private bool CustomDelete(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck, out bool customdelete_hasissues, string command = "") { var result = false; customdelete_hasissues = false; return(result); }
private bool CustomSaveOnImport(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck, out string customerror, int i) { var result = false; customerror = ""; return(result); }
private bool CustomSaveOnEdit(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck, out bool customsave_hasissues, string command = "") { var result = false; customsave_hasissues = false; return(result); }
public string CheckBeforeSave(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck, string command = "") { var AlertMsg = ""; // Write your logic here //Make sure to assign AlertMsg with proper message //AlertMsg = "Validation Alert - Before Save !! Information not saved."; //ModelState.AddModelError("CustomError", AlertMsg); //ViewBag.ApplicationError = AlertMsg; return(AlertMsg); }
public bool CheckBeforeDelete(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck) { var result = true; // Write your logic here if (!result) { var AlertMsg = "Validation Alert - Before Delete !! Information not deleted."; ModelState.AddModelError("CustomError", AlertMsg); ViewBag.ApplicationError = AlertMsg; } return(result); }
public void AfterSave(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck) { // Write your logic here }
public void OnSaving(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck, ApplicationContext db) { // Write your logic here }
public void OnDeleting(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck) { // Write your logic here }
private RedirectToRouteResult CustomRedirectUrl(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck, string action, string command = "") { // Sample Custom implemention below // return RedirectToAction("Index", "T_BackgroundCheck"); return(null); }
private void CustomLoadViewDataListAfterEdit(T_BackgroundCheck t_backgroundcheck) { }