Esempio n. 1
	void OnEnable(){

		//associate all the initial variable
		InitialiseVariables ();

		//try to get the vtilesObjects
		vTilesObjects = GameObject.Find("TilesGroup");
		if (vTilesObjects == null) {
			vTilesObjects = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab (vTilesObject);

		//clear old tiles

		oldIndex = 0;
		grid = (Tds_Grid)target;

		//increase localscale with a formula 
		if (grid != null) {
			vFactorScale = (1024 / grid.dimension);	
			grid.width = 4f; 
			grid.height = 4f; 

		//try to get the last Action or last levels
		GameObject vGameManagerObject = GameObject.Find("GameManager");
		if (vGameManagerObject != null) {
			//make sure we go the gamemanager component
			if (vGameManagerObject.GetComponent<Tds_GameManager> () != null) {
				vGameManager = vGameManagerObject.GetComponent<Tds_GameManager> ();

		//get the teleport tile by default (hardcoded!)
		Texture2D vTexture2D = Resources.Load<Texture2D> ("Customs/TeleportIcon");
		if (vTexture2D != null) 
			Tds_Texture vTds_Texture = new Tds_Texture();
			vTds_Texture.vFilename = "Customs/TeleportIcon";
			vTds_Texture.vTexture = vTexture2D;

			Texture2D vTextSelection = Resources.Load<Texture2D> ("Customs/teleportTile");
			Tds_Texture vSelectionTexture = new Tds_Texture();
			vSelectionTexture.vFilename = "Customs/teleportTile";
			vSelectionTexture.vTexture = vTextSelection;

			//attach the pixeltexture to the grid
			if (grid != null) {
				grid.teleportPrefab = vTds_Texture;
				grid.selectionPrefab = vSelectionTexture;
			Debug.Log ("default teleportTile is missing! Default Path = Resources/Custom/TeleportIcon.png");

		vAction = "";
		TopMenuPickerIndex = -1;
Esempio n. 2
	void HandleTexture (Tds_Texture vTexture)
		//switch between skin
		if (grid.tilePrefab == vTexture) = vCustSkinSelected;
		else = vCustSkin; 

		if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent ("", vTexture.vTexture), GUILayout.Width (50), GUILayout.Height (50))) {
			grid.tilePrefab = vTexture; 
Esempio n. 3
	void OnSceneGUI()	
		/////////////TOP MENU/////////////
		//go back to normal skin = vNONESkin;

		////////////////tile sie/////////////
		if (IsSizingTile) {
			GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();

			//go back to normal skin = vNONESkin;

			//get the number of item to be shown
			vNbrButton = 3;
			vBoxSize = 65; 

			//create a windows
			GUILayout.Window (3, new Rect (Screen.width - 50 - (vBoxSize * vNbrButton), 0, vNbrButton * 85, 100), (id) => {

				//by default it's -1
				TileSize = -1;

				List<Texture2D> vSizeList = new List<Texture2D> ();
				vSizeList.Add (v1x1);
				vSizeList.Add (v2x2);
				vSizeList.Add (v3x3);

				//get the right size on the list
				TileSize = GUILayout.SelectionGrid (TileSize, vSizeList.ToArray (), 20);GUILayout.Height (vBoxSize);

				//check if we selected something
				if (TileSize > -1) {
					//increase that number by 1

					//switch back to CreateTile
					SaveVariables ("CreateTile");

					IsSizingTile = false;

			}, "");

			//go back to normal skin = null;
			GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();

			/////////////COLOR PICKER///////////////
			//check if we have something so we show them, the user will select which of them we want! 
			//may have many many tile on the same grid!
			if (vTilesFound != null)
			if (vTilesFound.Count > 0) {

				//remove teleport tile before clicking on it
				grid.tilePrefab = null;

				GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();

				//go back to normal skin = vCustSkin;
				//get the number of item to be shown
				vNbrButton = vTilesFound.Count;
				int vBoxSizeY = 96; 
				int vBoxSizeX = 40;
				int vLargestX = 96;
				//make sure we got enought room to show the current texture
				foreach (Texture2D vCurText in vTilesFound) {
					//incease width for every tiles
					vBoxSizeX += vCurText.width;

					//the main bos is equal to the biggest tiles in the list
					if (vBoxSizeY < vCurText.height)
						vBoxSizeY = vCurText.height;

					//keep the longest so we can draw the button correctly
					if (vLargestX < vCurText.width)
						vLargestX = vCurText.width;

					//create a windows
					GUILayout.Window (3, new Rect (Screen.width - (vLargestX*vNbrButton)-10, 20, (vLargestX*vNbrButton), vBoxSizeY), (id) => {

					ColorPickerIndex = -1;

					//get the right color picker on the list + ALSO get the same tiles specs  EX : Ground, Order layer 40, levels, isdoor...)
					ColorPickerIndex = GUILayout.SelectionGrid (ColorPickerIndex, vTilesFound.ToArray (), vTilesFound.Count, GUILayout.Height(vBoxSizeY-20));

					//check if we selected something
					if (ColorPickerIndex > -1) {
						Tds_Texture vTextureFound = new Tds_Texture ();

						//get the right texture to use!
						foreach (Tds_Folder vFolder in grid.tileSet.prefabs)
							foreach (Tds_Texture vTexture in vFolder.vPixelTextureList)
								if (vTexture.vTexture == vTilesFound [ColorPickerIndex])
									vTextureFound = vTexture;
						//if we found it, we make our default pixeltexture this one
						if (vTextureFound != null) {
							//check if we SELECT the tiles or we ONLY GET THE TILES TO REDRAW
							if (vAction == "SelectTile")
								GameObject vGameObjectSel = null;
								//get the right texture to use!
								foreach (GameObject vCurObject in vGameobjectsFound)
									if (vCurObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.texture == vTextureFound.vTexture)
										vGameObjectSel = vCurObject;

								//try to see if it's the teleport gameobject we want to get
								if (vGameObjectSel == null)
									foreach (GameObject vCurObject in vGameobjectsFound)
										//get the first teleport in this
										if (vCurObject.GetComponent<Tds_Tile>().vTileType == Tds_Tile.cTileType.Teleport)
											vGameObjectSel = vCurObject;

								//check if we found it, so we select it to see the inspector!
								if (vGameObjectSel != null)
									//get the pixel tile
									vSelectedTds_Tile = vGameObjectSel.GetComponent<Tds_Tile>();

									//switch to the Selected Tile manually
									TabIndex = 2;

									//reset both list
									vTilesFound = new List<Texture2D> ();
									vGameobjectsFound = new List<GameObject>();

									//refresh editor
								//switch to Create Tile
								SaveVariables ("CreateTile");
								//get the new texture!
								grid.tilePrefab = vTextureFound;

								//try to get the 
								foreach (GameObject vCurObject in vGameobjectsFound)
									if (vCurObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.texture == vTextureFound.vTexture)
										//get the pixel tile!
									 	Tds_Tile vCurTds_Tile = vCurObject.GetComponent<Tds_Tile>();

										//now get the right info about this tile on the grid
										//grid.IsDoor = 	vCurTds_Tile.IsDoor;
										grid.OrderLayer = 	vCurTds_Tile.LayerOrder;
										grid.vTileType = 	vCurTds_Tile.vTileType;
										grid.ShowParticle = 	vCurTds_Tile.ShowParticles;

								//remove color picker
								vTilesFound = new List<Texture2D> ();

				}, "");

				//go back to normal skin = null;
				GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();

			////////////////Level Selector///////////////
			Handles.BeginGUI ();

			//stretch with the number of buttons
			vNbrButton = 5; 
			vBoxSize = 50;

			//go back to normal skin = null;

			//GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
			Handles.EndGUI ();
			//////////////END of the Level Selector///////

			////////////////TILE EDITOR///////////////
			Handles.BeginGUI ();
			//GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();

			//stretch with the number of buttons
			vNbrButton = 7; 
			vBoxSize = 50;

			//go back to normal skin = vNONESkin;

			//create a windows
			GUILayout.Window (2, new Rect (Screen.width - 65, Screen.height - (57 * vNbrButton), 70, vNbrButton * 85), (id) => {
				//check if we selected create tile on the GUI
				Texture2D vCreateTileToggle = vCreateTileText;
				if (vAction == "CreateTile")
					vCreateTileToggle = vCreateTileTextSel;

				//check if we have select tile selected
				Texture2D vSelectTileToggle = vSelectTileText;
				if (vAction == "SelectTile")
					vSelectTileToggle = vSelectTileTextSel;

				//check if we selected create tile on the GUI
				Texture2D vDeleteTileTextToggle = vDeleteTileText;
				if (vAction == "DeleteTile")
					vDeleteTileTextToggle = vDeleteTileTextSel;

				//check if we selected create tile on the GUI
				Texture2D vColorPickerToggle = vColorPickerText;
				if (vAction == "ColorPicker") {
					vColorPickerToggle = vColorPickerTextSel;
				//get the right WallIcon
				Texture2D vWallIcon = vCanSeeWall;
				if (!IsLookingWall)
					vWallIcon = vCannotSeeWall;

				//by default it's 1x1
				Texture2D vSelSizeText = v1x1;
				if (TileSize == 2)
					vSelSizeText = v2x2;
				else if (TileSize == 3)
					vSelSizeText = v3x3;

				//Tile Size
				if (GUILayout.Button (vSelSizeText, GUILayout.Width (vBoxSize), GUILayout.Height (vBoxSize))) {
					SaveVariables ("SetSize");

					//remove color picker
					vTilesFound = new List<Texture2D> ();

					//show the size tile
					IsSizingTile = true;

					//refresh editor

				//Selection Tile
				if (GUILayout.Button (vSelectTileToggle, GUILayout.Width (vBoxSize), GUILayout.Height (vBoxSize))) {
					//remove old preview

					//remove the current prefab to select a new one
					grid.tilePrefab = null;

					//switch action
					SaveVariables ("SelectTile");

					//when selecting, we have a tile size of 1
					TileSize = 1;

					//remove color picker
					vTilesFound = new List<Texture2D> ();

					//refresh editor

				//Create Tile
				if (GUILayout.Button (vCreateTileToggle, GUILayout.Width (vBoxSize), GUILayout.Height (vBoxSize))) {
					SaveVariables ("CreateTile");

					//remove color picker
					vTilesFound = new List<Texture2D> ();

					//make sure a user doesn't waste his time being on a teleport
					if (grid.vTileType == Tds_Tile.cTileType.Teleport)
						grid.vTileType = Tds_Tile.cTileType.Ground;

					//refresh editor

				//Delete Tile
				if (GUILayout.Button (vDeleteTileTextToggle, GUILayout.Width (vBoxSize), GUILayout.Height (vBoxSize))) {
					SaveVariables ("DeleteTile");

					//remove color picker
					vTilesFound = new List<Texture2D> ();

					//refresh editor

				//Color Picker
				if (GUILayout.Button (vColorPickerToggle, GUILayout.Width (vBoxSize), GUILayout.Height (vBoxSize)))
					SaveVariables ("ColorPicker");
			}, "");
			//go back to normal skin = null;

			//GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
			Handles.EndGUI ();
			//////////////END of the TILE EDITOR///////

			int controlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID (FocusType.Passive);
			Event e = Event.current;
			Ray ray = Camera.current.ScreenPointToRay (new Vector3 (e.mousePosition.x, -e.mousePosition.y + Camera.current.pixelHeight));
			Vector3 mousePos = ray.origin;

			Texture2D prefab = null;
			if (grid.tilePrefab != null)
				prefab = grid.tilePrefab.vTexture;

			//calculate where is the mouse cursor
			Vector3 aligned = new Vector3 (Mathf.Floor (mousePos.x / grid.width) * grid.width, Mathf.Floor (mousePos.y / grid.height) * grid.height, 0.0f);

			//check if the texture has been found before going further
			if (prefab) {
				//check if we have a prefab already bruilt
				if (TilePreview == null) {
					//initialize it before
					TilePreview = new List<GameObject> ();

					//create a preview tile by default
					TilePreview = CreateTile (1500, Tds_Tile.cTileType.Ground, aligned, true);

					//positionnate the tilepreview to be shown at the mouse location
					foreach (GameObject vObject in TilePreview) {
						Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup ();

						//vObject.transform.position = aligned;
						vObject.transform.parent = vAutoTilesObjects.transform;

						Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (vObject, "Create" +;

				} else if (aligned != lastaligned){ //only refresh preview if we change square
					lastaligned = aligned; 
					RefreshPreview ();

			if (e.isMouse && e.button == 0 && (e.type == EventType.MouseDown || e.type == EventType.MouseDrag)) {
				if (vLastEventType == EventType.Ignore) {
					GUIUtility.hotControl = controlId;
					e.Use ();
					vLastEventType = e.type;

				List<GameObject> gameObject = new List<GameObject> ();

				//check if the texture has been found before going further
			if (prefab && vAction == "CreateTile") {
				gameObject = CreateTile (grid.OrderLayer, grid.vTileType, aligned);
				//positionnate the tilepreview to be shown at the mouse location
				foreach (GameObject vObject in gameObject) {
					Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup ();

					//vObject.transform.position = aligned;
					vObject.transform.parent = vTilesObjects.transform;

					Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (vObject, "Create" +;
				//destroy the same tiles!
				else if (vAction == "DeleteTile") {
				//delete the same tile that we got we found!
				List<GameObject> vFoundTile = GridHaveThisTile (prefab, aligned);

				//if we have found the same tiles, we can now delete it!
				if (vFoundTile != null)
				if (vFoundTile.Count > 0)
					foreach (GameObject vTileToDestroy in vFoundTile)
						GameObject.DestroyImmediate (vTileToDestroy);
		}//allow right mouse
		else if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp && vLastEventType != null && e.button == 0) {
			GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
			vLastEventType = EventType.Ignore; //use ignore EventType to skip it
Esempio n. 4
	//refresh the TileSet Path
	public void RefreshTileSet(string vpath)
		IsRefreshing = true;

		//if we have found a real folder, we create a new fresh array for the new PNG files
		grid.tileSet.prefabs = new List<Tds_Folder>();

		//check if the folder exist on the local computer
		if (Directory.Exists(vpath))
			grid.tileSet.TileSetPath = vpath;
			int cpt = 0;
			string[] allfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(vpath, "*.png", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);
			foreach (string vFilePath in allfiles)
				//get the filepath without extension
				string vpath2 = vFilePath.Substring(vFilePath.IndexOf("Resources")+10);
				vpath2 = vpath2.Substring(0, vpath2.Length - 4);
				vpath2 = vpath2.Replace("\\","/");

				//get to the right folder
				string[] vFolder = vpath2.Split('/');

				//get the last one 
				string vLastF = vFolder [vFolder.Length - 2];
				string vFileName = vFolder [vFolder.Length - 1];

				//try to get the master folder name 
				string vMasterF = ""; 
				if (vFolder.Length > 2)
					vMasterF = vFolder [vFolder.Length - 3];

				//create the new Tds_Texture
				Tds_Texture vTexture = new Tds_Texture();

				//load the texture!
				Texture2D vText = Resources.Load(vpath2,typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;

				//store the filename
				vTexture.vFilename = Path.GetFileName(vFilePath);
				vTexture.vTexture = vText;

				//check if it exist!
				if (grid.tileSet.prefabs.Find (x => GetNiceName(x.vFolderName) == GetNiceName(vLastF) && GetNiceName(x.vMasterFolderName) == GetNiceName(vMasterF)) == null) {
					//create a new pixel folder
					Tds_Folder vNewFolder = new Tds_Folder ();
					vNewFolder.vFolderName = GetNiceName(vLastF);				//keep the parent folder name
					vNewFolder.vMasterFolderName = GetNiceName(vMasterF); 		//keep the master folder name

					//check if there is a animated tile to add 
					if (vFileName.Contains ("[")) {
						vTexture.vAnimationList .Add (vTexture); 				//add itself to the list for the first animated tile

					//then add the pixeltexture to the list

					//add it 
					grid.tileSet.prefabs.Add (vNewFolder);
				else foreach (Tds_Folder vTds_Folder in grid.tileSet.prefabs)
					if (GetNiceName(vTds_Folder.vFolderName) == GetNiceName(vLastF))
						//check if it's a animated tile or normal tile
						if (vFileName.Contains ("[")) {

							bool vFound = false;
							string vShortFileName = vFileName.Substring (0, vFileName.LastIndexOf ("[")); //remove the [#]

							//check if it's the first animated Texture
							foreach (Tds_Texture vAPixelT in vTds_Folder.vPixelTextureList)
								if (!vFound) {
									//get the filename
									string[] vF = vAPixelT.vFilename.Split ('/');
									string vFN = vF [vF.Length - 1];

									//check if it's animated!
									if (vFN.Contains ("[")) {
										//remove the [#]
										vFN = vFN.Substring (0, vFN.LastIndexOf ("["));

										//check if match!
										if (vShortFileName == vFN) {
											vFound = true;

											//add it for this one

							//if we still haven't found it, we just add the texture like a normal one, but add itself to the animation list so the next one will go in his list
							if (!vFound) {
								//add himself to the animation list before adding to the main list
								vTexture.vAnimationList.Add (vTexture);
								vTds_Folder.vPixelTextureList.Add (vTexture);
							vTds_Folder.vPixelTextureList.Add (vTexture); //found the folder, then add the texture to it
			grid.tileSet.TileSetPath = "";

		IsRefreshing = false;