public override void LoadRaw()
            if (RawLoaded)

            #region Clusters
            for (int i = 0; i < Clusters.Count; i++)
                var section = (Halo2Xbox.scenario_structure_bsp.ModelSection)ModelSections[i];

                if (section.rSize.Length == 0 || section.vertcount == 0)
                    IndexInfoList.Add(new mode.IndexBufferInfo());

                var data   = cache.GetRawFromID(section.rawOffset, section.rawSize);
                var ms     = new MemoryStream(data);
                var reader = new EndianReader(ms, IO.EndianFormat.Little);

                #region Read Submeshes
                for (int j = 0; j < section.rSize[0] / 72; j++)
                    var mesh = new mode.ModelSection.Submesh();
                    reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[0] + j * 72 + 4);
                    mesh.ShaderIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    mesh.FaceIndex   = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    mesh.FaceCount   = reader.ReadUInt16();

                #region Get Resource Indices
                int iIndex = 0, vIndex = 0, uIndex = 0, nIndex = 0, bIndex = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < section.rType.Length; j++)
                    switch (section.rType[j] & 0x0000FFFF)
                    case 32: iIndex = j;

                    case 56:
                        switch ((section.rType[j] & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)
                        case 0: vIndex = j;

                        case 1: uIndex = j;

                        case 2: nIndex = j;

                    case 100: bIndex = j;

                section.Vertices = new Vertex[section.vertcount];
                for (int j = 0; j < section.vertcount; j++)
                    reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[vIndex] + ((section.rSize[vIndex] / section.vertcount) * j));
                    var v = new Vertex();
                    var p = new Vector(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());

                    v.Values.Add(new VertexValue(p, 0, "position", 0));
                    section.Vertices[j] = v;

                #region Read UVs and Normals
                for (int j = 0; j < section.vertcount; j++)
                    reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[uIndex] + (8 * j));
                    var v  = section.Vertices[j];
                    var uv = new Vector(reader.ReadSingle(), 1 - reader.ReadSingle());
                    v.Values.Add(new VertexValue(uv, 0, "texcoords", 0));

                for (int j = 0; j < section.vertcount; j++)
                    reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[uIndex + 1] + (12 * j));
                    var v = section.Vertices[j];
                    var n = Vector.FromHenDN3(reader.ReadUInt32());
                    v.Values.Add(new VertexValue(n, 0, "normal", 0));

                section.Indices = new int[reader.ReadUInt16()];
                reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[iIndex]);
                for (int j = 0; j < section.Indices.Length; j++)
                    section.Indices[j] = reader.ReadUInt16();

                var facetype = 5;
                if (section.facecount * 3 == section.Indices.Length)
                    facetype = 3;
                IndexInfoList.Add(new mode.IndexBufferInfo()
                    FaceFormat = facetype

            #region Instances
            if (GeomInstances.Count == 0)
                RawLoaded = true; return;
            for (int i = GeomInstances[0].SectionIndex; i < ModelSections.Count; i++)
                var section   = (Halo2Xbox.scenario_structure_bsp.ModelSection)ModelSections[i];
                var geomIndex = i - Clusters.Count;

                if (section.rSize.Length == 0 || section.vertcount == 0)
                    IndexInfoList.Add(new mode.IndexBufferInfo());

                var data   = cache.GetRawFromID(section.rawOffset, section.rawSize);
                var ms     = new MemoryStream(data);
                var reader = new EndianReader(ms, IO.EndianFormat.Little);

                #region Read Submeshes
                for (int j = 0; j < section.rSize[0] / 72; j++)
                    var mesh = new mode.ModelSection.Submesh();
                    reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[0] + j * 72 + 4);
                    mesh.ShaderIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    mesh.FaceIndex   = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    mesh.FaceCount   = reader.ReadUInt16();

                #region Get Resource Indices
                int iIndex = 0, vIndex = 0, uIndex = 0, nIndex = 0, bIndex = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < section.rType.Length; j++)
                    switch (section.rType[j] & 0x0000FFFF)
                    case 32: iIndex = j;

                    case 56:
                        switch ((section.rType[j] & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)
                        case 0: vIndex = j;

                        case 1: uIndex = j;

                        case 2: nIndex = j;

                    case 100: bIndex = j;

                section.Vertices = new Vertex[section.vertcount];
                for (int j = 0; j < section.vertcount; j++)
                    reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[vIndex] + ((section.rSize[vIndex] / section.vertcount) * j));
                    var v = new Vertex();
                    var p = new Vector(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());

                    v.Values.Add(new VertexValue(p, 0, "position", 0));
                    section.Vertices[j] = v;

                #region Read UVs and Normals
                for (int j = 0; j < section.vertcount; j++)
                    reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[uIndex] + (8 * j));
                    var v  = section.Vertices[j];
                    var uv = new Vector(reader.ReadSingle(), 1 - reader.ReadSingle());
                    v.Values.Add(new VertexValue(uv, 0, "texcoords", 0));
                    //DecompressVertex(ref v, BoundingBoxes[geomIndex]);

                for (int j = 0; j < section.vertcount; j++)
                    reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[nIndex] + (12 * j));
                    var v = section.Vertices[j];
                    var n = Vector.FromHenDN3(reader.ReadUInt32());
                    v.Values.Add(new VertexValue(n, 0, "normal", 0));

                section.Indices = new int[reader.ReadUInt16()];
                reader.SeekTo(section.hSize + section.rOffset[iIndex]);
                for (int j = 0; j < section.Indices.Length; j++)
                    section.Indices[j] = reader.ReadUInt16();

                var facetype = 5;
                if (section.facecount * 3 == section.Indices.Length)
                    facetype = 3;
                IndexInfoList.Add(new mode.IndexBufferInfo()
                    FaceFormat = facetype

            RawLoaded = true;
Esempio n. 2
        protected void LoadModelExtras()
            var mode = this;

            #region Mesh Merging
            foreach (var reg in mode.Regions)
                foreach (var perm in reg.Permutations)
                    if (perm.PieceCount < 2)

                    var firstPart = mode.ModelSections[perm.PieceIndex];

                    if (firstPart.Submeshes.Count == 0)

                    var verts   = firstPart.Vertices.ToList();
                    var indices = firstPart.Indices.ToList();

                    for (int i = 1; i < perm.PieceCount; i++)
                        var nextPart = mode.ModelSections[perm.PieceIndex + i];

                        foreach (var mesh in nextPart.Submeshes)
                            mesh.FaceIndex += indices.Count;

                        for (int j = 0; j < nextPart.Indices.Length; j++)
                            nextPart.Indices[j] += verts.Count;

                        nextPart.UnloadRaw(); //save memory seeing as it wont be used now

                    firstPart.Vertices = verts.ToArray();
                    firstPart.Indices  = indices.ToArray();

            #region Mesh Splitting
            if (mode.InstancedGeometryIndex == -1)

            var part = mode.ModelSections[mode.InstancedGeometryIndex];
            var list = new List <mode.ModelSection>();

            for (int i = 0; i < part.Submeshes.Count; i++)
                var submesh = part.Submeshes[i];

                for (int j = submesh.SubsetIndex; j < (submesh.SubsetIndex + submesh.SubsetCount); j++)
                    var set   = part.Subsets[j];
                    var vList = ModelFunctions.GetTriangleList(part.Indices, set.FaceIndex, set.FaceCount, mode.IndexInfoList[part.FacesIndex].FaceFormat);

                    var newStrip = vList.ToArray();

                    var min = vList.Min();
                    var max = vList.Max();

                    //adjust faces to start at 0, seeing as
                    //we're going to use a new set of vertices
                    for (int k = 0; k < newStrip.Length; k++)
                        newStrip[k] -= min;

                    var verts = new Vertex[(max - min) + 1];
                    for (int k = 0; k < verts.Length; k++)                                   //need to deep clone in case the vertices need to be
                        verts[k] = (Vertex)ModelFunctions.DeepClone(part.Vertices[k + min]); //transformed, so it doesnt transform all instances
                    #region Make new instances
                    var newPart = new mode.ModelSection()
                        Vertices             = verts,
                        Indices              = newStrip,
                        Submeshes            = new List <mode.ModelSection.Submesh>(),
                        Subsets              = new List <mode.ModelSection.Subset>(),
                        VertexFormat         = 1,
                        OpaqueNodesPerVertex = part.OpaqueNodesPerVertex,
                        NodeIndex            = mode.GeomInstances[j].NodeIndex,
                        VertsIndex           = mode.VertInfoList.Count,
                        FacesIndex           = mode.IndexInfoList.Count

                    mode.VertInfoList.Add(new mode.VertexBufferInfo()
                        VertexCount = verts.Length //dont need the rest

                    mode.IndexInfoList.Add(new mode.IndexBufferInfo()
                        FaceFormat = 3 //dont need the rest

                    var newMesh = new mode.ModelSection.Submesh()
                        SubsetCount = 1,
                        SubsetIndex = 0,
                        FaceIndex   = 0,
                        FaceCount   = newStrip.Length,
                        ShaderIndex = submesh.ShaderIndex,
                        VertexCount = verts.Length

                    var newSet = new mode.ModelSection.Subset()
                        SubmeshIndex = 0,
                        FaceIndex    = 0,
                        FaceCount    = newStrip.Length,
                        VertexCount  = verts.Length



            //clear raw to save memory seeing as it wont be used anymore


            var newRegion = new mode.Region()
                Name         = "Instances",
                Permutations = new List <mode.Region.Permutation>()

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                var newPerm = new mode.Region.Permutation()
                    Name       = mode.GeomInstances[i].Name,
                    PieceIndex = mode.InstancedGeometryIndex + i + 1,
                    PieceCount = 1


            for (int i = 0; i < newRegion.Permutations.Count; i++)
                var modelPart = mode.ModelSections[newRegion.Permutations[i].PieceIndex];
                var instance  = mode.GeomInstances[i];

                //negative scale flips the faces after transform, fix it
                if (instance.TransformScale < 0)

                for (int j = 0; j < modelPart.Vertices.Length; j++)
                    var         vert = modelPart.Vertices[j];
                    VertexValue p, n, v, w;

                    vert.TryGetValue("position", 0, out p);
                    vert.TryGetValue("normal", 0, out n);

                    p.Data *= instance.TransformScale;

                    n.Data *= instance.TransformScale;

                    if (vert.TryGetValue("blendindices", 0, out v))
                        v.Data = new Vector(instance.NodeIndex, 0, 0, 0);
                        vert.Values.Add(new VertexValue(new Vector(instance.NodeIndex, 0, 0, 0), VertexValue.ValueType.Int8_N4, "blendindices", 0));

                    if (vert.TryGetValue("blendweight", 0, out w))
                        w.Data = new Vector(instance.NodeIndex, 0, 0, 0);
                        vert.Values.Add(new VertexValue(new Vector(1, 0, 0, 0), VertexValue.ValueType.Int8_N4, "blendweight", 0));
