Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the player input.
    /// </summary>
    void GetPlayerInput()
        // Read X and Y position of the mouse.
        mouseX += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * x_mouseSensitivity * (invertX ? -1 : 1);
        mouseY -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * y_mouseSensitivity * (invertY ? -1 : 1);

        // Limit the Y rotation between the specified min and max limits.
        mouseY = TP_Helper.ClampAngle(mouseY, minY, maxY);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))
            smoothDamp = !smoothDamp;
            print("SmoothDamp: " + smoothDamp);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.V))
            FOVKick = !FOVKick;
            print("FOVKick: " + FOVKick);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
            HeadBob = !HeadBob;
            print("HeadBob: " + HeadBob);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))
            hideCursor       = !hideCursor;
            Cursor.lockState = hideCursor ? CursorLockMode.Locked : CursorLockMode.None;
            Cursor.visible   = hideCursor;
            print("HideCursor: " + hideCursor);
Esempio n. 2
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var NearestDistance = -1f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        TP_Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = TP_Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        //Draw line in the editor to make it easier to visualize
        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane,;
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);

        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            NearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < NearestDistance || NearestDistance == -1)
                NearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < NearestDistance || NearestDistance == -1)
                NearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < NearestDistance || NearestDistance == -1)
                NearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

         * if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
         * {
         *  if (hitInfo.distance < NearestDistance || NearestDistance == -1)
         *  {
         *      NearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
         *  }
         * }*/
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks whether the pivot point can see the camera and its near clip plane.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="from">The position of the pivot point.</param>
    /// <param name="to">The supposed position of the camera.</param>
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Color color)
        float nearestDistance = -1f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        TP_Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = TP_Helper.NearClipPlane(to, startingFOV);
        Vector3 bumperPoint = to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane;

        // Draw lines to debug.
        Debug.DrawLine(from, bumperPoint, color);

        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, color);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, color);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, color);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.upperRight, color);

        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, clipPlanePoints.upperRight, color);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.upperRight, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, color);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, color);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, color);

        // LineCast to check whether the pivot point can see the near clip plane.
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.upperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, bumperPoint, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Esempio n. 4
    void HandlePlayerInput()
        float deadZone = 0.01f;

        //if (Input.GetMouseButton(1) == true) {
        mouseX += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * X_MouseSensitivity;
        mouseY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * -Y_MouseSensitivity; // min weghalen voor inverten

        mouseY = TP_Helper.ClampAngle(mouseY, Y_MinLimit, Y_MaxLimit);

        if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < -deadZone || Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > deadZone)
            desiredDistance      = Mathf.Clamp(distance - Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseWheelSensitivity, distanceMin, distanceMax);
            _preOccludedDistance = desiredDistance;
Esempio n. 5
    void HandlePlayerInput()
        float deadZone = 0.01f;

        mouseX += Input.GetAxis(horizontalAxis) * sensitivityX;
        if (!invertY)
            mouseY -= Input.GetAxis(verticalAxis) * sensitivityY;
            mouseY += Input.GetAxis(verticalAxis) * sensitivityY;

        // Limit mouseY
        mouseY = TP_Helper.ClampAngle(mouseY, minLimitY, maxLimitY);

        if (Input.GetAxis(zoomAxis) < -deadZone || Input.GetAxis(zoomAxis) > deadZone)
            desiredDistance = Mathf.Clamp(distance - Input.GetAxis(zoomAxis) * sensitivityZoom, distanceMin, distanceMax);