private void ProcessNodeComponents(TaxonomyInfo node)
            // get list of SKUs for this taxonomy
            var allSkus = node.GetSkus(_args.ExportCrossListNodes);

            if (!allSkus.Any())

            // filter skus based on sku inclusions and exclusions, then include only Product skus.
            var skus = _args.GetFilteredSkuList(allSkus).ToList();

            ProcessSkus(node, skus);
Esempio n. 2
        private IEnumerable <Attribute> GetAttributes(AryaDbDataContext dc, TaxonomyInfo currentTaxonomyInfo)
            var attributes = new List <Attribute>();

            if (Args.LeafNodesOnly && !currentTaxonomyInfo.IsLeafNode)
            if (currentTaxonomyInfo.GetSkus(Args.ExportCrossListNodes).Any(t => t.SkuType == "Product") || Args.ExportEmptyNodes)
                if (!currentTaxonomyInfo.IsLeafNode)
                    var schemaInfos = new List <SchemaInfo>();
                        currentTaxonomyInfo.SchemaInfos.Where(si => si.SchemaDatas.Any(sd => sd.Active)).ToList());

                    var schemaAttributes =
                        schemaInfos.Where(p => p.SchemaData.InSchema).Select(p => new { p.Attribute, p.SchemaData }).ToList();

                    attributes = (from att in schemaAttributes
                                  group att by att.Attribute
                                  into grp
                                  let minRank = grp.Min(p => GetRank(p.SchemaData, SortOrder.OrderbyDisplayNavigation))
                                                orderby minRank
                                                select grp.Key).Distinct().ToList();
                    attributes = (from si in dc.SchemaInfos
                                  where si.TaxonomyID == currentTaxonomyInfo.ID
                                  let sd = si.SchemaDatas.FirstOrDefault(sd => sd.Active)
                                           where sd != null
                                           let inSchema = sd.InSchema
                                                          where inSchema
                                                          let navRank = sd == null || sd.NavigationOrder == 0 ? decimal.MaxValue : sd.NavigationOrder
                                                                        let dispRank = sd == null || sd.DisplayOrder == 0 ? decimal.MaxValue : sd.DisplayOrder
                                                                                       orderby navRank, dispRank
                                  select si.Attribute).ToList();

Esempio n. 3
        private void ProcessTaxonomySkus(TaxonomyInfo ti)
            //Must use independent DataContext to conserve memory
            using (var dc = new AryaDbDataContext(Arguments.ProjectId, Arguments.UserId))
                var node = ItemNode.FromValues(ti.ID, ti.ProjectID,
                                               ti.ToString(((AdvancedExportArgs)Arguments).IgnoreT1Taxonomy), ti.NodeName);

                //var allSkus = from si in dc.SkuInfos
                //              where si.Active && si.TaxonomyID == ti.ID
                //              let sku = si.Sku
                //              where sku.SkuType == Sku.ItemType.Product.ToString()
                //              select sku;

                var allSkus = ti.GetSkus(_args.ExportCrossListNodes);
                var skus    = ((AdvancedExportArgs)Arguments).GetFilteredSkuList(allSkus).ToList();

                skus.AsParallel().ForAll(sku => ProcessSku(node, sku));
Esempio n. 4
        private List <Attribute> GetAttributes(AryaDbDataContext dc, TaxonomyInfo currentTaxonomyInfo)
            var attributes = new List <Attribute>();

            if (Args.LeafNodesOnly && !currentTaxonomyInfo.IsLeafNode)
            //if (!Args.ExportEmptyNodes && !currentTaxonomyInfo.GetSkus(Args.ExportCrossListNodes).Any())
            //if (!(Args.ExportEmptyNodes || currentTaxonomyInfo.GetSkus(Args.ExportCrossListNodes).Any(t => t.SkuType == "Product")))
            if (currentTaxonomyInfo.GetSkus(Args.ExportCrossListNodes).Any(t => t.SkuType == "Product") || Args.ExportEmptyNodes)
                if (Args.ExportSuperSchema && !currentTaxonomyInfo.IsLeafNode)
                    var schemaInfos = new List <SchemaInfo>();
                        currentTaxonomyInfo.SchemaInfos.Where(si => si.SchemaDatas.Any(sd => sd.Active)).ToList());
                    if (Args.ExportSuperSchema)
                        foreach (var leaf in currentTaxonomyInfo.AllLeafChildren)
                            schemaInfos.AddRange(leaf.SchemaInfos.Where(si => si.SchemaDatas.Any(sd => sd.Active)).ToList());
                    var schemaAttributes =
                        schemaInfos.Where(p => p.SchemaData.InSchema).Select(p => new { p.Attribute, p.SchemaData }).ToList();

                    attributes = (from att in schemaAttributes
                                  group att by att.Attribute
                                  into grp
                                  let minRank = grp.Min(p => GetRank(p.SchemaData, SortOrder.OrderbyDisplayNavigation))
                                                orderby minRank
                                                select grp.Key).Distinct().ToList();
                    attributes = (from si in dc.SchemaInfos
                                  where si.TaxonomyID == currentTaxonomyInfo.ID
                                  let sd = si.SchemaDatas.FirstOrDefault(sd => sd.Active)
                                           where sd != null
                                           let inSchema = sd.InSchema
                                                          where inSchema
                                                          let navRank = sd == null || sd.NavigationOrder == 0 ? decimal.MaxValue : sd.NavigationOrder
                                                                        let dispRank = sd == null || sd.DisplayOrder == 0 ? decimal.MaxValue : sd.DisplayOrder
                                                                                       orderby navRank, dispRank
                                  select si.Attribute).ToList();

                    var currentTaxonomyString = currentTaxonomyInfo.ToString();

                    var possibleMissingAttributes = (from si in CurrentDb.SchemaInfos
                                                     where si.TaxonomyID == currentTaxonomyInfo.ID
                                                     let sd = si.SchemaDatas.FirstOrDefault(sd => sd.Active)
                                                              where sd != null && !sd.InSchema && (sd.NavigationOrder > 0 || sd.DisplayOrder > 0)
                                                              select si.Attribute.AttributeName).ToList().Select(p => currentTaxonomyString + "\t" + p).ToList();

