Esempio n. 1
        private bool LoadDarkFlatOrBiasFrameInternal(string title, ref float[,] pixels, ref float medianValue, ref float exposureSeconds, ref int imagesCombined)
            string filter = "FITS Image 16 bit (*.fit;*.fits)|*.fit;*.fits";

            string fileName;

            if (m_VideoController.ShowOpenFileDialog(title, filter, out fileName) == DialogResult.OK &&
                Type pixelDataType;
                int  snapshot = 1;
                bool hasNegativePixels;

                bool loaded = FITSHelper.LoadFloatingPointFitsFile(
                    out pixels,
                    out medianValue,
                    out pixelDataType,
                    out exposureSeconds,
                    out hasNegativePixels,
                    delegate(BasicHDU imageHDU)
                    if (
                        imageHDU.Axes.Count() != 2 ||
                        imageHDU.Axes[0] != TangraContext.Current.FrameHeight ||
                        imageHDU.Axes[1] != TangraContext.Current.FrameWidth)
                            "Selected image has a different frame size from the currently loaded video.", "Tangra",
                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


                    bool isFloatingPointImage = false;
                    Array dataArray           = (Array)imageHDU.Data.DataArray;
                    object entry = dataArray.GetValue(0);
                    if (entry is float[])
                        isFloatingPointImage = true;
                    else if (entry is Array)
                        isFloatingPointImage = ((Array)entry).GetValue(0) is float;

                    HeaderCard imagesCombinedCard = imageHDU.Header.FindCard("SNAPSHOT");
                    if (imagesCombinedCard != null)
                        int.TryParse(imagesCombinedCard.Value, out snapshot);

                    if (!isFloatingPointImage && imageHDU.BitPix != 16)
                        if (m_VideoController.ShowMessageBox(
                                "Selected image data type may not be compatible with the currently loaded video. Do you wish to continue?", "Tangra",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.No)

                    float usedEncodingGamma    = float.NaN;
                    string usedGammaString     = null;
                    HeaderCard tangraGammaCard = imageHDU.Header.FindCard("TANGAMMA");
                    if (tangraGammaCard != null &&
                        float.TryParse(tangraGammaCard.Value, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out usedEncodingGamma))
                        usedGammaString = usedEncodingGamma.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    string gammaUsageError = null;
                    string currGammaString = TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseGammaCorrection
                                                        ? TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.EncodingGamma.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                                        : null;
                    if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseGammaCorrection && currGammaString != null && usedGammaString == null)
                        gammaUsageError = string.Format("Selected image hasn't been Gamma corrected while the current video uses a gamma of {0}.", currGammaString);
                    else if (!TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseGammaCorrection && usedGammaString != null && currGammaString == null)
                        gammaUsageError = string.Format("Selected image has been corrected for Gamma of {0} while the current video doesn't use gamma correction.", usedGammaString);
                    else if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseGammaCorrection && !string.Equals(currGammaString, usedGammaString))
                        gammaUsageError = string.Format("Selected image has been corrected for Gamma of {0} while the current video uses a gamma of {1}.", usedGammaString, currGammaString);

                    if (gammaUsageError != null)
                        if (m_VideoController.ShowMessageBox(gammaUsageError + " Do you wish to continue?", "Tangra", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.No)

                    TangraConfig.KnownCameraResponse usedCameraResponse = TangraConfig.KnownCameraResponse.Undefined;
                    string usedCameraResponseString  = null;
                    int usedCameraResponseInt        = 0;
                    HeaderCard tangraCamResponseCard = imageHDU.Header.FindCard("TANCMRSP");
                    if (tangraCamResponseCard != null &&
                        int.TryParse(tangraCamResponseCard.Value, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out usedCameraResponseInt))
                        usedCameraResponse       = (TangraConfig.KnownCameraResponse)usedCameraResponseInt;
                        usedCameraResponseString = usedCameraResponse.ToString();

                    string cameraResponseUsageError = null;
                    string currCameraResponseString = TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseCameraResponse
                                                        ? TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.KnownCameraResponse.ToString()
                                                        : null;
                    if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseCameraResponse && currCameraResponseString != null && usedCameraResponseString == null)
                        cameraResponseUsageError = string.Format("Selected image hasn't been corrected for camera reponse while the current video uses a camera response correction for {0}.", currCameraResponseString);
                    else if (!TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseCameraResponse && usedCameraResponseString != null && currCameraResponseString == null)
                        cameraResponseUsageError = string.Format("Selected image has been corrected for camera response of {0} while the current video doesn't use camera response correction.", usedCameraResponseString);
                    else if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseCameraResponse && !string.Equals(currCameraResponseString, usedCameraResponseString))
                        cameraResponseUsageError = string.Format("Selected image has been corrected for camera reponse of {0} while the current video uses a camera response correction for {1}.", usedCameraResponseString, currCameraResponseString);

                    if (cameraResponseUsageError != null)
                        if (m_VideoController.ShowMessageBox(cameraResponseUsageError + " Do you wish to continue?", "Tangra", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.No)


                imagesCombined = snapshot;
