Esempio n. 1
        public override void Added(Scene scene)

            if ((scene as Level).Session.GetFlag("DoNotTalk" + id))

            // Determine the talker bounds and coordinates based on the first animation frame.

            float width  = 0;
            float height = 0;

            if (textures != null && textures.Count > 0)
                width  = textures[0].Width * scale.X;
                height = textures[0].Height * scale.Y;

            Add(Talker = new TalkComponent(
                    new Rectangle(-(int)width / 2 - 48, (int)-height - 16, (int)width + 96, (int)height + 32),
                    new Vector2(-0.5f + indicatorOffset.X, -height / 2 + indicatorOffset.Y),
Esempio n. 2
            public ScreenTerminal(MinigameModeScreen parent, Vector2 position) : base(position)
                this.parent = parent;
                Depth       = -8500;
                TalkComponent talk = new TalkComponent(new Rectangle(-24, -8, 48, 8), new Vector2(-0.5f, -20f), Interact);

                talk.PlayerMustBeFacing = false;
Esempio n. 3
        private static void TalkComponent_Update(ILContext il)
            ILCursor cursor = new ILCursor(il);

            while (cursor.TryGotoNext(MoveType.After, instr => instr.MatchStloc(1)))
                Logger.Log($"{PandorasBoxMod.LoggerTag}/TalkComponent", $"Patching talk component at {cursor.Index} in CIL code for {cursor.Method.FullName}");

                // this
                cursor.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0);

                // flag, the current value we are overriding
                cursor.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 1);

                // this.disableDelay
                cursor.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0);
                cursor.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(TalkComponent).GetField("disableDelay", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic));

                cursor.EmitDelegate <Func <Object, bool, float, bool> >((talkerObject, current, disableDelay) =>
                    TalkComponent talker  = talkerObject as TalkComponent;
                    List <Entity> players = talker.Scene.Tracker.GetEntities <Player>();

                    if (players.Count == 1)

                    // Check based on vanilla version, except across all player entities

                    if (disableDelay >= 0.05f)

                    foreach (Player player in players)
                        if (player.CollideRect(new Rectangle((int)(talker.Entity.X + talker.Bounds.X), (int)(talker.Entity.Y + talker.Bounds.Y), talker.Bounds.Width, talker.Bounds.Height)) &&
                            player.OnGround() &&
                            player.Bottom < talker.Entity.Y + talker.Bounds.Bottom + 4f &&
                            player.StateMachine.State == 0 &&
                            (!talker.PlayerMustBeFacing || Math.Abs(player.X - talker.Entity.X) <= talker.Bounds.Width || player.Facing == (Facings)Math.Sign(talker.Entity.X - player.X)) &&
                            (TalkComponent.PlayerOver == null || TalkComponent.PlayerOver == talker))


                cursor.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, 1);
        public JournalTrigger(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data, offset)
            levelset = data.Attr("levelset");

            Add(talkComponent = new TalkComponent(
                    new Rectangle(0, 0, data.Width, data.Height),
                    data.Nodes.Length != 0 ? (data.Nodes[0] - data.Position) : new Vector2(data.Width / 2f, data.Height / 2f),
                    player => InGameOverworldHelper.OpenJournal(player, levelset)
                PlayerMustBeFacing = false
Esempio n. 5
        public DrivableCar(EntityData data, Vector2 offset) : base(data.Position + offset)
            // TODO - Fix this, needs a entity per depthed image
            this.Depth = 1;
            this.Add(this.bodySprite = new Monocle.Image(GFX.Game["scenery/car/body"]));
            this.bodySprite.Origin   = new Vector2(this.bodySprite.Width / 2f, this.bodySprite.Height);

            this.Depth = 3;
            this.Add(this.wheelsSprite = new Monocle.Image(GFX.Game["scenery/car/wheels"]));
            this.wheelsSprite.Origin   = new Vector2(this.wheelsSprite.Width / 2f, this.wheelsSprite.Height);

            base.Add(new PlayerCollider(new Action <Player>(this.OnPlayer)));
            this.Collider = new Hitbox(40, 18, -20, -18);

            this.Add(talker     = new TalkComponent(new Rectangle(-8, -8, 16, 16), new Vector2(0.0f, -24f), this.OnTalk, null));
            this.talker.Enabled = false;

            this.acceleration = float.Parse(data.Attr("acceleration", "256"));
            this.deceleration = float.Parse(data.Attr("deceleration", "384"));
            this.maxSpeed     = float.Parse(data.Attr("maxSpeed", "384"));

            this.brokenDoor         = bool.Parse(data.Attr("brokenDoor", "false"));
            this.keepCarSpeedOnExit = bool.Parse(data.Attr("keepCarSpeedOnExit", "false"));

            this.nitroAcceleration    = float.Parse(data.Attr("nitroAcceleration", "448"));
            this.nitroMaxDuration     = float.Parse(data.Attr("nitroMaxDuration", "3"));
            this.nitroRegenMultiplier = float.Parse(data.Attr("nitroRegenMultiplier", "0.2"));
            this.nitroDuration        = this.nitroMaxDuration;

            this.nitroActive = false;

            this.breakingDuration = 0;
            this.facing           = int.Parse(data.Attr("facing", "1"));

            this.onCollideH = new Collision(this.OnCollideH);
            this.onCollideV = new Collision(this.OnCollideV);

            this.prevLiftSpeed = Vector2.Zero;

            this.exhaustAcc = 0.0;

            this.springGrace = 0.3;
            this.enterGrace  = 0.5;

   = data.ID;

Esempio n. 6
        public ChapterPanelTrigger(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data, offset)
            map = data.Attr("map");
            returnToLobbyMode = data.Enum("returnToLobbyMode", ReturnToLobbyMode.SetReturnToHere);
            savingAllowed     = data.Bool("allowSaving", defaultValue: true);

            Add(talkComponent = new TalkComponent(
                    new Rectangle(0, 0, data.Width, data.Height),
                    data.Nodes.Length != 0 ? (data.Nodes[0] - data.Position) : new Vector2(data.Width / 2f, data.Height / 2f),
                    player => InGameOverworldHelper.OpenChapterPanel(player, map, returnToLobbyMode, savingAllowed)
                PlayerMustBeFacing = false
Esempio n. 7
        public LuaTalker(EntityData data, Vector2 offset) : base(data.Position + offset)
   = data;

            onlyOnce        = data.Bool("onlyOnce", true);
            filename        = data.Attr("filename", "");
            argumentsString = data.Attr("arguments", "");
            unskippable     = data.Bool("unskippable", false);

            wasSkipped = false;

            Add(talker = new TalkComponent(new Rectangle(0, 0, data.Width, data.Height), data.Nodes.First() + offset - Position, onTalk)
                Enabled            = true,
                PlayerMustBeFacing = false
Esempio n. 8
        public JournalTrigger(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data, offset)
            levelset = data.Attr("levelset");

            Add(talkComponent = new TalkComponent(
                    new Rectangle(0, 0, data.Width, data.Height),
                    data.Nodes.Length != 0 ? (data.Nodes[0] - data.Position) : new Vector2(data.Width / 2f, data.Height / 2f),
                    player => {
                showOnlyDiscovered = data.Bool("showOnlyDiscovered", defaultValue: false);
                vanillaJournal     = data.Bool("vanillaJournal", defaultValue: false);
                InGameOverworldHelper.OpenJournal(player, levelset);
                PlayerMustBeFacing = false
Esempio n. 9
        public Lever(EntityData data, Vector2 offset) : base(data.Position + offset)
            Add((Component)(sprite = new Sprite(GFX.Game, "objects/pandorasBox/lever/lever")));
            sprite.AddLoop("lever", "", 0.125f);
            sprite.JustifyOrigin(0.5f, 1f);
            sprite.OnLastFrame = onLastFrame;

            active = data.Bool("active", false);
            flag   = data.Attr("flag", "");
            id     = data.ID;

            Collider = new Hitbox(sprite.Width, sprite.Height, -sprite.Width / 2, -sprite.Height);

            Add(talker     = new TalkComponent(new Rectangle((int)(-sprite.Width / 2 - 2), -4, (int)(sprite.Width + 4), 4), new Vector2(0.0f, -18f), onTalk));
            talker.Enabled = true;
Esempio n. 10
        public NoOverlayLookout(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data.Position + offset)
            Depth = Depths.Above;

            Add(talk = new TalkComponent(new Rectangle(-24, -8, 48, 8), new Vector2(-0.5f, -20f), Interact)
                PlayerMustBeFacing = false,

            summit = data.Bool("summit");
            onlyY  = data.Bool("onlyY");

            Collider = new Hitbox(4f, 4f, -2f, -4f);

            VertexLight vertexLight = new VertexLight(new Vector2(-1f, -11f), Color.White, 0.8f, 16, 24);


            lightTween = vertexLight.CreatePulseTween();

            Add(sprite           = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("lookout"));
            sprite.OnFrameChange = delegate(string s) {
                switch (s)
                case "idle":
                case "badeline_idle":
                case "nobackpack_idle":
                    if (sprite.CurrentAnimationFrame == sprite.CurrentAnimationTotalFrames - 1)

            Vector2[] array = data.NodesOffset(offset);
            if (array != null && array.Length != 0)
                nodes = new List <Vector2>(array);
Esempio n. 11
        public PandorasBox(EntityData data, Vector2 offset) : base(data.Position + offset)
            Add(talker     = new TalkComponent(new Rectangle(-8, -8, 16, 16), new Vector2(0.0f, -24f), onTalk));
            talker.Enabled = true;
            canTalk        = true;

            Add((Component)(boxOpen = new Sprite(GFX.Game, "objects/pandorasBox/pandorasBox/box_open")));
            boxOpen.AddLoop("box_open", "", 0.25f);
            boxOpen.JustifyOrigin(0.5f, 1f);
            boxOpen.Visible = false;

            Add((Component)(boxIdle = new Sprite(GFX.Game, "objects/pandorasBox/pandorasBox/box_idle")));
            boxIdle.AddLoop("box_idle", "", 0.1f);
            boxIdle.JustifyOrigin(0.5f, 1f);

            completeChapter = Boolean.Parse(data.Attr("completeChapter", "false"));
            dialogId        = data.Attr("dialog", "");

            Depth = 5;
Esempio n. 12
 public FindTheoPhone(EntityData data, Vector2 offset, EntityID id) : base(offset + data.Position)
     this.Add(this.Talker = new TalkComponent(new Rectangle(-12, -8, 24, 8), new Vector2(99999, 99999), this.OnTalk));
     this.ID = id;