public frmMDI() { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // // if (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName).Length>1) // System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); //System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass=System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass.High; InitializeComponent(); PublicFunction.CUS_ID = PublicFunction.F_GetNote("[CUS_ID]", PublicFunction.Path + "//CUS.ini"); CUS_GPS(); i = 0; //lb="Glinton Vĩnh Tuyền "+ this.Text ; PublicFunction.Init_System(); PublicFunction.L_Init_Label(this); string id = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + ""; string id1 = PublicFunction.F_GetNote("[ID]", PublicFunction.Path + "\\ID.ini"); try { if (id != id1 && System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(T_String.IsNullTo0(id1)).ProcessName == "GP8000") { System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } } catch {} PublicFunction.SaveID(id); //System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(1).ProcessName sta3.Text = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); frmLogin dlg = new frmLogin(true); dlg.ShowDialog(); if (dlg.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet("Select GROUP_NM,a.GROUP_ID from SYS_USER a,SYS_GROUP b" + " where USER_ID=N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "' and a.GROUP_ID=b.GROUP_ID", PublicFunction.C_con); if (rs.rows > 0) { sta1.Text = PublicFunction.A_UserID + "/" + rs.record(0, 0); PublicFunction.A_Group_ID = rs.record(0, 1); } Init_Menu(); } else { System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } string sql = ""; sql = "Update FILB01A set VAC_BT=1,CRD_NO='' where (VAC_BT=0 OR VAC_BT is null) and EMP_ID"; sql += " in (Select EMP_ID from FILB01AC where VAC_DT<=GetDate() and (VAT_BT=1) ) "; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); sql = "Update FILB01AC set VAT_BT=0 where VAC_DT<=GetDate() and (VAT_BT=1) "; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); if (PublicFunction.C_con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { lb = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MSG_DR", "GP_SYS_MESSAGE"); } else { lb = "Taiwan: 台北市民生東路五段171號4樓之2 " + "Tel: 8862-27648036 Fax: 8862-27617048 " + "Email: [email protected] " + "Việt Nam:" + "Công Ty TNHH Vĩnh Tuyền 永泉資訊有限公司 " + "55 Lam Sơn P.2, Q.Tân Bình,TP. HCM " + "Tel:848-2968469/70 Fax:848-8440045 " + "Email:[email protected] "; } //pictureBox1.Paint+=new PaintEventHandler(pictureBox1_Paint); switch (PublicFunction.CUS_ID) { case "100": if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyyMMdd")) > 20090401) { //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("Delete from SYS_LABEL"); MessageBox.Show(PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 222)); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } break; } Customer(); }
private void cmd_ok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // label5.Text=" running!!!"; // panel2.Enabled=false; string st = "", sql = "", sql1 = "", sql2 = "", where1 = "", where2 = ""; where1 = ((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); where2 = ((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); st = control1.GetWhere("b", false); sql = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET USR_CK='", Function.Common.Ints.tbChamCong) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + string.Format("',LOC_B1=1 from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID ", Function.Common.Ints.tbChamCong) + "AND (LOC_B1=0 or LOC_B1 IS NULL) and " + st + " AND ATT_DT>='" + where1 + "' AND ATT_DT<='" + where2 + "'"; where1 = ((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyyMM"); where2 = ((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyyMM"); sql1 = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbTongKet) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "',LST_DT='" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + "',LOC_B1=1" + string.Format(" from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID and ", Function.Common.Ints.tbTongKet) + st + " AND ISNULL(LOC_B1,0)=0 and YYY_MM>='" + where1 + "' AND YYY_MM<='" + where2 + "'"; sql2 = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "',LST_DT='" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + string.Format("',{0}.LCK_BT=1", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + string.Format(" from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID and ", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + st + string.Format(" AND ISNULL({0}.LCK_BT,0)=0 and YYY_MM>='", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + where1 + "' AND YYY_MM<='" + where2 + "'"; if (rdatt.Checked) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); } if (rdaddup.Checked) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1); where1 = DateTime.Parse(((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM") + "/01").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); where2 = DateTime.Parse(((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM") + "/01").AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); sql = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET USR_CK='", Function.Common.Ints.tbChamCong) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + string.Format("',LOC_B1=1 from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID ", Function.Common.Ints.tbChamCong) + "AND (LOC_B1=0 or LOC_B1 IS NULL) and " + st + " AND ATT_DT>='" + where1 + "' AND ATT_DT<='" + where2 + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); } if (rdsalary.Checked) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql2); PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1); where1 = DateTime.Parse(((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM") + "/01").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); where2 = DateTime.Parse(((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM") + "/01").AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); sql = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET USR_CK='", Function.Common.Ints.tbChamCong) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + string.Format("',LOC_B1=1 from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID ", Function.Common.Ints.tbChamCong) + "AND (LOC_B1=0 or LOC_B1 IS NULL) and " + st + " AND ATT_DT>='" + where1 + "' AND ATT_DT<='" + where2 + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); } MessageBox.Show("......Finished!!!!!!!!!"); }
private void frmTaCardDataSwitch_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Basic.Function.PublicFunction.L_Init_Label(this); control1.InitCB(this.Tag); control1.Initlabel(); // dt3.Value=dt2.Value=dt1.Value=T_String.GetDate(); int day = T_String.IsNullTo0(PublicFunction.GetOption("DAYCLOSE") + ""); if (day <= 0) { day = 1; } dt1.Value = DateTime.Parse((day < 15 ? T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM") : T_String.GetDate().AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM")) + "/" + day); dt2.Value = ((DateTime)dt1.Value).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1); dt3.Value = dt2.Value; dt1.CustomFormat = dt2.CustomFormat = PublicFunction.GetOption("DATE"); string sql = "Select FNAME," + PublicFunction.L_Lag + " from SYS_LABEL where [NAME]=N'frmTaMonthAddUpCal' and (FName='1' or FName='2')"; PublicFunction.InitCB(cb, sql, false); CheckFieldName(); this.Closed += new EventHandler(frmTaMonthAddUpCal_Closed); cmd_stop.Visible = false; cb.SelectedValue = 2; }
private void Init_Form() { dt.Value = T_String.GetDate(); Init_vs(); Basic.Function.PublicFunction.L_Init_Label(this); }
/* public static void CalStaff(string EMP_ID,string TYP_ID,string INH_DT,SqlConnection con,string YYY,DateTime dt) * { * checkStaff(EMP_ID,con,YYY); * if(INH_DT+""=="") // ko co ngay vao * { * UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID,con,YYY); * return; * } * string sql; * sql="Select * from FILA11A where TYP_ID=N'"+TYP_ID+"'"; * Func.RecordSet rs=new Func.RecordSet(sql,con); * if(rs.rows<=0) // ko co loai nhan vien * { * UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID,con,YYY); * return; * } * int WAG_MM=T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0,"WAG_MM")); * int ngaytinh=T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0,"STR_DT")); * int phepnam=T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0,"LEA_DY")); * int heso=(int)phepnam/12; * DateTime dt1=DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).AddMonths(WAG_MM); * //if(T_String.CompareDate(dt1,T_String.GetDate(con))) // ko du thoi gian lam viec de tinh phep * if(T_String.CompareDate(dt1,dt)) * { * UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID,con,YYY); * return; * } * if(T_String.CompareDate(new DateTime(dt.Year,1,1),dt1)) * dt1=new DateTime(dt.Year,1,1); * int ngayphep=0,dem=0;// tinh phep nam * if(dt1.Day<=ngaytinh) * { * ngayphep+= heso; * dem++; * } * dt1=dt1.AddMonths(1); * while (dt1.Month<dt.Month && dt1.Year==dt.Year) * { * ngayphep+= heso; * dt1=dt1.AddMonths(1); * dem++; * } * if(dt.Day>=ngaytinh && dt1.Month==dt.Month) * { * if(dem+1==12) * { * ngayphep=phepnam; * } * else * { * ngayphep+= heso; * } * } * // tinh tham nien * int thamnien=0; * dt1=DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); * int sonam=T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0,"SEN_YY")); * int songay=T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0,"SEN_DY")); * if(sonam!=0 && songay!=0) * { * while(true) * { * dt1=dt1.AddYears(sonam); * if(T_String.CompareDate(dt,dt1)) * thamnien+=songay; * else * break; * } * } * * sql="update FILC04B set HAV_QT="+ngayphep+",ADD_QT="+thamnien+" where EMP_ID=N'"+EMP_ID+"' and YYY_YY=N'"+dt.ToString("yyyy")+"'"; * PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); * } */ #endregion public static void CalStaff(string EMP_ID, string TYP_ID, string INH_DT, SqlConnection con, string YYY, DateTime dt) { checkStaff(EMP_ID, con, YYY); if (INH_DT + "" == "") // ko co ngay vao { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return; } string sql; sql = "Select * from FILA11A where TYP_ID=N'" + TYP_ID + "'"; Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); if (rs.rows <= 0) // ko co loai nhan vien { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return; } int WAG_MM = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "WAG_MM")); int ngaytinh = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "STR_DT")); // //////////////kien string PNcalday = PublicFunction.GetOption("PNcalday"); ////kien cho phep sua trung ma bo phan if (PNcalday == "1") { int test = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Day; // string ngaytemp=Convert.ToString((test)); ngaytinh = test; } int phepnam = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "LEA_DY")); int heso = (int)phepnam / 12; DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).AddMonths(WAG_MM); if (dt.Year < T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { if (T_String.CompareDate(dt1, dt)) // ko du thoi gian lam viec de tinh phep { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return; } } else { if (T_String.CompareDate(dt1, T_String.GetDate(con))) // ko du thoi gian lam viec de tinh phep { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return; } } /// khuend them vao de nhan biet nguoi cu tinh tu thang 1 /// if (T_String.CompareDate(new DateTime(dt.Year, 1, 1), dt1)) { dt1 = new DateTime(dt.Year, 1, 1); } int ngayphep = 0, dem = 0; // tinh phep nam Decimal ngayphep1 = 0; //////////////////////////////////////Kien tinh so ngay toi thoi diem hien tai hoa toi nghi viec///////////////////////////////////////// while (dt1.Month <= dt.Month && dt1.Year == dt.Year) { ngayphep += heso; dt1 = dt1.AddMonths(1); dem++; } if ((dt.Day >= ngaytinh || DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Year < dt.Year || ngayphep > 0) && dt1.Month == dt.Month) { if (dem + 1 == 12) { ngayphep = phepnam; } else { ngayphep += heso; } } //////////////kien phep nam tinh ngay ////string PNcalday=PublicFunction.GetOption("PNcalday"); ////kien cho phep sua trung ma bo phan if (PNcalday == "1") { int test = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Day; ngaytinh = test; } //////////////////////kien ket thuc phep nam tinh ngay //moi thang duoc 1 ngay phep nam ,neu cong nhan 14 du 1 nam se duoc cong 2 ngay, nguoc lai thi moi thang duoc 1 ngay string ALEtop = PublicFunction.GetOption("ALEtop"); string ALAngelbell = PublicFunction.GetOption("ALAngelbell"); if (ALEtop == "1" || ALAngelbell == "1") { if (phepnam == 14 && T_String.GetDate(con).Month == 12) { DateTime dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(T_String.GetDate(con)); DateTime temp = Convert.ToDateTime(INH_DT); temp = temp.AddYears(+1); if (temp <= dateTime) { ngayphep = ngayphep + 2; } else { } } else { //ngayphep=T_String.GetDate(con).Month; } if (ALEtop == "1") { if (dt1.Day > T_String.GetDate(con).Day) { ngayphep = ngayphep - 1; } } if (ALAngelbell == "1") { if (DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Year == T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { ngayphep = 0; } if (DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Year + 1 == T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { ngayphep = ngayphep + phepnam - DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Month; } if (DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Year + 1 == T_String.GetDate(con).Year&& DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Month > T_String.GetDate(con).Month) { ngayphep = 0; } } } if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "22") { dt1 = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); if ((dt1.Day > 15) && (dt1.Year == dt.Year)) { if (ngayphep != 0) { ngayphep -= 1; } } } // tinh tham nien int thamnien = 0; dt1 = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); int sonam = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "SEN_YY")); int songay = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "SEN_DY")); if (sonam != 0 && songay != 0) { while (true) { dt1 = dt1.AddYears(sonam); if (T_String.CompareDate(dt, dt1)) { thamnien += songay; } else { break; } } } //luan sua de tinh ngay vao 15 DateTime dtResult = dt; if (dt.Day < 15 && ngayphep > 0) { ngayphep = ngayphep - 1; } ngayphep1 = ngayphep; if (phepnam == 14) { //Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(temp), 4) ngayphep1 = ngayphep1 * Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(14 / 12.0), 2); //ngayphep1*Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(14/12.0), 2); if (ngayphep1 > 14) { ngayphep1 = 14; } } //nhieu loai nhan vien if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILB02AA", "year(SEQ_DT)='" + dt.ToString("yyyy") + "' and EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'")) > 0) { ngayphep1 = 0; dt1 = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); if (dt1.Year < T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { //dt1=T_String.DT_GetDays(DateTime.Parse(T_String.GetDate(con).Year + "/01/01"),T_String.GetDate(con)); dt1 = Convert.ToDateTime((T_String.GetDate(con).Year + "/01/01")); //ngayk2=T_String.DT_GetDays(Convert.ToDateTime(INH_DT),T_String.GetDate(con)); } string sqlkk = "Select * from FILB02AA where EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "' order by SEQ_DT"; Func.RecordSet rsk = new Func.RecordSet(sqlkk, con); for (int k = 0; k < rsk.rows; k++) { dt = Convert.ToDateTime(rsk.record(k, "SEQ_DT")); while (dt1.Month < dt.Month && dt1.Year == dt.Year) { dt1 = dt1.AddMonths(1); string TYP_IDt = rsk.record(k, "TYP_ID"); string ngay = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("LEA_DY", "FILA11A", "TYP_ID='" + TYP_IDt + "'"); if (ngay == "14") { ngayphep1 += Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(14 / 12.0), 2); //Convert.ToDecimal(14/12.0); //Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(14/12.0), 2); } else { ngayphep1 += 1; } } DateTime dtt = Convert.ToDateTime(rsk.record(rsk.rows - 1, "SEQ_DT")); DateTime monthtt = T_String.GetDate(con); string vacate = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("VAC_BT", "FILB01A", "EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'"); //DateTime vacate_date; if (vacate == "True") { monthtt = DateTime.Parse(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("VAC_DT", "FILB01AC", "EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'")); } while (dtt.Month <= monthtt.Month && dtt.Year == T_String.GetDate(con).Year&& k == rsk.rows - 1) { dtt = dtt.AddMonths(1); string TYP_IDtt = rsk.record(k, "TYP_I1"); string ngayt = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("LEA_DY", "FILA11A", "TYP_ID='" + TYP_IDtt + "'"); if (ngayt == "14") { ngayphep1 += Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(14 / 12.0), 2); } else { ngayphep1 += 1; } } } } Decimal ngayphep2 = 0; if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "22") //Rehong { ngayphep2 = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(ngayphep1), 2); if (ngayphep1 - Decimal.Floor(ngayphep1) > (Decimal)0.5000) { ngayphep2 = Decimal.Floor(ngayphep1) + 1; } } // ///////doi voi nv chua lam du 1 thang da nghi///////////// string nghiviec = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("VAC_BT", "FILB01A", "EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'"); if (nghiviec == "True") { DateTime ngayvao = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); DateTime ngaynghi = DateTime.Parse(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("VAC_DT", "FILB01AC", "EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'")); TimeSpan m = ngaynghi.Subtract(ngayvao); int thang = m.Days; if (thang / 30 <= 1) { ngayphep1 = 0; ngayphep2 = 0; } } //////////////////////////// sql = "update FILC04B set HAV_QT=" + ngayphep1 + ",ADD_QT=" + thamnien + ",TLCN=" + ngayphep2 + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_YY=N'" + dt.ToString("yyyy") + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); }
public static void checkStaff(string EMP_ID, SqlConnection con, string YYY) { if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILC04B", "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_YY=N'" + YYY + "'")) <= 0) { string sql = ""; sql = "Insert Into FILC04B(YYY_YY,EMP_ID,BLT_NM,BLT_DT) values (N'" + YYY + "',N'" + EMP_ID + "',N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + T_String.GetDate(con).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + "')"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } }
private void show() { vs.Visible = false; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } string sql = ""; sql = "Select * from FILE01A "; Func.RecordSet rs2 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); ArrayList b = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rs2.rows; i++) { a.Add(rs2.record(i, "LAB_NO")); int tam = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MAX(SEQ_N1)", "FILE03A", "LAB_NO=N'" + rs2.record(i, "LAB_NO") + "'")); if (tam == 1) { tam = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs2.record(i, "STT_N2") + ""); } b.Add(tam); } double maxx = T_String.GetMax("MAX(SEQ_N2)", "FILE03A"); sql = "Select EMP_ID,EMP_I1,EMP_NM,INH_DT,TYP_ID,POS_ID,DEP_ID from FILB01A where (VAC_BT is null or VAC_BT=0)"; if (NEW_BT) { sql = sql + " and isnull(NEW_BT,0)=1 and isnull(LCK_BT,0)=0"; } if (wh != "") { sql += " and " + wh; } DateTime dt1 = T_String.GetDate(); dt1 = dt1.AddDays(T_String.IsNullTo0(day)); DateTime NgayBD = T_String.GetDate(); DateTime NgayVaoLam = T_String.GetDate(); //------------------- if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "43") //cty ASTRO { SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString); if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con1.Open(); } string sql1 = ""; sql1 = "Select * from FILB01A"; if (wh != "") { sql1 += " where " + wh; } Func.RecordSet rs3 = new Func.RecordSet(sql1, con1); if (rs3.rows > 0) { NgayVaoLam = DateTime.Parse(rs3.record(0, "INH_DT")); } if (NgayVaoLam.Day >= 1 & NgayVaoLam.Day <= 20) { NgayBD = new DateTime(NgayVaoLam.Year, NgayVaoLam.Month, 1); NgayBD = NgayBD.AddMonths(1); } if (NgayVaoLam.Day >= 21 & NgayVaoLam.Day <= 31) { NgayBD = new DateTime(NgayVaoLam.Year, NgayVaoLam.Month, 1); NgayBD = NgayBD.AddMonths(2); } sql += " and '" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'>='" + NgayBD.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' or LIM_NO=1)"; } //------------------- ////luan rem de khi in roi van hien ra if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID != "43") { if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44") //LeeShin ki lai tu dau cho nguoi di lam lai { sql += " and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where (LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LAB_ST>=(SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR,INH_DT,111) FROM FILB01A WHERE FILB01A.EMP_ID=FILE03A.EMP_ID)) " + "or ( LIM_NO=1 and LAB_ST>=(SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR,INH_DT,111) FROM FILB01A WHERE FILB01A.EMP_ID=FILE03A.EMP_ID) ))"; } else if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "52") //domex quang nam, in HDLD lan dau cung thoi diem voi HDTV { sql += " and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where (LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LAB_NO NOT LIKE 'HDTV%') or LIM_NO=1)"; } else if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "53") // Omexey, ko ki HD cho nv TQ và Cam { sql += " and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' or LIM_NO=1) and COU_ID<>'6' and COU_ID<>'10' and COU_ID<>'12'"; } else { sql += " and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' or LIM_NO=1)"; } } vs.Rows.Count = 1; Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { try { sql = "Select * from FILE03A where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' ORDER BY LAB_ST DESC,LAB_ED DESC"; if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44") //LeeShin { sql = "Select FILE03A.* from FILE03A INNER JOIN FILB01A ON FILE03A.EMP_ID=FILB01A.EMP_ID where FILE03A.EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' AND LAB_ST>=INH_DT ORDER BY LAB_ST DESC"; } Func.RecordSet rslb = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); DateTime dt; int max; if (rslb.rows == 0) { dt = DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i, "INH_DT")); if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "43") //cty ASTRO { dt = NgayBD; } max = 1; } else { dt = DateTime.Parse(rslb.record(0, "LAB_ED")); dt = dt.AddDays(1); if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44" || PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "53") //LEESHIN LAY NGAY BD KI HD SAU KHI THU VIEC LA NGAY 1 TAY { if (rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV1" || rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV2" || rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV") { dt = DateTime.Parse(rslb.record(0, "LAB_ED")); if (dt.Day > 15) { dt = dt.AddMonths(1); } dt = DateTime.Parse(dt.ToString("yyyy/MM") + "/01"); } } if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "52") //Domex Quang Nam { if (rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV2" || rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV1" || rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV6") { dt = DateTime.Parse(rslb.record(0, "LAB_ST")); } } max = 1 + T_String.IsNullTo0(rslb.record(0, "SEQ_NO")); } // if(ngaytinh>0)//ngaytinh // { // if(dt.Day<ngaytinh) // dt=new DateTime (dt.Year,dt.Month,1); // else // { // dt=dt.AddMonths(1); // dt=new DateTime (dt.Year,dt.Month,1); // } // } if (LAB_N1 != "") { sql = "Select * from FILE02A a, FILE01A b where TYP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "' and a.LAB_NO=N'" + LAB_N1 + "' and a.LAB_NO=b.LAB_NO"; } else { sql = "Select * from FILE02A a, FILE01A b where TYP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "' and SEQ_NO=" + max + " and a.LAB_NO=b.LAB_NO"; } Func.RecordSet rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); if (rs1.rows == 0) { sql = "Select * from FILE02A a, FILE01A b where TYP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "' and REP_BT=1 and a.LAB_NO=b.LAB_NO"; rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); } try { if (rs1.rows > 0 && rs1.record(0, "LAB_ID") + "" != "" && (this.LAB_NO == "" || this.LAB_NO == rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO"))) { vs.Rows.Count++; vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1].UserData = 2; vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1][0] = vs.Rows.Count - 1; vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_ID"] = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_I1"] = rs.record(i, "EMP_I1"); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_NM"] = rs.record(i, "EMP_NM"); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["TYP_ID"] = rs.record(i, "TYP_ID"); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["POS_ID"] = rs.record(i, "POS_ID"); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["DEP_ID"] = rs.record(i, "DEP_ID"); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["INH_DT"] = rs.record(i, "INH_DT"); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["SEQ_NO"] = rs1.record(0, "SEQ_NO"); if (date != "") { vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ST"] = date; dt = DateTime.Parse(date); } else { vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ST"] = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); } if (rs1.record(0, "LIM_NO") + "" == "True") { vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LIM_NO"] = "True"; } else { if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "22" && rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDHV") //xet TH HDTV 6 ngay cho DM { //dt=DateTime.Parse(rslb.record(0,"LAB_ST")); int id = 0; while (id < 27) { // string data=T_String.GetDataFromSQL("h"+dt.Day,"FILA16A","YYY_YY="+dt.Year+" and MMM_MM="+dt.Month); // if(dt.DayOfWeek!=DayOfWeek.Sunday && (data+""=="False" || data==null )) // { // id++; // // } id++; dt = dt.AddDays(1); } vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ED"] = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); } else { if (rs1.record(0, "YYY_YY") + "" != "") { dt = dt.AddYears(T_String.IsNullTo0(rs1.record(0, "YYY_YY") + "")); } else { dt = dt.AddMonths(T_String.IsNullTo0(rs1.record(0, "MMM_MM") + "")); } if (ngaytinh > 0) //ngaytinh { if (dt.Day < ngaytinh) { dt = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1); } else { dt = dt.AddMonths(1); dt = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1); } } if (ngaytru) { vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ED"] = dt.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); } else { vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ED"] = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); } if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "43") { vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ED"] = dt.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); } } } vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_NO"] = rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO"); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_TP"] = rs1.record(0, "LAB_TP"); // LAB_ID ma so hop dong string LAB_ID = rs1.record(0, "LAB_ID"); LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("#", rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + ""); LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("&", rs.record(i, "EMP_I1") + ""); if (LAB_ID.IndexOf("@") >= 0) { int index = a.IndexOf(rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO")); int vl = T_String.IsNullTo0(b[index] + "") + T_String.IsNullTo0(rs1.record(0, "STT_N3")); vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["SEQ_N1"] = vl; string st = "000000000000"; b[index] = vl; st = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, T_String.IsNullTo0(rs1.record(0, "STT_N1"))); LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("@", vl.ToString(st)); } DateTime ngayky = DateTime.Parse(vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ST"] + ""); if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44") //Leeshin { LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Year)", ngayky.ToString("yy") + ""); } else { LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Year)", ngayky.ToString("yyyy") + ""); } LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Month)", ngayky.ToString("MM") + ""); LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Day)", ngayky.ToString("dd") + ""); //lay so lan ki int count = 0; if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44") //Leeshin lay so lan ki theo loai hop dong { if (rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV1" || rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV2") { count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILE03A", "EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' AND LAB_NO like 'HDTV%'")); } else { count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILE03A", "EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' AND LAB_NO<>'HDTV'")); } } else { count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILE03A", "EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "'")); } LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Count)", (count + 1) + ""); LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(DEP)", rs.record(i, "DEP_ID") + ""); LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(POS)", rs.record(i, "POS_ID") + ""); LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(NATURE)", rs.record(i, "TYP_ID") + ""); //////////// vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ID"] = LAB_ID; vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["SEQ_N2"] = maxx; maxx++; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); vs.Rows.Count--; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } lb.Text = ((int)(i * 100) / rs.rows) + "% - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM"); pro.Value = (int)(i * 100) / rs.rows; } vs.AutoSizeCols(); pro.Value = 100; con.Close(); this.Close(); vs.Visible = true; }
public void RPTta(C1XLBook book, string RPT_ID, string title, string wh) { //string ID="RPT1"; book = new C1XLBook(); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; FormatExcel.Init_Excel(sheet); sheet.Name = "Sheet1"; XLStyle Title = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 16, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, false, ""); XLStyle Caption = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, true, ""); XLStyle StringN = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, false, ""); XLStyle String = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, ""); XLStyle INT = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###"); XLStyle GIO = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###"); XLStyle DOU = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###.##"); string sql = ""; sql = "Select * from FILE07B where RPT_ID=N'" + RPT_ID + "' and SHO_BT=1 ORDER BY SEQ_NO"; Func.RecordSet rscon = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); sql = GET_SQL(rscon, wh); Func.RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); try { if (rs.rows <= 0) { return; } } catch { return; } int r = 0, cols = 0; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); a.Add(0); sheet.Columns[0].Width = 680; for (int i = 0; i < rs.cols; i++) { cols++; a.Add(i); } // tieu de sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols); sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COM_N1", "FILA01A"), Title); r++; sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols); sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], title, Title); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 2], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 1) + ":" + PublicFunction.A_UserID, StringN); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 2], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 2) + ":" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), StringN); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], "STT", Caption); for (int i = 0; i < rscon.rows; i++) { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i + 1], rscon.record(i, "COL_NM"), Caption); sheet.Columns[i + 1].Width = T_String.IsNullTo0(rscon.record(i, "WID_VL")) * 17; } r++; // for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], i + 1 + "", INT); for (int c = 0; c < rscon.rows; c++) { int c1 = c + 1; switch (rscon.record(c, "TYP_ID") + "") { case "1": // DateTime { try { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i, c) + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), String); } catch { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "", String); } break; } case "2": // boolean { if (rs.record(i, c) + "" != "True") { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "False", String); } else { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "True", String); } break; } case "": { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], rs.record(i, c), String); break; } case "3": // 00:00 { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("##:##"), String); // if(rscon.record(c,"SUM_BT")+""=="True") // { // a[c1]= T_String.CongTG(T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1]+""),T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i,c))); // } break; } case "4": // double { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("#,###.##"), DOU); if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True") { a[c1] = T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "") + T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)); } break; } case "5": // int { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("#,###.##"), INT); if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True") { a[c1] = T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "") + T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)); } break; } } } r++; if (i + 1 == rs.rows) //dong cuoi { for (int c = 0; c < rscon.rows; c++) { int c1 = c + 1; if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True") { switch (rscon.record(c, "TYP_ID") + "") { // case "3": // 00:00 // { // FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1]+"").ToString("##:##"),String); // break; // } case "4": // double { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "").ToString("#,###.##"), DOU); break; } case "5": // int { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "").ToString("#,###.##"), INT); break; } } } } } } // } try { string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\\Reports\\TAPO_" + RPT_ID + ".xls"; book.Save(fileName); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileName); } catch { MessageBox.Show("You must close TAPO_" + RPT_ID + ".xls file first!!!!!"); return; } }
private void Data_M510L(string st1, string filename, SqlConnection con, string SEQ_NO) { try { string st = st1; st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 1); string REA_NO = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 2); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 2); string CRD_NO = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, 10); st = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, st.Length - 15); string CRD_DT = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 8); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 8); string CRD_TM = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 4); Double TM = T_String.IsNullTo00(PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 4)); DateTime dt1 = GetDateTime(CRD_DT, CRD_TM).AddMinutes(-CRD_MN); DateTime dt2 = GetDateTime(CRD_DT, CRD_TM).AddMinutes(CRD_MN); if (TM == 0000) { CRD_TM = "2400"; TM = 2400; } string sql = "", EMP_ID; sql = "Select EMP_ID from FILC01A where DAT_TM=N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "' and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); Func.RecordSet rr = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); if (rr.rows <= 0) { sql = "(DAT_TM>" + dt1.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + " and DAT_TM<" + dt2.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ") and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COUNT(DAT_TM)", "FILC01A", sql, con)) <= 0) // thoi cho phep duoc lap lai the { int index = this.CRD_NO.IndexOf(CRD_NO); if (index >= 0) { EMP_ID = this.EMP_ID[index] + ""; } else { EMP_ID = ""; } sql = "Insert into FILC01A(DAT_TM,EMP_ID,SWI_DT,USR_NM,CRD_DT,CRD_TM,CRD_NO,REA_NO,FIL_NM) values("; sql += "N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "',N'" + EMP_ID + "','" + dt + "',N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "',"; sql += "'" + CRD_DT + "'," + TM + ","; sql += "N'" + CRD_NO + "',N'" + REA_NO + "',"; sql += "N'" + filename + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ""); } } } } else { if (rr.record(0, 0) + "" == "") { int index = this.CRD_NO.IndexOf(CRD_NO); if (index >= 0) { EMP_ID = this.EMP_ID[index] + ""; } else { EMP_ID = ""; } if (EMP_ID != "") { sql = "Update FILC01A set EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "'where DAT_TM=N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "' and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } } } //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); if (SEQ_NO == "0") { lb2.Items.Add(CRD_NO + " " + CRD_DT + " " + CRD_TM); d1++; c1.Text = d1 + ""; } else { lb4.Items.Add(CRD_NO + " " + CRD_DT + " " + CRD_TM); d2++; c2.Text = d2 + ""; } //Tao khoa lam cho chuyen du lieu chay cham-- cty weisheng //LAY NGAY KHOA DUOI SQL if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "3" || int.Parse(PublicFunction.CUS_ID) >= 100) //weisheng { string keyD = ""; int iphut = 0; Func.RecordSet rsK = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from GP_KEY", PublicFunction.C_con); if (rsK.rows > 0) { keyD = PublicFunction.encode(rsK.record(0, "COL_DT"), ""); iphut = T_String.IsNullTo0(rsK.record(0, "COL_MN")); if (T_String.GetDate() >= DateTime.Parse(keyD)) { for (int i = 1; i <= iphut; i++) { Thread.Sleep(50); } //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("UPDATE GP_KEY SET COL_MN="+iphut,PublicFunction.C_con); } } } // } catch (Exception) { BT += st1 + "--- " + SEQ_NO + "----" + filename + " \n"; } }
private void Data_AQ800(string st1, string filename, SqlConnection con, string SEQ_NO) { // try { string st = st1; string REA_NO = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 3); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 3); string CRD_NO = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 10); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 10); string CRD_DT = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 8); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 8); string CRD_TM = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 4); Double TM = T_String.IsNullTo00(PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 4)); DateTime dt1 = GetDateTime(CRD_DT, CRD_TM).AddMinutes(-CRD_MN); DateTime dt2 = GetDateTime(CRD_DT, CRD_TM).AddMinutes(CRD_MN); string sql = "", EMP_ID; //Kiem tra neu ma co roi thi ko them nua sql = "Select EMP_ID from FILC01A where DAT_TM=N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "' and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); if (rs.rows <= 0) { // sql="Delete from FILC01A where DAT_TM=N'"+CRD_DT+CRD_TM+"' and CRD_NO=N'"+CRD_NO+"'"; // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); if (TM == 0000) { CRD_TM = "2400"; TM = 2400; CRD_DT = GetDate(CRD_DT).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); } sql = "(DAT_TM>" + dt1.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + " and DAT_TM<" + dt2.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ") and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COUNT(DAT_TM)", "FILC01A", sql, con)) <= 0) // thoi cho phep duoc lap lai the { int index = this.CRD_NO.IndexOf(CRD_NO); if (index >= 0) { EMP_ID = this.EMP_ID[index] + ""; } else { EMP_ID = ""; } sql = "Insert into FILC01A(DAT_TM,EMP_ID,SWI_DT,USR_NM,CRD_DT,CRD_TM,CRD_NO,REA_NO,FIL_NM) values("; sql += "N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "',N'" + EMP_ID + "','" + dt + "',N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "',"; sql += "'" + CRD_DT + "'," + TM + ","; sql += "N'" + CRD_NO + "',N'" + REA_NO + "',"; sql += "N'" + filename + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ""); } } } if (SEQ_NO == "0") { lb2.Items.Add(CRD_NO + " " + CRD_DT + " " + CRD_TM); d1++; c1.Text = d1 + ""; } else { lb4.Items.Add(CRD_NO + " " + CRD_DT + " " + CRD_TM); d2++; c2.Text = d2 + ""; } //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); //Tao khoa lam cho chuyen du lieu chay cham-- cty weisheng //LAY NGAY KHOA DUOI SQL string stype = ""; string keyD = ""; int iphut = 0; SqlConnection SqlCon1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString); SqlCon1.Open(); Func.RecordSet rsK = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from GP_KEY", con); if (rsK.rows > 0) { stype = rsK.record(0, "TYP_MN"); keyD = PublicFunction.encode(rsK.record(0, "COL_DT"), ""); iphut = T_String.IsNullTo0(rsK.record(0, "COL_MN")); if (stype.ToUpper() == "AS") { if (T_String.GetDate(SqlCon1) >= DateTime.Parse(keyD)) { Thread.Sleep(500 * iphut); //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("UPDATE GP_KEY SET COL_MN="+iphut,PublicFunction.C_con); } } } //end } } // catch(Exception) // {BT+=st1+"--- "+SEQ_NO+"----"+filename+" \n";} }
private void frmTaTransferStaff_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Basic.Function.PublicFunction.L_Init_Label(this); dt.Value = T_String.GetDate().AddMonths(-1); dt1.CustomFormat = dt2.CustomFormat = PublicFunction.GetOption("DATE"); }
private void frmTaWorkAgain_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Basic.Function.PublicFunction.L_Init_Label(this); dt.CustomFormat = PublicFunction.GetOption("DATE"); dt.Value = T_String.GetDate(); }
public static double CalStaff_Sub(string EMP_ID, string TYP_ID, string INH_DT, SqlConnection con, string YYY, DateTime dt, Boolean nghiviec) { if (DateTime.Parse(INH_DT) >= dt) { return(0); } string sql; sql = "Select * from FILA11A where TYP_ID=N'" + TYP_ID + "'"; Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); if (rs.rows <= 0) // ko co loai nhan vien { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return(0); } int WAG_MM = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "WAG_MM")); int ngaytinh = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "STR_DT")); int phepnam = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "LEA_DY")); //if (TYP_ID== ) float heso = (float)phepnam / 12; DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(); //kiem tra ngay vao lam if (DateTime.Parse(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("INH_DT", "FILB01A", "EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'")) == DateTime.Parse(INH_DT)) { dt1 = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).AddMonths(WAG_MM); } //dt1=DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); else { dt1 = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); } if (nghiviec) { if (dt.Year < T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { if (T_String.CompareDate(dt1, dt)) // ko du thoi gian lam viec de tinh phep { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return(0); } } else { if (T_String.CompareDate(dt1, dt)) // ko du thoi gian lam viec de tinh phep { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return(0); } } } else { if (dt.Year < T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { if (T_String.CompareDate(dt1, dt)) // ko du thoi gian lam viec de tinh phep { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return(0); } } else { if (T_String.CompareDate(dt1, T_String.GetDate(con))) // ko du thoi gian lam viec de tinh phep { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, YYY); return(0); } } } if (T_String.CompareDate(new DateTime(dt.Year, 1, 1), dt1)) { dt1 = new DateTime(dt.Year, 1, 1); //ngaytinh=32; } double ngayphep = 0, dem = 0; // tinh phep nam if (dt1.Day <= ngaytinh) { ngayphep += heso; dem++; } dt1 = dt1.AddMonths(1); while (dt1.Month <= dt.Month && dt1.Year == dt.Year) //// luc truoc tinh <= nhung khuend sua lai < { ngayphep += heso; dt1 = dt1.AddMonths(1); dem++; } if ((dt.Day >= ngaytinh || DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Year < dt.Year || ngayphep > 0) && dt1.Month == dt.Month) { if (dem + 1 == 12) { ngayphep = phepnam; } else { ngayphep += heso; } } string PNcalday = PublicFunction.GetOption("PNcalday"); if (PNcalday == "1") { // DateTime dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(vs4.Rows[i]["LAB_ED"]); // // dateTime=dateTime.AddDays(-1); // vs4.Rows[i]["LAB_ED"]=dateTime; int test = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Day; // string ngaytemp=Convert.ToString((test)); ngaytinh = test; if (ngayphep > 0 && test > 15 && DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Year == dt.Year) /// luc truoc la the nay test>dt.Day { ngayphep = ngayphep - heso; } } return(ngayphep); }
private void btUnLock_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string st = "", sql = "", sql1 = "", sql2 = "", where1 = "", where2 = ""; where1 = ((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); where2 = ((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); st = control1.GetWhere("b", false); //old code // sql="UPDATE FILC06A SET USR_CK='',LOC_B1= null from FILB01A b where FILC06A.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID " // +"AND isnull(LOC_B1,0)=1 and (USR_CK='"+PublicFunction.A_UserID +"' or USR_CK is null) and "+st // +" AND ATT_DT>='"+where1 +"' AND ATT_DT<='"+where2+"'"; // where1=((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyyMM"); // where2=((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyyMM"); // sql1="UPDATE FILC06AA SET LST_NM='"+ PublicFunction.A_UserID +"',LST_DT='"+T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm")+"',LOC_B1= null" // +" from FILB01A b where FILC06AA.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID AND (FILC06AA.LST_NM='"+ PublicFunction.A_UserID +"' or FILC06AA.LST_NM is null) and "+st // +" AND ISNULL(LOC_B1,0)=1 and YYY_MM>='"+where1 +"' AND YYY_MM<='"+where2+"'"; // sql2="UPDATE FILD02A SET LST_NM='"+ PublicFunction.A_UserID +"',LST_DT='"+T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm")+"',FILD02A.LCK_BT=null" // +" from FILB01A b where FILD02A.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID AND (FILD02A.LST_NM='"+ PublicFunction.A_UserID +"' or FILC06AA.LST_NM is null) and "+st // +" AND ISNULL(FILD02A.LCK_BT,0)=1 and YYY_MM>='"+where1 +"' AND YYY_MM<='"+where2+"'"; //new code if (PublicFunction.A_UserID == "admin" || PublicFunction.A_UserID == "vinhtuyen") { sql = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET USR_CK='',LOC_B1= 0 from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID ", Function.Common.Ints.tbChamCong) + "AND isnull(LOC_B1,0)=1 and " + st + " AND ATT_DT>='" + where1 + "' AND ATT_DT<='" + where2 + "'"; where1 = ((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyyMM"); where2 = ((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyyMM"); sql1 = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbTongKet) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "',LST_DT='" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + "',LOC_B1= 0" + string.Format(" from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID and ", Function.Common.Ints.tbTongKet) + st + " AND ISNULL(LOC_B1,0)=1 and YYY_MM>='" + where1 + "' AND YYY_MM<='" + where2 + "'"; sql2 = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "',LST_DT='" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + "',LCK_BT=0" + string.Format(" from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID and ", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + st + string.Format(" AND ISNULL({0}.LCK_BT,0)=1 and YYY_MM>='", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + where1 + "' AND YYY_MM<='" + where2 + "'"; } else { sql = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET USR_CK='',LOC_B1= 0 from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID ", Function.Common.Ints.tbChamCong) + "AND isnull(LOC_B1,0)=1 and (USR_CK='" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "' or USR_CK is null) and " + st + " AND ATT_DT>='" + where1 + "' AND ATT_DT<='" + where2 + "'"; where1 = ((DateTime)dt_dt1.Value).ToString("yyyyMM"); where2 = ((DateTime)dt_dt2.Value).ToString("yyyyMM"); sql1 = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbTongKet) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "',LST_DT='" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + "',LOC_B1= 0" + string.Format(" from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID AND ({0}.LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbTongKet) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + string.Format("' or {0}.LST_NM is null) and ", Function.Common.Ints.tbTongKet) + st + " AND ISNULL(LOC_B1,0)=1 and YYY_MM>='" + where1 + "' AND YYY_MM<='" + where2 + "'"; sql2 = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "',LST_DT='" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + "',LCK_BT=0" + string.Format(" from FILB01A b where {0}.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID AND ({0}.LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "' or FILD02A.LST_NM is null) and " + st + string.Format(" AND ISNULL({0}.LCK_BT,0)=1 and YYY_MM>='", Function.Common.Ints.tbLuongTD) + where1 + "' AND YYY_MM<='" + where2 + "'"; } if (rdatt.Checked) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); } if (rdaddup.Checked) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1); } if (rdsalary.Checked) { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql2); } MessageBox.Show("......Finished!!!!!!!!!"); }
private void Transfer() { p1.Enabled = false; con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString); if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con1.Open(); } string sql = "", dt = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); DateTime d2 = DateTime.Parse(dt2.Value + ""); string SEQ_NO = ""; string YYY_MM = dt3.Text; if (r1.Checked) { SEQ_NO = "1"; } else { SEQ_NO = "2"; } rs_LCB = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from FILD01A where BAS_BT=1", con1); sql = " delete FILD02A FROM FILB01AC C WHERE FILD02A.EMP_ID=C.EMP_ID AND VAC_DT<='" + DateTime.Parse(dt1.Value + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); sql = "Select Distinct a.EMP_ID,EMP_NM,DEP_I1,EMP_DW from FILC06AA a " + "INNER JOIN FILF01A b ON a.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID and a.SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO + " and a.YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "'" + " where " + control1.GetWhere("b", false); Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con1); try { for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { string EMP_ID = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"); string DEP_ID = rs.record(i, "DEP_I1"), EMP_DW = rs.record(i, "EMP_DW"); c1.Text = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + " - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM") + " | " + ((i + 1) + "/" + rs.rows); string wh; sql = "Select LCK_BT from FILD02A "; wh = " where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and " + "YYY_MM=N'" + dt3.Text + "' and SEQ_NO="; if (r1.Checked) { wh += "1"; } else { wh += "2"; } Func.RecordSet rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql + wh, con1); if (rs1.rows <= 0 || (rs1.rows > 0 && rs1.record(0, "LCK_BT") != "True")) { // if(rs1.rows>0 ) // { // sql="Delete from FILD02A "; // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql+wh); // } sql = "Insert Into FILD02A(EMP_ID,DEP_ID,EMP_DW,YYY_MM,SEQ_NO,REM_DR,BLT_NM,BLT_DT) values("; sql += "N'" + EMP_ID + "',N'" + DEP_ID + "',N'" + EMP_DW + "',N'" + YYY_MM + "',"; if (r1.Checked) { sql += "1"; } else { sql += "2"; } sql += ",N'" + DateTime.Parse(dt1.Value + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + DateTime.Parse(dt2.Value + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; sql += ",N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + dt + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } if (!r1.Checked) { int seq = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILC06AA", "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=3")); if (seq > 0) { sql = "Insert Into FILD02A(EMP_ID,DEP_ID,YYY_MM,SEQ_NO,REM_DR,BLT_NM,BLT_DT) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + DEP_ID + "',N'" + dt3.Text + "',3"; sql += ",N'" + DateTime.Parse(dt1.Value + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + DateTime.Parse(dt2.Value + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; sql += ",N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + dt + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } sql = "Insert Into FILD02A(EMP_ID,DEP_ID,YYY_MM,SEQ_NO,REM_DR,BLT_NM,BLT_DT) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + DEP_ID + "',N'" + dt3.Text + "',4"; sql += ",N'" + DateTime.Parse(dt1.Value + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + DateTime.Parse(dt2.Value + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; sql += ",N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + dt + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } LCB(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 3, con1); LCB(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 4, con1); // Formula(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,3,con1); // Formula(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,4,con1); } LCB(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 2, con1); // Formula(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,2,con1); } else { LCB(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 1, con1); // Formula(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,1,con1); } // else // { // // } } pro1.Value = (int)(i + 1) * 100 / rs.rows; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); p1.Enabled = true; } pro1.Value = 100; con1.Close(); p1.Enabled = true; }
private void vs_AfterEdit(object sender, C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventArgs e) { vs.Rows[e.Row]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs.Rows[e.Row]["LST_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); }
private void Transfer1() { p1.Enabled = false; con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString); if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con1.Open(); } string sql = "", dt = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); rs_LCB = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from FILD01A where BAS_BT=1", con1); sql = "Select Distinct a.EMP_ID,EMP_NM from FILC06AA a,FILF01A b where a.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID and " + control1.GetWhere("b", false); Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con1); try { for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { string EMP_ID = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"); string YYY_MM = dt3.Text; c1.Text = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + " - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM") + " | " + (i + 1) + "/" + rs.rows; string wh; sql = "Select LCK_BT from FILD02A "; wh = " where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and " + "YYY_MM=N'" + dt3.Text + "' and SEQ_NO="; if (r1.Checked) { wh += "1"; } else { wh += "2"; } Func.RecordSet rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql + wh, con1); if (rs1.rows <= 0 || (rs1.rows > 0 && rs1.record(0, "LCK_BT") != "True")) { if (rs1.rows > 0) { } PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); if (!r1.Checked) { int seq = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILC06AA", "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=3")); if (seq > 0) { Formula(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 3, seq, con1); Formula(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 4, seq, con1); TongCong(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 2, con1); } Formula(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 2, seq, con1); } else { Formula(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 1, 0, con1); } } pro1.Value = (int)(i + 1) * 100 / rs.rows; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); p1.Enabled = true; } pro1.Value = 100; con1.Close(); p1.Enabled = true; }
public void RPT2(C1XLBook book, C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid vs, string title, string filename) { //string ID="RPT1"; book = new C1XLBook(); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; FormatExcel.Init_Excel(sheet); sheet.Name = "Sheet1"; XLStyle Title = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 16, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, false, ""); XLStyle Caption = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, true, ""); XLStyle StringN = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, false, ""); XLStyle String = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, ""); XLStyle Number = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,##0.00"); sheet.Columns[0].Width = 500; int r = 0, cols = 0; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < vs.Cols.Count; i++) { if (vs.Cols[i].Visible == true) { cols++; a.Add(i); } } sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols); sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COM_N1", "FILA01A"), Title); r++; sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols); sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], title, Title); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 6], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 1) + ":" + PublicFunction.A_UserID, StringN); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 6], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 2) + ":" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), StringN); r++; for (int j = 0; j < vs.Rows.Count; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { if (j == 0) { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.Rows[j][(int)a[i]] + "", Caption); } else { if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { try { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], DateTime.Parse(vs.Rows[j][(int)a[i]] + "").ToString(vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].Format), String); sheet.Columns[i].Width = 1500; } catch { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "", String); } } else { if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(Boolean)) { if (vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "" != "True") { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "False", String); } else { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "True", String); } } else { if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(String)) { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "", String); } else { // FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,i],"",String); // sheet[r,i].Value= T_String.IsNullTo00(vs.GetDataDisplay(j,(int)a[i])); FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "", String); } //FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j,(int)a[i])+"",Number); } } } } r++; } sheet.Columns[1].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[2].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[3].Width = 3000; try { string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\\Reports\\" + filename + ".xls"; book.Save(fileName); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileName); } catch { MessageBox.Show("You must close " + filename + ".xls file first!!!!!"); return; } }
private void txt_Item_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (Row <= 0) { MessageBox.Show(PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 214)); txt_item.Focus(); return; } if (!ok) { MessageBox.Show(PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 213)); txt_WID.Focus(); return; } Double vl = T_String.IsNullTo00(txt_item.Text + ""); string sql = "Update FILD02A SET [" + vs.Rows[Row]["COL_NM"] + "]=" + vl + " where YYY_MM=N'" + dt.Text + "' and EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "'"; if (r1.Checked) { sql += " and SEQ_NO=1"; } else { sql += " and SEQ_NO=2"; } string st = ""; if (checkBox1.Checked) { st = DWID.Text + ": " + txt_WID.Text + " \n "; } else { st = WID.Text + ": " + txt_WID.Text + " \n "; } st += txt_Name.Text + "\n" + lb.Text + ": " + txt_item.Text + "\n "; if (PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, true) == 0) { lb1.Text = st + PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 1); } else { lb1.Text = st + PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 2); return; } Double max = T_String.GetMax0("MAX(ID)", "GP_HISTORYINPUTPIECERATE"); sql = "Insert Into GP_HISTORYINPUTPIECERATE values(" + max + ",N'" + dt.Text + "',N'" + vs.Rows[Row]["COL_NM"] + "'," + vl + ",N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + "')"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); vs2.Rows.Count++; vs2.Rows[vs2.Rows.Count - 1][0] = vs2.Rows.Count - 1; vs2.Rows[vs2.Rows.Count - 1]["YYY_MM"] = dt.Text; vs2.Rows[vs2.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_ID"] = EMP_ID; vs2.Rows[vs2.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_I1"] = EMP_I1; vs2.Rows[vs2.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_NM"] = txt_Name.Text; vs2.Rows[vs2.Rows.Count - 1]["COL_NM"] = lb.Text; vs2.Rows[vs2.Rows.Count - 1]["COL_VL"] = vl; vs2.AutoSizeCols(); txt_Name.Text = ""; txt_Dep.Text = ""; txt_INH.Text = ""; txt_WID.Text = ""; txt_item.Text = ""; txt_WID.Focus(); } }
/// <summary> /// Tinh phep den cuoi nam 2016-05-21 /// </summary> /// <param name="EMP_ID"></param> /// <param name="TYP_ID"></param> /// <param name="INH_DT"></param> /// <param name="con"></param> /// <param name="dt"></param> // Dau nam tinh duoc ngay phep 1 nam public static void CalStaff1(string EMP_ID, string TYP_ID, string INH_DT, SqlConnection con, DateTime dt) { checkStaff(EMP_ID, con, dt.ToString("yyyy")); if (INH_DT + "" == "") // ko co ngay vao { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, dt.ToString("yyyy")); return; } string sql; sql = "Select * from FILA11A where TYP_ID=N'" + TYP_ID + "'"; Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con); if (rs.rows <= 0) // ko co loai nhan vien { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, dt.ToString("yyyy")); return; } int WAG_MM = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "WAG_MM")); int ngaytinh = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "STR_DT")); int phepnam = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "LEA_DY")); int Loainhanvien = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "LEA_DY")); int heso = (int)phepnam / 12; DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).AddMonths(WAG_MM); if (T_String.CompareDate(dt1, dt)) // ko du thoi gian lam viec de tinh phep { UpdateStaff0(EMP_ID, con, dt.ToString("yyyy")); return; } if (T_String.CompareDate(new DateTime(dt.Year, 1, 1), dt1)) { dt1 = new DateTime(dt.Year, 1, 1); } int ngayphep = 0; // tinh phep nam Decimal ngayphep1 = 0; if (dt1.Year == T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { ngayphep = phepnam - ((int)dt1.Month) + 1; } else { ngayphep = phepnam; } //Kien phep nam Cheng long [PNchenglong]=1 string PNchenglong = PublicFunction.GetOption("PNchenglong"); string ALEtop = PublicFunction.GetOption("ALEtop"); if (PNchenglong == "1" || ALEtop == "1") { if (DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).Year == T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { ngayphep = T_String.GetDate(con ).Month - ((int)dt1.Month); if (dt1.Day <= ngaytinh) { ngayphep = T_String.GetDate(con ).Month - ((int)dt1.Month); } else { if (dt1.Day > ngaytinh) { ngayphep = T_String.GetDate(con ).Month - ((int)dt1.Month) - 1; } // tinh theo ngay neu ngay vao lam nho hon ngay he thong thi thang do khong tinh if (ALEtop == "1") { if (dt1.Day > T_String.GetDate(con).Day) { ngayphep = ngayphep - 1; } } } } else { if (phepnam == 14 && T_String.GetDate(con).Month == 12) { ngayphep = T_String.GetDate(con).Month + 2; } else { ngayphep = T_String.GetDate(con).Month; } } } ///ket thuc cheng long string vacate = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("VAC_BT", "FILB01A", "EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'"); DateTime vacate_date; if (vacate == "True") { vacate_date = DateTime.Parse(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("VAC_DT", "FILB01AC", "EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'")); if (vacate_date.Year == T_String.GetDate(con).Year) { if (dt1.Year == vacate_date.Year) { ngayphep = ((int)vacate_date.Month) - ((int)dt1.Month) + 1; } else { ngayphep = ((int)vacate_date.Month); } } } //phep nam esprinta string filePath = PublicFunction.Path + "/Esprinta.dll"; // tinh tham nien int thamnien = 0; Double thamnien1 = 0; DateTime dtk = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); dt1 = DateTime.Parse(INH_DT); int sonam = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "SEN_YY")); int songay = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(0, "SEN_DY")); filePath = PublicFunction.Path + "/Esprinta.dll"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { if (sonam != 0 && songay != 0) { while (true) { dt1 = dt1.AddYears(sonam); dtk = dtk.AddYears(sonam - 1); if (T_String.CompareDate(T_String.GetDate(con), dt1)) { thamnien1 += songay; } else { //dateTime1=dateTime1.AddDays(+1); //int ngayk1=T_String.DT_GetDays(DateTime.Parse(T_String.GetDate(con).Year + "/01/01"),T_String.GetDate(con)); //DateTime dateTime10 = DateTime.Parse(T_String.GetDate(con).Year + "/" + Convert.ToDateTime(INH_DT).Month + "/" + Convert.ToDateTime(INH_DT).Day);//Convert.ToDateTime(INH_DT); DateTime dateTime10 = Convert.ToDateTime(INH_DT); //dateTime10 = dateTime10.AddYears(+5); dateTime10 = dateTime10.AddDays(+1826); //DateTime dateTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(INH_DT);//Convert.ToDateTime(INH_DT); int ngaytest = 0; //T_String.DT_GetDays1(dateTime1,T_String.GetDate(con)); ngaytest = T_String.DT_GetDays(dateTime10, T_String.GetDate(con)); if (T_String.CompareDate(T_String.GetDate(con), dtk)) { thamnien1 += 0.00273972602739726 * T_String.DT_GetDays(dateTime10, T_String.GetDate(con)); break; } } } } } else { if (sonam != 0 && songay != 0) { while (true) { dt1 = dt1.AddYears(sonam); if (T_String.CompareDate(DateTime.Parse(dt.Year + "/12/31"), dt1)) { thamnien += songay; } else { break; } } } } if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { sql = "update FILC04B set HAV_QT=" + ngayphep1 + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_YY=N'" + dt.ToString("yyyy") + "' and (nature='' or nature is null)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); sql = "update FILC04B set ADD_QT=" + thamnien1 + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_YY=N'" + dt.ToString("yyyy") + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } else { sql = "update FILC04B set HAV_QT=" + ngayphep + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_YY=N'" + dt.ToString("yyyy") + "' and (nature='' or nature is null)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); sql = "update FILC04B set ADD_QT=" + thamnien + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_YY=N'" + dt.ToString("yyyy") + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } // sql="update FILC04B set DID_QT=(select SUM(DAY_TT) from FILC04A where EMP_ID=N'"+EMP_ID+"' " // +")where EMP_ID=N'"+EMP_ID+"' and YYY_YY=N'"+dt.ToString("yyyy")+"'"; // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); }
private void cmd_ok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 98), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString); con.Open(); string td = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string sql2 = "Select * from FILD01A where BAS_BT=1 "; Func.RecordSet rsitem = new Func.RecordSet(sql2, PublicFunction.C_con); for (int i = vs1.Rows.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { string EMP_ID = vs1.Rows[i]["EMP_ID"] + ""; SqlTransaction tran = con.BeginTransaction(); try { string sql = "", sql1, vl = ""; sql = "Insert Into FILD03A(EMP_ID,SEQ_NO,CHA_DT,NOT_DR,BLT_NM,BLT_DT"; vl = T_String.GetMax("MAX(SEQ_NO)", "FILD03A", "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "'") + ""; vl = "(N'" + EMP_ID + "'," + vl + ",'" + ((DateTime)dt1.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "',N'" + T_String.sqlsql(txt_not.Text) + "',N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + td + "'"; sql1 = "Select * from FILD03A where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and (DON_AP=0 or DON_AP is null) ORDER BY SEQ_NO DESC"; Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql1, PublicFunction.C_con); for (int m = 0; m < rsitem.rows; m++) { sql += "," + rsitem.record(m, "COL_NM"); if (rsitem.record(m, "COL_NM") == cb.SelectedValue + "") { if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "51" && rsitem.record(m, "COL_NM") == "BacLuong") { vl += ",'" + txt.Value + "'"; } else { vl += "," + txt.Value; } } else { if (rs.record(0, rsitem.record(m, "COL_NM")) + "" == "" || (rs.rows < 0)) { vl += ",Default"; } else { if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "51" && rsitem.record(m, "COL_NM") == "BacLuong") { vl += ",'" + rs.record(0, rsitem.record(m, "COL_NM")) + "'"; } else { vl += "," + rs.record(0, rsitem.record(m, "COL_NM")); } } } } sql = sql + ") values " + vl + ")"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con, tran); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); tran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { tran.Rollback(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } MessageBox.Show(PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 1)); } }
private void vs_AfterEdit(object sender, C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventArgs e) { for (int i = vs.Selection.r1; i <= vs.Selection.r2; i++) { string user = vs.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] + ""; if (vs.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] + "" == PublicFunction.A_UserID || vs.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] + "" == "") { } else { e.Cancel = true; return; } } if (vs.Cols[e.Col].Name == "LOC_B1" && e.Row > 0) { if (vs.Rows[e.Row]["LOC_B1"] + "" == "True") { vs.Rows[e.Row]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs.Rows[e.Row]["LST_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } else { vs.Rows[e.Row]["LST_NM"] = ""; vs.Rows[e.Row]["LST_DT"] = ""; } } string sql = ""; int tam = 0; for (int i = vs.Selection.r1; i <= vs.Selection.r2; i++) { if (vs.Rows[i]["LOC_B1"] + "" != "True") { vs[i, e.Col] = vs[e.Row, e.Col]; vs.Rows[i].UserData = 1; } } //DateTime ngay; for (int i = vs.Selection.r1; i <= vs.Selection.r2; i++) { if (vs.Rows[i]["LOC_B1"] + "" == "True") { tam = 1; } else { tam = 0; } //ngay=T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); //vs.Rows[e.Row]["LST_DT"]=T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); sql = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET LST_NM='", Function.Common.Ints.tbTongKet) + vs.Rows[e.Row]["LST_NM"] + "',LST_DT='" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") + "',LOC_B1='" + tam + "' where EMP_ID=N'" + vs.Rows[i]["EMP_ID"] + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + vs.Rows[i]["YYY_MM"] + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); } }
public frmMDI() { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // // if (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName).Length>1) // System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); //System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass=System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass.High; InitializeComponent(); PublicFunction.CUS_ID = PublicFunction.F_GetNote("[CUS_ID]", PublicFunction.Path + "//CUS.ini"); CUS_GPS(); i = 0; //lb="Glinton Vĩnh Tuyền "+ this.Text ; PublicFunction.Init_System(); //khoa GP TU DONG string ss = ""; Func.RecordSet rsk = new Func.RecordSet("select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('GP_KEY')", PublicFunction.C_con); if (rsk.rows <= 0) { ss = "CREATE TABLE GP_KEY (COL_MN int,COL_DT nvarchar(100),TYP_MN nvarchar(2) )"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(ss, PublicFunction.C_con); ss = "INSERT INTO GP_KEY VALUES(1,'" + PublicFunction.code("2100/12/31", "") + "','no')"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(ss, PublicFunction.C_con); } //them vao cuoi pass moi user *** de ko xai lai phien ban cu trc khi tao khoa // if(PublicFunction.CUS_ID!="3")//weisheng da cap nhat roi // { // ss="UPDATE SYS_USER SET PASS=PASS+'***' WHERE RIGHT(PASS,3)!='***'"; // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(ss,PublicFunction.C_con); // } ss = "UPDATE SYS_USER SET PASS=LEFT(PASS,LEN(PASS)-3) WHERE RIGHT(PASS,3)='***'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(ss, PublicFunction.C_con); //end user // end khoa // if(PublicFunction.CUS_ID!="22")//great super da cap nhat roi // { // if (!T_String.CheckColumnInTable("SUM_BT", "GP_SYS_SETTING")) // { // string ssql; // ssql = "ALTER TABLE GP_SYS_SETTING ADD SUM_BT BIT NULL"; // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(ssql); // } // } PublicFunction.L_Init_Label(this); string id = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + ""; string id1 = PublicFunction.F_GetNote("[ID]", PublicFunction.Path + "\\ID.ini"); try { if (id != id1 && System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(T_String.IsNullTo0(id1)).ProcessName == "GP8000") { System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } } catch {} PublicFunction.SaveID(id); //System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(1).ProcessName sta3.Text = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); frmLogin dlg = new frmLogin(true); dlg.ShowDialog(); if (dlg.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet("Select GROUP_NM,a.GROUP_ID from SYS_USER a,SYS_GROUP b" + " where USER_ID=N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "' and a.GROUP_ID=b.GROUP_ID", PublicFunction.C_con); if (rs.rows > 0) { Func.RecordSet rscomp = new Func.RecordSet("Select COM_N1 from FILA01A", PublicFunction.C_con); sta1.Text = PublicFunction.A_UserID + "/" + rs.record(0, 0) + " - " + rscomp.record(0, 0); PublicFunction.A_Group_ID = rs.record(0, 1); } Init_Menu(); } else { System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } string sql = ""; // sql="Delete from FILC06A where ATT_DT>='"+DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i,"VAC_DT")+"").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") // +"' and EMP_ID=N'"+rs.record(i,"EMP_ID")+"'"; // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con1); // break; sql = "Update FILB01A set VAC_BT=1,CRD_NO='' where (VAC_BT=0 OR VAC_BT is null) and EMP_ID"; sql += " in (Select EMP_ID from FILB01AC where VAC_DT<=GetDate())"; // and (VAT_BT=1) ) "; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); sql = "Update FILB01AC set VAT_BT=0 where VAC_DT<=GetDate() and (VAT_BT=1) "; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); sql = "Update FILB01A set VAC_BT=0 where (VAC_BT=1) and EMP_ID"; sql += " not in (Select EMP_ID from FILB01AC )"; // and (VAT_BT=1) ) "; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql); // if(PublicFunction.C_con.State==ConnectionState.Open) // { // lb=T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MSG_DR","GP_SYS_MESSAGE"); // } // else // lb="Taiwan: 台北市民生東路五段171號4樓之2 "+ // "Tel: 8862-27648036 Fax: 8862-27617048 "+ // "Email: [email protected] " + lb = "Việt Nam:" + "Công Ty TNHH Vĩnh Tuyền 永泉資訊有限公司 " + "40/12 Lam Sơn P.2, Q.Tân Bình,TP. HCM " + "Tel:848-2968469/70 Fax:848-2968473 " + "Email:[email protected] "; //pictureBox1.Paint+=new PaintEventHandler(pictureBox1_Paint); switch (PublicFunction.CUS_ID) { case "100": if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyyMMdd")) > 20100815) { //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("Delete from SYS_LABEL"); // MessageBox.Show(PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg",222)); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } break; } }
private void Cal() { string sql; cmd_stop.Visible = true; panel2.Enabled = false; SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString); if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con1.Open(); } string YYY_MM = dt3.Text; string dt = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); DateTime d1 = (DateTime)dt1.Value; DateTime d2 = (DateTime)dt2.Value; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); while (T_String.IsNullTo0(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) <= T_String.IsNullTo0(d2.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))) // tung Ngay { string data = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("h" + d1.Day, "FILA16A", "YYY_YY=" + d1.Year + " and MMM_MM=" + d1.Month); if (data + "" == "True") { a.Add(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } d1 = d1.AddDays(1); } d1 = (DateTime)dt1.Value; d2 = (DateTime)dt2.Value; Func.RecordSet sal; sql = "Select TYP_ID from GP_SYS_SHIFT"; Func.RecordSet rsshift = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); sql = "Select * from " + FILC07A + " where MON_BT=1"; Func.RecordSet ATTFOR = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); sql = "Select a.EMP_ID,EMP_NM,CONVERT(nvarchar(10),VAC_DT,111) VAC_DT,a.EMP_I1,a.DEP_ID,CONVERT(nvarchar(10),INH_DT,111) INH_DT from FILB01A a Left JOIN FILB01AC b on a.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID where " + control1.GetWhere("a", false) + " and (VAC_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' or VAC_DT is null or a.VAC_BT=0 or a.VAC_BT is null)" + " and INH_DT<='" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con1); string sql1 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) // Tung Nhan Vien { if (Stop) { return; } c1.Text = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + " - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM"); //Ktra lock thang if (T_String.GetDataFromSQL("ISNULL(LOC_B1,0) LOC_B1", FILC06AA, "EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' AND SEQ_NO=2") != "True") { sql = "Delete from " + FILC06AA + " where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "'"; if (cb.SelectedValue + "" == "1") { sql += " and SEQ_NO=1"; // nua thang } else { sql += " and SEQ_NO in(2,3,4)"; // 2 nguyen thang, 3 truoc khi doi luong, 4 sau khi doi luong } PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1, true); // doi bo phan sql = "SELECT * FROM FILB03A WHERE (SEQ_DT>'" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "') ORDER BY SEQ_DT ASC"; // doi bo phan Func.RecordSet rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con1); string DEP_I1, EMP_DW; if (rs1.rows > 0) { DEP_I1 = rs1.record(0, "DEP_I1"); // thay doi bo phan EMP_DW = rs1.record(0, "EMP_I3"); } else { DEP_I1 = rs.record(i, "DEP_ID"); EMP_DW = rs.record(i, "EMP_I1"); } // sql = "Insert into " + FILC06AA + "(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,DEP_I1,EMP_DW,BLT_NM,BLT_DT,NOT_DR,SEQ_NO) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + YYY_MM + "',"; sql += "N'" + DEP_I1 + "',N'" + EMP_DW + "',"; sql += "N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + dt + "',"; sql += "N'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "',"; string sql11 = "Select EMP_ID,CHA_DT from FILD03A where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and CHA_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and CHA_DT<='" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' AND ISNULL(DON_AP,0)=0" + " AND CHA_DT<>'" + rs.record(i, "INH_DT") + "'"; sal = new Func.RecordSet(sql11, con1); if (cb.SelectedValue + "" == "1") { sql1 = sql + "1)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con1, true); } else { sql1 = sql + "2)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con1, true); if (sal.rows > 0) { sql = "Insert into " + FILC06AA + "(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,BLT_NM,BLT_DT,NOT_DR,SEQ_NO) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + YYY_MM + "',"; sql += "N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + dt + "',"; sql += "N'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT")).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "',"; sal = new Func.RecordSet("Select EMP_ID,CHA_DT from FILD03A where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and CHA_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and CHA_DT<='" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and ISNULL(DON_AP,0)=0", con1); sql1 = sql + "3)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con1, true); sql = "Insert into " + FILC06AA + "(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,BLT_NM,BLT_DT,NOT_DR,SEQ_NO) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + YYY_MM + "',"; sql += "N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "','" + dt + "',"; sql += "N'" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT")).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "',"; sal = new Func.RecordSet("Select EMP_ID,CHA_DT from FILD03A where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and CHA_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and CHA_DT<='" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and ISNULL(DON_AP,0)=0", con1); sql1 = sql + "4)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con1, true); } } CalShift(rsshift, rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb.SelectedValue + "", con1, sal); CalATTFOR(ATTFOR, rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb.SelectedValue + "", con1, sal); Normal(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb.SelectedValue + "", con1, sal); LEAVE(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb.SelectedValue + "", con1, sal); BonusFined(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb.SelectedValue + "", con1, sal); CalHoliday(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), rs.record(i, "INH_DT"), rs.record(i, "VAC_DT"), a, cb.SelectedValue + "", con1, sal); } pro1.Value = 100; pro2.Value = (int)(i + 1) * 100 / rs.rows; } pro2.Value = 100; c1.Text = PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 1); panel2.Enabled = true; cmd_stop.Visible = false; }
private void nav1_TBarClick(object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Button.Equals(nav1.cmd_add)) { nav1.ToolBar_Click(e); vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["STY_NO"] = vs.Rows[vs.Row]["STY_NO"]; return; } if (e.Button.Equals(nav1.cmd_save)) { Boolean a = true; for (int i = 1; i < vs1.Rows.Count; i++) { if (vs1.Rows[i]["SEQ_NO"] + "" != i.ToString("000")) { a = false; } } for (int i = 1; i < vs1.Rows.Count; i++) { vs1.Rows[i]["SEQ_NO"] = i.ToString("000"); if (T_String.IsNullTo0(vs1.Rows[i].UserData + "") != 2) { if (T_String.IsNullTo0(vs1.Rows[i].UserData + "") == 1) { vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } if (!a) { vs1.Rows[i].UserData = 1; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } } else { vs1.Rows[i]["BLT_NM"] = vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = vs1.Rows[i]["BLT_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } } nav1.ToolBar_Click(e); } if (e.Button.Equals(nav1.cmd_delete)) { nav1.ToolBar_Click(e); for (int i = 1; i < vs1.Rows.Count; i++) { vs1.Rows[i]["SEQ_NO"] = i.ToString("000"); if (T_String.IsNullTo0(vs1.Rows[i].UserData + "") != 2) { vs1.Rows[i].UserData = 1; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } else { vs1.Rows[i]["BLT_NM"] = vs1.Rows[i]["LST_NM"] = PublicFunction.A_UserID; vs1.Rows[i]["LST_DT"] = vs1.Rows[i]["BLT_DT"] = T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } } nav1.ToolBar_Click(new ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs(nav1.cmd_save)); return; } if (e.Button.Equals(nav1.cmd_refresh)) { Show_vs1(); return; } nav1.ToolBar_Click(e); }