public async Task <ActionResult <TalksDTO> > CreateTalk(string moniker, TalksDTO model)
                var camp = await _repository.GetCampAsync(moniker);

                if (camp == null)
                    return(BadRequest($"Camp for the specified moniker {moniker} doesn't exists"));
                var talk = _mapper.Map <Talk>(model);
                talk.Camp = camp;

                // speaker
                if (model.Speaker == null)
                    return(BadRequest("Speaker ID is required"));
                var speaker = await _repository.GetSpeakerAsync(model.Speaker.SpeakerId);

                if (speaker == null)
                    return(BadRequest("Speaker could not be found"));
                talk.Speaker = speaker;


                if (await _repository.SaveChangesAsync())
                    var url = _generator.GetPathByAction(HttpContext, "Get", values: new { moniker, id = model.TalkId });
                    return(Created(url, _mapper.Map <TalksDTO>(talk)));
            catch (Exception)
                return(this.StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "DB error"));

            return(BadRequest("Failed to create the talk"));
        public async Task <ActionResult <TalksDTO> > UpdateTalkByID(string moniker, int id, TalksDTO model)
                var talk = await _repository.GetTalkByMonikerAsync(moniker, id, true);

                if (talk == null)
                    BadRequest("Talk not found");

                _mapper.Map(model, talk);

                if (model.Speaker != null)
                    var speaker = await _repository.GetSpeakerAsync(model.Speaker.SpeakerId);

                    if (speaker != null)
                        talk.Speaker = speaker;

                if (await _repository.SaveChangesAsync())
                    return(_mapper.Map <TalksDTO>(talk));
            catch (Exception)
                return(this.StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "DB error"));

            return(BadRequest("Failed to Update the talk"));