private string ParseText(string text)
            string result = text;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                Regex pattern = new Regex("\\[\\[AS_[A-Za-z-]*\\]\\]");
                //Linkify.AddLinks(textView, pattern, "taxon://",null,new TaxonTransformFilter());

                foreach (Match m in pattern.Matches(result))
                    var syn = TaxonSynonym.GetByPattern(m.Groups[0].Value);

                    if (syn != null)
                        var taxon = ((App)App.Current).Taxa.FirstOrDefault(i => i.TaxonId == syn.TaxonId && i.HasDiagnosis);
                        if (taxon != null)
                            //result = result.Replace(syn.Pattern, string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", syn.TaxonId, syn.Text));
                            result = result.Replace(syn.Pattern, $"<a href=\"taxonid://{syn.TaxonId}\">{syn.Text}</a>");
                            result = result.Replace(syn.Pattern, syn.Text);
                    else //if there is no TaxonSynonym at least hide the [[AS_...]] formating
                        result = result.Replace(m.Groups[0].Value, m.Groups[0].Value.Substring(5, m.Groups[0].Value.Length - 7));

                //return "<style>body{font-family: '" + this.Control.Font.Name + "'; font-size:" + this.Control.Font.PointSize + "px;}</style>" + result;

Esempio n. 2
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <Label> e)

            //Control?.SetText(labelText, TextView.BufferType.Spannable);
            var view = (HtmlLabel)Element;

            if (view == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.Text))

#pragma warning disable 618
            var labelText = (Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.N) ? Html.FromHtml(Element.Text, FromHtmlOptions.ModeLegacy) : Html.FromHtml(Element.Text);
#pragma warning restore 618

            TextView textView = new TextView(this.Context);
            textView.LayoutParameters = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WrapContent, LayoutParams.WrapContent);

            // Setting the auto link mask to capture all types of link-able data
            textView.AutoLinkMask = 0;
            // Make sure to set text after setting the mask
            //textView.Text = labelText;
            SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder(labelText);

            Pattern pattern = Pattern.Compile("\\[\\[AS_[A-Za-z-]*\\]\\]");
            //Linkify.AddLinks(textView, pattern, "taxon://",null,new TaxonTransformFilter());
            Matcher m    = pattern.Matcher(sb);
            int     diff = 0;
            while (m.Find())
                var syn = TaxonSynonym.GetByPattern(m.Group(0));

                if (syn != null)
                    int start = m.Start() + diff;
                    int end   = m.End() + diff;

                    sb.Replace(start, end, syn.Text);
                    var taxon = ((App)App.Current).Taxa.FirstOrDefault(i => i.TaxonId == syn.TaxonId && i.HasDiagnosis);
                    if (taxon != null)
                        ClickableSpan cs = new URLSpan("taxonid://" + syn.TaxonId);
                        sb.SetSpan(cs, start, start + syn.Text.Length, SpanTypes.InclusiveInclusive);
                    diff += syn.Text.Length - syn.Pattern.Length;
                {                 //if there is no TaxonSynonym at least hide the [[AS_...]] formating
                    int start = m.Start() + diff;
                    int end   = m.End() + diff;

                    sb.Replace(start, end, m.Group(0).Substring(5, m.Group(0).Length - 7));
                    diff += -7;

            textView.SetText(sb, TextView.BufferType.Spannable);
            textView.SetTextSize(ComplexUnitType.Dip, (float)view.FontSize);

            if (mm == null)
                mm              = new TaxonMovementMethod();
                mm.LinkClicked += Mm_LinkClicked;
            textView.MovementMethod = mm;