Esempio n. 1
        private byte[] GenerateSponsoringOrgsExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <SortMetaDataObject> orgs = new List <SortMetaDataObject>();

            foreach (var c in Sorts)

            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("SponsoringOrgs");
            int  row      = 1;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += MetaDataRowCount;

            var contactFile = Talon.Excel(orgs)
                              .StartAt(column, row)
                              .Sheet(newSheet ? SponsoringOrgsSheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                              .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.SortTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.Data).Title("Sponsor");

Esempio n. 2
        private byte[] GenerateContactsExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <ContactObject> contacts = new List <ContactObject>();

            foreach (var c in Sorts)
            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("Contacts");
            int  row      = 1;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += ContactRowCount;

            var contactFile = Talon.Excel(contacts)
                              .StartAt(column, row)
                              .Sheet(newSheet ? ContactSheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                              .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.SortTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.EmployeeId).Title("Employee ID");
                c.Bound(x => x.FullName).Title("Name");
                c.Bound(x => x.ContactTypeDisplayName).Title("Contact Type");

Esempio n. 3
        public async Task Create(string connectionId)
            Talon talon = new Talon {
                NomerPP = nomerTalon.ToString(), AcceptFlag = false, TalonTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime()


            //Отправка талона на ИТ
            await hubContext.Clients.AllExcept(connectionId).SendAsync("AddTalon", $"Талон № : {talon.NomerPP} Время регистрации: {talon.TalonTime}.", talon.NomerPP);

            //Получение талона
            await hubContext.Clients.Client(connectionId).SendAsync("Notify", talon.NomerPP);

            // Количество активных Талонов Оператор
            int tWait   = TalonQueue.GetTalonLength();
            int tAccept = TalonServ.talonList.Count;
            int tAll    = tWait + tAccept;

            await hubContext.Clients.AllExcept(connectionId).SendAsync("TalonCount", tWait.ToString(), tAccept.ToString(), tAll.ToString());

            await hubContext.Clients.Client(connectionId).SendAsync("TalonCount", TalonQueue.GetTalonLength().ToString());
Esempio n. 4
        private byte[] GenerateKeywordsExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <MetaDataObject> words = new List <MetaDataObject>();

            foreach (var c in Mains)

            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("Keywords");
            int  row      = 1;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += MetaDataRowCount;

            var data = Talon.Excel(words)
                       .StartAt(column, row)
                       .Sheet(newSheet ? KeywordsSheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                       .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.MainTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.Data).Title("Keyword");

Esempio n. 5
        public async Task Call(string connectionId)
            Talon talon = TalonQueue.PeekTalon();
            //Вызывается Талон в ИТ
            await hubContext.Clients.AllExcept(connectionId).SendAsync("CallTalon", talon.NomerPP);

            await hubContext.Clients.Client(connectionId).SendAsync("CallTalon", talon.NomerPP);
        public GridRowPatientToday(int number, Talon talon)
            this.number = number.ToString();
            this.fio    = talon.Patient.FIO;
            var date = talon.Time;

   = date.Date.ToString();
            this.time = String.Format("{0}:{1}", talon.Time.Hour, talon.Time.Minute);
Esempio n. 7
 protected override async Task Delete(byte[] id)
     using (var rep = new TalonRep())
         var conv = new ModelsForWpf.Converter <ModelsForWpf.Talon>();
         var us   = new Talon(conv.ByteArrayToObject(id));
         await rep.Delete(us.Id);
Esempio n. 8
 protected override byte[] GetItem(byte[] id)
     using (var rep = new TalonRep())
         var conv = new ModelsForWpf.Converter <ModelsForWpf.Talon>();
         var us   = new Talon(conv.ByteArrayToObject(id));
Esempio n. 9
        private void TalonSelectExecute(Talon talon)
            if (LastSelectedTalon != 0)
                Talons.First(el => el.Id == LastSelectedTalon).IsSelected = false;

            talon.IsSelected  = true;
            LastSelectedTalon = talon.Id;
Esempio n. 10
        static public ModelsForWpf.Talon ToTalon(Talon talon)
            var ret = new ModelsForWpf.Talon(talon.Id, talon.One, talon.Two, null, null);

            using (var rep = new CarRep())
                ret.Car = ToCar(rep.GetItem(talon?.Car_Id ?? -1));
            using (var rep = new SlotRep())
                ret.Slot = ToSlot(rep.GetItem(talon?.Slot_Id ?? -1));

Esempio n. 11
        protected override async Task Update(byte[] item)
            using (var rep = new TalonRep())
                var conv = new ModelsForWpf.Converter <ModelsForWpf.Talon>();
                var us   = new Talon(conv.ByteArrayToObject(item));
                await rep.Update(us);

                await rep.Save();
Esempio n. 12
        private byte[] GenerateFundingExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <FundingObject> funding = new List <FundingObject>();

            foreach (var c in Mains)

            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("Funding");
            int  row      = 1;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += FundingRowCount;

            var data = Talon.Excel(funding)
                       .StartAt(column, row)
                       .Sheet(newSheet ? FundingSheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                       .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.MainTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.Year).Title("Fiscal Year");
                c.Bound(x => x.FundingType).Title("Funding Source");
                c.Bound(x => x.FundingOrgName).Title("Funding Org");
                c.Bound(x => x.Percent).Title("Percent");
                c.Bound(x => x.ContractNumber).Title("Contract Number");
                c.Bound(x => x.ProjectArea).Title("Project Area");
                c.Bound(x => x.DoeFundingCategory).Title("DOE Program");
                c.Bound(x => x.MilestoneTrackingNumber).Title("Milestone Tracking Number");
                c.Bound(x => x.GrantNumber).Title("Grant");
                c.Bound(x => x.TrackingNumber).Title("Tracking Number");
                c.Bound(x => x.ProjectNumber).Title("Project Number");
                c.Bound(x => x.PrincipalInvEmployeeId).Title("Principal Investigator Employee ID");
                c.Bound(x => x.PrincipalInvName).Title("Principal Investigator");
                c.Bound(x => x.OtherDescription).Title("Other Description");
                c.Bound(x => x.SppFundingName).Title("SPP Category");
                c.Bound(x => x.SppApproved).Title("SPP Approved");
                c.Bound(x => x.ApproveNoReason).Title("SPP Not Approved Reason");
                c.Bound(x => x.FederalAgency).Title("SPP Federal Agency");
                c.Bound(x => x.SppCountry).Title("SPP Foreign Institution Country");
                c.Bound(x => x.AdditionalInfo).Title("SPP Foreign Institution Additional Info");

Esempio n. 13
        public void TestSpinUpTime()
            using (Talon t = new Talon(0))
                using (Counter c = new Counter(0))
                    ISimSpeedController s = new SimPWMController(0);
                    //IServoFeedback f = new SimCounter(0);
                    DCMotor motor = DCMotor.MakeCIM();

                    double inertia = 0.005;
                    double deaccel = -80.0;
Esempio n. 14
        public ActionResult PendingReviewExcel()
            byte[] excelFile = Talon.Excel(PendingReviewReport.GetPendingReviews().OrderByDescending(n => n.Age)).Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(m => m.ArtifactDisplayTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev").Width(100);
                c.Bound(m => m.ReviewerName).Title("Reviewer").Width(150);
                c.Bound(m => m.ReviewerOrg).Title("Reviewer Org").Width(150);
                c.Bound(m => m.ReviewerTypeDisplayName).Title("Review Type").Width(150);
                c.Bound(m => m.ReviewStatusDisplayName).Title("Review Status").Width(100);
                c.Bound(m => m.ReviewStartDateStr).Title("Review Start Date").Width(100);
                c.Bound(m => m.Age).Title("Age").Width(100);

            return(File(excelFile, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", $"LRS_PendingReviews_{DateTime.Now:MM-dd-yyyy}.xlsx"));
Esempio n. 15
        private byte[] GenerateReviewerHistoryExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <ReviewHistoryObject> reviewers = new List <ReviewHistoryObject>();

            foreach (var c in Mains)

            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("ReviewerHistory");
            int  row      = 2;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += ReviewerHistoryRowCount;

            var data = Talon.Excel(reviewers)
                       .StartAt(column, row)
                       .Sheet(newSheet ? ReviewerHistorySheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                       .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.MainTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.ReviewerName).Title("Reviewer");
                c.Bound(x => x.ReviewerTypeDisplayName).Title("Reviewer Type");
                c.Bound(x => x.ReviewDateStr).Title("Date Reviewed");
                c.Bound(x => x.ReviewStatusTxt).Title("Last Status");
                c.Bound(x => x.StatusDateStr).Title("Status Date");
                c.Bound(x => x.NumberPagesStr).Title("Number Pages");
                c.Bound(x => x.HistoryDateStr).Title("Date Moved to History");

            if (newSheet)
                data.SetValue(1, 1, "Reviewers");

Esempio n. 16
        private byte[] GenerateReviewerHistoryCommentsExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <ReviewCommentHistoryObject> reviewercomments = new List <ReviewCommentHistoryObject>();

            foreach (var c in Mains)

            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("ReviewerHistory");
            int  row      = 2;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += ReviewerCommentsRowCount;
                column += ReviewerHistoryRowCount;

            var data = Talon.Excel(reviewercomments)
                       .StartAt(column, row)
                       .Sheet(newSheet ? ReviewerHistorySheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                       .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.MainTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.ReviewerName).Title("Reviewer");
                c.Bound(x => x.EntryDateStr).Title("Comment Date");
                c.Bound(x => x.Comment).Title("Comment");

            if (newSheet)
                data.SetValue(column, 1, "Comments");

Esempio n. 17
        public async Task Next(string connectionId)
            Talon acceptTalon = TalonQueue.DequeueTalon();

            acceptTalon.AcceptFlag = true;
            acceptTalon.AcceptTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();


            int tWait   = TalonQueue.GetTalonLength();
            int tAccept = TalonServ.talonList.Count;
            int tAll    = tWait + tAccept;

            // Количество активных Талонов
            await hubContext.Clients.Client(connectionId).SendAsync("TalonCount", tWait.ToString(), tAccept.ToString(), tAll.ToString());

            await hubContext.Clients.AllExcept(connectionId).SendAsync("TalonCount", TalonQueue.GetTalonLength().ToString());
        private void GetTalonButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var date = dateTime.Value;
            var hours = (int)HousUpDown.Value;
            var minutes = (int)minuteUpDown.Value;
            var time = new DateTime(date.Date.Year, date.Date.Month, date.Date.Day, hours, minutes, 0);
            var talon = new Talon(time, Session.Auth as Patient, (specialistBox.SelectedItem as Specialist));
            if (TalonRepository.Create(talon) == TalonAddStatus.Created)
                MessageBox.Show("Вы зписаны на приём");
                Utilites.NextForm(new MainPatForm());
            else if (TalonRepository.Create(talon) == TalonAddStatus.PatientBusy)
                MessageBox.Show("Вы уже записаны на приём на это время");
            else if (TalonRepository.Create(talon) == TalonAddStatus.SpecialistBusy)
                MessageBox.Show("Данный специалист не сможет принять вас в это время");

Esempio n. 19
        public void TestMotorSafetyFeed()
            using (Talon t = new Talon(0))

                t.SafetyEnabled = true;
                t.Expiration = 0.05;
                double valAfterSet = SimData.PWM[0].Value;
                bool aliveAfterSet = t.Alive;
                double valAfterSleep = SimData.PWM[0].Value;
                bool aliveAfterSleep = t.Alive;

                Assert.That(valAfterSet, Is.EqualTo(1.0).Within(0.0001));
                Assert.That(aliveAfterSet, Is.True);
                Assert.That(valAfterSleep, Is.EqualTo(1.0).Within(0.001));
                Assert.That(aliveAfterSleep, Is.True);

Esempio n. 20
        private byte[] GenerateReviewersExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <ReviewObject> words = new List <ReviewObject>();

            foreach (var c in Sorts)

            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("Reviewers");
            int  row      = 1;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += ReviewersRowCount;

            var contactFile = Talon.Excel(words)
                              .StartAt(column, row)
                              .Sheet(newSheet ? ReviewersSheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                              .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.SortTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.Reviewer).Title("Reviewer");
                c.Bound(x => x.ReviewerType).Title("Reviewer Type");
                c.Bound(x => x.ReviewDate).Title("Review Date");
                c.Bound(x => x.Approval).Title("Approved");
                c.Bound(x => x.Reason).Title("Reason");
                c.Bound(x => x.Comments).Title("Comments");

Esempio n. 21
        private byte[] GenerateContactsExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <ContactObject> contacts = new List <ContactObject>();

            foreach (var c in Mains)
            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("Contacts");
            int  row      = 1;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += ContactRowCount;

            var data = Talon.Excel(contacts)
                       .StartAt(column, row)
                       .Sheet(newSheet ? ContactSheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                       .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.MainTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.EmployeeId).Title("Employee ID");
                c.Bound(x => x.Name).Title("Name");
                c.Bound(x => x.Phone).Title("Phone #");
                c.Bound(x => x.WorkOrg).Title("Org");
                c.Bound(x => x.Location).Title("Location");
                c.Bound(x => x.OrcidId).Title("Orcid ID");

Esempio n. 22
        private byte[] GenerateAuthorsExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <AuthorObject> authors = new List <AuthorObject>();

            foreach (var c in Mains)

            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("Authors");
            int  row      = 1;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += AuthorRowCount;

            var data = Talon.Excel(authors)
                       .StartAt(column, row)
                       .Sheet(newSheet ? AuthorsSheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                       .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.MainTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.EmployeeId).Title("Employee ID");
                c.Bound(x => x.Name).Title("Name");
                c.Bound(x => x.Affiliation).Title("Affiliation");
                c.Bound(x => x.OrcidId).Title("Orcid ID");
                c.Bound(x => x.IsPrimary).Title("Primary");

Esempio n. 23
        private byte[] GenerateIntellectualPropertyExcel(byte[] template, int currentRow, ref int currentColumn)
            List <IntellectualPropertyObject> intellect = new List <IntellectualPropertyObject>();

            foreach (var c in Mains)

            bool newSheet = SheetSelection.Contains("Intellectual");
            int  row      = 1;
            int  column   = 1;

            if (!newSheet)
                row            = currentRow;
                column         = currentColumn;
                currentColumn += IntellectualProprtyRowCount;

            var data = Talon.Excel(intellect)
                       .StartAt(column, row)
                       .Sheet(newSheet ? IntellectualsSheetName : DefaultSheetName)
                       .Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.MainTitle).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                c.Bound(x => x.IdrNumber).Title("IDR Number");
                c.Bound(x => x.DocketNumber).Title("Docket Number");
                c.Bound(x => x.Aty).Title("Aty");
                c.Bound(x => x.Ae).Title("Ae");
                c.Bound(x => x.Title).Title("Title");

Esempio n. 24
        public static void Main()
            /* Initialize Display */
            CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.LabelSprite titleDisplay, pitchDisplay, outputDisplay, PID_PDisplay, PID_IDisplay,
                                                            PID_DDisplay, PIDScalerDisplay, PIDSelectDisplay, batteryDisplay, trimDisplay;

            /* State and battery display in the 1st row */
            titleDisplay   = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Red, 1, 1, 80, 15);
            batteryDisplay = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Green, 81, 1, 79, 15);

            /* Pitch and output display in the 2nd row */
            pitchDisplay  = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Cyan, 1, 21, 80, 15);
            outputDisplay = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Cyan, 81, 21, 79, 15);

            /* PID Scalar and angle Trim display in the 3rd row */
            PIDScalerDisplay = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Yellow, 1, 41, 80, 15);
            trimDisplay      = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Blue, 81, 41, 79, 15);

            /* Gain Display at the bottom */
            PID_PDisplay     = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.White, 1, 61, 90, 15);
            PID_IDisplay     = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.White, 1, 81, 90, 15);
            PID_DDisplay     = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.White, 1, 101, 90, 15);
            PIDSelectDisplay = Hardware.Display.AddLabelSprite(Hardware.bigFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Orange, 91, 81, 60, 15);

            foreach (CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX Talon in Hardware.allTalons)
                /* Voltage Compensation on both Talons */
                Talon.ConfigVoltageCompSaturation(10.0f, kTimeout);
                Talon.ConfigVoltageMeasurementFilter(32, kTimeout);

                Talon.ConfigNominalOutputForward(0, kTimeout);
                Talon.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(0, kTimeout);
                Talon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(1, kTimeout);
                Talon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-1, kTimeout);

                /* Current limiting on both Talons */
                Talon.ConfigContinuousCurrentLimit(15, kTimeout);                  // Configured to desired amperage of current draw
                Talon.ConfigPeakCurrentLimit(15, kTimeout);                        // Peak current limit set to 0, current limit when current has excedded continout current limit value
                Talon.ConfigPeakCurrentDuration(0, kTimeout);                      // Current limit the moment peak current limit has been met by current limit
                Talon.EnableCurrentLimit(true);                                    // Enable current limiting

                /* Change Velocity measurement paramters */
                Talon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.VelocityMeasPeriod.Period_10Ms, kTimeout);
                Talon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow(32, kTimeout);

                /* Speed up Feedback status frame of both Talons */
                Talon.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrame.Status_2_Feedback0_, 10, kTimeout);

                /* Speed up Status Frame 4, which provides information about battery */
                Talon.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_4_AinTempVbat, 10, kTimeout);

            /* Speed up Pigeon CAN Frames that are important for the cascade PID loop to operate properly */
            Hardware.pidgey.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.Sensors.PigeonIMU_StatusFrame.BiasedStatus_2_Gyro, 5, kTimeout);
            Hardware.pidgey.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.Sensors.PigeonIMU_StatusFrame.CondStatus_9_SixDeg_YPR, 5, kTimeout);

            /* Locals used when Gain Scheduling within Balance loop (Inner Loop) */
            float           tempP      = 0;
            float           tempI      = 0;
            float           tempD      = 0;
            ServoParameters currentPID = new ServoParameters();

            float[] XYZ_Dps    = new float[3];
            Boolean lowBattery = false;

            CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameControllerValues gamepadValues = new CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameControllerValues();
            int   lastGamepadPOV = 0;
            float angleTrim      = 0;

            while (true)
                /* Check to see if gamepad is connected to enable watchdog (Motor Safety) */
                if (Hardware.Gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* Pull values from gamepad */
                float stick = -1 * Hardware.Gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                float turn  = Hardware.Gamepad.GetAxis(2);
                CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref stick);                          //Deadband
                CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref turn);                           //Deadband
                turn *= 0.50f;                                                  //Scale turn speed

                Hardware.Gamepad.GetAllValues(ref gamepadValues);
                if (gamepadValues.pov == 2 && lastGamepadPOV != 2)
                else if (gamepadValues.pov == 6 && lastGamepadPOV != 6)
                lastGamepadPOV = gamepadValues.pov;
                trimDisplay.SetText("Trm: " + angleTrim);

                /* Change operation state when Button 1 (X-Button) is pressed */
                bool button1 = Hardware.Gamepad.GetButton(1);
                if (button1 && !lastButton1)
                    /* Toggle between operation state and clear accumulated values */
                    OperateState    = !OperateState;
                    Iaccum          = 0;
                    Iaccum_velocity = 0;
                lastButton1 = button1;

                /* Offset pitch when Button 2 (A-Button) is pressed */
                bool button2 = Hardware.Gamepad.GetButton(2);
                if (button2 && !lastButton2)
                    /* Update current pitchoffset with new offset */
                    pitchoffset = 0;
                    pitchoffset = GetPitch();
                    angleTrim   = 0;
                lastButton2 = button2;

                /* Cycle through current PID values [P, I, D] when Button 3 (B-Button) is pressed */
                bool button3 = Hardware.Gamepad.GetButton(3);
                if (button3 && !lastButton3)
                    /* Select gain to control */
                    if (PIDValue > 2)
                        PIDValue = 0;
                lastButton3 = button3;

                /* Cycle through PID sets [Soft, Hard, Velocity] when Button 4 (Y-Button) is pressed */
                bool button4 = Hardware.Gamepad.GetButton(4);
                if (button4 && !lastButton4)
                    if (PIDCycle > 2)
                        PIDCycle = 0;
                lastButton4 = button4;

                /* Increase the DEC/INC Value for PID Gains by 10x, max of 10.000... when Button 10 (Start-Button) is pressed */
                bool button10 = Hardware.Gamepad.GetButton(10);
                if (button10 && !lastButton10)
                    /* Increase the increment/decrement value by x10 */
                    inc_dec *= 10;
                    if (inc_dec >= 100)
                        inc_dec = 0.001f;
                lastButton10 = button10;
                PIDScalerDisplay.SetText("" + inc_dec);

                /* Change the highlighted PID value to inform user which PID is in control */
                if (PIDValue == 0)
                else if (PIDValue == 1)
                else if (PIDValue == 2)

                /* Selects PID set to be in control */
                if (PIDCycle == 0)
                    currentPID = BalancePID;
                else if (PIDCycle == 1)
                    currentPID = DrivePID;
                else if (PIDCycle == 2)
                    currentPID = VelocityPID;
                PID_PDisplay.SetText("P: " + currentPID.P);
                PID_IDisplay.SetText("I: " + currentPID.I);
                PID_DDisplay.SetText("D: " + currentPID.D);

                ///* Output battery to Display Module */
                float vBat = 0;
                vBat = Hardware.leftTalon.GetBusVoltage();
                batteryDisplay.SetText("Bat: " + vBat);

                if (Hardware.battery.IsLow())
                    lowBattery = true;
                    lowBattery = false;

                /* If Pigeon is connected and operation state is true, enable balance mode */
                if (Hardware.pidgey.GetState() == CTRE.Phoenix.Sensors.PigeonState.Ready && OperateState == true)
                    manualMode = false;
                    manualMode = true;

                /* Velocity PI */

                /* Get pitch angular rate */
                float pitchRate   = XYZ_Dps[0];
                float velocityRPM = -(Hardware.leftTalon.GetSelectedSensorVelocity(0) + Hardware.rightTalon.GetSelectedSensorVelocity(0)) * 0.5f * 600 / 4096;
                float velocityDPS = (velocityRPM) * 6;                  //RPM converted into DPS

                /* Velocity setpoint pulled from gamepad throttle joystick */
                float velocitySetpoint = -stick * VelocityPID.D;
                /* Compensate for pitch angular rate when finding velocity */
                float wheelVelocity = ((velocityDPS) + pitchRate) / 6 * (float)(System.Math.PI * 6.25f) / 12.00f / 60;   //DPS converted into FPS
                float velocityError = velocitySetpoint - wheelVelocity;

                Iaccum_velocity += (velocityError * VelocityPID.I);
                Iaccum_velocity  = CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Cap(Iaccum_velocity, accummax_velocity);

                float pValue_vel    = velocityError * VelocityPID.P;
                float iValue_vel    = Iaccum_velocity;
                float angleSetpoint = pValue_vel + iValue_vel;

                /* Balance PID, call 4 times per outer call (Cascade PID control) */
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Hardware.pidgey.GetRawGyro(XYZ_Dps);                //Get Angular rate for pitch
                    float currentAngularRate = XYZ_Dps[0] * 0.001f;     //Scaled down for easier gain control

                    float currentPitch = GetPitch();                    //Get Pitch
                    pitchDisplay.SetText("p: " + currentPitch);         //Update Display

                    float targetPitch = angleSetpoint + angleTrim;
                    float pitchError  = targetPitch - currentPitch;

                    float deadband = 5.0f;
                    if (currentPitch > (angleTrim - deadband) && currentPitch < (angleTrim + deadband))
                        /* Gain schedule when within 5 degrees of current angleTrim */
                        tempP = BalancePID.P;
                        tempI = BalancePID.I;
                        tempD = BalancePID.D;
                        tempP  = DrivePID.P;
                        tempI  = DrivePID.I;
                        tempD  = DrivePID.D;
                        Iaccum = 0;

                    Iaccum += pitchError * tempI;
                    Iaccum  = CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Cap(Iaccum, accummax);

                    /* Clear accumulator when within zone */
                    if (currentPitch > -0.5 && currentPitch < 0.5)
                        Iaccum = 0;

                    float pValue = (pitchError) * tempP;
                    float iValue = (Iaccum);
                    float dValue = (currentAngularRate) * tempD;
                    float Output = pValue - dValue + iValue;

                    /* Process output */
                    Output = CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Cap(Output, maxOutput);  //cap value to [-1, 1]

                    if (lowBattery)
                        /* Scale all drivetrain inputs to 25% if battery is low */
                        Output *= 0.25f;
                        stick  *= 0.25f;
                        turn   *= 0.25f;

                    if (manualMode == false)
                        /* In balance mode, use PI -> PID -> Output */
                        DrivetrainSet(Output, turn);
                        outputDisplay.SetText("Out: " + Output);
                        /* In maual mode/disabled, use joystick -> Output */
                        DrivetrainSet(stick, turn);
                        outputDisplay.SetText("Out: " + stick);

                    /* Balance CAN Frame */
                    byte[] frame = new byte[8];
                    frame[0] = (byte)((int)(pValue * 1000) >> 8);
                    frame[1] = (byte)((int)(pValue * 1000) & 0xFF);
                    frame[2] = (byte)((int)(-dValue * 100000) >> 8);
                    frame[3] = (byte)((int)(-dValue * 100000) & 0xFF);
                    frame[4] = (byte)((int)(iValue * 1000) >> 8);
                    frame[5] = (byte)((int)(iValue * 1000) & 0xFF);
                    frame[6] = (byte)((int)(Output * 1000) >> 8);
                    frame[7] = (byte)((int)(Output * 1000) & 0xFF);
                    ulong data = (ulong)BitConverter.ToUInt64(frame, 0);
                    CTRE.Native.CAN.Send(9, data, 8, 0);

                /* Velocity CAN Frame */
                byte[] frame2 = new byte[8];
                frame2[0] = (byte)((int)(wheelVelocity * 1000) >> 8);
                frame2[1] = (byte)((int)(wheelVelocity * 1000) & 0xFF);
                frame2[2] = (byte)((int)(angleSetpoint * 1000) >> 8);
                frame2[3] = (byte)((int)(angleSetpoint * 1000) & 0xFF);
                frame2[4] = (byte)((int)(pitchRate * 100) >> 8);
                frame2[5] = (byte)((int)(pitchRate * 100) & 0xFF);
                frame2[6] = (byte)((int)(velocityDPS * 100) >> 8);
                frame2[7] = (byte)((int)(velocityDPS * 100) & 0xFF);
                ulong data2 = (ulong)BitConverter.ToUInt64(frame2, 0);
                CTRE.Native.CAN.Send(8, data2, 8, 0);

Esempio n. 25
        public List<BaseItem> GetAllItemsInNpcBag(byte bag, int npcId)
            DbParameter bagIdParameter = _db.CreateParameter(DbNames.GETALLNPCITEMSBYBAGID_BAGID_PARAMETER, bag);
            bagIdParameter.DbType = DbType.Byte;

            DbParameter characterIdParameter = _db.CreateParameter(DbNames.GETALLNPCITEMSBYBAGID_NPCID_PARAMETER, npcId);
            characterIdParameter.DbType = DbType.Int32;

            List<BaseItem> items = new List<BaseItem>();


            DbDataReader reader = _db.ExcecuteReader(DbNames.GETALLNPCITEMSBYBAGID_STOREDPROC, CommandType.StoredProcedure, bagIdParameter, characterIdParameter);

            int ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REFID);
            int ordinalITEM_BTYPE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BTYPE);
            int ordinalITEM_BKIND = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BKIND);
            int ordinalITEM_VISUALID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VISUALID);
            int ordinalITEM_CLASS = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CLASS);
            int ordinalITEM_AMOUNT = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_AMOUNT);
            int ordinalITEM_PRICE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_PRICE);
            int ordinalITEM_LEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_DEX = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEX);
            int ordinalITEM_STR = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STR);
            int ordinalITEM_STA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STA);
            int ordinalITEM_ENE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ENE);
            int ordinalITEM_DURABILITY = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DURABILITY);
            int ordinalITEM_DAMAGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DAMAGE);
            int ordinalITEM_DEFENCE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEFENCE);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRATING);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXMANA);
            int ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LIFEREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MANAREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_CRITICAL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CRITICAL);
            int ordinalITEM_TOMAPID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_TOMAPID);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUERATE);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUETRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXIMBUES);
            int ordinalITEM_BAG = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BAG);
            int ordinalITEM_SLOT = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SLOT);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEX = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEX);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEY = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEY);

            while (reader.Read())
                BaseItem b = null;

                int BType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                int BKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Weapon || BType == (byte)bType.Clothes || BType == (byte)bType.Hat || BType == (byte)bType.Necklace
                    || BType == (byte)bType.Ring || BType == (byte)bType.Shoes || BType == (byte)bType.Cape)

                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Sword && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Sword();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Blade && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Blade();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Fan && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Fan();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Brush && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Brush();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Claw && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Claw();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Axe && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Axe();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Talon && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Talon();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Tonfa && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Tonfa();
                    if(BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Hammer && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Hammer();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Clothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Dress();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Armor();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new LeatherClothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hood();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Tiara();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Helmet();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hat();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new SmBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new MageBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new WarriorShoes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new GhostFighterShoes();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Ring)
                        b = new Ring();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Necklace)
                        b = new Necklace();
                    if (BType == (byte)bType.Cape)
                        b = new Cape();
                        Cape c = b as Cape;
                        c.MaxPolishImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);

                    Equipment e = b as Equipment;
                    e.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    e.RequiredDexterity = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEX);
                    e.RequiredStrength = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STR);
                    e.RequiredStamina = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STA);
                    e.RequiredEnergy = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ENE);
                    e.Durability = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DURABILITY);
                    e.MaxDurability = e.Durability;
                    e.Damage = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DAMAGE);
                    e.Defence = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEFENCE);
                    e.AttackRating = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING);
                    e.AttackSpeed = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
                    e.AttackRange = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
                    e.IncMaxLife = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    e.IncMaxMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                    e.IncLifeRegen = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN);
                    e.IncManaRegen = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN);
                    e.Critical = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_CRITICAL);
                    e.MaxImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUETRIES);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.ImbueItem)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Black)
                        b = new Black();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.White)
                        b = new White();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Red)
                        b = new Red();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Dragon)
                        b = new Dragon();

                    ImbueItem im = b as ImbueItem;
                    im.ImbueChance = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE);
                    im.IncreaseValue = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Potion)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Normal)
                        b = new Potion();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Elixir)
                        b = new Elixir();

                    PotionItem pot = b as PotionItem;
                    pot.HealHp = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    pot.HealMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Book)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.SoftBook)
                        b = new SoftBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.HardBook)
                        b = new HardBook();

                    BookItem book = b as BookItem;
                    book.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                    book.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    book.SkillID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
                    book.SkillLevel = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
                    book.SkillData = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Bead)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBeads.Normal)
                        b = new Bead();
                    BeadItem bead = b as BeadItem;
                    bead.ToMapID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_TOMAPID);

                b.ReferenceID = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID);
                b.VisualID = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VISUALID);
                b.Bag = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BAG);
                b.Slot = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SLOT);
                b.bType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                b.bKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);
                b.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                b.Amount = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_AMOUNT);
                b.SizeX = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEX);
                b.SizeY = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEY);
                b.Price = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_PRICE);



            return items;
 public static GridRowPatientToday Create(Talon talon, int index) => new GridRowPatientToday(index, talon);
Esempio n. 27
        public byte[] GenerateExcelFile()
            // Create main export with requested fields.
            var sortFile = Talon.Excel(Sorts).Name(DefaultSheetName).Sheet(DefaultSheetName).Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.TitleStr).Title("STI Number and Rev");
                foreach (var column in ColSelection)
                    switch (column)
                    case "PublishTitle":
                        c.Bound(x => x.PublishTitle).Title("Title");

                    case "Osti":
                        c.Bound(x => x.OstiId).Title("OSTI ID");
                        c.Bound(x => x.OstiDate).Title("OSTI Publish Date");
                        c.Bound(x => x.OstiStatus).Title("OSTI Publish Status");
                        c.Bound(x => x.OstiStatusMsg).Title("OSTI Publish Message");

                    case "PublicationDate":
                        c.Bound(x => x.PublicationDate).Title("Publication/Issue Date");

                    case "ProductType":
                        c.Bound(x => x.ProductTypeDisplayName).Title("Artifact Type");

                    case "ReportNumbers":
                        c.Bound(x => x.ReportNumbers).Title("Report/Product Number(s)");

                    case "Country":
                        c.Bound(x => x.Country).Title("Country of Origin/Publication");

                    case "Language":
                        c.Bound(x => x.Language).Title("Publication Language");

                    case "AccessLimitation":
                        c.Bound(x => x.AccessLimitationDisplayName).Title("Access Limitation");

                    case "Abstract":
                        c.Bound(x => x.AbstractWithAccessCheck).Title("Description/Abstract");

                    case "Publisher":
                        c.Bound(x => x.PublisherName).Title("Publisher Name");
                        c.Bound(x => x.PublisherCity).Title("Publisher City");
                        c.Bound(x => x.PublisherState).Title("Publisher State");
                        c.Bound(x => x.PublisherCountry).Title("Publisher Country");

                    case "Conference":
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceName).Title("Conference Name");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceLocation).Title("Conference Location");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceBeginDate).Title("Conference Start Date");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceEndDate).Title("Conference End Date");

                    case "Journal":
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalTypeDisplayName).Title("Journal Type");
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalName).Title("Journal Name");
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalVolume).Title("Journal Volume");
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalIssue).Title("Journal Issue");
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalSerial).Title("Journal Serial");
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalStartPage).Title("Journal Beginning Page");
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalEndPage).Title("Journal Ending Page");
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalDoi).Title("Journal DOI");

                    case "Patent":
                        c.Bound(x => x.PatentAssignee).Title("Patent Assignee");

                    case "OpenNet":
                        c.Bound(x => x.OpenNetData.AccessNumber).Title("OpenNet Accession Number");
                        c.Bound(x => x.OpenNetData.DocLocation).Title("OpenNet Document Location");
                        c.Bound(x => x.OpenNetData.FieldOfficeAym).Title("OpenNet Applicable Field Office Acronym");
                        c.Bound(x => x.OpenNetData.DeclassStatusEnumDisplayName).Title("OpenNet Declassification Status");
                        c.Bound(x => x.OpenNetData.DeclassificationDate).Title("OpenNet Declassificaton Date");
                        c.Bound(x => x.OpenNetData.Keywords).Title("OpenNet Document Keywords");

                    case "ProtectedData":
                        c.Bound(x => x.ProtectedData.Crada).Title("Protected Data CRADA");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ProtectedData.ReleaseDate).Title("Protected Access Limitation Release Date");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ProtectedData.ExemptNumber).Title("Protected Exemption Number");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ProtectedData.Description).Title("Protected Description");

                    case "OfficialUseOnly":
                        c.Bound(x => x.AccessReleaseDate).Title("Official Use Access Limitation Release Date");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ExemptionNumber).Title("Official Use Exemption Number");

            int currentColumn = 1;
            int currentRow    = Sorts.Count + 3;

            // Setup all output text before exporting
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Contacts") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Contacts"))
                sortFile.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Contacts"); currentColumn += ContactRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Authors") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Authors"))
                sortFile.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Authors"); currentColumn += AuthorRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Funding") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Funding"))
                sortFile.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Funding"); currentColumn += FundingRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("SubjectCategories") && !SheetSelection.Contains("SubjectCategories"))
                sortFile.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Subjects"); currentColumn += MetaDataRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("SponsoringOrgs") && !SheetSelection.Contains("SponsoringOrgs"))
                sortFile.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Sponsoring Orgs"); currentColumn += MetaDataRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Keywords") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Keywords"))
                sortFile.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Keywords"); currentColumn += MetaDataRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Reviewers") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Reviewers"))
                sortFile.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Reviewers"); currentColumn += ReviewersRowCount;

            // Export for a template
            byte[] excelFile = sortFile.Export();

            // Setup columns for data additions
            currentColumn = 1;

            // Add in all extra information
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Contacts"))
                excelFile = GenerateContactsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Authors"))
                excelFile = GenerateAuthorsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Funding"))
                excelFile = GenerateFundingExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("SubjectCategories"))
                excelFile = GenerateSubjectCategoryExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("SponsoringOrgs"))
                excelFile = GenerateSponsoringOrgsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Keywords"))
                excelFile = GenerateKeywordsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Reviewers"))
                excelFile = GenerateReviewersExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);

Esempio n. 28
        public List <BaseItem> GetAllItemsInNpcBag(byte bag, int npcId)
            DbParameter bagIdParameter = _db.CreateParameter(DbNames.GETALLNPCITEMSBYBAGID_BAGID_PARAMETER, bag);

            bagIdParameter.DbType = DbType.Byte;

            DbParameter characterIdParameter = _db.CreateParameter(DbNames.GETALLNPCITEMSBYBAGID_NPCID_PARAMETER, npcId);

            characterIdParameter.DbType = DbType.Int32;

            List <BaseItem> items = new List <BaseItem>();


            DbDataReader reader = _db.ExcecuteReader(DbNames.GETALLNPCITEMSBYBAGID_STOREDPROC, CommandType.StoredProcedure, bagIdParameter, characterIdParameter);

            int ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID    = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REFID);
            int ordinalITEM_BTYPE          = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BTYPE);
            int ordinalITEM_BKIND          = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BKIND);
            int ordinalITEM_VISUALID       = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VISUALID);
            int ordinalITEM_CLASS          = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CLASS);
            int ordinalITEM_AMOUNT         = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_AMOUNT);
            int ordinalITEM_PRICE          = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_PRICE);
            int ordinalITEM_LEVEL          = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_DEX            = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEX);
            int ordinalITEM_STR            = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STR);
            int ordinalITEM_STA            = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STA);
            int ordinalITEM_ENE            = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ENE);
            int ordinalITEM_DURABILITY     = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DURABILITY);
            int ordinalITEM_DAMAGE         = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DAMAGE);
            int ordinalITEM_DEFENCE        = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEFENCE);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING   = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRATING);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED    = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE    = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE     = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA     = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXMANA);
            int ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN      = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LIFEREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN      = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MANAREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_CRITICAL       = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CRITICAL);
            int ordinalITEM_TOMAPID        = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_TOMAPID);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE      = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUERATE);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE  = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID    = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA  = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUETRIES  = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXIMBUES);
            int ordinalITEM_BAG            = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BAG);
            int ordinalITEM_SLOT           = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SLOT);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEX          = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEX);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEY          = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEY);

            while (reader.Read())
                BaseItem b = null;

                int BType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                int BKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Weapon || BType == (byte)bType.Clothes || BType == (byte)bType.Hat || BType == (byte)bType.Necklace ||
                    BType == (byte)bType.Ring || BType == (byte)bType.Shoes || BType == (byte)bType.Cape)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Sword && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Sword();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Blade && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Blade();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Fan && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Fan();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Brush && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Brush();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Claw && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Claw();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Axe && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Axe();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Talon && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Talon();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Tonfa && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Tonfa();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Hammer && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Hammer();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Clothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Dress();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Armor();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new LeatherClothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hood();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Tiara();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Helmet();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hat();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new SmBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new MageBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new WarriorShoes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new GhostFighterShoes();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Ring)
                        b = new Ring();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Necklace)
                        b = new Necklace();
                    if (BType == (byte)bType.Cape)
                        b = new Cape();
                        Cape c = b as Cape;
                        c.MaxPolishImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);

                    Equipment e = b as Equipment;
                    e.RequiredLevel     = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    e.RequiredDexterity = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEX);
                    e.RequiredStrength  = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STR);
                    e.RequiredStamina   = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STA);
                    e.RequiredEnergy    = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ENE);
                    e.Durability        = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DURABILITY);
                    e.MaxDurability     = e.Durability;
                    e.Damage            = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DAMAGE);
                    e.Defence           = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEFENCE);
                    e.AttackRating      = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING);
                    e.AttackSpeed       = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
                    e.AttackRange       = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
                    e.IncMaxLife        = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    e.IncMaxMana        = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                    e.IncLifeRegen      = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN);
                    e.IncManaRegen      = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN);
                    e.Critical          = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_CRITICAL);
                    e.MaxImbueTries     = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUETRIES);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.ImbueItem)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Black)
                        b = new Black();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.White)
                        b = new White();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Red)
                        b = new Red();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Dragon)
                        b = new Dragon();

                    ImbueItem im = b as ImbueItem;
                    im.ImbueChance   = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE);
                    im.IncreaseValue = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Potion)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Normal)
                        b = new Potion();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Elixir)
                        b = new Elixir();

                    PotionItem pot = b as PotionItem;
                    pot.HealHp   = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    pot.HealMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Book)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.SoftBook)
                        b = new SoftBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.HardBook)
                        b = new HardBook();

                    BookItem book = b as BookItem;
                    book.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                    book.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    book.SkillID       = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
                    book.SkillLevel    = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
                    book.SkillData     = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Bead)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBeads.Normal)
                        b = new Bead();
                    BeadItem bead = b as BeadItem;
                    bead.ToMapID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_TOMAPID);

                b.ReferenceID   = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID);
                b.VisualID      = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VISUALID);
                b.Bag           = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BAG);
                b.Slot          = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SLOT);
                b.bType         = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                b.bKind         = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);
                b.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                b.Amount        = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_AMOUNT);
                b.SizeX         = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEX);
                b.SizeY         = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEY);
                b.Price         = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_PRICE);



Esempio n. 29
 public TalonViewModel(Talon talon = null)
     TalonObject = talon ?? new Talon();
Esempio n. 30
        public List<BaseItem> GetAllItemsInBag(byte bag, int characterId)
            DbParameter bagIdParameter = _db.CreateParameter(DbNames.GETALLITEMSBYBAGID_BAGID_PARAMETER, bag);
            bagIdParameter.DbType = DbType.Byte;

            DbParameter characterIdParameter = _db.CreateParameter(DbNames.GETALLITEMSBYBAGID_CHARACTERID_PARAMETER, characterId);
            characterIdParameter.DbType = DbType.Int32;

            List<BaseItem> items = new List<BaseItem>();


            DbDataReader reader = _db.ExcecuteReader(DbNames.GETALLITEMSBYBAGID_STOREDPROC, CommandType.StoredProcedure, bagIdParameter, characterIdParameter);

            int ordinalITEM_ITEMID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ITEMID);
            int ordinalITEM_OWNERID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_OWNERID);
            int ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REFERENCEID);
            int ordinalITEM_BTYPE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BTYPE);
            int ordinalITEM_BKIND = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BKIND);
            int ordinalITEM_VISUALID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VISUALID);
            int ordinalITEM_COST = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_COST);
            int ordinalITEM_CLASS = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CLASS);
            int ordinalITEM_AMOUNT = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_AMOUNT);
            int ordinalITEM_LEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_DEX = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEX);
            int ordinalITEM_STR = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STR);
            int ordinalITEM_STA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STA);
            int ordinalITEM_ENE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ENE);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXIMBUES);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXDURA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXDURA);
            int ordinalITEM_CURDURA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CURDURA);
            int ordinalITEM_DAMAGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DAMAGE);
            int ordinalITEM_DEFENCE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEFENCE);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRATING);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXMANA);
            int ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LIFEREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MANAREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_CRITICAL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CRITICAL);
            int ordinalITEM_PLUS = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_PLUS);
            int ordinalITEM_SLVL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SLVL);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUETRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUETRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_DISCOUNTREPAIRFEE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DISCOUNTREPAIRFEE);
            int ordinalITEM_TOTALDRAGONIMBUES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_TOTALDRAGONIMBUES);
            int ordinalITEM_DRAGONDAMAGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DRAGONDAMAGE);
            int ordinalITEM_DRAGONDEFENCE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DRAGONDEFENCE);
            int ordinalITEM_DRAGONATTACKRATING = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DRAGONATTACKRATING);
            int ordinalITEM_DRAGONLIFE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DRAGONLIFE);
            int ordinalITEM_MAPPEDSTUFF = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAPPEDSTUFF);
            int ordinalITEM_FORCENUMBER = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_FORCENUMBER);
            int ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REBIRTHHOLE);
            int ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLESTAT = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REBIRTHHOLESTAT);
            int ordinalITEM_TOMAPID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_TOMAPID);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUERATE);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUEDATA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUEDATA);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_POLISHTRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_POLISHTRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT1 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTAT1);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT2 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTAT2);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT3 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTAT3);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT4 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTAT4);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD1 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTATADD1);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD2 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTATADD2);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD3 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTATADD3);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD4 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTATADD4);
            int ordinalITEM_PETID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_PETID);
            int ordinalITEM_DAMAGEABSORB = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DAMAGEABSORB);
            int ordinalITEM_DEFENSEABSORB = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEFENSEABSORB);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATINGABSORB = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRATINGABSORB);
            int ordinalITEM_LIFEABSORB = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LIFEABSORB);
            int ordinalITEM_BAG = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BAG);
            int ordinalITEM_SLOT = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SLOT);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEX = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEX);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEY = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEY);

            while (reader.Read())
                BaseItem b = null;

                int BType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                int BKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Weapon || BType == (byte)bType.Clothes || BType == (byte)bType.Hat || BType == (byte)bType.Necklace
                    || BType == (byte)bType.Ring || BType == (byte)bType.Shoes || BType == (byte)bType.Cape || BType == (byte)bType.Mirror)

                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Sword && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Sword();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Blade && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Blade();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Fan && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Fan();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Brush && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Brush();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Claw && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Claw();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Axe && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Axe();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Talon && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Talon();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Tonfa && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Tonfa();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Clothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Dress();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Armor();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new LeatherClothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hood();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Tiara();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Helmet();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hat();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new SmBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new MageBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new WarriorShoes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new GhostFighterShoes();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Ring)
                        b = new Ring();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Necklace)
                        b = new Necklace();
                    if (BType == (byte)bType.Cape)
                        b = new Cape();
                        Cape c = b as Cape;
                        c.MaxPolishImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);
                        c.PolishImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_POLISHTRIES);
                        c.VigiStat1 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT1);
                        c.VigiStatAdd1 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD1);
                        c.VigiStat2 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT2);
                        c.VigiStatAdd2 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD2);
                        c.VigiStat3 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT3);
                        c.VigiStatAdd3 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD3);
                        c.VigiStat4 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT4);
                        c.VigiStatAdd4 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD4);
                    if (BType == (byte)bType.Mirror)
                        // bkind 4 = mirror, 0 = jar
                        b = new Mirror();
                        Mirror m = b as Mirror;

                        m.PetID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_PETID);
                        m.LifeAbsorb = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LIFEABSORB);
                        m.DamageAbsorb = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DAMAGEABSORB);
                        m.DefenseAbsorb = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEFENSEABSORB);
                        m.AttackRatingAbsorb = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATINGABSORB);

                    Equipment e = b as Equipment;
                    e.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    e.RequiredDexterity = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEX);
                    e.RequiredStrength = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STR);
                    e.RequiredStamina = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STA);
                    e.RequiredEnergy = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ENE);
                    e.MaxImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUES);
                    e.Durability = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_CURDURA);
                    e.MaxDurability = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXDURA);
                    e.Damage = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DAMAGE);
                    e.Defence = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DEFENCE);
                    e.AttackRating = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING);
                    e.AttackSpeed = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
                    e.AttackRange = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
                    e.IncMaxLife = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    e.IncMaxMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                    e.IncLifeRegen = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN);
                    e.IncManaRegen = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN);
                    e.Critical = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_CRITICAL);
                    e.Plus = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_PLUS);
                    e.Slvl = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SLVL);
                    e.ImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_IMBUETRIES);
                    e.DragonSuccessImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DRAGONSUCCESSIMBUETRIES);
                    e.DiscountRepairFee = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_DISCOUNTREPAIRFEE);
                    e.TotalDragonImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_TOTALDRAGONIMBUES);
                    e.DragonDamage = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DRAGONDAMAGE);
                    e.DragonDefence = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DRAGONDEFENCE);
                    e.DragonAttackRating = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DRAGONATTACKRATING);
                    e.DragonLife = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DRAGONLIFE);
                    e.MappedData = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_MAPPEDSTUFF);
                    e.ForceSlot = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_FORCENUMBER);
                    e.RebirthHole = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLE);
                    e.RebirthHoleStat = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLESTAT);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.ImbueItem)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Black)
                        b = new Black();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.White)
                        b = new White();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Red)
                        b = new Red();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Dragon)
                        b = new Dragon();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.RbItem)
                        b = new RbHoleItem();

                    ImbueItem im = b as ImbueItem;
                    im.ImbueChance = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE);
                    im.IncreaseValue = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);
                    im.ImbueData = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_IMBUEDATA);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Potion)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Normal)
                        b = new Potion();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Elixir)
                        b = new Elixir();

                    PotionItem pot = b as PotionItem;
                    pot.HealHp = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    pot.HealMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Book)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.SoftBook)
                        b = new SoftBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.HardBook)
                        b = new HardBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.RebirdBook)
                        b = new RebirthBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.FourthBook)
                        b = new FourthBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.FeSkillBook)
                        b = new FeSkillBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.FeBook)
                        b = new FiveElementBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.FocusBook)
                        b = new FocusBook();

                    BookItem book = b as BookItem;
                    book.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                    book.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    book.SkillID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
                    book.SkillLevel = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
                    book.SkillData = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Bead)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBeads.Normal)
                        b = new Bead();
                    BeadItem bead = b as BeadItem;
                    bead.ToMapID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_TOMAPID);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.StoreTag)
                    b = new StoreTag();

                    StoreTag tag = b as StoreTag;
                    tag.TimeLeft = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_CURDURA);
                    tag.TimeMax = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXDURA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.PetItem)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPetItems.Taming)
                        b = new TameItem();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPetItems.Food)
                        b = new PetFood();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPetItems.Potion)
                        b = new PetPotion();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPetItems.Resurect)
                        b = new PetResurrectItem();

                    PetItem p = b as PetItem;
                    p.TameChance = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE);
                    p.DecreaseWildness = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);
                    p.HealLife = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Pill)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPills.Rebirth)
                        b = new RebirthPill();

                    RebirthPill p = b as RebirthPill;
                    p.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    p.RequiredRebirth = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                    p.ToRebirth = (byte)(p.RequiredRebirth + 1);
                    p.IncreaseSp = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEX);

                b.ItemID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_ITEMID);
                b.OwnerID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_OWNERID);
                b.ReferenceID = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID);
                b.VisualID = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VISUALID);
                b.Bag = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BAG);
                b.Slot = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SLOT);
                b.bType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                b.bKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);
                b.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                b.Amount = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_AMOUNT);
                b.SizeX = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEX);
                b.SizeY = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEY);
                b.Price = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_COST);



            return items;
Esempio n. 31
        public byte[] GenerateExcelFile()
            // Create main export with requested fields.
            var mainSheet = Talon.Excel(Mains).Name(DefaultSheetName).Sheet(DefaultSheetName).Columns(c =>
                c.Bound(x => x.StiNumber).Title("STI Number");
                c.Bound(x => x.Revision).Title("Revision");
                foreach (var column in ColSelection)
                    switch (column)
                    case "Title":
                        c.Bound(x => x.Title).Title("Title");

                    case "Status":
                        c.Bound(x => x.StatusDisplayName).Title("Status");

                    case "NumberPages":
                        c.Bound(x => x.NumberPagesStr).Title("Number Pages");

                    case "ProductType":
                        c.Bound(x => x.DocumentTypeStr).Title("Product Type");

                    case "CreationDate":
                        c.Bound(x => x.CreateDateStr).Title("Creation Date");

                    case "ApprovedDate":
                        c.Bound(x => x.ApprovalDateStr).Title("Approved Date");

                    case "Abstract":
                        c.Bound(x => x.AbstractWithAccessCheck).Title("Abstract");

                    case "Conference":
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceName).Title("Conference Name");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceSponsor).Title("Conference Sponsor");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceLocation).Title("Conference Location");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceBeginDateStr).Title("Conference Start Date");
                        c.Bound(x => x.ConferenceEndDateStr).Title("Conference End Date");

                    case "Journal":
                        c.Bound(x => x.JournalName).Title("Journal Name");

            int currentColumn = 1;
            int currentRow    = Mains.Count + 3;

            // Setup all output text before exporting
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Contacts") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Contacts"))
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Contacts"); currentColumn += ContactRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Authors") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Authors"))
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Authors"); currentColumn += AuthorRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Funding") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Funding"))
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Funding"); currentColumn += FundingRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Subjects") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Subjects"))
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Subjects"); currentColumn += MetaDataRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Intellectual") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Intellectual"))
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Intellectual Property"); currentColumn += IntellectualProprtyRowCount;
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Keywords") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Keywords"))
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Keywords"); currentColumn += MetaDataRowCount;

            if (ColSelection.Contains("Reviewers") && !SheetSelection.Contains("Reviewers"))
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Reviewers"); currentColumn         += ReviewersRowCount;
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Reviewer Comments"); currentColumn += ReviewerCommentsRowCount;

            if (ColSelection.Contains("ReviewerHistory") && !SheetSelection.Contains("ReviewerHistory"))
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Reviewer History"); currentColumn          += ReviewerHistoryRowCount;
                mainSheet.SetValue(currentColumn, currentRow, "Reviewer Comments History"); currentColumn += ReviewerHistoryRowCount;

            // Export for a template
            byte[] excelFile = mainSheet.Export();

            // Setup columns for data additions
            currentColumn = 1;

            // Add in all extra information
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Contacts"))
                excelFile = GenerateContactsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Authors"))
                excelFile = GenerateAuthorsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Funding"))
                excelFile = GenerateFundingExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Subjects"))
                excelFile = GenerateSubjectExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Intellectual"))
                excelFile = GenerateIntellectualPropertyExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
            if (ColSelection.Contains("Keywords"))
                excelFile = GenerateKeywordsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);

            if (ColSelection.Contains("Reviewers"))
                excelFile = GenerateReviewersExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
                excelFile = GenerateReviewerCommentsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);

            if (ColSelection.Contains("ReviewerHistory"))
                excelFile = GenerateReviewerHistoryExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);
                excelFile = GenerateReviewerHistoryCommentsExcel(excelFile, currentRow, ref currentColumn);

 public static GridRowTalons Create(Talon talon, int index) => new GridRowTalons(index, talon);
Esempio n. 33
 public Indexers()
     Left              = new Talon(Config.IndexMotorL);
     Right             = new Talon(Config.IndexMotorR);
     ShooterBallSensor = new DigitalInput(Config.IndexerBeamBreak);
Esempio n. 34
        public BaseItem GetItemByItemID(int itemID)
            DbParameter itemIdParameter = _db.CreateParameter(DbNames.GETITEMBYITEMID_ITEMID_PARAMETER, itemID);
            itemIdParameter.DbType = DbType.Int32;

            BaseItem b = null;


            DbDataReader reader = _db.ExcecuteReader(DbNames.GETITEMBYITEMID_STOREDPROC, CommandType.StoredProcedure, itemIdParameter);

            int ordinalITEM_ITEMID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ITEMID);
            int ordinalITEM_OWNERID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_OWNERID);
            int ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REFERENCEID);
            int ordinalITEM_BTYPE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BTYPE);
            int ordinalITEM_BKIND = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BKIND);
            int ordinalITEM_VISUALID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VISUALID);
            int ordinalITEM_COST = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_COST);
            int ordinalITEM_CLASS = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CLASS);
            int ordinalITEM_AMOUNT = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_AMOUNT);
            int ordinalITEM_LEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_DEX = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEX);
            int ordinalITEM_STR = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STR);
            int ordinalITEM_STA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STA);
            int ordinalITEM_ENE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ENE);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXIMBUES);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXDURA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXDURA);
            int ordinalITEM_CURDURA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CURDURA);
            int ordinalITEM_DAMAGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DAMAGE);
            int ordinalITEM_DEFENCE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEFENCE);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRATING);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXMANA);
            int ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LIFEREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MANAREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_CRITICAL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CRITICAL);
            int ordinalITEM_PLUS = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_PLUS);
            int ordinalITEM_SLVL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SLVL);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUETRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUETRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_DISCOUNTREPAIRFEE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DISCOUNTREPAIRFEE);
            int ordinalITEM_TOTALDRAGONIMBUES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_TOTALDRAGONIMBUES);
            int ordinalITEM_DRAGONDAMAGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DRAGONDAMAGE);
            int ordinalITEM_DRAGONDEFENCE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DRAGONDEFENCE);
            int ordinalITEM_DRAGONATTACKRATING = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DRAGONATTACKRATING);
            int ordinalITEM_DRAGONLIFE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DRAGONLIFE);
            int ordinalITEM_MAPPEDSTUFF = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAPPEDSTUFF);
            int ordinalITEM_FORCENUMBER = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_FORCENUMBER);
            int ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REBIRTHHOLE);
            int ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLEITEM = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REBIRTHHOLEITEM);
            int ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLESTAT = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REBIRTHHOLESTAT);
            int ordinalITEM_TOMAPID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_TOMAPID);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUERATE);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_POLISHTRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_POLISHTRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT1 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTAT1);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT2 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTAT2);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT3 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTAT3);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT4 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTAT4);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD1 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTATADD1);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD2 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTATADD2);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD3 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTATADD3);
            int ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD4 = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VIGISTATADD4);
            int ordinalITEM_BAG = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BAG);
            int ordinalITEM_SLOT = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SLOT);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEX = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEX);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEY = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEY);

            while (reader.Read())
                int BType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                int BKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Weapon || BType == (byte)bType.Clothes || BType == (byte)bType.Hat || BType == (byte)bType.Necklace
                    || BType == (byte)bType.Ring || BType == (byte)bType.Shoes || BType == (byte)bType.Cape)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Sword && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Sword();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Blade && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Blade();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Fan && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Fan();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Brush && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Brush();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Claw && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Claw();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Axe && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Axe();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Talon && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Talon();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Tonfa && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Tonfa();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Clothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Dress();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Armor();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new LeatherClothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hood();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Tiara();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Helmet();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hat();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new SmBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new MageBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new WarriorShoes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new GhostFighterShoes();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Ring)
                        b = new Ring();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Necklace)
                        b = new Necklace();
                    if (BType == (byte)bType.Cape)
                        b = new Cape();
                        Cape c = b as Cape;
                        c.MaxPolishImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);
                        c.PolishImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_POLISHTRIES);
                        c.VigiStat1 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT1);
                        c.VigiStatAdd1 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD1);
                        c.VigiStat2 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT2);
                        c.VigiStatAdd2 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD2);
                        c.VigiStat3 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT3);
                        c.VigiStatAdd3 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD3);
                        c.VigiStat4 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTAT4);
                        c.VigiStatAdd4 = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VIGISTATADD4);

                    Equipment e = b as Equipment;
                    e.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    e.RequiredDexterity = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEX);
                    e.RequiredStrength = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STR);
                    e.RequiredStamina = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STA);
                    e.RequiredEnergy = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ENE);
                    e.MaxImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUES);
                    e.Durability = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_CURDURA);
                    e.MaxDurability = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXDURA);
                    e.Damage = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DAMAGE);
                    e.Defence = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEFENCE);
                    e.AttackRating = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING);
                    e.AttackSpeed = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
                    e.AttackRange = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
                    e.IncMaxLife = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    e.IncMaxMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                    e.IncLifeRegen = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN);
                    e.IncManaRegen = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN);
                    e.Critical = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_CRITICAL);
                    e.Plus = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_PLUS);
                    e.Slvl = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SLVL);
                    e.ImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_IMBUETRIES);
                    e.DragonSuccessImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DRAGONSUCCESSIMBUETRIES);
                    e.DiscountRepairFee = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_DISCOUNTREPAIRFEE);
                    e.TotalDragonImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_TOTALDRAGONIMBUES);
                    e.DragonDamage = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DRAGONDAMAGE);
                    e.DragonDefence = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DRAGONDEFENCE);
                    e.DragonAttackRating = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DRAGONATTACKRATING);
                    e.DragonLife = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DRAGONLIFE);
                    e.MappedData = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_MAPPEDSTUFF);
                    e.ForceSlot = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_FORCENUMBER);
                    e.RebirthHole = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLE);
                    e.RebirthHoleItem = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLEITEM);
                    e.RebirthHoleStat = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_REBIRTHHOLESTAT);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.ImbueItem)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Black)
                        b = new Black();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.White)
                        b = new White();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Red)
                        b = new Red();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Dragon)
                        b = new Dragon();

                    ImbueItem im = b as ImbueItem;
                    im.ImbueChance = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE);
                    im.IncreaseValue = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Potion)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Normal)
                        b = new Potion();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Elixir)
                        b = new Elixir();

                    PotionItem pot = b as PotionItem;
                    pot.HealHp = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    pot.HealMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Book)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.SoftBook)
                        b = new SoftBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.HardBook)
                        b = new HardBook();

                    BookItem book = b as BookItem;
                    book.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                    book.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    book.SkillID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
                    book.SkillLevel = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
                    book.SkillData = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Bead)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBeads.Normal)
                        b = new Bead();
                    BeadItem bead = b as BeadItem;
                    bead.ToMapID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_TOMAPID);

                b.ItemID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_ITEMID);
                b.OwnerID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_OWNERID);
                b.ReferenceID = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID);
                b.VisualID = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VISUALID);
                b.Bag = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BAG);
                b.Slot = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SLOT);
                b.bType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                b.bKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);
                b.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                b.Amount = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_AMOUNT);
                b.SizeX = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEX);
                b.SizeY = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEY);
                b.Price = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_COST);


            return b;
Esempio n. 35
        public BaseItem GetRebirthPillDrop(Monster m)
            DbParameter levelParameter = _db.CreateParameter(DbNames.GETPILLDROPITEM_LEVEL_PARAMETER, m.Level);
            levelParameter.DbType = DbType.Int32;

            List<BaseItem> items = new List<BaseItem>();


            DbDataReader reader = _db.ExcecuteReader(DbNames.GETPILLDROPITEM_STOREDPROC, CommandType.StoredProcedure, levelParameter);

            int ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_REFERENCEID);
            int ordinalITEM_BTYPE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BTYPE);
            int ordinalITEM_BKIND = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BKIND);
            int ordinalITEM_VISUALID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_VISUALID);
            int ordinalITEM_COST = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_COST);
            int ordinalITEM_CLASS = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CLASS);
            int ordinalITEM_LEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_DEX = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEX);
            int ordinalITEM_STR = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STR);
            int ordinalITEM_STA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_STA);
            int ordinalITEM_ENE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ENE);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXIMBUES);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXDURA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.DROPITEM_DURABILITY);
            int ordinalITEM_DAMAGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DAMAGE);
            int ordinalITEM_DEFENCE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_DEFENCE);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRATING);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
            int ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
            int ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_INCMAXMANA);
            int ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_LIFEREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MANAREGEN);
            int ordinalITEM_CRITICAL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_CRITICAL);
            int ordinalITEM_TOMAPID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_TOMAPID);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUERATE);
            int ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
            int ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
            int ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_POLISHTRIES = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_POLISHTRIES);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEX = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEX);
            int ordinalITEM_SIZEY = reader.GetOrdinal(DbNames.ITEM_SIZEY);
            while (reader.Read())
                BaseItem b = null;

                int BType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                int BKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Weapon || BType == (byte)bType.Clothes || BType == (byte)bType.Hat || BType == (byte)bType.Necklace
                    || BType == (byte)bType.Ring || BType == (byte)bType.Shoes || BType == (byte)bType.Cape)

                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Sword && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Sword();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Blade && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Blade();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Fan && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Fan();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Brush && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Brush();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Claw && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Claw();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Axe && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Axe();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Talon && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Talon();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindWeapons.Tonfa && BType == (byte)bType.Weapon)
                        b = new Tonfa();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Clothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Dress();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new Armor();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindArmors.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Clothes)
                        b = new LeatherClothes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hood();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Tiara();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Helmet();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Hat)
                        b = new Hat();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.SwordMan && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new SmBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Mage && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new MageBoots();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.Warrior && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new WarriorShoes();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindHats.GhostFighter && BType == (byte)bType.Shoes)
                        b = new GhostFighterShoes();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Ring)
                        b = new Ring();
                    if (BKind == 0 && BType == (byte)bType.Necklace)
                        b = new Necklace();
                    if (BType == (byte)bType.Cape)
                        b = new Cape();
                        Cape c = b as Cape;
                        c.MaxPolishImbueTries = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXPOLISHTRIES);
                        c.PolishImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_POLISHTRIES);

                    Equipment e = b as Equipment;
                    e.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    e.RequiredDexterity = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEX);
                    e.RequiredStrength = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STR);
                    e.RequiredStamina = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_STA);
                    e.RequiredEnergy = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ENE);
                    e.MaxImbueTries = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_MAXIMBUES);
                    e.Durability = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_MAXDURA);
                    e.MaxDurability = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_MAXDURA);
                    e.Damage = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DAMAGE);
                    e.Defence = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_DEFENCE);
                    e.AttackRating = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRATING);
                    e.AttackSpeed = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKSPEED);
                    e.AttackRange = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_ATTACKRANGE);
                    e.IncMaxLife = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    e.IncMaxMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                    e.IncLifeRegen = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LIFEREGEN);
                    e.IncManaRegen = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MANAREGEN);
                    e.Critical = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_CRITICAL);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.ImbueItem)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Black)
                        b = new Black();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.White)
                        b = new White();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Red)
                        b = new Red();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.Dragon)
                        b = new Dragon();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindStones.RbItem)
                        b = new RbHoleItem();

                    ImbueItem im = b as ImbueItem;
                    im.ImbueChance = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE);
                    im.IncreaseValue = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);

                if (BType == (byte)bType.Potion)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Normal)
                        b = new Potion();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPotions.Elixir)
                        b = new Elixir();

                    PotionItem pot = b as PotionItem;
                    pot.HealHp = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                    pot.HealMana = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXMANA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Book)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.SoftBook)
                        b = new SoftBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.HardBook)
                        b = new HardBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.RebirdBook)
                        b = new RebirthBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.FourthBook)
                        b = new FourthBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.FeSkillBook)
                        b = new FeSkillBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.FeBook)
                        b = new FiveElementBook();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBooks.FocusBook)
                        b = new FocusBook();

                    BookItem book = b as BookItem;
                    book.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                    book.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    book.SkillID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLID);
                    book.SkillLevel = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLLEVEL);
                    book.SkillData = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_BOOKSKILLDATA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Bead)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindBeads.Normal)
                        b = new Bead();
                    BeadItem bead = b as BeadItem;
                    bead.ToMapID = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_TOMAPID);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.StoreTag)
                    b = new StoreTag();

                    StoreTag tag = b as StoreTag;
                    tag.TimeLeft = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXDURA);
                    tag.TimeMax = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_MAXDURA);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.PetItem)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPetItems.Taming)
                        b = new TameItem();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPetItems.Food)
                        b = new PetFood();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPetItems.Potion)
                        b = new PetPotion();
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPetItems.Resurect)
                        b = new PetResurrectItem();

                    PetItem p = b as PetItem;
                    p.TameChance = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUERATE);
                    p.DecreaseWildness = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_IMBUEINCREASE);
                    p.HealLife = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_INCMAXLIFE);
                if (BType == (byte)bType.Pill)
                    if (BKind == (byte)bKindPills.Rebirth)
                        b = new RebirthPill();

                    RebirthPill p = b as RebirthPill;
                    p.RequiredLevel = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_LEVEL);
                    p.RequiredRebirth = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                    p.ToRebirth = (byte)(p.RequiredRebirth + 1);
                    p.IncreaseSp = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_DEX);

                b.ItemID = 0;
                b.OwnerID = 0;
                b.ReferenceID = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_REFERENCEID);
                b.VisualID = reader.GetInt16(ordinalITEM_VISUALID);
                b.Bag = 0;
                b.Slot = 0;
                b.bType = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BTYPE);
                b.bKind = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_BKIND);
                b.RequiredClass = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_CLASS);
                b.Amount = 1;
                b.SizeX = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEX);
                b.SizeY = reader.GetByte(ordinalITEM_SIZEY);
                b.Price = reader.GetInt32(ordinalITEM_COST);


            if (items.Count > 0)
                Random rand = new Random();
                int itemPos = rand.Next(0, items.Count);
                return items[itemPos];
                return null;