Esempio n. 1
    public AudioSource ReloadAudio;                                         // The reload audio source

    // Method:      Awake()
    // Description: disable the currently active crosshair
    protected void Awake()
        // Added a conditional to prevent unnessecary calls of this method, it only needs to be called once
        // But depending on which weapon the player first picks up it must be called at least once
        if (_launchPoint != null)

        _launchPoint = Camera.main.transform;                       // get the launchpoint

        TagsHashes = FindObjectOfType <TagsHashIDs>();              // get the TagsHashIDs.cs script reference

        int EnemyLayerInt     = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy");     // Set up the shooting layer mask
        int DefaultLayerInt   = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
        int ShootableLayerInt = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Shootable");

        int EnemyLayerMask     = 1 << EnemyLayerInt;
        int ShootableLayerMask = 1 << ShootableLayerInt;
        int DefaultLayerMask   = 1 << DefaultLayerInt;

        GunEnemyLayerMask = EnemyLayerMask | DefaultLayerMask | ShootableLayerMask;    // bit shift the layer mask

        MuzzleEffects = MuzzleFlashEffects.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); // Asigne the muzzle flash effects

        // Create pools of commonly used particle systems:
        _envHitEffectPool   = ObjectPooler.CreatePool(EnvHitParticles, poolSize, + " Hit Particles", false);
        ShootableHitFXPool  = ObjectPooler.CreatePool(TargetHitFX, 3, + "Target Hit FX", false);
        MeleeHitFXPool      = ObjectPooler.CreatePool(BasicEnemyHitFX, poolSize, + " ImpactVFX", false);
        ArmouredHitFXPool   = ObjectPooler.CreatePool(ArmouredEnemyHitFX, poolSize, + " ArmouredImpactVFX", false);
        FlameHitFXPool      = ObjectPooler.CreatePool(FlameEnemyHitFX, poolSize, + " FlamerImpactVFX", false);
        EnergyPackHitFXPool = ObjectPooler.CreatePool(EnergyPackHitFX, poolSize, + " EnergyPackVFX", false);
Esempio n. 2
 private void Start()
     _impactEffect = GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystem>();
     // meleeAudio = _impactEffect.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
     tagsHash        = GetComponentInParent <FPSRigAnimator>().TagsHashIDs;
     meleeEffectPool = ObjectPooler.CreatePool(_impactEffect.gameObject, 3, "MeleeEffects", false);
Esempio n. 3
    // Method: Start
    // Desc:   Create the layer mask. It is possible for ranged enemies to fire a spherecast
    //         and hit other enemies, which takes damage from them. Also cache comps not
    //         in this object's heirarchy
    private void Start()
        StateController sc = GetComponentInParent <StateController>();

        _playerTransform = sc.Player.transform;
        _tagsHashes      = sc.TagsHash;
        _layerMask       = _tagsHashes.PlayerLayerMask | _tagsHashes.EnemyLayerMask | _tagsHashes.DefaultLayerMask | _tagsHashes.ShootableLayerMask;
Esempio n. 4
    // Method: Start()
    // Desc:   Get connections to components on other gameobjects, which would have been set up in their own Awake() method
    //         ie StateController.cs grabs the player in it's awake() method, so we get that reference in the Start method
    //         to avoid a null reference.
    private void Start()
        _LayerMasks         = GetComponentInParent <StateController>().TagsHash;
        _AITriggerLayerMask = _LayerMasks.AITriggerLayerMask | _LayerMasks.EnemyLayerMask | _LayerMasks.IgnoreRaycastLayerMask;
        // We have to include the ignore raycast layer,
        // because spawn trigger colliders are on this layer and if the sight script casts against them the player will never be seen
        // I don't include the enemy layer in the mask, because the enemy would not see the player
        // As his sight was being blocked by (presumably) his own collider - at least this is what happened suring testing
        _AITriggerLayerMask = ~_AITriggerLayerMask;

        // Only get a reference to the player if he is alive
        // Avoid a null reference if an enemy spawns after the player has been killed - should not happen but just in case
        if (PlayerStats.PlayerHealth > 0.0f)
            _player = GetComponentInParent <StateController>().Player.gameObject;
Esempio n. 5
    private PlayerMeleeAttack _meleeAttackScript;   // Script for melee Attacking

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // METHOD:      Awake()
    // DESCRIPTION: Cache global variables and convert layer names to their integer values
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void Awake()
        TagsHashIDs = FindObjectOfType <TagsHashIDs>();

        _weaponManagerScript = GetComponent <WeaponManager>();
        _fpsAnimator         = GetComponent <Animator>();
        _noWeaponLayer       = _fpsAnimator.GetLayerIndex("NoWeaponLayer");
        _handgunLayer        = _fpsAnimator.GetLayerIndex("HandgunLayer");
        _macheteLayer        = _fpsAnimator.GetLayerIndex("MacheteLayer");
        _shotgunLayer        = _fpsAnimator.GetLayerIndex("ShotgunLayer");
        _plasmaRifleLayer    = _fpsAnimator.GetLayerIndex("PlasmaRifleLayer");
        //_pickupReloadLayer = _fpsAnimator.GetLayerIndex("PickupAndReload");

        _handgun     = GetComponentInChildren <Handgun>(true);
        _shotgun     = GetComponentInChildren <Shotgun>(true);
        _plasmaRifle = GetComponentInChildren <PlasmaRifle>(true);
Esempio n. 6
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // METHOD:      Start()
 // Desciption:  Get a reference to the TagsHashIDs.cs file, and construct a new AnimatorSetup.cs class
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 private void Start()
     _hashIDs       = _controller.TagsHash;
     _animatorSetup = new AnimatorSetup(_anim, _hashIDs);
Esempio n. 7
 // Constructor, called by other script when an instance of this class is created:
 public AnimatorSetup(Animator anim, TagsHashIDs tagsHashes)
     _anim    = anim;
     _hashIDs = tagsHashes;