Esempio n. 1
        public async Task With3ClientsAnd60MessagesAndCallbacks_ShouldExecuteAllCallbacks(Protocol protocol)
            var channelName = "test".AddRandomSuffix();

            List <bool> successes1 = new List <bool>();
            List <bool> successes2 = new List <bool>();
            List <bool> successes3 = new List <bool>();

            bool retry = true;
            int  tries = 3;

            while (retry)
                var client1 = await GetRealtimeClient(protocol);

                var client2 = await GetRealtimeClient(protocol);

                var client3 = await GetRealtimeClient(protocol);

                var messages = new List <Message>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    messages.Add(new Message("name" + i, "data" + i));

                var awaiter = new TaskCountAwaiter(60);
                foreach (var message in messages)
                    client1.Channels.Get(channelName).Publish(new[] { message }, (b, info) =>
                    client2.Channels.Get(channelName).Publish(new[] { message }, (b, info) =>
                    client3.Channels.Get(channelName).Publish(new[] { message }, (b, info) =>

                await awaiter.Task;
                if ((successes1.Count == 20 && successes2.Count == 20 && successes3.Count == 20) || tries <= 0)
                    retry = false;


            successes1.Should().HaveCount(20, "Should have 20 successful callback executed");
            successes2.Should().HaveCount(20, "Should have 20 successful callback executed");
            successes3.Should().HaveCount(20, "Should have 20 successful callback executed");
            public async Task PresenceMapBehaviour_ShouldConformToSpec(Protocol protocol)
                Logger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;

                var channelName = "presence_map_tests_newness".AddRandomSuffix();

                var client = await GetRealtimeClient(protocol);

                await client.WaitForState(ConnectionState.Connected);


                var channel = client.Channels.Get(channelName);

                await channel.WaitForState(ChannelState.Attached);


                const string wontPass = "******";

                List <PresenceMessage> presenceMessages = new List <PresenceMessage>();

                channel.Presence.Subscribe(x =>
                    x.Data.Should().NotBe(wontPass, "message did not pass the newness test");

                /* Test message newness criteria as described in RTP2b */
                PresenceMessage[] testData = new PresenceMessage[] {
                    new PresenceMessage
                        Action       = PresenceAction.Enter,
                        ClientId     = "1",
                        ConnectionId = "1",
                        Id           = "1:0",
                        Data         = string.Empty
                    new PresenceMessage
                        Action       = PresenceAction.Enter,
                        ClientId     = "2",
                        ConnectionId = "2",
                        Id           = "2:1:0",
                        Timestamp    = new DateTimeOffset(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, new TimeSpan()),
                        Data         = string.Empty
                    /* Should be newer than previous one */
                    new PresenceMessage
                        Action       = PresenceAction.Update,
                        ClientId     = "2",
                        ConnectionId = "2",
                        Id           = "2:2:1",
                        Timestamp    = new DateTimeOffset(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, new TimeSpan()),
                        Data         = string.Empty
                    /* Shouldn't pass newness test because of message serial, timestamp doesn't matter in this case */
                    new PresenceMessage
                        Action       = PresenceAction.Update,
                        ClientId     = "2",
                        ConnectionId = "2",
                        Id           = "2:1:1",
                        Timestamp    = new DateTimeOffset(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, new TimeSpan()),
                        Data         = wontPass
                    /* Shouldn't pass because of message index */
                    new PresenceMessage
                        Action       = PresenceAction.Update,
                        ClientId     = "2",
                        ConnectionId = "2",
                        Id           = "2:2:0",
                        Data         = wontPass
                    /* Should pass because id is not in form connId:clientId:index and timestamp is greater */
                    new PresenceMessage
                        Action       = PresenceAction.Update,
                        ClientId     = "2",
                        ConnectionId = "2",
                        Id           = "wrong_id",
                        Timestamp    = new DateTimeOffset(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, new TimeSpan()),
                        Data         = string.Empty
                    /* Shouldn't pass because of timestamp */
                    new PresenceMessage
                        Action       = PresenceAction.Update,
                        ClientId     = "2",
                        ConnectionId = "2",
                        Id           = "2:3:1",
                        Timestamp    = new DateTimeOffset(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, new TimeSpan()),
                        Data         = wontPass

                foreach (var presenceMessage in testData)
                    var protocolMessage = new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessage.MessageAction.Presence)
                        Channel  = channelName,
                        Presence = new PresenceMessage[] { presenceMessage }
                    await client.Connection.ConnectionManager.OnTransportMessageReceived(protocolMessage);

                int n = 0;

                foreach (var testMsg in testData)
                    if (testMsg.Data.ToString() == wontPass)
                    PresenceMessage factualMsg = n < presenceMessages.Count ? presenceMessages[n++] : null;
                    factualMsg.Action.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(testMsg.Action, "message was not emitted on the presence object with original action");
                    var presentMessage = await channel.Presence.GetAsync(new GetOptions
                        ClientId = testMsg.ClientId, WaitForSync = false

                    presentMessage.FirstOrDefault()?.Action.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(PresenceAction.Present, "message was not added to the presence map and stored with PRESENT action");

                presenceMessages.Count.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(n, "the number of messages received didn't match the number of test messages sent.");

                /* Repeat the process now as a part of SYNC and verify everything is exactly the same */
                var channel2Name = "presence_map_tests_sync_newness".AddRandomSuffix();

                var client2 = await GetRealtimeClient(protocol);

                await client2.WaitForState(ConnectionState.Connected);


                var channel2 = client2.Channels.Get(channel2Name);

                await channel2.WaitForState(ChannelState.Attached);


                /* Send all the presence data in one SYNC message without channelSerial (RTP18c) */
                ProtocolMessage syncMessage = new ProtocolMessage()
                    Channel  = channel2Name,
                    Action   = ProtocolMessage.MessageAction.Sync,
                    Presence = testData

                var counter = new TaskCountAwaiter(presenceMessages.Count, 5000);
                List <PresenceMessage> syncPresenceMessages = new List <PresenceMessage>();

                channel2.Presence.Subscribe(x =>
                    x.Data.Should().NotBe(wontPass, "message did not pass the newness test");

                await client2.Connection.ConnectionManager.OnTransportMessageReceived(syncMessage);

                await counter.Task;


                for (int i = 0; i < syncPresenceMessages.Count; i++)
                    syncPresenceMessages[i].Id.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(presenceMessages[i].Id, "result should be the same in case of SYNC");
                    syncPresenceMessages[i].Action.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(presenceMessages[i].Action, "result should be the same in case of SYNC");