Esempio n. 1
        public void CheckThatFileNameAndLineAreCorrectIfAvailable()
            var exception = CreateException(1);

            StackTrace st       = new StackTrace(exception, true);
            var        frame    = st.GetFrame(0);
            var        line     = frame.GetFileLineNumber();
            var        fileName = frame.GetFileName();

            var exceptionDetails = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(exception, exception.Message, null);
            var stack            = exceptionDetails.ParsedStack;

            // Behavior may vary in some cases and line may return 0
            // In this case Line will be null
            if (line != 0)
                Assert.Equal(line, stack[0].Line);
                Assert.Equal(fileName, stack[0].FileName);
Esempio n. 2
        public void AllStackFramesAreConvertedIfSizeOfParsedStackIsLessOrEqualToMaximum()
            var exception = CreateException(42);

            var exceptionDetails = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(exception, exception.Message, null);

            Assert.Equal(43, exceptionDetails.ParsedStack.Count);
Esempio n. 3
        public void ParentIdIsSetAsOuterId()
            var parentException        = new Exception("Parent Exception");
            var parentExceptionDetails = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(parentException, parentException.Message, null);
            var exception        = new Exception("Exception");
            var exceptionDetails = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(exception, exception.Message, parentExceptionDetails);

            Assert.Equal(parentExceptionDetails.Id, exceptionDetails.OuterId);
Esempio n. 4
        public void ParsedStackIsEmptyForExceptionWithoutStack()
            var exception = new ArgumentNullException();

            var exceptionDetails = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(exception, exception.Message, null);

            Assert.Equal(0, exceptionDetails.ParsedStack.Count);

            // hasFullStack defaults to true.
Esempio n. 5
        public void SizeOfParsedStackFrameIsLessThanMaxAllowedValue()
            var exception = CreateException(300);

            var exceptionDetails = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(exception, exception.Message, null);

            var stack = exceptionDetails.ParsedStack;

            int parsedStackLength = stack.Sum(x => x.GetStackFrameLength());

            Assert.True(parsedStackLength <= SchemaConstants.ExceptionDetails_Stack_MaxLength);
Esempio n. 6
        public void FirstAndLastStackPointsAreCollectedForLongStack()
            var exception = CreateException(300);

            var exceptionDetails = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(exception, exception.Message, null);

            Assert.True(exceptionDetails.ParsedStack.Count < 300);

            // We should keep top of stack, and end of stack hence CreateException function should be present
            Assert.Equal(typeof(TelemetryExceptionDataTests).FullName + "." + nameof(FunctionWithException), exceptionDetails.ParsedStack[0].Method);
            Assert.Equal(typeof(TelemetryExceptionDataTests).FullName + "." + nameof(CreateException), exceptionDetails.ParsedStack[exceptionDetails.ParsedStack.Count - 1].Method);
        public void TestNullMethodInfoInStack()
            var frameMock = new Mock <System.Diagnostics.StackFrame>(null, 0, 0);

            frameMock.Setup(x => x.GetMethod()).Returns((MethodBase)null);

            Models.StackFrame stackFrame = null;

            stackFrame = TelemetryExceptionDetails.GetStackFrame(frameMock.Object, 0);

            Assert.Equal("unknown", stackFrame.Assembly);
            Assert.Equal("unknown", stackFrame.Method);
        public void SizeOfParsedStackFrameIsLessThanMaxAllowedValue()
            var exception = CreateException(300);

            var exceptionDetails  = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(exception, exception.Message, null);
            int parsedStackLength = 0;

            var stack = exceptionDetails.ParsedStack;

            for (int i = 0; i < stack.Count; i++)
                parsedStackLength += (stack[i].Method == null ? 0 : stack[i].Method.Length)
                                     + (stack[i].Assembly == null ? 0 : stack[i].Assembly.Length)
                                     + (stack[i].FileName == null ? 0 : stack[i].FileName.Length);
            Assert.True(parsedStackLength <= TelemetryExceptionDetails.MaxParsedStackLength);
Esempio n. 9
        public void CheckLevelCorrespondsToFrameForLongStack()
            const int NumberOfStackFrames = 100;

            var exception = CreateException(NumberOfStackFrames - 1);

            var exceptionDetails = new TelemetryExceptionDetails(exception, exception.Message, null);
            var stack            = exceptionDetails.ParsedStack;

            // Checking levels for first few and last few.
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.Equal(i, stack[i].Level);

            for (int j = NumberOfStackFrames - 1, i = 0; j > NumberOfStackFrames - 10; j--, i++)
                Assert.Equal(j, stack[stack.Count - 1 - i].Level);