Esempio n. 1

        private static List <int> GetInterpolationOrder(TaperedProfile taperedProfile, List <double> newPositions)
            List <int>    interpolationOrders = new List <int>();
            List <double> originalPositions   = new List <double>(taperedProfile.Profiles.Keys);

            for (int i = 0; i < newPositions.Count - 1; i++)
                bool containsPosition     = taperedProfile.Profiles.ContainsKey(newPositions[i]);
                bool containsNextPosition = taperedProfile.Profiles.ContainsKey(newPositions[i + 1]);
                if (containsPosition)
                else if (!containsPosition && !containsNextPosition)
                    interpolationOrders.Add(taperedProfile.InterpolationOrder[originalPositions.IndexOf(newPositions[i - 1])]);
                else if (containsNextPosition)
                    if (taperedProfile.Profiles.ContainsKey(newPositions[i - 1]))
                        interpolationOrders.Add(taperedProfile.InterpolationOrder[originalPositions.IndexOf(newPositions[i - 1])]);
                        interpolationOrders.Add(taperedProfile.InterpolationOrder[originalPositions.IndexOf(newPositions[i - 2])]);

Esempio n. 2
        public static TaperedProfile TaperedProfile(List <double> positions, List <IProfile> profiles, List <int> interpolationOrder = null)
            //Checks for positions and profiles
            if (positions.Count != profiles.Count)
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Number of positions and profiles provided are not equal");
            else if (positions.Exists((double d) => { return(d > 1); }) || positions.Exists((double d) => { return(d < 0); }))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Positions must exist between 0 and 1 (inclusive)");

            if (positions.Zip(positions.Skip(1), (a, b) => new { a, b }).Any(p => p.a > p.b))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Positions must be sorted in ascending order.");

            //Checks for interpolationOrder
            if (interpolationOrder == null || interpolationOrder.Count == 0)
                interpolationOrder = Enumerable.Repeat(1, positions.Count - 1).ToList();
            else if (interpolationOrder.Count == 1)
                interpolationOrder = Enumerable.Repeat(interpolationOrder.First(), positions.Count - 1).ToList();
            else if (!(interpolationOrder.Count == positions.Count - 1))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("InterpolationOrder is between the profiles provided. Therefore, the number of interpolationOrder should be one less (n - 1) than the number of profiles/positions.");

            if (interpolationOrder.Any(x => x < 1))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("The interpolationOrder values must be greater than 1.");

            //Create ditionary for TaperedProfile
            SortedDictionary <double, IProfile> profileDict = new SortedDictionary <double, IProfile>();

            for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++)
                profileDict[positions[i]] = profiles[i];

            ShapeType      shape          = GetShapeType(profiles);
            TaperedProfile taperedProfile = new TaperedProfile(profileDict, interpolationOrder, shape);

Esempio n. 3

        private bool CreateProfile(string name, TaperedProfile profile)

            IFGeometricLine lusasGeometricLine = (IFGeometricLine)d_LusasData.getAttribute("Line Geometric", name);

            lusasGeometricLine.setValue("interpMethod", "Enhanced");

            List <double> keys = new List <double>(profile.Profiles.Keys);
            IProfile      iProfile;

            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
                profile.Profiles.TryGetValue(keys[i], out iProfile);
                string profileName;
                if (i == 0)
                    profileName = $"{name}-0";
                    profileName = $"{name}-{keys[i]:G3}";

                CreateProfile(profileName, iProfile as dynamic);
                lusasGeometricLine.setFromLibrary("User Sections", "Local", profileName, 0, 0, i);
                if (i == 0)
                    lusasGeometricLine.setInterpolation("Constant", (double)keys[i], i);
                    lusasGeometricLine.setInterpolation("Function", (double)keys[i], i, profile.InterpolationOrder[i - 1]);


Esempio n. 4
        public static TaperedProfile MapPositionDomain(this TaperedProfile taperedProfile)
            TaperedProfile newTaperedProfile = null;
            List <double>  positions         = new List <double>(taperedProfile.Profiles.Keys);

            if (!positions.Contains(0) && !positions.Contains(1))
                List <double> newPositions = Compute.MapDomain(positions, positions);
                newTaperedProfile = Create.TaperedProfile(newPositions, new List <IProfile>(taperedProfile.Profiles.Values), taperedProfile.InterpolationOrder);
                newTaperedProfile = taperedProfile;

Esempio n. 5
        public static double VoidArea(this IProfile profile)
            if (profile is TaperedProfile)
                Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("The sectional area of TaperedProfiles may vary along their length. The average area of the TaperedProfile has been returned, assuming that the section varies linearly.");
                TaperedProfile taperedProfile = profile as TaperedProfile;
                double         sum            = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < taperedProfile.Profiles.Count - 1; i++)
                    double temArea = (taperedProfile.Profiles.ElementAt(i).Value.VoidArea() + taperedProfile.Profiles.ElementAt(i + 1).Value.VoidArea()) / 2;
                    sum += temArea * System.Convert.ToDouble(taperedProfile.Profiles.ElementAt(i + 1).Key - taperedProfile.Profiles.ElementAt(i).Key);

            List <PolyCurve> curvesZ = Engine.Geometry.Compute.IJoin(profile.Edges.ToList());

            int[] depth = new int[curvesZ.Count];
            if (curvesZ.Count > 1)
                // find which is in which
                for (int i = 0; i < curvesZ.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < curvesZ.Count; j++)
                        if (i != j)
                            if (curvesZ[i].IsContaining(new List <Point>()

            curvesZ = curvesZ.Where((x, i) => depth[i] != 0).ToList();
            depth   = depth.Where(x => x != 0).ToArray();

            // Using region integration as the Curves are defined on the XY-Plane.
            depth = depth.Select(x => x % 2 != 0 ? 1 : -1).ToArray();   // positive area as 1 and negative area as -1
            return(curvesZ.Select((x, i) => Math.Abs(x.IIntegrateRegion(0)) * depth[i]).Sum());
Esempio n. 6

        private bool SetProfile(TaperedProfile taperProfile, string sectionName, string matName)
            //Check and fix taperProfile

            //Decompose the taperProfile dictionary
            IProfile[] profiles  = taperProfile.Profiles.Values.ToArray();
            double[]   positions = taperProfile.Profiles.Keys.ToArray();

            //Add the sub-profiles to the model and create a list of names
            string[] profNames = new string[profiles.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < profiles.Length; i++)
                profNames[i] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(profiles[i].Name)? profiles[i].Name : sectionName + $"_{i}";
                SetProfile(profiles[i] as dynamic, profNames[i], matName);

            //initialize SAP inputs
            int nSegments = profiles.Length - 1;

            string[] startSec = new string[nSegments];
            string[] endSec   = new string[nSegments];
            double[] myLength = new double[nSegments];
            int[]    myType   = new int[nSegments];
            int[]    EI33     = taperProfile.InterpolationOrder.ToArray();
            int[]    EI22     = taperProfile.InterpolationOrder.ToArray();

            //Convert list of stations to list of segments
            for (int i = 1; i <= nSegments; i++)
                startSec[i - 1] = profNames[i - 1];
                endSec[i - 1]   = profNames[i];
                myLength[i - 1] = positions[i] - positions[i - 1];
                myType[i - 1]   = 1;

            //Send the tapered profile to SAP
            return(m_model.PropFrame.SetNonPrismatic(sectionName, nSegments, ref startSec, ref endSec, ref myLength, ref myType, ref EI33, ref EI22) == 0);
Esempio n. 7

        private bool SetProfile(TaperedProfile profile, string sectionName, IMaterialFragment material)
            //Map Position domain to [0,1]

            // Create a section for each sub profile
            IProfile[] profiles = profile.Profiles.Values.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < profiles.Length; i++)
                ISetProfile(profiles[i], sectionName + "_SubSection" + i.ToString(), material);

            // Declare some variables
            int num = profile.Profiles.Count - 1;

            string[] segmentStartProfile = new string[num];
            string[] segmentEndProfile   = new string[num];
            double[] length = new double[num];

            // Formatt section names and positions to ETABS standard
            double[] positions = profile.Profiles.Keys.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                segmentStartProfile[i] = sectionName + "_SubSection" + (i).ToString();

                // Etabs reads this in mm, and multiplying strictly does not matter (since they're relative values), but is easier on the eyes in ETBAS later
                length[i]            = System.Convert.ToDouble(positions[i + 1] - positions[i]) * 1000;
                segmentEndProfile[i] = sectionName + "_SubSection" + (i + 1).ToString();

            // Some array settings
            int[] type = length.Select(x => 1).ToArray <int>(); // Relative Length values, (No idea what happens or why someone would mix thease)
            int[] eI33 = length.Select(x => 1).ToArray <int>(); // Linear variation of EI33
            int[] eI22 = length.Select(x => 1).ToArray <int>(); // Linear variation of EI22
            Engine.Base.Compute.RecordNote("Tapered Sections Properties are set to vary linearly along the element in ETABS.");

            return(m_model.PropFrame.SetNonPrismatic(sectionName, num, ref segmentStartProfile, ref segmentEndProfile, ref length, ref type, ref eI33, ref eI22) == 0);
Esempio n. 8
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public static ISectionProperty ToSection(this IFAttribute lusasAttribute)
            string attributeName = GetName(lusasAttribute);
            string attributeType = lusasAttribute.getAttributeType();

            int rows = lusasAttribute.countRows("A");

            IProfile        profile;
            GenericSection  section             = null;
            List <int>      interpolationOrders = new List <int>();
            List <double>   positions           = new List <double>();
            List <IProfile> profiles            = new List <IProfile>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                profile = ToProfile(lusasAttribute, i);
                double area    = lusasAttribute.getValue("A", i);
                double rgy     = lusasAttribute.getValue("ky", i);
                double rgz     = lusasAttribute.getValue("kz", i);
                double j       = lusasAttribute.getValue("J", i);
                double iy      = lusasAttribute.getValue("Iyy", i);
                double iz      = lusasAttribute.getValue("Izz", i);
                double iw      = lusasAttribute.getValue("Cw", i);
                double wely    = Math.Min(Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("Syt", i)), Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("Syb", i)));
                double welz    = Math.Min(Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("Szt", i)), Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("Szb", i)));
                double wply    = lusasAttribute.getValue("Zpy", i);
                double wplz    = lusasAttribute.getValue("Zpz", i);
                double centreZ = 0; //Eccentricity is handeled in the Bar not at the section
                double centreY = 0; //Eccentricity is handeled in the Bar not at the section
                double zt      = lusasAttribute.getValue("zt", i);
                double zb      = Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("zb", i));
                double yt      = Math.Abs(lusasAttribute.getValue("yb", i)); //Lusas Y-Axis is opposite to the BHoM Y-axis
                double yb      = lusasAttribute.getValue("yt", i);
                double asy     = lusasAttribute.getValue("Asy", i);
                double asz     = lusasAttribute.getValue("Asz", i);

                if (profile == null)

                profile = Engine.Structure.Compute.Integrate(profile, oM.Geometry.Tolerance.MicroDistance).Item1;

                if (attributeType == "Multiple Varying Geometric")
                    double position = lusasAttribute.getValue("distanceAlongBeam", i);
                    section = new GenericSection(profile, area, rgy, rgz, j, iy, iz, iw, wely, welz, wply, wplz, centreZ, centreY, zt, zb, yt, yb, asy, asz);

            if (lusasAttribute.getAttributeType() == "Multiple Varying Geometric")
                for (int i = 0; i < profiles.Count - 1; i++)
                TaperedProfile taperedProfile = Engine.Spatial.Create.TaperedProfile(positions, profiles, interpolationOrders);
                if (taperedProfile == null)
                section = Engine.Structure.Create.GenericSectionFromProfile(taperedProfile);

            section.Name = attributeName;

            int adapterNameId = lusasAttribute.getID();

            section.SetAdapterId(typeof(LusasId), adapterNameId);

Esempio n. 9
        /**** Private Methods                           ****/

        private static List <TaperedProfile> MapTaperedProfile(List <Bar> bars, TaperedProfile taperedProfile)
            //Check profiles have the same shape
            if (taperedProfile.Profiles.Values.Any(x => x.Shape != taperedProfile.Profiles.Values.First().Shape))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("MapTaperedProfile does not support TaperedProfiles with different ShapeProfiles.");

            //Get geometry of Bars
            List <Line> lines = bars.Select(x => x.Centreline()).ToList();

            //Checks bars form a single line
            List <Polyline> centrelines = lines.Join();

            if (lines.Join().Count > 1)
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Bars provided do not form a single continuous line.");

            Polyline centreline = centrelines[0];

            //Check bars are in order
            List <Point> midpoints        = lines.Select(x => x.PointAtParameter(0.5)).ToList();
            List <Point> orderedMidpoints = midpoints.SortAlongCurve(centreline);

            if (!midpoints.SequenceEqual(orderedMidpoints))
                Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Bars provided are not sorted.");

            List <double>   originalPositions = new List <double>(taperedProfile.Profiles.Keys);
            List <IProfile> originalProfiles  = new List <IProfile>(taperedProfile.Profiles.Values);

            List <TaperedProfile> taperedProfiles = new List <TaperedProfile>();

            //For each bar interpolate the profiles as necessary and create a TaperedProfile
            foreach (Bar bar in bars)
                double startPosition = centreline.ParameterAtPoint(bar.StartNode.Position);
                double endPosition   = centreline.ParameterAtPoint(bar.EndNode.Position);
                double newLength     = endPosition - startPosition;

                List <double> positions = new List <double>(originalPositions);
                if (!positions.Contains(startPosition))
                if (!positions.Contains(endPosition))

                int startIndex = positions.IndexOf(startPosition);
                int endIndex   = positions.IndexOf(endPosition);

                //These are required to create the new TaperedProfile mapped to the Bar
                List <IProfile> newProfiles            = new List <IProfile>();
                List <double>   newPositions           = new List <double>();
                List <int>      newInterpolationOrders = GetInterpolationOrder(taperedProfile, positions);

                //Cycle through the positions in the extents of the Bar to get the newProfile and newPosition
                for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex + 1; i++)
                    double   position = positions[i];
                    IProfile newProfile;
                    double   newPosition = 0;

                    if (position == 0)
                        //If the position is the same as the start of the TaperedProfile
                        taperedProfile.Profiles.TryGetValue(0, out newProfile);
                        newPosition = 0;
                    else if (position == 1)
                        //If the position is the same as the end of the TaperedProfile
                        taperedProfile.Profiles.TryGetValue(1, out newProfile);
                        newPosition = (1 - startPosition) / newLength;
                    else if (taperedProfile.Profiles.ContainsKey(position))
                        //If the position is equal to an existing position in the TaperedProfile
                        taperedProfile.Profiles.TryGetValue(position, out newProfile);
                        newPosition = (positions[i] - startPosition) / newLength;
                        //If the position is between existing positions in the TaperedProfile
                        IProfile preProfile;
                        IProfile postProfile;

                        double prePosition = positions[i - 1];
                        taperedProfile.Profiles.TryGetValue(prePosition, out preProfile);
                        //If the both new positions are between original positions
                        if (preProfile == null)
                            taperedProfile.Profiles.TryGetValue(positions[i - 2], out preProfile);
                            prePosition = positions[i - 2];

                        double postPosition = positions[i + 1];
                        taperedProfile.Profiles.TryGetValue(postPosition, out postProfile);
                        //If the both new positions are between original positions
                        if (postProfile == null)
                            taperedProfile.Profiles.TryGetValue(positions[i + 2], out postProfile);
                            postPosition = positions[i + 2];

                        double interpolationPosition = (position - prePosition) / (postPosition - prePosition);

                        //One less interpolationOrder than positions/profiles
                        int interpolationIndex    = Math.Min(i, newInterpolationOrders.Count - 1);
                        int newInterpolationOrder = newInterpolationOrders[interpolationIndex];

                        newProfile = Spatial.Compute.IInterpolateProfile(preProfile, postProfile, interpolationPosition, newInterpolationOrder);
                if (endIndex == 1 || endIndex - startIndex == 1)
                    taperedProfiles.Add(Spatial.Create.TaperedProfile(newPositions, newProfiles, newInterpolationOrders.GetRange(startIndex, 1)));
                    taperedProfiles.Add(Spatial.Create.TaperedProfile(newPositions, newProfiles, newInterpolationOrders.GetRange(startIndex, (endIndex - startIndex))));
