Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 供应清单 实体=加工厂批次需求计划
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PageModel GetAllOrBySearch(TSupplyListRequest entity)
            #region 模糊搜索条件
            List <Parameter> parameter = new List <Parameter>();
            string where = " where 1=1";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.ProcessFactoryCode))
                where += " and a.ProcessFactoryCode=@ProcessFactoryCode";
                parameter.Add(new Parameter("@ProcessFactoryCode", entity.ProcessFactoryCode, DbType.String, null));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.SiteCode))
                List <string> SiteList     = _workOrderLogic.GetCompanyWorkAreaOrSiteList(entity.SiteCode, 5); //站点
                List <string> WorkAreaList = _workOrderLogic.GetCompanyWorkAreaOrSiteList(entity.SiteCode, 4); //工区
                where += " and (a.SiteCode in('" + string.Join("','", SiteList) + "') or a.WorkAreaCode in('" + string.Join("','", WorkAreaList) + "'))";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.ProjectId))
                where += " and a.ProjectId=@ProjectId";
                parameter.Add(new Parameter("@ProjectId", entity.ProjectId, DbType.String, null));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.BatchPlanNum))
                where += " and a.BatchPlanNum like '%" + entity.BatchPlanNum + "%'";
            if (entity.HistoryMonth.HasValue)
                where += " and YEAR(a.InsertTime)=" + entity.HistoryMonth.Value.Year + " and MONTH(a.InsertTime)=" + entity.HistoryMonth.Value.Month;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.StateCode))
                if (entity.StateCode == "供货超时")
                    where += " and a.SupplyDate<GETDATE() and a.StateCode='未供货'";
                else if (entity.StateCode == "未供货")
                    where += " and a.SupplyDate>=GETDATE() and a.StateCode='未供货'";
                    where += " and a.StateCode='" + entity.StateCode + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.DemandPlanCode))
                where += " and( a.RawMaterialDemandNum='" + entity.DemandPlanCode + "' or i.DemandPlanCode='" +
                         entity.DemandPlanCode + "')";

            string sql = @"SELECT 
                            b.CompanyFullName AS BranchName,
                            c.CompanyFullName AS WorkAreaName,
                            d.CompanyFullName AS ProcessFactoryName,
                            f.UserName AS AcceptorName,
                            g.DictionaryText AS RebarTypeNew,
							case when i.DemandPlanCode is null then a.RawMaterialDemandNum else i.DemandPlanCode end as DemandPlanCode,
                            TbSupplyList a
                            left join (select COUNT(1) as GhCount,Tb.BatchPlanNum from (select a.ThisTime,b.BatchPlanNum,SUM(a.ThisTimeCount) as ThisTimeCount from TbSupplyListDetailHistory a
left join (select a.BatchPlanNum,case when b.DemandPlanCode is null then a.RawMaterialDemandNum else b.DemandPlanCode end as DemandPlanCode from TbFactoryBatchNeedPlan a
left join TbRawMaterialMonthDemandSupplyPlan b on a.RawMaterialDemandNum=b.SupplyPlanCode) b on a.BatchPlanNum=b.BatchPlanNum
group by a.ThisTime,b.BatchPlanNum) Tb group by Tb.BatchPlanNum) gh on a.BatchPlanNum=gh.BatchPlanNum
                            LEFT JOIN TbCompany b ON a.BranchCode=b.CompanyCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbCompany c ON a.WorkAreaCode=c.CompanyCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbCompany d ON a.ProcessFactoryCode=d.CompanyCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbUser e ON a.InsertUserCode=e.UserCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbUser f ON a.Acceptor=f.UserCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbSysDictionaryData g ON a.SteelsTypeCode=g.DictionaryCode
                            LEFT JOIN
                                SELECT ISNULL(SUM(bhgData.PassCount),0) AS UnqualifiedTotal,BatchPlanNum FROM TbFactoryBatchNeedPlanItem tfbnpi
                               LEFT JOIN(
                              SELECT tioi.PassCount,tioi.BatchPlanItemId
                              FROM TbInOrderItem tioi WHERE tioi.ChackState=3
                              ) bhgData ON tfbnpi.ID=bhgData.BatchPlanItemId
                               GROUP BY tfbnpi.BatchPlanNum
                             ) h ON a.BatchPlanNum=h.BatchPlanNum
							left join TbRawMaterialMonthDemandSupplyPlan i on a.RawMaterialDemandNum=i.SupplyPlanCode

                var data = Repository <TbSupplyList> .FromSqlToPageTable(sql + where, parameter, entity.rows,, "BatchPlanNum", "desc");

            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult GetAllOrBySearch(TSupplyListRequest entity)
            var data = _suplistLogic.GetAllOrBySearch(entity);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 供应清单 实体=加工厂批次需求计划 导出
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetExportList(TSupplyListRequest entity)
            #region 模糊搜索条件
            List <Parameter> parameter = new List <Parameter>();
            string where = " where 1=1";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.ProcessFactoryCode))
                where += " and a.ProcessFactoryCode=@ProcessFactoryCode";
                parameter.Add(new Parameter("@ProcessFactoryCode", entity.ProcessFactoryCode, DbType.String, null));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.SiteCode))
                List <string> SiteList     = _workOrderLogic.GetCompanyWorkAreaOrSiteList(entity.SiteCode, 5); //站点
                List <string> WorkAreaList = _workOrderLogic.GetCompanyWorkAreaOrSiteList(entity.SiteCode, 4); //工区
                where += " and (a.SiteCode in('" + string.Join("','", SiteList) + "') or a.WorkAreaCode in('" + string.Join("','", WorkAreaList) + "'))";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.ProjectId))
                where += " and a.ProjectId=@ProjectId";
                parameter.Add(new Parameter("@ProjectId", entity.ProjectId, DbType.String, null));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.BatchPlanNum))
                where += " and a.BatchPlanNum=@BatchPlanNum";
                parameter.Add(new Parameter("@BatchPlanNum", entity.BatchPlanNum, DbType.String, null));
            if (entity.HistoryMonth.HasValue)
                where += " and YEAR(a.InsertTime)=" + entity.HistoryMonth.Value.Year + " and MONTH(a.InsertTime)=" + entity.HistoryMonth.Value.Month;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.StateCode))
                if (entity.StateCode == "供货超时")
                    where += " and a.SupplyDate<GETDATE() and a.StateCode='未供货'";
                else if (entity.StateCode == "未供货")
                    where += " and a.SupplyDate>=GETDATE() and a.StateCode='未供货'";
                    where += " and a.StateCode='" + entity.StateCode + "'";
            where += " order by BatchPlanNum desc";


            string sql = @"SELECT 
                            b.CompanyFullName AS BranchName,
                            c.CompanyFullName AS WorkAreaName,
                            d.CompanyFullName AS ProcessFactoryName,
                            f.UserName AS AcceptorName,
                            g.DictionaryText AS RebarTypeNew,
                            TbSupplyList a
                            LEFT JOIN TbCompany b ON a.BranchCode=b.CompanyCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbCompany c ON a.WorkAreaCode=c.CompanyCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbCompany d ON a.ProcessFactoryCode=d.CompanyCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbUser e ON a.InsertUserCode=e.UserCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbUser f ON a.Acceptor=f.UserCode
                            LEFT JOIN TbSysDictionaryData g ON a.SteelsTypeCode=g.DictionaryCode
                            LEFT JOIN
                                SELECT ISNULL(SUM(bhgData.PassCount),0) AS UnqualifiedTotal,BatchPlanNum FROM TbFactoryBatchNeedPlanItem tfbnpi
                               LEFT JOIN(
                              SELECT tioi.PassCount,tioi.BatchPlanItemId
                              FROM TbInOrderItem tioi WHERE tioi.ChackState=3
                              ) bhgData ON tfbnpi.ID=bhgData.BatchPlanItemId
                               GROUP BY tfbnpi.BatchPlanNum
                             ) h ON a.BatchPlanNum=h.BatchPlanNum";

                var data = Db.Context.FromSql(sql + where)
                           .AddInParameter("ProcessFactoryCode", DbType.String, entity.ProcessFactoryCode)
                           .AddInParameter("ProjectId", DbType.String, entity.ProjectId)
                           .AddInParameter("BatchPlanNum", DbType.String, entity.BatchPlanNum).ToDataTable();
            catch (Exception)