private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Loaded -= OnLoaded; ManageUserSettings(); var helpContent = File.ReadAllText(@"Content\help.html"); Help.NavigateToString(helpContent); TbxInput.Focus(); }
private void BtnStartPlay_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var strMin = TbxMinValue.Text; int min; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((strMin)) || !int.TryParse(strMin, out min)) { ShowMessage("请输入正确的最小值"); TbxMinValue.Focus(); return; } var strMax = TbxMaxValue.Text; int max; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((strMax)) || !int.TryParse(strMax, out max)) { ShowMessage("请输入正确的最大值"); TbxMinValue.Focus(); return; } var strMaxTryCount = TbxMaxTryCount.Text; int maxTryCount = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((strMaxTryCount)) && !int.TryParse(strMaxTryCount, out maxTryCount)) { ShowMessage("请输入正确的最大次数"); TbxMaxTryCount.Focus(); return; } GenerateRandomNumber(min, max); _maxTryCount = maxTryCount; _tryCount = 0; PanelInput.IsEnabled = true; TbxInput.Focus(); PanelStartPlay.IsEnabled = false; _startTime = DateTime.Now; _recognizer.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowMessage("操作异常:" + ex); } }
private void BtnSubmit_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var tbxInputText = TbxInput.Text; int inputValue; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((tbxInputText)) || !int.TryParse(tbxInputText, out inputValue)) { ShowMessage("请输入正确的数值"); TbxInput.Focus(); return; } CheckInputValue(inputValue); TbxInput.Clear(); TbxInput.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowMessage("操作异常:" + ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Does the job /// </summary> private void ParseInput(string input) { var asCommands = new[] { "help - Shows the commands list.", "clr - Clears the screen.", "pos # - Shows the parameters of position #.", "ord # - Shows the parameters of order #.", "bar # - Shows the prices of bar #.", "ind # - Shows the indicators for bar #.", "str - shows the strategy.", "debug - Turns on debug mode.", "undebug - Turns off debug mode.", "loadlang - Reloads the language file.", "missingphrases - Shows all phrases, which are used in the program but are not included in the language file.", "genlangfiles - Regenerates English.xml.", "repairlang - Repairs all the language files.", "importlang - Imports a translation (Read more first).", "langtowiki - Shows translation in wiki format.", "resetinstrum - Resets the instruments list.", "speedtest - Performs a speed test.", "reloadtips - Reloads the starting tips.", "showalltips - Shows all the starting tips." }; if (input.StartsWith("help") || input.StartsWith("?")) { TbxOutput.Text = "Commands" + Environment.NewLine + "-----------------" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string sCommand in asCommands) { TbxOutput.Text += sCommand + Environment.NewLine; } } else if (input.StartsWith("clr")) { TbxOutput.Text = ""; } else if (input.StartsWith("debug")) { TbxOutput.Text += "Debug mode - on" + Environment.NewLine; Data.Debug = true; } else if (input.StartsWith("nodebug")) { TbxOutput.Text += "Debug mode - off" + Environment.NewLine; Data.Debug = false; } else if (input.StartsWith("loadlang")) { Language.InitLanguages(); TbxOutput.Text += "Language file loaded." + Environment.NewLine; } else if (input.StartsWith("importlang")) { Language.ImportLanguageFile(TbxOutput.Text); } else if (input.StartsWith("langtowiki")) { Language.ShowPhrases(4); } else if (input.StartsWith("genlangfiles")) { Language.GenerateLangFiles(); TbxOutput.Text += "Language files generated." + Environment.NewLine; } else if (input.StartsWith("repairlang")) { TbxOutput.Text += "Language files repair" + Environment.NewLine + "---------------------" + Environment.NewLine + ""; TbxOutput.Text += Language.RapairAllLangFiles(); } else if (input.StartsWith("resetinstrum")) { Instruments.ResetInstruments(); TbxOutput.Text += "The instruments are reset." + Environment.NewLine + "Restart the program now!" + Environment.NewLine; } else if (input.StartsWith("missingphrases")) { ShowMissingPhrases(); } else if (input.StartsWith("speedtest")) { SpeedTest(); } else if (input.StartsWith("str")) { ShowStrategy(); } else if (input.StartsWith("pos")) { ShowPosition(input); } else if (input.StartsWith("ord")) { ShowOrder(input); } else if (input.StartsWith("bar")) { ShowBar(input); } else if (input.StartsWith("ind")) { ShowIndicators(input); } else if (input.StartsWith("reloadtips")) { var startingTips = new StartingTips(); startingTips.Show(); } else if (input.StartsWith("showalltips")) { var startingTips = new StartingTips { ShowAllTips = true }; startingTips.Show(); } TbxOutput.Focus(); TbxOutput.ScrollToCaret(); TbxInput.Focus(); TbxInput.Text = ""; }
private void TbxInput_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TbxInput.Focus(); TbxInput.Select(TbxInput.Text.Count(), 0); }