Esempio n. 1
        public TrackSegment(TrackNodeAE node, int idx, TSectionDatFile tdf)
            tcIndex = new List <int>();
            if (node.TCCrossReference != null)
                foreach (var tcc in node.TCCrossReference)
            TrVectorSection item1 = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[idx];
            TrVectorSection item2 = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[idx + 1];

            A           = new MSTSCoord();
            A.TileX     = item1.TileX;
            A.TileY     = item1.TileZ;
            A.X         = item1.X;
            A.Y         = item1.Z;
            B           = new MSTSCoord();
            SectionIdxA = node.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections[idx].SectionIndex;
            B.TileX     = item2.TileX;
            B.TileY     = item2.TileZ;
            B.X         = item2.X;
            B.Y         = item2.Z;
            NodeIdx     = node.Index;
            SectionIdxB = (uint)idx + 1;
            isCurved    = false;
            WorldUid    = node.getWorldFileUiD();
            CheckCurve(tdf, item1.flag2);
Esempio n. 2
        public TrackSegment(TrackNodeAE nodeA, TrackNodeAE nodeB, TSectionDatFile tdf, int i)
            tcIndex = new List <int>();

            int direction = DrawUtility.getDirection(nodeA, nodeB);

            A           = nodeA.getMSTSCoord(direction);
            B           = nodeB.getMSTSCoord(direction);
            NodeIdx     = nodeA.Index;
            SectionIdxB = (uint)i;
            if (nodeA.TrJunctionNode != null)
                direction   = DrawUtility.getDirection(nodeB, nodeA);
                SectionIdxA = nodeB.getSectionIndex(direction);
                if (nodeB.TCCrossReference != null)
                    foreach (var tcc in nodeB.TCCrossReference)
                SectionIdxA = nodeA.getSectionIndex(direction);
                if (nodeA.TCCrossReference != null)
                    foreach (var tcc in nodeA.TCCrossReference)
            isCurved = false;
            WorldUid = nodeA.getWorldFileUiD();
            CheckCurve(tdf, direction);
            linkToOther = true;
Esempio n. 3
        public void CheckCurve(TSectionDatFile tdf, int flag2)
            TrackSection ts = tdf.TrackSections.Get((uint)SectionIdxA);

            if (ts != null)
                if (ts.SectionCurve != null)
                    Vector2 vectorA;
                    Vector2 vectorB;
                    if (ts.SectionCurve.Radius < 15f)
                    vectorA = A.ConvertVector2();
                    vectorB = B.ConvertVector2();
                    double lenCorde = Vector2.Distance(vectorA, vectorB);
                    if (lenCorde < 2)
                    double lenFleche = ((ts.SectionCurve.Radius * ts.SectionCurve.Radius) - (lenCorde * lenCorde) / 4f);
                    lenFleche = Math.Abs(lenFleche);
                    lenFleche = (float)Math.Sqrt(lenFleche);
                    lenFleche = (float)ts.SectionCurve.Radius - lenFleche;
                    if (double.IsNaN(lenFleche))
                    curve = new AESectionCurve(ts.SectionCurve);
                    Vector3 v  = new Vector3((float)(vectorB.X - vectorA.X), 0, (float)(vectorB.Y - vectorA.Y));
                    Vector3 v2 = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Up, v);
                    v    = v / 2;
                    v.X += (float)vectorA.X;
                    v.Z += (float)vectorA.Y;
                    if (ts.SectionCurve.Angle < 0)
                        v = (v2 * lenFleche) + v;
                        curve.direction = 1;
                        v = (v2 * -lenFleche) + v;
                        curve.direction = -1;
                    PointF pointV = new System.Drawing.PointF((float)v.X, (float)v.Z);
                    curve.C = new MSTSCoord();
                    isCurved = true;
                    PointF pA = new PointF((float)vectorA.X, (float)vectorA.Y);
                    PointF pB = new PointF((float)vectorB.X, (float)vectorB.Y);
                    float  r;
                    float  errorRadius = 0;
                    if ((r = curve.setCenter(pA, pB, pointV)) != curve.Radius)
                        //    "Radius original: " + curve.Radius + " ,calculé: " + r + "\n");
                        errorRadius = curve.Radius;
                        //  A surveiller!
                        curve.setStartAngle(pA, pB, pointV);
                    isCurved = false;
Esempio n. 4
        public List <int> SignalsPassingRoutes;                   // list of signals reading passed junction //
        // Constructor

        public TrackCircuitSection(TrackNode thisNode, int orgINode,
                                   TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, Signals thisSignals)
            // Copy general info

            signalRef = thisSignals;

            Index         = orgINode;
            OriginalIndex = orgINode;

            if (thisNode.TrEndNode)
                CircuitType = TrackCircuitType.EndOfTrack;
            else if (thisNode.TrJunctionNode != null)
                CircuitType = TrackCircuitType.Junction;
                CircuitType = TrackCircuitType.Normal;

            // Preset pins, then copy pin info

            for (int direction = 0; direction < 2; direction++)
                for (int pin = 0; pin < 2; pin++)
                    Pins[direction, pin]                 = new TrPin();
                    Pins[direction, pin].Direction       = -1;
                    Pins[direction, pin].Link            = -1;
                    ActivePins[direction, pin]           = new TrPin();
                    ActivePins[direction, pin].Direction = -1;
                    ActivePins[direction, pin].Link      = -1;

            int PinNo = 0;

            for (int pin = 0; pin < Math.Min(thisNode.Inpins, Pins.GetLength(1)); pin++)
                Pins[0, pin] = thisNode.TrPins[PinNo].Copy();
            if (PinNo < thisNode.Inpins)
                PinNo = (int)thisNode.Inpins;
            for (int pin = 0; pin < Math.Min(thisNode.Outpins, Pins.GetLength(1)); pin++)
                Pins[1, pin] = thisNode.TrPins[PinNo].Copy();

            // preset no end signals
            // preset no trailing junction

            for (int direction = 0; direction < 2; direction++)
                EndSignals[direction]            = null;
                EndIsTrailingJunction[direction] = false;

            // Preset length and offset
            // If section index not in tsectiondat, set length to 0.

            float totalLength = 0.0f;

            if (thisNode.TrVectorNode != null && thisNode.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections != null)
                foreach (TrVectorSection thisSection in thisNode.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections)
                    float thisLength = 0.0f;

                    if (tsectiondat.TrackSections.ContainsKey(thisSection.SectionIndex))
                        TrackSection TS = tsectiondat.TrackSections[thisSection.SectionIndex];

                        if (TS.SectionCurve != null)
                            thisLength =
                                MathHelper.ToRadians(Math.Abs(TS.SectionCurve.Angle)) *
                            thisLength = TS.SectionSize.Length;

                    totalLength += thisLength;

            Length = totalLength;

            for (int direction = 0; direction < 2; direction++)
                OffsetLength[direction] = 0;

            // set signal list for junctions

            if (CircuitType == TrackCircuitType.Junction)
                SignalsPassingRoutes = new List <int>();
                SignalsPassingRoutes = null;

            // for Junction nodes, obtain default route
            // set switch to default route
            // copy overlap (if set)

            if (CircuitType == TrackCircuitType.Junction)
                uint trackShapeIndex = thisNode.TrJunctionNode.ShapeIndex;
                    TrackShape trackShape = tsectiondat.TrackShapes[trackShapeIndex];
                    JunctionDefaultRoute = (int)trackShape.MainRoute;

                    Overlap = trackShape.ClearanceDistance;
                catch (Exception)
                    JunctionDefaultRoute = 0;
                    Overlap = 0;

                JunctionLastRoute = JunctionDefaultRoute;
                //signalRef.setSwitch(OriginalIndex, JunctionLastRoute, this);

            // Create circuit items

            CircuitItems = new TrackCircuitItems();
            CircuitState = new TrackCircuitState();
Esempio n. 5
        public AIPath(TDBFile TDB, TSectionDatFile tsectiondat, string filePath)
            PathFile patFile = new PathFile(filePath);

            pathName    = patFile.Name;
            TrackDB     = TDB.TrackDB;
            TSectionDat = tsectiondat;
            orRouteConfig = orRouteConf;
            bool fatalerror = false;
            if (patFile.TrPathNodes.Count <= 0)
                fatalerror = true;
                Nodes      = null;
            foreach (TrPathNode tpn in patFile.TrPathNodes)
                Nodes.Add(new AIPathNode(tpn, patFile.TrackPDPs[(int)tpn.fromPDP], TrackDB, isTimetableMode));
            FirstNode = Nodes[0];
            //LastVisitedNode = FirstNode;

            // Connect the various nodes to each other
            for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; i++)
                AIPathNode node = Nodes[i];
                node.Index = i;
                TrPathNode tpn = patFile.TrPathNodes[i];

                // find TVNindex to next main node.
                if (tpn.HasNextMainNode)
                    node.NextMainNode     = Nodes[(int)tpn.nextMainNode];
                    node.NextMainTVNIndex = node.FindTVNIndex(node.NextMainNode, TDB, tsectiondat);
                    if (node.JunctionIndex >= 0)
                        node.IsFacingPoint = TestFacingPoint(node.JunctionIndex, node.NextMainTVNIndex);
                    if (node.NextMainTVNIndex < 0)
                        node.NextMainNode = null;
                        Trace.TraceWarning("Cannot find main track for node {1} in path {0}", filePath, i);
                        fatalerror = true;

                // find TVNindex to next siding node
                if (tpn.HasNextSidingNode)
                    node.NextSidingNode     = Nodes[(int)tpn.nextSidingNode];
                    node.NextSidingTVNIndex = node.FindTVNIndex(node.NextSidingNode, TDB, tsectiondat);
                    if (node.JunctionIndex >= 0)
                        node.IsFacingPoint = TestFacingPoint(node.JunctionIndex, node.NextSidingTVNIndex);
                    if (node.NextSidingTVNIndex < 0)
                        node.NextSidingNode = null;
                        Trace.TraceWarning("Cannot find siding track for node {1} in path {0}", filePath, i);
                        fatalerror = true;

                if (node.NextMainNode != null && node.NextSidingNode != null)
                    node.Type = AIPathNodeType.SidingStart;


            if (fatalerror)
                Nodes = null;             // invalid path - do not return any nodes