Esempio n. 1
        private void setRoi(TUCAM_ROI_ATTR roiAttr)

            TUCamera.TUCAM_Buf_AbortWait(mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam);             // If you called TUCAM_Buf_WaitForFrames()

            TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_Stop(mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam);                  // Stop capture
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Buf_Release(mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam);               // Release alloc buffer after stop capture and quit drawing thread

            TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_SetROI(mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, roiAttr);

            TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_GetROI(/*m_opCam.hIdxTUCam*/ mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, ref roiAttr);

            mainform.m_drawframe.pBuffer     = IntPtr.Zero;
            mainform.m_drawframe.ucFormatGet = (byte)TUFRM_FORMATS.TUFRM_FMT_RGB888;
            mainform.m_drawframe.uiRsdSize   = 1U;
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Buf_Alloc(mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, ref mainform.m_drawframe);                                                   // Alloc buffer after set resolution or set ROI attribute
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_Start(mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, 0U);

            WaitForFrameThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(WaitForFrame));

Esempio n. 2
        private void textBox_Expo_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (textBox_Expo.Text != "")
                mainform.dbExp = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_Expo.Text);
                TUCamera.TUCAM_Prop_SetValue(mainform.m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, (int)TUCAM_IDPROP.TUIDP_EXPOSURETM, mainform.dbExp, 0);
Esempio n. 3
        private void CamConfigForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
            check_top_auto.Checked = false;
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Draw_Init(mainform.m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, mainform.m_itDraw);

            // WaitForFrameThread.Abort();
            mainform.Init_Layout(mainform.tableLayoutPanel, mainform.NumTube, mainform.NumSeries);
            mainform.InitDataCache(mainform.NumTube, mainform.NumSeries);
Esempio n. 4
        private void MainForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
            if (camConfigForm != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_opCamList.Count; i++)

            TUCamera.TUCAM_Api_Uninit();                     // 释放SDK 资源环境
Esempio n. 5
        public void StartWaitForFrame(TUCAM_OPEN openCam)
            //if (m_bWaitting)
            //    return;

            m_bWaitting = true;

            if ((IntPtr)0 == m_hThdWaitForFrame)
                m_drawframe.pBuffer     = IntPtr.Zero;
                m_drawframe.ucFormatGet = (byte)TUFRM_FORMATS.TUFRM_FMT_RGB888;
                m_drawframe.uiRsdSize   = 1;                                                                                    // how many frames do you want

                int nValue = 0;
                if ((int)TUCAM_CAPTURE_MODES.TUCCM_SEQUENCE != m_nTriMode)
                    nValue           = (int)TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_GetTrigger(openCam.hIdxTUCam, ref attrTgr);
                    attrTgr.nTgrMode = m_nTriMode;
                    attrTgr.nFrames  = -1;                                                                                      // how many frames do you want to capture to RAM(the frames less than 0, use maximum frames )
                    nValue           = (int)TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_SetTrigger(openCam.hIdxTUCam, attrTgr);
                    nValue           = (int)TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_GetTrigger(openCam.hIdxTUCam, ref attrTgr);
                    attrTgr.nTgrMode = (int)TUCAM_CAPTURE_MODES.TUCCM_SEQUENCE;
                    attrTgr.nFrames  = 1;                                                                                       // TUCCM_SEQUENCE must set 1 frame
                    nValue           = (int)TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_SetTrigger(openCam.hIdxTUCam, attrTgr);

                TUCamera.TUCAM_Buf_Alloc(openCam.hIdxTUCam, ref m_drawframe);                                                   // Alloc buffer after set resolution or set ROI attribute
                TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_Start(openCam.hIdxTUCam, (uint)attrTgr.nTgrMode);                                            // Start capture

                m_dwFrmCnt = 0;                                                                                                 // reset frame count
                //m_dwSTm = TUCamera.GetTickCount();                                                                              // reset start tick count

                m_hThdWaitForFrame = TUCamera.CreateEvent(HANDLE.Zero, false, true, string.Empty);


Esempio n. 6
        private void InitDrawingResource()
            int nSize = 0;

                nSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
                //memset(&m_bmpInfo, 0, nSize);

            m_bmpInfo.biSize        = nSize;
            m_bmpInfo.biPlanes      = 1;
            m_bmpInfo.biBitCount    = 24;
            m_bmpInfo.biCompression = 0;

            //hDraw = ShowpictureBox.Handle;
            hMainWin = TUCamera.FindWindow(null, "COVID19_Detection");
            m_hDC    = TUCamera.GetDC(hDraw);
            m_hDib   = TUCamera.DrawDibOpen();
Esempio n. 7
        private void CamConfigForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            m_itDraw.hWnd       = this.ShowpictureBoxCamera.Handle;
            m_itDraw.ucChannels = (sbyte)mainform.valueinfo.nValue;
            m_itDraw.nWidth     = 2048;
            m_itDraw.nHeight    = 1148;
            m_itDraw.nMode      = 0;
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Draw_Init(mainform.m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, m_itDraw);

            textBox_Expo.Text = mainform.dbExp.ToString();

            H_offset.Text   = mainform.roiAttr.nHOffset.ToString();
            V_offset.Text   = mainform.roiAttr.nVOffset.ToString();
            ROI_Height.Text = mainform.roiAttr.nHeight.ToString();
            ROI_Width.Text  = mainform.roiAttr.nWidth.ToString();

            checkBox_Roi.Checked = true;
            PicNum.Value         = mainform.Pic_num;

            Tube_Num.Value         = 0;
            H_num.Value            = mainform.NumSeries;
            V_Pixel.Value          = 10;
            check_tube.Checked     = false;
            check_top_auto.Checked = true;

            timer          = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
            timer.Interval = 10;
            timer.Tick    += timer1_Tick;

            WaitForFrameThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(WaitForFrame));

Esempio n. 8
        private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //IntPtr strPath = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory);
            m_opCamList = new List <TUCAM_OPEN>();

            m_itApi.uiCamCount = 0;
            //m_itApi.pstrConfigPath = strPath;

            TUCamera.TUCAM_Api_Init(ref m_itApi);

            if (0 == m_itApi.uiCamCount)
                MessageBox.Show("Init Camera Error!");

            for (int i = 0; i < m_itApi.uiCamCount; i++)
                m_opCam.uiIdxOpen = (uint)i;
                TUCamera.TUCAM_Dev_Open(ref m_opCam);

                valueinfo.nValue = 1;
                valueinfo.nID    = (int)TUCAM_IDINFO.TUIDI_CAMERA_CHANNELS;
                TUCamera.TUCAM_Dev_GetInfo(m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, ref valueinfo);

                if (1 < m_itApi.uiCamCount)
                    TUCamera.TUCAM_Capa_SetValue(m_opCamList[m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, (int)TUCAM_IDCAPA.TUIDC_CAM_MULTIPLE, (int)m_itApi.uiCamCount);

                //m_itDraw.hWnd = ShowpictureBox.Handle;
                m_itDraw.ucChannels = (sbyte)valueinfo.nValue;
                m_itDraw.nWidth     = 2048;
                m_itDraw.nHeight    = 2048;
                m_itDraw.nMode      = 0;
                TUCamera.TUCAM_Draw_Init(m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, m_itDraw);

            if (0 == (long)m_opCam.hIdxTUCam)
                MessageBox.Show("Open Camera Faild!");
            m_nCamIndex = 0;
            m_opCam     = m_opCamList[m_nCamIndex];

            double dbGain = 0;

            // 获取增益值
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Prop_GetValue(m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, (int)TUCAM_IDPROP.TUIDP_GLOBALGAIN, ref dbGain, 0);

            // 获取曝光时间
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Prop_GetValue(m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, (int)TUCAM_IDPROP.TUIDP_EXPOSURETM, ref dbExp, 0);

            // 关闭自动曝光
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Capa_SetValue(m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, (int)TUCAM_IDCAPA.TUIDC_ATEXPOSURE, 0);
            // 关闭自动白平衡
            TUCamera.TUCAM_Capa_SetValue(m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, (int)TUCAM_IDCAPA.TUIDC_ATWBALANCE, 0);

            // 设置曝光时间
            // TUCamera.TUCAM_Prop_SetValue(m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, (int)TUCAM_IDPROP.TUIDP_EXPOSURETM, dbExp, 0);

            // 设置增益值
            //TUCamera.TUCAM_Prop_SetValue(m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, (int)TUCAM_IDPROP.TUIDP_GLOBALGAIN, dbGain, 0);

            valText.nTextSize = 64;
            string strp = "000000000000000000000000000";

            valText.pText = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(strp);

            // 获取分辨率范围
            attrCapa.idCapa = (int)TUCAM_IDCAPA.TUIDC_RESOLUTION;
            if (TUCAMRET.TUCAMRET_SUCCESS == TUCamera.TUCAM_Capa_GetAttr(/*m_opCam.hIdxTUCam*/ m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, ref attrCapa))
                int      nCnt  = attrCapa.nValMax - attrCapa.nValMin + 1;
                string[] szRes = new string[nCnt];

                valText.nID = (int)TUCAM_IDCAPA.TUIDC_RESOLUTION;
                for (int i = 0; i < nCnt; ++i)
                    valText.dbValue = i;
                    TUCamera.TUCAM_Capa_GetValueText(/*m_opCam.hIdxTUCam*/ m_opCam.hIdxTUCam, ref valText);
                    szRes[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(valText.pText);


            timer          = new Timer();
            timer.Interval = 50;
            timer.Tick    += timer1_Tick;

            //Init_Layout(tableLayoutPanel, NumTube, NumSeries);
            //InitDataCache(NumTube, NumSeries);

            // InitChart(NumChartArea, 10);

            m_drawframe.ucFormatGet = (byte)TUFRM_FORMATS.TUFRM_FMT_RGB888;
            if (TUCAMRET.TUCAMRET_SUCCESS == TUCamera.TUCAM_Buf_WaitForFrame(m_opCamList[m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, ref m_drawframe))
                m_nCurWidth  = m_bmpInfo.biWidth = m_drawframe.usWidth;
                m_nCurHeight = m_bmpInfo.biHeight = m_drawframe.usHeight;

            TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_GetROI(/*m_opCam.hIdxTUCam*/ m_opCamList[m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, ref roiAttr);
            roiAttr.bEnable  = false;
            roiAttr.nVOffset = 0;
            roiAttr.nHOffset = 0;
            roiAttr.nWidth   = m_bmpInfo.biWidth;
            roiAttr.nHeight  = m_bmpInfo.biHeight;

            TUCamera.TUCAM_Cap_SetROI(/*m_opCam.hIdxTUCam*/ m_opCamList[m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, roiAttr);

            //camConfigForm = new CamConfigForm(this);
Esempio n. 9
        public void WaitForFrame()

            Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
            int nCliWidth  = 0;
            int nCliHeight = 0;

            m_nDrawOffX   = 0;
            m_nDrawOffY   = 0;
            m_nDrawWidth  = 0;
            m_nDrawHeight = 0;
            m_nCurWidth   = 0;
            m_nCurHeight  = 0;

            int num = 0;

            while (mainform.m_bWaitting)
                // 计算帧率
                //m_dwFrmCnt++;                                  // 帧数加1
                //m_dwITm = TUCamera.GetTickCount() - m_dwSTm;   // 计算间隔时间 ms
                //if (m_dwITm > 1000)
                //    m_fFps = m_dwFrmCnt * 1000000.0f / m_dwITm;
                //    TUCamera.PostMessage(hMainWin, REFRESH_FRAMELABEL, 0, (int)m_fFps);
                //    m_dwSTm = TUCamera.GetTickCount();

                //    m_dwFrmCnt = 0;

                mainform.m_drawframe.ucFormatGet = (byte)TUFRM_FORMATS.TUFRM_FMT_RGB888;
                if (TUCAMRET.TUCAMRET_SUCCESS == TUCamera.TUCAM_Buf_WaitForFrame(mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, ref mainform.m_drawframe))
                    // 改变显示区域
                    if (ShowpictureBoxCamera.Width != mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth || ShowpictureBoxCamera.Height != mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight || m_nCliWidth != nCliWidth || m_nCliHeight != nCliHeight)
                        m_nCurWidth  = mainform.m_bmpInfo.biWidth = mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth;
                        m_nCurHeight = mainform.m_bmpInfo.biHeight = mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight;

                        nCliWidth  = ShowpictureBoxCamera.Width;
                        nCliHeight = ShowpictureBoxCamera.Height;

                        float fScaleX = nCliWidth * 1.0f / m_nCurWidth;
                        float fScaleY = nCliHeight * 1.0f / m_nCurHeight;

                        m_fScale = fScaleX > fScaleY ? fScaleY : fScaleX;
                        m_fScale = (float)((int)(m_fScale * 100) / 100.0f);

                        if (m_fScale < 1)
                            m_nDrawWidth  = (int)(m_fScale * m_nCurWidth);
                            m_nDrawHeight = (int)(m_fScale * m_nCurHeight);
                            m_nDrawWidth  = m_nCurWidth;
                            m_nDrawHeight = m_nCurHeight;

                        m_nDrawWidth  = (m_nDrawWidth >> 2) << 2;
                        m_nDrawHeight = (m_nDrawHeight >> 2) << 2;

                        m_nDrawOffX = (nCliWidth - m_nDrawWidth) / 2;
                        m_nDrawOffY = (nCliHeight - m_nDrawHeight) / 2;

                    // 绘制图像
                    if (null != mainform.m_drawframe.pBuffer)
                        mainform.m_drawing.pFrame = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(mainform.m_drawframe));

                        Marshal.StructureToPtr(mainform.m_drawframe, mainform.m_drawing.pFrame, true);

                        int nSize = (int)(mainform.m_drawframe.uiImgSize + mainform.m_drawframe.usHeader);

                        byte[] pBuf = new byte[nSize];

                        Marshal.Copy(mainform.m_drawframe.pBuffer, pBuf, 0, nSize);
                        //Buffer.BlockCopy(pBuf, (int)mainform.m_drawframe.usHeader, pBuf, 0, (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiImgSize);

                        for (int i = 0; i < mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight; j++)
                                byte t = pBuf[mainform.m_drawframe.usHeader + i * 3 + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep];
                                byte t1, t2, t3;
                                if (t < 64)
                                    t1 = 0; t2 = 4 * 4; t3 = 255;
                                else if (t >= 65 && t < 128)
                                    t1 = 0; t2 = 255; t3 = (byte)(2 * 255 - 4 * t);
                                else if (t >= 128 && t < 192)
                                    t1 = (byte)(4 * t - 2 * 255); t2 = 255; t3 = 0;
                                    t1 = 255; t2 = (byte)(4 * t - 2 * 255); t3 = 0;

                                pBuf[mainform.m_drawframe.usHeader + i * 3 + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep]     = t3;
                                pBuf[mainform.m_drawframe.usHeader + i * 3 + 1 + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep] = t2;
                                pBuf[mainform.m_drawframe.usHeader + i * 3 + 2 + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep] = t1;
                        IntPtr a = mainform.m_drawframe.pBuffer;
                        Marshal.Copy(pBuf, 0, a, nSize);

                        mainform.m_drawing.nDstX      = m_nDrawOffX;
                        mainform.m_drawing.nDstY      = m_nDrawOffY;
                        mainform.m_drawing.nDstWidth  = m_nDrawWidth;
                        mainform.m_drawing.nDstHeight = m_nDrawHeight;

                        mainform.m_drawing.nSrcX      = 0;
                        mainform.m_drawing.nSrcY      = 0;
                        mainform.m_drawing.nSrcWidth  = m_nCurWidth;
                        mainform.m_drawing.nSrcHeight = m_nCurHeight;

                        TUCamera.TUCAM_Draw_Frame(mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, ref mainform.m_drawing);

                        if (draw_flag)
                            Rectangle _Rect = ShowpictureBoxCamera.RectangleToScreen(currRect);

                            ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(_Rect, Color.Green, FrameStyle.Dashed);

                    mainform.m_drawframe.ucFormatGet = (byte)TUFRM_FORMATS.TUFRM_FMT_USUAl;

                    if (TUCAMRET.TUCAMRET_SUCCESS == TUCamera.TUCAM_Buf_CopyFrame(/*m_opCam.hIdxTUCam*/ mainform.m_opCamList[mainform.m_nCamIndex].hIdxTUCam, ref mainform.m_drawframe))
                        int nSize = (int)(mainform.m_drawframe.uiImgSize + mainform.m_drawframe.usHeader);

                        byte[] pBuf = new byte[nSize];

                        if (num == 0)
                            average_temp = new double[mainform.m_drawframe.uiImgSize / mainform.m_drawframe.ucDepth];

                        Marshal.Copy(mainform.m_drawframe.pBuffer, pBuf, 0, nSize);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(pBuf, (int)mainform.m_drawframe.usHeader, pBuf, 0, (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiImgSize);

                        double[] sum = new double[mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth];

                        for (int i = 0; i < mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep; i += mainform.m_drawframe.ucDepth)
                            for (int j = 0; j < mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight; j++)
                                //byte a = pBuf[i + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep];
                                //byte b = pBuf[i+1 + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep];
                                // sum[i / mainform.m_drawframe.ucDepth] += (double)((ushort)pBuf[i + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep] + pBuf[i + 1 + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep] * 256);
                                //sum[i / mainform.m_drawframe.ucDepth] += (double)((ushort)pBuf[i +1+ (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep] );
                                average_temp[i / mainform.m_drawframe.ucDepth + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth] += (double)((ushort)pBuf[i + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep] + pBuf[i + 1 + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep] * 256);
                        if (num >= mainform.Pic_num)
                            num = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < mainform.m_drawframe.uiWidthStep; i += mainform.m_drawframe.ucDepth)
                                for (int j = 0; j < mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight; j++)
                                    average[i / mainform.m_drawframe.ucDepth + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth] = average_temp[i / mainform.m_drawframe.ucDepth + (j) * (int)mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth] / mainform.Pic_num;
                            for (int i = 0; i < mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth; i++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight; j++)
                                    sum[i] += average[i + j * mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth];
                            double a = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth; i++)
                                H_averg[i] = sum[i] / mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight;
                                a         += H_averg[i];
                            a /= mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth;
                            if (check_tube.Checked == true)
                                //double[] top = new double[mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth];
                                if (check_top_auto.Checked == true)
                                    n = 0;
                                    for (int i = decimal.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value); i < mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth - V_Pixel.Value; i++)
                                        if (((H_averg[i] - H_averg[i - 1]) * (H_averg[i + 1] - H_averg[i]) < 0) && (H_averg[i] < a))
                                            top[n] = i;
                                    bool flag = true;

                                    while (flag)
                                        flag = false;
                                        int nn = n;
                                        for (int i = 1; i < nn; i++)
                                            if ((top[i] - top[i - 1] < Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value) * 2) && (top[i] != top[i - 1]))
                                                flag = true; n--;
                                                if (H_averg[Convert.ToInt32(top[i])] < H_averg[Convert.ToInt32(top[i - 1])])
                                                    top[i - 1] = 0;
                                                    top[i] = 0;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
                                            if (top[i] == 0)
                                                for (int j = i; j < nn + 1; j++)
                                                    top[j] = top[j + 1];
                                                if ((top[i] == 0) && (i < n))

                                    if (mainform.NumTube <= n)
                                        tubenum = n;
                                        for (int nn = 0; nn < mainform.NumTube; nn++)
                                            double min = H_averg[Convert.ToInt32(top[nn])];
                                            for (int i = (top[nn] - Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value)) > 0 ? (top[nn] - Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value)) : 0; i < ((top[nn] + Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value)) < 2048 ? (top[nn] + Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value)) : 2048); i++)
                                                if (H_averg[top[i]] < min)
                                                    min     = H_averg[Convert.ToInt32(top[nn])];
                                                    top[nn] = i;
                                if (mainform.NumTube <= n)
                                    for (int nn = 0; nn < mainform.NumTube; nn++)
                                        int height_temp = mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight / mainform.NumSeries;
                                        for (int k = 0; k < mainform.NumSeries; k++)
                                            double sum_temp = 0;
                                            for (int i = (top[nn] - Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value)) > 0 ? (top[nn] - Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value)) : 0; i < ((top[nn] + Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value)) < 2048 ? (top[nn] + Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value)) : 2048); i++)
                                                for (int j = k * height_temp; j < (k + 1) * height_temp; j++)
                                                    sum_temp += average[i + j * mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth];
                                            mainform.value_to_show[nn, k] = sum_temp / (height_temp * (Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value) * 2 + 1));

                                if (mainform.IsSave)
                                    double[] temp        = new double[mainform.NumSeries];
                                    int      height_temp = mainform.m_drawframe.usHeight / mainform.NumSeries;
                                    for (int nn = 0; nn < mainform.NumTube; nn++)
                                        for (int i = -Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value); i < Convert.ToInt32(V_Pixel.Value); i++)
                                            for (int k = 0; k < mainform.NumSeries; k++)
                                                double sum_temp = 0;

                                                for (int j = k * height_temp; j < (k + 1) * height_temp; j++)
                                                    sum_temp += average[top[nn] + i + j * mainform.m_drawframe.usWidth];
                                                temp[k] = sum_temp / height_temp;
                                            string path = mainform.file_path + "\\" + nn.ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + ".txt";

                                            mainform.WriteDataFile(path, temp, false);