public ActionResult PayPrice(int post_type = 0, string final_price = "") { try { var postType = db.Tbl_PostType.Where(a => a.PostType_Price == post_type).FirstOrDefault(); if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Message = "Access denied. need login."; log.addLog(Message, "Index", "Cart", logStatus.EventLog); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Account", new { returnUrl = "/Cart/Index" })); } else { var username = Session["UserName"].ToString(); var user = db.Tbl_User.Where(a => a.User_Username == username).SingleOrDefault(); if (user.User_Address == null || user.User_Address == "") { return(RedirectToAction("EditProfile", "Account")); } //if (PostagePrice == 1) //{ // TempData["PostageType"] = "لطفا نحوه ارسال را انتخاب نمایید."; // return RedirectToAction("Index", "Cart"); //} long allPrice = 0; var carts = rep_cart.Get_UserCart(username); foreach (var cart in carts) { allPrice += cart.InterimBill_Price; } //if (allPrice > 300000) // PostagePrice = 0; Session["AllPrice"] = allPrice + postType.PostType_Price; Tbl_Bill bill = new Tbl_Bill(); bill.Bill_Date = DateTime.Now; Random rnd1 = new Random(); int InvoiceNumber = (rnd1.Next(1, 1000) * DateTime.Now.Year) + DateTime.Now.Second; bill.Bill_InvoiceNumber = InvoiceNumber.ToString(); bill.Bill_Off = 0; bill.Bill_OtherPrice = 0; bill.Bill_PostStatus_ID = 1; //if (allPrice > 300000) // bill.Bill_PostType_ID = 2; //else bill.Bill_PostType_ID = postType.PostType_ID; bill.Bill_Status = false; bill.Bill_PayPrice = Convert.ToInt32(allPrice + postType.PostType_Price); bill.Bill_UserID = user.User_ID; db.Tbl_Bill.Add(bill); if (Convert.ToBoolean(db.SaveChanges() > 0)) { Tbl_UserBills ub = new Tbl_UserBills(); foreach (var item in carts) { ub.UserBills_Bill_ID = bill.Bill_ID; ub.UserBills_InterimBill_ID = item.InterimBill_ID; db.Tbl_UserBills.Add(ub); db.SaveChanges(); } try { Session["Bill_ID"] = bill.Bill_ID; //اتصال به درگاه ZarinPal.ZarinPal zarinpal = ZarinPal.ZarinPal.Get(); String MerchantID = "91afdd4e-006f-11ea-bad7-000c295eb8fc"; String CallbackURL = "" + bill.Bill_ID; //String CallbackURL = "https://localhost:44309/Pay/PaymentVerification?billID=" + bill.Bill_ID; long Amount = (long)(allPrice + postType.PostType_Price); String Description = "پرداخت"; ZarinPal.PaymentRequest pr = new ZarinPal.PaymentRequest(MerchantID, Amount, CallbackURL, Description); zarinpal.DisableSandboxMode(); //zarinpal.EnableSandboxMode(); var res = zarinpal.InvokePaymentRequest(pr); if (res.Status == 100) { //Response.Redirect("" + Authority + "/Asan"); //Response.Redirect("" + Authority + "/ZarinGate"); Response.Redirect(res.PaymentURL); } else { TempData["PayError"] = "تراکنش با موفقیت انجام نشد، لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید."; RedirectToAction("Index", "Cart"); } } catch { TempData["PayError"] = "تراکنش با موفقیت انجام نشد، لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Cart")); } } TempData["PayError"] = "تراکنش با موفقیت انجام نشد، لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Cart")); } } catch (Exception ex) { var e = ex.ToString(); TempData["PayError"] = "تراکنش با موفقیت انجام نشد، لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Cart")); } }
public ActionResult EditOrder(Tbl_UserBills newUserBill) { String Message = ""; if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Message = "Access denied. need login."; log.addLog(Message, "EditOrder", "DashboardOrder", logStatus.EventLog); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Account", new { returnUrl = "/Dashboard/Index" })); } else if (Session["RoleName"].ToString() == "Admin") { Tbl_UserBills oldUserBill = new Tbl_UserBills(); try { InitDropdownLists(); oldUserBill = db.Tbl_UserBills.Where(a => a.UserBills_ID == newUserBill.UserBills_ID).SingleOrDefault(); if (oldUserBill == null) { Message = "UserBill with ID" + newUserBill.UserBills_ID + "not found."; log.addLog(Message, "EditUser", "DashboardUser", logStatus.ErrorLog); ViewBag.result = "سفارش یافت نشد.لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "DashboardOrder")); } oldUserBill.UserBills_Bill_ID = newUserBill.UserBills_Bill_ID; oldUserBill.UserBills_InterimBill_ID = newUserBill.UserBills_InterimBill_ID; db.Tbl_UserBills.Attach(oldUserBill); db.Entry(oldUserBill).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; if (Convert.ToBoolean(db.SaveChanges() > 0)) { Message = "edited UserBill with id " + newUserBill.UserBills_ID + " done successfully."; log.addLog(Message, "EditOrder", "DashboardOrder", logStatus.EventLog); ViewBag.result = "سفارش با موفقیت ویرایش شد."; return(View(newUserBill)); } else { Message = "edited UserBill with id " + newUserBill.UserBills_ID + " failed."; log.addLog(Message, "EditOrder", "DashboardOrder", logStatus.ErrorLog); ViewBag.result = "سفارش ویرایش نشد، لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید."; return(View(newUserBill)); } } catch { Message = "edited UserBill with id " + newUserBill.UserBills_ID + " failed."; log.addLog(Message, "EditOrder", "DashboardOrder", logStatus.ErrorLog); ViewBag.result = "سفارش ویرایش نشد، لطفا دوباره تلاش کنید."; return(View(newUserBill)); } } else { Message = "You do not have access to this page."; log.addLog(Message, "EditOrder", "DashboardOrder", logStatus.EventLog); return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Home")); } }