protected void InsertColumns(params object[] columns) { foreach (var column in columns) { TableColumns.Add(column); } }
public override DataTable GetTableInfo(string tableName) { try { String[] columnRestrictions = new String[4]; if (tableName == null) { columnRestrictions[2] = SelectedTable; } else { columnRestrictions[2] = tableName; } DataTable departmentIDSchemaTable = connection.GetSchema("Columns", columnRestrictions); TableColumns.Clear(); DataView dv = departmentIDSchemaTable.DefaultView; departmentIDSchemaTable.DefaultView.Sort = "ORDINAL_POSITION Asc"; var SortedView = dv.ToTable(); foreach (DataRow row in SortedView.Rows) { TableColumns.Add(new Column(row, DbType)); } return(departmentIDSchemaTable); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
private void OnDataCollected(FdrManagerEventArgs e) { Ordinats.Clear(); cb_Abscissa.Items.Clear(); TableColumns.Clear(); foreach (var title in m_DataProcessingHelper.GetCollectedMeasuresNames()) { CheckedListItem <string> item = new CheckedListItem <string>() { Item = title }; item.PropertyChanged += onOrdinateChecked; Ordinats.Add(item); cb_Abscissa.Items.Add(title); item = new CheckedListItem <string>() { Item = title }; item.PropertyChanged += onTabColumnChecked; TableColumns.Add(item); } StatusLabelMain.Content = Properties.Resources.state_success; Started = false; }
private void MakeColumnsAsLocalSubSelect() { TableColumns.Clear(); List <ColumnClause> lst = GetAllColumns().ToList(); HashSet <string> str = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var c in lst) { string alias = c.ExtractAlias(); if (alias == null) { alias = ""; } var tp = c.ColumnExpression.GetResultType(); if (tp == SimpleTypes.Geometry) { CoordinateSystem = c.ColumnExpression.GetCoordinateSystem(); } TableColumns.Add(new ColumnSubSelect() { ColumnClause = c, Name = alias, SimpleType = tp }); } }
public override void Prepare() { base.Prepare(); for (int i = 0; i < ReturningColumns.Count; i++) { ReturningColumns[i].Prepare(); } TableColumns.Clear(); List <ColumnClause> lst = ReturningColumns.ToList(); HashSet <string> str = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var c in lst) { string alias = c.ExtractAlias(); if (alias == null) { alias = ""; } var tp = c.ColumnExpression.GetResultType(); if (tp == SimpleTypes.Geometry) { CoordinateSystem = c.ColumnExpression.GetCoordinateSystem(); } TableColumns.Add(new ColumnSubSelect() { ColumnClause = c, Name = alias, SimpleType = tp }); } }
public void AddColumn( IEnumerable <T> columnEntries, T defaultIfMissing ) { List <T> column = columnEntries.ToList(); AdjustNumberOfRows(column, defaultIfMissing); TableColumns.Add(column); }
public Table( T defaultElement, int numberOfRows, int numberOfColumns ) : this() { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) { TableColumns.Add(Enumerable.Repeat(defaultElement, numberOfRows).ToList()); } }
public override DataTable GetTableInfo(string tableName = null) { try { String[] columnRestrictions = new String[4]; if (tableName == null) { columnRestrictions[2] = SelectedTable; } else { columnRestrictions[2] = tableName; } DataTable departmentIDSchemaTable = connection.GetSchema("Columns", columnRestrictions); TableColumns.Clear(); DataView dv = departmentIDSchemaTable.DefaultView; departmentIDSchemaTable.DefaultView.Sort = "ORDINAL_POSITION Asc"; var SortedView = dv.ToTable(); foreach (DataRow row in SortedView.Rows) { TableColumns.Add(new Column(row, DbType)); } ///////// string _table = (tableName == null) ? SelectedTable : tableName; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM " + _table, (connection as SqlConnection)); adapter.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey; DataTable table = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(table); using (DataTableReader reader = new DataTableReader(table)) { int ordinal = 0; DataTable schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable(); for (int i = 0; i < schemaTable.Rows.Count; i++) { if ((bool)schemaTable.Rows[i].ItemArray[12]) { TableColumns[i].ISKey = true; } } } /////////////// return(departmentIDSchemaTable); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a <see cref="RedisHashTableRow"/> from given <paramref name="hashEntries"/> for all <paramref name="columns"/> specified /// </summary> /// <param name="tableName">The name of the table</param> /// <param name="hashEntries">All Entries that should be added as a column (only if <see cref="HashEntry.Name"/> exists in <paramref name="columns"/>)</param> /// <param name="columns">List of all needed columns. Non existing columns will be filled up with <c>null</c></param> public RedisHashTableRow(string tableName, HashEntry[] hashEntries, List <string> columns) { _tableName = tableName; foreach (HashEntry entry in hashEntries) { if (columns.Contains(entry.Name)) { TableColumns.Add(new RedisTableColumn(entry.Name, LlFieldType.Text, entry.Value)); } } //add missing columns foreach (string col in columns) { if (!TableColumns.Any(s => s.ColumnName == col)) { TableColumns.Add(new RedisTableColumn(col, LlFieldType.Text, null)); } } }
private void btn_Graph_Open_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var opened = Load(); if (opened == null) { return; } cb_Abscissa.Items.Clear(); Ordinats.Clear(); TableColumns.Clear(); m_DataProcessingHelper.loadState(opened.Data); foreach (var title in m_DataProcessingHelper.GetCollectedMeasuresNames()) { CheckedListItem <string> item = new CheckedListItem <string>() { Item = title }; Ordinats.Add(item); cb_Abscissa.Items.Add(title); item = new CheckedListItem <string>() { Item = title }; item.PropertyChanged += onTabColumnChecked; TableColumns.Add(item); } cb_Abscissa.SelectionChanged -= cb_Abscissa_SelectionChanged; cb_Abscissa.SelectedItem = m_DataProcessingHelper.Graphs.First().XAxis; m_DataProcessingHelper.Graphs.Select(g => g.YAxis).ToList().ForEach(y => Ordinats.Where(o => o.Item.Equals(y)).First().IsChecked = true); opened.CheckedTables.ForEach(c => TableColumns.Where(t => t.Item.Equals(c)).First().IsChecked = true); cb_Abscissa.SelectionChanged += cb_Abscissa_SelectionChanged; Ordinats.ToList().ForEach(o => o.PropertyChanged += onOrdinateChecked); }
public RedisValueTableRow(RedisKey key, RedisValue item) { Key = key; TableColumns.Add(new RedisTableColumn("Value", LlFieldType.Text, item.ToString())); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a <see cref="RedisSortedSetTableRow"/> from the given <paramref name="entry"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="tableName">The name of the table</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry that should be used to build the <see cref="RedisSortedSetTableRow"/></param> public RedisSortedSetTableRow(string tableName, SortedSetEntry entry) { _tableName = tableName; TableColumns.Add(new RedisTableColumn("Value", LlFieldType.Text, entry.Element)); TableColumns.Add(new RedisTableColumn("Score", LlFieldType.Numeric, entry.Score, typeof(double))); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves web services information. The RestfulUri must be passed through the properties. This should be in the format http://sitename/{value1}/{value2} where the names between {} are the names for input parameters. The properties can also contain default values for the parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="importTable"></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override Task <Table> GetSourceTableInfo(Table importTable, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { using (var package = NewConnection()) { var worksheet = GetWorkSheet(package, importTable.Name); var columns = new TableColumns(); for (var col = ExcelHeaderCol; col <= worksheet.Dimension.Columns && col <= ExcelHeaderColMax; col++) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var columName = worksheet.Cells[ExcelHeaderRow, col].Value.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(columName)) { columName = "Column-" + col.ToString(); } var column = new TableColumn(columName, ETypeCode.String) { AllowDbNull = true }; //search the data to determine datatype. var dataType = ETypeCode.Unknown; for (var row = ExcelDataRow; row <= worksheet.Dimension.Rows; row++) { var value = worksheet.GetValue(row, col); if (dataType == ETypeCode.Unknown || dataType == ETypeCode.DateTime) { if (worksheet.Cells[row, col].Style.Numberformat.Format.Contains("yy")) { dataType = ETypeCode.DateTime; continue; } if (dataType == ETypeCode.DateTime) { dataType = ETypeCode.Int64; } } if (dataType == ETypeCode.Unknown || dataType == ETypeCode.Int64) { if (value is bool) { dataType = ETypeCode.Boolean; continue; } else if (value.IsNumeric()) { if (Math.Abs((Double)value % 1) <= (Double.Epsilon * 100)) { dataType = ETypeCode.Int64; continue; } else { dataType = ETypeCode.Double; continue; } } dataType = ETypeCode.String; break; } if (dataType == ETypeCode.Unknown || dataType == ETypeCode.Decimal) { if (value.IsNumeric()) { dataType = ETypeCode.Decimal; continue; } dataType = ETypeCode.String; break; } dataType = ETypeCode.String; break; } column.DataType = dataType == ETypeCode.Unknown ? ETypeCode.String : dataType; columns.Add(column); } var newTable = new Table(importTable.Name, -1, columns); return(Task.FromResult(newTable)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ConnectionException($"Failed excel sheet data. {ex.Message}", ex); } }
internal void FromTable(Table t) { SetAllNull(); if (t.AutoFilter != null) { AutoFilter.FromAutoFilter(t.AutoFilter); HasAutoFilter = true; } if (t.SortState != null) { SortState.FromSortState(t.SortState); HasSortState = true; } using (var oxr = OpenXmlReader.Create(t.TableColumns)) { SLTableColumn tc; while (oxr.Read()) { if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(TableColumn)) { tc = new SLTableColumn(); tc.FromTableColumn((TableColumn)oxr.LoadCurrentElement()); TableColumns.Add(tc); } } } if (t.TableStyleInfo != null) { TableStyleInfo.FromTableStyleInfo(t.TableStyleInfo); HasTableStyleInfo = true; } Id = t.Id.Value; if (t.Name != null) { Name = t.Name.Value; } sDisplayName = t.DisplayName.Value; if (t.Comment != null) { Comment = t.Comment.Value; } var iStartRowIndex = 1; var iStartColumnIndex = 1; var iEndRowIndex = 1; var iEndColumnIndex = 1; var sRef = t.Reference.Value; if (sRef.IndexOf(":") > 0) { if (SLTool.FormatCellReferenceRangeToRowColumnIndex(sRef, out iStartRowIndex, out iStartColumnIndex, out iEndRowIndex, out iEndColumnIndex)) { StartRowIndex = iStartRowIndex; StartColumnIndex = iStartColumnIndex; EndRowIndex = iEndRowIndex; EndColumnIndex = iEndColumnIndex; } } else { if (SLTool.FormatCellReferenceToRowColumnIndex(sRef, out iStartRowIndex, out iStartColumnIndex)) { StartRowIndex = iStartRowIndex; StartColumnIndex = iStartColumnIndex; EndRowIndex = iStartRowIndex; EndColumnIndex = iStartColumnIndex; } } if (t.TableType != null) { TableType = t.TableType.Value; } if ((t.HeaderRowCount != null) && (t.HeaderRowCount.Value != 1)) { HeaderRowCount = t.HeaderRowCount.Value; } if ((t.InsertRow != null) && t.InsertRow.Value) { InsertRow = t.InsertRow.Value; } if ((t.InsertRowShift != null) && t.InsertRowShift.Value) { InsertRowShift = t.InsertRowShift.Value; } if ((t.TotalsRowCount != null) && (t.TotalsRowCount.Value != 0)) { TotalsRowCount = t.TotalsRowCount.Value; } if ((t.TotalsRowShown != null) && !t.TotalsRowShown.Value) { TotalsRowShown = t.TotalsRowShown.Value; } if ((t.Published != null) && t.Published.Value) { Published = t.Published.Value; } if (t.HeaderRowFormatId != null) { HeaderRowFormatId = t.HeaderRowFormatId.Value; } if (t.DataFormatId != null) { DataFormatId = t.DataFormatId.Value; } if (t.TotalsRowFormatId != null) { TotalsRowFormatId = t.TotalsRowFormatId.Value; } if (t.HeaderRowBorderFormatId != null) { HeaderRowBorderFormatId = t.HeaderRowBorderFormatId.Value; } if (t.BorderFormatId != null) { BorderFormatId = t.BorderFormatId.Value; } if (t.TotalsRowBorderFormatId != null) { TotalsRowBorderFormatId = t.TotalsRowBorderFormatId.Value; } if (t.HeaderRowCellStyle != null) { HeaderRowCellStyle = t.HeaderRowCellStyle.Value; } if (t.DataCellStyle != null) { DataCellStyle = t.DataCellStyle.Value; } if (t.TotalsRowCellStyle != null) { TotalsRowCellStyle = t.TotalsRowCellStyle.Value; } if (t.ConnectionId != null) { ConnectionId = t.ConnectionId.Value; } }
public Select Max(object column) { TableColumns.Add($"MAX({column})"); return(this); }
public Select Min(object column) { TableColumns.Add($"MIN({column})"); return(this); }
public Select Average(object column) { TableColumns.Add($"AVG({column})"); return(this); }
public Select Sum(object column) { TableColumns.Add($"SUM({column})"); return(this); }
public Select Count(object column) { TableColumns.Add($"COUNT({column})"); return(this); }
protected TableColumns GroupNode(XmlNode node, TableColumns columns) { TableColumns nodeColumns = CreateColumns(node); TableColumns res = new TableColumns(); if (columns.Length <= nodeColumns.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < nodeColumns.Length; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < columns.Length; k++) { if (!columns[k].marked && columns[k].Equals(nodeColumns[i])) { for (int s = 0; s < k - 1; s++) { if (!columns[s].marked) { res.Add(columns[s]); columns[s].marked = true; } } columns[k].marked = true; break; } } res.Add(nodeColumns[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { if (!columns[i].marked) { res.Add(columns[i]); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < nodeColumns.Length; k++) { if (!nodeColumns[k].marked && nodeColumns[k].Equals(columns[i])) { for (int s = 0; s < k - 1; s++) { if (!nodeColumns[s].marked) { res.Add(nodeColumns[s]); nodeColumns[s].marked = true; } } nodeColumns[k].marked = true; break; } } res.Add(columns[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < nodeColumns.Length; i++) { if (!nodeColumns[i].marked) { res.Add(nodeColumns[i]); } } } return(res); }
protected TableColumns CreateColumns(XmlNode node) { TableColumns columns = new TableColumns(); if (node is XmlElement) { XmlElement elem = (XmlElement)node; if (elem.HasAttributes) { foreach (XmlAttribute attr in elem.Attributes) { TableColumn col = columns.Add(); col.type = typeof(XmlAttribute); = attr.Name; } } } if (node.HasChildNodes) { int i = 0; List <XmlNode> childs = SelectChilds(node); while (i < childs.Count) { XmlNode cur = childs[i]; TableColumn col = columns.Add(); col.type = cur.GetType(); = GetNodeName(cur); col.pos = 0; col.count = 1; int k; for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { cur = childs[k]; if (!(cur is XmlSignificantWhitespace)) { if (cur.GetType() == col.type && (!(cur is XmlElement) || GetNodeName(cur) == { col.pos++; } } } k = i + 1; while (k < childs.Count) { cur = childs[k]; if (!(cur is XmlSignificantWhitespace)) { if (cur.GetType() == col.type && (!(cur is XmlElement) || GetNodeName(cur) == { col.count++; } else { break; } } k++; } i = k; } } return(columns); }