public MSFake() { InitializeComponent(); this.DoubleBuffered = true; // filename in case filename is added later on filename = "Untitled*"; // ensure selection box doesn't get drawn on top of pic_selection.SendToBack(); // initialize bools sel_mouse_down = false; mouse_down = false; selected_box = false; show_toolbox = true; show_colors = true; // initialize various states _tool = TOOLS.Pencil; _curve_state = CURVESTATES.NoClick; _color = Color.Red; // set up font collection fonts = new List<string>(); FontFamily[] fontList = new System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection().Families; foreach (FontFamily font in fontList) fonts.Add(font.Name); cmb_fonts.DataSource = fonts; // set up canvas to be drawn on canvas = new Bitmap(panel_canvas.Width, panel_canvas.Height); }
public EntityStatHandler(List <Stat> statList) { StatList = TOOLS.CloneObject <List <Stat> >(statList); }
public void UpdateStats(EntityStatHandler source) { playerStats = TOOLS.CloneObject <List <Stat> >(source.StatList); }
public void UpdateInventory(WereAllGonnaDieAnywayNew.InventorySystem.Inventory source) { playerInventory = TOOLS.CloneObject <List <ItemFactoryData> >(source.ItemsInBag); }
private void btn_text_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // switch to text tool updn_brush_size.Enabled = false; EnableAllButtons(); btn_text.Enabled = false; _tool = TOOLS.Text; status_bar.Text = "Switched to Text tool."; }
private void btn_rect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // switch to rectangle tool updn_brush_size.Enabled = true; EnableAllButtons(); btn_rect.Enabled = false; _tool = TOOLS.Rectangle; status_bar.Text = "Switched to Rectangle tool."; }
private void btn_polygon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // switch to polygon tool updn_brush_size.Enabled = false; EnableAllButtons(); btn_polygon.Enabled = false; _tool = TOOLS.Polygon; status_bar.Text = "Switched to Polygon tool."; }
private void btn_erase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // switch to eraser tool updn_brush_size.Enabled = true; EnableAllButtons(); btn_erase.Enabled = false; _tool = TOOLS.Erase; status_bar.Text = "Switched to Erase tool."; }
private void btn_curve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // switch to bezier curve tool updn_brush_size.Enabled = false; EnableAllButtons(); btn_curve.Enabled = false; _tool = TOOLS.Curve; status_bar.Text = "Switched to Curve tool."; }