Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Use an account's <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential"/> to sign this
        /// shared access signature values to produce the proper SAS query
        /// parameters for authenticating requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sharedKeyCredential">
        /// The storage account's <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An instance of <see cref="TableSasQueryParameters"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public TableSasQueryParameters ToSasQueryParameters(TableSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential)
            sharedKeyCredential = sharedKeyCredential ?? throw Errors.ArgumentNull(nameof(sharedKeyCredential));


            var startTime  = TableSasExtensions.FormatTimesForSasSigning(StartsOn);
            var expiryTime = TableSasExtensions.FormatTimesForSasSigning(ExpiresOn);

            // String to sign:
            var stringToSign = string.Join("\n",
                                           GetCanonicalName(sharedKeyCredential.AccountName, TableName),
            var signature = TableSharedKeyCredential.ComputeSasSignature(sharedKeyCredential, stringToSign);
            var p         = new TableSasQueryParameters(
                version: Version,
                resourceTypes: default,
Esempio n. 2
        //TODO: implement Singleton pattern for TableClient
        private TableClient GetTableClient()
            var credentials = new TableSharedKeyCredential(_settings.Value.AccountName, _settings.Value.AccountKey);
            var tableClient = new TableClient(new Uri(_settings.Value.TableUrl), _settings.Value.TableName, credentials);

Esempio n. 3
        public async Task SasAuth()
            string storageUri  = StorageUri;
            string accountName = StorageAccountName;
            string accountKey  = PrimaryStorageAccountKey;
            string tableName   = "OfficeSupplies";

            #region Snippet:TablesAuthSas
            // Construct a new <see cref="TableServiceClient" /> using a <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential" />.

            var credential = new TableSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey);

            var serviceClient = new TableServiceClient(
                new Uri(storageUri),

            // Build a shared access signature with the Write and Delete permissions and access to all service resource types.

            TableAccountSasBuilder sasWriteDelete = serviceClient.GetSasBuilder(TableAccountSasPermissions.Write | TableAccountSasPermissions.Delete, TableAccountSasResourceTypes.All, new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            string tokenWriteDelete = sasWriteDelete.Sign(credential);

            // Create the TableServiceClients using the SAS URIs.

            var serviceClientWithSas = new TableServiceClient(new Uri(storageUri), new AzureSasCredential(tokenWriteDelete));

            // Validate that we are able to create a table using the SAS URI with Write and Delete permissions.

            await serviceClientWithSas.CreateTableIfNotExistsAsync(tableName);

            // Validate that we are able to delete a table using the SAS URI with Write and Delete permissions.

            await serviceClientWithSas.DeleteTableAsync(tableName);

Esempio n. 4
        public void ValidateSasCredentials()
            // Create a SharedKeyCredential that we can use to sign the SAS token

            var credential = new TableSharedKeyCredential(TestEnvironment.AccountName, TestEnvironment.PrimaryStorageAccountKey);

            // Build a shared access signature with only Read permissions.

            TableSasBuilder sas   = client.GetSasBuilder(TableSasPermissions.Read, new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            string          token = sas.Sign(credential);

            // Build a SAS URI
            UriBuilder sasUri = new UriBuilder(TestEnvironment.StorageUri)
                Query = token

            // Create the TableServiceClient using the SAS URI.

            var sasAuthedService = InstrumentClient(new TableServiceClient(sasUri.Uri, Recording.InstrumentClientOptions(new TableClientOptions())));
            var sasTableclient   = sasAuthedService.GetTableClient(tableName);

            // Validate that we are able to query the table from the service.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasTableclient.QueryAsync().ToEnumerableAsync().ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);

            // Validate that we are not able to upsert an entity to the table.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasTableclient.UpsertEntityAsync(CreateTableEntities("partition", 1).First(), UpdateMode.Replace).ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.InstanceOf <RequestFailedException>().And.Property("Status").EqualTo((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));
Esempio n. 5
        public void ValidateAccountSasCredentialsWithResourceTypes()
            // Create a SharedKeyCredential that we can use to sign the SAS token

            var credential = new TableSharedKeyCredential(TestEnvironment.StorageAccountName, TestEnvironment.PrimaryStorageAccountKey);

            // Build a shared access signature with all permissions and access to only Service resource types.

            TableAccountSasBuilder sasService = service.GetSasBuilder(TableAccountSasPermissions.All, TableAccountSasResourceTypes.Service, new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            string tokenService = sasService.Sign(credential);

            // Build a shared access signature with all permissions and access to Service and Container resource types.

            TableAccountSasBuilder sasServiceContainer = service.GetSasBuilder(TableAccountSasPermissions.All, TableAccountSasResourceTypes.Service | TableAccountSasResourceTypes.Container, new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            string tokenServiceContainer = sasServiceContainer.Sign(credential);

            // Build SAS URIs.

            UriBuilder sasUriService = new UriBuilder(ServiceUri)
                Query = tokenService

            UriBuilder sasUriServiceContainer = new UriBuilder(ServiceUri)
                Query = tokenServiceContainer

            // Create the TableServiceClients using the SAS URIs.

            var sasAuthedServiceClientService          = InstrumentClient(new TableServiceClient(new Uri(ServiceUri), new AzureSasCredential(tokenService), InstrumentClientOptions(new TableClientOptions())));
            var sasAuthedServiceClientServiceContainer = InstrumentClient(new TableServiceClient(new Uri(ServiceUri), new AzureSasCredential(tokenServiceContainer), InstrumentClientOptions(new TableClientOptions())));

            // Validate that we are unable to create a table using the SAS URI with access to Service resource types.

            var sasTableName = Recording.GenerateAlphaNumericId("testtable", useOnlyLowercase: true);
            var ex           = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RequestFailedException>(async() => await sasAuthedServiceClientService.CreateTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false));

            Assert.That(ex.Status, Is.EqualTo((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));
            Assert.That(ex.ErrorCode, Is.EqualTo(TableErrorCode.AuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch.ToString()));

            // Validate that we are able to create a table using the SAS URI with access to Service and Container resource types.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceClientServiceContainer.CreateTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);

            // Validate that we are able to get table service properties using the SAS URI with access to Service resource types.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceClientService.GetPropertiesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);

            // Validate that we are able to get table service properties using the SAS URI with access to Service and Container resource types.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceClientService.GetPropertiesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);

            // Validate that we are able to delete a table using the SAS URI with access to Service and Container resource types.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceClientServiceContainer.DeleteTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);
Esempio n. 6
        private static IEnumerable <object[]> TableServiceClients()
            var cred             = new TableSharedKeyCredential(AccountName, Secret);
            var sharedKeyClient  = new TableServiceClient(_url, cred);
            var connStringClient = new TableServiceClient($"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={AccountName};AccountKey={Secret};TableEndpoint=https://{AccountName};");

            yield return(new object[] { sharedKeyClient, cred });

            yield return(new object[] { connStringClient, cred });
        public void GenerateSasUri(TableServiceClient client, TableSharedKeyCredential cred)
            TableAccountSasPermissions   permissions   = TableAccountSasPermissions.Add;
            TableAccountSasResourceTypes resourceTypes = TableAccountSasResourceTypes.Container;
            var expires     = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
            var expectedSas = new TableAccountSasBuilder(permissions, resourceTypes, expires).Sign(cred);

            var actualSas = client.GenerateSasUri(permissions, resourceTypes, expires);

            Assert.AreEqual("?" + expectedSas, actualSas.Query);
 /// <summary>
 /// Configures the <see cref="TableServiceClient"/> using an authenticated service URI and a <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public void ConfigureTableServiceClient(Uri serviceUri, TableSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential)
     if (serviceUri is null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceUri));
     if (sharedKeyCredential is null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sharedKeyCredential));
     CreateClient = () => Task.FromResult(new TableServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential, ClientOptions));
Esempio n. 9
        public void ValidateAccountSasCredentialsWithPermissionsWithSasDuplicatedInUri()
            // Create a SharedKeyCredential that we can use to sign the SAS token

            var credential = new TableSharedKeyCredential(TestEnvironment.StorageAccountName, TestEnvironment.PrimaryStorageAccountKey);

            // Build a shared access signature with only Delete permissions and access to all service resource types.

            TableAccountSasBuilder sasDelete = service.GetSasBuilder(TableAccountSasPermissions.Delete, TableAccountSasResourceTypes.All, new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            string tokenDelete = sasDelete.Sign(credential);

            // Build a shared access signature with the Write and Delete permissions and access to all service resource types.

            TableAccountSasBuilder sasWriteDelete = service.GetSasBuilder(TableAccountSasPermissions.Write, TableAccountSasResourceTypes.All, new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            string tokenWriteDelete = sasWriteDelete.Sign(credential);

            // Build SAS URIs.

            UriBuilder sasUriDelete = new UriBuilder(ServiceUri)
                Query = tokenDelete

            UriBuilder sasUriWriteDelete = new UriBuilder(ServiceUri)
                Query = tokenWriteDelete

            // Create the TableServiceClients using the SAS URIs.
            // Intentionally double add the Sas to the endpoint and the cred to validate de-duping
            var sasAuthedServiceDelete      = InstrumentClient(new TableServiceClient(sasUriDelete.Uri, new AzureSasCredential(tokenDelete), InstrumentClientOptions(new TableClientOptions())));
            var sasAuthedServiceWriteDelete = InstrumentClient(new TableServiceClient(sasUriWriteDelete.Uri, new AzureSasCredential(tokenWriteDelete), InstrumentClientOptions(new TableClientOptions())));

            // Validate that we are unable to create a table using the SAS URI with only Delete permissions.

            var sasTableName = Recording.GenerateAlphaNumericId("testtable", useOnlyLowercase: true);
            var ex           = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RequestFailedException>(async() => await sasAuthedServiceDelete.CreateTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false));

            Assert.That(ex.Status, Is.EqualTo((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));
            Assert.That(ex.ErrorCode, Is.EqualTo(TableErrorCode.AuthorizationPermissionMismatch.ToString()));

            // Validate that we are able to create a table using the SAS URI with Write and Delete permissions.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceWriteDelete.CreateTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);

            // Validate that we are able to delete a table using the SAS URI with only Delete permissions.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceDelete.DeleteTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);
Esempio n. 10
        public void ValidateAccountSasCredentialsWithPermissions()
            // Create a SharedKeyCredential that we can use to sign the SAS token

            var credential = new TableSharedKeyCredential(TestEnvironment.StorageAccountName, TestEnvironment.PrimaryStorageAccountKey);

            // Build a shared access signature with only Delete permissions and access to all service resource types.

            TableAccountSasBuilder sasDelete = service.GetSasBuilder(TableAccountSasPermissions.Delete, TableAccountSasResourceTypes.All, new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            string tokenDelete = sasDelete.Sign(credential);

            // Build a shared access signature with the Write and Delete permissions and access to all service resource types.

            TableAccountSasBuilder sasWriteDelete = service.GetSasBuilder(TableAccountSasPermissions.Write, TableAccountSasResourceTypes.All, new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            string tokenWriteDelete = sasWriteDelete.Sign(credential);

            // Build SAS URIs.

            UriBuilder sasUriDelete = new UriBuilder(TestEnvironment.StorageUri)
                Query = tokenDelete

            UriBuilder sasUriWriteDelete = new UriBuilder(TestEnvironment.StorageUri)
                Query = tokenWriteDelete

            // Create the TableServiceClients using the SAS URIs.

            var sasAuthedServiceDelete      = InstrumentClient(new TableServiceClient(sasUriDelete.Uri, Recording.InstrumentClientOptions(new TableClientOptions())));
            var sasAuthedServiceWriteDelete = InstrumentClient(new TableServiceClient(sasUriWriteDelete.Uri, Recording.InstrumentClientOptions(new TableClientOptions())));

            // Validate that we are unable to create a table using the SAS URI with only Delete permissions.

            var sasTableName = Recording.GenerateAlphaNumericId("testtable", useOnlyLowercase: true);

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceDelete.CreateTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.InstanceOf <RequestFailedException>().And.Property("Status").EqualTo((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));

            // Validate that we are able to create a table using the SAS URI with Write and Delete permissions.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceWriteDelete.CreateTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);

            // Validate that we are able to delete a table using the SAS URI with only Delete permissions.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasAuthedServiceDelete.DeleteTableAsync(sasTableName).ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a health check for Azure CosmosDb/ Azure Storage table.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IHealthChecksBuilder"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="endpoint">The CosmosDB Table or Azure Storage Table uri endopoint.</param>
 /// <param name="credentials">The table shared key credentials to be used.</param>
 /// <param name="tableName">Table name to check for existence.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The health check name. Optional. If <c>null</c> the type name 'cosmosdb' will be used for the name.</param>
 /// <param name="failureStatus">
 /// The <see cref="HealthStatus"/> that should be reported when the health check fails. Optional. If <c>null</c> then
 /// the default status of <see cref="HealthStatus.Unhealthy"/> will be reported.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="tags">A list of tags that can be used to filter sets of health checks. Optional.</param>
 /// <param name="timeout">An optional <see cref="TimeSpan"/> representing the timeout of the check.</param>
 /// <returns>The specified <paramref name="builder"/>.</returns>
 public static IHealthChecksBuilder AddAzureTable(
     this IHealthChecksBuilder builder,
     Uri endpoint,
     TableSharedKeyCredential credentials,
     string tableName,
     string?name = default,
     HealthStatus?failureStatus = default,
     IEnumerable <string>?tags  = default,
     TimeSpan?timeout           = default)
     return(builder.Add(new HealthCheckRegistration(
                            name ?? TABLE_NAME,
                            sp => new TableServiceHealthCheck(endpoint, credentials, tableName),
        private static TableClient ConstructTableClientFromCloudTable(CloudTable cloudTable, TableClientOptions options)
            TableClient tableClient;

            if (cloudTable.ServiceClient.Credentials.IsSAS)
                AzureSasCredential sasCredential = new AzureSasCredential(cloudTable.ServiceClient.Credentials.SASToken);
                tableClient = new TableClient(cloudTable.Uri, sasCredential, options);
            else if (cloudTable.ServiceClient.Credentials.IsSharedKey)
                TableSharedKeyCredential keyCredential = new TableSharedKeyCredential(
                tableClient = new TableClient(cloudTable.Uri, cloudTable.Name, keyCredential, options);
            else // IsAnonymous
                tableClient = new TableClient(cloudTable.Uri, options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Use an account's <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential"/> to sign this
        /// shared access signature values to produce the proper SAS query
        /// parameters for authenticating requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sharedKeyCredential">
        /// The storage account's <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An instance of <see cref="TableAccountSasQueryParameters"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public TableAccountSasQueryParameters ToSasQueryParameters(TableSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential)
            sharedKeyCredential = sharedKeyCredential ?? throw Errors.ArgumentNull(nameof(sharedKeyCredential));


            var startTime  = TableSasExtensions.FormatTimesForSasSigning(StartsOn);
            var expiryTime = TableSasExtensions.FormatTimesForSasSigning(ExpiresOn);

            // String to sign:
            var stringToSign = string.Join("\n",
            var signature = TableSharedKeyCredential.ComputeSasSignature(sharedKeyCredential, stringToSign);
            var p         = new TableAccountSasQueryParameters(
                version: Version,
                resourceTypes: ResourceTypes,
                protocol: Protocol,
                startsOn: StartsOn,
                expiresOn: ExpiresOn,
                ipRange: IPRange,
                identifier: Identifier,
                resource: null,
                permissions: Permissions,
                signature: signature);

Esempio n. 14
 public TableServiceHealthCheck(Uri endpoint, TableSharedKeyCredential credentials, string tableName)
     _endpoint    = endpoint ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endpoint));
     _credentials = credentials ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credentials));
     _tableName   = tableName ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tableName));
 /// <summary>
 /// Use an account's <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential"/> to sign this
 /// shared access signature values to produce the proper SAS query
 /// parameters for authenticating requests.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sharedKeyCredential">
 /// The storage account's <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential"/>.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A URL encoded query string representing the SAS.
 /// </returns>
 public string Sign(TableSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential) =>
Esempio n. 16
 private string GetExpectedHash(TableSharedKeyCredential cred) => cred.ComputeHMACSHA256("message");
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers a <see cref="TableServiceClient"/> instance with the provided <paramref name="serviceUri"/> and <paramref name="sharedKeyCredential"/>
 /// </summary>
 public static IAzureClientBuilder <TableServiceClient, TablesClientOptions> AddTableServiceClient <TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder, Uri serviceUri, TableSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential)
     where TBuilder : IAzureClientFactoryBuilder
     return(builder.RegisterClientFactory <TableServiceClient, TablesClientOptions>(options => new TableServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential, options)));