void Awake()
        gameManager = FindObjectOfType <TTGameManager>();

        mainCamera       = Camera.main;
        cameraController = mainCamera.GetComponent <CameraController>();

        controller = GetComponent <CharacterController>();

        // Is this the localPlayer
        if (isLocalPlayer)
            localPlayer             = this.gameObject;
            gameManager.localPlayer = localPlayer;

            cameraController.target = transform.Find("Camera Target");

        Debug.Log("My starting position: " + transform.position);
Esempio n. 2
    void Awake()
        // Check if instance already exists, if not set instance to 'this', if instance is not 'this' destory 'this'
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;
        else if (instance != this)

        customOps = FindObjectOfType <NetworkManager>().GetComponent <CustomOperations>();

        spawnPoints = FindObjectsOfType <PlayerSpawnPoint>();

        txtBawesomeness.text = "Bawesomeness:";

        if (playerPrefab == null)
            Debug.LogError("<Color=Red>Missing</Color> playerPrefab Reference. Please set it up in GameObject 'Game Manager'");
        else if (PlayerController.localPlayer == null)
            Debug.Log("<Color=Green>Player Instantiate</Color> We are Instantiating LocalPlayer from " + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name);

            // Default spawn point
            Vector3 spawnPoint = new Vector3(0, 30, 0);
            // If array of spawn points exists, choose a random one
            if (spawnPoints != null && spawnPoints.Length > 0)
                spawnPoint = spawnPoints[Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length)].transform.position;
            Debug.Log("<Color=Green>Spawn Point chosen: </Color>" + spawnPoint);

            PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(playerPrefab.name, spawnPoint, Quaternion.identity, 0);
        Debug.Log("<Color=Green>Awake() for TTGameManager</Color>");
 void Awake()
     gameManager = FindObjectOfType <TTGameManager>();