public void UpdateArchiveXH(string archiveID, string XH) { T_Archive_MDL arMDL = archiveBLL.GetModel(ConvertEx.ToInt(archiveID)); if (arMDL != null) { arMDL.xh = ConvertEx.ToInt(XH); archiveBLL.Update(arMDL); PublicModel.writeLog(SystemSet.EumLogType.UpdData.ToString(), string.Concat("T_Archive;key=", arMDL.ArchiveID, ";SingleProjectID=", arMDL.SingleProjectID, ";ajtm=", arMDL.ajtm, ";xh=", arMDL.xh, ";案卷管理-更新案卷序号")); } }
/// <summary> /// Flag=2表示按所选节点组卷,1,自动组卷,3加入到指定案卷 /// </summary> /// <param name="flag"></param> /// <param name="selId"></param> private void DoZJ(string flag, string selId) { string strWhere = "SingleProjectID=" + singleProjectID + "and status<>100"; if (flag == "2" || flag == "3") { strWhere += " and FileListID in (" + selId + ")"; } DataSet dsFileList = fileListBLL.GetList(strWhere); int ArchiveID = 0; int ManualCountTotal = 0; if (flag == "3") { if (TreeView2.Nodes[0].ChildNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (TreeNode tNode in TreeView2.Nodes[0].ChildNodes) { if (tNode.Checked)//选中案卷 { int tArchiveID = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(tNode.Value.ToString()); Model.T_Archive_MDL acMDL = archiveBLL.GetModel(tArchiveID); if (acMDL != null) { ArchiveID = acMDL.ArchiveID; ManualCountTotal =; } } } if (ArchiveID == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "请勾选右边的需加入的案卷!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "请勾选右边的需加入的案卷!"); return; } } if (dsFileList.Tables.Count > 0 && dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string bIsFolder = dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows[i]["IsFolder"].ToString(); //为目录的数据不处理,跳到下一条 if (ConvertEx.ToBool(bIsFolder)) { continue; } else { int ManualCount = ConvertEx.ToInt(dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ManualCount"].ToString()); int FileListID = ConvertEx.ToInt(dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FileListID"].ToString()); if (ArchiveID == 0) //在这里创建案卷 { ArchiveID = CreateAj(); } Model.T_FileList_MDL flMDL = fileListBLL.GetModel(FileListID); flMDL.ArchiveID = ConvertEx.ToInt(ArchiveID); flMDL.OldStatus = flMDL.Status; flMDL.Status = "100"; fileListBLL.Update(flMDL); } } if (ArchiveID > 0) { Model.T_Archive_MDL acMDL = archiveBLL.GetModel(ArchiveID); = ManualCountTotal; archiveBLL.Update(acMDL); } } }
/// <summary> /// Flag=2表示按所选节点组卷,1,自动组卷,3加入到指定案卷 /// </summary> /// <param name="flag"></param> /// <param name="selId"></param> private void DoZJ(string flag, string selId) { string strWhere = "SingleProjectID=" + singleProjectID + "and status<>100"; if (flag == "2" || flag == "3") { strWhere += " and FileListID in (" + selId + ")"; } DataSet dsFileList = fileListBLL.GetList(strWhere); int ArchiveID = 0; int ManualCountTotal = 0; if (flag == "3") { if (TreeView2.Nodes[0].ChildNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (TreeNode tNode in TreeView2.Nodes[0].ChildNodes) { if (tNode.Checked)//选中案卷 { int tArchiveID = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(tNode.Value.ToString()); Model.T_Archive_MDL acMDL = archiveBLL.GetModel(tArchiveID); if (acMDL != null) { ArchiveID = acMDL.ArchiveID; ManualCountTotal =; } } } if (ArchiveID == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "请勾选右边的需加入的案卷!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "请勾选右边的需加入的案卷!"); return; } } if (dsFileList.Tables.Count > 0 && dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string bIsFolder = dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows[i]["IsFolder"].ToString(); //为目录的数据不处理,跳到下一条 if (ConvertEx.ToBool(bIsFolder)) { continue; } else { int ManualCount = ConvertEx.ToInt(dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ManualCount"].ToString()); int FileListID = ConvertEx.ToInt(dsFileList.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FileListID"].ToString()); if (ArchiveID == 0) //在这里创建案卷 { ArchiveID = CreateAj(); } Model.T_FileList_MDL flMDL = fileListBLL.GetModel(FileListID); flMDL.ArchiveID = ConvertEx.ToInt(ArchiveID); flMDL.OldStatus = flMDL.Status; flMDL.Status = "100"; fileListBLL.Update(flMDL); PublicModel.writeLog(SystemSet.EumLogType.UpdData.ToString(), string.Concat("T_FileList;FileListID=", flMDL.FileListID, ";SingleProjectID=", flMDL.SingleProjectID, ";ArchiveID=", flMDL.ArchiveID, ";BH=", flMDL.BH, ";Title=", flMDL.Title, ";流程(接收整理)-组卷")); } } if (ArchiveID > 0) { Model.T_Archive_MDL acMDL = archiveBLL.GetModel(ArchiveID); = ManualCountTotal; archiveBLL.Update(acMDL); archiveBLL.updateFileOrderIndexByArchiveID(ArchiveID.ToString()); } // Response.Redirect("ZJList.aspx?CompanyID=" + ctrlDropDownCompanyInfo1.SelectValue + "&SingleProjectID=" + SingleProjectID.Value + "&WorkFlowID=" + workflowid.Value); } }