = { '\\' };
                            char[] delim3 = { '.' };
                            string[] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" +
                                userName + "\\AdSlider\\" + ID);

                            string[] finalFileArray = new string[fileArray.Length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < dsSlider.Count; i++)
                                int length = fileArray[i].Split(delim).Length;
                                finalFileArray[i] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/HippoHappenings/UserFiles/" + userName +
                                    "/AdSlider/" + ID + "/" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString();
                                string[] tokens = dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);

                                if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                                    if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "PNG")
                                        System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" +
                                userName + "\\AdSlider\\" + ID + "\\" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString());

                                        int width = 410;
                                        int height = 250;

                                        int newHeight = 0;
                                        int newIntWidth = 0;

                                        //if image height is less than resize height
                                        if (height >= image.Height)
                                            //leave the height as is
                                            newHeight = image.Height;

                                            if (width >= image.Width)
                                                newIntWidth = image.Width;
                                                newIntWidth = width;

                                                double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                                        //if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                                            //make height equal to the requested height.
                                            newHeight = height;

                                            //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                                            double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                            double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                            newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                            newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                                            //if the resized width is still to big
                                            if (newIntWidth > width)
                                                //make it equal to the requested width
                                                newIntWidth = width;

                                                //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                                                theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;

                                        Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                        string[] nameTokens = dsSlider[i]["RealPictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);
                                        string realName = dat.MakeNiceName(nameTokens[0]).Replace("-", " ");
                                        literal4.Text = "<div class=\"RotatorImage\"><img alt=\"" + realName +
                                            "\" style=\"cursor: pointer; margin-left: " + ((412 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" onclick=\"OpenEventModal(" + i.ToString() + ", " + ID + ");\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                                            + "UserFiles/" + userName + "/AdSlider/" + ID + "/" +
                                            dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                        Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                                    else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                                        Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                        literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 410px; height: 250px;\" ><OBJECT stop=\"true\" loop=\"false\" controller=\"true\" wmode2=\"opaque\" wmode=\"transparent\" autoplay=\"false\" classid=\"clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B\" " +
                                        "width=\"410\" height=\"250\" codebase=\"\">" +
                                        "<param name=\"src\" value=\"UserFiles/" +
                                userName + "/AdSlider/" + ID + "/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\"></param>" +
                                        "<param name=\"autoplay\" value=\"false\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param>" +
                                        "<param name=\"controller\" value=\"true\"></param>" +
                                        "<param name=\"stop\" value=\"true\" ></param>" +
                                        "<param name=\"loop\" value=\"false\"><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"opaque\" ></param>" +
                                        "<EMBED stop=\"true\" wmode=\"transparent\" wmode2=\"opaque\" src=\"UserFiles/" +
                                userName + "/AdSlider/" + ID + "/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" width=\"410\" height=\"250\" autoplay=\"false\" " +
                                        "controller=\"true\" loop=\"false\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" pluginspage=\"\">" +
                                        "</EMBED>" +
                                        Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                    default: break;


                if (fillUserData)
                    ASP.controls_contactad_ascx SendMessage1 = new ASP.controls_contactad_ascx();
                    SendMessage1.THE_TEXT = "Reply to Bulletin";
                    SendMessage1.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14);
                    SendMessage1.TYPE = "Connect";
                    SendMessage1.ID = ID;


                    ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx SendMessage33 = new ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx();
                    SendMessage33.THE_TEXT = "Share this with a friend";
                    SendMessage33.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                            " would like inquire about your ad \"" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "\".";
                    SendMessage33.TYPE = "a";
                    SendMessage33.ID = ID;

                    Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                            " would like inquire about your ad \"" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "\".";
                    Literal literal = new Literal();
                    literal.Text = "<label class=\"AddGreenLink\">You must be <a class=\"AddLink\" href=\"login\">logged in</a> to contact this person.</label>";

                //    Response.Redirect("~/home");
        if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
            RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
            RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
            if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
                RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";
Esempio n. 7
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string [] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\SellFiles");

        int newIntWidth = 0;
        int newHeight = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < fileArray.Length; i++)
            System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\Events\\" +
                ID + "\\Slider\\" + fileArray[i]);

            GetSize(ref newIntWidth, ref newHeight, image);

            Literal literal4 = new Literal();
            literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 410px; height: 250px;background-color: black;\"><img style=\" margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                + "UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i] + "\" /></div>";
            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

Esempio n. 8
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string eventID = GetEventID();
        string message = "";
        bool isCl = false;
        if (Request.QueryString["cl"] != null)
            if (bool.Parse(Request.QueryString["cl"]))
                isCl = true;
                eventID = eventID.Replace("_", "/");

        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        if (cookie == null)
            cookie = new HttpCookie("BrowserDate");
            cookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(22);
        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));
            Session["RedirectTo"] = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            bool fillUserData = false;

                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    LoggedInPanel.Visible = true;
                    LoggedOutPanel.Visible = false;

                    DataSet ds1 = dat.GetData("SELECT UserName FROM Users WHERE User_ID=" + Session["User"].ToString());
                    fillUserData = true;

                    if (!isCl)
                        EditLink.Visible = true;

                    ////Query whether current owner was delinquent on approve/reject changes
                    //if (dat.IsOwnerDelinquent(eventID, Request.IsLocal, "E"))
                    //    //make the button visable
                    //    OwnerPanel.Visible = true;
                    //    Session["Message"] = "The ownership of this event is <b>open</b>. <br/>The ownership became " +
                    //        "open because the previous owner of this event became un-responsive to rejecting/" +
                    //        "approving user's changes to this event.<br/>If you would like to become " +
                    //        "the owner, click on the button below to go to the event's edit page. <br/><br/> " +
                    //        "Being the owner, you will have the privilage of having your <b>edits come though right " +
                    //        "away.</b> Other participants' changes to this event will have to be <b>approved by you.</b><br/><br/>" +
                    //        "<div align=\"center\" style=\"padding-left: 110px;\"><div align=\"center\"><div style=\"cursor: pointer;cursor: pointer; float: left;padding-right: 10px;\">" +
                    //        "<div class=\"topDiv\" style=\"float:left;\">"+
                    //        "<img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"\" height=\"27px\" />"+
                    //        "<div style=\"font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none; padding-top: 5px;padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 6px;height: 27px;float: left;background: url(''); background-repeat: repeat-x;\">"+
                    //        "<a class=\"NavyLink\" onclick=\"Search('blog-event?edit=true&ID=" + eventID +
                    //        "');\">Edit</a></div>" +
                    //        "<img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"\" height=\"27px\" />"+
                    //        "</div>"+
                    //        "</div>"+
                    //        "</div>"+
                    //        "<div align=\"center\"><div style=\"cursor: pointer;\">" +
                    //        "<div class=\"topDiv\" style=\"float:left;\">" +
                    //        "<img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"\" height=\"27px\" />" +
                    //        "<div style=\"font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none; padding-top: 5px;padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 6px;height: 27px;float: left;background: url(''); background-repeat: repeat-x;\">" +
                    //        "<a class=\"NavyLink\" onclick=\"Search();\">Close</a></div>" +
                    //        "<img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"\" height=\"27px\" />" +
                    //        "</div>" +
                    //        "</div>" +
                    //        "</div></div>";
                    LoggedOutPanel.Visible = true;
                    LoggedInPanel.Visible = false;
                    //Button calendarLink = (Button)dat.FindControlRecursive(this, "CalendarLink");
                    //calendarLink.Visible = false;
                    //EditLink.Visible = false;

                if (!isCl)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLabel.Text += ex.ToString();

            if (Request.QueryString["EventID"] == null)
            string ID = eventID;
            Session["EventID"] = ID;

            if (isCl)
                HippoRating1.Visible = false;
                OwnerPanel.Visible = false;
                EditLink.Visible = false;
                PassedLink.Visible = false;
                PricePanel.Visible = false;
                RatingPanel.Visible = false;
                Flag1.Visible = false;
                ContactOwnerLink.Visible = false;
                ClGoingPanel.Visible = true;

                DateAndTimeLabel.Text = "";

                string URL = "" + eventID + ".html";
                message = URL;
                WebClient myClient = new WebClient();
                string webPageString = myClient.DownloadString(URL).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");

                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument a = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

                string date = "";
                string link = "";
                string header = "";
                string email = "";

                #region Header
                IEnumerable<HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode> pNodes = a.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h2");
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode node in pNodes)
                    header = node.InnerHtml;
                Session["ClHeader"] = header;

                #region Date
                DateTime DateTimeStart = new DateTime();
                DateTime DateTimeEnd = new DateTime();
                bool isEnd = false;
                dat.GetStartAndEndDate(out DateTimeStart, out DateTimeEnd, ref header, out isEnd);


                #region Description
                pNodes = a.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='userbody']");

                string description = "";

                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode node in pNodes)
                    description += node.OuterHtml;

                //Remove images
                description = dat.RemoveImages(description).Replace("<!-- START CLTAGS -->",
                    "").Replace("<!-- END CLTAGS -->", "").Replace("<a ", "<a class='NavyLink12UD' ");

                ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = description;
                Session["ClDescription"] = description;

                #region Email
                IEnumerable<HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode> nds = a.DocumentNode.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[1].Elements("a");
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nd in nds)
                    //if (nd.Name.ToLower() == "a")
                    email = "<div style='clear: both;'><b>Email: " + nd.OuterHtml.Replace("<a", "<a target=\"_blank\" class=\"NavyLink12UD\"") + "</b></div>";
                ClEmailLiteral.Text += "<b>craigslist event: <a class=\"NavyLink12UD\" target=\"_blank\" href='" + URL + "'>" + dat.BreakUpString(header, 14) + "</a></b><br/>" + email;

                #region Do Calendar Link
                string monthStart = DateTimeStart.Month.ToString();
                if (monthStart.Length == 1)
                    monthStart = "0" + monthStart;
                string dayStart = DateTimeStart.Day.ToString();
                if (dayStart.Length == 1)
                    dayStart = "0" + dayStart;

                string monthEnd = "";
                string dayEnd = "";
                string yearEnd = "";
                if (isEnd)
                    monthEnd = DateTimeEnd.Month.ToString();
                    if (monthEnd.Length == 1)
                        monthEnd = "0" + monthEnd;
                    dayEnd = DateTimeEnd.Day.ToString();
                    if (dayEnd.Length == 1)
                        dayEnd = "0" + dayEnd;

                    yearEnd = DateTimeEnd.Year.ToString();
                    monthEnd = monthStart;
                    dayEnd = dayStart;
                    yearEnd = DateTimeStart.Year.ToString();

                string shortDesc = dat.stripHTML(description).Replace(" ", "+");

                if (shortDesc.Length > 1400)
                    shortDesc = shortDesc.Substring(0, 1400) + "...";

                string googleCalendarLink = "" +
                    "dates=" + DateTimeStart.Year.ToString() + monthStart + dayStart +
                        "T120000Z/" + yearEnd + monthEnd + dayEnd + "T130000Z" +
                    "&sprop=" +
                    "website:" + dat.MakeNiceName(header) + "_CLHH" + GetEventID() + "_ClEvent" +
                    "&text=" +
                    header.Replace("/", "%2f").Replace(" ", "+") +
                    "&location=" +
                    "Location" +
                    "&sprop=name:" +
                    header.Replace("/", "%2f").Replace(" ", "+") +
                    "&details=" +
                    "craigslist+ad+" + dat.MakeNiceName(header) +
                    "_CLHH" + GetEventID() + "_ClEvent+" + shortDesc +
                CalendarLiteral.Text = "<a target=\"_blank\" class=\"NavyLink12UD\" href=\"" + googleCalendarLink +
                    "\" title=\"Add this Meetup to your Google calendar\">" +
                    "<span class=\"calOpt google\"></span>Add To Google Calendar</a>";
                //DateAndTimeLabel.Text = googleCalendarLink;\

                #region Images
                pNodes = a.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//img");


                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode node in pNodes)
                    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(node.Attributes["src"].Value);
                    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                    // read the stream
                    System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(receiveStream);

                    int width = 410;
                    int height = 250;

                    int newHeight = 0;
                    int newIntWidth = 0;

                    //if image height is less than resize height
                    if (height >= image.Height)
                        //leave the height as is
                        newHeight = image.Height;

                        if (width >= image.Width)
                            newIntWidth = image.Width;
                            newIntWidth = width;

                            double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                            double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                            newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                            newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                    //if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                        //make height equal to the requested height.
                        newHeight = height;

                        //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                        double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                        double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                        newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                        newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                        //if the resized width is still to big
                        if (newIntWidth > width)
                            //make it equal to the requested width
                            newIntWidth = width;

                            //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                            theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                            double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                            newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                            newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;

                    string alt = "";
                    if (node.Attributes.Contains("alt"))
                        alt = node.Attributes["alt"].Value;
                        alt = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(header);

                    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                    literal4.Text = "<div class=\"RotatorImage\"><img alt=\"" + alt +
                "\" style=\" margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                        + node.Attributes["src"].Value + "\" /></div>";
                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();


                if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
                    RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
                    RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
                    if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
                        RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";

                #region Going
                DataView dvGoing = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM ClEventGoing WHERE ClEventID = '" + GetEventID() + "'");
                if (dvGoing.Count > 0)
                    NumberPeopleLabel.Text = dvGoing.Count.ToString();
                    GoingPanel.Visible = false;

                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    DataView dvGoingUser = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM ClEventGoing WHERE UserID = " + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND ClEventID = '" + GetEventID() + "'");
                    if (dvGoingUser.Count > 0)
                        ImGoingPanel.Visible = true;
                        AreUGoingPanel.Visible = false;
                        AreUGoingPanel.Visible = true;
                        ImGoingPanel.Visible = false;
                    AreUGoingPanel.Visible = false;
                    ImGoingPanel.Visible = false;


                EventName.Text = "<a id=\"" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(header) + "\" class=\"aboutLink\" href=\"http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(header) +
                                "_CLHH" + GetEventID() + "_ClEvent\"><h1>" +
                                dat.BreakUpString(header, 50) + "</h1></a>";

                Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + header;
                Session["CommentSubject"] = "Re: " + header;

                #region Communicate
                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    DataSet dsFriends = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT UC.CLEventID, UC.UserID FROM User_Friends UF, ClEventGoing UC " +
                        "WHERE UC.CLEventID='" + GetEventID() + "' AND UC.UserID=UF.FriendID AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());

                    ASP.controls_smallbutton_ascx blueButton = new ASP.controls_smallbutton_ascx();
                    blueButton.CLIENT_LINK_CLICK = "OpenRad('" + eventID + "&cl=true');";
                    blueButton.BUTTON_TEXT = "Communicate with them";

                    int count = 0;
                    if (dsFriends.Tables.Count > 0)
                        if (dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            count = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                    dvGoing = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM ClEventGoing WHERE ClEventID = '" + GetEventID() + "' AND UserID <> " + Session["User"].ToString());

                    if (dvGoing.Count > 0)

                    if (count > 0)
                        NumberFriendsLabel.Text = "(" + count.ToString() + " Friends)";
                    Literal CommunicateLiteral = new Literal();
                    CommunicateLiteral.Text = "<div class=\"CommunicateWith\">To " +
                        "communicate with them, <a class=\"NavyLink aboutLink\" " +
                        "href=\"login\">log in</a>.</div>";

                #region Comments
                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    DataSet dsComments;
                    string commentPrefs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM UserPreferences WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString()).Tables[0].Rows[0]["CommentsPreferences"].ToString();
                    if (commentPrefs == "1")
                        dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT C.BlogDate AS theDate, * FROM ClEventComments C, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=C.UserID AND C.ClEventID='" + GetEventID() + "' ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                        dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT U.ProfilePicture, U.User_ID, U.UserName, C.Comment, C.BlogDate AS theDate FROM ClEventComments C, Users U, User_Friends UF WHERE ((UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND UF.FriendID=U.User_ID AND U.User_ID=C.UserID) OR (U.User_ID=" +
                            Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=C.UserID)) AND C.ClEventID='" + GetEventID() + "' ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                    TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;
                    DataSet dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT C.BlogDate AS theDate, * FROM ClEventComments C, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=C.UserID AND C.ClEventID='" + GetEventID() + "' ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                    TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;

                #region SEO
                //Create keyword and description meta tags and title
                topTopLiteral.Text = "<a class=\"NavyLink12UD\" href=\"#" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(header) + "\">" +
                    dat.MakeNiceNameFull(header).Replace("-", " ") + " From The Top</a>";

                HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
                HtmlMeta kw = new HtmlMeta();
                HtmlMeta lg = new HtmlMeta();
                HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
                HtmlLink cn = new HtmlLink();

                cn.Attributes.Add("rel", "canonical");
                cn.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(header) +
                                "_CLHH" + GetEventID() + "_ClEvent";
                head.Controls.AddAt(0, cn);

                hm.Name = "Description";
                kw.Name = "keywords";
                lg.Name = "language";
                lg.Content = "English";
                head.Controls.AddAt(0, lg);

                char[] delimeter = { ' ' };
                string[] keywords = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(header).Replace("-",
                    " ").Split(delimeter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                int count2 = 0;
                foreach (string token in keywords)
                    if (count2 < 16)
                        if (kw.Content != "")
                            kw.Content += " ";
                        kw.Content += token;

                head.Controls.AddAt(0, kw);

                hm.Content = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dat.stripHTML(description).Replace("   ", " ").Replace("  ", " ")).Replace("-", " ");
                if (hm.Content.Length > 200)
                    hm.Content = hm.Content.Substring(0, 197) + "...";

                head.Controls.AddAt(0, hm);

                this.Title = kw.Content;

                HtmlLink lk = new HtmlLink();
                lk.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(header) +
                                "_CLHH" + GetEventID() + "_ClEvent";
                lk.Attributes.Add("rel", "bookmark");
                head.Controls.AddAt(0, lk);

                Session["messageText"] = dat.BreakUpString(header, 14);
                Session["messageEmail"] = "EventName: <a href=\"http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(header) +
                                "_CLHH" + GetEventID() + "_ClEvent\">" +
                    dat.BreakUpString(header, 14) + "</a> <br/><br/>" + ShowDescriptionBegining.Text;

                if (fillUserData)
                    ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx SendMessage1 = new ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx();
                    SendMessage1.THE_TEXT = "Share on Hippo";
                    SendMessage1.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                        " would like to share \"" + dat.BreakUpString(header, 14) + "\" with you.";
                    SendMessage1.TYPE = "cl";
                    //SendMessage1.ID = int.Parse(ID);
                    SendMessage1.CL_ID = eventID;

                    Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                        " would like to share \"" + dat.BreakUpString(header, 14) + "\" with you.";

                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    dat.GetRecommendationIcons(eventID, ref RecomPanel);

                RecomPanel.Width = 10 * (RecomPanel.Controls.Count);

                DataSet ds = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Events WHERE ID=" + ID);

                DataView dv = new DataView(ds.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    if (dv[0]["Owner"].ToString() == Session["User"].ToString())
                        EditLink.Visible = true;
                        ContactOwnerLink.Visible = false;
                        if (dv[0]["Owner"] != null && dv[0]["Owner"].ToString() != "")
                            DataView dvU = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE User_ID=" + dv[0]["Owner"].ToString());
                            EditLink.Visible = false;
                            ContactOwnerLink.Visible = true;
                            ContactOwnerLink.HRef = dvU[0]["UserName"].ToString() + "_friend";
                            ContactOwnerLink.Visible = false;
                            EditLink.Visible = true;
                    EditLink.Visible = false;
                    ContactOwnerLink.Visible = false;

                //Overwrite everything if the event has passed
                if (dat.HasEventPassed(eventID))
                    OwnerPanel.Visible = false;
                    EditLink.Visible = false;
                    PassedLink.Visible = true;

                Session["FlagID"] = ID;
                Session["FlagType"] = "E";

                if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        if (bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Live"].ToString()))
                            PricePanel.Visible = false;
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MaxPrice"] != null)
                                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MaxPrice"].ToString() != "")
                                    MinPrice.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MinPrice"].ToString().Replace(".00", "");
                                    MaxPrice.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MaxPrice"].ToString().Replace(".00", "");
                                    PricePanel.Visible = true;

                            EventName.Text = "<a id=\"" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) + "\" class=\"aboutLink\" href=\"http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Event\"><h1>" +
                                dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 50) + "</h1></a>";
                            Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString();
                            Session["CommentSubject"] = "Re: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString();
                            string UserName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();
                            DataSet dsDate = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Event_Occurance WHERE EventID=" + ID);

                            TagCloud.THE_ID = int.Parse(ID);
                            NumberPeopleLabel.Text = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT UserID FROM User_Calendar " +
                                "WHERE EventID=" + ID).Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString();

                            if (Session["User"] != null)
                                DataSet dsFriends = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT UC.EventID, UC.UserID FROM User_Friends UF, User_Calendar UC " +
                                    "WHERE UC.EventID=" +
                                    ID + " AND UC.UserID=UF.FriendID AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());

                                ASP.controls_smallbutton_ascx blueButton = new ASP.controls_smallbutton_ascx();
                                blueButton.CLIENT_LINK_CLICK = "OpenRad('" + ID + "');";
                                blueButton.BUTTON_TEXT = "Communicate with them";


                                int count = 0;
                                if (dsFriends.Tables.Count > 0)
                                    if (dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                        count = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                                NumberFriendsLabel.Text = "(" + count.ToString() + " Friends)";
                                Literal CommunicateLiteral = new Literal();
                                CommunicateLiteral.Text = "<div class=\"CommunicateWith\">To " +
                                    "communicate with them, <a class=\"NavyLink aboutLink\" " +
                                    "href=\"login\">log in</a>.</div>";

                            if (bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["hasSongs"].ToString()))
                                DataSet dsSongs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Event_Song_Mapping WHERE EventID=" + ID);
                                ASP.controls_playerxml_songplayer_ascx songs = new ASP.controls_playerxml_songplayer_ascx();
                                int songCount = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                                if (songCount > 2)
                                    songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG2 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongName"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG3 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[2]["SongName"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG2_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG3_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[2]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                                else if (songCount > 1)
                                    songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG2 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongName"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG2_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[1]["SongTitle"].ToString();
                                else if (songCount == 1)
                                    songs.SONG1 = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongName"].ToString();
                                    songs.SONG1_TITLE = dsSongs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SongTitle"].ToString();

                                songs.USER_NAME = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();


                            DateTime date;
                            DateTime endDate;
                            DateAndTimeLabel.Text = "";
                            string dateandtime = "";
                            bool dateGotten = false;
                            string moreDates = "";
                            DateTime DateTimeStart = DateTime.Parse(dsDate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DateTimeStart"].ToString());
                            DateTime DateTimeEnd = DateTime.Parse(dsDate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DateTimeEnd"].ToString());
                            bool isEnd = true;
                            for (int i = 0; i < dsDate.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                                date = DateTime.Parse(dsDate.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DateTimeStart"].ToString());
                                endDate = DateTime.Parse(dsDate.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DateTimeEnd"].ToString());

                                if ((endDate >= DateTime.Now && !dateGotten) || (i == dsDate.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1 && !dateGotten))
                                    dateGotten = true;
                                    dateandtime += date.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(date.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                        date.Day + " " + date.ToShortTimeString() + " To " +
                                        endDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(endDate.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                        endDate.Day + " " + endDate.ToShortTimeString();
                                    DateAndTimeLabel.Text += GetMonth(date.Month.ToString()).Substring(0, 3) + ". " +
                                        date.Day + " at " + date.ToShortTimeString().Replace(":00", "").Replace("PM", "p").Replace("AM", "a");

                                    if (moreDates == "")
                                        moreDates = "<div onclick=\"OpenMoreDates();\" class=\"NavyLink\" id=\"MoreDatesName\">More Dates</div>" +
                                            "<div class=\"MoreNo\" id=\"infoDiv\">" +
                                            (dsDate.Tables[0].Rows.Count * 40).ToString() +
                                            "</div><div class=\"MoreNo\" " +
                                            "id=\"MoreDatesDiv\"> <div class=\"NavyLink InnerMore\" " +
                                    moreDates += date.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(date.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                        date.Day + " " + date.ToShortTimeString()
                                        + " <span class=\"ToSpan\">To</span> " +
                                        endDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() + ", " + GetMonth(endDate.Month.ToString()) + " " +
                                        endDate.Day + " " + endDate.ToShortTimeString() + "<br/>";

                            if (moreDates != "")
                                moreDates += "</div>";

                            DateAndTimeLabel.Text += moreDates;

                            string content = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content"].ToString();
                            string niceName = dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString());

                            if (bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Private"].ToString()))
                                VenueName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString() + "<br/>" +
                                    ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + ", " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["State"].ToString() +
                                    " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Zip"].ToString();

                                Session["messageText"] = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + " occurs at " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString() + " on " + dateandtime;
                                Session["messageEmail"] = "EventName: <a href=\"" + dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14)) + "_" + ID + "_Event\">" +
                                    dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "</a> <br/><br/> Venue: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString() + " <br/><br/> Date: " +
                                    DateAndTimeLabel.Text + " <br/><br/> " + ShowDescriptionBegining.Text;
                                DataSet dsVenue = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Venues WHERE ID=" +
                                VenueName.Text = dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
                                VenueName.NavigateUrl = dat.MakeNiceName(dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()) +
                                    "_" + dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "_Venue";

                                Session["messageText"] = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + " occurs at " + VenueName.Text + " on " + dateandtime;
                                Session["messageEmail"] = "EventName: <a href=\"" + dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14)) + "_" + ID + "_Event\">" +
                                    dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "</a> <br/><br/> Venue: <a href=\"" + dat.MakeNiceName(VenueName.Text) + "_" +
                                    dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "_Venue\">" + VenueName.Text + "</a> <br/><br/> Date: " +
                                    DateAndTimeLabel.Text + " <br/><br/> " + ShowDescriptionBegining.Text;

                            //ScriptLiteral.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">ReturnURL('" + niceName.Replace("_", " ") + " at " + dat.MakeNiceName(dsVenue.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()).Replace("_", " ") + " Tonight" + Request.QueryString["EventID"].ToString() + "_Event');</script>";

                            if (Session["User"] != null)
                                DataSet dsComments;
                                string commentPrefs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM UserPreferences WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString()).Tables[0].Rows[0]["CommentsPreferences"].ToString();
                                if (commentPrefs == "1")
                                    dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT C.BlogDate AS theDate, * FROM Comments C, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=C.UserID AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                                    dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT U.ProfilePicture, U.User_ID, U.UserName, C.Comment, C.BlogDate AS theDate FROM Comments C, Users U, User_Friends UF WHERE ((UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND UF.FriendID=U.User_ID AND U.User_ID=C.UserID) OR (U.User_ID=" +
                                        Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=C.UserID)) AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                                TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;
                                DataSet dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT C.BlogDate AS theDate, * FROM Comments C, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=C.UserID AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                                TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;

                            ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = dat.BreakUpString(content, 20);

                            #region SEO
                            //Create keyword and description meta tags and title
                            topTopLiteral.Text = "<a class=\"NavyLink12UD\" href=\"#" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) + "\">" +
                                dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ") + " From The Top</a>";

                            HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
                            HtmlMeta kw = new HtmlMeta();
                            HtmlMeta lg = new HtmlMeta();
                            HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
                            HtmlLink cn = new HtmlLink();

                            cn.Attributes.Add("rel", "canonical");
                            cn.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Event";
                            head.Controls.AddAt(0, cn);

                            hm.Name = "Description";
                            kw.Name = "keywords";
                            lg.Name = "language";
                            lg.Content = "English";
                            head.Controls.AddAt(0, lg);

                            char[] delimeter = { ' ' };
                            string[] keywords = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ").Split(delimeter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            int count2 = 0;
                            foreach (string token in keywords)
                                if (count2 < 16)
                                    if (kw.Content != "")
                                        kw.Content += " ";
                                    kw.Content += token;

                            head.Controls.AddAt(0, kw);

                            hm.Content = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dat.stripHTML(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content"].ToString()).Replace("   ", " ").Replace("  ", " ")).Replace("-", " ");
                            if (hm.Content.Length > 200)
                                hm.Content = hm.Content.Substring(0, 197) + "...";

                            head.Controls.AddAt(0, hm);

                            this.Title = kw.Content;

                            HtmlLink lk = new HtmlLink();
                            lk.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Event";
                            lk.Attributes.Add("rel", "bookmark");
                            head.Controls.AddAt(0, lk);

                            DataView dvCats = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT DISTINCT C.ID, ECM.ID AS EID, C.Name AS CategoryName, ECM.tagSize FROM Event_Category_Mapping ECM, EventCategories C WHERE ECM.CategoryID=C.ID AND ECM.EventID=" + eventID + " ORDER BY ECM.ID");

                            string justCats = "";

                            for (int i = 0; i < dvCats.Count; i++)
                                //kw.Content += ", " + dvCats[i]["CategoryName"].ToString();
                                justCats += dvCats[i]["CategoryName"].ToString() + " ";

                            //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
                            int mediaCategory = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mediaCategory"].ToString());
                            string youtube = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YouTubeVideo"].ToString();
                            switch (mediaCategory)
                                case 0:
                                case 1:
                                    char[] delim4 = { ';' };
                                    string[] youtokens = youtube.Split(delim4);
                                    if (youtube != "")
                                        for (int i = 0; i < youtokens.Length; i++)
                                            if (youtokens[i].Trim() != "")
                                                Literal literal3 = new Literal();
                                                //literal3.Text = "<object width=\"400\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ><param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"400\" height=\"250\"></embed></object>";
                                                literal3.Text = "<div class=\"YouTubeWrapper\"><object class=\"toHidde\" width=\"412\" " +
                                                    "height=\"250\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                                    "\"/><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"transparent\" /><param  name=\"wmode\" " +
                                                    "value=\"opaque\" /><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"/><embed " +
                                                    "src=\"" +
                                                    youtokens[i] + "\" wmode=\"opaque\" wmode2=\"transparent\" type=\"application/x-shockwave" +
                                                    "-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"412\" height=\"250\"/></object></div>";
                                                Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r3 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                                    DataView dsSlider = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Event_Slider_Mapping WHERE EventID=" + ID);
                                    if (dsSlider.Count > 0)
                                        char[] delim = { '\\' };
                                        char[] delim3 = { '.' };
                                        //string[] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\Events\\" + ID + "\\Slider");

                                        //string[] finalFileArray = new string[fileArray.Length];

                                        for (int i = 0; i < dsSlider.Count; i++)
                                            //int length = fileArray[i].Split(delim).Length;
                                            //finalFileArray[i] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/HippoHappenings/UserFiles/Events/" +
                                            //    ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1];
                                            if (bool.Parse(dsSlider[i]["ImgPathAbsolute"].ToString()))
                                                string[] tokens = dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);

                                                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString());
                                                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                                                Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                                                // read the stream
                                                System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(receiveStream);

                                                    int width = 410;
                                                    int height = 250;

                                                    int newHeight = 0;
                                                    int newIntWidth = 0;

                                                    //if image height is less than resize height
                                                    if (height >= image.Height)
                                                        //leave the height as is
                                                        newHeight = image.Height;

                                                        if (width >= image.Width)
                                                            newIntWidth = image.Width;
                                                            newIntWidth = width;

                                                            double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                            double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                            newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                            newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                                                    //if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                                                        //make height equal to the requested height.
                                                        newHeight = height;

                                                        //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                                                        double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                        double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                        newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                        newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                                                        //if the resized width is still to big
                                                        if (newIntWidth > width)
                                                            //make it equal to the requested width
                                                            newIntWidth = width;

                                                            //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                                                            theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                            double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                            newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                            newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;

                                                    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                    string[] nameTokens = dsSlider[i]["RealPictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);
                                                    string realName = dat.MakeNiceName(nameTokens[0]).Replace("_", " ");
                                                    literal4.Text = "<div class=\"RotatorImage\"><img alt=\"" + realName +
                                                        "\" style=\" margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                                                        + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                                                string[] tokens = dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);

                                                //dsSlider.RowFilter = "PictureName='" + tokens[0] + "." + tokens[1] + "'";
                                                if (tokens.Length >= 2 && dsSlider.Count > 0)
                                                    if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "PNG")
                                                        System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") +
                                                            "\\UserFiles\\Events\\" + ID + "\\Slider\\" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString());

                                                        int width = 410;
                                                        int height = 250;

                                                        int newHeight = 0;
                                                        int newIntWidth = 0;

                                                        //if image height is less than resize height
                                                        if (height >= image.Height)
                                                            //leave the height as is
                                                            newHeight = image.Height;

                                                            if (width >= image.Width)
                                                                newIntWidth = image.Width;
                                                                newIntWidth = width;

                                                                double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                                double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                                newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                                newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                                                        //if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                                                            //make height equal to the requested height.
                                                            newHeight = height;

                                                            //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                                                            double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                            double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                            newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                            newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                                                            //if the resized width is still to big
                                                            if (newIntWidth > width)
                                                                //make it equal to the requested width
                                                                newIntWidth = width;

                                                                //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                                                                theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                                double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                                newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                                newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;

                                                        Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                        string[] nameTokens = dsSlider[i]["RealPictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);
                                                        string realName = dat.MakeNiceName(nameTokens[0]).Replace("_", " ");
                                                        literal4.Text = "<div class=\"RotatorImage\"><img alt=\"" + realName +
                                                    "\" style=\" margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                                                            + "UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                                        Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                                                    //else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                                                    //    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                    //    literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 410px; height: 250px;\" ><OBJECT stop=\"true\" loop=\"false\" controller=\"true\" wmode2=\"opaque\" wmode=\"transparent\" autoplay=\"false\" classid=\"clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B\" " +
                                                    //    "width=\"410\" height=\"250\" codebase=\"\">" +
                                                    //    "<param name=\"src\" value=\"UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\"></param>" +
                                                    //    "<param name=\"autoplay\" value=\"false\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param>" +
                                                    //    "<param name=\"controller\" value=\"true\"></param>" +
                                                    //    "<param name=\"stop\" value=\"true\" ></param>" +
                                                    //    "<param name=\"loop\" value=\"false\"><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"opaque\" ></param>" +
                                                    //    "<EMBED stop=\"true\" wmode=\"transparent\" wmode2=\"opaque\" src=\"UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" width=\"410\" height=\"250\" autoplay=\"false\" " +
                                                    //    "controller=\"true\" loop=\"false\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" pluginspage=\"\">" +
                                                    //    "</EMBED>" +
                                                    //    "</OBJECT></div>";
                                                    //    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                                                    //    r4.Controls.Add(literal4);
                                                    //    Rotator1.Items.Add(r4);

                                default: break;

                            if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
                                RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
                                RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
                                if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
                                    RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";

                            if (fillUserData)
                                //ASP.controls_addtocalendar_ascx AddTo1 = new ASP.controls_addtocalendar_ascx();
                                //AddTo1.ID = "AddTo1";
                                //AddTo1.EVENT_ID = int.Parse(ID);

                                #region Do Calendar Link
                                string monthStart = DateTimeStart.Month.ToString();
                                if (monthStart.Length == 1)
                                    monthStart = "0" + monthStart;
                                string dayStart = DateTimeStart.Day.ToString();
                                if (dayStart.Length == 1)
                                    dayStart = "0" + dayStart;

                                string monthEnd = "";
                                string dayEnd = "";
                                string yearEnd = "";
                                if (isEnd)
                                    monthEnd = DateTimeEnd.Month.ToString();
                                    if (monthEnd.Length == 1)
                                        monthEnd = "0" + monthEnd;
                                    dayEnd = DateTimeEnd.Day.ToString();
                                    if (dayEnd.Length == 1)
                                        dayEnd = "0" + dayEnd;

                                    yearEnd = DateTimeEnd.Year.ToString();
                                    monthEnd = monthStart;
                                    dayEnd = dayStart;
                                    yearEnd = DateTimeStart.Year.ToString();

                                string shortDesc = dat.stripHTML(ShowDescriptionBegining.Text).Replace(" ", "+");

                                if (shortDesc.Length > 1400)
                                    shortDesc = shortDesc.Substring(0, 1400) + "...";

                                string googleCalendarLink = "" +
                                    "dates=" + DateTimeStart.Year.ToString() + monthStart + dayStart +
                                        "T120000Z/" + yearEnd + monthEnd + dayEnd + "T130000Z" +
                                    "&sprop=" +
                                    "website:" + dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) + "_CLHH" + GetEventID() + "_ClEvent" +
                                    "&text=" +
                                    ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString().Replace("/", "%2f").Replace(" ", "+") +
                                    "&location=" +
                                    "Location" +
                                    "&sprop=name:" +
                                    ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString().Replace("/", "%2f").Replace(" ", "+") +
                                    "&details=" +
                                    "craigslist+ad+" + dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                    "_" + GetEventID() + "_Event+" + shortDesc +
                                CalendarLiteral.Text = "<a target=\"_blank\" class=\"NavyLink12UD\" href=\"" + googleCalendarLink +
                                    "\" title=\"Add this Meetup to your Google calendar\">" +
                                    "<span class=\"calOpt google\"></span>Add To Google Calendar</a>";
                                //DateAndTimeLabel.Text = googleCalendarLink;\

                                ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx SendMessage1 = new ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx();
                                SendMessage1.THE_TEXT = "Share on Hippo";
                                SendMessage1.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                                    " would like to share \"" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "\" with you.";
                                SendMessage1.TYPE = "e";
                                SendMessage1.ID = int.Parse(ID);


                                Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                                    " would like to share \"" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "\" with you.";


                            //        DiggLiteral.Text = "<table>" +
                            //    "<tr>" +
                            //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
                            //         "   <a name=\"fb_share\" type=\"button\" href=\"\">Share</a><script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>" +
                            //       " </td>" +
                            //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
                            //        "    <a style=\"border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" id=\"TweeterA\" title=\"Click to send this page to Twitter!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img style=\"border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" src=\"\" alt=\"Share on Twitter\"/></a>" +
                            //        "</td>" +
                            //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +
                            //          "  <a href=\"javascript:void(''+encodeURIComponent(document.location.toString()),'ptm','height=450,width=440').focus())\">" +
                            //          "      <img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Share on MySpace\" />" +
                            //          "  </a>" +
                            //        "</td>" +
                            //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\"><a alt=\"Digg it!\" class=\"DiggThisButton DiggIcon\" id=\"dibbButt\"" +
                            //        "href='" + "http://" +
                            //        Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                            //        niceName +
                            //        "_" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "_Event" +
                            //        "' target=\"_blank\">Digg</a></td>" +
                            //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +

                            //            "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title), 'delicious','toolbar=no,width=550,height=550'); return false;\">" +
                            //             "   <img border=\"0\" src=\"\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" alt=\"Delicious\" />" +
                            //            "</a>" +
                            //        "</td>" +
                            //        "<td>" +
                            //          "  <script src=\"\"></script>" +
                            //        "</td>" +
                            //    "</tr>" +


                            EventName.Text = "This event has been disabled";

        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorLabel.Text += ex.ToString() + "<br/><br/>" + message;
Esempio n. 9
    protected void LoadFriends()
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));
        DateTime isNow = DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":"));
        DataSet dsFriends = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM User_Friends UF, Users U WHERE UF.FriendID=U.User_ID AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());
        Panel FriendPanel = (Panel)Tab1.FindControl("FriendPanel");

        //Search for what your friends did in the past 30 days.
        string thisMonth = isNow.AddDays(-30).Month.ToString() + "/" + isNow.AddDays(-30).Day.ToString() + "/" +
        Panel WhatMyFriendsDidPanel = (Panel)Tab2.FindControl("WhatMyFriendsDidPanel");
        DataView dvFriends = new DataView(dsFriends.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

        if (dvFriends.Count > 0)
            //Added Events to calendar
            DataView dvEvents = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT TOP 10 U.UserName,  U.ProfilePicture, UC.DateAdded AS THE_DATE, 'Added the event <a class=NavyLink12 target=_blank href=' + dbo.MAKENICENAME(E.Header) + '_' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,E.ID)+'_Event>'+  E.Header +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, User_Calendar UC, Events E WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND E.ID=UC.EventID " +
                "AND UF.FriendID=UC.UserID AND UC.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + thisMonth + "') ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");
                //AND UC.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')
            //Added Favorite Venues
            DataView dvVenues = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT TOP 10  U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture, UV.DateAdded AS THE_DATE, 'Added a favorite venue <a class=NavyLink12 target=_blank href='+dbo.MAKENICENAME(V.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,V.ID)+'_Venue>'+ V.Name +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, UserVenues UV, Venues V WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND V.ID=UV.VenueID AND UV.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + thisMonth + "') AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND UF.FriendID=UV.UserID ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //AND UV.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')

            //Added Event Comments
            DataView dvComments = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT TOP 10 U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture,  C.BlogDate AS THE_DATE, 'Posted a comment:  " +
                "<a class=Green12LinkNF target=_blank href=' + dbo.MAKENICENAME(E.Header) + '_' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,E.ID)+'_Event>'+ C.Comment +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Comments C, Events E WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND C.BlogDate > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + thisMonth + "') AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND C.BlogID=E.ID " +
                "AND UF.FriendID=C.UserID  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //AND C.BlogDate > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')

            //Added Venue Comments
            DataView dvCommentsVenue = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT TOP 10  U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture,  VC.CommentDate AS THE_DATE, 'Posted a comment: " +
                "<a class=Green12LinkNF target=_blank href='+dbo.MAKENICENAME(V.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,V.ID)+'_Venue>'+ VC.Comment +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Venue_Comments VC, Venues V WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND VC.CommentDate > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + thisMonth + "') AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND V.ID=VC.VenueID " +
                "AND UF.FriendID=VC.UserID ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

             //AND VC.CommentDate > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')

            //Posted Events
            DataView dvPostedEvents = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT TOP 10  U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture, E.PostedOn AS THE_DATE, " +
                "'Posted the event <a class=AddOrangeLink target=_blank href=' + dbo.MAKENICENAME(E.Header) + '_' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,E.ID)+'_Event>'+ E.Header +'</a>'AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Events E WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND E.PostedOn > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + thisMonth + "') AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND U.UserName=E.UserName  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //"+"AND E.PostedOn > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +" ").Replace("%3A", ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')

            //Posted Venues
            DataView dvPostedVenues = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT TOP 10  U.UserName,  U.ProfilePicture, V.PostedOn AS THE_DATE, " +
                "'Posted the venue <a class=AddOrangeLink target=_blank href='+ dbo.MAKENICENAME(V.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,V.ID)+'_Venue>'+ V.Name +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Venues V WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND V.PostedOn > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + thisMonth + "') AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND UF.FriendID=V.CreatedByUser ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            // AND V.PostedOn > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')

            //Posted Ads
            DataView dvPostedAds = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT TOP 10  U.UserName,  U.ProfilePicture, CONVERT(DATETIME,A.DateAdded) AS THE_DATE, " +
                "'Posted the ad <a target=_blank class=AddOrangeLink href='+ dbo.MAKENICENAME(A.Header)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,A.Ad_ID)+'_Ad>'+ A.Header +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Ads A WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND CONVERT(DATETIME,A.DateAdded) > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + thisMonth + "') AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND UF.FriendID=A.User_ID  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //AND A.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')

            DataView dv = MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(dvPostedEvents,
                dvPostedVenues), dvPostedAds), dvCommentsVenue), dvComments), dvVenues), dvEvents);

            string friendImg = "";
            string strFill = "";

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem rItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
            Literal hiddenPostingLiteral = new Literal();

            dv.Sort = "THE_DATE DESC";

            if (dv.Count != 0)
                int count = 0;

                dv.Sort = "THE_DATE DESC";

                for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count;i++ )
                    string rowHeader = dv[i]["HEADER"].ToString();

                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() +
                        "\\Profile\\" + dv[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString()))
                        friendImg = "UserFiles/" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "/Profile/" + dv[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString();
                        strFill = "";
                        friendImg = "NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_small.png";
                        strFill = "onmouseover=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_smallhover.png'\"" +
                            "onmouseout=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_small.png'\" ";

                        PostingLiteral.Text += "<div align=\"left\" style=\"margin-right: 10px;float: left;width: 230px; line-height: 12px; min-height: 54px;padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;\">" +
                            "<a href=\"" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\"border: solid 1px #dedbdb;background-color: #dedbdb; float: left;margin-right: 7px; margin-bottom: 2px;\" " +
                            "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
                        PostingLiteral.Text += "<span class=\"NavyLink\" style=\" font-weight: bold;\"><a class=\"NavyLink12\" href=\"" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\">" +
                            dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(dv[i]["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div>";
                //PostingLiteral.Text += "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;padding-left:0; padding-right: 10px;\">Your friends haven't been up to anything. Tell them that they could win the Hippo Points badge for the month and promote themselves on our home page just by posting content on the Hippo! <a class=\"NavyLink\" href=\"hippo-points\">Read more about Hippo Points.</a></div>";
                PostingLiteral.Text += "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;padding-left:0; padding-right: 10px;\">Hey, your friends haven't been up to anything lately. Sad face!</div>";


            //dvEvents = MergeDVThreeCol(dvEvents, dvVenues);

            //if (dvEvents.Count != 0)
            //    rItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
            //    hiddenPostingLiteral = new Literal();

            //    int count = 0;

            //    dvEvents.Sort = "THE_DATE DESC";

            //    foreach (DataRowView row in dvEvents)
            //    {
            //        string rowHeader = row["HEADER"].ToString();

            //        if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + row["UserName"].ToString() +
            //            "\\Profile\\" + row["ProfilePicture"].ToString()))
            //        {
            //            friendImg = "UserFiles/" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "/Profile/" + row["ProfilePicture"].ToString();
            //            strFill = "";
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            friendImg = "NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_small.png";
            //            strFill = "onmouseover=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_smallhover.png'\"" +
            //                "onmouseout=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_small.png'\" ";
            //        }

            //            PostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"line-height: 12px; min-height: 54px;\">" +
            //                "<a href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\"background-color: #dedbdb;border: 0;float: left;margin-right: 7px; margin-bottom: 2px;\" " +
            //                "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
            //            PostingLiteral.Text += "<span style=\" font-weight: bold;\"><a class=\"NavyLink12\" href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\">" +
            //                row["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(row["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div>";
            //    }
            //    PostingLiteral.Text += "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;padding-left:0; \">Your friends haven't had any Event Going Action in 10 days.</div>";

            //DataView dvCommentsFinal = MergeDVThreeCol(dvComments, dvCommentsVenue);

            //if (dvCommentsFinal.Count != 0)
            //    int count = 0;
            //    dvCommentsFinal.Sort = "THE_DATE DESC";
            //    foreach (DataRowView row in dvCommentsFinal)
            //    {
            //        string rowHeader = row["HEADER"].ToString();

            //        if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + row["UserName"].ToString() +
            //            "\\Profile\\" + row["ProfilePicture"].ToString()))
            //        {
            //            friendImg = "UserFiles/" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "/Profile/" + row["ProfilePicture"].ToString();
            //            strFill = "";
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            friendImg = "NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_small.png";
            //            strFill = "onmouseover=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_smallhover.png'\"" +
            //                "onmouseout=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_small.png'\" ";
            //        }

            //            PostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"line-height: 12px;  min-height: 54px;\">" +
            //                "<a href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\"background-color: #dedbdb;border: 0;float: left;margin-right: 7px; margin-bottom: 2px;\" " +
            //                "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
            //            PostingLiteral.Text += "<span style=\"color: #628e02; font-weight: bold;\"></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(row["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div>";
            //    }
            //    PostingLiteral.Text += "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;padding-left:0; \">Your friends haven't had any Commenting Action in 10 days.</div>";
            PostingLiteral.Text += "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;padding-left:0; padding-right: 10px;\">Your friends haven't been up to anything. Tell them that they could win the Hippo Points badge for the month and promote themselves on our home page just by posting content on the Hippo! <a class=\"NavyLink\" href=\"hippo-points\">Read more about Hippo Points.</a></div>";

        DataView dvUser = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM UserPreferences WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());
        string emailPrefs = dvUser[0]["EmailPrefs"].ToString();
        dvUser = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM UserFriendPrefs WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());
        string emailFriendPrefs = "";
        int friendcount = 0;
        if (dsFriends.Tables.Count > 0)
            if (dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                friendcount = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    dvUser.RowFilter = "FriendID = " + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    if (dvUser.Count > 0)
                        emailFriendPrefs = dvUser[0]["Preferences"].ToString();
                        emailFriendPrefs = "";

                    Literal lit = new Literal();
                    lit.Text = "<div style=\"float: left; padding: 8px;\"><table align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"  bgcolor=\"#dedbdb\" width=\"52\" style=\"border: solid 1px #DEDBDB\" height=\"52\"><tr><td align=\"center\">";
                    ImageButton profilePicture = new ImageButton();

                    profilePicture.AlternateText = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    profilePicture.ToolTip = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    profilePicture.Height = 50;
                    profilePicture.Width = 50;
                    profilePicture.ID = "pic" + i.ToString();
                    profilePicture.AlternateText = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    profilePicture.CommandArgument = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "\\Profile\\" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString()))
                        profilePicture.ImageUrl = "~/UserFiles/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "/Profile/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString();
                        System.Drawing.Image theimg = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(".") + "/UserFiles/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() +
                     "/Profile/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString());

                        double width = double.Parse(theimg.Width.ToString());
                        double height = double.Parse(theimg.Height.ToString());

                        if (width > height)
                            if (width <= 50)

                                double dividor = double.Parse("50.00") / double.Parse(width.ToString());
                                width = double.Parse("50.00");
                                height = height * dividor;
                            if (width == height)
                                width = double.Parse("50.00");
                                height = double.Parse("50.00");
                                double dividor = double.Parse("50.00") / double.Parse(height.ToString());
                                height = double.Parse("50.00");
                                width = width * dividor;

                        profilePicture.Width = int.Parse((Math.Round(decimal.Parse(width.ToString()))).ToString());
                        profilePicture.Height = int.Parse((Math.Round(decimal.Parse(height.ToString()))).ToString());

                        profilePicture.ImageUrl = "~/NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_small.png";
                        profilePicture.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_smallhover.png'");
                        profilePicture.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_small.png'");
                    profilePicture.PostBackUrl = "~/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend";
                    //profilePicture.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ViewFriend);

                    lit = new Literal();
                    lit.Text = "</td></tr></table><div align=\"center\">";

                    HyperLink link = new HyperLink();
                    link.Text = "edit prefs";
                    link.CssClass = "PrefsLink";
                    link.ID = "editPrefs" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();

                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolTip tip = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolTip();
                    tip.TargetControlID = "editPrefs" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    tip.ShowEvent = Telerik.Web.UI.ToolTipShowEvent.OnClick;
                    tip.Position = Telerik.Web.UI.ToolTipPosition.MiddleRight;
                    tip.RelativeTo = Telerik.Web.UI.ToolTipRelativeDisplay.Element;
                    tip.ManualClose = true;
                    tip.Attributes.Add("style", "z-index: 1000;");
                    tip.Skin = "Sunset";
                    tip.ID = "Tooltip" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();

                    UpdatePanel upP = new UpdatePanel();
                    upP.ID = "UpdatePanel" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    upP.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;

                    Literal tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<div align=\"center\" style=\"width: 300px !important; height: 254px !important;\">";
                    tipLit.Text += "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: "+
                        "Arial; font-size: 12px;   padding: 10px;\">";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td  style=\"padding-bottom: 5px;\"> <span style=\"  " +
                        "font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold;\">Friend Options:</span></td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"padding-bottom: 10px;\">" +
                        "<a class=\"NavyLink12\" onclick=\"OpenRemove('" +
                        dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString() +
                        "')\">Remove Friend</a></td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td><span style=\"  " +
                        "font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold;\">Notify me when friend:</span></td></tr>";
                    //tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"padding-top: 5px;\"><h2>adds an event to calendar</h2></td></tr>";
                    //tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\">";

                    ImageButton imgB;
                    CheckBox check;
                    //if (emailPrefs.Contains("6"))
                    //    tipLit = new Literal();
                    //    tipLit.Text = "<span style=\"color: #33a923;\">This preference is turned on for everyone.  If you want to set it just for this user, turn it off for everyone in 'Email Prefs'.</span></td></tr>";

                    //    upP.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(tipLit);
                    //    tipLit = new Literal();
                    //    tipLit.Text = "<div style=\"width: 118px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div>";

                    //    upP.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(tipLit);

                    //    check = new CheckBox();
                    //    check.ID = "email" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    //    check.Text = "email";
                    //    if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("0"))
                    //        check.Checked = true;

                    //    upP.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(check);

                    //    tipLit = new Literal();
                    //    tipLit.Text = "</div></div></td></tr>";
                    //    //    "<div style=\"float: left;\">";

                    //    //upP.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(tipLit);

                    //    //check = new CheckBox();
                    //    //check.ID = "text" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    //    //check.Text = "text";
                    //    //if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("1"))
                    //    //    check.Checked = true;

                    //    //upP.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(check);

                    //    //tipLit = new Literal();
                    //    //tipLit.Text = "</div>"

                    //    upP.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(tipLit);

                    //posts an event
                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"padding-top: 5px;\"><h2>posts event/locale/adventure</h2></td></tr>";
                    if (emailPrefs.Contains("3"))
                        tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><span style=\"color: #33a923;\">This preference is turned on for everyone.  If you want to set it just for this user, turn it off for everyone in 'Email Prefs'.</span></td></tr>";

                        tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><div style=\"width: 125px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div>";


                        check = new CheckBox();
                        check.ID = "email2" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        check.Text = "email";
                        if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("2"))
                            check.Checked = true;


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div></td></tr>";

                        //    "<div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                        //check = new CheckBox();
                        //check.ID = "text2" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        //check.Text = "text";
                        //if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("3"))
                        //    check.Checked = true;


                        //tipLit = new Literal();
                        //tipLit.Text = "</div>"


                    ////posts an ad
                    //tipLit = new Literal();
                    //tipLit.Text = "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"padding-top: 5px;\"><h2>posts an ad</h2></td></tr>";
                    //tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><div style=\"width: 125px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div style=\"float: left;padding-right: 8px;\">";


                    //check = new CheckBox();
                    //check.ID = "email3" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    //check.Text = "email";
                    //if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("4"))
                    //    check.Checked = true;


                    //tipLit = new Literal();
                    //tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                    //check = new CheckBox();
                    //check.ID = "text3" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    //check.Text = "text";
                    //if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("5"))
                    //    check.Checked = true;


                    //tipLit = new Literal();
                    //tipLit.Text = "</div></td></tr>";


                    //sends a Hippo Mail to you
                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"padding-top: 5px;\"><h2>sends a Hippo Mail to you</h2></td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\">";


                    if (emailPrefs.Contains("4"))
                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<span style=\"color: #33a923;\">This preference is on for everyone.  If you want to set it just for this user, turn it off for everyone in 'Email Prefs'.</span></td></tr>";

                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<div style=\"width: 125px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div>";

                        check = new CheckBox();
                        check.ID = "email4" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        check.Text = "email";
                        if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("6"))
                            check.Checked = true;


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div></td></tr>";

                        //    "<div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                        //check = new CheckBox();
                        //check.ID = "text4" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        //check.Text = "text";
                        //if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("7"))
                        //    check.Checked = true;


                        //tipLit = new Literal();
                        //tipLit.Text = "</div>"


                    //shares event/venue/ad with you
                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"padding-top: 5px;\"><h2>shares event/locale/adventure with you</h2></td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\">";


                    if (emailPrefs.Contains("9"))
                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<span style=\"color: #33a923;\">This preference is turned on for everyone.  If you want to set it just for this user, turn it off for everyone in 'Email Prefs'.</span></td></tr>";

                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<div style=\"width: 125px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div>";

                        check = new CheckBox();
                        check.ID = "email5" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        check.Text = "email";
                        if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("8"))
                            check.Checked = true;


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div></td></tr>";

                        //"<div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                        //check = new CheckBox();
                        //check.Text = "text";
                        //check.ID = "text5" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        //if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("9"))
                        //    check.Checked = true;


                        //tipLit = new Literal();
                        //tipLit.Text = "</div>"


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</table><div style=\"color: red;float: left;padding-top: 10px;\">";

                    Label labl = new Label();
                    labl.ID = "ErrorLabel" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"float: right;padding-top: 10px;\">";


                    ASP.controls_bluebutton_ascx btn = new ASP.controls_bluebutton_ascx();
                    btn.BUTTON_TEXT = "Save";
                    btn.COMMAND_ARGS = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    btn.CLIENT_CLICK = "javascript:CloseToolTip();";
                    btn.SERVER_CLICK += PrefsSave;
                    btn.ID = "Save" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    btn.WIDTH = "55px";


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</div></div>";




                    lit = new Literal();
                    lit.Text = "</div></div>";

        NumFriendsLabel.Text = friendcount.ToString();
        LinkButton friendLink = new LinkButton();
        friendLink.Text = "Add Friends";
    protected void LoadFriends()
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));
        DataSet dsFriends = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM User_Friends UF, Users U WHERE UF.FriendID=U.User_ID AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());
        Panel FriendPanel = (Panel)Tab1.FindControl("FriendPanel");

        //Search for what your friends did in the past 30 days.
        Panel WhatMyFriendsDidPanel = (Panel)Tab2.FindControl("WhatMyFriendsDidPanel");
        DataView dvFriends = new DataView(dsFriends.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

        if (dvFriends.Count > 0)
            //Added Events to calendar
            DataView dvEvents = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName,  U.ProfilePicture, UC.DateAdded AS THE_DATE, 'Added the event <a class=AddLink target=_blank href=' + dbo.MAKENICENAME(E.Header) + '_' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,E.ID)+'_Event>'+ CASE WHEN LEN(E.Header) > 20 THEN SUBSTRING(E.Header, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE E.Header END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, User_Calendar UC, Events E WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND E.ID=UC.EventID " +
                "AND UF.FriendID=UC.UserID AND UC.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",
                ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "') ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //Added Group Events to Calendar
            DataView dvGroupEvents = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture, UGEC.DateAdded AS THE_DATE, " +
                "'Added the group event <a target=_blank class=AddLink href='+ " +
                "dbo.MAKENICENAME(GE.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR, GEO.ID)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,GE.ID)+'_GroupEvent>'+ " +
                "CASE WHEN LEN(GE.Name) " +
                "> 20 THEN SUBSTRING(GE.Name, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE GE.Name END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                " FROM User_GroupEvent_Calendar UGEC, GroupEvents GE, GroupEvent_Occurance GEO, User_Friends UF, Users U " +
                "WHERE GE.EventType=1 AND GEO.GroupEventID=GE.ID AND UGEC.GroupEventID=GE.ID AND GE.ID=UGEC.GroupEventID " +
                " AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND " +
                "UF.FriendID=UGEC.UserID AND UGEC.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",
                ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            dvEvents = MergeDVThreeCol(dvEvents, dvGroupEvents);

            //Added Group Events to Calendar
            DataView dvGroupEvents2 = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture, GEM.DateAdded AS THE_DATE, " +
                "'Added the group event <a target=_blank class=AddLink href='+ " +
                "dbo.MAKENICENAME(GE.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR, GEO.ID)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,GE.ID)+'_GroupEvent>'+ " +
                "CASE WHEN LEN(GE.Name) " +
                "> 20 THEN SUBSTRING(GE.Name, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE GE.Name END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                " FROM GroupEvent_Members GEM, GroupEvents GE, GroupEvent_Occurance GEO, User_Friends UF, Users U " +
                "WHERE GE.EventType=1 AND GEO.GroupEventID=GE.ID AND GEM.GroupEventID=GE.ID AND GE.ID=GEM.GroupEventID " +
                " AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND " +
                "UF.FriendID=GEM.UserID AND GEM.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",
                ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            dvEvents = MergeDVThreeCol(dvEvents, dvGroupEvents2);

            //Added Favorite Venues
            DataView dvVenues = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, UV.DateAdded AS THE_DATE, 'Added a favorite venue <a class=AddLink target=_blank href='+dbo.MAKENICENAME(V.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,V.ID)+'_Venue>'+ CASE WHEN LEN(V.Name) > 20 THEN SUBSTRING(V.Name, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE V.Name END + +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, UserVenues UV, Venues V WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND V.ID=UV.VenueID AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND UF.FriendID=UV.UserID AND UV.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //Added Event Comments
            DataView dvComments = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture,  C.BlogDate AS THE_DATE, 'Posted a comment:  " +
                "<a class=AddGreenLink target=_blank href=' + dbo.MAKENICENAME(E.Header) + '_' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,E.ID)+'_Event>'+CASE WHEN LEN(C.Comment) <= 27 THEN C.Comment ELSE SUBSTRING(C.Comment, 0, 27) + '...' END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Comments C, Events E WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND C.BlogID=E.ID "+
                "AND UF.FriendID=C.UserID AND C.BlogDate > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",
                ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //Added Venue Comments
            DataView dvCommentsVenue = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture,  VC.CommentDate AS THE_DATE, 'Posted a comment: " +
                "<a class=AddGreenLink target=_blank href='+dbo.MAKENICENAME(V.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,V.ID)+'_Venue>'+CASE WHEN LEN(VC.Comment) <= 27 THEN VC.Comment ELSE SUBSTRING(VC.Comment, 0, 27) + '...' END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Venue_Comments VC, Venues V WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND V.ID=VC.VenueID " +
                "AND UF.FriendID=VC.UserID AND VC.CommentDate > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",
                ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //Added Group Thread Comments
            DataView dvGroupThreadComments = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture, GTC.PostedDate AS THE_DATE, " +
                "'Posted a comment on group <a target=_blank class=AddGreenLink href='+ " +
                "dbo.MAKENICENAME(G.Header)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,G.ID)+'_Group>'+ " +
                "CASE WHEN LEN(G.Header) " +
                "> 20 THEN SUBSTRING(G.Header, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE G.Header END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                " FROM  GroupThreads_Comments GTC, Groups G, GroupThreads GT, User_Friends UF, Users U " +
                "WHERE G.isPrivate='False' AND GT.ID=GTC.ThreadID AND GT.GroupID=G.ID AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND " +
                "UF.FriendID=GTC.UserID AND GTC.PostedDate > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",
                ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            dvComments = MergeDVThreeCol(dvComments, dvGroupThreadComments);

            //Posted Events
            DataView dvPostedEvents = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture, E.PostedOn AS THE_DATE, "+
                "'Posted the event <a class=AddOrangeLink target=_blank href=' + dbo.MAKENICENAME(E.Header) + '_' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,E.ID)+'_Event>'+ CASE WHEN LEN(E.Header) > 20 THEN SUBSTRING(E.Header, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE E.Header END +'</a>'AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Events E WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND U.UserName=E.UserName "+
            "AND E.PostedOn > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //Posted Venues
            DataView dvPostedVenues = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName,  U.ProfilePicture, V.PostedOn AS THE_DATE, "+
                "'Posted the venue <a class=AddOrangeLink target=_blank href='+ dbo.MAKENICENAME(V.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,V.ID)+'_Venue>'+ CASE WHEN LEN(V.Name) > 20 THEN SUBSTRING(V.Name, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE V.Name END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Venues V WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND UF.FriendID=V.CreatedByUser AND V.PostedOn > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //Posted Ads
            DataView dvPostedAds = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName,  U.ProfilePicture, CONVERT(DATETIME,A.DateAdded) AS THE_DATE, "+
                "'Posted the ad <a target=_blank class=AddOrangeLink href='+ dbo.MAKENICENAME(A.Header)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,A.Ad_ID)+'_Ad>'+ CASE WHEN LEN(A.Header) > 20 THEN SUBSTRING(A.Header, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE A.Header END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                "FROM User_Friends UF, Users U, Ads A WHERE UF.UserID=" +
                Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND UF.FriendID=A.User_ID AND A.DateAdded > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //Posted Group Events
            DataView dvGroupEventsPosts = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture, GE.LastEdit AS THE_DATE, " +
                "'Posted/Edited the group event <a target=_blank class=AddOrangeLink href='+ " +
                "dbo.MAKENICENAME(GE.Name)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,GEO.ID)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,GE.ID)+'_GroupEvent>'+ " +
                "CASE WHEN LEN(GE.Name) " +
                "> 20 THEN SUBSTRING(GE.Name, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE GE.Name END +'</a>' AS HEADER " +
                ",G.ID AS GID, GE.ID AS TheID, " +
                " 'GEP' AS Type, GEO.ID AS GEOID " +
                " FROM GroupEvent_Occurance GEO, GroupEvents GE, Groups G, User_Friends UF, Users U " +
                "WHERE GEO.GroupEventID=GE.ID AND GE.LastEdit IS NOT NULL AND G.ID=GE.GroupID AND GE.EventType=1 " +
                " AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND " +
                "UF.FriendID=GE.LastEditBy AND GE.LastEdit > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",
                ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            //Posted Groups
            DataView dvGroupPosts = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT U.UserName, U.ProfilePicture, G.LastEditOn AS THE_DATE, " +
                "'Posted/Edited the group <a target=_blank class=AddOrangeLink href='+ " +
                "dbo.MAKENICENAME(G.Header)+'_'+CONVERT(NVARCHAR,G.ID)+'_Group>'+ " +
                "CASE WHEN LEN(G.Header) " +
                "> 20 THEN SUBSTRING(G.Header, 0, 20) + '...' ELSE G.Header END +'</a>' AS HEADER "+
                " FROM Groups G, User_Friends UF, Users U " +
                "WHERE G.LastEditOn IS NOT NULL " +
                " AND G.isPrivate='False' AND UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=UF.FriendID AND " +
                "UF.FriendID=G.LastEditBy AND G.LastEditOn > CONVERT(DATETIME, '" +
                DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A",
                ":")).AddDays(double.Parse("-10")).Date.ToString() + "')  ORDER BY THE_DATE DESC");

            DataView dv = MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(dvPostedEvents,
                dvPostedVenues), dvPostedAds), dvGroupEventsPosts), dvGroupPosts);

            string friendImg = "";
            string strFill = "";

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem rItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
            Literal hiddenPostingLiteral = new Literal();

            if (dv.Count != 0)
                PostingLiteral.Text = "<ul style=\"margin-bottom: 0px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #ff6b09;padding-left:0; \">";
                int count = 0;

                dv.Sort = "THE_DATE DESC";

                for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count;i++ )
                    string rowHeader = dv[i]["HEADER"].ToString();

                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() +
                        "\\Profile\\" + dv[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString()))
                        friendImg = "UserFiles/" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "/Profile/" + dv[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString();
                        strFill = "";
                        friendImg = "image/noAvatar_50x50_small.png";
                        strFill = "onmouseover=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_smallhover.png'\"" +
                            "onmouseout=\"this.src='image/noAvatar_50x50_small.png'\" ";
                    if (count < 3)
                        PostingLiteral.Text += "<li style=\"background-color: #1b1b1b;\">";
                        PostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"line-height: 12px;color: #cccccc; min-height: 54px;\">" +
                            "<a href=\"" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\" border: 0;float: left;padding-right: 7px; padding-bottom: 2px;\" " +
                            "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
                        PostingLiteral.Text += "<span style=\"color: #ff6b09; font-weight: bold;\"><a class=\"AddOrangeLink\" href=\"" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\">" +
                            dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(dv[i]["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div>";
                        PostingLiteral.Text += "</li>";
                        if (count == dv.Count - 1 || count == 2)
                            PostingLiteral.Text += "</ul>";
                    else if (count == 3)
                        PostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"cursor: pointer;margin-top: -10px;float: right;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #ff6b09;padding-left:0; font-weight: bold;\" onclick=\"OpenPostingDiv();\">more..</div>";

                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"height: 53px;line-height: 12px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #cccccc;padding-left:0;float: left; padding-right: 5px;width: 200px;\">";

                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"color: #cccccc; padding-left: 5px; padding-top: 2px;\">" +
                        "<a href=\"" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\" border: 0;float: left;padding-right: 7px;\" " +
                        "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<span style=\"color: #ff6b09; font-weight: bold;\"><a class=\"AddOrangeLink\" href=\"" + dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\">" +
                        dv[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(dv[i]["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div></div>";

                    if (count % 9 == 0)
                        rItem.Height = 159;
                        rItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                        hiddenPostingLiteral = new Literal();
                if (dv.Count % 9 != 0)
                    rItem.Height = 159;

                //PostingLiteral.Text = "<div onmouseover=\"OpenPostingDiv()\">" + PostingLiteral.Text + "</div>";

                PostingLiteral.Text = "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #ff6b09;padding-left:0; \">Your friends haven't had any Posting Action in 10 days.</div>";

            if (dvEvents.Count != 0)
                rItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                hiddenPostingLiteral = new Literal();

                EventGoingLiteral.Text = "<ul style=\"margin-bottom: 0px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #1fb6e7;padding-left:0; \">";
                int count = 0;

                dvEvents.Sort = "THE_DATE DESC";

                foreach (DataRowView row in dvEvents)
                    string rowHeader = row["HEADER"].ToString();

                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + row["UserName"].ToString() +
                        "\\Profile\\" + row["ProfilePicture"].ToString()))
                        friendImg = "UserFiles/" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "/Profile/" + row["ProfilePicture"].ToString();
                        strFill = "";
                        friendImg = "image/noAvatar_50x50_small.png";
                        strFill = "onmouseover=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_smallhover.png'\"" +
                            "onmouseout=\"this.src='image/noAvatar_50x50_small.png'\" ";
                    if (count < 3)
                        EventGoingLiteral.Text += "<li style=\"background-color: #1b1b1b;\">";
                        EventGoingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"line-height: 12px;color: #cccccc; min-height: 54px;\">" +
                            "<a href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\" border: 0;float: left;padding-right: 7px; padding-bottom: 2px;\" " +
                            "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
                        EventGoingLiteral.Text += "<span style=\"color: #1fb6e7; font-weight: bold;\"><a class=\"AddLink\" href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\">" +
                            row["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(row["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div>";
                        EventGoingLiteral.Text += "</li>";

                        if (count == dvEvents.Count - 1 || count == 2)
                            EventGoingLiteral.Text += "</ul>";
                    else if (count == 3)
                        EventGoingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"cursor: pointer;margin-top: -10px;float: right;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #1fb6e7;padding-left:0; font-weight: bold;\" onclick=\"OpenEventDiv();\">more..</div>";

                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"height: 53px;line-height: 12px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #cccccc;padding-left:0;float: left; padding-right: 5px;width: 200px;\">";

                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"color: #cccccc; padding-left: 5px; padding-top: 2px;\">" +
                        "<a href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\" border: 0;float: left;padding-right: 7px;\" " +
                        "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<span style=\"color: #1fb6e7; font-weight: bold;\"><a class=\"AddLink\" href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\">" +
                        row["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(row["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div></div>";

                    if (count % 9 == 0)
                        rItem.Height = 159;
                        rItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                        hiddenPostingLiteral = new Literal();
                if (dvEvents.Count % 9 != 0)
                    rItem.Height = 159;
                EventGoingLiteral.Text += "</ul>";
                EventGoingLiteral.Text = "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: " +
                    "#1fb6e7;padding-left:0; \">Your friends haven't had any Event Going Action in 10 days.</div>";

            DataView dvCommentsFinal = MergeDVThreeCol(dvComments, dvCommentsVenue);

            if (dvCommentsFinal.Count != 0)
                rItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                hiddenPostingLiteral = new Literal();

                CommentingLiteral.Text = "<ul style=\"margin-bottom: 0px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #568301;padding-left:0; \">";
                int count = 0;
                dvCommentsFinal.Sort = "THE_DATE DESC";
                foreach (DataRowView row in dvCommentsFinal)
                    string rowHeader = row["HEADER"].ToString();

                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + row["UserName"].ToString() +
                        "\\Profile\\" + row["ProfilePicture"].ToString()))
                        friendImg = "UserFiles/" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "/Profile/" + row["ProfilePicture"].ToString();
                        strFill = "";
                        friendImg = "image/noAvatar_50x50_small.png";
                        strFill = "onmouseover=\"this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_smallhover.png'\"" +
                            "onmouseout=\"this.src='image/noAvatar_50x50_small.png'\" ";
                    if (count < 3)
                        CommentingLiteral.Text += "<li style=\"background-color: #1b1b1b;\">";
                        CommentingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"line-height: 12px;color: #cccccc; min-height: 54px;\">" +
                            "<a href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\" border: 0;float: left;padding-right: 7px; padding-bottom: 2px;\" " +
                            "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
                        CommentingLiteral.Text += "<span style=\"color: #628e02; font-weight: bold;\"></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(row["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div>";
                        CommentingLiteral.Text += "</li>";

                        if (count == dvCommentsFinal.Count - 1 || count == 2)
                            CommentingLiteral.Text += "</ul>";
                    else if (count == 3)
                        CommentingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"cursor: pointer;margin-top: -10px;float: right;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #628e02;padding-left:0; font-weight: bold;\" onclick=\"OpenCommentDiv();\">more..</div>";

                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"height: 53px;line-height: 12px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #cccccc;padding-left:0;float: left; padding-right: 5px;width: 200px;\">";

                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<div style=\"color: #cccccc; padding-left: 5px; padding-top: 2px;\">" +
                        "<a href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\"><img " + strFill + " style=\" border: 0;float: left;padding-right: 7px;\" " +
                        "src=\"" + friendImg + "\" width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>";
                    hiddenPostingLiteral.Text += "<span style=\"color: #628e02; font-weight: bold;\"><a class=\"AddGreenLink\" href=\"" + row["UserName"].ToString() + "_Friend\">" +
                        row["UserName"].ToString() + "</a></span> " + rowHeader + " on " + DateTime.Parse(row["THE_DATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "</div></div>";

                    if (count % 9 == 0)
                        rItem.Height = 159;
                        rItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                        hiddenPostingLiteral = new Literal();
                if (dvCommentsFinal.Count % 9 != 0)
                    rItem.Height = 159;

                CommentingLiteral.Text += "</ul>";
                CommentingLiteral.Text = "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: " +
                    "#568301;padding-left:0; \">Your friends haven't had any Commenting Action in 10 days.</div>";

        //    DataView dvFinal = MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(MergeDVThreeCol(dvEvents,
        //        dvVenues), dvComments), dvPostedEvents), dvPostedVenues), dvPostedAds), dvCommentsVenue);

        //    dvFinal.Sort = "THE_DATE DESC";
        //    Label lab;
        //    if (dvFinal.Count != 0)
        //    {
        //        Literal lit = new Literal();
        //        lit.Text = "<ul style=\"color: #1fb6e7;margin: 0;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px;padding-left:20px;\" color=#1fb6e7>";
        //        WhatMyFriendsDidPanel.Controls.Add(lit);
        //        for (int i = 0; i < dvFinal.Count; i++)
        //        {
        //            lab = new Label();
        //            lab.Text = "<li color=#1fb6e7><span class=\"AspLabel\"><span class=\"AddWhiteLink\">" + dvFinal[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "</span> " + dvFinal[i]["HEADER"].ToString() +
        //                " on " + dvFinal[i]["THE_DATE"].ToString() + "</span></li>";
        //            WhatMyFriendsDidPanel.Controls.Add(lab);
        //        }
        //        lit = new Literal();
        //        lit.Text = "</ul>";
        //        WhatMyFriendsDidPanel.Controls.Add(lit);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        WhatMyFriendsDidPanel.Visible = false;
        //    }
            PostingLiteral.Text = "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: #ff6b09;padding-left:0; \">Your friends haven't had any Posting Action in 10 days.</div>";
            CommentingLiteral.Text = "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: " +
        "#568301;padding-left:0; \">Your friends haven't had any Commenting Action in 10 days.</div>";
            EventGoingLiteral.Text = "<div  style=\"padding-top: 10px;font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; color: " +
                "#1fb6e7;padding-left:0; \">Your friends haven't had any Event Going Action in 10 days.</div>";
            WhatMyFriendsDidPanel.Visible = false;
            MyFriendsPanel.Visible = false;

        DataView dvUser = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM UserPreferences WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());
        string emailPrefs = dvUser[0]["EmailPrefs"].ToString();
        dvUser = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM UserFriendPrefs WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString());
        string emailFriendPrefs = "";
        int friendcount = 0;
        if (dsFriends.Tables.Count > 0)
            if (dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                friendcount = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    dvUser.RowFilter = "FriendID = " + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    if (dvUser.Count > 0)
                        emailFriendPrefs = dvUser[0]["Preferences"].ToString();
                        emailFriendPrefs = "";

                    Literal lit = new Literal();
                    lit.Text = "<div style=\"float: left; padding: 8px;\"><table align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"  bgcolor=\"#666666\" width=\"52\" height=\"52\"><tr><td align=\"center\">";
                    ImageButton profilePicture = new ImageButton();

                    profilePicture.AlternateText = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    profilePicture.ToolTip = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    profilePicture.Height = 50;
                    profilePicture.Width = 50;
                    profilePicture.ID = "pic" + i.ToString();
                    profilePicture.AlternateText = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    profilePicture.CommandArgument = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\UserFiles\\" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "\\Profile\\" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString()))
                        profilePicture.ImageUrl = "~/UserFiles/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() + "/Profile/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString();
                        System.Drawing.Image theimg = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(".") + "/UserFiles/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() +
                     "/Profile/" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProfilePicture"].ToString());

                        double width = double.Parse(theimg.Width.ToString());
                        double height = double.Parse(theimg.Height.ToString());

                        if (width > height)
                            if (width <= 50)

                                double dividor = double.Parse("50.00") / double.Parse(width.ToString());
                                width = double.Parse("50.00");
                                height = height * dividor;
                            if (width == height)
                                width = double.Parse("50.00");
                                height = double.Parse("50.00");
                                double dividor = double.Parse("50.00") / double.Parse(height.ToString());
                                height = double.Parse("50.00");
                                width = width * dividor;

                        profilePicture.Width = int.Parse((Math.Round(decimal.Parse(width.ToString()))).ToString());
                        profilePicture.Height = int.Parse((Math.Round(decimal.Parse(height.ToString()))).ToString());

                        profilePicture.ImageUrl = "~/image/noAvatar_50x50_small.png";
                        profilePicture.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "this.src='NewImages/noAvatar_50x50_smallhover.png'");
                        profilePicture.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "this.src='image/noAvatar_50x50_small.png'");

                    profilePicture.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ViewFriend);

                    lit = new Literal();
                    lit.Text = "</td></tr></table><div align=\"center\">";

                    HyperLink link = new HyperLink();
                    link.Text = "edit prefs";
                    link.CssClass = "PrefsLink";
                    link.ID = "editPrefs" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();

                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolTip tip = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolTip();
                    tip.TargetControlID = "editPrefs" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
                    tip.ShowEvent = Telerik.Web.UI.ToolTipShowEvent.OnClick;
                    tip.Position = Telerik.Web.UI.ToolTipPosition.MiddleRight;
                    tip.RelativeTo = Telerik.Web.UI.ToolTipRelativeDisplay.Element;
                    tip.ManualClose = true;
                    tip.Skin = "Vista";

                    UpdatePanel upP = new UpdatePanel();
                    upP.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;

                    Literal tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<div align=\"center\" style=\"width: 206px !important; height: 254px !important;\">";
                    tipLit.Text += "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px; color: #1fb6e7;\">"+
                        "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"padding-bottom: 17px;padding-top: 20px;\"><span style=\"color: #cccccc; " +
                        "font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;\">Update Friend's Prefs</span></td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\">adds an event to calendar</td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\">";

                    ImageButton imgB;
                    if (emailPrefs.Contains("2"))
                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<span style=\"color: #ff6b09;\">This preference is on for everyone.  If you want to set it just for this user, turn it off for everyone in 'Email Prefs'.</span></td></tr>";

                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<div style=\"width: 118px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div style=\"float: left;padding-right: 8px;\">";


                        imgB = new ImageButton();
                        imgB.ID = "email" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                        imgB.CommandArgument = "0";
                        imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left;padding-right: 28px;\">email</div><div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                        imgB = new ImageButton();
                        imgB.ID = "text" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("1"))
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                        imgB.CommandArgument = "1";
                        imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left\">text</div></div></td></tr>";


                    //posts an event
                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<tr><td align=\"center\">posts an event</td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><div style=\"width: 118px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div style=\"float: left;padding-right: 8px;\">";


                    imgB = new ImageButton();
                    imgB.ID = "email2" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("2"))
                        imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                        imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                    imgB.CommandArgument = "2";
                    imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left;padding-right: 28px;\">email</div><div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                    imgB = new ImageButton();
                    imgB.ID = "text2" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("3"))
                        imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                        imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                    imgB.CommandArgument = "3";
                    imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left\">text</div></td></tr>";


                    //posts an ad
                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<tr><td align=\"center\">posts an ad</td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><div style=\"width: 118px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div style=\"float: left;padding-right: 8px;\">";


                    imgB = new ImageButton();
                    imgB.ID = "email3" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("4"))
                        imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                        imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                    imgB.CommandArgument = "4";
                    imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left;padding-right: 28px;\">email</div><div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                    imgB = new ImageButton();
                    imgB.ID = "text3" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("5"))
                        imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                        imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                    imgB.CommandArgument = "5";
                    imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left\">text</div></td></tr>";


                    //sends a Hippo Mail to you
                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<tr><td align=\"center\">sends a Hippo Mail to you</td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\">";


                    if (emailPrefs.Contains("7"))
                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<span style=\"color: #ff6b09;\">This preference is on for everyone.  If you want to set it just for this user, turn it off for everyone in 'Email Prefs'.</span></td></tr>";

                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<div style=\"width: 118px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div style=\"float: left;padding-right: 8px;\">";

                        imgB = new ImageButton();
                        imgB.ID = "email4" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("6"))
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                        imgB.CommandArgument = "6";
                        imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left;padding-right: 28px;\">email</div><div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                        imgB = new ImageButton();
                        imgB.ID = "text4" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("7"))
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                        imgB.CommandArgument = "7";
                        imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left\">text</div></td></tr>";


                    //shares event/venue/ad with you
                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "<tr><td align=\"center\">shares event/venue/ad with you</td></tr>";
                    tipLit.Text += "<tr><td align=\"center\">";


                    if (emailPrefs.Contains("9"))
                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<span style=\"color: #ff6b09;\">This preference is on for everyone.  If you want to set it just for this user, turn it off for everyone in 'Email Prefs'.</span></td></tr>";

                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "<div style=\"width: 118px;\" class=\"topDiv\"><div style=\"float: left;padding-right: 8px;\">";

                        imgB = new ImageButton();
                        imgB.ID = "email5" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("8"))
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                        imgB.CommandArgument = "8";
                        imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left;padding-right: 28px;\">email</div><div style=\"padding-right: 8px;float: left;\">";


                        imgB = new ImageButton();
                        imgB.ID = "text5" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                        if (emailFriendPrefs.Contains("9"))
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/CheckSelected.png";
                            imgB.ImageUrl = "image/Check.png";
                        imgB.CommandArgument = "9";
                        imgB.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ChangeCheckImage);


                        tipLit = new Literal();
                        tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"color: #cccccc; float: left\">text</div></td></tr>";


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</table><div style=\"color: red;float: left;padding-top: 10px;\">";

                    Label labl = new Label();
                    labl.ID = "ErrorLabel" + dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</div><div style=\"float: right;padding-top: 10px;\">";


                    Button btn = new Button();
                    btn.Text = "Save";
                    btn.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "'url(image/SmallButton.png)'");
                    btn.Attributes.Add("onclientclick", "this.value = 'Working...';");
                    btn.CommandArgument = dsFriends.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FriendID"].ToString();
                    btn.OnClientClick = "javascript:CloseToolTip();";
                    btn.Click += new EventHandler(PrefsSave);


                    tipLit = new Literal();
                    tipLit.Text = "</div></div>";




                    lit = new Literal();
                    lit.Text = "</div></div>";

        NumFriendsLabel.Text = friendcount.ToString();
        LinkButton friendLink = new LinkButton();
        friendLink.Text = "Add Friends";
Esempio n. 11
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        if (cookie == null)
            cookie = new HttpCookie("BrowserDate");
            cookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(22);
            Session["RedirectTo"] = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            bool fillUserData = false;
            Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));


                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    fillUserData = true;
                    Button calendarLink = (Button)dat.FindControlRecursive(this, "CalendarLink");
                    calendarLink.Visible = false;
            catch (Exception ex)

            if (Request.QueryString["ID"] == null)
            string ID = Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString();

            if (Session["User"] != null)
                LoggedInPanel.Visible = true;
                LoggedOutPanel.Visible = false;
                DataSet dsComments;
                string commentPrefs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM UserPreferences WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString()).Tables[0].Rows[0]["CommentsPreferences"].ToString();
                if (commentPrefs == "1")
                    dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT VC.CommentDate AS theDate, * FROM Venue_Comments VC, Users U WHERE VC.UserID=U.User_ID AND VC.VenueID=" + ID + " ORDER BY VC.CommentDate ");
                    dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT U.ProfilePicture, U.User_ID, U.UserName, VC.Comment, VC.CommentDate AS theDate FROM Venue_Comments VC, Users U, User_Friends UF WHERE ((UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND UF.FriendID=U.User_ID AND U.User_ID=VC.UserID) OR (U.User_ID=" +
                                        Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=VC.UserID)) AND VC.VenueID=" + ID + " ORDER BY VC.CommentDate");
                TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;

               //Show edit link if use is logged in.
                EditLink.NavigateUrl = "EnterVenue.aspx?ID=" + ID;
                EditLink.Visible = true;
                TopPanel.Visible = true;

                //Query whether current owner was delinquent on approve/reject changes
                if (dat.IsOwnerDelinquent(Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString(), Request.IsLocal, "V"))
                    //make the button visable
                    TopPanel.Visible = true;
                    OwnerPanel.Visible = true;
                    Session["Message"] = "The ownership of this venue is <b>open</b>. <br/>The ownership became " +
                        "open because the previous owner of this venue became un-responsive to rejecting/" +
                        "approving user's changes to this venue.<br/>If you would like to become " +
                        "the owner, click on the button below to go to the venue's edit page. <br/><br/> " +
                        "Being the owner, you will have the privilage of having your <b>edits come though right " +
                        "away.</b> Other participants' changes to this venue will have to be <b>approved by you.</b><br/><br/>" +
                        "<button style=\"cursor: pointer;font-size: 11px;font-weight: bold;margin-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 4px;height: 30px; width: 112px;background-color: transparent; " +
                        "color: White; background-image: url('image/PostButtonNoPost.png'); background-repeat: " +
                        "no-repeat; border: 0;\" onclick=\"Search('EnterVenue.aspx?ID=" + Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString() +
                        "');\" onmouseover=\"'url(image/PostButtonNoPostHover.png)'\" " +
                        "onmouseout=\"'url(image/PostButtonNoPost.png)'\">Edit</button>" +

                        "<button style=\"cursor: pointer;font-size: 11px;font-weight: bold;margin-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 4px;height: 30px; width: 112px;background-color: transparent; " +
                        "color: White; background-image: url('image/PostButtonNoPost.png'); background-repeat: " +
                        "no-repeat; border: 0;\" onclick=\"Search();\" " +
                        "onmouseover=\"'url(image/PostButtonNoPostHover.png)'\" " +

                LoggedInPanel.Visible = false;
                LoggedOutPanel.Visible = true;
                DataSet dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT VC.CommentDate AS theDate, * FROM Venue_Comments VC, Users U WHERE VC.UserID=U.User_ID AND VC.VenueID=" + ID + " ORDER BY VC.CommentDate ");
                TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;

            DataSet ds = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Venues WHERE ID=" + ID);

            Session["FlagID"] = ID;
            Session["FlagType"] = "V";

            if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Live"].ToString()))
                        //Get venue's categories
                        DataSet dscat = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT VC.Name, VC.ID FROM Venue_Category V_C, VenueCategories VC WHERE " +
                            "V_C.Venue_ID=" + ID + " AND V_C.Category_ID=VC.ID ");

                        if (dscat.Tables.Count > 0)
                            if (dscat.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                CategoriesLiteral.Text = "<label class=\"AddWhiteLinkSmall\">Categories:</label> ";
                                int charcount = 0;
                                bool charReached = false;
                                int currentcount = 0;
                                int leftovercount = 0;
                                for (int u = 0; u < dscat.Tables[0].Rows.Count; u++)
                                    CategoriesLiteral.Text += "<a class=\"AddLinkSmall\" href=\""+dat.MakeNiceName(dscat.Tables[0].Rows[u]["Name"].ToString())+"_Venue_Category\">" + dscat.Tables[0].Rows[u]["Name"].ToString() + "</a> ";
                                    charcount += dscat.Tables[0].Rows[u]["Name"].ToString().Length + 1;
                                    if (dscat.Tables[0].Rows[u]["Name"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("happy hour"))
                                        CategoriesLiteral.Text += "<label class=\"AddLinkSmallUn\"> (see venue calendar) </label>";
                                        charcount += 23;

                                        if (charReached)
                                            leftovercount += 23;

                                    if (!charReached)
                                        if (charcount > 145)
                                            charReached = true;
                                            leftovercount = dscat.Tables[0].Rows[u]["Name"].ToString().Length + 1;
                                            currentcount = CategoriesLiteral.Text.Length;
                                        leftovercount += dscat.Tables[0].Rows[u]["Name"].ToString().Length + 1;

                                //if the list is too long, add a 'more' link drop down.
                                if (charReached)
                                    string beginning = "<div>" + CategoriesLiteral.Text.Substring(0, currentcount - 1) +
                                        " <a onclick=\"OpenCatDiv();\" id=\"morelessA\" class=\"AddWhiteLinkSmall\"> more...</a></div>";

                                    int divHeight = leftovercount / 82;

                                    if (divHeight == 0)
                                        divHeight = 20;
                                        divHeight = (divHeight + 1) * 20;

                                    string hiddenDiv = "<div style=\"display: none;\" id=\"infoDiv\">" + divHeight.ToString() +
                                        "</div><div style=\"height: 0px; border: 0; width: 420px;\" id=\"CatDiv\">" +
                                        CategoriesLiteral.Text.Substring(currentcount, CategoriesLiteral.Text.Length - currentcount) + "</div>";

                                    CategoriesLiteral.Text = beginning + hiddenDiv;


                        string theLink = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                            dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14)) +
                            "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Venue";

                //        DiggLiteral.Text = " <table> "+
                //    "<tr>"+
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">"+
                //            "<a name=\"fb_share\" type=\"button\" href=\"\">Share</a><script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"+
                //        "</td>"+
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">"+
                //         "   <a style=\"border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" id=\"TweeterA\" title=\"Click to send this page to Twitter!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img style=\"border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" src=\"\" alt=\"Share on Twitter\"/></a>"+
                //        "</td>"+
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">"+
                //        "    <a href=\"javascript:void(''+encodeURIComponent(document.location.toString()),'ptm','height=450,width=440').focus())\">"+
                //        "        <img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Share on MySpace\" />"+
                //        "    </a>"+
                //        "</td>"+
                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\"><a alt=\"Digg it!\" class=\"DiggThisButton DiggIcon\" id=\"dibbButt\"" +
                //        "href='" + "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                //            dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()) +
                //            "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Venue" +
                //            "' target=\"_blank\">Digg</a></td> "+

                //        "<td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"padding-right: 10px;\">" +

                //            "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title), 'delicious','toolbar=no,width=550,height=550'); return false;\">" +
                //             "   <img border=\"0\" src=\"\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" alt=\"Delicious\" />" +
                //            "</a>" +
                //        "</td>" +
                //        "<td>" +
                //        "     <script src=\"\"></script>" +
                //        "</td>" +
                //    "</tr>" +

                        HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
                        HtmlLink lk = new HtmlLink();
                        lk.Href = theLink;
                        lk.Attributes.Add("rel", "bookmark");
                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, lk);

                        VenueName.Text = "<a style=\"text-decoration: none; color: white;\" href=\"" +
                            theLink + "\">" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + "</a>";
                        Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
                        Session["CommentSubject"] = "Re: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();

                        string Venue = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14);
                        //TagCloud.THE_ID = int.Parse(ID);

                        PhoneLabel.Text = "Phone: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString() + "<br/>Email: " +
                            ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Email"].ToString() + "<br/>Web: <a class='AddLink' target='_blank' href='" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Web"].ToString() + "'>" +

                        DataSet dsCountry = new DataSet();
                        string country = "";
                        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country"] != null)
                            dsCountry = dat.GetData("SELECT country_2_code FROM Countries WHERE country_id=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country"].ToString());
                            if (dsCountry.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                country = dsCountry.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_2_code"].ToString();
                        if (country.ToLower() == "us")
                                AddressLabel.Text = dat.GetAddress(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(), false);
                            catch (Exception ex1)
                                AddressLabel.Text = "";

                            AddressLabel.Text = dat.GetAddress(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(), true);


                        //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country"].ToString() == "222")
                        //    CityState.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString();
                            CityState.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + " " +
                            ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["State"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Zip"].ToString();

                        HttpCookie cookie2 = new HttpCookie("addressParameter");
                        HttpCookie cookiename = new HttpCookie("addressParameterName");
                        if (country.ToLower() == "uk")
                            //VenueName.Text + "@&" +
                            cookie2.Value = AddressLabel.Text + "@&" +
                                ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + ", " +
                                ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Zip"].ToString() + ", " + country;

                            cookiename.Value = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14);
                            //VenueName.Text + "@&" +
                            cookie2.Value = AddressLabel.Text + "@&" + CityState.Text + "@&" + country;
                            cookiename.Value = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14);
                        cookie2.Expires = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));
                        cookiename.Expires = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));


                        string content = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content"].ToString();

                        Session["messageText"] = "Venue: " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + ". Address: " + AddressLabel.Text + ", " + CityState.Text;
                        Session["messageEmail"] = "Venue: " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + " \n\r Address: " + AddressLabel.Text + " \n\r Location: " +
                            CityState.Text + " \n\r " + content;

                        ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = dat.BreakUpString(content, 60);

                        //Create keyword and description meta tags
                        HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
                        HtmlMeta kw = new HtmlMeta();

                        kw.Name = "keywords";
                        kw.Content = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + ", " + AddressLabel.Text;

                        DataView dvCats = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT DISTINCT C.ID, C.Name AS CategoryName, " +
                            "VC.tagSize FROM Venue_Category VC, VenueCategories C WHERE VC.CATEGORY_ID=C.ID " +
                            "AND VC.VENUE_ID=" + ID);

                        string justCats = "";

                        for (int i = 0; i < dvCats.Count; i++)
                            kw.Content += ", " + dvCats[i]["CategoryName"].ToString();
                            justCats += dvCats[i]["CategoryName"].ToString() + " ";

                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, kw);

                        hm.Name = "Description";
                        hm.Content = ShowDescriptionBegining.Text + ", " + kw.Content;
                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, hm);

                        this.Title = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + " | " + justCats + " | HippoHappenings";

                        CalendarLink.NavigateUrl = dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14)) + "_" + ID + "_Calendar";

                        //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
                        int mediaCategory = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mediaCategory"].ToString());

                        DataSet dsEvents = dat.GetData("SELECT EO.DateTimeStart AS Start, EO.DateTimeEnd AS [End], " +
                            "E.Header, E.ID, E.ShortDescription FROM Event_Occurance EO, Events E WHERE " +
                            "(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,DAY(EO.DateTimeStart)) + '.' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,MONTH(EO.DateTimeStart)) + " +
                            "'.' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,YEAR(EO.DateTimeStart))) = (CONVERT(NVARCHAR,DAY(GETDATE())) + " +
                            "'.' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,MONTH(GETDATE())) + '.' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,YEAR(GETDATE())))" +
                            "AND EO.EventID=E.ID AND E.Venue=" + ID + " ORDER BY Start");
                        bool noEvents = false;
                        if (dsEvents.Tables.Count > 0)
                            if (dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                int eventCount = dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                                for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++)
                                    HyperLink eventHeader = new HyperLink();
                                    eventHeader.CssClass = "CalendarHeader";
                                    eventHeader.NavigateUrl = dat.MakeNiceName(dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Header"].ToString())+"_" + dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()+"_Event";
                                    eventHeader.Text = dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Header"].ToString() + "<br/>";

                                    Label dateStart = new Label();
                                    dateStart.CssClass = "CalendarTime";
                                    dateStart.Text = DateTime.Parse(dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Start"].ToString()).ToShortTimeString() + " - " +
                                        DateTime.Parse(dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["End"].ToString()).ToShortTimeString() + "<br/>";

                                    Label shortDescription = new Label();
                                    shortDescription.CssClass = "CalendarDescription";
                                    shortDescription.Text = dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ShortDescription"].ToString() + "<br/><br/>";

                                noEvents = true;
                            noEvents = true;

                        if (noEvents)
                            HyperLink eventHeader = new HyperLink();
                            eventHeader.CssClass = "CalendarHeader";
                            eventHeader.Text = "There are no events at " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + " today.";

                        //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
                        string youtube = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YouTubeVideo"].ToString();
                        switch (mediaCategory)
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                ShowVideoPictureLiteral.Text = "";
                                char[] delim4 = { ';' };
                                string[] youtokens = youtube.Split(delim4);
                                if (youtube != "")
                                    for (int i = 0; i < youtokens.Length; i++)
                                        if (youtokens[i].Trim() != "")
                                            Literal literal3 = new Literal();
                                            literal3.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><object width=\"400\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ></param><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                                "\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                                "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"400\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";
                                            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r3 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                                DataView dsSlider = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Venue_Slider_Mapping WHERE VenueID=" + ID);
                                if (dsSlider.Count > 0)
                                        char[] delim = { '\\' };
                                        char[] delim3 = { '.' };
                                        string[] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\VenueFiles\\" + ID + "\\Slider");

                                        string[] finalFileArray = new string[fileArray.Length];

                                        for (int i = 0; i < dsSlider.Count; i++)
                                            int length = fileArray[i].Split(delim).Length;
                                            finalFileArray[i] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/HippoHappenings/VenueFiles/" +
                                                ID + "/Slider/" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString();
                                            string[] tokens = dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);

                                            //dsSlider.RowFilter = "RealPictureName='" + tokens[0] + "." + tokens[1] + "'";
                                            if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                                                if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "PNG")
                                                    System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") +
                                                        "\\VenueFiles\\" + ID + "\\Slider\\" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString());

                                                    int width = 400;
                                                    int height = 250;

                                                    int newHeight = 0;
                                                    int newIntWidth = 0;

                                                    //if image height is less than resize height
                                                    if (height >= image.Height)
                                                        //leave the height as is
                                                        newHeight = image.Height;

                                                        if (width >= image.Width)
                                                            newIntWidth = image.Width;
                                                            newIntWidth = width;

                                                            double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                            double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                            newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                            newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                                                    //if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                                                        //make height equal to the requested height.
                                                        newHeight = height;

                                                        //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                                                        double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                        double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                        newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                        newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                                                        //if the resized width is still to big
                                                        if (newIntWidth > width)
                                                            //make it equal to the requested width
                                                            newIntWidth = width;

                                                            //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                                                            theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                            double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                            newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                            newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;

                                                    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                    literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 400px; height: 250px;background-color: black;\"><img align=\"middle\" style=\"cursor: pointer; margin-left: " + ((400 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" onclick=\"OpenEventModal(" + i.ToString() + ", " + ID + ");\" height=\"" + height.ToString() + "px\" width=\"" + width.ToString() + "px\" src=\""
                                                        + "VenueFiles/" + ID + "/Slider/" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString()+ "\" /></div>";
                                                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                                                else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                                                    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                    literal4.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><OBJECT wmode=\"transparent\"  classid='clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B' " +
                                                        "width=\"400\" height=\"250\" codebase=''>" +
                                                        "<param name='src' value=\"VenueFiles/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\">" +
                                                        "<param name='autoplay' value=\"false\"><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"/>" +
                                                        "<param name='controller' value=\"true\">" +
                                                        "<param name='loop' value=\"false\"><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"opaque\" ></param>" +
                                                        "<EMBED wmode=\"transparent\" wmode2=\"opaque\" src=\"VenueFiles/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" width=\"400\" height=\"250\" autoplay=\"false\" " +
                                                        "controller=\"true\" loop=\"false\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" pluginspage=''>" +
                                                        "</EMBED>" +
                                                        "</OBJECT></div> ";

                                                    //literal4.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><embed  height=\"250px\" width=\"400px\" src=\""
                                                    //    + "VenueFiles/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                            default: break;

                        if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
                            RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
                            RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
                            if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
                                RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";
                        if (fillUserData)
                            ASP.controls_addtofavorites_ascx AddTo1 = new ASP.controls_addtofavorites_ascx();
                            AddTo1.VENUE_ID = int.Parse(ID);

                            ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx SendMessage1 = new ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx();
                            SendMessage1.THE_TEXT = "Share this with a friend";
                            SendMessage1.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                                " would like to share the venue '\"" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + "\"' with you.";
                            SendMessage1.TYPE = "v";
                            SendMessage1.ID = int.Parse(ID);


                        this.Title = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14);

            if (ReturnPanel.Visible)
                if (EditLink.Visible)
                    if (OwnerPanel.Visible)
                        TopPanel.Width = 430;
                        TopPanel.Width = 240;
                    if (OwnerPanel.Visible)
                        TopPanel.Width = 300;
                        TopPanel.Width = 150;
                if (EditLink.Visible)
                    if (OwnerPanel.Visible)
                        TopPanel.Width = 280;
                        TopPanel.Width = 80;

                    EditLink.Text = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Edit Venue";
                    if (OwnerPanel.Visible)
                        TopPanel.Width = 60;
                        TopPanel.Width = 0;
                    HyperLink1.InnerHtml = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Venue Ownership is Open";
        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString();
Esempio n. 12
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        if (cookie == null)
            cookie = new HttpCookie("BrowserDate");
            cookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(22);
            Session["RedirectTo"] = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            bool fillUserData = false;
            Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));

                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    fillUserData = true;
            catch (Exception ex)


            if (Request.QueryString["ID"] == null)
            string ID = Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString();

            TagCloud.THE_ID = int.Parse(ID);

            if (Session["User"] != null)
                LoggedInPanel.Visible = true;
                LoggedOutPanel.Visible = false;
                DataSet dsComments;
                string commentPrefs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM UserPreferences WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString()).Tables[0].Rows[0]["CommentsPreferences"].ToString();
                if (commentPrefs == "1")
                    dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT VC.CommentDate AS theDate, * FROM Venue_Comments VC, Users U WHERE VC.UserID=U.User_ID AND VC.ID=" + ID + " ORDER BY VC.CommentDate ");
                    dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT U.ProfilePicture, U.User_ID, U.UserName, VC.Comment, VC.CommentDate AS theDate FROM Venue_Comments VC, Users U, User_Friends UF WHERE ((UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND UF.FriendID=U.User_ID AND U.User_ID=VC.UserID) OR (U.User_ID=" +
                                        Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=VC.UserID)) AND VC.ID=" + ID + " ORDER BY VC.CommentDate");
                TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;

               //Show edit link if use is logged in.
                EditLink.Visible = true;

                //Query whether current owner was delinquent on approve/reject changes
                //if (dat.IsOwnerDelinquent(Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString(), Request.IsLocal, "V"))
                //    //make the button visable
                //    OwnerPanel.Visible = true;
                //    Session["Message"] = "The ownership of this venue is <b>open</b>. <br/>The ownership became " +
                //        "open because the previous owner of this venue became un-responsive to rejecting/" +
                //        "approving user's changes to this venue.<br/>If you would like to become " +
                //        "the owner, click on the button below to go to the venue's edit page. <br/><br/> " +
                //        "Being the owner, you will have the privilage of having your <b>edits come though right " +
                //        "away.</b> Other participants' changes to this venue will have to be <b>approved by you.</b><br/><br/>" +
                //        "<div align=\"center\" style=\"padding-left: 110px;\"><div align=\"center\"><div style=\"cursor: pointer;cursor: pointer; float: left;padding-right: 10px;\">" +
                //            "<div class=\"topDiv\" style=\"float:left;\">" +
                //            "<img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"\" height=\"27px\" />" +
                //            "<div style=\"font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none; padding-top: 5px;padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 6px;height: 27px;float: left;background: url(''); background-repeat: repeat-x;\">" +
                //            "<a class=\"NavyLink\" onclick=\"Search('enter-locale?ID=" + Request.QueryString["ID"] +
                //            "');\">Edit</a></div>" +
                //            "<img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"\" height=\"27px\" />" +
                //            "</div>" +
                //            "</div>" +
                //            "</div>" +
                //            "<div align=\"center\"><div style=\"cursor: pointer;\">" +
                //            "<div class=\"topDiv\" style=\"float:left;\">" +
                //            "<img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"\" height=\"27px\" />" +
                //            "<div style=\"font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none; padding-top: 5px;padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 6px;height: 27px;float: left;background: url(''); background-repeat: repeat-x;\">" +
                //            "<a class=\"NavyLink\" onclick=\"Search();\">Close</a></div>" +
                //            "<img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"\" height=\"27px\" />" +
                //            "</div>" +
                //            "</div>" +
                //            "</div></div>";

                DataSet ds2 = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Venues WHERE ID=" + ID);

                DataView dv = new DataView(ds2.Tables[0], "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    if (dv[0]["Owner"].ToString() == Session["User"].ToString())
                        EditLink.Visible = true;
                        ContactOwnerLink.Visible = false;
                        if (dv[0]["Owner"] != null && dv[0]["Owner"].ToString() != "")
                            DataView dvU = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE User_ID=" + dv[0]["Owner"].ToString());
                            EditLink.Visible = false;
                            ContactOwnerLink.Visible = true;
                            ContactOwnerLink.HRef = dvU[0]["UserName"].ToString() + "_friend";
                            ContactOwnerLink.Visible = false;
                            EditLink.Visible = true;
                    EditLink.Visible = false;
                    ContactOwnerLink.Visible = false;
                LoggedInPanel.Visible = false;
                LoggedOutPanel.Visible = true;
                DataSet dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT VC.CommentDate AS theDate, * FROM Venue_Comments VC, Users U WHERE VC.UserID=U.User_ID AND VC.ID=" + ID + " ORDER BY VC.CommentDate ");
                TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;

            DataSet ds = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM Venues WHERE ID=" + ID);

            Session["FlagID"] = ID;
            Session["FlagType"] = "V";

            if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Live"].ToString()))
                        //Get venue's categories
                        DataSet dscat = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT VC.Name, VC.ID FROM Venue_Category V_C, VenueCategories VC WHERE " +
                            "V_C.Venue_ID=" + ID + " AND V_C.Category_ID=VC.ID ");

                        #region SEO
                        topTopLiteral.Text = "<a class=\"NavyLink12UD\" href=\"#" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()) + "\">" +
                        dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ") + " From The Top</a>";

                        string theLink = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                            dat.MakeNiceName(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()) +
                            "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Venue";

                        HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
                        HtmlLink lk = new HtmlLink();
                        lk.Href = theLink;
                        lk.Attributes.Add("rel", "bookmark");
                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, lk);

                        //Create keyword and description meta tags
                        HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
                        HtmlMeta kw = new HtmlMeta();
                        HtmlMeta lg = new HtmlMeta();
                        HtmlLink cn = new HtmlLink();

                        cn.Attributes.Add("rel", "canonical");
                        cn.Href = theLink;
                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, cn);

                        kw.Name = "keywords";
                        hm.Name = "Description";
                        lg.Name = "language";
                        lg.Content = "English";
                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, lg);
                        char[] delimeter = { ' ' };

                        string[] keywords = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ").Split(delimeter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        int count = 0;
                        foreach (string token in keywords)
                            if (count < 16)
                                if (kw.Content != "")
                                    kw.Content += " ";
                                kw.Content += token;

                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, kw);

                        hm.Content = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dat.stripHTML(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content"].ToString()).Replace("   ", " ").Replace("  ", " ")).Replace("-", " ");
                        if (hm.Content.Length > 200)
                            hm.Content = hm.Content.Substring(0, 197) + "...";

                        head.Controls.AddAt(0, hm);

                        this.Title = kw.Content;


                        VenueName.Text = "<a id=\"" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()) + "\" class=\"aboutLink\" href=\"" +
                            theLink + "\"><h1>" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 50) + "</h1></a>";
                        Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
                        Session["CommentSubject"] = "Re: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();

                        string Venue = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14);

                        string url = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Web"].ToString();
                        if (url.Length > 8)
                            if (url.ToLower().Substring(0, 7) != "http://" && url.ToLower().Substring(0, 8) != "https://")
                                url = "http://" + url;

                        PhoneLabel.Text = "Phone: " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString(), 15) + "<br/>Email: " +
                            dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(), 15) + "<br/>Web: <a class='AddLink' target='_blank' href='" + url + "'>" +
                            dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Web"].ToString(), 17) + "</a>";

                        DataSet dsCountry = new DataSet();
                        string country = "";
                        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country"] != null)
                            dsCountry = dat.GetData("SELECT country_2_code FROM Countries WHERE country_id=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country"].ToString());
                            if (dsCountry.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                country = dsCountry.Tables[0].Rows[0]["country_2_code"].ToString();
                        if (country.ToLower() == "us")
                                AddressLabel.Text = dat.GetAddress(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(), false);
                            catch (Exception ex1)
                                AddressLabel.Text = "";

                            AddressLabel.Text = dat.GetAddress(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(), true);


                        //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country"].ToString() == "222")
                        //    CityState.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString();
                            CityState.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + " " +
                            ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["State"].ToString() + " " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Zip"].ToString();

                        HttpCookie cookie2 = new HttpCookie("addressParameter");
                        HttpCookie cookiename = new HttpCookie("addressParameterName");
                        if (country.ToLower() == "uk")
                            //VenueName.Text + "@&" +
                            cookie2.Value = AddressLabel.Text + "@&" +
                                ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + ", " +
                                ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Zip"].ToString() + ", " + country;

                            cookiename.Value = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14);
                            //VenueName.Text + "@&" +
                            cookie2.Value = AddressLabel.Text + "@&" + CityState.Text + "@&" + country;
                            cookiename.Value = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14);
                        cookie2.Expires = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));
                        cookiename.Expires = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));


                        string content = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Content"].ToString();

                        Session["messageText"] = "Venue: " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + ". Address: " + AddressLabel.Text + ", " + CityState.Text;
                        Session["messageEmail"] = "Venue: " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + " \n\r Address: " + AddressLabel.Text + " \n\r Location: " +
                            CityState.Text + " \n\r " + content;

                        ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = dat.BreakUpString(content, 60);

                        CalendarLink.NavigateUrl = dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14)) + "_" + ID + "_Calendar";

                        //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
                        int mediaCategory = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mediaCategory"].ToString());

                        DataSet dsEvents = dat.GetData("SELECT EO.DateTimeStart AS Start, EO.DateTimeEnd AS [End], " +
                            "E.Header, E.ID, E.ShortDescription FROM Event_Occurance EO, Events E WHERE " +
                            "(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,DAY(EO.DateTimeStart)) + '.' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,MONTH(EO.DateTimeStart)) + " +
                            "'.' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,YEAR(EO.DateTimeStart))) = (CONVERT(NVARCHAR,DAY(GETDATE())) + " +
                            "'.' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,MONTH(GETDATE())) + '.' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR,YEAR(GETDATE())))" +
                            "AND EO.EventID=E.ID AND E.Venue=" + ID + " ORDER BY Start");
                        bool noEvents = false;
                        if (dsEvents.Tables.Count > 0)
                            if (dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                int eventCount = dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                                for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++)
                                    HyperLink eventHeader = new HyperLink();
                                    eventHeader.CssClass = "NavyLink16UD";
                                    eventHeader.NavigateUrl = dat.MakeNiceName(dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Header"].ToString())+"_" + dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()+"_Event";
                                    eventHeader.Text = dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Header"].ToString() + "<br/>";

                                    Label dateStart = new Label();
                                    dateStart.CssClass = "Text12UDPd";
                                    dateStart.Text = DateTime.Parse(dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Start"].ToString()).ToShortTimeString() + " - " +
                                        DateTime.Parse(dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["End"].ToString()).ToShortTimeString() + "<br/>";

                                    Label shortDescription = new Label();
                                    shortDescription.CssClass = "Text12Pd";
                                    shortDescription.Text = dsEvents.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ShortDescription"].ToString() + "<br/>";

                                noEvents = true;
                            noEvents = true;

                        if (noEvents)
                            Label eventHeader = new Label();
                            eventHeader.Text = "There are no events at " + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + " today.";

                        //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
                        string youtube = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["YouTubeVideo"].ToString();
                        switch (mediaCategory)
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                char[] delim4 = { ';' };
                                string[] youtokens = youtube.Split(delim4);
                                if (youtube != "")
                                    for (int i = 0; i < youtokens.Length; i++)
                                        if (youtokens[i].Trim() != "")
                                            Literal literal3 = new Literal();
                                            literal3.Text = "<div class=\"FloatLeft\"><object width=\"412\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ></param><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                                "\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                                "\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"412\" height=\"250\"></embed></object></div>";
                                            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r3 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                                DataView dsSlider = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Venue_Slider_Mapping WHERE VenueID=" + ID);
                                if (dsSlider.Count > 0)
                                        char[] delim = { '\\' };
                                        char[] delim3 = { '.' };

                                        for (int i = 0; i < dsSlider.Count; i++)
                                            string[] tokens = dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);

                                            //dsSlider.RowFilter = "RealPictureName='" + tokens[0] + "." + tokens[1] + "'";
                                            if (tokens.Length >= 2)
                                                if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "PNG")
                                                        System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") +
                                                            "\\VenueFiles\\" + ID + "\\Slider\\" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString());

                                                        int width = 410;
                                                        int height = 250;

                                                        int newHeight = 0;
                                                        int newIntWidth = 0;

                                                        //if image height is less than resize height
                                                        if (height >= image.Height)
                                                            //leave the height as is
                                                            newHeight = image.Height;

                                                            if (width >= image.Width)
                                                                newIntWidth = image.Width;
                                                                newIntWidth = width;

                                                                double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                                double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                                newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                                newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                                                        //if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                                                            //make height equal to the requested height.
                                                            newHeight = height;

                                                            //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                                                            double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                            double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                            newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                            newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                                                            //if the resized width is still to big
                                                            if (newIntWidth > width)
                                                                //make it equal to the requested width
                                                                newIntWidth = width;

                                                                //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                                                                theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                                double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                                newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                                newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;

                                                        Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                        string[] nameTokens = dsSlider[i]["RealPictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);
                                                        string realName = dat.MakeNiceName(nameTokens[0]).Replace("_", " ");
                                                        literal4.Text = "<div class=\"RotatorImage\"><img alt=\"" + realName +
                                                            "\" style=\" margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                                                        + "VenueFiles/" + ID + "/Slider/" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                                        Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                                                    catch (Exception ex)

                                                else if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "WMV")
                                                    Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                                    literal4.Text = "<div style=\"width: 410px; height: 250px;\" ><OBJECT stop=\"true\" loop=\"false\" controller=\"true\" wmode2=\"opaque\" wmode=\"transparent\" autoplay=\"false\" classid=\"clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B\" " +
                                                        "width=\"410\" height=\"250\" codebase=\"\">" +
                                                        "<param name=\"src\" value=\"UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString() + "\"></param>" +
                                                        "<param name=\"autoplay\" value=\"false\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param>" +
                                                        "<param name=\"controller\" value=\"true\"></param>" +
                                                        "<param name=\"stop\" value=\"true\" ></param>" +
                                                        "<param name=\"loop\" value=\"false\"><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"opaque\" ></param>" +
                                                        "<EMBED stop=\"true\" wmode=\"transparent\" wmode2=\"opaque\" src=\"UserFiles/Events/" + ID + "/Slider/" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString() + "\" width=\"410\" height=\"250\" autoplay=\"false\" " +
                                                        "controller=\"true\" loop=\"false\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" pluginspage=\"\">" +
                                                        "</EMBED>" +

                                                    //literal4.Text = "<div style=\"float:left;\"><embed  height=\"250px\" width=\"400px\" src=\""
                                                    //    + "VenueFiles/" + ID + "/Slider/" + fileArray[i].Split(delim)[length - 1].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                            default: break;

                        if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
                            RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
                            RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
                            if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
                                RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";
                        if (fillUserData)
                            ASP.controls_addtofavorites_ascx AddTo1 = new ASP.controls_addtofavorites_ascx();
                            AddTo1.VENUE_ID = int.Parse(ID);

                            ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx SendMessage1 = new ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx();
                            SendMessage1.THE_TEXT = "Share on Hippo";
                            SendMessage1.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                                " would like to share the venue '\"" + dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14) + "\"' with you.";
                            SendMessage1.TYPE = "v";
                            SendMessage1.ID = int.Parse(ID);


                        this.Title = dat.BreakUpString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), 14);

        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString();
Esempio n. 13
    protected void DoAds()
        string message = "";

            Rotator2.Width = theWidth;
            HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
            if (cookie == null)
                cookie = new HttpCookie("BrowserDate");
                cookie.Value = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString();
                cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(22);

            DateTime isn = DateTime.Now;

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":"), out isn))
                isn = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime isNow = isn;
            Data dat = new Data(isn);
            string timeFrame = " AND DatesOfAd LIKE '%;" +
                isNow.Month.ToString() + "/" + isNow.Day.ToString() + "/" + isNow.Year.ToString() + ";%' ";

            string country = Session["LocCountry"].ToString().Trim();
            string state = Session["LocState"].ToString().Trim();
            string zip = "";
            string city = "";
            GetMajorLocation(out zip, out city, out state, out country);

            if (Session["SeenNum"] == null)
                Session["SeenNum"] = 0;
                Session["SeenNum"] = int.Parse(Session["SeenNum"].ToString()) + 1;

            DataView dvAds = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT DISTINCT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DateAdded ASC) AS Row FROM Ads A, Users U WHERE " +
                "A.User_ID=U.User_ID AND A.Featured='True' AND A.CatCountry = " +
                country + " AND A.CatState = '" + state +
                "' AND A.CatCity = '" + city +
                "'" + timeFrame +" ORDER BY DateAdded ASC");

            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem item;
            Literal lit;
            string w = "0";
            string h = "0";

            int numAds = 4;
            if (isDouble)
                numAds = 2;

            int startIndex = int.Parse(Session["SeenNum"].ToString()) * numAds;

            if (startIndex > dvAds.Count - 1)
                Session["SeenNum"] = 0;
                startIndex = 0;

            int cutOff = 20;
            int count = 0;
            int indexToUse = startIndex;

            if (dvAds.Count == 0)
                UpdatePanel1.Visible = false;
                UpdatePanel1.Visible = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < dvAds.Count; i++)
                    if (count < cutOff)
                        lit = new Literal();
                        lit.Text = "";

                        indexToUse = i + startIndex;
                        if (indexToUse > dvAds.Count - 1)
                            indexToUse = 0;
                            startIndex = -i;

                        if (dvAds[indexToUse]["Template"].ToString() == "1" || dvAds[indexToUse]["Template"].ToString() == "")
                            lit.Text = "<div align=\"center\" class=\"AdTemplate1\"><div align=\"center\" class=\"AdTemplate1Wrapper\">";

                            if (dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"] != null)
                                if (dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                                    GetAdSize(ref w, ref h, dvAds[indexToUse]["UserName"].ToString() + "\\" +
                                        dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString(), "1");

                                    lit.Text += "<div class=\"AdTemplate1Inner\"><table width=\"100px\" height=\"100px\" " +
                                        "cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tbody align=\"center\"><tr><td valign=\"middle\"> " +
                                        "<img alt=\"" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ") + "\" onclick=\"window.location = '../" + dat.MakeNiceName(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                            "_" + dvAds[indexToUse]["Ad_ID"].ToString() + "_Ad'\" class=\"AdImage\" width=\"" + w +
                                            "px\" Height=\"" + h + "px\" src=\"UserFiles/" + dvAds[indexToUse]["UserName"].ToString() +
                                            "/" + dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString() + "\" /> " +

                            string headerStr = dat.BreakUpString(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString(), 10);

                            lit.Text += "<div><h1 class=\"Text14\"><a class=\"AdsTitle\" href=\"../" + dat.MakeNiceName(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                            "_" + dvAds[indexToUse]["Ad_ID"].ToString() + "_Ad\">" + headerStr +
                                            "</a></h1></div></div>" +
                                "<div align=\"center\" class=\"AdTemplate1InnerInner\"> " +
                                "<span class=\"Text12\">" +
                                dat.BreakUpString(dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedSummary"].ToString(), 21) + "</span>" +

                                "</div>" +
                                "<div><a class=\"ReadMoreHome\" href=\"../" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                            "_" + dvAds[indexToUse]["Ad_ID"].ToString() + "_Ad\">Read More</a>" +
                        else if (dvAds[indexToUse]["Template"].ToString() == "2")
                            lit.Text = "<div align=\"center\" class=\"AdTemplate1\"><div class=\"AdTemplate2Wrapper\">";

                            if (dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"] != null)
                                if (dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                                    GetAdSize(ref w, ref h, dvAds[indexToUse]["UserName"].ToString() + "\\" +
                                        dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString(), "2");
                                    lit.Text += "<div class=\"AdTemplate1Inner\"><table width=\"198px\" height=\"140px\" " +
                                        "cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tbody align=\"center\"><tr><td valign=\"middle\"> " +
                                        "<img alt=\"" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ") + "\" onclick=\"window.location = '../" + dat.MakeNiceName(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                            "_" + dvAds[indexToUse]["Ad_ID"].ToString() + "_Ad'\" class=\"AdImage\" width=\"" + w +
                                            "px\" Height=\"" + h + "px\" src=\"UserFiles/" + dvAds[indexToUse]["UserName"].ToString() +
                                            "/" + dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString() + "\" runat=\"server\" /> " +

                            string headerStr = dat.BreakUpString(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString(), 21);

                            lit.Text += "</div><div class=\"AdTemplate2Inner\"><h1 class=\"Text14\"><a class=\"AdsTitle\" href=\"../" + dat.MakeNiceName(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                            "_" + dvAds[indexToUse]["Ad_ID"].ToString() + "_Ad\" class=\"Text14\">" + headerStr +
                                            "</a></h1></div>" +
                                "<div align=\"center\" class=\"AdTemplate2InnerInner\"> " +
                                "<span class=\"Text12\">" +
                                dat.BreakUpString(dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedSummary"].ToString(), 21) + "</span>" +
                                "</div>" +
                                "<div><a class=\"ReadMoreHome\" href=\"../" +
                                dat.MakeNiceName(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                            "_" + dvAds[indexToUse]["Ad_ID"].ToString() + "_Ad\">Read More</a>" +
                        else if (dvAds[indexToUse]["Template"].ToString() == "3")
                            lit.Text = "<div class=\"AdTemplate1\"><div>";

                            if (dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"] != null)
                                if (dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                                    GetAdSize(ref w, ref h, dvAds[indexToUse]["UserName"].ToString() + "\\" +
                                        dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString(), "3");

                                    lit.Text += "<div center=\"float\" class=\"FloatLeft\"><table width=\"198px\" height=\"262px\" " +
                                        "cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tbody align=\"center\"><tr><td valign=\"middle\"> " +
                                        "<img alt=\"" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ") + "\" onclick=\"window.location = '../" + dat.MakeNiceName(dvAds[indexToUse]["Header"].ToString()) +
                                            "_" + dvAds[indexToUse]["Ad_ID"].ToString() + "_Ad'\" class=\"AdImage\" width=\"" + w +
                                            "px\" Height=\"" + h + "px\" src=\"UserFiles/" + dvAds[indexToUse]["UserName"].ToString() +
                                            "/" + dvAds[indexToUse]["FeaturedPicture"].ToString() + "\" runat=\"server\" /> " +

                            lit.Text += "</div>";

                        item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                string border = "";

                if (dvAds.Count < 4)

                    if (dvAds.Count == 0)
                        lit = new Literal();
                        lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 AdEmpty\">" +
                            "<div class=\"AdEmptyInner\">There are no bulletins posted " +
                            "in your location today. Be the first to feature a bulletin in your location and have it viewed by visitors throughout the site. " +
                            "<br/><a class=\"NavyLinkSmall\" href=\"post-bulletin\"><br/>+Add Bulletin</a></div></div>";

                        item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();


                        if (!isDouble)
                            lit = new Literal();
                            lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 AdEmptyInnerInner\">" +
                            item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();


                            lit = new Literal();
                            lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 AdEmptyInnerInner\">" +
                            item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();


                        lit = new Literal();
                        lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 AdEmptyInnerInnerInner\">" +
                        item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                    else if (dvAds.Count == 1)
                        if (isDouble)
                            border = "AdEmptyTop";
                            border = "AdEmptyTop2";
                        lit = new Literal();
                        lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 " + border + "\">" +
                            "<div class=\"AdEmptyInner\">There aren't many bulletins posted " +
                            "in your location today. Be the first to feature a bulletin in your location and have it viewed by visitors throughout the site. " +
                            "<br/><a class=\"NavyLinkSmall\" href=\"post-bulletin\"><br/>+Add Bulletin</a></div></div>";

                        item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();


                        if (!isDouble)
                            lit = new Literal();
                            lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 AdEmptyInnerInner\">" +
                            item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();


                            lit = new Literal();
                            lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 AdEmptyInnerInnerInner\">" +
                            item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                    else if (dvAds.Count == 2)
                        if (!isDouble)
                            lit = new Literal();
                            lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 AdEmpty\">" +
                                "<div class=\"AdEmptyInner\">There aren't many bulletins posted " +
                            "in your location today. Be the first to feature a bulletin in your location and have it viewed by visitors throughout the site. " +
                            "<br/><a class=\"NavyLinkSmall\" href=\"post-bulletin\"><br/>+Add Bulletin</a></div></div>";
                            item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();


                            lit = new Literal();
                            lit.Text = "<div class=\"AdEmptyInnerInnerInner\">" +
                            item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

                    else if (dvAds.Count == 3)
                        if (!isDouble)
                            lit = new Literal();
                            lit.Text = "<div class=\"Text12 AdTopInner\">" +
                                "<div class=\"AdEmptyInner\">There aren't many bulletins posted " +
                            "in your location today. Be the first to feature a bulletin in your location and have it viewed by visitors throughout the site. " +
                            "<br/><a class=\"NavyLinkSmall\" href=\"post-bulletin\"><br/>+Add Bulletin</a></div></div>";
                            item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();

        catch (Exception ex)

Esempio n. 14
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string eventID = Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString();
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["BrowserDate"];
        if (cookie == null)
            cookie = new HttpCookie("BrowserDate");
            cookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(22);
        Data dat = new Data(DateTime.Parse(cookie.Value.ToString().Replace("%20", " ").Replace("%3A", ":")));

            Session["RedirectTo"] = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            bool fillUserData = false;

                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    LoggedInPanel.Visible = true;
                    LoggedOutPanel.Visible = false;

                    fillUserData = true;

                    LoggedOutPanel.Visible = true;
                    LoggedInPanel.Visible = false;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString();

            if (Request.QueryString["ID"] == null)

            string ID = eventID;
            Session["TripID"] = ID;
            DataView dv = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Trips WHERE ID=" + ID);

            Session["FlagID"] = ID;
            Session["FlagType"] = "T";

            #region SEO
            //Create keyword and description meta tags and title
            topTopLiteral.Text = "<a class=\"NavyLink12UD\" href=\"#" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dv[0]["Header"].ToString()) + "\">" +
            dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dv[0]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ") + " From The Top</a>";

            HtmlMeta hm = new HtmlMeta();
            HtmlMeta kw = new HtmlMeta();
            HtmlMeta lg = new HtmlMeta();
            HtmlLink cn = new HtmlLink();
            HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;

            cn.Attributes.Add("rel", "canonical");
            cn.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                dat.MakeNiceName(dv[0]["Header"].ToString()) +
                "_" + eventID + "_Trip";
            head.Controls.AddAt(0, cn);

            kw.Name = "keywords";
            hm.Name = "Description";
            lg.Name = "language";
            lg.Content = "English";
            head.Controls.AddAt(0, lg);

            char[] delimeter = { ' ' };
            string[] keywords = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dv[0]["Header"].ToString()).Replace("-", " ").Split(delimeter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int count2 = 0;
            foreach (string token in keywords)
                if (count2 < 16)
                    if (kw.Content != "")
                        kw.Content += " ";
                    kw.Content += token;

            head.Controls.AddAt(0, kw);

            hm.Content = dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dat.stripHTML(dv[0]["Content"].ToString()).Replace("   ", " ").Replace("  ", " ")).Replace("-", " ");
            if (hm.Content.Length > 200)
                hm.Content = hm.Content.Substring(0, 197) + "...";

            head.Controls.AddAt(0, hm);

            this.Title = kw.Content;

            HtmlLink lk = new HtmlLink();
            lk.Href = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/" +
                dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(dv[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14)) +
                "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Trip";
            lk.Attributes.Add("rel", "bookmark");
            head.Controls.AddAt(0, lk);

            fbLiteral.Text = "<fb:like href=\"" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "\" send=\"true\" layout=\"button_count\" width=\"100\" show_faces=\"true\" font=\"\"></fb:like>";

            Literal lit = new Literal();
            lit.Text = "<script src=\";v=2&amp;sensor=false&amp;key=ABQIAAAAjjoxQtYNtdn3Tc17U5-jbBR2Kk_H7gXZZZniNQ8L14X1BLzkNhQjgZq1k-Pxm8FxVhUy3rfc6L9O4g\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";

            if (bool.Parse(dv[0]["Live"].ToString()))
                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    if (dv[0]["UserName"].ToString() == Session["UserName"].ToString())
                        EditLink.Visible = true;
                        EditLink.Visible = false;
                    EditLink.Visible = false;

                ASP.controls_contactad_ascx contact = new ASP.controls_contactad_ascx();
                contact.THE_TEXT = "Contact Adventure Poster";
                contact.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + dat.BreakUpString(dv[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14);
                contact.TYPE = "ConnectTrip";
                contact.ID = int.Parse(eventID);


                PricePanel.Visible = false;
                if (dv[0]["MaxPrice"] != null)
                    if (dv[0]["MaxPrice"].ToString() != "")
                        MinPrice.Text = dv[0]["MinPrice"].ToString().Replace(".00", "");
                        MaxPrice.Text = dv[0]["MaxPrice"].ToString().Replace(".00", "");
                        PricePanel.Visible = true;

                DurationLabel.Text = "<b>Duration:</b> " + dat.GetDuration(dv[0]["Duration"].ToString());

                char[] del = { ';' };

                DataView daysToGo = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM TripDays WHERE TripID=" + eventID);

                foreach (DataRowView row in daysToGo)
                    DaysLabel.Text += dat.GetHours(row["Days"].ToString()) + " " +
                        row["StartTime"].ToString() + " - " + row["EndTime"].ToString() + "<br/>";

                DataView monthsToGo = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM TripMonths WHERE TripID=" + eventID);

                foreach (DataRowView row in monthsToGo)
                    MonthsLabel.Text += dat.GetMonths(row["MonthStart"].ToString()) + ", " +
                        row["DayStart"].ToString() + " - " + dat.GetMonths(row["MonthEnd"].ToString()) +
                        ", " + row["DayEnd"].ToString() + "<br/>";

                ObtainLabel.Text = dv[0]["WhatObtain"].ToString();

                DressLabel.Text = dv[0]["HowDress"].ToString();

                foreach (ListItem item in MeansCheckList.Items)
                    if (dv[0]["Means"].ToString().Contains(item.Value))
                        item.Selected = true;

                foreach (ListItem item in MeansCheckList2.Items)
                    if (dv[0]["Means"].ToString().Contains(item.Value))
                        item.Selected = true;

                foreach (ListItem item in MeansCheckList3.Items)
                    if (dv[0]["Means"].ToString().Contains(item.Value))
                        item.Selected = true;

                DataView dvBring = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Trips_WhatToBring WHERE TripID=" + eventID);

                int count = 1;
                foreach (DataRowView row in dvBring)
                    BringLabel.Text += count.ToString() + ". " + row["WhatToBring"].ToString() + "<br/>";

                dvBring = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM TripDirections WHERE TripID=" + eventID);

                count = 1;
                string dirFunc = "function PlotMapDirections(){var address; var address2; \r\n";
                string prevAddrs = "";
                string thisAddress = "";
                int mapCount = 0;
                string walking = "";
                if (dvBring.Count == 1)
                    Directions.Text += count.ToString() + ". " + dvBring[0]["Directions"].ToString();
                    MapLiteral.Text = "<div id=\"map_canvas\" class=\"TripMapCanvas\"></div>";
                    thisAddress = dat.GetAddress(dvBring[0]["Address"].ToString(),
                        dvBring[0]["Country"].ToString() != "223") + " " + dvBring[0]["City"].ToString() + " " + dvBring[0]["State"].ToString() +
                        " " + dvBring[0]["Zip"].ToString() + " " + dvBring[0]["Country"].ToString();

                    dirFunc += "map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(\"map_canvas\")); map.setUIToDefault(); " +
                                "address = '" +
                                thisAddress.Replace("'", "''") + "'; createMarker(address, '" + dv[0]["Header"].ToString().Replace("'", "''") +
                                "','<div class=\"MapHeader\"><h2>" + dv[0]["Header"].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + ":</h2> <br/>" + dvBring[0]["Directions"].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "</div>');}";
                    string firstAddress = "";
                    foreach (DataRowView row in dvBring)
                        Directions.Text += count.ToString() + ". " + row["Directions"].ToString() + "<br/>";
                        thisAddress = dat.GetAddress(row["Address"].ToString(),
                                row["Country"].ToString() != "223") + " " + row["City"].ToString() + " " + row["State"].ToString() +
                                " " + row["Zip"].ToString() + " " + row["Country"].ToString();
                        if (prevAddrs != "")
                            if ((bool)row["Walking"])
                                walking = "{travelMode:G_TRAVEL_MODE_WALKING}";
                                walking = "{travelMode:G_TRAVEL_MODE_DRIVING}";
                            dirFunc += "map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(\"map_canvas" +
                                mapCount.ToString() + "\")); \r\n map.setUIToDefault();\r\n directionsPanel = document.getElementById(\"my_textual_div" +
                                mapCount.ToString() + "\"); \r\n directions = " +
                                "new GDirections(map, directionsPanel);directions.load(\"from: " + prevAddrs.Replace("'", "''") +
                                " to: " + thisAddress.Replace("'", "''") + "\", " + walking + ");\r\n ";
                            GoogleDirectionsLiteral.Text += "<div id=\"my_textual_div" + mapCount.ToString() + "\"></div>";
                            MapLiteral.Text += "<div class=\"MapLiteral2\" id=\"map_canvas" + mapCount.ToString() + "\"></div>";
                            firstAddress = thisAddress;
                        prevAddrs = thisAddress;
                    MapLiteral.Text += "<h1 class=\"SideColumn\">Map: <a onclick=\"createMarker('" + firstAddress.Replace("'", "''") + "', 'Beginning', '<h2>Beginning:</h2> <br/>" +
                        dvBring[0]["Directions"].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "');\" class=\"NavyLinkUD\">Beginning</a> " +
                        "and <a class=\"NavyLinkUD\" onclick=\"createMarker('" + prevAddrs.Replace("'", "''") + "', 'Destination', '<h2>Destination:</h2> <br/>" +
                        dvBring[dvBring.Count - 1]["Directions"].ToString() + "');\">Destination</a></h1><div class=\"topDiv MapLiteral3\" id=\"map_canvas\" " +
                    dirFunc += "\r\n map = new GMap(document.getElementById(\"map_canvas\"));" +
                        "map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());map.setCenter(new GLatLng(0,0), 0);\r\n " +
                        "createMarker('" + firstAddress.Replace("'", "''") + "', \"Beginning\", '<div class=\"MapHeader\"><h2>Beginning:</h2> <br/>" +
                        dvBring[0]["Directions"].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "</div>');\r\n";
                    dirFunc += "}\r\n";

                DirectionsLiteral.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + dirFunc + "</script>";

                Master.BodyTag.Attributes.Add("onload", "initialize();");
                Master.BodyTag.Attributes.Add("onunload", "GUnload()");

                EventName.Text = "<a id=\"" + dat.MakeNiceNameFull(dv[0]["Header"].ToString()) + "\" class=\"aboutLink\" href=\"http://" + Request.Url.Authority +
                    "/" +
                    dat.MakeNiceName(dv[0]["Header"].ToString()) +
                    "_" + ID.ToString() + "_Trip\"><h1>" +
                    dat.BreakUpString(dv[0]["Header"].ToString(), 50) + "</h1></a>";
                Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + dv[0]["Header"].ToString();
                Session["CommentSubject"] = "Re: " + dv[0]["Header"].ToString();
                string UserName = dv[0]["UserName"].ToString();

                TagCloud.THE_ID = int.Parse(ID);

                string content = dv[0]["Content"].ToString();
                string niceName = dat.MakeNiceName(dv[0]["Header"].ToString());

                //ScriptLiteral.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">ReturnURL('" + niceName.Replace("_", " ") + "" + Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString() + "_Trip');</script>";

                if (Session["User"] != null)
                    DataSet dsComments;
                    string commentPrefs = dat.GetData("SELECT * FROM UserPreferences WHERE UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString()).Tables[0].Rows[0]["CommentsPreferences"].ToString();
                    if (commentPrefs == "1")
                        dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT C.BlogDate AS theDate, * FROM TripComments C, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=C.UserID AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                        dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT U.ProfilePicture, U.User_ID, U.UserName, C.Comment, C.BlogDate AS theDate FROM TripComments C, Users U, User_Friends UF WHERE ((UF.UserID=" + Session["User"].ToString() + " AND UF.FriendID=U.User_ID AND U.User_ID=C.UserID) OR (U.User_ID=" +
                            Session["User"].ToString() + " AND U.User_ID=C.UserID)) AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                    TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;
                    DataSet dsComments = dat.GetData("SELECT C.BlogDate AS theDate, * FROM TripComments C, Users U WHERE U.User_ID=C.UserID AND C.BlogID=" + ID + " ORDER BY C.BlogDate");
                    TheComments.DATA_SET = dsComments;

                ShowDescriptionBegining.Text = dat.BreakUpString(content, 20);

                Session["messageText"] = dat.BreakUpString(dv[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14);
                Session["messageEmail"] = "Adventure Name: <a href=\"" + dat.MakeNiceName(dat.BreakUpString(dv[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14)) + "_" + ID + "_Trip\">" +
                    dat.BreakUpString(dv[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "</a> <br/><br/> "+ ShowDescriptionBegining.Text;

                //Media Categories: NONE: 0, Picture: 1, Video: 2, YouTubeVideo: 3, Slider: 4
                int mediaCategory = int.Parse(dv[0]["mediaCategory"].ToString());
                string youtube = dv[0]["YouTubeVideo"].ToString();
                switch (mediaCategory)
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                        char[] delim4 = { ';' };
                        string[] youtokens = youtube.Split(delim4);
                        if (youtube != "")
                            for (int i = 0; i < youtokens.Length; i++)
                                if (youtokens[i].Trim() != "")
                                    Literal literal3 = new Literal();
                                    //literal3.Text = "<object width=\"400\" height=\"250\"><param  name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\" ><param name=\"movie\" value=\"\"></param><embed wmode=\"opaque\" src=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"400\" height=\"250\"></embed></object>";
                                    literal3.Text = "<div class=\"YouTubeWrapper\"><object class=\"toHidde\" width=\"412\" " +
                                        "height=\"250\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + youtokens[i] +
                                        "\"/><param  name=\"wmode2\" value=\"transparent\" /><param  name=\"wmode\" " +
                                        "value=\"opaque\" /><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"/><embed " +
                                        "src=\"" +
                                        youtokens[i] + "\" wmode=\"opaque\" wmode2=\"transparent\" type=\"application/x-shockwave" +
                                        "-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"412\" height=\"250\"/></object></div>";
                                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r3 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();
                        DataView dsSlider = dat.GetDataDV("SELECT * FROM Trip_Slider_Mapping WHERE TripID=" + ID);
                        if (dsSlider.Count > 0)
                                char[] delim = { '\\' };
                                char[] delim3 = { '.' };
                                string[] fileArray = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MapPath(".") + "\\Trips\\" + ID + "\\Slider");

                                string[] finalFileArray = new string[fileArray.Length];

                                for (int i = 0; i < dsSlider.Count; i++)

                                    string[] tokens = dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);

                                    //dsSlider.RowFilter = "PictureName='" + tokens[0] + "." + tokens[1] + "'";
                                    if (tokens.Length >= 2 && dsSlider.Count > 0)
                                        if (tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "JPEG" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "GIF" || tokens[1].ToUpper() == "PNG")
                                            System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(".") + "\\Trips\\" +
                                                ID + "\\Slider\\" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString());

                                            int width = 410;
                                            int height = 250;

                                            int newHeight = 0;
                                            int newIntWidth = 0;

                                            //if image height is less than resize height
                                            if (height >= image.Height)
                                                //leave the height as is
                                                newHeight = image.Height;

                                                if (width >= image.Width)
                                                    newIntWidth = image.Width;
                                                    newIntWidth = width;

                                                    double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                    double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                    newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                    newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;
                                            //if image height is greater than resize height...resize it
                                                //make height equal to the requested height.
                                                newHeight = height;

                                                //get the ratio of the new height/original height and apply that to the width
                                                double theDivider = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                double newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                newDoubleWidth = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                newIntWidth = (int)newDoubleWidth;

                                                //if the resized width is still to big
                                                if (newIntWidth > width)
                                                    //make it equal to the requested width
                                                    newIntWidth = width;

                                                    //get the ratio of old/new width and apply it to the already resized height
                                                    theDivider = double.Parse(image.Width.ToString()) / double.Parse(newIntWidth.ToString());
                                                    double newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(newHeight.ToString());
                                                    newDoubleHeight = double.Parse(image.Height.ToString()) / theDivider;
                                                    newHeight = (int)newDoubleHeight;

                                            Literal literal4 = new Literal();
                                            string[] nameTokens = dsSlider[i]["RealPictureName"].ToString().Split(delim3);
                                            string realName = dat.MakeNiceName(nameTokens[0]).Replace("_", " ");
                                            literal4.Text = "<div class=\"RotatorImage\"><img  alt=\"" + realName +
                                                "\" style=\" margin-left: " + ((410 - newIntWidth) / 2).ToString() + "px; margin-top: " + ((250 - newHeight) / 2).ToString() + "px;\" height=\"" + newHeight + "px\" width=\"" + newIntWidth + "px\" src=\""
                                                + "Trips/" + ID + "/Slider/" + dsSlider[i]["PictureName"].ToString() + "\" /></div>";
                                            Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem r4 = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadRotatorItem();


                            catch (Exception ex)

                    default: break;

                if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 0)
                    RotatorPanel.Visible = false;
                    RotatorPanel.Visible = true;
                    if (Rotator1.Items.Count == 1)
                        RotatorPanel.CssClass = "HiddeButtons";

                if (fillUserData)
                    ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx SendMessage1 = new ASP.controls_sendmessage_ascx();
                    SendMessage1.THE_TEXT = "Share on Hippo";
                    SendMessage1.RE_LABEL = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                        " would like to share \"" + dat.BreakUpString(dv[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "\" with you.";
                    SendMessage1.TYPE = "t";
                    SendMessage1.ID = int.Parse(ID);


                    Session["Subject"] = "Re: " + Session["UserName"].ToString() +
                        " would like to share \"" + dat.BreakUpString(dv[0]["Header"].ToString(), 14) + "\" with you.";

                EventName.Text = "This adventure has been disabled";

        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorLabel.Text = ex.ToString();