Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 调整矩形使其在指定方向上与标准矩形对齐,并加上偏移量,不影响原来的矩形
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">矩形</param>
        /// <param name="rectStand">标准矩形</param>
        /// <param name="align">方向</param>
        /// <param name="offset">偏移量</param>
        /// <returns>调整后的矩形</returns>
        public static Rectangle Align(Rectangle rect, Rectangle rectStand, TabAlignment align, int offset)
            int value;

            switch (align)
            case TabAlignment.Top:
                value        = rect.Y - rectStand.Y + offset;
                rect.Y      -= value;
                rect.Height += value;

            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                value        = rectStand.Bottom - rect.Bottom + offset;
                rect.Height += value;

            case TabAlignment.Left:
                value       = rect.X - rectStand.X + offset;
                rect.X     -= value;
                rect.Width += value;

            case TabAlignment.Right:
                value       = rectStand.Right - rect.Right + offset;
                rect.Width += value;


Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a TabStop object to the collection and sets its alignment.
        /// </summary>
        public TabStop AddTabStop(Unit position, TabAlignment alignment)
            TabStop tab = AddTabStop(position);

            tab.Alignment = alignment;
Esempio n. 3
        public virtual void SeveralTabsInRowTest()
            String   fileName    = "severalTabsInRowTest.pdf";
            String   outFileName = destinationFolder + fileName;
            String   cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_" + fileName;
            Document doc         = InitDocument(outFileName);
            float    tabInterval = doc.GetPdfDocument().GetDefaultPageSize().GetWidth() / 8;

            float[]        positions  = new float[] { tabInterval * 2, tabInterval * 4, tabInterval * 6 };
            TabAlignment[] alignments = new TabAlignment[] { TabAlignment.RIGHT, TabAlignment.CENTER, TabAlignment.CENTER };
            //        Drawable[] leaders = {null, null, null};
            ILineDrawer[] leaders = new ILineDrawer[] { new DottedLine(), new DashedLine(.5f), new SolidLine(.5f) };
            Paragraph     p       = new Paragraph();

            IList <TabStop> tabStops = new List <TabStop>();

            for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; ++i)
                TabStop tabStop = new TabStop(positions[i], alignments[i], leaders[i]);
            p.Add(new Tab()).Add("ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt").Add(new Tab()).Add(new Tab()).Add("ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt\n"
            p.Add(new Tab()).Add(new Tab()).Add(new Tab()).Add("ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt\n"
            p.Add(new Tab()).Add(new Tab()).Add("ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt").Add(new Tab()).Add("ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt"
            DrawTabStopsPositions(positions, doc, 1, 0, 120);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder
                                                                             , "diff" + outFileName));
Esempio n. 4
        public virtual void AnchorTabStopsTest01()
            String   fileName    = "anchorTabStopsTest01.pdf";
            String   outFileName = destinationFolder + fileName;
            String   cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_" + fileName;
            Document doc         = InitDocument(outFileName);
            float    tabInterval = doc.GetPdfDocument().GetDefaultPageSize().GetWidth() / 8;

            float[] positions1 = new float[] { tabInterval * 2, tabInterval * 3, tabInterval * 4, tabInterval * 5, tabInterval
                                               * 6 };
            TabAlignment[] alignments1 = new TabAlignment[] { TabAlignment.ANCHOR, TabAlignment.CENTER, TabAlignment.ANCHOR
                                                              , TabAlignment.RIGHT, TabAlignment.ANCHOR };
            ILineDrawer[] leaders1 = new ILineDrawer[] { new DottedLine(), null, new DashedLine(.5f), null, new SolidLine
                                                             (.5f) };
            char?[]   anchors1 = new char?[] { ' ', null, '\\', null, '.' };
            Paragraph p        = new Paragraph();

            AddTabbedTextToParagraph(p, text2, positions1, alignments1, leaders1, anchors1);
            DrawTabStopsPositions(positions1, doc, 1, 0, 120);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder
                                                                             , "diff" + outFileName));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 按指定边调整矩形,使在该方向上的大小为指定值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">矩形</param>
        /// <param name="align">方向</param>
        /// <param name="value">大小</param>
        /// <returns>调整后矩形</returns>
        public static Rectangle Adjust(Rectangle rect, TabAlignment align, int value)
            switch (align)
            case TabAlignment.Top:
                rect.Y     += (rect.Height - value);
                rect.Height = value;

            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                rect.Height = value;

            case TabAlignment.Left:
                rect.X    += (rect.Width - value);
                rect.Width = value;

            case TabAlignment.Right:
                rect.Width = value;


Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a TabStop at the appropriate position, with a specified tab
 /// alignment and an explicitly given line pattern.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Creates a TabStop at the appropriate position, with a specified tab
 /// alignment and an explicitly given line pattern. A tab alignment defines
 /// the way the textual content should be positioned with regards to this tab
 /// stop. The line pattern defines a pattern that should be repeated until
 /// the TabStop is reached. If null, the space leading up to the TabStop will
 /// be empty.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="tabPosition">a <code>float</code>, measured in points</param>
 /// <param name="tabAlignment">
 /// a
 /// <see cref="iText.Layout.Properties.TabAlignment"/>
 /// value
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="tabLeader">
 /// the
 /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Draw.ILineDrawer"/>
 /// value, a pattern drawing object
 /// </param>
 public TabStop(float tabPosition, TabAlignment tabAlignment, ILineDrawer tabLeader)
     this.tabPosition  = tabPosition;
     this.tabAlignment = tabAlignment;
     this.tabLeader    = tabLeader;
     this.tabAnchor    = '.';
Esempio n. 7
        public override void DrawTab(Graphics gr, Rectangle borderrect, int index, bool selected, Color color1, Color color2, Color coloroutline, TabAlignment alignment)
            GraphicsPath border = new GraphicsPath();
            GraphicsPath fill = new GraphicsPath();

            int xfar = borderrect.Right - 1;

            int ybot = (alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom) ? (borderrect.Y) : (borderrect.Bottom - 1);
            int ytop = (alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom) ? (borderrect.Bottom-1-((selected)?0:2)) : (borderrect.Y - ((selected) ? 2 : 0));

            border.AddLine(borderrect.X, ybot, borderrect.X + shift, ytop);
            border.AddLine(borderrect.X + shift, ytop, xfar, ytop);
            border.AddLine(xfar, ytop, xfar + shift, ybot);

            fill.AddLine(borderrect.X, ybot + 1, borderrect.X + shift, ytop);
            fill.AddLine(borderrect.X + shift, ytop, xfar, ytop);
            fill.AddLine(xfar, ytop, xfar + shift, ybot + 1);

            gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.Default;

            using (Brush b = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(borderrect, color1, color2, 90))
                gr.FillPath(b, fill);

            gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            using (Pen p = new Pen(coloroutline, 1.0F))
                gr.DrawPath(p, border);
Esempio n. 8
        // Check if we need to nudge the mosue down and by how much
        private bool NeedsNudge(Screen ActiveScreen, TabAlignment Dir, out Point NudgeAmount)
            NudgeAmount = new Point(0, 0);

            if (Dir == TabAlignment.Left)
                // Hack to get the screen to the left, I couldn't find any API call to get the layout of the screens so this should do for most cases
                Screen Left = Screen.FromPoint(new Point(Cursor.Position.X - ScreenNudgeMargin * 2, ActiveScreen.Bounds.Bottom - ActiveScreen.Bounds.Height / 2));

                if (Cursor.Position.Y <= Left.Bounds.Top)
                    NudgeAmount.Y = Left.Bounds.Top;
                else if (Cursor.Position.Y > Left.Bounds.Bottom)
                    NudgeAmount.Y = Left.Bounds.Bottom;
                    return false;

                return true;
            else if (Dir == TabAlignment.Right)
                Screen Right = Screen.FromPoint(new Point(Cursor.Position.X + ScreenNudgeMargin * 2, ActiveScreen.Bounds.Bottom - ActiveScreen.Bounds.Height / 2));

                if (Cursor.Position.Y <= Right.Bounds.Top)
                    NudgeAmount.Y = Right.Bounds.Top;
                else if (Cursor.Position.Y > Right.Bounds.Bottom)
                    NudgeAmount.Y = Right.Bounds.Bottom;
                    return false;

                return true;

            return false;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// 在指定的方向和反向放大矩形,不影响原来的矩形
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">矩形</param>
        /// <param name="align">方向</param>
        /// <param name="value">放大量</param>
        /// <param name="revalue">反向放大量</param>
        /// <returns>放大后矩形</returns>
        public static Rectangle Inflate(Rectangle rect, TabAlignment align, int value, int revalue)
            switch (align)
            case TabAlignment.Top:
                rect.Y      -= value;
                rect.Height += value + revalue;

            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                rect.Y      -= revalue;
                rect.Height += revalue + value;

            case TabAlignment.Left:
                rect.X     -= value;
                rect.Width += value + revalue;

            case TabAlignment.Right:
                rect.X     -= revalue;
                rect.Width += revalue + value;


Esempio n. 10
 public GradientColor(Color color1, Color color2, GradientFill gradient)
     this.color1 = color1;
     this.color2 = color2;
     this.fill   = gradient;
     this.rect   = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);
     this.align  = TabAlignment.Top;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a TabStop object to the collection and sets its alignment and leader.
        /// </summary>
        public TabStop AddTabStop(Unit position, TabAlignment alignment, TabLeader leader)
            TabStop tab = AddTabStop(position);

            tab.Alignment = alignment;
            tab.Leader    = leader;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TabAlignment m_TabAlignment = System.Windows.Forms.TabAlignment.Bottom; //记录隐藏区按钮的绘制状态

        public HideAreaTabButtonItem(int iBasePanelID, string text, Image image, TabAlignment eAlignment)
            : base()
            base.Text           = text;
            base.Image          = image;
            this.m_BasePanelID  = iBasePanelID;
            this.m_TabAlignment = eAlignment;
 public HideAreaTabButton(int id, string text, Image image, TabAlignment eAlignment)
     : base()
     base.Text            = text;
     base.Image           = image;
     this.m_iID           = id;
     this.eAlignmentStyle = eAlignment;
Esempio n. 14
 public MezStyle SetTabStop(Unit unit, TabAlignment alignment, bool clearAll = false)
     if (clearAll)
     Style.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.AddTabStop(unit, alignment);
Esempio n. 15
 public cnTabColor()
     color1    = Color.White;
     color2    = Color.White;
     fill      = TabControlFill.Solid;
     brush     = null;
     pen       = null;
     borderPen = null;
     rect      = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);
     align     = TabAlignment.Top;
Esempio n. 16
 public cnTabColor(Color c1, Color c2, TabControlFill f)
     color1    = c1;
     color2    = c2;
     fill      = f;
     brush     = null;
     pen       = null;
     borderPen = null;
     rect      = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);
     align     = TabAlignment.Top;
Esempio n. 17
 public OuterBorderForm(TabAlignment side, int size)
     this.BorderSize      = size;
     this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
     this.ShowInTaskbar   = false;
     this.Side            = side;
     this.Width           = 0;
     this.Height          = 0;
     this.BackColor       = Color.FromArgb(202, 81, 0);
     this.StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.Manual;
Esempio n. 18
 public OuterBorderForm(TabAlignment side, int size)
     this.BorderSize = size;
     this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
     this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
     this.Side = side;
     this.Width = 0;
     this.Height = 0;
     this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(202, 81, 0);
     this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
Esempio n. 19
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:VisualPlus.Toolkit.Controls.Navigation.VisualTabControl" />
        ///     class.
        /// </summary>
        public VisualTabControl()
                ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint |
                ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw |
                ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor,


            _styleManager         = new VisualStyleManager(Settings.DefaultValue.DefaultStyle);
            _border               = new Border();
            _alignment            = TabAlignment.Top;
            _arrowSelectorVisible = true;
            _arrowSpacing         = 10;
            _arrowThickness       = 5;
            _itemSize             = new Size(100, 25);
            _lineAlignment        = StringAlignment.Near;
            _selectorAlignment    = TabAlignment.Top;
            _selectorAlignment2   = TabAlignment.Bottom;
            _selectorThickness    = 4;
            _separatorSpacing     = 2;
            _separatorThickness   = 2F;
            _backgroundColor      = _styleManager.ControlStyle.Background(3);
            _separator            = _styleManager.ControlStyle.Line;
            _tabMenu              = Color.FromArgb(55, 61, 73);
            _textAlignment        = StringAlignment.Center;
            _tabSelector          = Color.Green;
            _textNormal           = Color.FromArgb(174, 181, 187);
            _textRendererHint     = Settings.DefaultValue.TextRenderingHint;
            _textSelected         = Color.FromArgb(217, 220, 227);
            Font = _styleManager.Font;

            Size          = new Size(320, 160);
            MinimumSize   = new Size(144, 85);
            LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            ItemSize      = _itemSize;

            _tabPageBorder = new Shape();
            _tabNormal     = _styleManager.TabStyle.TabEnabled;
            _tabSelected   = _styleManager.TabStyle.TabSelected;
            _tabHover      = _styleManager.TabStyle.TabHover;

            foreach (TabPage page in TabPages)
                page.BackColor = _backgroundColor;
                page.Font      = Font;
Esempio n. 20
        public void TabControl_Alignment_Set_GetReturnsExpected(TabAlignment value, bool expectedMultiline)
            var control = new TabControl
                Alignment = value

            Assert.Equal(value, control.Alignment);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMultiline, control.Multiline);

            // Set same.
            control.Alignment = value;
            Assert.Equal(value, control.Alignment);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMultiline, control.Multiline);
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建圆角矩形.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GraphicsPath CreateTabPath(Rectangle rect, TabAlignment alignment, int radius)
            GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();

            switch (alignment)
            case TabAlignment.Top:
                rect.Width -= 2;
                path.AddLine(rect.X, rect.Bottom, rect.X, rect.Y + radius / 2);
                path.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, radius, radius, 180F, 90F);
                path.AddArc(rect.Right - radius, rect.Y, radius, radius, 270F, 90F);
                path.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Y + radius / 2, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);

            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                rect.Width -= 2;
                path.AddLine(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Bottom - radius / 2);
                path.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Bottom - radius, radius, radius, 180, -90);
                path.AddArc(rect.Right - radius, rect.Bottom - radius, radius, radius, 90, -90);
                path.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - radius / 2, rect.Right, rect.Y);

            case TabAlignment.Left:
                rect.Height -= 2;
                path.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Y, rect.X + radius / 2, rect.Y);
                path.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, radius, radius, 270F, -90F);
                path.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Bottom - radius, radius, radius, 180F, -90F);
                path.AddLine(rect.X + radius / 2, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);

            case TabAlignment.Right:
                rect.Height -= 2;
                path.AddLine(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Right - radius / 2, rect.Y);
                path.AddArc(rect.Right - radius, rect.Y, radius, radius, 270F, 90F);
                path.AddArc(rect.Right - radius, rect.Bottom - radius, radius, radius, 0F, 90F);
                path.AddLine(rect.Right - radius / 2, rect.Bottom, rect.X, rect.Bottom);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>Anchors the rectangle to an anchored alignment of the base rectangle.</summary>
        /// <param name="anchorStyle">Alignment style.</param>
        /// <param name="baseRectangle">Base rectangle.</param>
        /// <param name="anchorWidth">Anchor width.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Rectangle" />.</returns>
        public static Rectangle ApplyAnchor(TabAlignment anchorStyle, Rectangle baseRectangle, int anchorWidth)
            Point anchoredLocation;
            Size  anchoredSize;

            switch (anchorStyle)
            case TabAlignment.Top:
                anchoredLocation = new Point(baseRectangle.X, baseRectangle.Y);
                anchoredSize     = new Size(baseRectangle.Width, anchorWidth);

            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                anchoredLocation = new Point(baseRectangle.X, baseRectangle.Bottom - anchorWidth);
                anchoredSize     = new Size(baseRectangle.Width, anchorWidth);

            case TabAlignment.Left:
                anchoredLocation = new Point(baseRectangle.X, baseRectangle.Y);
                anchoredSize     = new Size(anchorWidth, baseRectangle.Height);

            case TabAlignment.Right:
                anchoredLocation = new Point(baseRectangle.Right - anchorWidth, baseRectangle.Y);
                anchoredSize     = new Size(anchorWidth, baseRectangle.Height);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(anchorStyle), anchorStyle, null);

            Rectangle anchoredRectangle = new Rectangle(anchoredLocation, anchoredSize);

Esempio n. 23
        public virtual void SimpleTabStopsTest()
            String   fileName    = "simpleTabStopsTest.pdf";
            String   outFileName = destinationFolder + fileName;
            String   cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_" + fileName;
            Document doc         = InitDocument(outFileName);
            float    tabInterval = doc.GetPdfDocument().GetDefaultPageSize().GetWidth() / 8;

            //left alignments
            float[]        positions1  = new float[] { tabInterval * 2, tabInterval * 4, tabInterval * 5 };
            TabAlignment[] alignments1 = new TabAlignment[] { TabAlignment.LEFT, TabAlignment.LEFT, TabAlignment.LEFT };
            ILineDrawer[]  leaders1    = new ILineDrawer[] { null, null, null };
            char?[]        anchors1    = new char?[] { null, null, null };
            Paragraph      p           = new Paragraph();

            AddTabbedTextToParagraph(p, text1, positions1, alignments1, leaders1, anchors1);
            doc.Add(new Paragraph("\n"));
            //right alignments
            float[]        positions2  = new float[] { tabInterval * 3, tabInterval * 4, tabInterval * 6 };
            TabAlignment[] alignments2 = new TabAlignment[] { TabAlignment.RIGHT, TabAlignment.RIGHT, TabAlignment.RIGHT };
            ILineDrawer[]  leaders2    = new ILineDrawer[] { null, null, null };
            char?[]        anchors2    = new char?[] { null, null, null };
            p = new Paragraph();
            AddTabbedTextToParagraph(p, text1, positions2, alignments2, leaders2, anchors2);
            doc.Add(new Paragraph("\n"));
            //center alignments
            float[]        positions3  = new float[] { tabInterval * 3, tabInterval * 4, tabInterval * 6 };
            TabAlignment[] alignments3 = new TabAlignment[] { TabAlignment.CENTER, TabAlignment.CENTER, TabAlignment.CENTER };
            ILineDrawer[]  leaders3    = new ILineDrawer[] { null, null, null };
            char?[]        anchors3    = new char?[] { null, null, null };
            p = new Paragraph();
            AddTabbedTextToParagraph(p, text1, positions3, alignments3, leaders3, anchors3);
            DrawTabStopsPositions(positions1, doc, 1, 0, 120);
            DrawTabStopsPositions(positions2, doc, 1, 125, 95);
            DrawTabStopsPositions(positions3, doc, 1, 235, 95);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder
                                                                             , "diff"));
Esempio n. 24
		private TabControl MakeTab(int x, int y, TabAlignment a, TabAppearance ap) {
			TabControl tab = new TabControl();
//			tab.Padding = new Point(20, 3);
			tab.Location = new Point (x, y);
			tab.Alignment = a;
			tab.Appearance = ap;
			tab.Controls.Add (CreateTabPage ("Red", Color.FromArgb (255, 255, 0, 0)));
			tab.Controls.Add (CreateTabPage ("Orange", Color.FromArgb (255, 255, 153, 0)));
			tab.Controls.Add (CreateTabPage ("Yellow", Color.FromArgb (255, 255, 255, 0)));
			tab.Controls.Add (CreateTabPage ("Green", Color.Green));
			tab.Controls.Add (CreateTabPage ("Blue", Color.FromArgb (255, 0, 0, 255)));
			tab.Controls.Add (CreateTabPage ("Purple", Color.FromArgb (255, 197, 0, 148)));

			tab.Height = 200;
			tab.Width = 200;
			tab.SelectedIndex = 3;
			return tab;
Esempio n. 25
        internal static TextFormatFlags TabAlignment2Flag(TabAlignment alignment)
            TextFormatFlags flag = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter;

            switch (alignment)
            case TabAlignment.Left:
            case TabAlignment.Right:
                flag |= TextFormatFlags.WordBreak;

            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
            case TabAlignment.Top:
                flag |= (TextFormatFlags.SingleLine);
Esempio n. 26
        public cnTabControl()
            AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
            AutoScaleMode       = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            BackColor           = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 251, 250, 251);
            ForeColor           = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText;
            Name = "cnTabControl";
            Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 100);

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

            tabPages = new cnTabPageCollection(this);
            this.tabPages.ClearComplete  += new cnTabPageCollection.ClearCompleteEventHandler(TabPagesClearComplete);
            this.tabPages.InsertComplete += new cnTabPageCollection.InsertCompleteEventHandler(TabPagesInsertComplete);
            this.tabPages.RemoveComplete += new cnTabPageCollection.RemoveCompleteEventHandler(TabPagesRemoveComplete);
            this.tabPages.SetComplete    += new cnTabPageCollection.SetCompleteEventHandler(TabPagesSetComplete);
            tabHeight       = 25;
            tabAlignment    = TabAlignment.Top;
            tabOffsetSel    = 3;
            tabOffsetNormal = 6;
            borderColor     = Color.FromArgb(255, 135, 155, 179);
            buttonStyles    = TabButtonStyles.All;
            closeButton     = false;
            currentPage     = -1;
            offsetX         = 0;
            tabWidth        = 70;
            tabView         = TabControlView.OneNote;
            tabPathSelected = new GraphicsPath();
            tabPathNormal   = new GraphicsPath();
            hoverEnable     = true;
            hoverPage       = -1;
            textDirection   = TabTextDirection.Horizontal;
            tabRadius       = 10;
            toolTipPage     = -1;
            toolTip         = new ToolTip();
            toolTip.Active  = true;

Esempio n. 27
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Указывает, что процесс создания кнопок не завершен и
         * /// размещение их функцией RelocationButtons невозможно.
         * /// </summary>
         * private bool initProcess = true;
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Номер страницы для которой выдается подсказка
         * /// </summary>
         * private int toolTipPage;
         * // Подсказка для закладки
         * private ToolTip toolTip;*/

        public NetTabControl()
            BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 251, 250, 251);
            ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
            Size      = new Size(200, 100);

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

            this.tabPages = new NetTabPageCollection(this);
            this.tabPages.ClearComplete  += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.TabPagesClearComplete);
            this.tabPages.InsertComplete += new EventHandler <NetTabPageEventArgs>(this.TabPagesInsertComplete);
            this.tabPages.RemoveComplete += new EventHandler <NetTabPageEventArgs>(this.TabPagesRemoveComplete);

            this.TabHeight    = 25;
            this.tabAlignment = TabAlignment.Top;
            this.currentPage  = -1;

            this.tabOffsetSel    = 3;
            this.tabOffsetNormal = 6;

            this.tabView       = TabControlView.OneNote;
            this.buttonStyles  = TabButtonStyles.All;
            this.closeButton   = false;
            this.textDirection = TabTextDirection.Horizontal;

            this.offsetX   = 0;
            this.tabWidth  = 70;
            this.tabRadius = 10;

            this.tabPathSelected = new GraphicsPath();
            this.tabPathNormal   = new GraphicsPath();

            this.hoverEnable = true;
            this.hoverPage   = -1;

            /*this.toolTipPage = -1;
             * this.toolTip = new ToolTip();
             * this.toolTip.Active = true;*/

Esempio n. 28
        private TabControl MakeTab(int x, int y, TabAlignment a, TabAppearance ap)
            TabControl tab = new TabControl();

//			tab.Padding = new Point(20, 3);
            tab.Location   = new Point(x, y);
            tab.Alignment  = a;
            tab.Appearance = ap;
            tab.Controls.Add(CreateTabPage("Red", Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0)));
            tab.Controls.Add(CreateTabPage("Orange", Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 153, 0)));
            tab.Controls.Add(CreateTabPage("Yellow", Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 0)));
            tab.Controls.Add(CreateTabPage("Green", Color.Green));
            tab.Controls.Add(CreateTabPage("Blue", Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255)));
            tab.Controls.Add(CreateTabPage("Purple", Color.FromArgb(255, 197, 0, 148)));

            tab.Height        = 200;
            tab.Width         = 200;
            tab.SelectedIndex = 3;
Esempio n. 29
        private TabBar AddTabBar(DockStyle dockStyle, TabAlignment tabAlignment)
            TabBar tabBar = new TabBar();

            tabBar.Alignment          = tabAlignment;
            tabBar.Width              = 30;
            tabBar.Dock               = dockStyle;
            tabBar.ShowDropDownButton = true;
            //tabBar.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;// Color.Silver;
            //tabBar.SelectedItemBackColor = Color.White;
            //tabBar.ItemBackColor = SystemColors.Control;
            //tabBar.ItemForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                tabBar.Items.Add(new TabItem(string.Format("Tab {0}", i)));

Esempio n. 30
        public void TabControl_Alignment_SetWithHandle_GetReturnsExpected(TabAlignment value, bool expectedMultiline)
            var    control   = new TabControl();
            IntPtr oldHandle = control.Handle;

            Assert.NotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, oldHandle);

            control.Alignment = value;
            Assert.Equal(value, control.Alignment);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMultiline, control.Multiline);
            IntPtr newHandle = control.Handle;

            Assert.NotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, newHandle);
            Assert.NotEqual(oldHandle, newHandle);

            // Set same.
            control.Alignment = value;
            Assert.Equal(value, control.Alignment);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMultiline, control.Multiline);
            Assert.Equal(newHandle, control.Handle);
Esempio n. 31
        public NetTabControl()
            BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 251, 250, 251);
            ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
            Size      = new Size(200, 100);

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

            this.tabPages = new NetTabPageCollection(this);
            this.tabPages.ClearComplete  += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.TabPagesClearComplete);
            this.tabPages.InsertComplete += new EventHandler <NetTabPageEventArgs>(this.TabPagesInsertComplete);
            this.tabPages.RemoveComplete += new EventHandler <NetTabPageEventArgs>(this.TabPagesRemoveComplete);

            this.tabHeight    = 25;
            this.tabAlignment = TabAlignment.Top;
            this.currentPage  = -1;

Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VisualTabControl" /> class.</summary>
        public VisualTabControl()
                ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint |
                ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |


            _styleManager = new StyleManager(Settings.DefaultValue.DefaultStyle);

            _border = new Border
                Type = ShapeType.Rectangle

            _alignment         = TabAlignment.Top;
            _selectorVisible   = true;
            _selectorSpacing   = 10;
            _selectorThickness = 5;
            _selectorAlignment = TabAlignment.Bottom;

            _itemSize         = new Size(100, 25);
            _tabMenu          = Color.FromArgb(55, 61, 73);
            _tabSelector      = _styleManager.Theme.BackgroundSettings.Type4;
            _textRendererHint = Settings.DefaultValue.TextRenderingHint;

            _separatorSpacing   = 2;
            _separatorThickness = 2F;
            _separator          = _styleManager.Theme.OtherSettings.Line;
            _selectorTypes      = SelectorTypes.Arrow;

            Size     = new Size(320, 160);
            DrawMode = TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
            ItemSize = _itemSize;
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// 在指定的方向的两侧放大矩形,不影响原来的矩形
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">矩形</param>
        /// <param name="align">方向</param>
        /// <param name="value">放大量</param>
        /// <returns>放大后矩形</returns>
        public static Rectangle InflateSide(Rectangle rect, TabAlignment align, int value)
            int half = value / 2;

            switch (align)
            case TabAlignment.Top:
            case TabAlignment.Bottom:
                rect.X     -= half;
                rect.Width += value;

            case TabAlignment.Left:
            case TabAlignment.Right:
                rect.Y      -= half;
                rect.Height += value;


Esempio n. 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a TabStop object to the collection and sets its alignment and leader.
 /// </summary>
 public TabStop AddTabStop(Unit position, TabAlignment alignment, TabLeader leader)
     return this.TabStops.AddTabStop(position, alignment, leader);
Esempio n. 35
 public ShadowBorderForm(TabAlignment side, int size)
     : base(side, size)
Esempio n. 36
		// Draw the actual tab for each alignment.
		private void DrawTab( Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, TabAlignment alignment, bool leftEdge )
			Border3DSide left = Border3DSide.Left;
			Border3DSide top = Border3DSide.Top;
			Border3DSide right = Border3DSide.Right;
			if (alignment == TabAlignment.Bottom)
				top = Border3DSide.Bottom;
			if ( leftEdge )
				ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(graphics, bounds, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner, left);
			ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(graphics, bounds, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner, top);
			ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(graphics, bounds, Border3DStyle.Raised, right);
Esempio n. 37
		public TabControl()
			selectedIndex = -1;

			alignment = TabAlignment.Top;
			drawMode = TabDrawMode.Normal;
			itemSize = new Size(42, 21);
			padding = new Point(6, 3);
			moveButtonSize = new Size (17, 17);
			sizeMode = TabSizeMode.Normal;
			appearance = TabAppearance.Normal;
			tabPageCollection = new TabPageCollection(this);
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

			moveButtonLeftState = ButtonState.Normal;
			moveButtonRightState = ButtonState.Normal;
			hotTrackIndex = -1;
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
Esempio n. 38
 protected OuterBorderForm CreateBorder(TabAlignment side, int borderSize)
     return new ShadowBorderForm(side, borderSize);
Esempio n. 39
 public static string DecodeTabAlignmentInverse(TabAlignment t)
     return t.ToString();
Esempio n. 40
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a TabStop at the appropriate position, with a specified tab
 /// alignment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Creates a TabStop at the appropriate position, with a specified tab
 /// alignment. A tab alignment defines the way the textual content should be
 /// positioned with regards to this tab stop.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="tabPosition">a <code>float</code>, measured in points</param>
 /// <param name="tabAlignment">
 /// a
 /// <see cref="iText.Layout.Properties.TabAlignment"/>
 /// value
 /// </param>
 public TabStop(float tabPosition, TabAlignment tabAlignment)
     : this(tabPosition, tabAlignment, null)
Esempio n. 41
        public override void DrawTab(Graphics gr, Rectangle borderrect, int index, bool selected, Color color1, Color color2, Color coloroutline, TabAlignment alignment)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(alignment == TabAlignment.Top);

            int additional = 0;                             // extra depth for fill

            if (selected)
                additional = 1;
                borderrect.Height += borderrect.Y;          // this one uses any height to get it bigger
                borderrect.Y = 0;
                borderrect.Height -= 2;                     // shorter by this.
                borderrect.Y += 2;

            int xfar = borderrect.Right - 1;
            int yfar = borderrect.Bottom - 1;

            GraphicsPath fill = new GraphicsPath();
            fill.AddLine(borderrect.X, yfar + additional + 1, borderrect.X, borderrect.Y);
            fill.AddLine(borderrect.X, borderrect.Y, xfar, borderrect.Y);
            fill.AddLine(xfar, borderrect.Y, xfar, yfar + additional + 1);
            GraphicsPath border = new GraphicsPath();
            border.AddLine(borderrect.X, yfar, borderrect.X, borderrect.Y);
            border.AddLine(borderrect.X, borderrect.Y, xfar, borderrect.Y);
            border.AddLine(xfar, borderrect.Y, xfar, yfar);

            gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.Default;
            using (Brush b = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(borderrect, color1, color2, 90))
                gr.FillPath(b, fill);
            using (Pen p = new Pen(coloroutline, 1.0F))
                gr.DrawPath(p, border);
Esempio n. 42
 public abstract void DrawTab(Graphics gr, Rectangle borderrect, int index, bool selected, Color color1, Color color2, Color coloroutline, TabAlignment alignment);
Esempio n. 43
        public CustomTabControl()
            : base()
            if (this._DisplayManager.Equals(TabControlDisplayManager.Custom))
                this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
                this.ItemSize = new Size(0, 15);
                this.Padding = new Point(9,0);

            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
            this.ResizeRedraw = true;
            _priorSelectedIndex = -1;
            _priorAlignment = TabAlignment.Left;

            ImageOffset = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 2);

            // We are simulating a close button with the close images. The
            // image is a stylized X from the VS2008 image library.  There are
            // three versions - a regular CloseImage, the greyed version for
            // tabs that are not currently selected, and the hover image,
            // which is a highlighted (red) form that gets displayed when the
            // mouse hovers over the X. The effect is to make the image itself
            // highlight like a normal button might.
            // OnMouseHover doesn't really work for the purposes of the close
            // "button".  The close image isn't really a Control, so it gets no
            // Hover events.  The TabControl is a Control, and it gets hover
            // events, but only one, on entry to the control.  Moving the
            // mouse around on different tabs doesn't send a new hover event.
            // Therefore, we need to track the mouse events, and simulate the
            // effect.  We use a timer for that purpose.  It gets reset
            // whenever the mouse moves and is present on the close image. If
            // the mouse stops moving for a period of _hoverInterval ms, then
            // the timer fires and the close image is painted with the hover
            // image (a red X).  If the mouse moves away from the closeimage
            // on the selected tab, the timer gets disabled.
            _hoverInterval = 110;
            _hoverTimer = new System.Timers.Timer
                    Interval = _hoverInterval,
                    AutoReset = false

            // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer.
            _hoverTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);
            mhs = new MouseHoverState();

            // get the images
            System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = this.GetType().Assembly;
            System.IO.Stream s1 =
            var b = new Bitmap(s1);
            CloseImage = b;

            s1 = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CustomControls.Resources.Close-grayed.png");
            b = new Bitmap(s1);
            CloseImageGray= b;

            s1 = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CustomControls.Resources.Close-hover.png");
            b = new Bitmap(s1);
            CloseImageHover= b;

            //System.Console.WriteLine("Images: Close({0}) Gray({1}) Hover({2})", CloseImage, CloseImageGray, CloseImageHover);
Esempio n. 44
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a TabStop object to the collection and sets its alignment.
 /// </summary>
 public TabStop AddTabStop(Unit position, TabAlignment alignment)
     return this.TabStops.AddTabStop(position, alignment);
Esempio n. 45
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a TabStop object to the collection and sets its alignment and leader.
 /// </summary>
 public TabStop AddTabStop(Unit position, TabAlignment alignment, TabLeader leader)
     TabStop tab = AddTabStop(position);
     tab.Alignment = alignment;
     tab.Leader = leader;
     return tab;
Esempio n. 46
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a TabStop object to the collection and sets its alignment.
 /// </summary>
 public TabStop AddTabStop(Unit position, TabAlignment alignment)
     TabStop tab = AddTabStop(position);
     tab.Alignment = alignment;
     return tab;