public Player(TechCraftGame game, PlayingState state, World world, Vector3 startPosition) { _game = game; _world = world; _position = startPosition; _state = state; }
public WeaponManager(TechCraftGame game, World world, Player player) { _game = game; _player = player; _activeWeapon = Weapon.Bazooka; _world = world; }
public WorldSettings(TechCraftGame game, Texture2D textureSet) { _textureSet = textureSet; _game = game; //_vertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(_game.GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionTextureShade.VertexElements); _vertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(VertexPositionTextureShade.VertexElements); }
public IsometricCamera(TechCraftGame game, Vector3 position, float direction, float pitch) : base(game) { Position = position; Direction = MathHelper.WrapAngle(direction); Pitch = MathHelper.Clamp(pitch, -MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2); Rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(Direction, Pitch, 0.0F); }
public static Texture2D GenerateNoiseTexture(TechCraftGame game, int width, int height) { Random random = new Random(); Texture2D noiseTexture = new Texture2D(game.GraphicsDevice, width, height); uint[] noiseData = new uint[width * height]; for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { if (random.Next(10) == 0) { noiseData[i] = (uint)random.Next(); } else { noiseData[i] = Color.Black.PackedValue; } } noiseTexture.SetData(noiseData); return(noiseTexture); }
public TechEngineComponent(TechCraftGame game) { _game = game; }
// private Block _blockNone; public World(TechCraftGame game) { _game = game; //_blockNone = new Block(BlockType.None); }
public ArcBallCameraController(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { }
public ProjectileTrailParticleSystem(TechCraftGame game, ContentManager content) : base(game, content) { }
public ProjectileManager(TechCraftGame game, Player player, World world) { _game = game; _world = world; _player = player; }
public FirstPersonCamera(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { }
public IsometricCamera(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { }
public ArcBallCamera(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { _rnd = new Random(); }
public Controller(TechCraftGame game) { _game = game; }
public SimpleCamera(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { }
public BubbleParticleSystem(TechCraftGame game, ContentManager content) : base(game, content) { }
public StateManager(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { }
public Lighting(TechCraftGame game, World world) { _lighting = new byte[WorldSettings.MAPWIDTH, WorldSettings.MAPHEIGHT, WorldSettings.MAPLENGTH]; _game = game; _world = world; }
} // nullable object. /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlockSelection"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">The game.</param> /// <param name="world">The world.</param> public BlockSelection(TechCraftGame game, World world) { _game = game; _world = world; }
public Manager(TechCraftGame game) { _game = game; }
public BillboardManager(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { }
public ParticleManager(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { _particleEmitters = new List <ParticleEmitter>(); _particleSystems = new List <ParticleSystem>(); }
public GameClient(TechCraftGame game) { _game = game; _world = new World(_game); _world.Initialize(); }
public Camera(TechCraftGame game) { _game = game; }
public CubeRenderer(TechCraftGame game) { _game = game; _vertexList = new List <VertexPositionColor>(); //_vertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration( VertexPositionColor.VertexElements); }
public FirstPersonCameraController(TechCraftGame game) : base(game) { }
public SmokePlumeParticleSystem(TechCraftGame game, ContentManager content) : base(game, content) { }
public BlockPicker(TechCraftGame game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) : base(game) { _spiteBatch = spriteBatch; }
public ExplosionParticleSystem(TechCraftGame game, ContentManager content) : base(game, content) { }