//ジャンプパラメータをリセット private void JumpReset() { transform.position = move_end; transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.Cross(m_Camera.right, jump_target.normal), jump_target.normal); switch (m_JumpMode) { case JumpMode.CapturingJump: { break; } case JumpMode.Bodyblow: { break; } case JumpMode.StringJump: { StringAllMinus(); m_Shooter.StringShoot(move_start, move_end); break; } default: { if (isEscape) { m_Shooter.StringShoot(m_Prediction.m_HitStringPoint, move_end); } else { m_Shooter.StringShoot(move_start, move_end); } break; } } waitFrame = 0; m_jumpableNum = -1; isEscape = false; isLanding = false; m_Prediction.m_HitStringPoint = Vector3.zero; m_EscapeSphere.SetActive(false); m_category = TargetCategory.Connecter; m_WindLine.Stop(); }
//落下着地時の各値リセット private void LandingReset(Collider other) { ResetBodyblow(); elapse_time = 0; m_failureTime = 0; m_treeWaitTime = 0; m_jumpableNum = -1; m_AudioSource.PlayOneShot(m_AudioClips[3]); m_Animator.SetTrigger("Landing"); m_category = TargetCategory.Connecter; if (other.transform.tag == "Ground") { m_StateManager.StateProcassor.State = m_StateManager.GroundTp; } else { m_StateManager.StateProcassor.State = m_StateManager.TreeTp; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles player targeted casting message /// </summary> public void HandleActionCastTargetedSpell(ObjectGuid guidTarget, uint spellId) { Player player = CurrentLandblock.GetObject(Guid) as Player; WorldObject target = CurrentLandblock.GetObject(guidTarget) as WorldObject; TargetCategory targetCategory = TargetCategory.WorldObject; if (guidTarget == Guid) { targetCategory = TargetCategory.Self; } if (target == null) { target = GetWieldedItem(guidTarget); targetCategory = TargetCategory.Wielded; } if (target == null) { target = GetInventoryItem(guidTarget); targetCategory = TargetCategory.Inventory; } if (target == null) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.TargetNotAcquired)); targetCategory = TargetCategory.UnDef; return; } if (targetCategory != TargetCategory.WorldObject) { CreatePlayerSpell(guidTarget, spellId); } else { // turn if required var rotateTime = Rotate(target) - 0.25f; var actionChain = new ActionChain(); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(rotateTime); actionChain.AddAction(this, () => CreatePlayerSpell(guidTarget, spellId)); actionChain.EnqueueChain(); } }
//始点、終点、射角、シューター番号、色の設定 public void SetParameter(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float angle, int shooterNum, JumpMode mode = JumpMode.NormalJump, TargetCategory category = TargetCategory.Connecter, bool isAttackable = false) { m_start = start; m_end = end; m_angle = angle; m_shooterNum = shooterNum; m_LineRenderer.material = m_Materials[0]; m_LineRenderer.material.SetColor("_TintColor", m_Colors[(int)mode]); m_isCursorActive = (category == TargetCategory.Enemy || category == TargetCategory.JumpableTree); if (category == TargetCategory.None || (category == TargetCategory.Enemy && !isAttackable)) { m_LineRenderer.material = m_Materials[1]; m_LineRenderer.material.SetColor("_TintColor", m_Colors[(int)mode] / 2); } if (category != TargetCategory.Enemy) { m_AttackableImage[0].SetActive(false); m_AttackableImage[1].SetActive(false); return; } m_AttackableImage[0].SetActive(isAttackable); m_AttackableImage[1].SetActive(!isAttackable); }
public bool VerifySpellRange(WorldObject target, TargetCategory targetCategory, Spell spell, uint magicSkill) { if (targetCategory != TargetCategory.WorldObject || target.Guid == Guid) { return(true); } var targetLoc = target; if (targetLoc.WielderId != null) { targetLoc = CurrentLandblock?.GetObject(targetLoc.WielderId.Value); } float distanceTo = Location.Distance2D(targetLoc.Location); if (distanceTo > spell.BaseRangeConstant + magicSkill * spell.BaseRangeMod) { Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"Target is out of range!", ChatMessageType.Magic)); SendUseDoneEvent(WeenieError.None); return(false); } return(true); }
//ジャンプ private void Jump(Ray ray, RaycastHit hit) { isFlyable = false; bool jump = false; bool bodyBlow = false; float addLimit = 0; //糸を狙うのかどうか if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.K) || Input.GetButtonDown("LB")) { //m_enemy = null; isTargetString = !isTargetString; m_AudioSource.PlayOneShot(m_AudioClips[6]); } if (hit.collider.tag == "Tree") { var tree = hit.collider.GetComponent <Tree>(); if (tree.m_SideNumber == m_Shooter.m_SideNumber) { addLimit = tree.m_TerritoryRate; } } else if (hit.collider.tag == "String") { var s = hit.collider.GetComponent <StringUnit>(); addLimit = Vector3.Distance(s.m_PointA, s.m_PointB); } List <GameObject> jumpable_tree = new List <GameObject>(); jumpable_tree.Add(m_Enemy); foreach (GameObject g in m_trees) { if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, g.transform.position) < m_JumpLimit + addLimit && g != m_hitinfo.collider.gameObject) { jumpable_tree.Add(g); } } if (isTargetString) { if (!(jump = Physics.Raycast(ray, out jump_target, m_JumpLimit + addLimit, m_NetLayer))) { jump = Physics.SphereCast(ray, 1f, out jump_target, m_JumpLimit + addLimit, m_StringLayer); } } else { jump = Physics.Raycast(ray, out jump_target, m_JumpLimit + addLimit, m_TreeLayer); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J) || Input.GetButtonDown("RB")) { m_AudioSource.PlayOneShot(m_AudioClips[5]); if (m_jumpableNum == -1) { m_category = TargetCategory.Enemy; m_jumpableNum++; } else if (jumpable_tree.Count >= m_jumpableNum) { if (jumpable_tree.Count - 1 == m_jumpableNum) { m_category = TargetCategory.Connecter; m_jumpableNum = -1; m_Prediction.SetActive(false); return; } else { m_category = TargetCategory.JumpableTree; m_jumpableNum++; } } } if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal2") != 0 || Input.GetAxis("Vertical2") != 0) { m_category = TargetCategory.Connecter; m_jumpableNum = -1; m_Prediction.SetActive(false); return; } if (m_category == TargetCategory.Enemy) { bodyBlow = true; jump = false; m_JumpMode = JumpMode.Bodyblow; Vector3 dir = m_Enemy.transform.position - m_center; m_CameraPivot.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.Lerp(m_CameraPivot.transform.forward, dir, 0.1f), Vector3.up); } else if (m_category == TargetCategory.JumpableTree) { bodyBlow = false; jump = true; if (jumpable_tree.Count > m_jumpableNum) { Vector3 posY = new Vector3(0, 10f, 0); Vector3 dir = (jumpable_tree[m_jumpableNum].transform.position + posY) - m_center; m_CameraPivot.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.Lerp(m_CameraPivot.transform.forward, dir, 0.1f), Vector3.up); Ray ableRay = new Ray(m_center, dir); float dis = Vector3.Distance(m_center, jumpable_tree[m_jumpableNum].transform.position + posY); jump = Physics.Raycast(ableRay, out jump_target, dis, m_TreeLayer); } } if (jump) { if (hit.collider.gameObject == jump_target.collider.gameObject) { if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, jump_target.point) < jumpLower) { m_Prediction.SetActive(false); return; } } if (jump_target.transform.tag == "String" || jump_target.transform.tag == "Net") { if (jump_target.transform.GetComponent <Connecter>().m_SideNumber != m_Shooter.m_SideNumber) { return; } } float dis = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, jump_target.point); if (dis > m_JumpLimit) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Tree") { m_JumpMode = JumpMode.CapturingJump; } else if (hit.collider.tag == "String") { m_JumpMode = JumpMode.StringJump; } } else { m_JumpMode = JumpMode.NormalJump; } //予測線、カーソル表示 m_Prediction.SetActive(true); m_Prediction.SetParameter(transform.position, jump_target.point, m_Angle, m_Shooter.m_SideNumber, m_JumpMode, m_category); m_Prediction.Calculation(); isFlyable = true; //ジャンプ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { m_WindLine.Play(); m_AudioSource.PlayOneShot(m_AudioClips[4]); m_Prediction.SetActive(false); TreeRateMinus(); move_start = transform.position; move_end = jump_target.point; m_Animator.SetTrigger("Jump"); m_Animator.SetBool("IsJump", true); m_escapeInterval = 0; isFlyable = false; if (m_hitinfo.collider != jump_target.collider) { m_treeWaitTime = 0; } JumpCalculation(move_start, move_end, m_Angle); m_StateManager.StateProcassor.State = m_StateManager.JumpTp; } return; } else if (bodyBlow) { //体当たり float len = Vector3.Distance(m_Enemy.transform.position, m_center); var enemy = m_Enemy.GetComponent <EnemyAI4>(); Ray dirRay = new Ray(m_center + transform.forward, (m_Enemy.transform.position - m_center)); bool isAttackable = len < m_JumpLimit && m_hitinfo.collider.gameObject != enemy.nearObj && !Physics.Raycast(dirRay, len - 1f, m_TreeLayer) && enemy.TreeDist(); m_Prediction.SetActive(true); m_Prediction.SetParameter(transform.position, m_Enemy.transform.position, 1f, m_Shooter.m_SideNumber, JumpMode.NormalJump, m_category, isAttackable); m_Prediction.Calculation(); if (isAttackable && (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))) { //体当たり実行 m_WindLine.Play(); m_AudioSource.PlayOneShot(m_AudioClips[4]); m_Prediction.SetActive(false); if (m_hitinfo.collider.tag == "Tree") { m_hitinfo.collider.GetComponent <Tree>().m_TerritoryRate -= JumpDemeritRate; } move_start = transform.position; move_end = m_Enemy.transform.position; m_Animator.SetTrigger("Jump"); m_Animator.SetBool("IsJump", false); m_escapeInterval = 0; JumpCalculation(move_start, move_end, m_Angle); m_StateManager.StateProcassor.State = m_StateManager.BodyBlow; } return; } else if (!jump && Physics.Raycast(ray, m_JumpLimit + 100f, m_TreeLayer)) { //届かない場合の予測線描画 m_Prediction.SetActive(true); m_Prediction.SetParameter( transform.position, m_Camera.position + m_Camera.forward * (m_JumpLimit + addLimit), m_Angle, m_Shooter.m_SideNumber, m_JumpMode, TargetCategory.None); m_Prediction.Calculation(); return; } m_Prediction.SetActive(false); m_Prediction.m_HitStringPoint = Vector3.zero; //m_enemy = null; }
/// <summary> /// Method used for handling player targeted spell casts /// </summary> public void CreatePlayerSpell(ObjectGuid guidTarget, uint spellId) { Player player = CurrentLandblock.GetObject(Guid) as Player; WorldObject target = CurrentLandblock.GetObject(guidTarget); TargetCategory targetCategory = TargetCategory.WorldObject; if (target == null) { target = GetWieldedItem(guidTarget); targetCategory = TargetCategory.Wielded; } if (target == null) { target = GetInventoryItem(guidTarget); targetCategory = TargetCategory.Inventory; } if (target == null) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.TargetNotAcquired)); targetCategory = TargetCategory.UnDef; return; } SpellTable spellTable = DatManager.PortalDat.SpellTable; if (!spellTable.Spells.ContainsKey(spellId)) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.MagicInvalidSpellType)); return; } SpellBase spell = spellTable.Spells[spellId]; if (IsInvalidTarget(spell, target)) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventCommunicationTransientString(player.Session, $"{spell.Name} cannot be cast on {target.Name}.")); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.None)); return; } Database.Models.World.Spell spellStatMod = DatabaseManager.World.GetCachedSpell(spellId); if (spellStatMod == null) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"{spell.Name} spell not implemented, yet!", ChatMessageType.System)); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.MagicInvalidSpellType)); return; } if (player.IsBusy == true) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.YoureTooBusy)); return; } else { player.IsBusy = true; } uint targetEffect = spell.TargetEffect; // Grab player's skill level in the spell's Magic School var magicSkill = player.GetCreatureSkill(spell.School).Current; if (targetCategory == TargetCategory.WorldObject) { if (guidTarget != Guid) { float distanceTo = Location.Distance2D(target.Location); if (distanceTo > spell.BaseRangeConstant + magicSkill * spell.BaseRangeMod) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.MagicTargetOutOfRange), new GameMessageSystemChat($"{target.Name} is out of range!", ChatMessageType.Magic)); player.IsBusy = false; return; } } } // Ensure that a harmful spell isn't being cast on a player target that doesn't have the same PK status if (target.WeenieClassId == 1 && player.PlayerKillerStatus != ACE.Entity.Enum.PlayerKillerStatus.NPK) { bool isSpellHarmful = IsSpellHarmful(spell); if (player.PlayerKillerStatus != target.PlayerKillerStatus && isSpellHarmful) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.InvalidPkStatus)); player.IsBusy = false; return; } } float scale = SpellAttributes(player.Session.Account, spellId, out float castingDelay, out MotionCommand windUpMotion, out MotionCommand spellGesture); var formula = SpellTable.GetSpellFormula(spellTable, spellId, player.Session.Account); bool spellCastSuccess = false || ((Physics.Common.Random.RollDice(0.0f, 1.0f) > (1.0f - SkillCheck.GetMagicSkillChance((int)magicSkill, (int)spell.Power))) && (magicSkill >= (int)spell.Power - 50) && (magicSkill > 0)); // Calculating mana usage #region CreatureSkill mc = player.GetCreatureSkill(Skill.ManaConversion); double z = mc.Current; double baseManaPercent = 1; if (z > spell.Power) { baseManaPercent = spell.Power / z; } double preCost; uint manaUsed; if ((int)Math.Floor(baseManaPercent) == 1) { preCost = spell.BaseMana; manaUsed = (uint)preCost; } else { preCost = spell.BaseMana * baseManaPercent; if (preCost < 1) { preCost = 1; } manaUsed = (uint)Physics.Common.Random.RollDice(1, (int)preCost); } if (spell.MetaSpellType == SpellType.Transfer) { uint vitalChange, casterVitalChange; vitalChange = (uint)(player.GetCurrentCreatureVital((PropertyAttribute2nd)spellStatMod.Source) * spellStatMod.Proportion); if (spellStatMod.TransferCap != 0) { if (vitalChange > spellStatMod.TransferCap) { vitalChange = (uint)spellStatMod.TransferCap; } } casterVitalChange = (uint)(vitalChange * (1.0f - spellStatMod.LossPercent)); vitalChange = (uint)(casterVitalChange / (1.0f - spellStatMod.LossPercent)); if (spellStatMod.Source == (int)PropertyAttribute2nd.Mana && (vitalChange + 10 + manaUsed) > player.Mana.Current) { ActionChain resourceCheckChain = new ActionChain(); resourceCheckChain.AddAction(this, () => { CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageScript(Guid, ACE.Entity.Enum.PlayScript.Fizzle, 0.5f)); }); resourceCheckChain.AddDelaySeconds(2.0f); resourceCheckChain.AddAction(this, () => { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.YouDontHaveEnoughManaToCast)); player.IsBusy = false; }); resourceCheckChain.EnqueueChain(); return; } else if ((vitalChange + 10) > player.GetCurrentCreatureVital((PropertyAttribute2nd)spellStatMod.Source)) { ActionChain resourceCheckChain = new ActionChain(); resourceCheckChain.AddAction(this, () => { CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageScript(Guid, ACE.Entity.Enum.PlayScript.Fizzle, 0.5f)); }); resourceCheckChain.AddDelaySeconds(2.0f); resourceCheckChain.AddAction(this, () => player.IsBusy = false); resourceCheckChain.EnqueueChain(); return; } } else if (manaUsed > player.Mana.Current) { ActionChain resourceCheckChain = new ActionChain(); resourceCheckChain.AddAction(this, () => { CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageScript(Guid, ACE.Entity.Enum.PlayScript.Fizzle, 0.5f)); }); resourceCheckChain.AddDelaySeconds(2.0f); resourceCheckChain.AddAction(this, () => { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.YouDontHaveEnoughManaToCast)); player.IsBusy = false; }); resourceCheckChain.EnqueueChain(); return; } else { player.UpdateVital(player.Mana, player.Mana.Current - manaUsed); } #endregion ActionChain spellChain = new ActionChain(); uint fastCast = (spell.Bitfield >> 14) & 0x1u; if (fastCast != 1) { spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { var motionWindUp = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.Spellcasting); motionWindUp.MovementData.CurrentStyle = (ushort)((uint)MotionStance.Spellcasting & 0xFFFF); motionWindUp.MovementData.ForwardCommand = (uint)windUpMotion; motionWindUp.MovementData.ForwardSpeed = 2; DoMotion(motionWindUp); }); } spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageCreatureMessage(SpellComponentsTable.GetSpellWords(DatManager.PortalDat.SpellComponentsTable, formula), Name, Guid.Full, ChatMessageType.Magic)); }); spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { var motionCastSpell = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.Spellcasting); motionCastSpell.MovementData.CurrentStyle = (ushort)((uint)MotionStance.Spellcasting & 0xFFFF); motionCastSpell.MovementData.ForwardCommand = (uint)spellGesture; motionCastSpell.MovementData.ForwardSpeed = 2; DoMotion(motionCastSpell); }); if (fastCast == 1) { spellChain.AddDelaySeconds(castingDelay * 0.26f); } else { spellChain.AddDelaySeconds(castingDelay); } if (spellCastSuccess == false) { spellChain.AddAction(this, () => CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageScript(Guid, ACE.Entity.Enum.PlayScript.Fizzle, 0.5f))); } else { spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { bool targetDeath; string message; switch (spell.School) { case MagicSchool.WarMagic: WarMagic(target, spell, spellStatMod); break; case MagicSchool.VoidMagic: VoidMagic(target, spell, spellStatMod); break; case MagicSchool.CreatureEnchantment: if (IsSpellHarmful(spell)) { // Retrieve player's skill level in the Magic School var playerMagicSkill = player.GetCreatureSkill(spell.School).Current; // Retrieve target's Magic Defense Skill Creature creature = (Creature)target; var targetMagicDefenseSkill = creature.GetCreatureSkill(Skill.MagicDefense).Current; if (MagicDefenseCheck(playerMagicSkill, targetMagicDefenseSkill)) { CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcastSound(player, Sound.ResistSpell); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"{creature.Name} resists {spell.Name}", ChatMessageType.Magic)); break; } } CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageScript(target.Guid, (PlayScript)spell.TargetEffect, scale)); message = CreatureMagic(target, spell, spellStatMod); if (message != "") { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(message, ChatMessageType.Magic)); } break; case MagicSchool.LifeMagic: if (spell.MetaSpellType != SpellType.LifeProjectile) { if (IsSpellHarmful(spell)) { // Retrieve player's skill level in the Magic School var playerMagicSkill = player.GetCreatureSkill(spell.School).Current; // Retrieve target's Magic Defense Skill Creature creature = (Creature)target; var targetMagicDefenseSkill = creature.GetCreatureSkill(Skill.MagicDefense).Current; if (MagicDefenseCheck(playerMagicSkill, targetMagicDefenseSkill)) { CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcastSound(player, Sound.ResistSpell); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"{creature.Name} resists {spell.Name}", ChatMessageType.Magic)); break; } } } CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageScript(target.Guid, (PlayScript)spell.TargetEffect, scale)); targetDeath = LifeMagic(target, spell, spellStatMod, out message); if (message != null) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(message, ChatMessageType.Magic)); } if (targetDeath == true) { Creature creatureTarget = (Creature)target; creatureTarget.Die(); Strings.DeathMessages.TryGetValue(DamageType.Base, out var messages); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(string.Format(messages[0], target.Name), ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); player.EarnXP((long)target.XpOverride); } break; case MagicSchool.ItemEnchantment: if (guidTarget == Guid) { CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageScript(Guid, (PlayScript)spell.CasterEffect, scale)); } else { CurrentLandblock.EnqueueBroadcast(Location, new GameMessageScript(target.Guid, (PlayScript)spell.TargetEffect, scale)); } message = ItemMagic(target, spell, spellStatMod); if (message != "") { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(message, ChatMessageType.Magic)); } break; default: break; } }); } spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { var motionReturnToCastStance = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.Spellcasting); motionReturnToCastStance.MovementData.CurrentStyle = (ushort)((uint)MotionStance.Spellcasting & 0xFFFF); motionReturnToCastStance.MovementData.ForwardCommand = (uint)MotionCommand.Invalid; DoMotion(motionReturnToCastStance); }); spellChain.AddDelaySeconds(1.0f); spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, errorType: WeenieError.None)); player.IsBusy = false; }); spellChain.EnqueueChain(); return; }
/// <summary> /// Method used for handling player targeted spell casts /// </summary> /// <param name="builtInSpell">If TRUE, casting a built-in spell from a weapon</param> public void CreatePlayerSpell(WorldObject target, TargetCategory targetCategory, uint spellId, bool builtInSpell = false) { var creatureTarget = target as Creature; if (!VerifyBusy()) { return; } var spell = ValidateSpell(spellId, builtInSpell); if (spell == null) { return; } if (!VerifySpellTarget(spell, target)) { return; } // if casting implement has spell built in, // use spellcraft from the item, instead of player's magic skill? var caster = GetEquippedWand(); var isWeaponSpell = builtInSpell && IsWeaponSpell(spell.Id); // Grab player's skill level in the spell's Magic School var magicSkill = GetCreatureSkill(spell.School).Current; if (isWeaponSpell && caster.ItemSpellcraft != null) { magicSkill = (uint)caster.ItemSpellcraft; } // verify spell range if (!VerifySpellRange(target, targetCategory, spell, magicSkill)) { return; } // get casting pre-check status var castingPreCheckStatus = GetCastingPreCheckStatus(spell, magicSkill, isWeaponSpell); // calculate mana usage if (!CalculateManaUsage(castingPreCheckStatus, spell, target, isWeaponSpell, out var manaUsed)) { return; } // spell words DoSpellWords(spell, isWeaponSpell); // begin spellcasting MagicState.OnCastStart(); var spellChain = new ActionChain(); StartPos = new Position(Location); // do wind-up gestures: fastcast has no windup (creature enchantments) DoWindupGestures(spell, isWeaponSpell, spellChain); // cast spell DoCastGesture(spell, isWeaponSpell, spellChain); MagicState.SetCastParams(spell, isWeaponSpell, magicSkill, manaUsed, target, castingPreCheckStatus); spellChain.AddAction(this, () => DoCastSpell(MagicState)); spellChain.EnqueueChain(); }
/// <summary> /// Method used for handling player targeted spell casts /// </summary> public void CreatePlayerSpell(WorldObject target, TargetCategory targetCategory, uint spellId) { var player = this; var creatureTarget = target as Creature; if (player.IsBusy == true) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, WeenieError.YoureTooBusy)); return; } player.IsBusy = true; var spell = new Spell(spellId); if (spell.NotFound) { if (spell._spellBase == null) { Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventCommunicationTransientString(Session, $"SpellId {spellId} Invalid.")); Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(Session, WeenieError.None)); } else { Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"{spell.Name} spell not implemented, yet!", ChatMessageType.System)); Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(Session, WeenieError.MagicInvalidSpellType)); } player.IsBusy = false; return; } if (IsInvalidTarget(spell, target)) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventCommunicationTransientString(player.Session, $"{spell.Name} cannot be cast on {target.Name}.")); player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, WeenieError.None)); player.IsBusy = false; return; } // if casting implement has spell built in, // use spellcraft from the item, instead of player's magic skill? var caster = GetEquippedWand(); var isWeaponSpell = IsWeaponSpell(spell); // Grab player's skill level in the spell's Magic School var magicSkill = player.GetCreatureSkill(spell.School).Current; if (isWeaponSpell && caster.ItemSpellcraft != null) { magicSkill = (uint)caster.ItemSpellcraft; } if (targetCategory == TargetCategory.WorldObject) { if (target.Guid != Guid) { var targetLoc = target; if (targetLoc.WielderId != null) { targetLoc = CurrentLandblock?.GetObject(targetLoc.WielderId.Value); } float distanceTo = Location.Distance2D(targetLoc.Location); if (distanceTo > spell.BaseRangeConstant + magicSkill * spell.BaseRangeMod) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, WeenieError.None), new GameMessageSystemChat($"Target is out of range!", ChatMessageType.Magic)); player.IsBusy = false; return; } } } var difficulty = spell.Power; // is this needed? should talismans remain the same, regardless of player spell formula? spell.Formula.GetPlayerFormula(player); var castingPreCheckStatus = CastingPreCheckStatus.CastFailed; if (magicSkill > 0 && magicSkill >= (int)difficulty - 50) { var chance = 1.0f - SkillCheck.GetMagicSkillChance((int)magicSkill, (int)difficulty); var rng = ThreadSafeRandom.Next(0.0f, 1.0f); if (chance < rng || isWeaponSpell) { castingPreCheckStatus = CastingPreCheckStatus.Success; } } // limit casting time between war and void if (spell.School == MagicSchool.VoidMagic && LastSuccessCast_School == MagicSchool.WarMagic || spell.School == MagicSchool.WarMagic && LastSuccessCast_School == MagicSchool.VoidMagic) { // roll each time? var timeLimit = ThreadSafeRandom.Next(3.0f, 5.0f); if (Time.GetUnixTime() - LastSuccessCast_Time < timeLimit) { var curType = spell.School == MagicSchool.WarMagic ? "War" : "Void"; var prevType = LastSuccessCast_School == MagicSchool.VoidMagic ? "Nether" : "Elemental"; Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"The {prevType} energies permeating your blood cause this {curType} magic to fail.", ChatMessageType.Magic)); castingPreCheckStatus = CastingPreCheckStatus.CastFailed; } } // Calculate mana usage uint manaUsed = CalculateManaUsage(player, spell, target); var currentMana = player.Mana.Current; if (isWeaponSpell) { currentMana = (uint)(caster.ItemCurMana ?? 0); } if (manaUsed > currentMana) { player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventUseDone(player.Session, WeenieError.YouDontHaveEnoughManaToCast)); IsBusy = false; // delay? return; } // begin spellcasting Proficiency.OnSuccessUse(player, player.GetCreatureSkill(Skill.ManaConversion), spell.PowerMod); if (!isWeaponSpell) { player.UpdateVitalDelta(player.Mana, -(int)manaUsed); } else { caster.ItemCurMana -= (int)manaUsed; } spell.Formula.GetPlayerFormula(player); string spellWords = spell._spellBase.GetSpellWords(DatManager.PortalDat.SpellComponentsTable); if (spellWords != null && !isWeaponSpell) { EnqueueBroadcast(new GameMessageCreatureMessage(spellWords, Name, Guid.Full, ChatMessageType.Spellcasting)); } var spellChain = new ActionChain(); var castSpeed = 2.0f; // hardcoded for player spell casting? var startPos = new Position(Location); // do wind-up gestures: fastcast has no windup (creature enchantments) if (!spell.Flags.HasFlag(SpellFlags.FastCast) && !isWeaponSpell) { // note that ACE is currently sending the windup motion and the casting gesture // at the same time. the client is automatically queueing these animations to run at the correct time. foreach (var windupGesture in spell.Formula.WindupGestures) { spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { var motionWindUp = new Motion(MotionStance.Magic, windupGesture, castSpeed); EnqueueBroadcastMotion(motionWindUp); }); } } // cast spell spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { var castGesture = spell.Formula.CastGesture; if (isWeaponSpell && caster.UseUserAnimation != 0) { castGesture = caster.UseUserAnimation; } var motionCastSpell = new Motion(MotionStance.Magic, castGesture, castSpeed); EnqueueBroadcastMotion(motionCastSpell); }); var castingDelay = spell.Formula.GetCastTime(MotionTableId, castSpeed, isWeaponSpell); spellChain.AddDelaySeconds(castingDelay); bool movedTooFar = false; spellChain.AddAction(this, () => { if (!isWeaponSpell) { TryBurnComponents(spell); } // check windup move distance cap var endPos = new Position(Location); var dist = startPos.DistanceTo(endPos); if (dist > Windup_MaxMove) { castingPreCheckStatus = CastingPreCheckStatus.CastFailed; movedTooFar = true; } var pk_error = CheckPKStatusVsTarget(player, target, spell); if (pk_error != null) { castingPreCheckStatus = CastingPreCheckStatus.InvalidPKStatus; } var useDone = WeenieError.None; switch (castingPreCheckStatus) { case CastingPreCheckStatus.Success: if ((spell.Flags & SpellFlags.FellowshipSpell) == 0) { CreatePlayerSpell(target, spell); } else { var fellows = GetFellowshipTargets(); foreach (var fellow in fellows) { CreatePlayerSpell(fellow, spell); } } break; case CastingPreCheckStatus.InvalidPKStatus: if (spell.NumProjectiles > 0) { switch (spell.School) { case MagicSchool.WarMagic: WarMagic(target, spell); break; case MagicSchool.VoidMagic: VoidMagic(target, spell); break; case MagicSchool.LifeMagic: LifeMagic(target, spell, out uint damage, out bool critical, out var enchantmentStatus); break; }