private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (!active) { return; } TankScript hitTank = other.gameObject.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (hitTank != null && hitTank == shooter) { return; } else if (hitTank != null) { hitTank.TakeDamage(damage); } else if (other.GetComponent <IPoolable>() == null && other.GetComponent <Renderer>() != null) { RaycastHit hit; Vector3 hitPoint = other.ClosestPoint(transform.position); Physics.Raycast(transform.position, hitPoint - transform.position, out hit); GameObject crack = GameManager.Instance.CrackPool.GetObject(hitPoint + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), Quaternion.LookRotation((hitPoint + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f)) - (decalOrigin.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f)))); crack.transform.LookAt(hitPoint + new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f)); } GameObject particles = Instantiate(impactParticles, transform.position, transform.rotation); AudioManager.Instance.SpawnSound("ImpactSound", particles.transform, true, false, false, 0.5f); GameManager.Instance.ProjectilePool.RePoolObject(gameObject); }
void CollisionFound(RaycastHit hit) { if (hit.collider.transform.parent) { BlockScript blockScript = hit.collider.transform.parent.GetComponent <BlockScript>(); if (blockScript) { blockScript.WasHit(2); } } if (hit.collider.tag == "shield") { Destroy(gameObject); m_direction = Vector3.Reflect(m_direction, hit.normal); } else { if (hit.rigidbody) { TankScript tank = hit.rigidbody.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (tank) { tank.Hit(gameObject); } } Bounce(hit.normal); } }
private TankScript _tankScript; // Get public variables when needed. void Start() { if (GameObject.FindWithTag("Player") != null) { _tankScript = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent <TankScript>(); } Destroy(gameObject, 2); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { TankScript target = col.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (target != null) { target.Death(); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { TankScript tank = other.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (tank != null) { tank.TakeDamage(damage); } }
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { TankScript tank = other.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (!mineActivated && tank != null) { mineActivated = true; } }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { TankScript tank = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (tank != null) { Instantiate(effectObject, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Destroy(gameObject); } }
public void Init(TankScript target, TankScript shooter) { AudioManager.Instance.SpawnSound("MissileTravelSound", transform, false, false, false, 0.8f); = target; this.shooter = shooter; if (target != null) { agent.destination = target.transform.position; } }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { TankScript tank = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (tank != null) { tank.ChangeHealth(-damage); } Instantiate(explosionParticles, transform.position, transform.rotation); Destroy(gameObject); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (life > 0) { life -= Time.deltaTime; //check if bullet will hit anything in front of it because bullet moves too fast RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, 2.4f)) { if ( == "Player(Clone)") { if (Network.isServer) { PlayerScript script = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent("PlayerScript") as PlayerScript; script.rpcGetHit(ad, sd, hit.transform.networkView.owner); } destroy(); } if ( == "Tank(Clone)") { if (Network.isServer) { TankScript script = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent("TankScript") as TankScript; script.rpcGetHit(ad, sd, hit.transform.networkView.owner); } destroy(); } if ( == "Jet(Clone)") { if (Network.isServer) { JetScript script = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent("JetScript") as JetScript; script.rpcGetHit(ad, sd, hit.transform.networkView.owner); } destroy(); } if (hit.transform.gameObject.tag == "Objective") { if (Network.isServer) { ObjectiveScript script = hit.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent("ObjectiveScript") as ObjectiveScript; script.objectiveHit(ad, sd); } destroy(); } } } else { destroy(); } }
// Start is called on initialization void Start() { // Get reference to our tank script tankScript = GetComponent<TankScript> (); // Start out with the firing on cooldown fireCooldown = fireFrequency; // Make the tank turn right all the time tankScript.SetTurnSpeed (1); tankScript.SetSpeed (1); }
public void OnEnable() { m_Tank = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TankScript>(); if (m_Tank == null) { return; } var inspector = new InspectorElement(m_Tank); rootVisualElement.Add(inspector); }
// Start is called on initialization void Start() { // Get reference to our tank script tankScript = GetComponent <TankScript> (); // Start out with the firing on cooldown fireCooldown = fireFrequency; // Make the tank turn right all the time tankScript.SetTurnSpeed(1); tankScript.SetSpeed(1); }
private void Start() { mode = 1; ms = GameObject.Find("MainScript").GetComponent<MainScript>(); x = 0; y = -1; direction = 2; ts = GetComponent<TankScript>(); oldPosition = transform.position; cellX = Mathf.RoundToInt(oldPosition.x + 0.5f); cellY = Mathf.RoundToInt(oldPosition.z + 0.5f); }
private void Start() { mode = 1; ms = GameObject.Find("MainScript").GetComponent <MainScript>(); x = 0; y = -1; direction = 2; ts = GetComponent <TankScript>(); oldPosition = transform.position; cellX = Mathf.RoundToInt(oldPosition.x + 0.5f); cellY = Mathf.RoundToInt(oldPosition.z + 0.5f); }
public void TankDestroyed(TankScript tank) { if (tank is PlayerScript) { GameOver(); } else { score += ((NpcScript)tank).Points; UIManager.Instance.AddScore(((NpcScript)tank).Points); WaveSpawner.Instance.TankDestroyed(tank.gameObject); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { TankScript tank = other.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (tank != null) { tank.AddCoin(); CoinManager.Instance.CoinPickedUp(gameObject); GameObject particles = Instantiate(coinPickupParticles, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); AudioManager.Instance.SpawnSound("CoinPickupSound", particles.transform, true, false, false, 1f); } }
public void Init(Vector3 direction, float speed, TankScript parent, int damage) { active = true; foreach (ParticleSystem p in projectileParticles) { p.emissionRate = 200; } direction.y = 0f; this.direction = direction; this.speed = speed; this.shooter = parent; this.damage = damage; StartCoroutine("DestroyTimer"); }
void SpawnTank(int player, GameObject moveTo) { TankScript tank = Instantiate <TankScript> (tankScript); tank.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = this.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material; tank.GetComponent <TankScript>().playerNo = playerNo; Vector3 position = moveTo.transform.position; gameplayObj.GetComponent <GamePlay> ().countrySide [target.GetComponent <HexMesh>().countryNo] = playerNo; position.y = 5.0f; tank.transform.localPosition = position; isSpawn = false; target = null; }
void Awake() { tankRigidbody = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); tankScript = gameObject.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (tankRigidbody == null) { Debug.LogError("Missed Rigidbody"); } if (tankScript == null) { Debug.LogError("Missed tankScript"); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (!mineActivated || !active) { return; } TankScript tank = other.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if (tank != null) { tank.TakeDamage(damage); GameObject exp = Instantiate(explosion); AudioManager.Instance.SpawnSound("ExplosionSound", exp.transform, true, false, false, 0.658f); GameManager.Instance.MinePool.RePoolObject(gameObject); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { TankScript hitTank = other.GetComponent <TankScript>(); IPoolable hitPoolable = other.GetComponent <IPoolable>(); if (hitTank != null && hitTank != shooter) { hitTank.TakeDamage(damage); GameObject exp = Instantiate(blast, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); AudioManager.Instance.SpawnSound("ExplosionSound", exp.transform, true, false, false, 0.658f); GameManager.Instance.MissilePool.RePoolObject(gameObject); } else if (hitPoolable != null) { GameManager.Instance.MissilePool.RePoolObject(gameObject); } }
public void TeleportPlayer() { TankScript player = PlayerScript.playerRef.transform.Find("Tank").GetComponent <TankScript>(); player.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(); player.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().MovePosition(transform.position + new Vector3(0, 1f, 0)); PlayerScript.playerRef.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().startPos = transform.position; if (player.paused) { player.TeleportIn(); } for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { transform.GetChild(i).gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
void Update() { if (!active || GameManager.Instance.Paused) { return; } sinPos += Time.deltaTime; colorAmount = 0.5f + (Mathf.Lerp(-1, 1, Mathf.Sin(sinPos)) / 2); mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", new Color(colorAmount, colorAmount, colorAmount)); if (colorAmount == 0f) { sinPos = 0f; } if (target == null || (target is NpcScript && !(target as NpcScript).IsActive())) { if (WaveSpawner.Instance.CurrentWaveTanks.Count > 0) { target = WaveSpawner.Instance.CurrentWaveTanks[Random.Range(0, WaveSpawner.Instance.CurrentWaveTanks.Count)].GetComponent <TankScript>(); } else { target = null; Vector3 newTarget = CoinManager.Instance.Coins[Random.Range(0, CoinManager.Instance.Coins.Length)].transform.position; newTarget.y = transform.position.y; agent.destination = newTarget; } } if (target != null) { agent.destination = target.transform.position; } else if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, agent.destination) < 0.1f) { Instantiate(blast, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); GameManager.Instance.MissilePool.RePoolObject(gameObject); } }
//bullet hits something void OnCollisionEnter(Collision hit) { if (Network.isServer) { if (hit.transform.gameObject.tag == "Objective") { ObjectiveScript script = hit.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent("ObjectiveScript") as ObjectiveScript; script.objectiveHit(ad, sd); } if ( == "Player(Clone)") { if (Network.isServer) { PlayerScript script = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent("PlayerScript") as PlayerScript; script.rpcGetHit(ad, sd, hit.transform.networkView.owner); } } if ( == "Tank(Clone)") { if (Network.isServer) { TankScript script = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent("TankScript") as TankScript; script.rpcGetHit(ad, sd, hit.transform.networkView.owner); } } if ( == "Jet(Clone)") { if (Network.isServer) { JetScript script = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent("JetScript") as JetScript; script.rpcGetHit(ad, sd, hit.transform.networkView.owner); } } } destroy(); }
void Awake() { tank = GetComponent<TankScript>(); }
void Start() { tankScript = GetComponent<TankScript>(); canonDirection =; }
private void Start() { ms = GameObject.Find("MainScript").GetComponent <MainScript>(); ts = GetComponent <TankScript>(); }
// Start is called on initialization void Start() { // Get reference to our tank script tankScript = GetComponent<TankScript> (); }
private void Start() { ms = GameObject.Find("MainScript").GetComponent<MainScript>(); ts = GetComponent<TankScript>(); }
public static void DemoOnGUI(TankScript tank) { // Save old global state. var oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor; // Create row style state for the background color. var background = new Texture2D(1, 1); background.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(0.18f, 0.18f, 0.18f)); background.Apply(); var state = new GUIStyleState(); state.background = background; // Create row style. var rowStyle = new GUIStyle(); rowStyle.margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 6, 6); rowStyle.normal = state; using (var rowScope = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(rowStyle)) { // Create label style from the default skin. var labelStyle = new GUIStyle(; labelStyle.fontSize = 20; labelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; labelStyle.fixedHeight = labelStyle.CalcHeight(GUIContent.none, 1); // Draw the label. EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "IMGUI", labelStyle, GUILayout.Width(136), GUILayout.Height(labelStyle.fixedHeight)); // Set font size and style. var fieldStyle = new GUIStyle(; fieldStyle.fontSize = 20; fieldStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; fieldStyle.fixedHeight = fieldStyle.CalcHeight(GUIContent.none, 1); // Determine TextField background color from mouse position. var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.MinWidth(0.0f)); rect.height = fieldStyle.fixedHeight; if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { GUI.backgroundColor = Color.yellow; } // Draw TextField tank.tankName = EditorGUI.TextField(rect, tank.tankName, fieldStyle); // Draw IntField GUI.backgroundColor =; tank.tankSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField( tank.tankSize, fieldStyle, GUILayout.Width(94), GUILayout.Height(fieldStyle.fixedHeight)); } // Restore global state. GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor; }
// // // public void OnEnable() { m_Tank = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TankScript>(); }
public void OnEnable() { m_Tank = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TankScript>(); if (m_Tank == null) { return; } var root = rootVisualElement; #region Inline C# // // // var inlineVE = new VisualElement() { style = { marginBottom = 2, paddingLeft = 4, flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row, backgroundColor = new Color(0.18f, 0.18f, 0.18f), } }; // Label inlineVE.Add(new Label() { text = "Inline C#", style = { fontSize = 20, unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold, width = 140 } }); // TextField inlineVE.Add(new TextField() { value = m_Tank.tankName, style = { fontSize = 20, unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold, flexGrow = 1 } }); // IntegerField inlineVE.Add(new IntegerField() { value = m_Tank.tankSize, style = { fontSize = 20, unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold, width = 100, backgroundColor = } }); root.Add(inlineVE); // // // #endregion Inline C# #region C# + USS // // // var ussVE = new VisualElement() { name = "row" }; ussVE.AddToClassList("container"); ussVE.styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load <StyleSheet>("Basics/basics_styles")); ussVE.Add(new Label() { text = "USS" }); ussVE.Add(new TextField() { value = m_Tank.tankName }); ussVE.Add(new IntegerField() { value = m_Tank.tankSize }); root.Add(ussVE); // // // #endregion C# + USS #region C# + USS + UXML // // // var visualTree = Resources.Load("Basics/basics_uxml") as VisualTreeAsset; var uxmlVE = visualTree.CloneTree(); root.Add(uxmlVE); // // // #endregion C# + USS + UXML #region UQuery // // // uxmlVE.Q <TextField>().value = m_Tank.tankName; uxmlVE.Q <IntegerField>().value = m_Tank.tankSize; var textFields = root.Query <TextField>(); var integerFields = root.Query <IntegerField>(); // // // #endregion UQuery #region Events // // // inlineVE.Q <TextField>().RegisterCallback <MouseEnterEvent>( e => ( as VisualElement) .style.backgroundColor = Color.yellow); inlineVE.Q <TextField>().RegisterCallback <MouseLeaveEvent>( e => ( as VisualElement) .style.backgroundColor = Color.clear); var textFieldList = textFields.ToList(); foreach (var field in textFieldList) { field.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <string> >( e => m_Tank.tankName = ( as TextField).value); } integerFields.ForEach(field => field.RegisterValueChangedCallback( e => m_Tank.tankSize = e.newValue)); // // // #endregion Events #region Scheduler // // // root.schedule.Execute(() => { textFields.ForEach(t => t.value = m_Tank.tankName); integerFields.ForEach(t => t.value = m_Tank.tankSize); }).Every(100); // // // #endregion Scheduler #region Bindings // // // var boundVisualTree = Resources.Load("Inspector/inspector_uxml") as VisualTreeAsset; var boundVE = boundVisualTree.CloneTree(); boundVE.Bind(new SerializedObject(m_Tank)); root.Add(boundVE); // // // #endregion Bindings #region IMGUI // // // var imguiContainer = new IMGUIContainer(() => { IMGUIDemoWindow.DemoOnGUI(m_Tank); }); root.Add(imguiContainer); // // // #endregion IMGUI #region Background Image = Overflow.Hidden; var backgroundTexture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Basics/blue_tank"); var background = new VisualElement() { name = "background", style = { backgroundImage = backgroundTexture, position = Position.Absolute, bottom = 0, right = 0, width = 250, height = 250 } }; root.Insert(0, background); root.styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load <StyleSheet>("Basics/fixes")); boundVE.styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load <StyleSheet>("Inspector/inspector_styles")); #endregion }
public void OnEnable() { m_Tank = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TankScript>(); if (m_Tank == null) { return; } var root = rootVisualElement; #region Inline C# // // // var inlineVE = new VisualElement() { style = { marginTop = 6, marginBottom = 6, flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row, backgroundColor = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f), } }; // Label inlineVE.Add(new Label() { text = "Inline C#", style = { fontSize = 20, unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold, width = 140 } }); // TextField inlineVE.Add(new TextField() { value = m_Tank.tankName, style = { fontSize = 20, unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold, flexGrow = 1 } }); // IntegerField inlineVE.Add(new IntegerField() { value = m_Tank.tankSize, style = { fontSize = 20, unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold, width = 100, backgroundColor = } }); root.Add(inlineVE); // // // #endregion Inline C# #region C# + USS // // // var ussVE = new VisualElement() { name = "row" }; ussVE.AddToClassList("container"); ussVE.styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load <StyleSheet>("Basics/basics_styles")); ussVE.Add(new Label() { text = "USS" }); ussVE.Add(new TextField() { value = m_Tank.tankName }); ussVE.Add(new IntegerField() { value = m_Tank.tankSize }); root.Add(ussVE); // // // #endregion C# + USS #region C# + USS + UXML // // // var visualTree = Resources.Load("Basics/basics_uxml") as VisualTreeAsset; var uxmlVE = visualTree.CloneTree(); uxmlVE.styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load <StyleSheet>("Basics/basics_styles")); root.Add(uxmlVE); // // // #endregion C# + USS + UXML #region UQuery // // // uxmlVE.Q <TextField>().value = m_Tank.tankName; uxmlVE.Q <IntegerField>().value = m_Tank.tankSize; var textFields = root.Query <TextField>(); var integerFields = root.Query <IntegerField>(); // // // #endregion UQuery #region Events // // // inlineVE.Q <TextField>().RegisterCallback <MouseEnterEvent>( e => ( as VisualElement) .style.backgroundColor = Color.yellow); inlineVE.Q <TextField>().RegisterCallback <MouseLeaveEvent>( e => ( as VisualElement) .style.backgroundColor = Color.clear); var textFieldList = textFields.ToList(); foreach (var field in textFieldList) { field.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <string> >( e => m_Tank.tankName = ( as TextField).value); } integerFields.ForEach(field => field.RegisterValueChangedCallback( e => m_Tank.tankSize = e.newValue)); // // // #endregion Events #region Scheduler // // // var scheduledAction = root.schedule.Execute(() => { textFields.ForEach(t => t.value = m_Tank.tankName); integerFields.ForEach(t => t.value = m_Tank.tankSize); }); scheduledAction.Every(100); // ms // // // #endregion Scheduler #region Bindings // // // var inspector = new InspectorElement(m_Tank); // TODO: Ignore this bit. It's to account for a bug. // Once fixed, this code will not be necessary anymore. inspector.RemoveFromClassList("unity-inspector"); inspector.Query <PropertyField>().ForEach((pf) => { pf.Q <Label>().RemoveFromHierarchy(); pf.Q(className: "unity-property-field__input").style.flexGrow = 1; }); root.Add(inspector); // // // #endregion Bindings #region IMGUI // // // var imguiContainer = new IMGUIContainer(() => { IMGUIDemoWindow.DemoOnGUI(m_Tank); }); root.Add(imguiContainer); // // // #endregion IMGUI #region Background Image = Overflow.Hidden; var backgroundTexture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Basics/blue_tank"); var background = new VisualElement() { name = "background", style = { backgroundImage = backgroundTexture, position = Position.Absolute, bottom = 0, right = 0, width = 250, height = 250 } }; root.Insert(0, background); #endregion }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider otherCollider) { if (!(otherCollider.tag == "Tank")) { return; } TankScript tankScript = otherCollider.transform.GetComponent <TankScript>(); if ( == "Player") { if (!ms.noSound) { audio.Play(); } Player player = ms.playersList[tankScript.number]; player.scores += 500; player.kills[4]++; ms.ShowFlower(transform.position, "500"); switch (type) { case Bonus.Life: { player.lifes++; break; } case Bonus.Upgrade: if (tankScript.rank < 3) { tankScript.Upgrade(1); break; } else { break; } case Bonus.Bomb: ms.DestroyAllEnemy(); break; case Bonus.Freeze: ms.FreezeAllEnemy(); break; case Bonus.Fort: ms.UpgradeFort(); break; case Bonus.Shield: { tankScript.invincible = 10; break; } case Bonus.FullUpgrade: { if (tankScript.rank < 3) { tankScript.Upgrade(3); } break; } case Bonus.Ship: { tankScript.SetWaterWalking(true); break; } } Hide(); } if (!( == "Enemy") || ms.difficulty != 2) { return; } switch (type) { case Bonus.Life: if (tankScript.rank < 3) { tankScript.Upgrade(3); break; } else { break; } case Bonus.Upgrade: if (tankScript.rank < 3) { tankScript.Upgrade(1); break; } else { break; } case Bonus.Bomb: ms.DestroyAllPlayers(); break; case Bonus.Freeze: ms.FreezeAllPlayers(); break; case Bonus.Fort: ms.ClearUpgradeFort(); break; case Bonus.Shield: if (tankScript.rank < 3) { tankScript.Upgrade(3); break; } else { break; } case Bonus.FullUpgrade: if (tankScript.rank < 3) { tankScript.Upgrade(3); break; } else { break; } case Bonus.Ship: { tankScript.SetWaterWalking(true); break; } } Hide(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { tankScript = GetComponent <TankScript>(); }