Esempio n. 1
        public JsonResult AddTechNote(int ticketId, string note)
            //get the ticket that was passed in and pull the associated record

            //get the current logged on employee (the tech working on the ticket)

            //this only works cause of stuff we made happen yeah

            TSTTicket ticket = db.TSTTickets.Single(x => x.TicketID == ticketId);

            TSTEmployee tech = GetCurrentEmployee();

            if (tech != null)
                TSTTechNote newNote = new TSTTechNote()
                    TicketID     = ticketId,
                    TechID       = tech.EmpID,
                    NotationDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Notation     = note
                var data = new
                    TechNotes = newNote.Notation,
                    Tech      = newNote.TSTEmployee.GetFullName,
                    Date      = string.Format("{0:g}", newNote.NotationDate)
                return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

        /// <summary>
        /// Notation Information:
        /// This is the method that is going to be called by jQuery/Ajax from the edit view to add the note on the fly AND post it to the notes section BEFORE submitting the form.
        /// AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (makes calles without reloading page)
        /// </summary>

        public JsonResult AddTechNote(int ticketID, string note)
            // get the ticketID passed in to the method and get the associated record
            TSTTicket ticket = db.TSTTickets.Single(x => x.ID == ticketID);
            // Get the current logged on employee ( who is working the ticket)
            TSTEmployee tech = db.TSTEmployees.Single(x => x.Email == User.Identity.Name); // this code requires all employees are associated to a user ID in Identity

            // This code only works because we associated the TSTEmployee table to the Identity AspNetUser Table

            // make sure the tech is not null
            if (tech != null)
                // create TstNote object and submit
                TSTTechNote newNote = new TSTTechNote()
                    // Property is assigned a value
                    TicketID    = ticketID,     // passed thru the method
                    TechID      = tech.ID,      // derived from employee above
                    TimeCreated = DateTime.Now, // hard coded
                    Notes       = note          // passed in thru the method
                // add note record to the table

                //return data to the view to be displayed. This NEVER hits the webserver, so jQuery has NO IDEA what a TSTTechNote.
                // We send over data that can be parsed by jQuery.
                var data = new
                    // On the Fly Variable = newNote.Property,
                    TechNotes = newNote.Notes,
                    Tech      = newNote.TSTEmployee.Fname,
                    Date      = string.Format("{0:g}", newNote.TimeCreated)
                                // never hits webserver so formatting is done here
                // send note information back to the browser for jQuery to parse
                return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));