Esempio n. 1
        void Loop10Ms()
            /* get all the buttons */
            FillBtns(ref _btns);

            /* scale the x-axis to go from 0 to sensorRange, left to right */
            float leftAxisX = (((_sensorRange / 2) * _gamepad.GetAxis(0)) + (_sensorRange / 2));

            float rightAxisX = kJoystickScaler * _gamepad.GetAxis(2);

            Deadband(ref rightAxisX);

            if (rightAxisX != 0)
            else if (_talon.GetControlMode() == ControlMode.kPercentVbus)
                _targetPosition = _talon.GetPosition();

                /* user has let go of the stick, lets closed-loop whereever we happen to be */

            /* When you press the 'A' button on a Logitech Gamepad
            *   and the enable button is pressed                    */
            if (_btns[2] && !_btnsLast[2] && _gamepad.GetButton(kEnableButton))
                _targetPosition = servo(leftAxisX, _talon.GetPosition(), _sensorRange);
         * Mecanum Drive that is inverted on the left side and decreases output when low battery
         * @param   Forward  Forward/Backward drive of mecanum drive
         * @param   Strafe   Left/Right drive of mecanum drive
         * @param   Twist    Turn left/Right of mecanum drive
        private static void MecanumDrive(float Forward, float Strafe, float Twist)
            float leftFrnt = (Forward + Strafe + Twist); // left front moves positive for forward, strafe-right, turn-right
            float leftRear = (Forward - Strafe + Twist); // left rear moves positive for forward, strafe-left, turn-right
            float rghtFrnt = (Forward - Strafe - Twist); // right front moves positive for forward, strafe-left, turn-left
            float rghtRear = (Forward + Strafe - Twist); // right rear moves positive for forward, strafe-right, turn-left

            /* Invert left sided motors */
            leftFrnt *= -1;
            leftRear *= -1;

            /* If battery is lower than 10% scale down output */
            if (_Battery.IsLow())
                leftFrnt *= 0.5f;
                leftRear *= 0.5f;
                rghtFrnt *= 0.5f;
                rghtRear *= 0.5f;

            /* Feed Talons */
Esempio n. 3
        void initTurret()
            /* first choose the sensor */
            _turret.ConfigEncoderCodesPerRev(4096); // if using CTRE.TalonSrx.FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder

            _turret.SetP(0, TURRET_P);              /* tweak this first, a little bit of overshoot is okay */
            _turret.SetI(0, TURRET_I);
            _turret.SetD(0, TURRET_D);
            _turret.SetF(0, TURRET_F);

            /* use slot0 for closed-looping */

            /* set the peak and nominal outputs, 12V means full */
            _turret.ConfigNominalOutputVoltage(MINIMUM_TURRET_VOLTAGE, -1 * MINIMUM_TURRET_VOLTAGE); //The minimum voltage that will be applied to the turret.
            _turret.ConfigPeakOutputVoltage(+3.0f, -3.0f);                                           //THe maximum voltage that will be applied to the turret.

            /* how much error is allowed?  This defaults to 0. */
            _turret.SetAllowableClosedLoopErr(0, 0);

            _turret.SetPosition(0);        /* start our position at zero, this example uses relative positions */
            _turret.SetVoltageRampRate(0); /* V per sec */


Esempio n. 4
  * Zero the sensor and zero the throttle.
 void ZeroSensorAndThrottle()
     _talon.SetPosition(0); /* start our position at zero, this example uses relative positions */
     _targetPosition = 0;
     /* zero throttle */
     Thread.Sleep(100); /* wait a bit to make sure the Setposition() above takes effect before sampling */
Esempio n. 5
        void Drive()
            FillBtns(ref _btns);
            float y = -1 * _gamepad.GetAxis(1);

            Deadband(ref y);


            /* button handler, if btn5 pressed launch MP, if btn7 pressed, enter voltage mode */
            if (_btns[5] && !_btnsLast[5])
                /* disable MP to clear IsLast */
                /* buffer new pts in HERO */
                TalonSrx.TrajectoryPoint point = new TalonSrx.TrajectoryPoint();
                for (uint i = 0; i < MotionProfile.kNumPoints; ++i)
                    point.position          = (float)MotionProfile.Points[i][0];
                    point.velocity          = (float)MotionProfile.Points[i][1];
                    point.timeDurMs         = MotionProfile.kDurationMs;
                    point.isLastPoint       = (i + 1 == MotionProfile.kNumPoints) ? true : false;
                    point.zeroPos           = (i == 0) ? true : false;
                    point.velocityOnly      = false;
                    point.profileSlotSelect = 0;
                /* send the first few pts to Talon */
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                /*start MP */
            else if (_btns[7] && !_btnsLast[7])

            /* if in voltage mode, update output voltage */
            if (_talon.GetControlMode() == ControlMode.kVoltage)
                _talon.Set(14.0f * y);

            /* copy btns => btnsLast */
            System.Array.Copy(_btns, _btnsLast, _btns.Length);
Esempio n. 6
        /** spin in this routine forever */
        public void RunForever()
            /* config our talon, don't continue until it's successful */
            int initStatus = SetupConfig(); /* configuration */

            while (initStatus != 0)
                initStatus = SetupConfig(); /* (re)config*/
            /* robot loop */
            while (true)
                /* get joystick params */
                float leftY = -1f * _gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                bool  btnTopLeftShoulder = _gamepad.GetButton(5);
                bool  btnBtmLeftShoulder = _gamepad.GetButton(7);
                Deadband(ref leftY);

                /* keep robot enabled if gamepad is connected and in 'D' mode */
                if (_gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* set the control mode based on button pressed */
                if (btnTopLeftShoulder)
                    _mode = ControlMode.kPercentVbus;
                if (btnBtmLeftShoulder)
                    _mode = ControlMode.kMotionMagic;

                /* calc the Talon output based on mode */
                if (_mode == ControlMode.kPercentVbus)
                    float output = leftY; // [-1, +1] percent duty cycle
                else if (_mode == ControlMode.kMotionMagic)
                    float servoToRotation = leftY * 10;// [-10, +10] rotations
                /* instrumentation */

                /* wait a bit */
        public void ServoToSpeed(float speedRPM)
            /* close loop constants */
            _ServoParameters.P = 0.01f;
            _ServoParameters.I = 0 * 0.0001f;
            _ServoParameters.F = 6f / 2000f; // about 6V for 2000 RPM
            /* save the target */
            _targetSpeedRPM = speedRPM;
            /* get measured speed */
            float measuredSpeedRpm = MeasuredSpeed;
            /* robot controller level closed loop, replace with firmware close loop later */
            float output = _ServoParameters.PID(_targetSpeedRPM, measuredSpeedRpm, 0);

Esempio n. 8
        public static void Main()
            TalonSrx       test  = new TalonSrx(0);
            GameController stick = new GameController(UsbHostDevice.GetInstance(0), 0);

            /* loop forever */
            while (true)
                if (stick.GetConnectionStatus() == UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                //This call is redundant but you can un-comment to guarantee limit switches will work or change the mode.

                Debug.Print("Rev: " + test.IsRevLimitSwitchClosed() + "  | Fwd: " + test.IsFwdLimitSwitchClosed());
                Debug.Print("" + test.GetFaults());

                if (stick.GetButton(1))


                /* wait a bit */
Esempio n. 9
        void initShooter()
            /* first choose the sensor */

            _shooter.ConfigNominalOutputVoltage(+0.65f, -0.65f); //The minimum voltage that will be applied to the shooter.
            _shooter.ConfigPeakOutputVoltage(+12.0f, -12.0f);    //THe maximum voltage that will be applied to the shooter.

            _shooter.SetP(0, SHOOTER_P); /* tweak this first, a little bit of overshoot is okay */
            _shooter.SetI(0, SHOOTER_I);
            _shooter.SetD(0, SHOOTER_D);
            _shooter.SetF(0, SHOOTER_F);

            /* use slot0 for closed-looping */
Esempio n. 10
 static void drive(float x, float y, float turn)
     float[] ypr = new float[3];
     float turnPower = turnPID(turn - ypr[0]);
     leftF.Set((y - x + turnPower));
     leftB.Set((y + x + turnPower));
     rightB.Set(-(y - x - turnPower));
     rightF.Set(-(y + x - turnPower));
Esempio n. 11
        static void Run()
            float x = _gamepad.GetAxis(1);

            Deadband(ref x);

            //Set the Maximum Current Limit for the Talon (in Amps)
            //Enable the Current Limiting Feature.


            float current = talon.GetOutputCurrent();

Esempio n. 12
        public static void Main()
            RCDGamepad gamepad = new RCDGamepad(new CTRE.UsbHostDevice());

            TalonSrx driveTalon = new TalonSrx(1);


            TalonSrx flywheelTalon = new TalonSrx(2);


            PigeonImu centerOfMassIMU = new PigeonImu(1);
            PigeonImu headIMU         = new PigeonImu(2);

            uint pulsePeriod   = 20000;
            uint pulseDuration = 1500;

            PWM pwm_tilt      = new PWM(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port3.PWM_Pin9, pulsePeriod, pulseDuration, PWM.ScaleFactor.Microseconds, false);
            PWM pwm_headRoll  = new PWM(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port3.PWM_Pin7, pulsePeriod, pulseDuration, PWM.ScaleFactor.Microseconds, false);
            PWM pwm_headPitch = new PWM(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port3.PWM_Pin6, pulsePeriod, pulseDuration, PWM.ScaleFactor.Microseconds, false);
            PWM pwm_headSpin  = new PWM(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port3.PWM_Pin8, pulsePeriod, pulseDuration, PWM.ScaleFactor.Microseconds, false);
            PWM pwm_disco     = new PWM(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port3.PWM_Pin4, pulsePeriod, pulseDuration, PWM.ScaleFactor.Microseconds, false);


            RCDTalonSpeedController driveSpeedController = new RCDTalonSpeedController("Primary Drive");

            driveSpeedController.loggingEnabled = false;
            driveSpeedController.rampingEnabled = false;

            bool previousButtonX      = false;
            bool previousButtonY      = false;
            bool previousButtonB      = false;
            bool previousButtonA      = false;
            bool previousStickButtonL = false;
            bool previousStickButtonR = false;

            bool staticOperationMode = false;

            int orientationCompensation = -1;

            while (true)
                if (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() != UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)


                // Check for whether we need to flip orientation
                bool currentButtonY = gamepad.buttonY;
                if (!currentButtonY && previousButtonY)
                    orientationCompensation *= -1;

                    // No (working) interface for haptic feedback currently exists
                    // RumbleForDuration(gamepad, 0.25);
                previousButtonY = currentButtonY;

                // Check for whether we need to switch control modes between driving and static modes
                bool currentButtonB = gamepad.buttonB;
                if (!currentButtonB && previousButtonB)
                    staticOperationMode = !staticOperationMode;

                    // No (working) interface for haptic feedback currently exists
                    // RumbleForDuration(gamepad, 0.25);
                previousButtonB = currentButtonB;

                uint discoDuration = 0;

                // Check for whether we need to send happy beeps
                bool currentButtonA = gamepad.buttonA;
                if (currentButtonA)
                    discoDuration = 1500;
                previousButtonA = currentButtonA;

                // Check if we need to send sad beeps
                bool currentButtonX = gamepad.buttonX;
                if (currentButtonX)
                    discoDuration = 2500;
                previousButtonX = currentButtonX;

                // Check if we need to send volume down
                bool currentStickButtonL = gamepad.buttonLeftJoyClick;
                if (currentStickButtonL)
                    discoDuration = 3500;
                previousStickButtonL = currentStickButtonL;

                // Check if we need to send volume up
                bool currentStickButtonR = gamepad.buttonRightJoyClick;
                if (currentStickButtonR)
                    discoDuration = 4500;
                previousStickButtonR = currentStickButtonR;
                pwm_disco.Duration   = discoDuration;

                /* Capture button states for gamepad  */
                Vector leftVec      = gamepad.leftVector;
                Vector rightVec     = gamepad.rightVector;
                bool   leftBumper   = gamepad.leftBumper;
                bool   rightBumper  = gamepad.rightBumper;
                bool   leftTrigger  = gamepad.leftTrigger;
                bool   rightTrigger = gamepad.rightTrigger;

                uint servoZero = 1500;
                pwm_headRoll.Duration  = (uint)((rightVec.x * -600 * orientationCompensation) + servoZero);
                pwm_headPitch.Duration = (uint)((rightVec.y * 600 * orientationCompensation) + servoZero);

                if (staticOperationMode)
                    // Not driving or tilting while in static mode
                    pwm_tilt.Duration = servoZero;

                    pwm_headSpin.Duration = (uint)((leftVec.x * 600 * orientationCompensation) + servoZero);
                    // Drive forward/backward
                    float driveValue = leftVec.y * orientationCompensation;
                    driveValue = driveSpeedController.ComputeCurrentValue(driveValue);

                    uint headSpinScalar   = 500;
                    uint headSpinPosition = servoZero;
                    headSpinPosition     += (uint)(leftTrigger ? -headSpinScalar * orientationCompensation : 0);
                    headSpinPosition     += (uint)(rightTrigger ? headSpinScalar * orientationCompensation : 0);
                    pwm_headSpin.Duration = headSpinPosition;

                    pwm_tilt.Duration = (uint)((leftVec.x * 600 * orientationCompensation) + servoZero);

                /* Throttle buttons are additive so they cancel if pressed simultaneously */
                float flywheelThrottle  = 0;
                float flywheelMagnitude = 1.0F;
                flywheelThrottle += leftBumper ? flywheelMagnitude : 0;
                flywheelThrottle += rightBumper ? -flywheelMagnitude : 0;

                // No current (working) interface for Logitech remote's rumble feature.
                // Commenting out so we don't waste cycles
                // UpdateRumbleState(gamepad);

                // Wait a bit
Esempio n. 13
        public static void Main()
            Arduino  arduino    = new Arduino(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1.UART, 9600);
            TalonSrx talon      = new TalonSrx(1);
            TalonSrx talon2     = new TalonSrx(2);
            OI       controller = new OI(new Gamepad(new UsbHostDevice()));

            int motorSpeed       = 0;
            int motorStoredSpeed = 700;

            float rMotorSpeed      = 0f;
            float rMotorStoreSpeed = .7f;

            bool isPressed = false;
            byte tData;

            int tMotorSpeed;
            int counter;

            while (!arduino.Status())
                Debug.Print("Waiting for arduino");

            while (true)
                if (controller.GetButton(OI.Button.a) && !isPressed)
                    motorSpeed  += 50;
                    rMotorSpeed += .05f;
                else if (controller.GetButton(OI.Button.b) && !isPressed)
                    motorSpeed  -= 50;
                    rMotorSpeed -= .05f;

                if (controller.GetButton(OI.Button.x) && !isPressed)
                    motorSpeed  += 10;
                    rMotorSpeed += .01f;
                else if (controller.GetButton(OI.Button.y) && !isPressed)
                    motorSpeed  -= 10;
                    rMotorSpeed -= .01f;

                if (controller.GetButton(OI.Button.a) || controller.GetButton(OI.Button.b) || controller.GetButton(OI.Button.x) || controller.GetButton(OI.Button.y))
                    isPressed = true;
                    isPressed = false;

                if (controller.GetAxis(OI.Axis.left_y) == -1)
                    motorSpeed  = 0;
                    rMotorSpeed = 0;
                else if (controller.GetAxis(OI.Axis.left_y) == 1)
                    motorSpeed  = motorStoredSpeed;
                    rMotorSpeed = rMotorStoreSpeed;

                tMotorSpeed = motorSpeed / 10;

                tData  = (byte)(tMotorSpeed - (tMotorSpeed % 10)); //Outputs 100 place of motor speed
                tData += (byte)(tMotorSpeed - tData);

                if (controller.GetAxis(OI.Axis.right_y) == -1 && (counter % 1000) == 0)
                    arduino.sendCommand('U', 'P', tData, talon.GetOutputVoltage(), (byte)talon.GetOutputCurrent());
                else if (controller.GetAxis(OI.Axis.right_y) == 1 && (counter % 1000) == 0)
                    arduino.sendCommand('D', 'O', tData, talon.GetOutputVoltage(), (byte)talon.GetOutputCurrent());
                else if ((counter % 1000) == 0)
                    arduino.sendCommand('0', '0', tData, talon.GetOutputVoltage(), (byte)talon.GetOutputCurrent());

                Debug.Print("Motor Speed = " + motorSpeed);
                Debug.Print("tData = " + tData);
Esempio n. 14
        public void RunForever()
            /* enable XInput, if gamepad is in DInput it will disable robot.  This way you can
             * use X mode for drive, and D mode for disable (instead of vice versa as the
             * stock HERO implementation traditionally does). */

            while (true)
                if (_gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* get buttons */
                bool[] btns = new bool[_buttons.Length];
                for (uint i = 1; i < 20; ++i)
                    btns[i] = _gamepad.GetButton(i);

                /* get sticks */
                for (uint i = 0; i < _sticks.Length; ++i)
                    _sticks[i] = _gamepad.GetAxis(i);

                /* yield for a bit, and track timeouts */
                if (_rumblingTimeMs < 5000)
                    _rumblingTimeMs += 10;

                /* update the Talon using the shoulder analog triggers */
                _tal.Set((_sticks[5] - _sticks[4]) * 0.60f);

                /* fire some solenoids based on buttons */
                _driver.Set(1, _buttons[1]);
                _driver.Set(2, _buttons[2]);
                _driver.Set(3, _buttons[3]);
                _driver.Set(4, _buttons[4]);

                /* rumble state machine */
                switch (_rumblinSt)
                /* rumbling is disabled, require some off time to save battery */
                case 0:

                    if (_rumblingTimeMs < 100)
                        /* waiting for off-time */
                    else if ((btns[1] && !_buttons[1]))     /* button off => on */
                        /* off time long enough, user pressed btn */
                        _rumblingTimeMs = 0;
                        _rumblinSt      = 1;
                    else if ((btns[2] && !_buttons[2]))     /* button off => on */
                        /* off time long enough, user pressed btn */
                        _rumblingTimeMs = 0;
                        _rumblinSt      = 1;

                /* already vibrating, track the time */
                case 1:
                    if (_rumblingTimeMs > 500)
                        /* vibrating too long, turn off now */
                        _rumblingTimeMs = 0;
                        _rumblinSt      = 0;
                    else if ((btns[3] && !_buttons[3]))      /* button off => on */
                        /* immedietely turn off */
                        _rumblingTimeMs = 0;
                        _rumblinSt      = 0;
                    else if ((btns[1] && !_buttons[1]))    /* button off => on */
                    else if ((btns[2] && !_buttons[2]))     /* button off => on */

                /* this will likley be replaced with a strongly typed interface,
                 * control the LEDs on the center XBOX emblem. */
                if (btns[5] && !_buttons[5])
                if (btns[6] && !_buttons[6])
                if (btns[7] && !_buttons[7])
                if (btns[8] && !_buttons[8])

                /* build line to print */
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (float stick in _sticks)

                for (uint i = 1; i < _buttons.Length; ++i)
                    if (_buttons[i])
                        sb.Append("b" + i + ",");

                /* print useful info */

                /* save button states for button-change states */
                _buttons = btns;