public void OnBotTargetPlayer(Bot Bot, TargetPlayerArgs args)
     ExtraPlayerData TemporaryPlayer = FindPlayer(args.Player);
     if (TemporaryPlayer == null)
     else if (TemporaryPlayer.Infected || TemporaryPlayer.Referee)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles bot AI
        /// </summary>
        public static void HandleBots()
            foreach (Bot Bot in Server.Bots.ToArray())
                Random Random = new Random();
                if (Bot.Movement)
                    Vector3S TemporaryLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos.x, Bot.Player.Pos.z, Bot.Player.Pos.y);
                    string PlayerName = "";
                    if (Bot.FollowPlayers)
                        #region Find Closest Player
                        bool HitAPlayer = false;
                        Vector3S ClosestLocation = Bot.Player.Level.CWMap.Size * 32;
                        foreach (Player p in Server.Players)
                            if (p.Level == Bot.Player.Level)
                                TargetPlayerArgs eargs = new TargetPlayerArgs(p);
                                bool cancel = OnBotTargetPlayer.Call(Bot, eargs).Canceled;
                                if (!cancel)
                                    if (Bot.BlackListPlayers.ContainsKey(p.Username))
                                        if (Math.Abs(Bot.BlackListPlayers[p.Username] - Bot.shouldCheckAgainLoopInt) > 100)
                                    if (p.Pos - Bot.Player.Pos < ClosestLocation - Bot.Player.Pos && !Bot.BlackListPlayers.ContainsKey(p.Username))
                                        HitAPlayer = true;
                                        ClosestLocation = new Vector3S(p.Pos);
                                        PlayerName = p.Username;
                                        if (Math.Abs((ClosestLocation.x / 32) - (Bot.LastPos.x / 32)) >= 12 || Math.Abs((ClosestLocation.z / 32) - (Bot.LastPos.z / 32)) >= 12)
                                            Bot.shouldCheckAgainLoopInt = 1000;
                        if (HitAPlayer)
                            Vector3S TempLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos);
                            TemporaryLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos);

                            Vector3S Pathfound = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos);

                            #region AStar

                            if (Bot.shouldCheckAgain || Bot.Waypoint == null)
                                Bot.Waypoint = Pathfind(Bot, ClosestLocation);
                                Bot.LastPos = ClosestLocation;
                                Pathfound.x = (short)(Bot.Waypoint.position.X * 32);
                                Pathfound.z = (short)(Bot.Waypoint.position.Z * 32);
                                Pathfound.y = (short)(Bot.Waypoint.position.Y * 32);
                                Bot.shouldCheckAgainLoopInt = 1000;
                                    Bot.BlackListPlayers.Add(PlayerName, Bot.shouldCheckAgainLoopInt);
                                catch { }

                            if (Bot.intLoop >= 2) //Slows down the bots so they arent insta-propogate, it slows them a bit too much though, need to fix
                            {                     //Also makes them a bit less accurate than instant, but much more accurate than Vector2D.Move()
                                Bot.intLoop = 0;
                                Bot.Waypoint =;
                                Bot.intLoop += 1;

                            TemporaryLocation.x += (short)((Pathfound.x - TemporaryLocation.x) / 2);
                            TemporaryLocation.z += (short)((Pathfound.z - TemporaryLocation.z) / 2);
                            //TemporaryLocation.y += (short)((Pathfound.y - TemporaryLocation.y) / 2);

                            Block Block1 = Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(TemporaryLocation / 32);
                            Block Block2 = Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock((TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 1);
                            Block BlockUnderneath = Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock((TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 2);
                            Block BlockAbove = Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock((TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (TemporaryLocation.y / 32) + 1);

                            Vector3S delta = new Vector3S((short)Math.Abs(ClosestLocation.x - TemporaryLocation.x),
                                (short)Math.Abs(ClosestLocation.z - TemporaryLocation.z),
                                (short)Math.Abs(ClosestLocation.y - TemporaryLocation.y));

                            if (Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && Block.CanWalkThrough(Block2)
                                && !Block.CanEscalate(Block1) && !Block.CanEscalate(Block2))
                                TemporaryLocation.y -= 21;

                            if (Block.CanWalkThrough(Block1) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(Block2) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath))
                                TemporaryLocation.y += 21;
                            else if (Block.CanEscalate(Block1) && Block.CanEscalate(Block2) && Pathfound.y > TemporaryLocation.y)
                                TemporaryLocation.y += 21;
                            else if (Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockAbove) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && Pathfound.y > TemporaryLocation.y && !Block.IsOPBlock(BlockUnderneath))
                                TemporaryLocation.y += 21;
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 2), 1);
                            else if (!Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockAbove) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && !Block.IsOPBlock(BlockAbove))
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) + 1), 0);

                            if (Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock((Bot.Player.oldPos.x / 32), (Bot.Player.oldPos.z / 32), (Bot.Player.oldPos.y / 32) - 2))
                                && !Block.IsOPBlock(BlockUnderneath) && Pathfound.y > TemporaryLocation.y)
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 2), 1);

                            if ((!Block.IsOPBlock(Block1) && !Block.IsOPBlock(Block2)) && (!Block.CanWalkThrough(Block1) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(Block2)) &&
                                (Block1 != Block.BlockList.UNKNOWN && Block2 != Block.BlockList.UNKNOWN))
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange(TemporaryLocation / 32, 0);
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 1), 0);

                            if (!Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && (Pathfound.y / 32) < (TemporaryLocation.y / 32) && !Block.IsOPBlock(BlockUnderneath))
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 2), 0);

                            MoveEventArgs eargs = new MoveEventArgs(TemporaryLocation, Bot.Player.Pos);
                            bool cancel = OnBotMove.Call(Bot, eargs).Canceled;
                            if (cancel)
                                TemporaryLocation = TempLocation;

                    Bot.Player.Pos = TemporaryLocation;
                    Bot.Player.UpdatePosition(true); //Pls leave this true, bots dont appear properly otherwise
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles bot AI
        /// </summary>
        public static void HandleBots()
            foreach (Bot Bot in Server.Bots)
                Random Random = new Random();
                bool PlayerBelow = false;
                if (Bot.Movement)
                    Vector3S TemporaryLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos.x, Bot.Player.Pos.z, Bot.Player.Pos.y);
                    if (Bot.FollowPlayers) //TODO - Fix jumping (you can jump infinately), fix bot locking on target (locks on one target only)
                        #region Find Closest Player
                        bool HitAPlayer = false;
                        Vector3S ClosestLocation = Bot.Player.Level.Size * 32;
                        foreach (Player p in Server.Players)
                            if (p.Level == Bot.Player.Level)
                                TargetPlayerArgs eargs = new TargetPlayerArgs(p);
                                bool cancel = OnBotTargetPlayer.Call(Bot, eargs).Canceled;
                                if (!cancel)
                                    HitAPlayer = true;
                                    if (p.Pos - Bot.Player.Pos < ClosestLocation - Bot.Player.Pos)
                                        ClosestLocation = new Vector3S(p.Pos);
                        if (HitAPlayer)
                            Vector3S TempLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos);
                            TemporaryLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos);
                            TemporaryLocation.Move(13, ClosestLocation);

                            MoveEventArgs eargs = new MoveEventArgs(TemporaryLocation, Bot.Player.Pos);
                            bool cancel = OnBotMove.Call(Bot, eargs).Canceled;
                            if (cancel){
                                TemporaryLocation = TempLocation;

                    bool ShouldBreakBlock = true;

                    if (Block.CanWalkThrough(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(Vector3S.MinusY(TemporaryLocation, 64) / 32)) && Bot.Player.Pos.y / 32 > 1)
                        TemporaryLocation.y = (short)(Bot.Player.Pos.y - 21); //Gravity, 21 is a nice value, doesn't float too much and doesnt fall too far.

                    if (Block.CanWalkThrough(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(TemporaryLocation / 32)) &&
                        Block.CanWalkThrough(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(Vector3S.MinusY(TemporaryLocation, 32) / 32)))
                        Bot.Player.Pos = TemporaryLocation; //Make sure the bot doesnt walk through walls
                    else if (Bot.Jumping) //Jumping
                            if (Block.CanWalkThrough(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(TemporaryLocation / 32)) &&
                                Block.CanWalkThrough(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(Vector3S.MinusY(TemporaryLocation, -32) / 32)))
                            Bot.Player.Pos.y = (short)(Bot.Player.Pos.y + 21);
                            ShouldBreakBlock = false;
                    if (Bot.BreakBlocks && ShouldBreakBlock) //Can't go through dat wall, try and break it
                        if (Random.Next(1, 5) == 3 && !Block.IsOPBlock(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(TemporaryLocation / 32)))
                            Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange(Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.y / 32), Block.BlockList.AIR);
                        if (Random.Next(1, 5) == 3 && !Block.IsOPBlock(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(new Vector3S(Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), Convert.ToUInt16((TemporaryLocation.y - 32) / 32)))))
                            Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange(Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), Convert.ToUInt16((TemporaryLocation.y - 32) / 32), Block.BlockList.AIR);
                        if (PlayerBelow)
                                if (Random.Next(1, 5) == 3 && !Block.IsOPBlock(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(new Vector3S(Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), Convert.ToUInt16((TemporaryLocation.y - 64) / 32)))))
                                    Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange(Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), Convert.ToUInt16(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), Convert.ToUInt16((TemporaryLocation.y - 64) / 32), Block.BlockList.AIR);
                            catch { }
                    Bot.Player.Rot = new byte[] { (byte)(Bot.Player.Rot[0] + 1), (byte)(Bot.Player.Rot[1] + 1) };
                    Bot.Player.UpdatePosition(true); //Pls leave this true, bots dont appear properly otherwise
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles bot AI
        /// </summary>
        public static void HandleBots()
            foreach (Bot Bot in Server.Bots.ToArray())
                Random Random = new Random();
                if (Bot.Movement)
                    Vector3S TemporaryLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos.x, Bot.Player.Pos.z, Bot.Player.Pos.y);
                    string   PlayerName        = "";
                    if (Bot.FollowPlayers)
                        #region Find Closest Player
                        bool     HitAPlayer      = false;
                        Vector3S ClosestLocation = Bot.Player.Level.Size * 32;
                        foreach (Player p in Server.Players)
                            if (p.Level == Bot.Player.Level)
                                TargetPlayerArgs eargs  = new TargetPlayerArgs(p);
                                bool             cancel = OnBotTargetPlayer.Call(Bot, eargs).Canceled;
                                if (!cancel)
                                    if (Bot.BlackListPlayers.ContainsKey(p.Username))
                                        if (Math.Abs(Bot.BlackListPlayers[p.Username] - Bot.shouldCheckAgainLoopInt) > 100)
                                    if (p.Pos - Bot.Player.Pos < ClosestLocation - Bot.Player.Pos && !Bot.BlackListPlayers.ContainsKey(p.Username))
                                        HitAPlayer      = true;
                                        ClosestLocation = new Vector3S(p.Pos);
                                        PlayerName      = p.Username;
                                        if (Math.Abs((ClosestLocation.x / 32) - (Bot.LastPos.x / 32)) >= 12 || Math.Abs((ClosestLocation.z / 32) - (Bot.LastPos.z / 32)) >= 12)
                                            Bot.shouldCheckAgainLoopInt = 1000;
                        if (HitAPlayer)
                            Vector3S TempLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos);
                            TemporaryLocation = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos);

                            Vector3S Pathfound = new Vector3S(Bot.Player.Pos);

                            #region AStar

                            if (Bot.shouldCheckAgain || Bot.Waypoint == null)
                                Bot.Waypoint = Pathfind(Bot, ClosestLocation);
                                Bot.LastPos  = ClosestLocation;
                                Pathfound.x = (short)(Bot.Waypoint.position.X * 32);
                                Pathfound.z = (short)(Bot.Waypoint.position.Z * 32);
                                Pathfound.y = (short)(Bot.Waypoint.position.Y * 32);
                                Bot.shouldCheckAgainLoopInt = 1000;
                                    Bot.BlackListPlayers.Add(PlayerName, Bot.shouldCheckAgainLoopInt);
                                catch { }

                            if (Bot.intLoop >= 2) //Slows down the bots so they arent insta-propogate, it slows them a bit too much though, need to fix
                            {                     //Also makes them a bit less accurate than instant, but much more accurate than Vector2D.Move()
                                Bot.intLoop  = 0;
                                Bot.Waypoint =;
                                Bot.intLoop += 1;

                            TemporaryLocation.x += (short)((Pathfound.x - TemporaryLocation.x) / 2);
                            TemporaryLocation.z += (short)((Pathfound.z - TemporaryLocation.z) / 2);
                            //TemporaryLocation.y += (short)((Pathfound.y - TemporaryLocation.y) / 2);

                            Block Block1          = Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock(TemporaryLocation / 32);
                            Block Block2          = Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock((TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 1);
                            Block BlockUnderneath = Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock((TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 2);
                            Block BlockAbove      = Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock((TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (TemporaryLocation.y / 32) + 1);

                            Vector3S delta = new Vector3S((short)Math.Abs(ClosestLocation.x - TemporaryLocation.x),
                                                          (short)Math.Abs(ClosestLocation.z - TemporaryLocation.z),
                                                          (short)Math.Abs(ClosestLocation.y - TemporaryLocation.y));

                            if (Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && Block.CanWalkThrough(Block2) &&
                                !Block.CanEscalate(Block1) && !Block.CanEscalate(Block2))
                                TemporaryLocation.y -= 21;

                            if (Block.CanWalkThrough(Block1) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(Block2) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath))
                                TemporaryLocation.y += 21;
                            else if (Block.CanEscalate(Block1) && Block.CanEscalate(Block2) && Pathfound.y > TemporaryLocation.y)
                                TemporaryLocation.y += 21;
                            else if (Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockAbove) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && Pathfound.y > TemporaryLocation.y && !Block.IsOPBlock(BlockUnderneath))
                                TemporaryLocation.y += 21;
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 2), 1);
                            else if (!Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockAbove) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && !Block.IsOPBlock(BlockAbove))
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) + 1), 0);

                            if (Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(Bot.Player.Level.GetBlock((Bot.Player.oldPos.x / 32), (Bot.Player.oldPos.z / 32), (Bot.Player.oldPos.y / 32) - 2)) &&
                                !Block.IsOPBlock(BlockUnderneath) && Pathfound.y > TemporaryLocation.y)
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 2), 1);

                            if ((!Block.IsOPBlock(Block1) && !Block.IsOPBlock(Block2)) && (!Block.CanWalkThrough(Block1) && !Block.CanWalkThrough(Block2)) &&
                                (Block1 != Block.BlockList.UNKNOWN && Block2 != Block.BlockList.UNKNOWN))
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange(TemporaryLocation / 32, 0);
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 1), 0);

                            if (!Block.CanWalkThrough(BlockUnderneath) && (Pathfound.y / 32) < (TemporaryLocation.y / 32) && !Block.IsOPBlock(BlockUnderneath))
                                Bot.Player.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(TemporaryLocation.x / 32), (ushort)(TemporaryLocation.z / 32), (ushort)((TemporaryLocation.y / 32) - 2), 0);

                            MoveEventArgs eargs  = new MoveEventArgs(TemporaryLocation, Bot.Player.Pos);
                            bool          cancel = OnBotMove.Call(Bot, eargs).Canceled;
                            if (cancel)
                                TemporaryLocation = TempLocation;

                    Bot.Player.Pos = TemporaryLocation;
                    Bot.Player.UpdatePosition(true); //Pls leave this true, bots dont appear properly otherwise