public static void Run() { // ExStart:ReadActualTaskProperties // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); // Create Project instance Project project = new Project(dataDir + "ActualTaskProperties.mpp"); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (Task task in collector.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine("Task Name : " + task.Get(Tsk.Name)); Console.WriteLine("Actual Start: " + task.Get(Tsk.ActualStart).ToLongDateString()); Console.WriteLine("Actual Finish: " + task.Get(Tsk.ActualFinish).ToLongDateString()); Console.WriteLine("Actual Duration: " + task.Get(Tsk.ActualDuration).TimeSpan.Hours.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Actual Cost: " + task.Get(Tsk.ActualCost).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------"); } // ExEnd:ReadActualTaskProperties }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:FindCriticalEffortDrivenTasks // Read project from file stream string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataDir + "CriticalEffortDrivenTasks.mpp", FileMode.Open); Project prj = new Project(fs); fs.Close(); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(prj.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (Task tsk1 in collector.Tasks) { string strED = tsk1.Get(Tsk.IsEffortDriven) ? "EffortDriven" : "Non-EffortDriven"; string strCrit = tsk1.Get(Tsk.IsCritical) ? "Critical" : "Non-Critical"; Console.WriteLine(tsk1.Get(Tsk.Name) + " : " + strED); Console.WriteLine(tsk1.Get(Tsk.Name) + " : " + strCrit); } // ExEnd:FindCriticalEffortDrivenTasks }
[Test] // ExSkip public void WorkWithNot() { var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project2.mpp"); // gather all project tasks var coll = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, coll, 0); // create a filter condition var filter = new NullCondition(); // and reverse it by applying <see cref="Aspose.Tasks.Util.Not`1" /> condition var condition = new Not <Task>(filter); // apply the condition to the collected tasks List <Task> collection = Filter(coll.Tasks, condition); foreach (var task in collection) { Console.WriteLine("Name: " + task.Get(Tsk.Name)); // work with other properties... } // ... }
public static void Run() { //ExStart:ReadTaskProperties // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); // Create project instance Project prj = new Project(dataDir + "ReadTaskProperties.mpp"); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(prj.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (Task tsk in collector.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine("Task Id: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Id)); Console.WriteLine("Task Uid: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Uid)); Console.WriteLine("Task Name: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Name)); Console.WriteLine("Task Start: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Start)); Console.WriteLine("Task Finish: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Finish)); } //ExEnd:ReadTaskProperties }
[Test] // ExSkip public void WorkWithAndAllCondition() { var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project2.mpp"); // gather all project tasks var coll = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, coll, 0); var conditions = new List <ICondition <Task> > { // create a filter condition that filters not null tasks new NotNullCondition(), // create a filter condition that filters summary tasks new SummaryCondition() }; // and join them by applying <see cref="Aspose.Tasks.Util.AndAllCondition`1" /> condition var joinedCondition = new AndAllCondition <Task>(conditions); // apply the condition to the collected tasks List <Task> collection = Filter(coll.Tasks, joinedCondition); Console.WriteLine("Filtered tasks: "); foreach (var task in collection) { Console.WriteLine(" Name: " + task.Get(Tsk.Name)); // work with other properties... } // ... }
public void CheckCircuit() { // ExStart // ExFor: TasksException // ExFor: TasksException.#ctor(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext) // ExFor: CheckCircuit // ExFor: CheckCircuit.#ctor // ExFor: CheckCircuit.Alg(Task,Int32) // ExFor: TreeAlgorithmBase`1.Alg(`0,Int32) // ExFor: TreeAlgorithmBase`1.PostAlg(`0,Int32) // ExFor: TreeAlgorithmBase`1.PreAlg(`0,Int32) // ExSummary: Shows how to detect broken project's structure. var project = new Project(DataDir + "ParentChildTasks.mpp"); // check the project's structure. // The <see cref="TasksException"> will be thrown if the project structure is incorrect. try { TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, new CheckCircuit(), 0); } catch (TasksException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } // ExEnd }
public void ReadWriteTaskProperties() { // ExStart:ReadWriteTaskProperties // ExFor: Task.Get(Aspose.Tasks.Key{System.String,Aspose.Tasks.TaskKey}) // ExFor: Task.Get``1(Aspose.Tasks.Key{``0,Aspose.Tasks.TaskKey}) // ExFor: Task.Set(Aspose.Tasks.Key{System.DateTime,Aspose.Tasks.TaskKey},System.DateTime) // ExFor: Task.Set``1(Aspose.Tasks.Key{``0,Aspose.Tasks.TaskKey},``0) // ExSummary: Shows how to get/set task properties. var project = new Project(); // Add task and set task properties var task = project.RootTask.Children.Add(); task.Set(Tsk.Name, "Task1"); task.Set(Tsk.Start, new DateTime(2020, 3, 31, 8, 0, 0)); task.Set(Tsk.Finish, new DateTime(2020, 3, 31, 17, 0, 0)); var collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (var tsk in collector.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine("Task Id: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Id)); Console.WriteLine("Task Uid: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Uid)); Console.WriteLine("Task Name: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Name)); Console.WriteLine("Task Start: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Start)); Console.WriteLine("Task Finish: {0}", tsk.Get(Tsk.Finish)); } // ExEnd:ReadWriteTaskProperties }
public static void Run() { //ExStart:ReadTaskWBS // Read project string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); Project project1 = new Project(dataDir + "TaskWBS.mpp"); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(project1.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (Task tsk in collector.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine(tsk.Get(Tsk.WBS)); Console.WriteLine(tsk.Get(Tsk.WBSLevel)); // Set custom WBS tsk.Set(Tsk.WBS, "custom wbs" + tsk.Get(Tsk.WBS)); } //ExEnd:ReadTaskWBS // Save project as PDF project1.Save(dataDir + "TaskWBS_out.pdf", SaveFileFormat.PDF); }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:GetConstraints string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); Project project1 = new Project(dataDir + "Project2.mpp"); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(project1.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (Aspose.Tasks.Task tsk1 in collector.Tasks) { if (tsk1.Get(Tsk.ConstraintDate).ToShortDateString() == "1/1/2000") { Console.WriteLine("NA"); } else { Console.WriteLine(tsk1.Get(Tsk.ConstraintDate).ToShortDateString()); } Console.WriteLine(tsk1.Get(Tsk.ConstraintType).ToString()); } // ExEnd:GetConstraints }
[Test] // ExSkip public void SortTasksByName() { var project = new Project(DataDir + "project-sort.mpp"); var collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); List <Task> tasks = collector.Tasks; tasks.Sort(new TaskNameComparer()); foreach (var task in tasks) { Console.WriteLine(task.ToString()); } }
public void ReadBudgetWorkAndCost() { // ExStart:ReadBudgetWorkAndCost // ExFor: Rsc.BudgetWork // ExFor: Rsc.BudgetCost // ExSummary: Shows how to read budget work/cost values of a resource. var project = new Project(DataDir + "BudgetWorkAndCost.mpp"); // Display budget work and budget cost for project summary task Console.WriteLine("projSummary.BudgetWork = " + project.RootTask.Get(Tsk.BudgetWork)); Console.WriteLine("projSummary.BudgetCost = " + project.RootTask.Get(Tsk.BudgetCost)); // Display resource budget work var rsc = project.Resources.GetByUid(6); Console.WriteLine("Resource BudgetWork = " + rsc.Get(Rsc.BudgetWork)); // Display resource budget cost rsc = project.Resources.GetByUid(7); Console.WriteLine("Resource BudgetCost = " + rsc.Get(Rsc.BudgetCost)); var collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); foreach (var task in collector.Tasks) { // Display assignment budget work and budget cost foreach (var assignment in task.Assignments) { var resource = assignment.Get(Asn.Resource); if (resource == null) { continue; } if (resource.Get(Rsc.Type) == ResourceType.Work) { Console.WriteLine("Assignment BudgetWork = " + assignment.Get(Asn.BudgetWork)); } else { Console.WriteLine("Assignment BudgetCost = " + assignment.Get(Asn.BudgetCost)); } } } // ExEnd:ReadBudgetWorkAndCost }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:SortTasksByName string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); Project project = new Project(dataDir + "project-sort.mpp"); ChildTasksCollector coll = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, coll, 0); List <Task> tasks = coll.Tasks; tasks.Sort(new TaskNameComparer()); foreach (Task task in tasks) { Console.WriteLine(task); } // ExEnd:SortTasksByName }
[Test] // ExSkip public void WorkWithFind() { var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project2.mpp"); // builds new tree of tasks which satisfy the condition var task = TaskUtils.Filter(project.RootTask, new FindByName("Task8")); // gather tasks from a tree var coll = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(task, coll, 0); // iterate over plain list of tasks // which durations are greater or equal than 2 working days foreach (var collTask in coll.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine("Name: " + collTask.Get(Tsk.Name) + "Duration: " + collTask.Get(Tsk.Duration).TimeSpan); } }
public void WorkWithApply() { // ExStart // ExFor: Util.TaskUtils // ExFor: Util.TaskUtils.Apply(Aspose.Tasks.Task,Aspose.Tasks.Util.ITreeAlgorithm{Aspose.Tasks.Task},System.Int32) // ExSummary: Shows how to work with a tree algorithm. var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project2.mpp"); // gather all project tasks var coll = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, coll, 0); // work with tasks as with a plain list foreach (var task in coll.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine("Task Name: " + task.Get(Tsk.Name)); } // ExEnd }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:ReadParentChildTasks // Create project instance string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); Project project1 = new Project(dataDir + "ParentChildTasks.mpp"); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(project1.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (Task tsk1 in collector.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine(tsk1.Get(Tsk.Name)); } // ExEnd:ReadParentChildTasks }
public void PrintResourceAssignmentCommonInformation() { // ExStart:PrintAssignmentCommonInformation // ExFor: ResourceAssignment.ToString() // ExSummary: Shows how to print common assignment info. var project = new Project(DataDir + "BudgetWorkAndCost.mpp"); var collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); foreach (var task in collector.Tasks) { // display task's assignments foreach (var assignment in task.Assignments) { Console.WriteLine(assignment.ToString()); } } // ExEnd:PrintAssignmentCommonInformation }
public static void Run() { //ExStart:ReadStopResumeDates // Read project from file stream string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataDir + "StopResumeDates.mpp", FileMode.Open); Project prj = new Project(fs); fs.Close(); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(prj.RootTask, collector, 0); // Check Stop and Resume dates for all tasks foreach (Task tsk1 in collector.Tasks) { if (tsk1.Get(Tsk.Stop).ToShortDateString() == "1/1/2000") { Console.WriteLine("Stop: NA"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + tsk1.Get(Tsk.Stop).ToShortDateString()); } if (tsk1.Get(Tsk.Resume).ToShortDateString() == "1/1/2000") { Console.WriteLine("Resume: NA"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Resume: " + tsk1.Get(Tsk.Resume).ToShortDateString()); } } //ExEnd:ReadStopResumeDates }
public void WorkWithChildTasksCollector() { // ExStart:ReadParentChildTasks // ExFor: ChildTasksCollector // ExFor: ChildTasksCollector.#ctor // ExFor: ChildTasksCollector.Tasks // ExFor: ChildTasksCollector.Alg(Task,Int32) // ExSummary: Shows how to iterate over all tasks in a project as a plain list. var project = new Project(DataDir + "ParentChildTasks.mpp"); var collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (var task in collector.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine(task.Get(Tsk.Name)); } // ExEnd:ReadParentChildTasks }
static void Main(string[] args) { Project prj = new Project("Project.mpp"); //Declare ChildTasksCollector class object ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); //Use TaskUtils to get all children tasks in RootTask TaskUtils.Apply(prj.RootTask, collector, 0); //Define Resources ArrayList resources = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { string devloper = "Developer0" + i; //Create resource Resource rec = new Resource(devloper); rec.Type = ResourceType.Work; //Add resource to project prj.Resources.Add(rec); //define assignment ResourceAssignment ra = new ResourceAssignment((Aspose.Tasks.Task)collector.Tasks[i], rec); prj.ResourceAssignments.Add(ra); } prj.CalcResourceUids(); prj.CalcResourceIds(); prj.CalcResourceFields(); prj.CalcResourceAssignmentUids(); prj.CalcResourceAssignmentIds(); prj.Save("Project1_CSharp_Aspose.mpp", Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.MPP); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:ReadTaskPriority // Read project from file stream string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataDir + "TaskPriority.mpp", FileMode.Open); Project prj = new Project(fs); fs.Close(); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(prj.RootTask, collector, 0); // Display Priorities for all tasks foreach (Task tsk1 in collector.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine(tsk1.Get(Tsk.Name) + " - Priority : " + tsk1.Get(Tsk.Priority).ToString()); } // ExEnd:ReadTaskPriority }
public void IterateOverTaskAssignments() { // ExStart:IterateOverTaskAssignments // ExFor: Task.Assignments // ExFor: Task.Equals(Task) // ExFor: Task.Equals(Object) // ExSummary: Shows how to iterate over task's assignments. var project = new Project(DataDir + "BudgetWorkAndCost.mpp"); var collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); foreach (var task in collector.Tasks) { // display task's assignments foreach (var assignment in task.Assignments) { Console.WriteLine(assignment.ToString()); } } // ExEnd:IterateOverTaskAssignments }
public static void Run() { //ExStart:ReadTaskCalendar // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); // Create project instance Project prj = new Project(dataDir + "ReadTaskCalendar.mpp"); // Declare ChildTasksCollector class object ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Use TaskUtils to get all children tasks in RootTask TaskUtils.Apply(prj.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse all the recursive children foreach (Task tsk in collector.Tasks) { Calendar tskCal = tsk.Get(Tsk.Calendar); Console.WriteLine("Task calendar name: {0}", tskCal == null ? "None" : tskCal.Name); } //ExEnd:ReadTaskCalendar }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:ReadTaskOutlineProperties // Read project from file stream string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataDir + "TaskOutlineProperties.mpp", FileMode.Open); Project prj = new Project(fs); fs.Close(); // Create a ChildTasksCollector instance ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils TaskUtils.Apply(prj.RootTask, collector, 0); // Parse through all the collected tasks foreach (Task tsk1 in collector.Tasks) { Console.WriteLine(tsk1.Get(Tsk.Name) + " - Outline Level : " + tsk1.Get(Tsk.OutlineLevel)); Console.WriteLine(tsk1.Get(Tsk.Name) + " - Outline Number : " + tsk1.Get(Tsk.OutlineNumber)); } // ExEnd:ReadTaskOutlineProperties }
public static void Run() { try { string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName); //ExStart:CreateResourcesAndLinkToTasks Project project1 = new Project(dataDir + "SampleProject.mpp"); // Declare ChildTasksCollector class object ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Use TaskUtils to get all children tasks in RootTask TaskUtils.Apply(project1.RootTask, collector, 0); // Define Resources for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { string developer0 = "Developer0" + i; // Add resource to project Resource newResource = project1.Resources.Add(developer0); newResource.Set(Rsc.Type, ResourceType.Work); // Define assignment ResourceAssignment newResourceAssignment = project1.ResourceAssignments.Add(collector.Tasks[i], newResource); } project1.Save(dataDir + "CreateResourcesAndLinkToTasks_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP); //ExEnd:CreateResourcesAndLinkToTasks } catch (NotSupportedException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\nThis example will only work if you apply a valid Aspose License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { DateTime currentdate = System.DateTime.Now; #region get path and project info //get active project and path MSPROJECT.Project project1 = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveProject; string projectpath = project1.Path.ToString(); projectname = project1.Name.ToString(); string datadir = projectpath; bool baseline_ = false; //project1.SaveAs(datadir + "\\" + "temp.mpp"); DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("All Projects Will Be Saved and Closed. Proceed?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); try { if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.FileCloseAllEx(MSPROJECT.PjSaveType.pjSave); Aspose.Tasks.Project prj = new Aspose.Tasks.Project(datadir + "\\" + projectname); // Declare ChildTasksCollector class object ChildTasksCollector collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); // Use TaskUtils to get all children tasks in RootTask TaskUtils.Apply(prj.RootTask, collector, 0); //create entity SchedulingEntities db = new SchedulingEntities(); Schedule_Actual actual = new Schedule_Actual(); Schedule_Baseline baseline = new Schedule_Baseline(); #region view all tasks DialogResult baselineresult = MessageBox.Show("Create/Update Baseline?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (baselineresult == DialogResult.Yes) { baseline_ = true; } else { } foreach (Task tsk2 in collector.Tasks) { Calendar tskCal = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Calendar); string taskinfo = tsk2.ToString(); int id1 = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Id); if (id1 == 0) { string jobnumber = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Name); actual.job = jobnumber; actual.createdate = currentdate; if (baseline_ == true) { baseline.job = jobnumber; baseline.createdate = currentdate; } } if (tsk2.Get(Tsk.Name) == "Design") { DateTime designStart = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Start); DateTime designEnd = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Finish); actual.designend = designEnd; actual.designstart = designStart; if (baseline_ == true) { baseline.designstart = designStart; baseline.designend = designEnd; } } if (tsk2.Get(Tsk.Name) == "Processing") { DateTime processingStart = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Start); DateTime processingEnd = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Finish); actual.processingend = processingEnd; actual.processingstart = processingStart; if (baseline_ == true) { baseline.processingend = processingEnd; baseline.processingstart = processingStart; } } if (tsk2.Get(Tsk.Name) == "Weld Fab") { DateTime weldStart = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Start); DateTime weldEnd = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Finish); actual.weldstart = weldStart; actual.weldend = weldEnd; if (baseline_ == true) { baseline.weldstart = weldStart; baseline.weldend = weldEnd; } } if (tsk2.Get(Tsk.Name) == "Machine") { DateTime machineStart = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Start); DateTime machineEnd = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Finish); actual.machineend = machineEnd; actual.machinestart = machineStart; if (baseline_ == true) { baseline.machineend = machineEnd; baseline.machinestart = machineStart; } } if (tsk2.Get(Tsk.Name) == "Assembly") { DateTime assemblyStart = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Start); DateTime assemblyEnd = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Finish); actual.assemblystart = assemblyStart; actual.assemblyend = assemblyEnd; if (baseline_ == true) { baseline.assemblyend = assemblyEnd; baseline.assemblystart = assemblyStart; } } if (tsk2.Get(Tsk.Name) == "QA BUY OFF") { DateTime qaStart = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Start); DateTime qaEnd = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Finish); actual.qastart = qaStart; actual.qaend = qaEnd; if (baseline_ == true) { baseline.qaend = qaEnd; baseline.qastart = qaStart; } } if (tsk2.Get(Tsk.Name) == "Material") { DateTime matStart = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Start); DateTime matEnd = tsk2.Get(Tsk.Finish); actual.materialstart = matStart; actual.materialend = matEnd; if (baseline_ == true) { baseline.materialstart = matStart; baseline.materialend = matEnd; } } } db.Schedule_Actual.Add(actual); if (baseline_ == true) { db.Schedule_Baseline.Add(baseline); } db.SaveChanges(); SaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions(); saveOptions.PageSize = PageSize.Ledger; saveOptions.SaveFormat.Equals(SaveFileFormat.PDF); saveOptions.FitContent = true; saveOptions.Timescale = Timescale.ThirdsOfMonths; saveOptions.PresentationFormat = PresentationFormat.GanttChart; saveOptions.LegendOnEachPage = false; projectname = projectname.Replace("-", "_"); string filename = "R:\\wipviewer2017\\prjfiles\\" + projectname + ".pdf"; prj.Save(filename, saveOptions); email_team(filename); PdfPageEditor pEdit = new PdfPageEditor(); } #endregion else if (result == DialogResult.No) { // DO NOTHING } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); } #endregion }
public void ReadWriteTaskExtendedAttributes() { try { // ExStart:ReadWriteTaskExtendedAttributes // ExFor: Task.ExtendedAttributes // ExSummary: Shows how to read task extended attributes. var project = new Project(DataDir + "ReadTaskExtendedAttributes.mpp"); // Create extended attribute definition var definition = ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateTaskDefinition(CustomFieldType.Start, ExtendedAttributeTask.Start7, "Start 7"); project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(definition); // Get zero index task var tsk = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(1); // Add extended attribute var extendedAttribute = definition.CreateExtendedAttribute(); extendedAttribute.DateValue = DateTime.Now; // Also the following short syntax can be used: ExtendedAttribute attribute = attributeDefinition.CreateExtendedAttribute(DateTime.Now); tsk.ExtendedAttributes.Add(extendedAttribute); // Create an Extended Attribute Definition of Text1 type var taskExtendedAttributeText1Definition = ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateTaskDefinition(CustomFieldType.Text, ExtendedAttributeTask.Text1, "Task City Name"); // Add it to the project's Extended Attributes collection project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskExtendedAttributeText1Definition); var newTask = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 1"); // Create an Extended Attribute from the Attribute Definition var taskExtendedAttributeText1 = taskExtendedAttributeText1Definition.CreateExtendedAttribute(); // Assign a value to the generated Extended Attribute. The type of the attribute is "Text", the "TextValue" property should be used. taskExtendedAttributeText1.TextValue = "London"; // Add the Extended Attribute to task newTask.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskExtendedAttributeText1); // Create an Extended Attribute Definition of Text2 type var taskExtendedAttributeText2Definition = ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateLookupTaskDefinition( CustomFieldType.Text, ExtendedAttributeTask.Text2, "Task Towns Name"); // Add lookup values for the extended attribute definition taskExtendedAttributeText2Definition.AddLookupValue(new Value { Id = 1, StringValue = "Town1", Description = "This is Town1" }); taskExtendedAttributeText2Definition.AddLookupValue(new Value { Id = 2, StringValue = "Town2", Description = "This is Town2" }); // Add it to the project's Extended Attributes collection project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskExtendedAttributeText2Definition); var task2 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 2"); // Crate an Extended Attribute from the Text2 Lookup Definition for Id 1 var taskExtendedAttributeText2 = taskExtendedAttributeText2Definition.CreateExtendedAttribute(taskExtendedAttributeText2Definition.ValueList[1]); // Add the Extended Attribute to task task2.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskExtendedAttributeText2); // Create an Extended Attribute Definition of Duration2 type var taskExtendedAttributeDuration2Definition = ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateLookupTaskDefinition( CustomFieldType.Duration, ExtendedAttributeTask.Duration2, "Some duration"); // Add lookup values for extended attribute definition taskExtendedAttributeDuration2Definition.AddLookupValue( new Value { Id = 3, Duration = project.GetDuration(4, TimeUnitType.Hour), Description = "4 hours" }); taskExtendedAttributeDuration2Definition.AddLookupValue(new Value { Id = 4, Duration = project.GetDuration(1, TimeUnitType.Day), Description = "1 day" }); taskExtendedAttributeDuration2Definition.AddLookupValue( new Value { Id = 5, Duration = project.GetDuration(1, TimeUnitType.Hour), Description = "1 hour" }); taskExtendedAttributeDuration2Definition.AddLookupValue( new Value { Id = 6, Duration = project.GetDuration(10, TimeUnitType.Day), Description = "10 days" }); // Add the definition to the project's Extended Attributes collection project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskExtendedAttributeDuration2Definition); var task3 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 3"); // Create an Extended Attribute from the Duration2 Lookup Definition for Id 3 var taskExtendedAttributeDuration2 = taskExtendedAttributeDuration2Definition.CreateExtendedAttribute(taskExtendedAttributeDuration2Definition.ValueList[3]); // Add the Extended Attribute to task task3.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskExtendedAttributeDuration2); // Create an Extended Attribute Definition of Finish2 Type var taskExtendedAttributeFinish2Definition = ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateLookupTaskDefinition( CustomFieldType.Finish, ExtendedAttributeTask.Finish2, "Some finish"); // Add lookup values for extended attribute definition taskExtendedAttributeFinish2Definition.AddLookupValue( new Value { Id = 7, DateTimeValue = new DateTime(1984, 01, 01, 00, 00, 01), Description = "This is Value2" }); taskExtendedAttributeFinish2Definition.AddLookupValue( new Value { Id = 8, DateTimeValue = new DateTime(1994, 01, 01, 00, 01, 01), Description = "This is Value3" }); taskExtendedAttributeFinish2Definition.AddLookupValue( new Value { Id = 9, DateTimeValue = new DateTime(2009, 12, 31, 00, 00, 00), Description = "This is Value4" }); taskExtendedAttributeFinish2Definition.AddLookupValue(new Value { Id = 10, DateTimeValue = DateTime.Now, Description = "This is Value6" }); // Add the definition to the project's Extended Attributes collection project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskExtendedAttributeFinish2Definition); var task4 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task 4"); // Create an Extended Attribute from the Finish2 Lookup Definition for Id 3 var taskExtendedAttributeFinish2 = taskExtendedAttributeFinish2Definition.CreateExtendedAttribute(taskExtendedAttributeFinish2Definition.ValueList[3]); // Add the Extended Attribute to task task4.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskExtendedAttributeFinish2); var collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); // Read extended attributes for tasks foreach (var task in collector.Tasks) { foreach (var attribute in task.ExtendedAttributes) { Console.WriteLine(attribute.FieldId); Console.WriteLine(attribute.ValueGuid); switch (attribute.AttributeDefinition.CfType) { case CustomFieldType.Date: case CustomFieldType.Start: case CustomFieldType.Finish: Console.WriteLine(attribute.DateValue); break; case CustomFieldType.Text: Console.WriteLine(attribute.TextValue); break; case CustomFieldType.Duration: Console.WriteLine(attribute.DurationValue.ToString()); break; case CustomFieldType.Cost: case CustomFieldType.Number: Console.WriteLine(attribute.NumericValue); break; case CustomFieldType.Flag: Console.WriteLine(attribute.FlagValue); break; case CustomFieldType.Null: case CustomFieldType.RBS: case CustomFieldType.OutlineCode: return; default: return; } } } project.Save(OutDir + "ReadWriteTaskExtendedAttributes_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP); // ExEnd:ReadWriteTaskExtendedAttributes } catch (NotSupportedException ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex.Message + "\nThis example will only work if you apply a valid Aspose License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from"); } }
public void WorkWithOutlineCodeCollection() { // ExStart // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.Add(OutlineCode) // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.Clear // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.Contains(OutlineCode) // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.CopyTo(OutlineCode[],Int32) // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.Count // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.GetEnumerator // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.IndexOf(OutlineCode) // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.Insert(Int32,OutlineCode) // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.IsReadOnly // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.Item(Int32) // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.Remove(OutlineCode) // ExFor: OutlineCodeCollection.RemoveAt(Int32) // ExSummary: Shows how to work with outline code collections. var project = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineCodes2003.mpp"); var collector = new ChildTasksCollector(); TaskUtils.Apply(project.RootTask, collector, 0); for (var i = 0; i < collector.Tasks.Count; i++) { var current = collector.Tasks[i]; if (current.Get(Tsk.Id) == 0) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("Print outline codes for the " + current.Get(Tsk.Name) + " task."); Console.WriteLine("Count of outline codes: " + current.OutlineCodes.Count); foreach (var outlineCode in current.OutlineCodes) { Console.WriteLine("Field Id: " + outlineCode.FieldId); Console.WriteLine("Value Id: " + outlineCode.ValueId); Console.WriteLine("Value Guid: " + outlineCode.ValueGuid); Console.WriteLine(); } } // add a custom outline code definition var outlineCodeDefinition = new OutlineCodeDefinition { FieldId = ((int)ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode3).ToString("D"), Alias = "My Outline Code" }; project.OutlineCodes.Add(outlineCodeDefinition); // create outline code var value = new OutlineValue { Type = OutlineValueType.Text, Value = "Val1", Description = "Descr1", ValueId = 1 }; outlineCodeDefinition.Values.Add(value); var codeOne = new OutlineCode { FieldId = outlineCodeDefinition.FieldId, ValueId = 1, ValueGuid = value.ValueGuid.ToString("D").ToUpperInvariant() }; var task = project.RootTask.Children.GetByUid(2); // one can check that collection is not read only if (!task.OutlineCodes.IsReadOnly) { task.OutlineCodes.Add(codeOne); } var codeZero = new OutlineCode { FieldId = outlineCodeDefinition.FieldId, ValueId = 0, ValueGuid = value.ValueGuid.ToString("D").ToUpperInvariant() }; task.OutlineCodes.Insert(0, codeZero); var code2 = new OutlineCode { FieldId = outlineCodeDefinition.FieldId, ValueId = 2, ValueGuid = value.ValueGuid.ToString("D").ToUpperInvariant() }; // insert code with 2 in a wrong position task.OutlineCodes.Insert(0, code2); // fix it var indexOf = task.OutlineCodes.IndexOf(code2); task.OutlineCodes.RemoveAt(indexOf); // insert code with 2 in a right position task.OutlineCodes.Insert(2, code2); // check that the code was inserted Console.WriteLine("Is outline codes contains the inserted value: " + task.OutlineCodes.Contains(code2)); // ... // work with outline codes // ... var otherProject = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineCodes2003.mpp"); var otherTask = otherProject.RootTask.Children.GetById(2); // add a custom outline code definition outlineCodeDefinition = new OutlineCodeDefinition { FieldId = ((int)ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode3).ToString("D"), Alias = "My Outline Code" }; otherProject.OutlineCodes.Add(outlineCodeDefinition); // create outline code var otherValue = new OutlineValue { Type = OutlineValueType.Text, Value = "Val1", Description = "Descr1", ValueId = 1 }; outlineCodeDefinition.Values.Add(otherValue); var outlineCodes = new OutlineCode[task.OutlineCodes.Count]; task.OutlineCodes.CopyTo(outlineCodes, 0); foreach (var code in outlineCodes) { otherTask.OutlineCodes.Add(code); } // ... // work with outline codes // ... // remove outline code otherTask.OutlineCodes.RemoveAt(0); while (otherTask.OutlineCodes.Count > 0) { otherTask.OutlineCodes.Remove(otherTask.OutlineCodes[0]); } // clear all values at once task.OutlineCodes.Clear(); // ExEnd }