private Int64 GetAllTodayRemindersDataFromDatabase() { List <NotificationPopUp> timeList; TaskSer ts = new TaskSer(); while (true) { timeList = ts.GetAllTodayNotificationTime(); for (int i = 0; i < timeList.Count; i++) { if (timeList[i].Time.Equals(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm tt"))) { if (cs != null) { if (timeList[i].Task_ID != notifyPopUp.Task_ID) { CustomNotifyDel ac = new CustomNotifyDel(CustomNotificationPopUp); BeginInvoke(ac, timeList[i]); } } if (cs == null) { CustomNotifyDel ac = new CustomNotifyDel(CustomNotificationPopUp); BeginInvoke(ac, timeList[i]); } break; } } Thread.Sleep(60000); } }
private void pictureBox2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); TaskSer tSer = new TaskSer(); int noOfTaskSimilar = tSer.GetNoOfTaskOfRepeatID(obj.RepeatDateTask_ID); if (noOfTaskSimilar > 1) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you want to delete all task which is following this task.", "Hello", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { tSer.DeleteByRepeatID(obj.RepeatDateTask_ID); } else { tSer.Delete(obj.Task_ID); } } else { tSer.Delete(obj.Task_ID); } MessageBox.Show("Task Is Deleted"); UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.LoadTaskList(); }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!button5.Text.Equals("Show Uncompleted Task")) { button5.Text = "Show Uncompleted Task"; flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Clear(); TaskSer cs = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> tk = cs.GetAllCompleteOrNotTask(1, cat_ID); for (int i = 0; i < tk.Count; i++) { AddTaskInfo ad = new AddTaskInfo(); ad.Tittle = tk[i].Tittle; ad.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(tk[i].Date).ToLongDateString(); ad.Task_ID = tk[i].Task_ID; Bitmap img = new Bitmap("C:\\Users\\sajib\\source\\repos\\Task Manager\\image\\checkmark.png"); ad.Icon = img; flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Add(ad); } } else { button5.Text = "Show Completed Task"; TaskSer cs = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> tk = cs.GetAll(cat_ID); LoadTaskList(tk); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskSer cs = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> tk = cs.GetAllSortByPriority(cat_ID); LoadTaskList(tk); }
private void ShareCategroyTasks_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskSer tS = new TaskSer(); tk = tS.GetAllCompleteOrNotTask(0, cat_ID); for (int i = 0; i < tk.Count; i++) { cBCategory.Items.Add(tk[i].Tittle); } }
private void pictureBox4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddTaskInfoInBig adIB = new AddTaskInfoInBig(); adIB.Show(); TaskSer taskService = new TaskSer(); Tasks ts = taskService.GetAllInfoByTaskID(Task_ID); adIB.SetAllInfo(ts); }
private void TaskListShow(FlowLayoutPanel flow, int catID) { TaskSer taskS = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> taskList = taskS.GetAll(catID); for (int i = 0; i < taskList.Count; i++) { AddTaskInfo pUC = new AddTaskInfo(); pUC.Tittle = taskList[i].Tittle; pUC.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(taskList[i].Date).ToLongDateString(); pUC.Task_ID = taskList[i].Task_ID; flow.Controls.Add(pUC); } }
private void btnToday_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Before //flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Clear(); //CategorySer cs = new CategorySer(); //pnlContentChangeToday.BringToFront(); //int catID = cs.GetCategoryID("Today"); //TaskListShow(flowLayoutPanel1Today, catID); //if (!(flowLayoutPanel2.VerticalScroll.Value == 0 && scrollPos != 0)) // scrollPos = flowLayoutPanel2.VerticalScroll.Value; //only THis Open //HomePage2.home2.Close(); //HomePage2.home2 = new HomePage2("Today"); //HomePage2.home2.Show(); //only THis Open //HomePage2.home2.ContentFormLoad("Today"); //HomePage2.home2.flowLayoutPanel2.VerticalScroll.Value = scrollPos; //AFter try { //CategoryListShow(); CategorySer s = new CategorySer(); int catID = s.GetCategoryID("Today", LogIn.user_ID); TaskSer taskS = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> taskList = taskS.GetAll(catID); UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.Project_Name = "Today"; UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.LoadTaskList(taskList); } catch (Exception ep) { MessageBox.Show(ep.Message); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CategorySer cg = new CategorySer(); int cat_Id = cg.GetCategoryID(ProjectName, LogIn.user_ID); TaskSer tk = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> taskList = tk.GetAll(cat_Id); string spreadSheetPath = "E:\\SQL SERVER\\sajib.xlsx"; File.Delete(spreadSheetPath); FileInfo spreadSheetInfo = new FileInfo(spreadSheetPath); ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(spreadSheetInfo); var workSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("My First"); workSheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Task_ID"; workSheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "Task_Title"; workSheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "Task_Date"; workSheet.Cells["D1"].Value = "Task_Time"; workSheet.Cells["E1"].Value = "Task_Repeat_Date_ID"; workSheet.Cells["F1"].Value = "Task_Description"; workSheet.Cells["G1"].Value = "Task_Priority"; workSheet.Cells["H1"].Value = "Category_ID"; workSheet.Cells["I1"].Value = "Task_Complete"; int currentRow = 2; foreach (var tasklist in taskList) { workSheet.Cells["A" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = tasklist.Task_ID; workSheet.Cells["B" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = tasklist.Tittle; workSheet.Cells["C" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(tasklist.Date).ToShortDateString(); workSheet.Cells["D" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = tasklist.Time.ToString(); workSheet.Cells["E" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = tasklist.RepeatDateTask_ID; workSheet.Cells["F" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = tasklist.Description; workSheet.Cells["G" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = tasklist.Priority; workSheet.Cells["H" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = tasklist.Category_ID; workSheet.Cells["I" + currentRow.ToString()].Value = tasklist.Task_Complete; currentRow++; } pck.Save(); pck.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show("File Is Exported"); }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!button5.Text.Equals("Show Uncompleted Task")) { button5.Text = "Show Uncompleted Task"; flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Clear(); List <Tasks> tk; TaskSer cs = new TaskSer(); CategorySer cg = new CategorySer(); int cat_Id = cg.GetCategoryID(ProjectName, LogIn.user_ID); //tk = cs.GetAll(cat_Id); cg = new CategorySer(); tk = cs.GetAllCompleteOrNotTask(1, cat_Id); for (int i = 0; i < tk.Count; i++) { AddTaskInfo ad = new AddTaskInfo(); ad.Tittle = tk[i].Tittle; //DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(tk[i].Date, "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy"); ad.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(tk[i].Date).ToLongDateString(); ad.Task_ID = tk[i].Task_ID; Bitmap img = new Bitmap("C:\\Users\\sajib\\source\\repos\\Task Manager\\image\\checkmark.png"); ad.Icon = img; flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Add(ad); } } else { button5.Text = "Show Completed Task"; flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Clear(); List <Tasks> tk; TaskSer cs = new TaskSer(); CategorySer cg = new CategorySer(); int cat_Id = cg.GetCategoryID(ProjectName, LogIn.user_ID); cg = new CategorySer(); tk = cs.GetAll(cat_Id); for (int i = 0; i < tk.Count; i++) { AddTaskInfo ad = new AddTaskInfo(); ad.Tittle = tk[i].Tittle; ad.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(tk[i].Date).ToLongTimeString(); ad.Task_ID = tk[i].Task_ID; flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Add(ad); } } }
public void LoadTaskList() { cat_ID = GetCategoryID(); TaskSer ts = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> taskList = ts.GetAll(cat_ID); flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < taskList.Count; i++) { AddTaskInfo pUC = new AddTaskInfo(); pUC.Tittle = taskList[i].Tittle; pUC.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(taskList[i].Date).ToLongDateString(); pUC.Task_ID = taskList[i].Task_ID; flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Add(pUC); } }
private void HomePage2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Before //CategoryListShow(); //ContentUserControl cuc = new ContentUserControl(); //CategorySer s = new CategorySer(); //if(category_ID != 0) // cuc.ProjectName = s.GetCategoryName(category_ID, LogIn.user_ID); //else if(CategoryName != "") //{ // category_ID = s.GetCategoryID(CategoryName, LogIn.user_ID); // cuc.ProjectName = CategoryName; //} ////int cat_ID = s.GetCategoryID("Inbox"); //TaskListShow(cuc.Flow, category_ID); //panel4.Controls.Add(cuc); //After try { if (checkFormLoadFirstTime == false) { CategoryListShow(); CategorySer s = new CategorySer(); int catID = s.GetCategoryID("Inbox", LogIn.user_ID); TaskSer taskS = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> taskList = taskS.GetAll(catID); UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.Project_Name = "Inbox"; UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.LoadTaskList(taskList); checkFormLoadFirstTime = true; } } catch (Exception ep) { MessageBox.Show(ep.Message); } }
public void LoadGraphPoint(int mon, int year) { List <string> dateList = new List <string>(); List <int> noOfCompleteTaskList = new List <int>(); DateTime date1 = new DateTime(year, mon, 1); TaskSer tS = new TaskSer(); int noOfCompleteTask = 0; string date = date1.ToShortDateString(); for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { noOfCompleteTask = tS.GetAllCompleteTaskCountByDate(date); if (noOfCompleteTask != 0) { noOfCompleteTaskList.Add(noOfCompleteTask); dateList.Add(date); } date1 = date1.AddDays(1); date = date1.ToShortDateString(); } if (noOfCompleteTaskList.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("There are no task complete in this months"); } else { chart1.Series["Task"].Points.DataBindXY(dateList, noOfCompleteTaskList); chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineWidth = 0; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineWidth = 0; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Dates"; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Task Completed"; for (int i = 0; i < dateList.Count; i++) { chart1.Series["Task"].Points[i].Color = Color.FromArgb(i + 21, i + 29, i + 78); } } }
private void Only_Test_Purpose_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //RegistryKey reg = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true); //reg.SetValue("My New Application", Application.ExecutablePath.ToString()); //timer1.Start(); List <string> dateList = new List <string>(); List <int> noOfCompleteTaskList = new List <int>(); TaskSer tS = new TaskSer(); int noOfCompleteTask = 0; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string date = dt.ToShortDateString(); //string chartDate = dt.ToString("dd/mm"); int noOfDateAdd = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { noOfCompleteTask = tS.GetAllCompleteTaskCountByDate(date); if (noOfCompleteTask == 0) { continue; } noOfCompleteTaskList.Add(noOfCompleteTask); dateList.Add(date); //chart1.Series["Task Complete"].Points.AddXY(chartDate, noOfCompleteTask); dt = dt.AddDays(-1); date = dt.ToShortDateString(); noOfDateAdd++; //chartDate = dt.ToString("dd/mm"); } chart1.Series["Task Complete"].Points.DataBindXY(dateList, noOfCompleteTaskList); //chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.IntervalType = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.DateTimeIntervalType.Days; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineWidth = 0; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineWidth = 0; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Dates"; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Task Completed"; for (int i = 0; i < noOfDateAdd; i++) { chart1.Series["Task Complete"].Points[i].Color = Color.FromArgb(i + 21, i + 29, i + 78); } }
//After public void ForProjectUserControl(string projectName) { try { CategorySer s = new CategorySer(); int catID = s.GetCategoryID(projectName, LogIn.user_ID); TaskSer taskS = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> taskList = taskS.GetAll(catID); userControlForOnlyTestPurpose2.Project_Name = projectName; userControlForOnlyTestPurpose2.LoadTaskList(taskList); } catch (Exception ep) { MessageBox.Show(ep.Message); } }
private void btnInbox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //After try { //CategoryListShow(); CategorySer s = new CategorySer(); int catID = s.GetCategoryID("Inbox", LogIn.user_ID); TaskSer taskS = new TaskSer(); List <Tasks> taskList = taskS.GetAll(catID); UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.Project_Name = "Inbox"; UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.LoadTaskList(taskList); } catch (Exception ep) { MessageBox.Show(ep.Message); } }
private void pBoxTaskComplete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Icon == null) { Bitmap img = new Bitmap("C:\\Users\\sajib\\source\\repos\\Task Manager\\image\\checkmark.png"); Icon = img; pBoxTaskComplete.Refresh(); Thread.Sleep(1000); TaskSer taskS = new TaskSer(); taskS.Update(Task_ID, 1); //HomePage2.home2.Close(); //HomePage2.home2 = new HomePage2(); //HomePage2.home2.Show(); UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.LoadTaskList(); } }
public void RefreshContent() { flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Clear(); List <Tasks> tk; TaskSer cs = new TaskSer(); CategorySer cg = new CategorySer(); int cat_Id = cg.GetCategoryID(ProjectName, LogIn.user_ID); //MessageBox.Show(ProjectName); //MessageBox.Show(cat_Id.ToString()); cg = new CategorySer(); tk = cs.GetAllSortByDate(cat_Id); for (int i = 0; i < tk.Count; i++) { AddTaskInfo ad = new AddTaskInfo(); ad.Tittle = tk[i].Tittle; ad.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(tk[i].Date).ToLongDateString(); ad.Task_ID = tk[i].Task_ID; flowLayoutPanel1Today.Controls.Add(ad); } }
private void comboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox3.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Select Category!!!!"); } else { string catName = comboBox3.SelectedItem.ToString(); CategorySer catS = new CategorySer(); int catID = catS.GetCategoryID(catName, LogIn.user_ID); ShareTaskSer tS = new ShareTaskSer(); List <int> tkIDList = tS.GetAllTasksFromShareTasks(catID); TaskSer taskService; string tittle; for (int i = 0; i < tkIDList.Count; i++) { taskService = new TaskSer(); tittle = taskService.GetTaskTittle(catID, tkIDList[i]); cBCategory.Items.Add(tittle); } } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cBCategory.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Select Reminder"); } else { UserSer userS = new UserSer(); int viewerID = userS.GetUserIdByEmail(comboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString()); CategorySer cg = new CategorySer(); int catID = cg.GetCategoryID(comboBox3.SelectedItem.ToString(), LogIn.user_ID); TaskSer tS = new TaskSer(); //MessageBox.Show(cBCategory.SelectedItem.ToString()); int taskID = tS.GetTaskID(cBCategory.SelectedItem.ToString(), catID); userS = new UserSer(); userS.Delete(viewerID, LogIn.user_ID, catID, taskID); cBCategory.Items.Remove(cBCategory.SelectedItem); cBCategory.Text = ""; } }
public void InitialLoadDataInGraph() { List <string> dateList = new List <string>(); List <int> noOfCompleteTaskList = new List <int>(); TaskSer tS = new TaskSer(); int noOfCompleteTask = 0; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string date = dt.ToShortDateString(); int noOfDateAdd = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { noOfCompleteTask = tS.GetAllCompleteTaskCountByDate(date); if (noOfCompleteTask == 0) { continue; } noOfCompleteTaskList.Add(noOfCompleteTask); dateList.Add(date); dt = dt.AddDays(-1); date = dt.ToShortDateString(); noOfDateAdd++; } chart1.Series["Task"].Points.DataBindXY(dateList, noOfCompleteTaskList); chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.LineWidth = 0; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineWidth = 0; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Dates"; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = "Task Completed"; for (int i = 0; i < noOfDateAdd; i++) { chart1.Series["Task"].Points[i].Color = Color.FromArgb(i + 21, i + 29, i + 78); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaskSer tS; List <int> taskIdList = new List <int>(); int taskID; ShareTaskSer stS; int recID; UserSer uS = new UserSer(); if (textBox1.Text != null) { if (uS.EmailValidity(textBox1.Text)) { if (comboBox1.Items.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < comboBox1.Items.Count; i++) { tS = new TaskSer(); taskID = tS.GetTaskID(comboBox1.Items[i].ToString(), cat_ID); taskIdList.Add(taskID); } uS = new UserSer(); recID = uS.GetUserIdByEmail(textBox1.Text); stS = new ShareTaskSer(); ShareTask st = new ShareTask(); st.Cat_ID = cat_ID; st.SenderID = LogIn.user_ID; st.ReceiverId = recID; stS.Insert(st, LogIn.user_ID); for (int i = 0; i < taskIdList.Count; i++) { stS = new ShareTaskSer(); stS.Insert(cat_ID, taskIdList[i], LogIn.user_ID, recID); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Are you share all Project!!!!!!!"); uS = new UserSer(); recID = uS.GetUserIdByEmail(textBox1.Text); stS = new ShareTaskSer(); ShareTask st = new ShareTask(); st.Cat_ID = cat_ID; st.SenderID = LogIn.user_ID; st.ReceiverId = recID; stS.Insert(st, LogIn.user_ID); TaskSer tkList = new TaskSer(); List <int> taskList = tkList.GetAllTaskID(cat_ID); for (int i = 0; i < taskList.Count; i++) { stS = new ShareTaskSer(); stS.Insert(cat_ID, taskList[i], LogIn.user_ID, recID); } } MessageBox.Show("Tasks Are Shared!!!!!!!"); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Input Valid User Email Address!!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Input Email Address!!"); } }
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog fb = new OpenFileDialog(); fb.Filter = "Excel Office | *.xls; *.xlsx"; if (fb.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { FileStream strem = new FileStream(fb.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IExcelDataReader exReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(strem); DataSet ds = exReader.AsDataSet(new ExcelDataSetConfiguration() { ConfigureDataTable = (_) => new ExcelDataTableConfiguration() { UseHeaderRow = true } }); List <Tasks> tk = new List <Tasks>(); Tasks t; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { t = new Tasks(); for (int j = 0; j < ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count; j++) { if (j == 0) { t.Task_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString()); } else if (j == 1) { t.Tittle = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString(); } else if (j == 2) { t.Date = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString(); } else if (j == 3) { t.Time = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString(); } else if (j == 4) { t.RepeatDateTask_ID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString(); } else if (j == 5) { t.Description = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString(); } else if (j == 6) { t.Priority = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString()); } else if (j == 7) { t.Category_ID = cat_ID; } else { t.Task_Complete = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString()); } } tk.Add(t); } exReader.Dispose(); strem.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); TaskSer tkSer = new TaskSer(); for (int i = 0; i < tk.Count; i++) { tkSer.Insert(tk[i]); } MessageBox.Show("File Is Imported"); } }
public SearchForm() { InitializeComponent(); ts = new TaskSer(); }
private void AddTaskInDatabase() { List <string> repeateDateList = new List <string>(100); List <BeforeNotificationTime> notificationTimeList = new List <BeforeNotificationTime>(); CategorySer cSer = new CategorySer(); if (textBox1.Text != null) { Tasks ts = new Tasks(); ts.Tittle = textBox1.Text; if (textBox2.Text != null) { ts.Description = textBox2.Text; } ts.Date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); ts.Time = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("hh:mm tt"); if (cBCategory.SelectedIndex < 0) { ts.Category_ID = cSer.GetCategoryID("Inbox", LogIn.user_ID); } else { ts.Category_ID = cSer.GetCategoryID(cBCategory.SelectedItem.ToString(), LogIn.user_ID); } if (cBPriority.SelectedIndex < 0) { ts.Priority = 1; } else { if (cBPriority.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("High")) { ts.Priority = 3; } else if (cBPriority.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Medium")) { ts.Priority = 2; } else { ts.Priority = 1; } } if (cBRepeat.SelectedIndex < 0) { ts.RepeatDateTask_ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } else { ts.RepeatDateTask_ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (cBRepeat.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Every day")) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < repeateDateList.Capacity; i++) { repeateDateList.Add(dt.ToShortDateString()); dt = dt.AddDays(1); } } else if (cBRepeat.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Every week")) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < repeateDateList.Capacity; i++) { repeateDateList.Add(dt.ToShortDateString()); dt = dt.AddDays(7); } } else if (cBRepeat.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Every month")) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < repeateDateList.Capacity; i++) { repeateDateList.Add(dt.ToShortDateString()); dt = dt.AddMonths(1); } } else { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < repeateDateList.Capacity; i++) { repeateDateList.Add(dt.ToShortDateString()); dt = dt.AddYears(1); } } } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.Count == 0) { //MessageBox.Show(cBSelectedReminders.Items.Count.ToString()); BeforeNotificationTime notifyTime = new BeforeNotificationTime(); notifyTime.Date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); notifyTime.Time = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortTimeString(); notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } else { //MessageBox.Show("Inside The Else Part"); //5 minutes before //10 minutes before //15 minutes before //30 minutes before //1 hour before for (int i = 0; i < cBSelectedReminders.Items.Count; i++) { BeforeNotificationTime notifyTime = new BeforeNotificationTime(); string time; time = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); string an = ""; for (int k = 0; k < time.Length; k++) { if (time[k] == ' ') { break; } an += (time[k].ToString()); } int timeValue = Convert.ToInt32(an); //MessageBox.Show(timeValue.ToString()); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString().Contains("minutes before - NO")) { //MessageBox.Show("Inside Minutes Part"); notifyTime.NotifyTimeBeforeString = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); notifyTime.Date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); DateTime tm = dateTimePicker1.Value; DateTime tm2 = tm.AddMinutes(timeValue); TimeSpan t = tm2 - tm; tm = tm - t; notifyTime.Time = tm.ToShortTimeString(); //MessageBox.Show(tm.ToShortTimeString()); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("EM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 2; } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("SM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 3; } else { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 1; } notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } else if (cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString().Contains("hours before - NO")) { //MessageBox.Show("Inside Hours Part"); notifyTime.NotifyTimeBeforeString = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); notifyTime.Date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); DateTime tm = dateTimePicker1.Value; DateTime tm2 = tm.AddHours(timeValue); TimeSpan t = tm2 - tm; tm = tm - t; notifyTime.Time = tm.ToShortTimeString(); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("EM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 2; } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("SM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 3; } else { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 1; } notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } else if (cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString().Contains("days before - NO")) { //MessageBox.Show("Inside Days Part"); notifyTime.NotifyTimeBeforeString = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); DateTime tm = dateTimePicker1.Value; DateTime tm2 = tm.AddDays(timeValue); TimeSpan t = tm2 - tm; tm = tm - t; notifyTime.Date = tm.ToShortDateString(); notifyTime.Time = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortTimeString(); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("EM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 2; } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("SM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 3; } else { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 1; } notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } else { //MessageBox.Show("Inside Weeks Part"); notifyTime.NotifyTimeBeforeString = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); DateTime tm = dateTimePicker1.Value; DateTime tm2 = tm.AddDays(timeValue * 7); TimeSpan t = tm2 - tm; tm = tm - t; notifyTime.Date = tm.ToShortDateString(); notifyTime.Time = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortTimeString(); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("EM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 2; } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("SM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 3; } else { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 1; } notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } } } ts.Repeat_Date_List = repeateDateList; ts.Notify_Time_List = notificationTimeList; TaskSer taskService = new TaskSer(); List <int> taskID = taskService.Insert(ts); taskService = new TaskSer(); taskService.InsertInNotificationTime(taskID, ts); MessageBox.Show("Task Is Added!!!"); this.Close(); UserControlForOnlyTestPurpose.uC.LoadTaskList(); } else { MessageBox.Show("You Should be Put the task tittle!!!"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool checkRepeatIsChange = false; TaskSer taskService = new TaskSer(); Tasks ts = new Tasks(); ts.Task_ID = obj.Task_ID; ts.Tittle = textBox1.Text; ts.Description = textBox2.Text; ts.Date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); ts.Time = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortTimeString(); CategorySer cS = new CategorySer(); int cat_ID; if (cBCategory.SelectedIndex < 0) { cat_ID = cS.GetCategoryID("Inbox", LogIn.user_ID); } else { cat_ID = cS.GetCategoryID(cBCategory.SelectedItem.ToString(), LogIn.user_ID); } ts.Category_ID = cat_ID; int prio; if (cBPriority.SelectedIndex < 0) { prio = 1; } else { if (cBPriority.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("High")) { prio = 3; } else if (cBPriority.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Medium")) { prio = 2; } else { prio = 1; } } ts.Priority = prio; List <BeforeNotificationTime> notificationTimeList = new List <BeforeNotificationTime>(); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.Count == 0) { //MessageBox.Show(cBSelectedReminders.Items.Count.ToString()); BeforeNotificationTime notifyTime = new BeforeNotificationTime(); notifyTime.Date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); notifyTime.Time = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortTimeString(); notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } else { //MessageBox.Show("Inside The Else Part"); //5 minutes before //10 minutes before //15 minutes before //30 minutes before //1 hour before for (int i = 0; i < cBSelectedReminders.Items.Count; i++) { BeforeNotificationTime notifyTime = new BeforeNotificationTime(); string time; time = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); string an = ""; for (int k = 0; k < time.Length; k++) { if (time[k] == ' ') { break; } an += (time[k].ToString()); } int timeValue = Convert.ToInt32(an); //MessageBox.Show(timeValue.ToString()); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString().Contains("minutes before - NO")) { //MessageBox.Show("Inside Minutes Part"); notifyTime.NotifyTimeBeforeString = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); notifyTime.Date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); DateTime tm = dateTimePicker1.Value; DateTime tm2 = tm.AddMinutes(timeValue); TimeSpan t = tm2 - tm; tm = tm - t; notifyTime.Time = tm.ToShortTimeString(); //MessageBox.Show(tm.ToShortTimeString()); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("EM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 2; } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("SM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 3; } else { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 1; } notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } else if (cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString().Contains("hours before - NO")) { //MessageBox.Show("Inside Hours Part"); notifyTime.NotifyTimeBeforeString = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); notifyTime.Date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); DateTime tm = dateTimePicker1.Value; DateTime tm2 = tm.AddHours(timeValue); TimeSpan t = tm2 - tm; tm = tm - t; notifyTime.Time = tm.ToShortTimeString(); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("EM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 2; } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("SM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 3; } else { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 1; } notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } else if (cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString().Contains("days before - NO")) { //MessageBox.Show("Inside Days Part"); notifyTime.NotifyTimeBeforeString = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); DateTime tm = dateTimePicker1.Value; DateTime tm2 = tm.AddDays(timeValue); TimeSpan t = tm2 - tm; tm = tm - t; notifyTime.Date = tm.ToShortDateString(); notifyTime.Time = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortTimeString(); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("EM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 2; } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("SM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 3; } else { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 1; } notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } else { //MessageBox.Show("Inside Weeks Part"); notifyTime.NotifyTimeBeforeString = cBSelectedReminders.Items[i].ToString(); DateTime tm = dateTimePicker1.Value; DateTime tm2 = tm.AddDays(timeValue * 7); TimeSpan t = tm2 - tm; tm = tm - t; notifyTime.Date = tm.ToShortDateString(); notifyTime.Time = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortTimeString(); if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("EM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 2; } if (cBSelectedReminders.Items.ToString().Contains("SM")) { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 3; } else { notifyTime.Notify_Via = 1; } notificationTimeList.Add(notifyTime); } } } ts.Notify_Time_List = notificationTimeList; List <string> repeateDateList = new List <string>(100); if (cBRepeat.Text.Equals(obj.RepeatName) || cBRepeat.SelectedIndex < 0) { ts.Repeat_Date_List = obj.Repeat_Date_List; } else { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you update All Task Which is follwing this task????", "Hello!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { checkRepeatIsChange = true; TaskSer taskS = new TaskSer(); taskS.DeleteByRepeatID(obj.RepeatDateTask_ID); ts.RepeatDateTask_ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (cBRepeat.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Every day")) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < repeateDateList.Capacity; i++) { repeateDateList.Add(dt.ToShortDateString()); dt = dt.AddDays(1); } } else if (cBRepeat.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Every week")) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < repeateDateList.Capacity; i++) { repeateDateList.Add(dt.ToShortDateString()); dt = dt.AddDays(7); } } else if (cBRepeat.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Every month")) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < repeateDateList.Capacity; i++) { repeateDateList.Add(dt.ToShortDateString()); dt = dt.AddMonths(1); } } else { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < repeateDateList.Capacity; i++) { repeateDateList.Add(dt.ToShortDateString()); dt = dt.AddYears(1); } } } else { cBRepeat.Text = obj.RepeatName; } } if (checkRepeatIsChange) { ts.Repeat_Date_List = repeateDateList; TaskSer tSer = new TaskSer(); tSer.Insert(ts); } else { TaskSer tSer = new TaskSer(); tSer.Update(ts); } this.Close(); }